Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi would have reveled in his masters weakness, in the knowledge that the last a hundred or more years had not taken away an ounce of his charm but the boys weakness instead concerned him. While the boys self-righteous bent to only engage in carnal acts with a person he loves was no doubt noble in the eyes of other humans it meant he was susceptible to the wiles of women, who were a crafty species indeed. It meant Illiendi was going to have to watch out for his little master as they traveled, certainly when they docked at their first port, it would take nearly two weeks to get there if the weather stayed fair and in all that time he would have only men for company. While many sailors would fill their own carnal desires with one another, albeit in secret, he somehow doubted Amano would have anything to do with that.

When given the lead to the cartographers Illiendi gave a respectful half bow and took the door, holding it open for his master and only once the young Lord inside did he slip into the room, allowing the door to shut with the faint ringing of a bell. Papyrus and paper scattered the shop, filling wooden bins, some were laid flat with weights at the corners while others were tied up with string. From the back an old man, with one white blind eye shuffled out and peered at the two men in his shop, clocking Amano he gave a brief scoff and shook his head before taking his place upon a high stool on the other side of his counter.

While the man looked briefly at Illiendi his eyes returned to the young Lord quickly, "Your ol' man letting you take one of the new boys out for a spin? Can't tell if he's mocking you or pitying ya'." Once again the man eyed Illiendi and finally seemed to catch those intense blue eyes, the mirth briefly draining from his face long enough for the demon to speak.
"I assure you good sire, my master is not in need of his pity." The older man took a moment to process this, glancing from servant to lord and back again,
"This...is yours? Well my boy, I ain't going to ask how you got him...what do you want today?"
"My Master is under taking a voyage, we need to look at the maps pertaining to the gaping maw to Ashai, we'll also require one from Ashai to the shadow lands, do not try and fool my master, he spotted the Ashai to Shadowlands map as he walked in." The old mans mouth fell open to protest but found it shutting rather promptly after and with a grumble and a nod he shuffled off his chair and made his way to the front of his desk and towards the pair, "Ashai? Shadowlands? Boy yer father is cruel, it's a suicide run. What's he want you to get? Dragon's teeth? Siren's scales?" He snickered quietly to himself as he carefully unpinned the Ashai to shadowlands map, brushing the dirt and dust that had fallen on it free of the thick papyrus before beginning to roll it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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The smells inside the shop are actually quite comforting to the little lord. He's always loved the smell of paper and the oils used to preserve sea charts and the like. His father has several of them in the basement Amano would look at often, taking them out sometimes to show the other kids in town. They would pretend to be on the high seas, looking for lost treasure. One of those happy childhood memories that are few and far between when he was actually getting along with the other boys around town. Once they reached their mid teens, all focus went to the ladies and Amano with his odd morals was left in the dust.

When the proprietor appears, starting off much the way he thought he would, Amano simply stands tall and lets Illiendi start off the sparring match for him. 'It's nice having someone else to help with trying to maintain some sort of standing. . .Or in this case building one. It's nice, but I should learn this. I can fight my own battle. . .Just not yet. . .' He watches the back-and-forth for a bit until he sees a good opening to add in his own two cents. Following the man with only his eyes he remains still as he speaks up. “This is a venture of my own making, and I know not yet what I will find. However I will find something worth the trip, plus so much more.”

The old man pauses, eying him. His old eyes still can make out the finest of details on his many maps and as he looks at the youth before him he takes in more than one would assume from one of his age. “You really believe that, don't cha lad? Going out on your own for the first time, and you decide on some god forsaken land. Not sure whether to call you fool, or wise.” He continues to the counter with a huff, glancing at Amano again.

Amano smiles. “Call me whichever you like Alphonse, but either way don't try and cheat me. I may be a fool in your eyes in this undertaking, but I know my maps and their worth. As does my manservant here.”

He gives Illiendi a little nod, indicating he should take over again. Alphonse rolls his eyes and looks back to the demon after tying off the first map. “Fools errand, no matter who came up with the idea. . .” he mumbles to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi briefly wondered if it would be offensive to use them ans flesh as a map, before burying those dark thoughts behind his winning, charming smile, "Today's fools are tomorrows pioneers." He replied before closing the gap between himself and the desk the man had returned too, glancing to their rolled up map he then returned his gaze to the man. "A place such as this is the only place befitting my master's curiosity." He concluded before taking up the first map and sliding it atop the crate at his hip, then, with cold eyes burning down upon the little man until he shuffled off, still muttering, to get the other map which, it seemed, was out back.

