Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 33 min ago

**Appling | Circus of Wonders, North Side** Yahtzee was immediately uncertain. *"I doubt there will be anything around here."* He said. *"I mean the circus always only transports the necessary props. Clothes just sort of got bought and sold as we went."* “Perhaps you’re right.” Cora folded her arms briefly, looking down in thought. “Perhaps… We won't know unless we look. I mean, that looks promising.” She said, gesturing to a couple bins outside a smaller tent to their left. The bins, upon closer examination were filled with washed, well-used garments. Probably on their second hand-me-down. The bins seemed to be waiting to be emptied at the communal garbage disposal, to Cora’s evident delight. She lifted the lid off one, going through old dresses and fake jewelry. From the delicate smile fixed to her lips, Cora’s enthusiasm was hard to miss. The Ringleader joined them unannounced, almost surprising Cora. She stopped rifling around in the bin long enough to hear him mention Will, but not before she found a new outfit. [She draped the garments across her arm, satisfied.](http://imgtest.meiliworks.com/pic/_o/48/f6/dba8c2a324b9fb24ed43f1f1c68d_480_600.jpeg) She’d go change after the leader of the circus spoke. The Ringleader smiled. *"The last time I saw him he seemed to be quite distressed. A girl approached him, they talked and he followed. Down there.”* Cora’s heart skipped a beat. *Shit…* She looked guiltily down at the bin, regretting the moment she let Will wander from the tent. She should have spoken up, made him stay. Ugh, how frustrating... Despite herself, Cora felt pressed to jog down the dim alley, coming across a few circus performers who refused to meet her wide eyes. They quickly dispersed as she approached, and would have disappeared completely had she not pinned one by placing a hand on the wall in front of him. Her grace was almost disarming. “Hey. How’s it going, jack?” She said, humor somehow woven into the cold, pissed off look in her eyes. “Do you know what happened to my friend in a fedora...?” She asked, pale eyes glinting. **Appling | Main Circus Tent’s Entrance** A thin lady with a psychic’s head wrap exited the circus tent, quickly moving past Phil before stopping. She slowly turned, almost sniffing the air for a scent. Her eyes latched on Phil’s and she marched back. “You, sir. You’ve caught Madame La Faire’s eye.” She firmly grasped the elemental’s hand with bony fingers, red-painted nails tracing the palm lines. “Virgo, serious-natured, doesn’t do well in crowds… Hmmm.” Her gaze snapped up. “Mr. Ripley, I see… Darkness. Your childhood was filled with darkness. Someone you loved… Your parents? They were in cramped spaces, treading where muffled voices echoed off crumbling walls. I feel a malicious intent, something’s lacking. A scarcity, yes.” She focused intently on him, pulling his hand closer. “They were removed, weren’t they… Because of a dwindling amount of resources…” The psychic merely sighed, examining the creases of Phil’s hand again. “It’s more common of a story that one would care to imagine, I’m afraid.” She said, quietly tutting. “There isn’t much else I can read except-- ...Oop! What’s this?” She stared intently at his hands before drawing a solemn gaze to his eyes. “There’s… such tragedy. A broken heart. Years of silence and uncertainty. Yet… a hope. A strange, fuzzy feeling of hope. A chance to do something great, or vile. The path ahead is dark...” She furrowed her brows, as if trying to piece together what it all meant. It was several uncomfortable moments before she came back from her thoughts, a cheeky grin flashing across her round face. “That’ll be five copper pieces, please.~”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

"Gack!" The performer exclaimed as a young women grabbed him. "Hey how's it going jack?" She asked. "Uh, well, err, it's Craig actua-" The nervous man began to speak before she asked for her friend, a man in a fedora. *Tell her the truth, her friend is doomed!* But that will ruin the master's plans! *His plans are in motion.* We don't want to ruin it for the lifers, do we? *Then make up something, quick! Lie!* A lie? *Like a dog!