Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 5 days ago

Now I know I am quite late to the scene, but if at some point room appears, I would love to be scooted on in. (I hope its okay if I post a CS right here even though the roster might already be full) Without further ado:
(Thanks to HylianRose for their awesome suggestion!) Name: Ferghus Gilroy Age: 24 (A Bit late to college) Gender: Male Personality: Ferghus is a man who, on the outside, appears to be rather gruff, however anyone who gets to know the guy will soon find out that he is about as gentle as a butterfly. Soft spoken and kindhearted are two defining traits that mister Gilroy prides himself on, although, he has a problem keeping his true feelings about anything in particular to himself. He finds it quite difficult to be secretive and likes to face the consequences of his action head on. Background: Ferghus is an Irishman who spent the majority of his life performing in his family's traveling circus. From the very day he could walk and talk his father began training the boy to be a great strongman like himself. Ferghus was able to see all sorts of people across his life and due to such he developed a rather detached worldview and morality. Sure, times were fine for him and his family, but Ferghus was never schooled resulting in him being unfortunately uneducated, this frustrated him to no end, there were so many things that he could not understand. Beginning in his teenaged years Ferghus bought as many books as he could, studying things such as simple mathematics to skimming over sciences. And though it took the poor boy nine tries he finally passed the test in order to get a General Educations Diploma. But this was only his first step. Ferghus hoarded the money earned from the days and nights spent performing and put it towards a fund for college. Traveling to a mediocre college that his money could buy in to Ferghus knew that the road would be harsh and unforgiving. Always with a curiosity for knowledge and the arts, the strongman majored in English literature, in hopes that he would one day be able to write stories as eloquently as the greats before his time. Unfortunately, the boy was unable to do much research on what life would be like during college, money was short and it might have been all over quick, if he hadn't gotten word that there was some sort of opportunity for him. Some scientist named Rohrbach or something, he had no where else to turn to. Ferghus plunged himself into a future that would almost certainly be fraught with hardships. The purple pill was swallowed without a second thought. Chosen Pill Color: Purple pill Other: Ferghus has a tiny bit of skill in forms of brawling due to his days as a young circus strongman, although he is more a mountain of thought and reflection than a burly tough guy. And I believe we can add a couple of powers to the pool so I'll go ahead and say: Enhanced toughness (You can really take a punch) Heightened Olfactories (Super smell and taste, almost completely useless except for hyper creative people.) Gravity Manipulation (Might be overpowered so you could easily disregard it, ability to manipulate gravitons or other types of gravitational interaction, perhaps only on one's self?) Of course this is only if there is room or anything like that, thank you for your time!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If I don't get all the CS in by this afternoon, I will extend the start date to later in the week to accommodate those that like to spend more time on a well thought out character.
That would be me! (I really just suck at making CSs quickly) I just got home, and will start work on my CS shortly.
2. Botany Manipulation (plant powers)
Dynamo Frokane
Yay Arborkinesis! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I realized today that if 10 people make three powers each, that means that twenty powers are going unused. Will those be coming into play later?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I realized today that if 10 people make three powers each, that means that twenty powers are going unused. Will those be coming into play later?
They could. Like, the professor might let someone take more than one pill eventually. Or someone, bad someone, takes the pills from the professor and uses them to make a band of villains to fight us. -shrugs- I'm going to eat, send emails, and read my books for class and then I'll be on to address everyone completely. I'm not ignoring you, I promise! I will reply to everyone one way or another later today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Appearance (TBD by power given) Name: Milo Cash Age: 21 Gender: male Personality: Milo is very out there, partially due to you can't be a stoner or drinker without enjoying life. He is always trying to make someone else happy even sacrificing for others. He's always loyal and loves friend as family and he always wants to expand that family. Background: Milo wasn't raised in a bad home, or any traumatic experience besides maybe a little bit of bullying which got him to become protective. The other little but may have been relationship issues, which caused him to start his stoner habits. These experiences though minor also put Milo in a boat of depression and dark times, but growing up he developed how to always be happy and at peace. Now that he's in college he's still trying to help out everyone, but still can't find a girlfriend a life goal. Chosen Pill Color: pink (it looked colorful) Other: likes knives, and enjoys playing guitar, also occasionally writes songs