While the man was gone from the shop front Illiendi returned to his master, his foot falls silent on the wooden floor and he offered him the first scroll, he offered Amano a silent, small smile as he did, a congratulations of sorts. Before he returned to his previous position to await the mans return. When finally Alphonse returned from the back room he carried the scroll, pre-rolled and tied by the looks of it and a dubious look on his face, was this what humans called concern? He put the map onto his desk but didn't remove his hand from the parchment, it was made of much thicker, older paper and the smell of vanillin was strong around the paper. "Your really serious about going kid? Ain't nothing I can do to change your mind? I..." He glanced at Illiendi but finding his back bone he looked straight to Amano, "I beg your pardon but this here man...he ain't any good." Those shrewd eyes having deciphered something of Illiendi but his human mind incapable of comprehending just what he was looking at. "No offence." He added looking at the demon who shrugged faintly in response. "You shouldn't stay around him...that's just my advice." He released the scroll at that point and Illiendi counted out the coins and placed them on the desk before juggling the scroll onto the top of the crate as he had the first.

At which point he turned and strolled to the door which he pulled open carefully and held for his master, Alphonse muttered something meant only for Amano's ears, "Demon." Though the way he spoke it was more of an insult and warning than a revelation of a secret. Used in the more common way 'demon' had taken to be used, which was to describe those men of bad repute, murderers and thieves, child killers and charlatans. Rather than the man meaning a being actually from hell, though, with face turned to the street, Illiendi did briefly smile at the notion of being compared to such lowlifes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano refrains from rolling his eyes at the man's words, not just because it's undignified, but because deep down he's not sure if he disagrees. 'Whether I am a fool in this all depends on my success. Illiendi may be able to help me live through this, and may be able to turn me into someone presentable, but if I don't do a lot of the work here, this will be his success and not mine, which is worse than if I never tried at all. . .' He lets out a soft sigh as the demon's comeback, a light smile coming to his lips at the look on the old man's face. 'He really is intimidating, I am not just a wimp after all' This makes him feel a little happier and his smile becomes more genuine.

When Alphonse vanishes into the back room the youth looks up at the demon's approach. The smile he finds there as he takes the scroll warms him on the inside and his own upturned lips widen into a full grin. He knows he's being silly at this point, but a smile from the demon is more rewarding than the taller male may ever know. Something about it gives the young man confidence. He is careful to rearrange his face before Alphonse reappears. However after a moment his good mood all but vanishes as the old man speaks.

'What!? How could he know!? Is he a mystic in disguise!? Is. . . .' Pressing a hand over the seal while Alphonse is looking at the coins Amano looks to Illiendi and feels himself settle. 'I know Alphonse. He's got very keen eyes, but if he had actual mystic abilities he wouldn't be working here. . .I'm being foolish' As Illiendi walks past and the old man hisses his “insult” at the man's back, Amano gives him a wide smile. “Children don't always want what's good for them, right?” Alphonse looks at him, unsure of what to make of those words and simply watches silently as Amano walks out the door. Nodding and offering a quiet thanks to Illiendi as he passes the beast Amano waits until the door is closed before looking up at him with his smile back in place. “I know what I'm losing by sticking with you. But, I don't mind. . . .My life is most important to me, not my afterlife.” The street isn't too busy and the sounds coming from the dock are faint, however the sea air is strong and clear, tossing a bit of his loose hair about as he looks to his manservant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi paid no mind to the wold man, mystic or no it hardly mattered what one old man thought of him and Illiendi was as sure as he could be that them an was no mystic. The demon was far more interested in the Lord's response, many of his contractors were confident until confronted with the fact they had indeed sold themselves to a devil, then they spent their years trying to find loop holes and escape plans, even trying to bribe Paimon with riches and new knowledge, some even tried offering him human sacrifices to stave off the inevitable and those souls had always left a bad taste in his mouth. The utter lack of self respect that those men had made him wonder if they could even be considered men, worms seemed to suit them more. However the Lordling shrugged it off with a quiet quip about children not always wanting whats good for them and he was, although he hid it, quietly impressed that the boy hadn't been tongue tied or embarrassed himself.

By the time they were outside and the door had closed the demon was slightly more interested in the young Lord. They had not gotten many feet from the shop, following an empty street towards the docks, the wind tussling their hair when Amano said something that momentarily stilled Illiendi. While certainly as the months turned to years there was a likelihood the boys mind would change he spoke with such certainty that Illiendi almost bought what was said. Glancing from the flower to the lord he narrowed his eyes just slightly, as if trying to squint in hopes of better seeing something that was blurred or out of focus. No more than a few seconds passed before the demon resumed his pace. The boy wasn't lying, not in anyway the demon could see or sense, he honestly understood the price and -even if only for now- was satisfied with what that meant for him later down the line. Illiendi was, needless to say, surprised and a little hungry at the show of the boys naivety, or should it be bravery? For a long moment the demon said nothing, savouring the scent and the hunger that came and had to be fought aside.

