Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Any and all ideas for games, dlc for existing games, or original ideas for game, or even games you want remakes of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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So many games these days are horrible shells - companies trying to half ass their way into a cheap sale with a cheap game. Games need to be detailed in depth and filled to the brim with content and experiences, targeted more so to the market of 'pro-gamers', instead of targeted at kids or 'casual gamers'. (Personally I blame the Wii for starting the trend that killed the quality of the industry).

That being said, I always thought an amazing game would be some kind of huge Freeroam style WW2 game, based in Europe and Russia, maybe Africa as well. A huge living breathing game world that has so many different things you can do which then have a knock on effect to not only the local and national areas, but that can also effect the wars progression and outcome. Heavily based on real issues that would have faced people then – food, water, not being wounded, if so difficult to obtain medical supplies/treatment. Fragile characters who if not careful can easily be killed, forcing the player to either make a new character for the same game save or to restart the game and start again entirely.

Half RP, half shooter and half strategy (yes that many halfs), choose your own starting position, area and country of choice. A few examples of the type of characters you could be;

A Russian arms dealer who scavenges the battlefields of Europe for lost and discarded arms and military equipment before selling them to the highest bidder. Hunted actively by the Axis, frowned upon by the Allies, friend to criminal elements. Hunts targets as a mercanery/sniper or generally serves the highest bidder. Runs a small team of specialists for scavenging/mercanery contracts.


German Luftwaffe pilot, young ace - ends up shot down over France and has to try and fight his way back home. Maybe ends up in with the French resistance somehow after he is assisted by a French family who are then all killed by the Nazi’s for their Jewish origins. He then ends up as a key resistance fighter sabotaging German fortifications, or maybe vice-versa he is still really working for the Germans and is feeding them intelligence and the positions of the resistance whilst trying to maintain his cover.


Basic frontline troop, engaging in trench warfare and attempting to move his way up through the ranks by being the best solider he can be. Just trying to survive each day whilst bringing as much hurt to the enemy as possible.


High up officer/squad commander, in charges of one or more platoons of troops. More tactical style of play, however still based on the one main character. Focuses on keeping his men alive and getting them better equipment or training.

And so on and so on.

You can’t tell me that with this new ‘next-gen’ that this kind of thing couldn’t be made. It would just take time, money and a lot of development. Something which never really seems to happen so much anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KDPdaKing

KDPdaKing The Lightning / Dragon\nShinobi God

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Well I'm new so I got a pony avatar

But let's stay on topic


Okay, I believe its our fault first off that we get cheap games. Why? Because they sell the most. Do you honestly believe they would make these cheap games if people are not buying them? The majority of the people who buy these games are not fans of games with a "story". At the same time, it takes money to make great games like dragon age and to find them, the cheap games that always makes money are the ones that fund the newer games.

Now me? I like the model that Destiny is doing but expanding past a shooter. I actually dreamed of it as a kid. A game where you play by yourself but can instantly play with others if you want. And it's both competitive and friendly. Then a world that is constantly growing and may grow without needing to buy a second game. Like the story will continue to be played and even though we think we finished the story, it has not ended.

But I want it to be versed beyond shooters and revolve around swords and stuff. Like devil may cry online. That would be dope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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KDPdaKing said
Okay, I believe its our fault first off that we get cheap games. Why? Because they sell the most. Do you honestly believe they would make these cheap games if people are not buying them? The majority of the people who buy these games are not fans of games with a "story". At the same time, it takes money to make great games like dragon age and to find them, the cheap games that always makes money are the ones that fund the newer games.

Yeah, I have to agree with you there. But like I said, I blame the Wii for starting that trend, getting none-gamer folks all up in the industrys grill.

People keep mentioning Destiny to me, I definitely need to check that out properly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Ah, yes, video games.

Honestly? I would like games from some of the older Nintendo consoles to be remade. I didn't grow up on Nintendo like most other gamers (I was a Sony child) and it feels like I missed out on something, that's for sure. I'm definitely aboard to see some of the Zelda games, for example, being remade. I'd definitely like to try my hand at some of those, though I won't share the same nostalgia feels.