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Darrien Michael Bernard Age:18 Gender: Male Personality: Darrien is an introverted Computer Science/Library Science dual major Philosophy Minor who does an excellent job of impersonating an Extrovert. He is friendly and tries to be open to everyone even though he has profound trust issues Background: Darrien enrolled in College out of High School on a combination of scholarships and pre-paid funding programs. Darrien didn't need the money to pay for his school, but Darrien could always use extra money to fund his love of watching movies, so he signed up to have more free spending money. Chosen Pill Color: Red Powers (Add to Pool) Adaptive Replication: The user can replicate any power or traits of any person or thing to physically gain powers, skills and strength to adapt to whatever situation they might face. Once the situation is resolved he loses the power,skill, trait, or strength Infrared Perception: The user has the ability to perceive the Infrared Spectrum as a 6th sense Supernatural Athleticism:Users possess glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally athletic skills over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; they are obviously superior in speed, explosiveness, power, quickness, and other various athletic abilities than normal members of their species Other:
Needs an image, brah. Also, for the powers... The first I like, the second is... sort of... eh? I guess if someone would be willing to RP it. But honestly, I wouldn't want to get it as a power and the last one is too broad.
Name: Heather Wilson Age: 21 Gender: Female
Personality: Heather is very competitive, going to great lengths to win anything she has set her sights on. The only place she is not as competitive is her actual school work. When it comes to other matters, Heather is very focus and is not afraid to be harsh to get what she wants. She is also very outgoing, confident, and loves to laugh, even if it is sometimes at the expense of others. It should also be noted that Heather’s temper is very short and explosive. She is not afraid to snap on something if they set her off, unfortunately this means that she tends to say or do things she may regret later. Background: Since Heather could walk, her parents expected the world out of her. She was captain of the t-ball team, sold the most Girl Scout cookies three years in a row, played softball and volleyball in middle school, and was enrolled in all the honor classes. It looked like the perfect family, but not so much. Her parents fought and Heather always felt her accomplishments were the only thing that kept her parents happy. In highschool her parents finally had enough of each other and split. Without the pressure of her parents’ divorce looming over, Heather decided to rebel instead of obeying. Heather failed out of the honors classes (She cheated anyway) Dropped from almost all her clubs and found that partying with the rich kids was more her style. The only activity Heather remained enrolled in was track, because running was the only thing that made sense. Good thing she kept with track too, because it turned out she was good enough for a scholarship. Heather majored in health and physical fitness with the aspiration to become a personal trainer while running college track, and at first things went well. But Heather started partying again and things began to spiral. Her grades dropped too low, she was placed on probation from sports, and her scholarship was lost. Luckily, she scrapped together enough money from her parents and student loans to remain for another semester. Now she is trying to raise her grades to reapply for her scholarship and trying to live without track for a semester. Maybe this new program will help her take her mind off things and the extra money couldn’t hurt. :Chosen Pill Color: Red Likes: Running is the first thing that comes to mind. After that, Heather likes red bulls, apples and anything apple flavor, early mornings, the occasional joint, and a good college party. Dislikes: seafood, cats, and people who can’t fucking drive.
She and Penelope with either hate or love each other. Lul. She's accepted you may move her over. I'll add the powers to the list here in a quick sec.
Name:Nicholas Isaacs Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Nick is brash, hotheaded, obnoxious, and loud. His edgy good looks have also get him the attention of a lot of girls in his enviroment, which has made him incredibly vain and arrogant. Background: Nick isnt really a gang member, he's done his fair share of pretty crime and has a few like minded young men in his social circle who cause trouble , and he's fairly handy with a knife or two, but hes not in a gang, he's just a surly young outcast who refuses to grow up. He attended College as a last attempt reform scheme, because of his knowledge of the Electric guitar he naturally chose to study music, in a practical sense, he is doing well in college, but in terms of everything else....its yet to been seen Chosen Pill Color: Dark Blue Other: Likes: Girls, Guitars, Cool Knives, BMX, Underground Hip Hop, Snowboarding, Petty Crime, First Person Shooters, Nachos, Freedom. Dislikes:Real guns, Education, Pasta, Church, Soft Rock, Credit Cards, Anime, Cops.
Dynamo Frokane
Interesting. He is accepted. :) For your powers, I'll add them here in a sec. :3
