Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Unsure. I guess I can allow it since there is no particular rule against it. So, go ahead and make a sheet using the host for a single person, and I'll have a look. What I think I'll do is make your special GM trait/flaw based around the fact that you are a single person host.

I warn you though, that single person obviously should be a highly skilled hero, otherwise you are probably going to die quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Serpentine88 said
@Goldeagle: Congratulations, you are the first player to be accepted! You may now post in the Accepted Library.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

My ns is nearly done, just have to copy paste when I get a chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

You know, there's a fighter in each and every one of you--a dormant, violent beast of immeasurable power that craves release. Don't push your inner-animal to the side; don't hide from it either. Embrace it willingly. Treasure it. Coddle it. Hone it. Conflict's natural--always has been and always will be as a matter of fact--but to flee from your nature-given impulse to kill, maim and put the unfit to the blade is to defile the time-honored traditions of the pecking order---and that there's folly. And heresy. And boring. But mostly heresy! And I can't have that now can I, ya?

-Apedemak, Great Lion and Beast of the Wounded Deep

Primary Objective: When he was a god, Apedemak originally focused much of his personal time fanning the flames of war and strife on Sormun for his own personal amusement. Since his forced exile to the mortal plane, the Great Lion has reluctantly reorganized his goals to better represent his new-found wariness for the deadly omnipresence that has taken refuge in the nucleus of the land. Not out of compassion for the mortal denizens of the world, Apedemak seeks to circumvent the probable subjugation of Sormun's people to ensure that war and turmoil remain everlasting—and that no potential competitor can stand between he and his rightful station as a higher being in the foreseeable future.

Secondary Objectives: Apedemak has kept a discerning eye trained on the Razaji for the last two-hundred years, but has only recently decided to initiate formal contact with their people. Whispers of their species' deep resentment of the gods and the unforeseen downfall of their primordial empire has presented their landless collective as a deliciously-suitable starting point for the war demigod's seemingly-benevolent plans. Parallel are both the Razaji and Apedemak in a number of ways, most notable of which is the mutual distaste both share for the higher powers native to the celestial realm and the shadowy entities of Darthlukian, while the feline-like visage of Apedemak may act as an approachable face for the Razaji to look upon with trust and hope.

Should they have it, Apedemak wishes to bend the Razaji into a coherent and well-equipped fighting force and humbly offer them a home within the Wounded Deep (which would help to further strengthen and expand his control over it).

Final Objective: Ridding the world of Desolationism and returning to the celestial realm to reclaim his rightful position as the only deity of war. To see this mission met with success, Apedemak must remain patient and diligent, but may also find it necessary to secure himself an 'edge' over the Red Pantheon that may help to nullify their numerical advantage when the deciding confrontation eventually comes to pass.

-Host Size: 1
-Unique Trait #1: A Force of Nature: Raw size and supernatural. It should come as no supruse that Apedemak owns enough hardiness to single-handily assault keeps and strongholds and lay low hosts of
-Unique Trait #2: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)
-Unique Flaw #1 Though a Lone Legend: Extreme distaste and a very poor standing with the
-Unique Flaw #2 (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)


This is the Wounded Deep, the home of Apedemak.

The dark-brown tiles that lay to the east of Darthlukian are the areas where Apedemak preys on grazing, giant megafauna. He is exceptionally territorial, and usually does not suffer foreigners from Somnus or Darthlukian to pass through his dominion unmolested. Apedemak's stalwart resistance to xeno incursions within his realm of activity has consequently resulted in little opportunity for major civilization to grow and prosper.


Apedemak is an avatar of pure calamity forged from a cosmic shard of an obscured and splintered deity of war and aggression; he has selectively adopted the unnerving shell of a towering, anthropomorphic lion-like creature of exaggerated dimensions to operate as his tangible vessel of choice. Aside from a single nose piercing and several rings of gold looped through his left year, Apedemak's appearance is fairly modest.