For my own game, I've always liked the idea of some sort of psychological (and horror, since that's apparently very "in" right now) visual novel where you can control a main character that the player has remote control over (personality-wise moreso) and where decisions actually, truly affect the storyline. I've always had this idea where you'd control a main character (Liesel/Lee) who was stuck in a "manor" (think similiar to Haunting Ground) with a cast of other colorful characters that can be recruited, ignored or otherwise. With a psychological theme that said manor is like a mental prison of sorts and the only way to escape is to overcome some sort of obstacle.

Eiiiither that or I think there is potential to make a really cool espionage game based off of WWII (thank you, LordPie, you got my mind on WWII-based ideas and that sounds absolutely lovely).

Okay, enough ranting. And yes, I totally agree with the Wii being a downfall to the gamer industry aside from a handful of other factors (*cough and glares at feminism's impact on gaming*). What happened to non-gamers just sticking to Tetris and 3D arcade remakes of Pac-Man? ;_;

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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I've recently been wanting Team Ninja and Capcom to do a Arena style fighting game that is a lot like smash bros but in the style of Team ninja and with capcom characters. That would be fantastic
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Super Waluigi Bros. Anybody?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMusketMan
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Charlie said
Super Waluigi Bros. Anybody?

Ew no.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Aww come on it could be like the the new games Mario games. 4 players, waluigi, wario, and either made up or cannon character, some special power up's and pickups, and darker colors backgrounds reminiscent of Metroid and Megaman X. It sound like a fantastic idea, they could have it on Wii U and 3ds... That would be so cool. ~_~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Another good idea is a heroclix game made by Firaxis. That would be fantastic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Remake Blood Omen into Skyrim-esque Open World RPG in which you play as Kain with all these cool powers. but with the combat of something that's not as clunky, robotic and downright visually boring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cayden Black
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Cayden Black The Lost Poet

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I would like to see a game where you do not only build your kingdom like you would in any strategy game, but also fight among your men like games such as Mount and Blade.

From the get go it would be open world sand box, with you able to build a keep anywhere you wish and thus making a zone of influence you can build within. From here you can expand your influence to expand your building, or even delve deep into mountains with tunnels or temples. The citadels you build could vary depending on your play style. If you wish to be the evil Lord of dark magic with grand orc armies, then you can. If you wish to the an eldritch mage with holy knights, you can. If you just was the be a warrior king with a host of men, its all open to you! (Even be a dark lord with zombie hordes!!).

You would obviously start off as whatever race you chose, but not undead (this you DO need to earn), and your keep will be very basic (like a mead hall). Once built, you would need to quest, to build reputation and to collect items much like you would in mount and blade and Skyrim. Now this is where your path truly takes form. Depending on your actions will be how the world reacts to you. Pillage villages and you will only attract cutthroats. Draw in enough of them and you can begin pressing villagers into service for your glory. Battle Orc tribes to win their favour but becoming their Chieftan (or even learn dark magics to force them all into service. The choice really is yours!).

Now for the best bit, as your citadel grows, and depending on what buildings you unlock as your path unfolds (buildings will change looks depending on your allignment and who you have living in your realm) you can roam the streets or go to your keep and take side missions set to you by your nobles and peasants. Other Kings may even sent emmisaries to you, or letters of war!

Now the best bit, if you are magical (which no doubt you would become!) your dark magics can end up warping the realms you control. That lovely woodland you have? It is now a dark place where monsters stalk the lands and the towns feel too afraid to go outside! Slaughter towns and raise their graves as your own undead legions! And when battle begins you will be beside your warriors! Either at the front with your blade, or in the distance with arrows or spells.

I have dreamed of a game like this for a long time, but nothing ever meets my ideas...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Primal Conundrum
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I work in the game industry actually, it's always interesting seeing what an outside perspective of it is like. Oftentimes, it's staggeringly different from what the reality of it is.

Fact is, while some of the massive, sprawling games described above would sure be fun, they would take somewhere in the neighborhood of a decade to make in some cases, with large teams and absurd budgets.

The Wii is not responsible for the influx of casual gamers, if you're going to point at any one thing as the source of that you should be looking at phones. Because of app games, there has been a flood of casual gamers who never touched a game before in their lives. These are people who play games while on busses or otherwise commuting too and from work, and they want games that fit that time frame. That's where you get games like Candy Crush and so many other app games- you may have noticed that the levels are often quite short, or there are breaks frequently. This is because the target market for these games are people who tend to only have a few minutes to play at a time, rather than the many-hours long daily sessions that more hardcore gamers have.