* "Oh, uhh, your friend? Fedora? Came down here for a smoke. He seemed distressed, yes, he showed us his influence over water, yes. We asked the ringleader, he would be in the final act!" The performer explained. Yes, she should believe it. "Your friend wanted to practice alone for now. Please, come join him in the final act? You all came in together. Must have something special, yes? Big Finale? What do you say hmm?" The stranger offered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil was taken completely by surprise from a thin old lady who proclaimed herself as "Madame La Faire". That feeling of discomfort as she uninvitingly touched his hand was quickly replaced by amazement as the lady quickly named Phil, identified his dislike for crowds... and then reminded him of his parent's fate. Phil remembered his younger years being split between mourning them, trying to get money for food and starving because he couldn't get enough money. He couldn't remember much about his parents, except that his mother had silky and amazing silvery hair that used to always create it's own Presence... Even as it was soaked crimson... Phil pulled himself back out of his anti-social state and continued to listen to Madame la Faire, who seemed more focused on his palm than anything else. “There’s… such tragedy. A broken heart. Years of silence and uncertainty. Yet… a hope. A strange, fuzzy feeling of hope. A chance to do something great, or vile. The path ahead is dark...” She muttered as her Brow Furrowed. After an awkward pause, She met Phil's gaze and smiled, almost like a small girl who just got away with something and said, almost mockingly, "That'll be 5 copper pieces, Please." Phil sighed lightly as he started turning out his pockets. Firstly, he turned out a right pocket which had only an old chocolate rapper. Phil then went to turn out the left pocket but, as his half eaten Military ration nearly fell out his pocket, he haphazardly stuffed the contents of his pocket back into his pocket. After checking his back pocket, he found 7 copper pieces. He then handed Madame la Faire the requested 5 copper pieces and put the last 2 into his right pocket. "For a job well done, Madame la Faire." He then took a moment to think about what he was doing before getting side tracked. "Umm... by the way Madame la Faire, have you seen either a pissed off man wearing a fedora, or maybe some of the other... new circus members strolling around here?" he said in a desperate attempt to be reunited with his group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 33 min ago

Atlantis | Director’s Laboratory Vrial smiled mockingly, crooning in a metallic voice. “You misunderstand me, youngling. I’ve no intention to kill you. That would be too simple. Not befitting of my grande part, you see. No, I’ve got something far more… satisfying in mind.” Will seemed to understand his situation. "You're... Vrail..." The ocean blue of the Hygron’s eyes were wide, frozen in dread. The alien curled a contemptuous smirk. He stood at full height, gripping his suit coat with snowy hands. “Ahh…” His sharp teeth flashed wickedly. “So you begin to know your place, my little Lifer. Now you may be useful.” The Director pulled out a small cassette-thing from the folds of his inner coat, clicking one of the buttons. The hanging ray machine behind him lit up, metallic parts whirring in their compartments as the spear-shaped apparatus powered up. “I have great plans for you. With such an Elemental under my control, I will wipe out the final shred of humanity’s resistance. Appling will be mine, and I will swallow Kyra’s soul.” He paused, dark shiny eyes glowing with hunger. “And you, Hygron. You will have the great honour of offering your Goddess to the King of the Void. And maybe…” Vrail softened his gaze, just slightly. He crooned his next temptation. “Perhaps in return... I will spare this solar system from emptiness.” The ray machine beeped, signalling it was ready to begin. ~~~ Appling | Plaza Alley The performer spoke smoothly. "Your friend wanted to practice alone for now. Please, come join him in the final act? You all came in together. Must have something special, yes? Big Finale? What do you say hmm?" Cora searched Craig’s gaze, narrowing her pale eyes. She had no idea if he was lying or not, even with her keen observational skills. There was something off about him, she couldn’t quite place it. But he didn’t give her enough evidence to justify pressing the matter further. Maybe Will really was just wandering about the circus, like she originally thought. He’s okay, we’ll meet up with him later. She thought assuredly. It was then Yahtzee joined her, just as all performers but Craig had slunk back into the woodwork of the circus. Cora flashed the Fire-tamer a grateful glance, removing her hand from the wall. She quickly explained the situation, letting Yahtzee know Will was still no where to be seen. Her tone was mildly sardonic as she gestured to the performer. “Mister Craig here claims Will’s practicing for the Finale, and wants us all in the acts.” She pressed her lips into a fine line, turning her full attention to Craig. “I feel something’s off, but I will believe you. We are guests here, and it would be… Hm, rude of us to not go along such a generous offer.” She grimaced, deciding to trust a fellow preformer. “Wha do we need to do?” ~~~ Circus of Wonders | Main