After a minute or so passed he spoke again, "So young, many masters and mistresses have said the same to me before, until it came time for them to die. We shall see if you still have the same opinion when you are old and weary." The demon was not mocking the boy and it came across in his tone but he did have a crumb of disbelief in his tone, the sort that came from unexpected news or words. Glancing to the lord the demon took in his features for the first time, he was young sure but he was far more attractive than his brothers, even the eldest, more handsome in his ways than his mother as well, although at his age she was no doubt a beauty. He considered it 'good' that the boy had very little of his father in his features at all. As the wind blew hair into his masters eyes the demon reached out and tucked it behind his ear, "Such idle romanticism...I do not know if I should call you foolish or brave. Hell...it is like nothing you can imagine..."

Illiendi stopped and turned back to the road, clearly deciding that the continuation of his explanation was redundant and awaited Amano to move off before following behind him as he ought to. The docks were not far ahead and they were making good time so the demon set to the rest of the plans for the day and walked in silence. Once the supplies had been dropped off with the captain and stored below and the maps had been charted and courses plotted, there was still much to do. The ship had to be fully supplied and ready for the harsh weathers but further more the demon had to make sure Amano was ready, while Illiendi would do his best not to allow the ship to sink he was not a god, he could do things that normal people couldn't but he didn't control nature or science and so an emergency kit was essential. There was still the announcements, the letters to deliver, the family to say goodbye too and packing to finish, a mammoth amount of work ahead but nothing that Illiendi couldn't finish by morn tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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As Illiendi comes to a halt Amano stops and turns to look at him, tilting his head curiously to the side. 'I wonder what is wrong. Normally he simply follows along. . . Well, perhaps he didn't expect me to be so okay with the idea of burning in hell?' He catches the look between himself and the flower and his head tilts a little further to side as he tries to understand what the demon is thinking. Normally he is very good at judging people, however when it comes to Illiendi he finds himself mostly unable to get an accurate reading off of him. The narrowed eyes are easy enough to understand and he smiles warmly, turning and continuing on his way once the taller male looks ready. It was only a few brief moments but it helps Amano understand that it isn't just love that confuses the demon.

They walk on in silence for a time and Amano lets the sea air wash over him, blowing away a bit of the musty smell from the shop. He enjoys both scents, but as he is to be soon one the sea for a good number of days, he decides the smell of the sea is the smell of progress. He pauses once again as the footsteps beside him stop and he turns to face his demon. Listening to the taller male's words he refuses to look away. He listens calmly, his hair whipping about his face, a faint smile on his lips. He chuckles lightly at the last part, flushing at the feel of those hot fingers ticking his hair away again. Turning to continue on their way he takes a moment to form his words before responding.

Instead of looking to Illiendi he talks while they walk, his voice soft so that they are not overheard by curious ears. “No one can see the future, so I will not even try and claim that I will never change my mind. However unless I really change, I do not see it happening. I love life, and if you can help me make mine better, I will relish every moment of it and be content to have it for as long as I may.” He glances down for an instant before returning his eyes to the road. “As to hell. . .I do not care to imagine what it is like. I know it is worse than I can imagine, so I see no point in fretting over it now, or even trying to imagine it. I trust your assessment of the place. . . .”

His fingers come up to brush over his brand, taking his handkerchief out of his pocket to cover the action. He wipes away the slight moister coming to his eyes from the wind drying them out. Once he's done he slips it back into his pocket and smiles at Illiendi. “Can I not be both?” He laughs lightly, though being thought of as a fool by the taller male stings a bit, he lets the feeling pass, knowing that he has more important things to think about. “So, I would like to look over the ship. Do you think it would be undignified for me to be too thorough with my investigation? I know a lot of small, rather filthy places that captains often try to hide faults and the like. . .” He glances at Illiendi, looking a little sheepish. 'I would ask him to check those places, but I just. . .It seems such a menial thing to ask him to do. . .And I know that I am looking for. . .'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The demon is once again thrown off by the responses from the boy, confused as to how one could be so casual with the concept of an eternity of torture and yet he is still skeptical that the boy truly grasps the meaning of it. "If you wish to be both you may my master." The demon considers the possibility that Amano is perhaps the bravest of human's he's met but allows such a silly notion to pass and his assessment to remain that the boy is somewhat foolish. Perhaps this was the true reason he chose Amano over those foolish greedy people, perhaps this was the scent he was chasing, a human devoid of selfish thoughts and feelings, accepting of fate and the consequences of his actions. Another, brief glance was cast to the flower, he'd had gifts before, lovers bribes and attempts at winning his 'contract' from the current owner but the flower was odd. It was easily the most bland of gifts and yet the sentiment behind it had been nothing so devious as pointless attempts to win his continued attentions, nor did it seem to be a way to writhe from his contract, it was a shame in some ways that the flower would die now it had been plucked, he needed more time than it had to decipher the meaning of such a gift.