Trust me when I say that a huge number of designers would love to build more hardcore games, but the fact is that the market just doesn't really support that. Making a game costs a huge amount of money, and sadly there just aren't as many people who are willing to buy a game like Dark Souls vs. some stupid little reskin of an app game. Investors know this, and as a result it's hard to even get the money together for an ambitious, hardcore, innovative triple-A game when the people with the money feel safer investing in what is currently proven to work.

Yes, there are companies that try to ride on the coattails of others (I worked at one briefly, absolutely horrible place that I think is now out of business) but a lot of studios, especially the smaller ones, are composed of really passionate gamers who want to make things like are being described here, but for various reasons- be they financial or logistical- can't manage it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Cayden, sounds sweet bro - I would play that game.


Phones! You're right... I now have a new arch-nemesis! I never thought of those little bastards as so responsible... but it makes sense.

I really get what you're saying, and again it makes sense, but thats the problem. The market, businesses, all that corporate statistic target bullshit - the focus is in the wrong places. I worked at Game HQ, and the thing that struck me was how practically no one working there or having any influence was really a gamer, aside from the odd mega nerd in IT or the gamer temps. Every higher member of staff knew practically nothing about the real nature of games and gaming. It makes me wonder if it is like that at the majority of these game studios, that people are just trying to run it as a business.

I mean, surely you need real gamers in positions that can make a real difference (like the big studios)? I don't know how it works really, you're right though that my perspective is probably vastly different from any realistic perspective, but all I know is that they are doing it wrong.

Some games do it right-almost. But small avoidable issues crop up time and time again - that a high up gamer could have pointed out at any point.

Anyway. I guess I'm probably wrong, but still...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nautilusmp


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Basically, what I want is a remake of Balance of Power or a game very similar to it with adjustments to fit the present-day geopolitics. Utilizing the last 25 years of advancements in computer technology, the players of the game should be able to have way a lot more options of actions on their disposal. The game could also last much longer instead of merely eight turns. The core of the game, however, remains the same: outfriending and outreputing your enemy through well-calculated political and diplomatic moves and playing brinksmanship with your enemy WITHOUT triggering WWIII.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Munk


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Fuck, I can't even articulate how glad I am that the games industry is moving away from the idea of the "real gamer" community. The types of people who play games—and the types of games we play—have been diverse since basicaly forever, and I'm loving that we're finally recognizing it (of course it does mean a surge in shitty developers making shitty games that are 90% in-app purchases, but that's basically what happened back in the eighties and early nineties as well, and gaming came away okay from that). It's about time the "real gamer" brand was watered down. Games are going to be so much better.

Personally, I'd like to see a lot more of what Shadow of Mordor apparently does with its NPCs. I want procedurally generated NPCs that live their lives out whether I'm there or not. I want a world that doesn't feel like it revolves around me (even if the game itself isn't really open-world), NPCs with more than six scripted behaviours. I imagine that's a lot of fucking work, but it's so satisfying to play in a world like that.

Oh, and Fallout 4. Gimme.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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A third person / first person marvel moba-esk game in which all characters are unlocked costumes can be micro transactions or over like thousands of games, equipment can be unlocked through leveling up (Example; Hawkeye would unlock different types of bow an arrow, Spiderman would unlock different web types, Cap would unlock shields.) The costumes that unlock are their different universe out fits or other character that have the same abilities, such as Captain America could have U.S. Patriot, his Hydra clone, ECT. Characters could be released monthly or bimonthly. This game would be not FTP it would either be $60 up front or $30 and $15 a month.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

I'd really like to see an RTS where the environment can be as much of a threat as the enemy. Also a more complex morale system. And a AI that learns your tactics and adjusts accordingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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As far as AI goes in not sure if it with every game but a friend of mine played Smash Brothers Melee so much that a level 9 (max) CPU was way harder than the CPU on my game.

So it may take a long time but AI learn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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BIG!!!!!!! SWORDS!!!!!!!!!!
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