Tent (Outside) The psychic eagerly accepted the five copper pieces, hiding them away within the folds of her dress. It was easy to notice her stare fall on the remaining two pieces Phil tucked away. But she remained silent, smiling ever-so knowingly at the Elemental. He seemed to pause. "Umm... by the way Madame la Faire, have you seen either a pissed off man wearing a fedora, or maybe some of the other... new circus members strolling around here?" She breathed in slowly, closing her eyes. “Aahhhmmm…” She snapped awake. As she looked expectantly at the crowds to their right, her other hand extended to the Hygron. She winked, beckoning to his last two coins with her fingers. On cue, Cora, Yahtzee and Craig appeared from the hordes of people moving among the spectacles. Both Hygrons had unreadable expressions, unaware of the Madame’s prediction. Cora’s eyes were distant, withdrawn. But the firm line of her jaw hid whatever insecurities she felt. As they neared, Cora gave a quick nod to the Madame before addressing Phil. “I’m glad you’re here. We’ve been invited to be part of the Circus’ Finale, if you want in we need to be at the Dressing Room. Have to find the right outfit for you first.” She said, gesturing for him to follow. “But we gotta hurry, m’kay?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Yahtzee's frown grew increasingly worried at Cora's explanation about Craig. The circus was big and Yahtzee could recognize faces well enough but he still didn't know everyone personally. Craig looked barely familiar and he just couldn't tell if it was from the circus or from somewhere else that he had seen him. Shrugging his worry aside though he convinced himself that all the answers would be within reach soon enough. If Wil was in the finale then joining up would be the best way to go about finding him however if he wasn't then they would at least be close enough by to beat whatever answers they needed out of Craig. Besides, the circus was always fun. A loud bell began to clang from somewhere in the midst of the tent signalling the arrival of trickles of people and that the soon the show would need to begin. Several veteran performers set about gathering everyone, including the hygorns, to an area behind the tent itself. Standing in front of everyone was the Ringleader who gave everyone a nod and a wink before vanishing into the tent. From inside there came the collective murmurs of large amounts of people as trickles became floods and the tent rapidly filled up with a lively crowd. Yahtzee found his friends and smiled at them in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. "Don't worry about a thing. The circus is it's own country in a way so it's not like there will be any guards. Not ones on duty anyway. All we need to do is put on a show." His smile grew more confident and relaxed. "We should manage that. I mean what with our... you know. Just..." He tried to find words. "Don't hold back. This circus is all about over the top so if you hold back people will notice. It will be out of place. Nothing is unbelievable here. Not even us." A though suddenly hit Yahtzee and his eyes widened in realization. "Oooh oh oh oh!" He stumbled over his words. "We need costumes and stuff. Come on. The changing rooms aren't far." While it was true that the small tent filled with clothing and props for the acts was indeed not far away it took a good few minutes to get there. It was a powder blue tent that was probably large enough to hold six or seven people. Around it were five smaller green tents for performers to get changed in. Yahtzee opened the flap and hurriedly moved to where he knew his clothing used to be stored. He knew that chances were good they had been thrown out but no, there they were. Folded neatly in a pile on top of large tog bag. His tog bag. "Wow..." His eyes widened in realization and he spun around in time to see a familiar silhouette fade away. Thank you. Sir. He said in his head as he took up his stuff and headed into one of the change rooms. Several minutes passed before Yahtzee emerged in Fire Tamer clothing. The design differed slightly from circus to circus but this was a radical change. Most of the time it was something coarse and heavy duty that could withstand a few accidental brushes with fire but this wasn't a circus for people who made accidents. Even before discovering his powers Yahtzee never made mistakes despite the obvious risks he took. So this suite was not designed to tolerate any slip-ups and he knew it. It was a black suite with a red tie and no jacket. Just black pants, long-sleeved shirt and red tie in stark contrast. Instead of something resistant to fire it was something silky and glossy. It was flashy and Yahtzee loved it. Time flew by. None of the performers could see the acts of their fellows but