Now I know I am quite late to the scene, but if at some point room appears, I would love to be scooted on in. (I hope its okay if I post a CS right here even though the roster might already be full) Without further ado: (Think quite a bit leaner, less muscular, younger, you get the idea. Just the best image I could find to convey his appearance, Oh and I wanted to say that I am new here and hope I'm not doing terribly by using this as the best picture I could find.) Name: Ferghus Gilroy Age: 24 (A Bit late to college) Gender: Male Personality: Ferghus is a man who, on the outside, appears to be rather gruff, however anyone who gets to know the guy will soon find out that he is about as gentle as a butterfly. Soft spoken and kindhearted are two defining traits that mister Gilroy prides himself on, although, he has a problem keeping his true feelings about anything in particular to himself. He finds it quite difficult to be secretive and likes to face the consequences of his action head on. Background: Ferghus is an Irishman who spent the majority of his life performing in his family's traveling circus. From the very day he could walk and talk his father began training the boy to be a great strongman like himself. Ferghus was able to see all sorts of people across his life and due to such he developed a rather detached worldview and morality. Sure, times were fine for him and his family, but Ferghus was never schooled resulting in him being unfortunately uneducated, this frustrated him to no end, there were so many things that he could not understand. Beginning in his teenaged years Ferghus bought as many books as he could, studying things such as simple mathematics to skimming over sciences. And though it took the poor boy nine tries he finally passed the test in order to get a General Educations Diploma. But this was only his first step. Ferghus hoarded the money earned from the days and nights spent performing and put it towards a fund for college. Traveling to a mediocre college that his money could buy in to Ferghus knew that the road would be harsh and unforgiving. Always with a curiosity for knowledge and the arts, the strongman majored in English literature, in hopes that he would one day be able to write stories as eloquently as the greats before his time. Unfortunately, the boy was unable to do much research on what life would be like during college, money was short and it might have been all over quick, if he hadn't gotten word that there was some sort of opportunity for him. Some scientist named Rohrbach or something, he had no where else to turn to. Ferghus plunged himself into a future that would almost certainly be fraught with hardships. The purple pill was swallowed without a second thought. Chosen Pill Color: Purple pill Other: Ferghus has a tiny bit of skill in forms of brawling due to his days as a young circus strongman, although he is more a mountain of thought and reflection than a burly tough guy. And I believe we can add a couple of powers to the pool so I'll go ahead and say: Enhanced toughness (You can really take a punch) Heightened Olfactories (Super smell and taste, almost completely useless except for hyper creative people.) Gravity Manipulation (Might be overpowered so you could easily disregard it, ability to manipulate gravitons or other types of gravitational interaction, perhaps only on one's self?) Of course this is only if there is room or anything like that, thank you for your time!
Though we are full with the two others that just joined, I will consider allowing you in as an 11th member considering I rather like this character. :) (Though his pictures doesn't really fit the RP but I may be able to help with that.) As for the powers, I'd call the first one, "Enhanced Constitution" and the other two are fine. I'm fine with Gravity Manipulation so long as it is controlled and limited.
Appearance (TBD by power given) Name: Milo Cash Age: 21 Gender: male Personality: Milo is very out there, partially due to you can't be a stoner or drinker without enjoying life. He is always trying to make someone else happy even sacrificing for others. He's always loyal and loves friend as family and he always wants to expand that family. Background: Milo wasn't raised in a bad home, or any traumatic experience besides maybe a little bit of bullying which got him to become protective. The other little but may have been relationship issues, which caused him to start his stoner habits. These experiences though minor also put Milo in a boat of depression and dark times, but growing up he developed how to always be happy and at peace. Now that he's in college he's still trying to help out everyone, but still can't find a girlfriend a life goal. Chosen Pill Color: pink (it looked colorful) Other: likes knives, and enjoys playing guitar, also occasionally writes songs
I'm going to have to say no. We're full as is, so I apologize. Thanks for your interest, however. (: Edit: And now, I wanted to let you all know that I just realized I have an assignment due tomorrow and I'll need to work on it. If I have time to get on afterwards, I will. But I just thought I'd let you know that we might not start tonight. Also, I'll will be closing the RP up for new people as of now, regardless of the nicety of their CS. If any of those that are on this list decide to drop out for any reason, I will open them back up. The List: Players 1. Myself 2. DP 3. Chuks 4. Buried 5. Xaynce 6. Madame 7. Hanged 8. Bleu 9. Karasoth 10. Dynamo 11. Unraveller
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xaynce