"You are the master, if you desire to check the ship then such should be at your discretion, a ship wide inspection might seem strange to some. However, it shows initiative, meticulousness and the bearings of a true Lord. If the Captain questions it simply point out you desire to see with your own eyes that the ship is ready for such an important journey." Illiendi was certain the boy could talk his way around to get the inspection, the demon himself wasn't sure what to look into for such an inspection, he was only versed in the old ships and by old he meant hundreds of years old. Though he would not confess so much to Amano unless necessary to do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Beyond the shiver of once more hearing those words drop from the demon's lips Amano chuckles softly with a light smile. Though perhaps not meant as a joke, he finds the taller male's words to be amusing none the less. 'So I can be both, huh? And he would not mind following someone like that. . . .I wonder, as I am sure I will for many a long year, why he chose me. After all, he could have killed all in that basement and found someone more worthy, someone with a better chance and less oddities to deal with. There must be a reason, or several reasons, but. . .I do not know, I think I may not want to know. . .Perhaps I will ask him on my death bed. . .'

As he goes on to speak on the inspection idea Amano smiles softly and nods, deciding to go with a full inspection. He's never done one personally, but he knows what to look for. As the ship comes into sight, the gentle breeze making all the ships in the harbor bob a little, Amano sets his gaze and makes his way confidently on to the desk. The captain is at the helm, obviously doing an inspection of his own, but when he spots his new contractors he wipes his hands on his pants and descends to greet the boy and his manservant. Raising a hand he calls out. “Mornin'! Though soon the afternoon will be upon us.” He seems to be less drunk today and Amano appreciates the lack of alcohol being breathed in his direction.

“Indeed.” Amano replies, offering a slight nod in greeting. The captain looks him over, having not gotten a good look the night before due to shadows and inebriation. He seems to come to a conclusion rather quickly and asks about supplies and the like for the trip. Amano nods toward Illiendi. “He can answer most of your questions. I am on a tight schedule so please feel free to talk to him while I inspect my investment.” The captain looks a little taken aback but after a few silent moments he nods, obviously a little wary, and turns to address the demon. Letting out slow breath the youth moves away from the two and begins looking for all the things he's been told to keep an eye out for.

From the bow to stern he susses out every possible problem that may arise if not dealt with, finding only a few and most not severe. He does find signs of some issues in the galley that will need to be dealt with before they leave port, but on the whole nothing seems too problematic. It isn't until the captain notices Amano up in the shrouds that he finally calls out to the youth. “Oi, sir, careful up there. Don't need you breaking your neck before we're even under way!” Amano waves wit a smile. Even in his nice clothing he is a very skilled climber, having often used climbing as a means to get away from his brothers. Once in the crow's nest he takes a moment to just enjoy the view, breathing deep and holding his arms wide. He knows the captain can not see at this angle otherwise he would not be doing something so childish. He feels very relaxed, knowing Illiendi knows what he's doing and will deal with the man according to their plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi being left with the Captain answers the rather pertinent questions on food deliveries and set of times and of course payment and crew before the subject shifts to the finer things like the direction they are to sail and the course they are to take, this takes longer as Illiendi has a course in mind but the sailor, being rather knowledgeable himself, tries to argue the course with the demon. Until the captain notices Amano on the rigging and calls to him, Illiendi glanced over to his young master and then looked back to the map without another thought, "He won't fall." He commented idly but confidently before once more trying to hash out the details of their route, only one major course change was made by the end and the minor details would still set Amano up for the 'adventures' a young lord needs to have to become rich and famous. A peaceful boat ride wouldn't make him nearly as desirable by the local women, or as prestigious in his fathers eyes s battling storms, monsters and neer'do wells to reach such fame and glory. It was a shame any captain worth his salt knew the pirate routes, the locations of storm 'hot spots' and where the monsters slept and refused to travel that way if they had any sense. This one, while smart, seemed to be at least unhinged enough to contemplate their plan.

The conversation continues between the pair until the jars are bought up and Illiendi glanced to them as if having forgotten their existence. "For fresh water. I intend to draw it from the well the day we leave. My Master will need a supply for when it becomes too difficult to purify our own. He is not overly partial to alcohol, of which I have ordered two barrels of strong stout and one of honey mead."
"You are too good to us boy."
"My Master is the one who purchased it and he also said he trusted your judgement on rations for the crew."
"Ah your Lord is a smart man that he is, I may not look it but I ain't no drunk and I won't have drunks on board but on long journeys like these the alcohol takes off the edge, helps everyone stay a little more...comfortable."

They spent another ten minutes discussing the finer points before with another firm hand shake the demon approached the rigging and glanced up to his little lordling, while the human couldn't see him he may well feel as though he heard his name being called as a warm breath on the winds. Though this odd feeling was soon coupled with his title being called up to him by the more 'social' tones that Illiendi put on for the humans. "My Lord is the ship to your liking?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Taking this chance, high above the other dock noises of men shouting to one another and the normal every day hustle and bustle, the only sounds of note the wind and the creek of rigging, Amano lets his mind wander and flow. He thinks over his life, of his time spent in his early years trying to please his father. The day he realized that he simple wasn't good enough for the man, and not long after, his eldest brother confirming that to even try would be an unforgivable affront to not only to the family, but him personally. Barely a year after how he came to realize that his life has no worth to them and simply giving up on trying to prove his merit to them.

