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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eclipse Kornova Age: 150 Powers: Eclipse looks to his deity as the source of his powers. The goddess Iomedae lives in Celestia amid her army of angels, archons, radiant dragons, other more-powerful deities, and a whole menagerie of celestial beings, all good-alligned in some way. Through her, Eclipse can heal himself and others, and cast a number of spells, and even ask for simple divine intervention or miracles. Eclipse has his armor and a magic/blessed/holy sword that can give off light. He has a shield, but can produce a spherical forcefield of energy as well, cast energy waves from his weapon, and things I have yet to come up with. He has feathered wings and can fly. As a paladin, he has disease immunity and NUKES THE HELL out of undead. People tend to automatically trust him and follow him as he has a calming and sympathetic aura. He also has immortality and resistance to death-affects due to being an Aasimar. Although not yet a god himself, he's still very powerful. He cannot resurrect others himself. Looks: Like this, but with white wings. ![Eclipse](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/Wraithblade6/2fecb69c-9d5e-4253-b5d5-b7ea669b8b26_zps3d4c231c.jpg "Eclipse") Bio: Eclipse was born of human parents but he was Aasimar, which he later discovered and grew wings. He's zealous and proud, but also forgiving and merciful. He helped turn back the tides against many waves of undead and demons invading his homeworld, and now he serves as an agent of justice and Iomedae's influence across worlds. From: Pathfinder game - modified. Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RrDk8_pEkbs
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

gender :male
about 5,11
powers:he has cartoon logic (it takes power from his emotions instead of mana)he also is cyborg so he has stuff like missile launchers and can turn his hand into hacking devices like a usb or into a giant prong.has the ability to know when he is being watched.
He has a power core in his chest ,Iron man style,But it is a diemnsional distablizer/stablizer,allowing him to teleport easily in the universe he is in ,But it requires huge amounts of rage to allow him to phase between universes.
Forms:Depending on his level of anger ,he can go into many diffrent power forms(Similar to super Sayien)
Super:His first super form,Extreamly goofy ,and hides his anger as he is about 2X stronger then normal
Mega:His second super form.More screamy and and does not hide anger.About 3X stonger then normal.
Giga/supernova:A calm rage and his final super form ,never hiding and never screming ,about 5X stronger then normal.
(Each one requires extreme amounts of anger and rage)

equipment:gauntlets that are made of cartoonium (a metal extremly strong and can regenerate),
The Crash hammer:

Powered by Teo's emotions ,this prophetic hammer can only be wielded by him or those he allows.It is directly linked to his very being and soul.Completley under his control ,he makes Thor look like a baby as he is able to bend the universe it is in,such as temporaliy stopping time and space for a second ,causing damage to anyone in vicinity of 5 meters,Or opening a portal for Teo.

his goggles(also made of cartoonium),and a power crystal that turns his emotions into power,and his emotions are affected by those around him .and a cape that can turn into a cape made of fire and wings.

(All use his emotions as a power source)

personality:A Classic Pragmatic hero ,he is goofy yet serous at times and few things faze him.

other:has resistance to mind reading/control,is also a mad scientist,has a PHd in cartoon physics,the more soul power he uses,the weaker he gets.His soul cannot be destroyed(not to say he cant die),and if someone devours his soul,the will explode,soul is extremely strong ,like over 900000,and never takes his goggles off.