they could here the resounding applause as each group headed onto the stage following a short announcement from the Ringleader. During the time that passed Yahtzee busied himself digging through his tog bag. Many of the things were familiar. Flammable ropes and oils as well as several sheets of fabric that was designed to burn intensely and brightly for only a moment before being reduced completely to ash. What was far more interesting however was the box in one corner of the bag that contained several small bottles filled with chemicals that would alter the colour of flames to extreme degrees. Yahtzee made sure those were near the top before slinging the bag over his shoulder and getting ready to enter for there act. As time drew on his stomach twisted in anticipation. There was still no sign of Wil and he was really starting to worry. In fact it was getting to the point that he would have done something drastic but before he could the flap was held open and all of them were unceremoniously ushered inside. They stood at the edge of the huge sand pit they had seen earlier. The pews were lined with hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Standing on a grand wooden podium in the center was the Ringleader. "Ladies and Gentlemen our final act will be so spectacular and astounding that it will leave all of you speechless. I dare say there will not even be applause after this such is the magnitude of it's astounding beauty and innovation. These people that you see before have been rumoured to be the embodiment of both the beauty and destructiveness of nature itself. Other rumours say that they are merely experiments gone wrong. Or escaped. Nobody knows from where they hailed from but we do know this: What you see here may change everything that you believe. Introducing for the first time: The Elementals!" The Ringleader waved a hand at them and threw his cloak around himself. The cloak grew as it moved until the entire podium was engulfed in swirling fabric and when it cleared away there was nothing but a small cloth floating in the wind. "Nothing is unbelievable." Yahtzee said again as a fierce grin pulled at his face and he ran forwards to the center of the pit with his arms outstretched. Once there he dropped the tog bag and drew out two long, flowing whips as well as taking a swig from one of the bottles from earlier. He spun in a circle with the ropes spinning in a spiral around him then he flicked his hands and they shot up to either side of him. As they cracked they suddenly burst brightly into flame. That wasn't actually his power being used. The rope was filled with small rocks that sparked loudly when struck together and ignited the oil that coated it. Yahtzee spun the ropes in complex patterns and spirals around him entrancing the audience with a smooth movements. He sloshed the liquid around his mouth a few times then focused his power and released it in a large billow of bright silver flame that nearly reached the top of the tent before fading away. Yahtzee grinned and glanced around at the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil saw the Fortune teller eyeing up his last two pieces of copper, A tip that she honestly deserved. Thinking this, Phil gave her the last of his copper and said "thanks for the help, Madame la Faire, and the Reading". He then waved her off and approached Cora. “I’m glad you’re here. We’ve been invited to be part of the Circus’ Finale, if you want in we need to be at the Dressing Room. Have to find the right outfit for you first. But we gotta hurry, m’kay?” She said gesturing him to follow. He replied with "Okay, after you" and then followed Cora, Yhatzee and another, presumably from the circus. After they arrived and was escorted behind the main tent, Yhatzee explained "Don't worry about a thing. The circus is it's own country in a way so it's not like there will be any guards. Not ones on duty anyway. All we need to do is put on a show. We should manage that. I mean what with our... you know. Just..." He took a minute to find his words. "Don't hold back. This circus is all about over the top so if you hold back people will notice. It will be out of place. Nothing is unbelievable here. Not even us." So, Phil thought, I shouldn't hold back. Heh. His mind started to fill with ambition and ideas, ranging from cool to majestic to breath taking... Phil was brought back to reality quite quickly as Yhatzee said "We need costumes and stuff. Come on. The changing rooms aren't far." Phil then followed his group, along with most the performers, into a tent which held Clothes and props. Phil looked around in a large chest of clothes for anything more... showy. After he rummaged around for a few seconds, he found some very fitting clothes. Phil found himself a mask which was some sort of bizarre