Because his bestial, looming form is imbued with a perverted mixture of magical corruption from Darthlukian and a vast aggregate of mystical dregs originating from the celestial realm, Apedemak has been bestowed with extramundane physical capabilities and a potent affinity for retarding the manifestation of all forms of magic and the effects of all paranormal abilities within a comparatively wide area. Magical abilities that do manage make contact with his hide or mind are blunted further.

Perhaps unique to Apedemak is his complete inability to be destroyed in mind. If slain on Sormun, his essence remains in a never-ending state of limbo until eventually recalled back to the mortal plane.

-History of the Host (This includes how it was founded and why)


Followers of Desolationism

That bastard pantheon of false-gods? Little mishaps tried to throw me out of the celestial realm when they all finally grew some fangs and tasted true power for the first time. Invaders the lot of them! When that pathetic plot of their's failed miserably, they tried to erase me from existence. But I was a fighter! Still am, too! I knew how to call it even so that I can drag a scuffle out longer. I splintered. Broke my essence up and scattered myself across the World Below to wage a war of retribution from fronts that I damn well knew that those haughty children couldn't bring themselves to personally fight on. They're drunk with power. They'll never give that up. Not even to slaughter the second-biggest thorn in their backside.

-Apedemak on his near-defeat at the hands of the Red Pantheon

Driven by jealously, prejudice and hatred for past wrongdoings, Apedemak absolutely abhors the Red Pantheon and its followers with a raging, inexhaustible ferocity. Over the last two centuries, Apedemak has sought to do significant harm to this particular faith by relentlessly pursing a genocidal crusade against dragons, common people, heroes, and other legendary creatures and mundane beings that are in league with the Primal Gods, but he has only been marginally successful in his deplorable exploits and calculated acts of ultra-violence against the faith in spite of the frighteningly-powerful reserves of might that the Great Lion has at his disposal. For this reason, Apedemak is infamous throughout the world for his actions against their followers and their hallowed sights of worship, and consequently finds himself universally despised by Sormun's devout Desolationists.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Realm name: Konugardr, Guardian Kingdom, Steel Mountains.
Flag/Banner: The Steel Baner

-Capital: Koningsberg
-Government Type: Kingdom under Prussian Constitutionalism
-Currency: Troy Ounce of precious metal (All mint accepted if pure enough)
-Population: 1.8 Million
-Realm Size: 12
-Unique Trait #1: The Gates: The East and West bastion never fell and are by law, the only (Permanent) entrance to Konugardr, anything else demanding at least a distance of 500m of granite for protection.
-Unique Trait #2: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)
-Unique Flaw #1: Too much gold: In comparison to anyone outside the kingdom a soldier receives a king's pay, enough to buy a large manor each year, but next to anyone in the kingdom, it's average at best. You're not rich when everyone's rich.
-Unique Flaw #2 (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)

-World-Realm Map:
-Internal-Realm Map:

Major Cities:
-Koningsberg, the Capital:
-Holimar, the Training Ground:

Major Castles:
-The West Gate
-The East Gate

Buildings of Interest:
-The Acropolis
-The Great Forge
-The Arsenal
-The Vault
-The Express Line

Geographic Features of Interest:

-Majority Race: Dwarf

State Religion:

Holy Relics In Possession:
-The Vision
-The Antesun
-The Deja-vu

Holy Sites Under Control:
-The Heavenly Top
-The Hall of Seers
-The Library of Predictions