Theme song:Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Drac Corest Age: OVER 9000! ((1.5 million years.)) Powers: Control of the undead realm "The forsaken realm." This contains such things as minorly being able to bend reality while there, challeling energy from there, being able to teleport there if he gets to hurt to heal, and his senses being able to be increased to extreme levels while there. DBZ style energy projection, with a few special moves. One such being the forsaken cannon, where he channels the power of his realm's inhabitants, launching a huge blast of energy, able to level a small country...but it takes time to recharge, but it takes nothing away from drac's power, which is the main benefit of this. Using his gauntlet he wears on his left hand, can turn any energy into another type of energy. Looks: A tall, thinish man, Drac's body is rather buff. He commonly wears a blue shirt, a pair of black dress pants, a cowboy hat, and his trusty gauntlet but this can, and will, change. Bio: Drac Corest is a mult-million year old entity, half human, half god, but not a true demi-god. At a young age, his fellow gods stripped him of all divine power, after killing his god father (ba-dum-tish.) and imprisoned him within a cage made from his father's godly bones. After escaping, he was banished, throwing into a void, where his fate would be to eternally drift..until, another portal opened, and Drac's multiversal journey began. Now, he's killed god kings, slayed mad men, and saved the multiverse what...two, three times now? Either way, Drac is a rather impressive figure, for both his power, his wisdom, and oddly, his ability to relate with a good deal of people. From: Hell's coffee lounge 1. Theme song: Indestructible- Disturbed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Mia Gorgon Age: 17 Powers: [Black Blood] At birth, Mia was injected with the symbiotic Black Blood. This particular form of Black Blood did not have it's own consciousness, but rather melded with her mind, and she can control it at will. It functions as normal blood, besides that she exerts a telepathic control over it, and that it can harden to a state where it is harder than steel. It also serves as a conductor for her soular powers (see below). Her range of control is approximately 500 meters, but she can sense her Black Blood from across dimensions. [Soular Manipulation] While not an expert at the art, Mia is capable of using her Soul as a weapon. Her soul resonates with the soular energy of her victim, creating a charge that rips at the victim's soul. This has direct ramifications on their body, dealing damage to their internal organs, and affects even beings immune to most physical harm. This act usually requires physical contact, but Mia can transfer her Soular Energy along her Black Blood (see above). Uniquely among users of Soular Power, she draws power from the pain of others, and can resonate with those in agony to increase the power of her Soular attacks. [Witchcraft] Due to her heritage, Mia is capable of basic witchcraft. She specialises in the art of Vector Arrows, which create an image of an arrow on any surface, and then rapidly accelerate any object above the arrow in the arrow's direction. This technique has been known to be used both to repel her enemies and to empower her own attacks, but she prefers to use it to manipulate others. She can also create snake-like apparitions, to act as spies for her, but they're easily destroyed. Appearance: Thin and pale, Mia is relatively short. Her hair is long and black, her eyes a bright green. She always seems to wear make-up, although nobody knows when she finds the time to apply it, or how it survives combat experiences. Her lipstick is bright red, and her nails are painted the same colour. She usually wears a long black dress, but in combat situation has been seen attired in an armour formed from Black Blood, or using a simple black jumpsuit. History: Mia is the daughter of Stein Franken and Medusa Gorgon, the most powerful Meister and one of the most dangerous Witches. She inherited dangerous abilities from both, but grew a malicious, sadistic will of her own. She grew up alongside Stein, after her parents separated, and learned the art of dissection. She became both a sadist and a masochist, worshipping pain in it's purest form, and there is no greater expert on torture in the entirety of the Multiverse. Through tactical manipulation of her enemies, and a reputation as a fate far worse than death, she forged an empirium of agony for herself. As of yet, no heroic figure has managed to defeat her and bring it down, and few even dare try. Theme Song: Disturbed - Down with the Sickness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LeoStevingson


