Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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Does that mean were startin soon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swarley
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Hopefully this weekend
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Name: Yoska Petulengro
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unsure, possibly asexual.

Occupation: Handyman at the local book shop. He builds and repairs shelves, sweeps the floors, rebinds old books, and helps run the coffee counter. The irony of it is that the man can't even read.

Apartment Description: I'd actually love if someone was a roomie with him. Probs a female, because men intimidate him too much.

Personality: Skittish and stand-offish to most people, Yoska finds it hard to be comfortable no matter where he is. He avoids confrontation with other people, doesn't communicate well, and is kind of hard to get a reading on. Most people assume he's just not a nice guy. Fortunately, most people are wrong. Yoska isn't mean, he's just very hard to understand. He doesn't open up to a lot of people; his trust is hard to gain. He's painfully shy, has serious confidence issues, and would rather allow people to use him as a doormat than to stand up for himself.

Appearance: When Yoska first showed up on the shop keeper's doorstep, shabby wasn't nearly enough of a word to describe him. The manager came to work one day and there on the stoop huddled a too-skinny, dirty, pale and sickly waif. Needless to say, he's come a long way. Yoska cleaned up well and, with proper nutrition, gained the weight that he needed. He stands at 5'10", 143 pounds, has built up a lean muscle build, has curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin. Yoska is of Romani/European descent. Essentially, he's a mutt.

Other: His native language is Romanian, and he speaks bits and pieces of other European languages. When he talks, he talks with an accent that is sort of hard to place. Having traveled all across Europe while he was growing, he picked up speaking habits from all over the place.
One thing Yoska failed to learn in his travels was how to read. While traveling with his dirt poor family, it never seemed important. And once he lived on the streets, it seemed impossible. Now that learning is completely within his reach, he's too embarrassed about it to ask for help.
He seems to like animals more than he does people. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, you name it. He has a habit of feeding strays, even if he can't afford to feed himself half the time.


Yoska was born to a Romani family that traveled around Europe. They were a very traditional bunch, using horses and wagons (along with cars) to travel from place to place.

When Yoska was 10, his family crossed the border into Romania, where they were arrested and deported due to lack of passports and papers. Yoska, however, was left behind. Separated from his family, Yoska barely got by. He became thin, sick, and was in constant fear of being hurt or robbed. The Romanian people didn't have a very kind view of gypsies.

When he was 15, Yoska was found and taken in by a farmer and his wife, who put him to work to earn food and a place to live. He never earned actual money. Yoska did everything from make home repairs to work in the fields, all the while favoring the barn animals over farmhands. Although his life had improved from begging for money on the street, Yoska still lived in fear. The farmhands weren't too kind to him, often making him do the work that they were supposed to do, calling him a 'filthy, lazy gypsy' all the while. If he ever tried to defend himself, he would be beaten or scared into submission.

At the age of 20, after suffering a concussion at the hands of his fellow workers, Yoska decided that it wasn't worth it to live on the farm anymore. He ran away, as far as his tired legs and bare feet could carry him, until he found himself at the docks of a small town. He used a handful of money that he'd taken from the farm before his departure to pay his way onto a cargo ship that was heading to the United States. It should be mentioned that this was completely illegal, but it was no skin off the dockworkers nose to let the kid ride and, hey, free money.

When Yoska arrived at the New York City docks, he found himself surrounded by massive sky scrapers, bustling streets, and more cars than he could count. It was overwhelming. Yoska wondered many times if he'd made a mistake. He was unable to find work due to his poor social skills, illegal citizenship, illiteracy, goofy accent, filthy appearance, and a whole slew of other reasons. He barely got by from begging on the streets and eating out of trash bins. When he hunkered down on the stoop of a bookshop one night, he had no expectations of being awoken by the shop keeper and offered a job. Yoska isn't dumb; he knows he got this job purely out of pity. But it's money in his pocket, and he was grateful nevertheless. Still, the guy has yet to come out of his shell. He talks more to the bookshop's cat than he does his co-workers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razboinic


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If you'd like my char can room with him. Shes young and doesn't know or have any friends. maybe we can make it so she came into the bookstore one day and found out he didn't have a place to stay and told him the he can live with her. My character is really lonely and would like to have someone around. Up to you :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Name: Marylyn "Mary" Evans 

Age: 22

Gender: Biologically Female, androgynous.  