'I barely have friends, and most are girls, or men younger than myself with whom my brothers seem to think I only hand around because I am not enough of a man to be friends with my peers. My only other so called friends are older men who seem to enjoy telling me stories of far away lands, though only because I am the only one really interested in listening any more' He lets out a long sigh, propping himself up on his elbows against the edge of the nest. Before him the masts and rigging of taller ships sway and bob, the sounds of them lost on the breeze. 'Such is the life I have lived' he muses, looking to towards the horizon.

For a time he considered himself jaded. The world around him making sense, his place in it defined, and in all honestly, a place he could see himself being at least content with. He had his sword practice, his art, and quite places to practice both. He had a good friend to talk to and his own little place in her life that made it that much better, and even had little thrills in the form of his childish antics against the less savory members of his little society here in town. 'I was no vigilante, but the girls in town definitely knew who to turn to if they were being hassled by men of questionable virtue' He smiles at the thought. The smile soon falters.

'Then father had to go and ruin it' There is a very good reason Amano had as much in his savings as he did. He may not have had any serious plans yet, but it has always been his intention to flee before being forced to marry. To him it is beyond unreasonable. He loves his mother very much but he is quite sure she could have done a lot better than his father. 'To men like my father, women are just another commodity, to be bought and sold, or in this case, wed to his sons like an accessory. That is foolish, and cruel. . .' With a sigh he stretches, deciding it's about time he gets down and give his report.

However mid stretch he freezes, his head tilting to the side. For a brief instant a feeling washes over him and without knowing why he is sure Illiendi wants his attention. A moment later his hands drop to his side and he smiles as he hears the demon call to him aloud. Leaning over the edge of the nest he tries to spot the demon but fails so instead he calls out, “He's a fine beast!” The captain chuckles at this, watching with a curious eye as Amano swings back into the shroud and makes his way down to the deck quickly.

Nodding to Illiendi he smiles softly before shifting back into his confident expression to face the captain. “Is everything worked out to you liking captain?”

The man laughs, giving the demon an almost playfully wary look. “Yeah, we got it all figured. If I didn't know any better I’d say that man of yours wants to get you killed, but I'm no slouch. I'll get you where you're goin'.” He gives a little half bow and adds, “And I'd like to thank you personally for the generous donation of drink to the journey. I think we'll have a right happy crew for this voyage if I do say so myself.”

Amano nods, hoping the man is right and reminding himself to ask Illiendi about what else he can expect to get credit for. 'I would not say I want to complain, however he should take credit where credit is due' Bringing up the issue with the kitchen Amano is delighted to find out the captain already planned on fixing it, and after a few exchanged anecdotes about a ship's galley the two shake hands and Amano turns to his manservant. “Anything else need to be seen to here, or shall we head to our next task?” He seems far more relaxed now, the captain treating him like a respectable young lord rather than a child doing wonders for his confidence. While on the ship at least. Amano knows it's only really because he's paying the man, but that only slightly lessens the small sparks of pride.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi watched as a man with confidence might watch his master slip down the ropes until back aboard the ship, that quiet confidence could be mistaken for confidence in his master, which was partially true perhaps but the rest came from the confidence the demon had for catching his master should he fall. Once addressed by his master he gives a small nod and turns to listen to the Captain with him, he gives a faint smile at the notion that he was trying to kill the man and replied, "I would be out of a job if I killed my master it would be awfully counter productive of me to do anything that wasn't beneficial to him." So yes he was putting Amano in danger but it would be that very danger that turned him from some lord's least loved son into a Lord in his own right, with his own name and his own wealth. While many adventurers died unknown in their time they lived as hero's in the books of history, Amano would be a rich man but he'd also have a name that echoed in time. That would be true success, something his father would rot in hell knowing he himself would never have. Of course it was a long way to get there, adventures alone made for nothing but good stories and every sailor from here to the black sea had stories. They needed treasures, artifacts, new discoveries, new worlds and that was what Illiendi planned to give the man.

When addressed by Amano himself he turned to face his master, though only his head truly moved and the rest of him made statuesque, straight and tall. "Why my master I believe you have succeeded in everything you intended to set out to do here today. You have many other stops planned today so we should bid the good Captain adieu and make him aware he may send a courier to your Father's abode should he need anything more from you." Illiendi had no desire for 'credit', he would be here for a brief sneeze of time and people's opinions of him mattered as little as the opinions of a snail mattered to the leopard. Amano was the name that was to be built upon, him and him alone was the one who would have the legacy. Why when it came to writing the books of his history Illiendi would likely be entirely absent, forgotten like the fog of morning. That was the way it always had been and always would be, it was the necessary way of things.