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name:Leo Stevington Age:14. billion or so, I've lost count Powers: Geomancy, shapeshifting, you're normal stuff. I can turn into a wyvern, where I can move slightly faster then a snail. With rocket boots. Going at 100 miles an hour. My shapeshifting powers are also increased, so I can Majora's mask 'dis bitch. I also turn into a duckling when I sneese. And I have a hellivator that I can use to bring me long distances. Or to the fridge, I'm quite lazy. Oh yes, and I also drive a dimension warping bus called the Time Entering Tub of Really Interesting Stuff. Or the tetris. Also, Teo is with me. Looks: 5.7 tall, light brown hair, light blue dragon scale tunic, jeans and shoes occasionally. In wyvern form: 20 meters long, 2 legs at the front near the head, and is light green ![enter image description here](http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/262/7/6/leo_by_teoandleo-d7zpqrh.jpg "enter image title here") equipment:rocket boots,kitty handcannon(a hand cannon that shoots cats),hammerspace sac,and the tetris Theme song: Scatman by scatman John equipment:rocket boots,kitty handcannon(a hand cannon that shoots cats),hammerspace sac,and the tetris Theme song: Scatman by scatman John
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Going with the old Creed from the youtube RP :P Name: Creed Exitium Age: looks 21, true age unknown Powers: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and a Philosopher's Stone at his core. There is a total of 10,000 souls in his stone, and they all speak to him, meaning he is quite possibly insane by this point. He wields a living sword named Clarent, which can produce it's own devastating fire attacks. Looks: Theme song: Fire It Up - TFK Update: Stone Soul Counter: 0. Subject Terminated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Kevin Clive Age: Physical Age: 24 True Age: He's definitely older, though unknown how his body is young. True age only known to himself. Powers: Crash Magic Kevin possesses amazing strength, allowing him to effortlessly beat down the likes of someone of Natsu's (or Creed's) level, with one arm, without even taking a step, very much like his father. In fact, he also learned his father's magic: Crash. Utilizing this, he can increase his already ridiculous strength tremendously, blowing apart anything in his path. The only thing greater than his strength is his durability. He can take blow after blow from some who might be considered seriously powerful with a single arm, and not move an inch. Even such powerful moves as the Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade, one of the strongest moves a Fire Dragon Slayer can learn, only knocked him back a few feet, with no notable injuries after the dust settled. His Magic Power is equal to if not more vast than his father. Looks: Kevin is the spitting image of his father, Gildarts, while being slightly shorter and his hair tending to be more wild and unkempt. He also wears a black trench coat with a torn and shredded tail, and boots, along with a black shirt and black gloves. He can often be found hiding his face behind a white mask, with a sadistic grin plastered onto it, and a scar over the left eye, hiding an actual scar right there. Bio: Born the son of Gildarts, Kevin grew up hating his father for just blowing his mother off, leaving to go do his stupid training or whatever. Kevin never really liked family life. He didn't like just going about, doing anything to just survive, and he hated being weak and bullied. Kevin ran away from home and found Gildarts while walking to and from cites, knowing him by a picture. Angered, the boy ran to Gildarts and began striking him and yelling at him. Gildarts just stood there after his first bout of surprise, and when the boy calm down he apologized, sincerely. Kevin, taken by surprise, said, "one day, I'll be stronger than you, and I'm going to beat the shit out of you!" Gildarts laughed at him and put a hand on his head. "Why don't I help you with that?" from then on he went with Gildarts, learning how to fight and learning the magic Crash, before finding the Fairy Tail guild, and Creed, who he went with on adventures. The adventures he had eventually led him to find his own way to cross through dimensions, and he went his own way. It's not known what his main line of work is, but it is known that half of any amount of money he makes always goes back to his mother. Survive (I Wasn't Built To Lose) - Sick Puppies
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Asura Age: at least 800 Powers: madness wavelength, flight, skin scarf manipulation, shield/barrier creation (With vajra): energy blasts Looks: ![Appearance](http://media.animevice.com/uploads/3/37873/757856-1336891298330.jpg "enter image title here") From: soul eater Now for my "me" character because he/I am/is .........not really that badass.... Name: Kishin Age: Sixteen Powers: None. Fights with two katanas. One red, one blue. Both seem to possess great power Looks: Often wears a cloak. Though at the cloning facility, he wears a simple lab coat Bio: With a cloning facility complete with beyond natural technology, kishin has only one goal in mind. Keep the multiverse safe without causing any unnecessary death From: OC-ish
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: the seer Age: unknown Powers: soul stealers- constructs to which the seer is connected to via the soular stream. These constructs are essentially needles with wings. While one is pretty easy to deal with, in large numbers, they are hell to deal with. Their core function is to suck out and store soular energy. Power enhancement via spiritual imbalance- the seer, being a servant of the soular stream, has the power to derive greater power from spiritual imbalance. The greater the imbalance, the greater the increase in power. While normally subject to whatever dimension the seer is in, he will gain power if the spiritual imbalance affects the multiverse itself. magic- even without a boost in power, the seer is a skilled magic user. Capable of casting powerful spells. His attack magic, despite this, is pretty weak. Though his true skill lies in defensive magic Looks: the seer is essentially a short golem without a face. It wears a ragged black cloak and often carries a wooden staff. Bio: as the number of living beings in the multiverse grew, so did the number of souls in the soular stream. In order to prevent the overlapping and following destruction of both the realm of the living and the realm of the dead, the seer had been created for that exact purpose ((Modified version of a cs I posted in the cs bin a long time ago))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