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wooh, full house. Can't wait for this to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 5 days ago

Thank you very much for finding the space for just one more, and about the picture, I couldn't really find what I was looking for by way of appearance, and I'm not too gifted in the artistic sense. So I went with what I could find. Sorry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

C'est la vie, hope y'all enjoy the RP
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Thank you very much for finding the space for just one more, and about the picture, I couldn't really find what I was looking for by way of appearance, and I'm not too gifted in the artistic sense. So I went with what I could find. Sorry.
I'll attempt to help by finding what I can. The only thing that bothers me, really, is how old he looks. And again, I'm not going to turn you away for a picture, that's not cool. But I will see if I can't help you find one that is more suitable to your thoughts as well as the RP itself.
If you don't like any of them, feel free to keep your original image. These are only suggestions. ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KARASOTH


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Darrien Michael Bernard Age:18 Gender: Male Personality: Darrien is an introverted Computer Science/Library Science dual major Philosophy Minor who does an excellent job of impersonating an Extrovert. He is friendly and tries to be open to everyone even though he has profound trust issues Background: Darrien enrolled in College out of High School on a combination of scholarships and pre-paid funding programs. Darrien didn't need the money to pay for his school, but Darrien could always use extra money to fund his love of watching movies, so he signed up to have more free spending money. Chosen Pill Color: Red Powers (Add to Pool) Adaptive Replication: The user can replicate any power or traits of any person or thing to physically gain powers, skills and strength to adapt to whatever situation they might face. Once the situation is resolved he loses the power,skill, trait, or strength Plasma Generation: The power to generate plasma. A sub-power of Plasma Manipulation, variation of Elemental Generation. Plasma ManipulationThe ability to manipulate highly ionized gas. A sub-power of Matter State Manipulation, variation of Energy Manipulation and Matter Manipulation. Combination of Gas Manipulation and Ionization. Other:
Needs an image, brah. Also, for the powers... The first I like, the second is... sort of... eh? I guess if someone would be willing to RP it. But honestly, I wouldn't want to get it as a power and the last one is too broad.
How about these alternate two powers and I am trying to find a image for the character
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm just going to say, It would be really lame to get someone else's sub power as your main power...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm just going to say, It would be really lame to get someone else's sub power as your main power...
^ I have to agree with Chuks here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xaynce


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maybe we should try to contribute at least semi-cool powers. xD That way, either way it goes, people'll be happy. I am, myself, currently cutting off a rabbit's foot so that I can get lucky and get Darkness Manipoolation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You should leave it on the rabbit, then you have four of them, plus a rabbit's tail, two rabbit's ears and a rabbit's face. that's like, ten times the luck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 5 days ago

Thank you very much for finding the space for just one more, and about the picture, I couldn't really find what I was looking for by way of appearance, and I'm not too gifted in the artistic sense. So I went with what I could find. Sorry.
I'll attempt to help by finding what I can. The only thing that bothers me, really, is how old he looks. And again, I'm not going to turn you away for a picture, that's not cool. But I will see if I can't help you find one that is more suitable to your thoughts as well as the RP itself.
If you don't like any of them, feel free to keep your original image. These are only suggestions. ^-^
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! This one is really excellent.
I'm bad at finding these kinds of things, so once again thank you!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

How about these alternate two powers and I am trying to find a image for the character
Also, you need to change your pill color. Madame claimed it first. :P (I apologize if it feels like I'm ragging on you... I don't mean it to sound mean if it ever is. So... uh... don't take it that way. :D)
Maybe we should try to contribute at least semi-cool powers. xD That way, either way it goes, people'll be happy. I am, myself, currently cutting off a rabbit's foot so that I can get lucky and get Darkness Manipoolation.
I'm going to save my contributions for last and if some things don't get added, I'll sort of... supply the pool with things. That way we get a good pool of powers to be randomly chosen. :D Powers Roulette. (My boyfriend said I should my one of my contributions "AVERAGE JOE: Placebo affect. This guy THINKS he has super powers, but he really doesn't and usually ends up hurting himself one way or another." I shot it down. Lul. Still made me giggle though.)
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! This one is really excellent.
I'm bad at finding these kinds of things, so once again thank you!
Lol, you're welcome. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KARASOTH


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

How about these alternate two powers and I am trying to find a image for the character
Also, you need to change your pill color. Madame claimed it first. :P (I apologize if it feels like I'm ragging on you... I don't mean it to sound mean if it ever is. So... uh... don't take it that way. :D)
No prob I get its a thing Ummm Indigo, does that work for a pill? (also if you look back to the post where I revised my powers I posted an image)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xaynce


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Heh, Average Joe: Placebo Affect. I admit; had me chuckling, lol. Also, since I'm in love with the pictures you've picked, I am hereby changing my pic from the previous one to this one:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

No prob I get its a thing Ummm Indigo, does that work for a pill? (also if you look back to the post where I revised my powers I posted an image)
If I'm correct in my knowledge of colors, Purple and Indigo are very close. If you need examples of colors not taken, Green/Lime Green/Forest Green Sky Blue Brown ( I believe this hasn't been taken... ) Peach/Coral/Pink Cyan Dark Red/Maroon Etc... o-o;
Heh, Average Joe: Placebo Affect. I admit; had me chuckling, lol. Also, since I'm in love with the pictures you've picked, I am hereby changing my pic from the previous one to this one:
xD If you guys ever need pictures, I'm more than happy to spend time searching for one for you. I enjoy it, so don't be afraid to ask.
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