Magical Schools and Curriculum:
-The Martelus Academy of Magical Craftsmanship: A private institution financed by the rich workshop owners to form potential mages to economic rather than military or theological activities. While mages formed here have a lesser reputation than others, they are still expert practitioners of the animation of lifeless objects, constructive transmutation as well as Temporal Perception Distortion, allowing them to enormously enhance the construction processes under the mountain.
-The Royal War College: To the magical users in the army that manage to go pass basic training, they are generally steered toward the path of officer training and special commands, the Dwarven military doctrines placing greater importance on communication and battlefield intelligence rather than destructive power for spell casters, a way of maximizing their limited numbers: Artillery can deal with firepower, only a mage can see in the future or use telepathy. They thus are specialized in short term precognitions and clairvoyance as well as telepathy, serving as advisers and communication's officer.
-The Grand Seminary of Koningsberg: Official theological school of Konugardr and also a school specifically for those with magical powers, it once hosted all those with magic in the Steel Mountains but today has become one of the least popular options for those with magical powers, long hours, a code of conduct and shit pay. Still, those who enroll see training in the art of becoming prophets and deciphering the obscure details of esoteric dreamscape visions and in general, are more apt to see in the future on the long term and see the strings of possibilities and time lines.

-Total Military Size 65,000
-Military Details (Unit Types and distribution of numbers)

Head of State/Monarch:
-King Fulrad the Third:

Ruling Dynasty:
-House Turpin-Gereon:

Constable Of The Army:
-Marshall Gunthar Ingelger:

Religious Head:
-Patriarch Fulk the Gray:

-Persons of interest:

-Insert hero characters here

-List of Historical Grievances
-Cultural Notes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YandereNoodle


Member Offline since relaunch

My sheet is done. Woooooooooooo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Congratulations, YandereNoodle (You are accepted and OP edited to show you in the list)
@Everyone: I gave names to the four holy cities, you can see them in the OP under the different religions.

@Flagg: You have essentially got all required information and are accepted, just waiting for you to post in library.
@DAWNSTAR: Your nation is accepted, you may post into the library (Can you you see the dawns early light?... Blue strips and bright stars... Land of the Free and Home of The Brave in Fantasymerica!)
@Flagg: You are in, congratulations and welcome to the RP!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Captain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just maintaining that I'm still alive. It's around that time of year where coursework gets to be a real mean mofo. I'll have some breathing room to knock out the rest of my sheet by the middle of this week.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Missy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey, in our PM you accepted me....or did you change your mind? :,(
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Missy said
Hey, in our PM you accepted me....or did you change your mind? :,(

Do not worry, there is nothing wrong with your sheet, I just have to get around to doing your trait/flaw, which I will be tomorrow (I am extremely tired and have been working all night... Again).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'm really curious as to what the covenants gm traits will be...

Also, ill expand on almas back ground a bit but the biggest amount will be in the ic. Have some super fun ideas about intro posts regarding her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Missy: You are accepted once you put in the GM trait and flaw I gave you and fix up the problem I noted, after that post in the library and you are in.

@Pirapora, Honored Brother and Celeste: Today I will be adding you guys to the map with your claims (I haven't forgotten xD)

@Captain: No problem.
@Everyone: I am mostly waiting for players to encircle the Darkness so there are no empty blocks touching it. If this doesn't happen within 3-5 days, I'll NPC those area's and move towards the IC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

It'd be nice to have a few npcs to begin with.. Mainly to be early examples of how the darkness operates. (my nation wont have magic u2 spy planes so it will still be a surprise to them.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The most updated map is here: I expect those added to continue working on their sheets,

@Everyone Not Yet Accepted: Can I have another progress report on your sheets? Remember to tell me when you are finished or require me to send you your GM trait/flaw.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-double post-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 1 yr ago

I sent you a PM serp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Enalais: You are accepted, congratulations and welcome to the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'm ready for my traits
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grijs
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Who is the brown nation in the Southwest bordering my nation (the yellow(was supposed to be orange) one in the south) and why does he get the wall? I'm pretty sure I claimed the wall before he did. Whoever he is.

--Another note; it will probably take a while before I can post my finished Sheet. Probably in the weekend. My condolences. I just need to speak to Serpentine more but due to our different timezones, we hardly get to speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Serp, Can you check my HS? I done and I came up with Unique Trait and Flaw #2 with Khan.
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