> Name: Asura > > Age: at least 800 > > Powers: madness wavelength, flight, skin scarf manipulation, shield/barrier creation > > (With vajra): energy blasts > > Looks: ![Appearance](http://media.animevice.com/uploads/3/37873/757856-1336891298330.jpg "enter image title here") > > From: soul eater > > Now for my "me" character because he/I am/is .........not really that badass.... > > Name: Kishin > > Age: Sixteen > > Powers: None. Fights with two katanas. One red, one blue. Both seem to possess great power > > Looks: Often wears a cloak. Though at the cloning facility, he wears a simple lab coat > > Bio: With a cloning facility complete with beyond natural technology, kishin has only one goal in mind. Keep the multiverse safe without causing any unnecessary death > > From: OC-ish The cs for my "me" char looks good, though I was think of tweaking asura's cs. If that's fine with you
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Unholy Blade of Fire; The Coward's Blade; aka Clarent Age: as old as the earth itself. Has many forms when humanoid but only one sword. Powers: As a living sword of fire, Clarent can transform any part of his body into the weaponized form, allowing him to be very versatile in hand-to-hand combat, but he has more experience with traditional swordfighing, using his arm as a blade. This blade clashed on the battlefield with the supposedly unbeatable Excalibur and won a very swift victory. In a humanoid form, he is far more powerful than his blade form, the seals placed there no longer functioning properly, but still printed on him as partial tattoos that only align when he stands or lays straight with his arms to his side. He is far stronger and faster than most, but here he'd be uper-mid teir. He is nigh immortal, but he does have a limit to how much he can take in one sitting before he goes dormant (in sword form), unable to awaken unless claimed by his master or someone of equal or greater strength. Looks:
Theme song: pending
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: the fear Age: unknown Powers: mental rust- the fear's most dangerous ability turns his very prescience into a weapon. Mental rust causes anyone within close proximity of the fear to begin experiencing hallucinations that prey on their fears and regrets. Though the intensity, detail, and resistability of mental rust depend solely on the distance between the affected person. With farther distances being weaker, less detailed, and easier to resist, while being closer results in the opposite effect. Due to this ability, the fear can defeat opponents merely by being near them. Transformation- self-explanatory Looks: the fear has no set form. Choosing to alternate between a large wolf with coal-black fur and eyes like dying flames, an old man wearing several layers of clothing such as cloaks and robes, or a gray dove with a chipped beak theme song: nightmare by avenged sevenfold Bio: to be revealed
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: the underdog Age: unknown Powers: congruent superstar- the underdog's strongest ability. It allows him to create swords of pure psychic energy. Those who are pierced by one of the swords are brought down to his level of strength for as long as the sword remains within their body. This however, requires him to attack someone head-on. Which can result in him getting killed Sh!t strength- true to his name, the underdog is weaker than a normal human being. Being barely capable of lifting a stuffed animal, or taking a simple punch to the face. Due to congruent superstar however, this actually works to his advantage. Most of the time. Looks: the underdog is essentially a frail young man in a white suit Bio: to be revealed ((Edited, and I had to keep the word "superstar" somewhere in the name because reasons.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