half mask that covered the left part of his face and represented the sun. He then found some old, Black Jeans and a Grey shirt (which was probably white at sometime). Lastly, Phil found a nice white Cape that just screamed "Bizarre" and "Over-the-Top". Phil quickly changed and looked into the mirror... Yup, Phil thought, I look like a freak... Although... Phil looked at the Shirt and Jeans he had collected. After he could ditch the mask and the Cape, Phil decided he would stick with these clothes for a while after the "Finale". Phil left the Costume tent and was quickly pushed inside the main performance tent, only to see hundreds of people. The amount of people who was watching them was... pressuring as well as overwhelmingly unnerving. Phil did his best to hide these feeling of stage fright, just for the fact that any panicked actions could compromise them if they where seen as suspicious. With no room for mistakes, Phil resounded a plan within his mind, then put on a brave and confident smile (which was completely fake in every sense of the word). The Ringmaster then announced them. He said, almost boasting, "Ladies and Gentlemen our final act will be so spectacular and astounding that it will leave all of you speechless. I dare say there will not even be applause after this such is the magnitude of it's astounding beauty and innovation. These people that you see before have been rumoured to be the embodiment of both the beauty and destructiveness of nature itself. Other rumours say that they are merely experiments gone wrong. Or escaped. Nobody knows from where they hailed from but we do know this: What you see here may change everything that you believe. Introducing for the first time: The Elementals!" Phil took a deep breath, then started a paced sprint around the edge of the tent. Phil started off his own contribution to the performance by creating steps for him to climb made of pure light. Then, as he reached around a metre off the ground, he decomposed the steps into small particles of glimmering light and started to make a platform. The platform was always about an inch in front of where Phil ran and dissipated around a metre behind him, creating more small particles of light that faded after a few seconds. Using the last of the available energy, Phil started to give off a faint glow himself. He started to hope that this was enough for now, at least for a minute. As he continued to run, he started to plan the next part of his performance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 33 min ago

As the final show drew near, Yahtzee dragged them off with well-placed enthusiasm. "We need costumes and stuff. Come on. The changing rooms aren't far." Cora had a brief word with the circus’ tailor, letting him work on the garments she carried on her arm. He measured her with a bit of string, and returned fifteen minutes later with the outfit. Cora was the last to change out of the Elementals, presenting herself to the group in front a large, curved mirror. She wore a white, lacy blouse under a black, silver-buttoned vest. The sleeves were neatly removed and the half-stockings were changed for black, shiny leggings. Cora tried the high heels offered by the tailor, but shook her head. She opted for black slip-on shoes, finding them less painful. Her chocolate hair was brushed and slicked back, and around her head was a wreath of ice, giving her a more glorified presence. The pièce de résistance of her outfit was a silver masquerade mask rimming Cora’s pale eyes. With the slight addition of anonymity Cora felt stage-worthy. “How do I look?” She gave a cheeky grin, tossing her crowned head back dramatically. It was in fervent discussion the Elementals planned their act. Cora was feeling pretty confident by the time stagehands directed their trio into the main event’s spotlight. The Ringleader finished his brief yet alluring introduction, procuring many cheers from the crowd. “Nobody knows from where they hailed from but we do know this: What you see here may change everything that you believe. Introducing for the first time: The Elementals!" Yahtzee started first, sparking the audience’s interest with a sudden and bright silver flame. Phil sprinted along his steps of light, and Cora was quick to follow. As dry fog rolled in to cover the stage, the spotlight descended on Cora as Ice knitted out from her shoulders. Two gleaming, translucent wings extended upward in a great arc, moving with vibrancy and life. Cora became an angel, taking flight to circle the stage with Phil. Her wings barely moved as she drifted through the air. With a quick nod to Phil they moved to center stage, hovering high in the air. Cora raised her hands dramatically, creating a great, glimmering orb of Ice in front of them. The orb burst, covering the stage and audience