Sexuality: Gray-Asexual. Meaning rarely experiences sexual attraction. 

Occupation: Works at a video game rental store. It's good work and she gets to rent one free game a week. 

Apartment Description (If Applicable): Mary lives in a small but cozy apartment. It is highly styled and mostly payed for by her boyfriend, despite how much Mary wished he would give her the liberty to pay her own rent. Her boyfriend, however, does not live with her. The apartment itself only has 3 rooms. A bedroom for Mary, a much larger room where her kitchen and living room are located (no walls separating the two areas) and her bathroom. Mary's kitchen also shares a washing machine and dryer. Mary's living room is decked out with the usual stuff. TV, semi-nice couch, Coffee Table, A N64 and a couple of games. The walls are plastered with posters and newspaper clippings.

Personality: Mary doesn’t like to touch or be touched by other people unless it’s initiated by Mary or she is given a warning first, and living in a crowded city has made her a very skittish person. She's gentle and caring, always putting other’s needs before her own. It’s not hard for her to talk to people, but her introverted nature usually puts him in a position to listen rather than speak about herself.

Distrustful and a little jumpy, Mary is usually wary of strangers and tends to keep to herself, answering people with half-truths or awkward and unsure statements. She's friendly enough and won't turn strangers away when approached, but she will be on edge, questioning their reasons inside her head. Despite that, Marry is a sweet young lady, and after the initial wariness wears off, you meet the girl that holds doors open for people and tries his hardest to make her friends happy.

She struggles to find self-worth outside of her relationship with her boyfriend, she feels as if all of her worth comes from her boyfriend and refuses to leave him despite how abusive and manipulative he is towards her. Mary can’t lie very well. His expressions betray all of his thoughts and emotions.

History (Preferred, not required): Most of it will be kept a secret, to be revealed as the characters learn more about her. Basically, Mary was born into a middle class family. Kind and loving but also extremely traditional. They set her up with her current boyfriend, who is also extremely traditional and misogynistic. He is extremely abusive towards Mary, never taking no for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razboinic


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Appearance (Picture preferred, but description is allowed)

Name: Vasily Petrovich (Goes by Ryan Valentin)
Age: Twenty-four
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Occupation: Model / Fashion designer
Apartment Description (If Applicable):

Personality: Vasily and Ryan are very different people. Vasily came to New York looking to become great he was innocent, optimistic, trusting and ignorant about how the world worked. Ryan on the other hand is very different. He has hardened and is now a different person. A person he shaped himself to be to become great at his job. He is quick witted, confidant, attractive and very good at seeing people weak spots. He can be very direct at times and can almost seem cold to people he doesn't have an interest in. He gleams his armor so you wont see Vasily under it, but the people who are close to him see who he truly is.
History (Preferred, not required)
Vasily left home at nineteen to go to NYU where he majored in luxury marketing and minored in buisness, but you have to pay to go to university and Vasily had nothing. To pay he got in with the wrong crowd and got way over his head. He was forced into a lot of things he wanted no part in, but couldn't get out of without forfeiting his schooling. At twenty two he finally had enough and with two degrees under his belt he left mid semester. He ended up here buying the apartment with the last of his funds. Changing his name so no one could track him down Ryan made a decision to never be that vulnerable again. He is now a successful fashion designer who has a few modelling gigs. He could afford a better place, but he refuses to leave this refuge behind. This place accepted him at his worst and he found it comforting, though he'd never admit that to anyone. He prefers to be alone because he finds that keeping up the personality gets tiring very quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Razboinic said
If you'd like my char can room with him. Shes young and doesn't know or have any friends. maybe we can make it so she came into the bookstore one day and found out he didn't have a place to stay and told him the he can live with her. My character is really lonely and would like to have someone around. Up to you :)

I dunno. A 23 year old man, however his disposition, living with a 17 year old looks a little...strange. You know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Metronome said
I dunno. A 23 year old man, however his disposition, living with a 17 year old looks a little...strange. You know?