-Name- Autem Cor / "Natalie" -Age- ??? / Physically 16 -Powers- Manipulation of the "Heart" Not in the case of a literal heart, but in the case of a 'emotional' heart. This can be described as one's emotional strength. If Natalie were to learn of one's trigger into tapping into their 'heart,' she can attempt to either support it or to use that emotional strength for her own bidding. You could say that she is a person able to forcefully motivate or demotivate people around her if she knew of what triggers contribute to their 'heart.' SWiTCH Not necessarily an ability of hers, but more of a curse. If a traumatic trigger is affected to her own 'heart,' or simply an emotional relapse, Natalie will temporarily lose control of her actions and cause a 'SWiTCH' to occur. This other girl in her place is one that lusts for destruction, despair, death, etc. Not to mention that this trumps her 'heart' manipulation and gifting her with black magic. There are a few ways to deSWiTCH Natalie. The first method is to attempt to find the positive trigger and use that towards her 'heart,' appeasing her from the 'SWiTCH.' The second method is to use a special injection that will render her into a brief period of unconsciousness, and renders her completely powerless. She carries this supply of the 'clockwork' injection with her. The last method, which is probably the most dangerous, is to have her tire herself out, which is a rare occurrence. -Bio-
Natalie would always say that nothing in her life makes sense. Her general routine in her life was this: she woke up in a different place, meet new people, meet even more people, experience a traumatic event, lose control, gain control of herself only to see people dead, give in to despair, fall 'asleep', and then wake up in another place. She doesn't now why it happens so much, but it does. She thinks of it as an eternal punishment for a sin, but tries to convince herself that she wasn't evil. However, she suffers from memory loss, especially when she would get close to finding the solution to her problems, she would forget. She carries a journal to keep track of what she does, but she usually forgets to write into the journal itself. Thus, leaving herself in a cycle of torment for something she can't think of herself doing. -Theme Song- Blood-Stained Switch Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome Kagome --- -Name- Autem Memini / "Madeline" -Age- ??? / Physically 18 -Powers- Manipulation of 'Remembrance' While it sounds like she can manipulate memories and knowledge, which she can do, it isn't as powerful as it seems. In fact, she completely refrains from this ability. All that she's done with this said ability is allow her to remember many things, and sometimes pulling the memories of some for her own benefits.
Access to the 'Seed' A strange substance in her body allows her to do many things that would be considered miracles, but again she refrains from abusing it so it would be a trump card. The times that she refers to this the most is when she travels through different dimensions.
Madeline's existence is mysterious, being a strange observer to many events that occur. -Theme Song- FIRST World's End
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ozzy Corest: The demon son. The soul stealer. Hell's greatest mistake. Ozzy has many names...but is not known well to the members of hcl, even the Corest family has lost contact with him.... Powers: Demonic pact: Ozzy's demon ability, his most powerful is his ability to make a deal. The deal itself is nothing special...it's the reaction with Ozzy, that makes it of note. It allows him to preform feats thought nearly impossible...with the right trade. Normally for a soul, or for a favor later, Ozzy has been known to do many things. Raise the dead, give infinite wealth, immense power....a wild love life. You think of it, for enough, Ozzy can get it for you....but be careful, for Ozzy has... Silver tongue: Ozzy is able to smooth talk. With women, or potential contract takers, Ozzy always gets the better deal. He can get souls from nuns, and make a rich man poor. This also allows him to avoid conflict in most cases...but when he can't... Demonic powers: Ozzy's demonic powers allow him to manipulate hell fire (Dark fire, now gyp-....gonna stop before Disney shows up having a hissy.), bound souls that he steals, and allows him to summon demonic infused weapons, able to harm most things. These are boosted by Ozzy's... Sadist/Masochist: Ozzy enjoys pain...dealing it, and receiving it. The more pain that's around, the stronger he gets. It's lead to him being nearly unstoppable in his own turf.... Personal Hell: Ozzy has his own personal hell he runs...a split off from his former, and is out preforming it rapidly...Reason? He made it a resort.....A place where kind souls are hired, and turned to demons, and evil and sinful souls are tortured, by the formerly kind. This has lead to him raising a army of demons, which answer his beck and call. While there, holy magic ceases to work, and demonic magic is bolstered. Demonic durability: Ozzy is rather tough, able to take punishment akin to a boulder, losing limbs, and organs, with little visible effect on him. Weaknesses: Holy magic: The bane of demons everywhere, holy magic of any kind severely damages Ozzy....Even being on holy ground weakens him quite a bit...... Weakness for women: Ozzy is a sucker for the ladies..meaning one of able trickery could manipulate him....but they should beware because he gets... Easily angered: Ozzy tends to have fits of rage when he looses, and again, can be manipulated during this. Bio: You know him, or most likely, you don't...and he likes it that way......
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