A few people, those more attuned to 'their world' were capable of remembering things, that's where stories of demons and angels and many other creatures came from but those who were not attuned often forgot over the months that followed the demons departure. No demon, or angel's, works could be remembered, for then humanity would hound them more for their powers than already they did. Summoning them so that every human could have a chance at fame, fortune, beauty, whatever their greedy hearts could conceive and while this would do wonders for hell there had to be balance.

Leading his master from the ship once the goodbyes were made he would once more follow behind the man and utter quietly, out of ear shot of the Captain, "I will take the liberty to purchase the barrels at the end of our trip today with your permission my master. Where do you think we ought to visit next?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano manages to hide the shiver at his title, smiling warmly up at the demon and nodding. “I agree. We are done here for the day.” Turning back to the captain he tells the man where he can be found before bidding him farewell.

The captain scribbles down the address and waves the boy off distractedly as he heads to the kitchens. Getting down on his hands and knees with a grunt he looks over the problem mentioned an sighs. “Kid's thorough and not afraid to get dirty. Gotta hand him that. . .” He mutters with a smirk.

Meanwhile Amano begins fretting over that very thing as he looks down at his now slightly soiled outfit. “I suppose I did a bit more crawling around than I intended hm?” he half laughs at himself, doing his best to brush away some of the filth. “Yea, that sounds good, thank you Illiendi.” he murmurs absentmindedly as he continues trying to get off at least a little of the dust and dirt. His stomach rumbles lightly and he flushes at the sound. “Perhaps something to eat is in order.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At his masters desire to eat the demon contemplates a moment, there are a few places nearby that would serve, one they passed while Amano was unconscious in his arms, it was quiet enough, spacious, the food smelled pleasant enough and it would serve their needs quite well. "There is of course the place we went before master, though if such is not ot your tastes there is a place nearby that serves a similar menu in a quieter locale." The demon gave a half bow to the human before catching the ear of a young street boy, honest enough to look at and just the right amount of awed to be of use. Illiendi had a quiet conversation with the youth, who took the small crate from Illiendi, complete with the flower -after some consideration on Illiendi's behalf- and a single coin before he dashed, as quick ash e was able, off towards Amano's home with express orders to give the crate only to the Lady of the house or the cook.

Returning to his masters side he awaited the verbal decision of where the boy wished to eat before following at the respectable distance behind, subtly herding Amano when he strayed from the right path before holding the door for him when they finally reached their destination. Once there the little Lord's penchant for shadowy corners was ignored for favour of a seat quite close to the front in the light of the window. Illiendi pulled a chair at the two seater table for his master and awaited the young man's order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano looks up, wondering about this other place Illiendi is thinking of. While the demon is busy with the youth Amano thinks hard about what he wants to do. 'Well, I like the place I went to, but I am sure Illiendi has a reason to suggest a different place. Maybe it's more prestigious, to show me off or something? I have always avoided being seen when and where I can, so all my local haunts normally seat me in the back without my needing to ask. Or, maybe he senses something is there? I do not know. . . .Can he sense that far? Can he sense stuff like that at all? I really should ask more about what he can and can not do later. . . .'

Once the demon returns to his side he looks up at him, smiling faintly. “Let us see this other place. It may be fun to check out someplace new.” Letting Illiendi guide him subtly Amano wonders vaguely what it's like to be the demon. Always coming to earth just to serve something that lives such a short, normally pathetic life compared to how the demon could live, all on their own. 'He could be a king in no time, I am sure of it! He is amazing! He could rule this entire country, for a lifetime at least before people got suspicious of the lack of aging. . .' He gazes up at the demon. 'I wonder what it would be like to be so amazing, and be forced to serve such simple, foolish little things as humans. . .'

He wanders along, lost in thought, until at last the demon steers him through the entryway of the restaurant and he comes of of his thoughts. He looks around the room, the fine settings and the low murmur of conversation a little different than what he's use to hearing. The serving maids are dressed slightly fancier but not in the spotless crisp stuff he's use to seeing when his father insist on dragging them out to his “friends” homes. 'It is a nice place, but not overly high class. . .It smells interesting in here. . .' He glances around at the actual people and he realizes what he's smelling is likely powerful perfumes and body oils, the kind designed specifically to completely overpower any natural body odor.