in fine snow. It shimmered in the air, never quite falling to the ground. Phil was quick to bend Light through the millions of little reflective bits of snow, illuminating the tent in countless refracted rainbows. The crowed ooed and awed, rather stunned in their seats. Yahtzee shook his fists from the ground, acting offended that Cora and Phil stole the spotlight. This got several laughs from the audience. Yahtzee flourished his hand, drawing a freshly spun Fire sword from an imaginary sheath. Cora landed on the ground to his left, drawing her own sword of Ice. The two element opposites struck out at each other in time with the orchestra music. Each time their swords touched, a great shower of white particles rained off the blades as they hissed and spit. Cora playfully feinted, teasing the Hygron. He jumped and spun, creating a wave of fire Cora then shielded from with a wing. They continued back and forth, lighting up the stage as the snow faded away. The crowd cheered, clearly enjoying the display of otherworldly battling.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Will watched as the laser beam began powering up, making him struggle at the shackles. "No!" Will began, watching as Vrail chuckled manically . "NO! NO! NO!" Will said for his final words as an elemental. A purple beam fired and went straight to his chest, making Will scream in agony, it felt like something was being ripped out from the inside, like his very soul was being drained and nothing left but a husk. Will's head fell, making seem limp and lifeless. Vrail flipped a switch on the device, "Now, to begin baptising you with true power." Vrail, stated matter of factly. The beam went from purple to a pure, oily black. Will shot straight back up, twisting left and right as black swirled around his eyes, fully engulfing his eyes until not a trace of white was left. After two straight minutes, Vrail turned off the laser beam and pressed a button on his controller, releasing Will. Instead of falling lifeless, Will landed on his knee and took a crouched position with one knee on the ground and his other foot flat on the ground. Will slammed a fist knuckles first into the ground and stated, "I serve you, Master!", facing downwards, looking for Vrail's appeal. "Rise." Vrail ordered which Will immediately did so. Will was no longer the rebel warrior he once was but a super weapon to serve the Void and carry the final piece of Vrail's plan. "Now, Harbinger, I believe there is a circus in Appling, destroy it and the city, with the lifers there they will be your prime target. Will looked directly at Vrail, with purpose and malice in his voice. "The lifers will be destroyed master, and you will take your rightful place as ruler master." Vrail smiled deviously. "Good, now go!" Vrail ordered, sending Will back to Appling through a void portal he had created with a swipe of his hand. Will made his first step as the harbinger of doom into Appling, directly in front of the Circus entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After Phil finished Cora's and his own Spectacular Performance, He started to devised another one. Cora said I could have a prism whenever I wanted he thought to himself, kind of feeling like a spoilt child. He ran over to her after she had finished her stunning sword fight with Yhatzee. "Cora, do you think that you could create a giant sphere made out of smaller prisms? Oh, if you could give them enough room for the light to segment properly, I think I could make something absolutely breath taking". He ran to the centre stage, his eyes beaming with ambition as the shape of a sphere took place, suspended centre stage about a metre above the ground. Phil took a stance and, as if erupting from the ground, Light shot up into the bottom prism and, slowly, the entire sphere was turned into a contained ball of light, from one corner it was red and it slowly changed colour until it ended with purple. Phil noticed that the crowd was completely awe-struck but then Phil turned his attention to above the sphere. He saw that Toran had quickly infiltrated the sphere from the top. What is he pl- Phil was thinking until the sphere exploded from the inside. The audience gasped, but it wasn't from the explosion. As Phil looked up, he saw a sphere of water vapour and steam, still illuminated by the rainbow coloured light. But in the steam was the giant silhouette of a dragon, Toran. After a few seconds of awkward anticipation, the crowd erupted into a cheer. Soon, the cloud disappeared, yet Toran wasn't anywhere to be seen. He looked around for him, until he felt the weight of something fairly light (Heh Heh) land on his back. "Phil, there is something important I need to tell you" he said, sounding serious. "Can't it wait, Toran" Phil said, feeling kind of angry at Toran for stealing the spotlight and ruining his performance (even though it was still a success). "Phil, it's Will, Something is wrong... VERY wrong" He said, this time in a more worried tone. "what's up with him?" Phil said. "He-" Toran was cut off by Phil who quickly looked around the tent, they wanted more. "I'm sorry Toran, this'll have to wait" Phil said as he started thinking up new ideas for performances, he was kind of addicted now. He ran towards the edge of the tent, away from the eyes of the crowd. He started to cycle through the new ideas for the next stage of his part of this performance. Toran flew off with haste to spy on Will some more.