name: Rudan abilities, power, skills, and other mcgovens of bullshitery- bullshitium lined digestive tract: could have put more effort into thinking of some plausible reason and/or way to explain him being able to eat anything but frankly i couldn't be asked so fuck it. this equates to him basically being able to eat anything, mystical, physical or otherwise so long as he can fit it in his razor sharp teeth lined mouth which is actually surprisingly large. digestive symbiosis: should Rudan eat someone or something of incredibly power he will gain roughly 1/10 of it's power permanently however, in order to do this he must also eat it's soul which with things like dark side i can foresee much difficulty achieving that however simply eating the body will increase his physical might/whatever the hell else you can think of being a physical attribute by 1/10 while devouring the soul will increase the mystical might by 1/10 of the original creature's power. mystical arts of choice: fleshomancy, calciomancy (bone manipulation), necromancy, and death magic. there are is a vast and various list of applications of each one of them i could list but just assume that he can bitch slap you so hard each of your layers from skin to skeleton will be displayed side by side before you just sort of slop back together somewhere along that line mcgovens- hurrah! the shit i get to explain how not bullshit it is while you fucks don't beleive me! hungering blade: a long blade with a generic shin bone (could try to remember what the specific name is but fuck it) attatched to an adjustable spinal column ending in a tail bone. the spinal column is adjustable depending on how many spinal disks he's eaten so the base length at the longest upon enter the rp would be about a mile. The reason the sword is called the hungering blade is because rather than cut or crush it devours along the entire spinal column. just think of it like one giant mouth that you can't really see. whatever the blade devours is of course the same as if rudan ate it. necromantic mystical multitool: a rather simple staff made from an over sized shinbone and capped with a skull. it has various uses and abilities but for the most part just acts as a sort of mystical catalyst to help with more delicate spell casting. also: it makes a rather nice walking stick, death scythe, spear, and flaming stick-o-doom. elven attributes- yes he's an elf. deal with it bitches! night elf upbringing: while most would consider a giant, man eating, incredibly venomous spider a monster, night elves keep them as pets, live stock, and mounts cause fuck you silk robes are comfortable as fuck (also helps make sure if the little elves are really sure they want to be a night elf for the rest of their lives) so he's rather hard to scare because he's actually kept one of these as a pet since he was little and he's actually capable of befriending most monstrous beasts like rancors, giant spiders, dracoliches, and various other things that would normally want to eat his face whole sale elven avatar of death: he's basically an elven avatar of their death god. if you try to have a necromancer battle with him you're going to lose... avatar durability: as it says in the title he's rather fucking durable though mostly for comedic effect like jumping off a really tall height in the super man pose just to get to the bottom faster. i say for comedic effect because frankly most of the fuckers in this rp are so powerful that anyone trying to be durable in anyway outside of a large regeneration factor is incredibly boned appearence: weaknesses: he's really hard to piss off although he's also really easy to buy off with good food which is normally the way to go about getting him to stop being pissed at you although, if you piss him off too much then... yeah, you're boned. also, des[ite his power he's actually surprisingly weak to life magic as a good healer can decimate armies of undead (via warcraft logic on that one with death magic healing the dead and life magic healing the living while the two hurt each other)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Prepare for the CS storm. I'm doing this at 2 am for me, so expect a few mistakes. Alert me to them when I am more awake, and I shall correct them. Name: Logar, the god of Apocalypse, emperor of the clone empire, opposer of deamon, denier of fate. Powers: God's call: This ability allows Logar to summon Klonos to aid his armies, no matter where, or when, unless a limiter, or some other power jammer is present. This also allows Logar to summon his imperial