Just a bit. haha.
Then again, I couldn't afford an apartment when I was 17. Shoot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swarley
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

IC is finally up and all characters who have been posted thus far are accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Maybe Yoska could live at the bookshop for now =P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Is this closed or are you all still accepting?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

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Nothing to see here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Swarley
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MST3K 4ever said
Is this closed or are you all still accepting?

Still accepting, I don't really think this will close unless it gets too unwieldy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

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Swarley said
Still accepting, I don't really think this will close unless it gets too unwieldy.

Fair enough. I will have something up in the next day or so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

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Name: Sam McBride (nicknames “Sammy Mac” or Mac)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Occupation: Bartender and part owner at “The Red Brick” Bar

Apartment Description

Personality: Sam usually has a smile on his face and enjoys a good laugh. Has a sarcastic wit about him, but he doesn’t use it to hurt anyone intentionally. If he hurts anyone he is the first apologize. Doesn’t talk about his family or his past at all, because it’s complicated and a lot of pain. He is very protective of his friends and loves the bar that he works at/owns

History: Sam was the youngest child born and raised in Washington DC to Steven and Robin Carr. Steven was the co-founder of an electronics firm that had numerous Government contracts, so the family never had to worry about where their next meal was coming from. Sadly though Robin died when Steven was only 9 years old. This led to issues with his siblings whom he felt got to know their mother better than him.

Sam’s dad got remarried to a young lady Erin Lane. Who enjoyed the trappings of the comfortable lifestyle and fostered a good relationship with Sam’s brother Jon and sister Mary. Erin viewed Sam as a “necessary evil” and did what she could to distance herself from him. Eventually during the teen years it got the point that Erin turned Jon and Mary against Sam and they became just as money grubbing as Erin, Steven couldn’t stand seeing his family torn apart and arranged it for Sam to go live with his Aunt Kathy and Uncle Peter in New York.

As Sam was attending college he noticed that one of the best things going on around campus was the local bar scene. Sam enjoyed having some drinks and having a good time, but he loved watching other people have fun at the bars. The atmosphere and the interactions were things Sam began to crave. Sam decided then and there that being a bar owner was his calling in life. He took business courses and economic courses to understand how finances worked. Sam was a natural at it, so much so that occasionally Steven asked him for advice.

On graduation day Steven was the only family member who attended Sam’s graduation. Steven had some good news and some bad news. The good news Steven set up Sam with a sizable Swiss bank account, and part ownership in a bar in the East Village called “The Red Brick”. Steven heard through various business contacts that the majority owners were looking for someone to buy in, and Steven knew how much owning a bar would mean to Sam. The bad news was Steven told Sam he was dying from cancer. He told Sam that he changed his will and named Sam executor of his estate. That after his 10% executor’s fee everything else was to be sold not a dime to his step-mom, brother, or sister. After everything was liquidated the money was to be donated to various charities which Sam was to oversee. Steven hated how the love of money tore the family apart, but was grateful that it never really affected Sam.

When Sam saw “The Red Brick Bar” he knew he had come home. Sam didn’t want to be just a guy who owned the bar and watched. Sam wanted to be involved so a bartender named Doug Ryder took him under his wing and taught him how to be a world class bartender. Sam and the other owners get along just fine, but they know that someday Sam will either buy his own place or try to buy them out.

Other: Sam loves sports, running, the music of Bruce Springsteen, and Sci-fi/comic books.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Swarley
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Excellent! Thank you! Will have something up in the next 24 hours.
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