He wrinkles his nose at the smell but takes Illiendi's cue to take a seat out in the open. He nods and smiles with a light thank you, motioning that the demon should join him before turning towards the serving maid who appears at the table almost instantly. His smile shifts into his normal false one and he orders something simple and neat so he does not have to worry about getting his clothes any dirtier. The lady smile back at him, that same false smile most of the people in public wear to be polite, however when she turns to the demon it changes into one of pure admiration. Amano looks away. 'On one hand, it is nice to have my own personal servant admired so, however on the other hand, it keeps reminding me that he is the real power here. No matter how amazing I become, it will be because of him.. .I can live with that, but for now. . .' He sighs gently, looking towards the windows as he waits for Illiendi to finish his order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi was not am an for food, well he wasn't am an for a start and so when Amano asked him to join him the demon was tempted to say no. This place would not serve the kind of food he liked, or was used to, human food was nothing more than a waste on him, while not literally, human food turned to ash on his tongue. His contractors would praise the cuisine, the subtle sweetness, the spice, the tart or bitter but Illiendi could not taste any of that, his kin would say it was because they had evolved passed the needs of such simple things. As indeed had the original pair been before their fall, although there was always that worry that they were not created as perfect as they all assumed, it had been one of the accusations of the Morning Star to the Creator all that time ago. One of the many reason's they fell. Such thoughts were unbecoming of him and he was rather unsure if it were nostalgia riled by the boy himself rather than natural means, there was something about the human, his kindness perhaps, that kept Illiendi off guard just a little.

Ultimately saying no to his master would not only be terrible manners but force the human into doing something Illinedi honestly doubted he'd ever be ready for. Punishing those who disobey him did not seem to be in Amano's possibilities, he did not seem to be a man capable of violence without good cause, another worry for the demon to address another time. So with a bow and a sweet bell of vocal gratitude the demon sat his master and then himself opposite. He only had a moment to view the world through murky, mostly clean, window panes before a woman was addressing them both, both Amano and the woman wearing the same smile, fake and disconnected and for a moment a half smile graced Illiendi's mouth. Humans were flawed and after such reflection and memories it was amusing to see their flaws displayed so obviously, both were no doubt aware that the other's face's were false and yet both found it necessary regardless.

Illiendi was soon addressed, faced with a more genuine grin though one could only imagine what snakes slithered in the darkness of the woman's mind, what thoughts crossed to be dismissed and which lingered. Illiendi picked up the menu and gave it a glance, human food sounded as disgusting as it tasted most of the time and even now it was a job not to curl his lip in disgust. There was, in the end, only one thing that caught his eye and as he handed the menu over and ordered a pot of tea and tea service for the table he added his own order, "I would like to have the Baked apple stuffed with raisins, currants and fruit peel please." He got a briefly strange look from the woman and flashed her a sheepish smile, to which she giggled as if she knew some unspoken secret and went off with their order.

When she was safely out of hearing distance he gave a brief shake of his head and turned to face Amano, "Master you seem troubled." He spoke, biting back a rhetorical question he'd intended to ask. While of course he didn't doubt Amano to be fine he had to play his part as a worried butler. The demon was no fool, the human seemed jealous of the attention he garnered. Of course Amano had little to fret over, when all was said and done and the day had come when the human's wish was fulfilled the demon would vanish from the minds of everyone he had met and interacted with like a morning mist lifting under the power of sunlight. All that would remain in their minds and hearts would be a vague sense of familiarity, like that feeling when you have a name on the tip of your tongue or a memory at the edge of your mind but so fleeting and ethereal it is impossible to catch.