fleet, and troops to his location. Master combatant: As the son of a god of war, the ability to wage battle is abundant in Logar, allowing him to fight against foes much larger, and more numerous than himself. This also allows him to direct his troops, meaning their tactical ability is bolstered when he is near. Chaos aura: Logar's presence also increases the strength and destructive power of allies near him, be them his own troops, or those who have sided with him. This also makes enemy attacks weaker, as if those who stood with Logar shared his strength. Flight: Using mystical means, Logar can fly. God's blood: Logar is far more durrible than other, lesser beings. He's able to take punishment comparable to that of the most stalwart and hardy of creatures. As such, He's nearly brushed off attacks that would maim and cripple things such as some other gods. Telekinesis: Logar has basic telekinetic powers, meaning he can throw things around with his mind, or deflect incoming ranged projectiles. Tools: Sword of War: A blade that belonged to his father, the god of war, Logar's sword can regenerate if damaged, and shapeshift to fit the situation. It also is filled with a special war magic, meaning in Logar's hands, it strengthens his Chaos aura, making his allies far more powerful. If this is destroyed, Logar can recreate it given some time. Hate's black heart: The heart of his mother, the goddess of hatred, Logar wields this magical artifact to terrify, and destroy his foes. Able to produce a dark mist able to cloud the sight of his enemies, the mist also consumes the dead, and heals his allies. Undead are also damaged by the mist overtime, as if it was corrosive. Helm of Logar: (Yes, I changed his name for that reference.) The Helm of Logar is Logar's own artifact, created when he slew his sister in combat, and stole her artifact. The helm allows Logar to see invisible creatures, and sense souls, though most kinds of shields and barriers. It also leads to his foes seeing what they most fear approaching them, if they have fear in their hearts. Those with strong wills can see past this farce, but those of weaker minds, and wills, will be forced back, seeing that which they most fear. Emperor's Armor: Armor made from the highest grade bio metal the empire could craft, his armor is able to withstand both normal, and mystical attacks with ease, and repair itself. While it can be broken with enough concentrated fire, it will deflect the odd attack here and there. Army wide communicator: Logar has a wrist mounted communicator, which is made from similar bio-metal like his armor, meaning it can repair itself. This allows Logar to issue his army their commands, and tell his generals where to strike. It also allows for the spreading of critical information. It can be jammed via an extremely powerful radio jammer. Looks: Cross the God Emperor of Mankind with Eliphas the inheritor, and you about got him. Theme song: Duel of fates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: The Fairy Tail Guild

Age: The guild has been around for about 100 years


From: Fairy Tail, shortly after the Grand Magic Games

Theme song: Fairy Tail Main Theme
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: corpse doctor
Age: unknown
Powers: memoery erasure- corpse doctor's greatest advantage is that she's so forgettable that if she were to leave someone's line of sight, they would completely forget about her until the next time she enters their line of sight. This also works on things like cameras.
Edo Tensei- the only kinjutsu corpse doctor knows. Even without the abilty to use magic, this, combined with her ridiculous forgettability, makes her one dangerous mofo
genius intellect- self explanatory
looks: looks to be about 27, patchwork skin, maybe a blouse, skirt, and bloodstained lab coat.
weaknesses: corpse doctor, despite being dangerous, is a total coward, and often has others fight on her behalf, or uses them as cannon fodder instead
bio: to be revealed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name :Melody

Species :sentient Topaz energy crystal


Appearnce :

Powers : energy generation and manipulation :she can create energy and manipulate them.

Tetris control :she can fully control the tetrist because she is the pier source

Shapshifting:she can shapeshifter her matter into different formas at will.

Bio:After Teo saved her from an evil mad scientist ,She offered to teach toe how to make power crystals and power his gadgets ,including the Tetris ,whih she resides in.
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