Even Amano himself would not remember the details once the demon's work was done, he'd remember a human servant from Maarth that served him as he took his first steps into being a man. Though all Illiendi's services, his help and advice, his ideas, all would, in Amano's mind, be his own. Though Amano hardly needed to know that either, not yet. Glancing back out the window the demon observed the streets with a disinterested look, he couldn't wait to be shot of this little town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Only half listening to the exchange between the demon and the serving girl Amano vaguely wonders why anyone would want peel in their food, on purpose, but is far too distracted at the moment to actually ask. He doesn't notice his shoulders beginning to slouch, his spine beginning to curl, and by the time his elbows hit the table he's very much the image of what he always looks like when a bunch of people can see him, and are looking in his direction to boot. Because looking they are. Something about the exotic looking man at his table seems to catch the attention of just about every person in the room be it a jealous woman glaring at his beauty or an ensnared youth gazing fondly at the hellspawn in mortal form. He is not left to muse very long however as Illiendi addresses him soon after the server leaves and almost on instinct he pulls himself straight again and flushes as he notices how much he'd slipped into his old habit of hiding in less than a couple minutes. He coughs lightly, trying to ignore all the staring eyes. Even if they are mostly on Illiendi, the ones that are shot his way are all less than pleasant. He glances over the tables, the rows of eyes more than enough to make him want to hide again. _'They ether envy me, or admire me, and either is enough to make me want to hide in the nearest fish barrel'_ He lets out a faint sigh and looks back at Illiendi. “Nothing's wrong, I'm just. . .I'm not use to the attention. You know, being the youngest and all. . .” He lets out another sigh before checking himself over and cringing as he notices that he is indeed rather smudged in places. “Not to mention I look like I was just crawling around in an alley.” He's exaggeration, his skin and clothes only lightly marked here and there, but in his usual fashion he looks at himself through his father's never satisfied eyes. Following Illiendi's line of sight he gazes bitterly out the window, wondering vaguely what his father would think of him eating in such a nice place looking “Like common street trash”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illiendi glanced over the young master and slipped from his chair near silently, with a flourish he produced a handkerchief from his pocket and he knelt by Amano's side, deftly the demon took the clean handkerchief and rubbed at the stain's in his clothes, "Not an alley, a ship." He corrected, though it was hard to tell if he was attempting to be funny or not. Illiendi was still incapable of humour, he assumed one must have a soul to understand it properly. Once one spot of dirt was removed the demon moved swiftly onto another, "All eyes are on you my [b]master[/b] but not because of how you appear but your energy. You exude discomfort and people can pick up on that." Illiendi had managed to rub and scratch most of the stains out of Amano's clothing and now moved to his face where the last of the dirt remained. Taking a clean spot on his handkerchief the demon, with surprising tenderness for hellspawn, started to brush the dirt from the man's face. "You must remember, you have every right to be here, you may well be the youngest but you are still a lord in your own right. Soon you will have earned that title without your father's money. You will be fine." The demon wasn't much used to consoling other people, it was not in the usual job description but then he wasn't used to such melancholy masters either. "Unless you'd rather just call this whole thing off. You could do that for a minimal price." The demon gave the boys cheek one last brush with the handkerchief and stood up, while not perfect of course Amano was a lot cleaner than he had been which would hopefully sway some of the attention of the people elsewhere. Sitting back in his seat he put away the now dirty handkerchief into his pocket and folded his hands back in his lap, "Its your choice. Be the invisible son or become your own man. I'm hardly in a position to argue whichever one you choose."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Amano feels even more eyes on him as Illiendi comes over and begins cleaning him off. He flashes back to being a child when his mother catered to him as the “baby” and he wonders vaguely if this looks any different. 'I mean, he is doing what my mother used to, but is it different now? If so, how? Is it because of my age, or because of the societal belief that once you are important enough you should be catered to? . . . . .That is a distinct possibility. I've never seen anyone cleaned like this, but then again, I watch the ground most of the time. I've never bothered to look around and see how “other nobles” are being treated in public. . .I've never really cared. . . .Dies that mean that I only care now because I now have the potential to become such?' With a soft sigh he sets aside his mental debate for later and instead focuses on the man kneeling before him. 'No, not a man, a demon. A demon who will one day be gone, taking my soul or whatever with him back to hell, who doesn't understand love, a who despite all of his effort to help me does not actually care what he's doing as long as he gets what he wants in the end' His lids drop slightly as he examines Illiendi closely. 'In a way he's no different from the men who cater to my father, licking his boots to gain his favor, except. . . .Except he's not licking my boots. He seems to want me to just use him, but at the same time using him just feels wrong. The pride, the power, it's all there, and despite him being my so called manservant, it's all I can do to just pretend that I have any power over him' Illiendi uses that word again and the pleasant shiver runs through his body. It seems almost familiar now. Their eyes meet for an instant and Amano feels frozen until that unnaturally warm hand comes up and begins wiping away the filth from his face. His eyes almost close, but not quite. Instead of looking at the demon's face however, his gaze shifts over to his hand. 'This hand. . . .How many people has it killed? How much blood has soaked into it, staining it even thought the blood itself is gone. How much death has it delivered to this world. . . .Will this hand take my life in the end?' He shivers again, this time for not quite so pleasant a reason. Once more he finds himself setting aside his thoughts, his musing for another day, in favor of focusing on this demon in human skin. This time however he focuses on the man's word, listening with a mind so twisted and confused that he's actually quite surprised when he understands what Illiendi is saying. He chuckles at the idea of “just calling the whole thing off”, wondering vaguely what it would be like to be someone who would even consider doing so. Amano may not be the boldest man around, but when he sets his mind to something, not even his like long fear of his father's wrath would be able to force him off a path once set upon. 'I fear for my life. My life the the most precious thing I have, and if doing this will make this life of mine better. . . .' Looking up at the demon Amano smiles, doing his best to ignore all the little things that are making him want to flee the building. Holding himself up straight, just like Illiendi taught him he smiles warmly. Something about him not caring either way, or at least saying he does not, makes the youth happy for some reason. It doesn't really make sense as that once more gives him the appearance of one of those greasy weasels that hang out around his father, however somehow Illiendi manages to act like one, without appearing like one. 'Illiendi is different. He is special' He nods slightly at that thought and sighs. “Forgive me. Old habits die hard. I. . . .Will not give up. Not ever.” His voice is sure, his eyes clear as he looks at the demon pretending to be man. “We have made this plan, and I will follow through.”
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