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Man I wish I could have done this ages ago Yahtzee though as he battled with Cora, the ice and fire creating incredible contrasts during the battle then when he saw her sprout wings of fine and gossamer ice he had to take a moment to readjust to everything. It was incredible and he wished Salamander was with him but he had elected to leave him outside as the lizard was just to damn lazy to do anything like this. True to the point right now the dragon was fast asleep at the entrance of the tent. For the moment. Something was going wrong and the creature suddenly awoke as every fiber of it's being screamed for him to go and warn Yahtzee and the others. Another instinct was just as strong though and that was to investigate. Salamander was curious and he moved cautiously closer to the source of his unease. Yahtzee engulfed his body in flame and several spheres of fire shot into the air and spun around him fast enough to form a solid circle. Then they collapsed into a whirring spiral before fizzling out. He began to feel the strain of using his powers affect him and his breathing became slightly heavier. Still only the end of the world could stop this show and judging from audience there was no way they were going to let it end for anything less either. After a brief moment of discussion with both Cora and Phil he devised a plan. First he used some of the last chemicals in his bag and created a golden flame that flared up brightly above their heads. Cora then made a hollow sphere of ice around the flame which would have quickly snuffed any fire feeding off of oxygen instead of raw elemental power and then shrunk it until the fire itself was frozen and permanent. Phil made his move then and rings of light wrapped loosely around the ball in the air in the same formation as that of electrons around an atom. Something created from all three of the elementals standing in front of the crowd.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

The first thing Will noticed when he arrived were a pair of eyes watching him from above, making Will very, very angry. Will took hold of the grip of Kraken, his water whip, activating it with a purple translucent whip forming from the handle. Will snapped it and directed it to the sky, making the perfect coil around Toran's neck. The dragon twisted and turned as he was choked by the water whip. "For a librarian..." Will commented while pulling the dragon towards him, "you don't go down easy!" After a minute of pulling, Will won the tug of war, grabbing Toran by the neck and pinning him to the ground by the neck. "Are they in there dragon?" Will asked threateningly, pointing to the circus entrance. No answer came from the dragon at first so Will decided to summon the new Tsunami. A pure black wolf formed to his right, snarling at the dragon, which Will let go and kicked, sending the dragon tumbling forth. Tsunami went for it, biting it's side to keep him in place, barking and snarling when doing so. "I'll ask again," Will said, cracking the whip. "Are they in there!?" The tortured guardian nodded sadly but Will could only reply with a smile. "Take me to the top." Will demanded, and with a reluctance Toran obeyed, wrapping it's legs round Will's shoulders and lifted him up. It took the dragon sometime after the Dark Wolf had released him and seeped back into the ground but he finally made it. "It was an honour!" Will said, throwing the dragon over shoulder and blasting it with water. The dragon was sent tumbling through the top of the circus, landing at Phil's feet. Will laughed maniacally as he free-falled into the ice sphere, rolling forward and gearing a punch which WIll used to go through the ball of ice Cora had formed, shattering it into pieces. Will landed with ease and stood up, facing the crowd, with what looked like snowflakes around, which made the crowd cheer, it looked like part of the show. "Fools..." Will thought, but he devised a cunning lie. "And now!" He shouted, raising both arms up as water snowballed rapidly. "For the main event..." Will said, letting the ball reach a size that would flood the entire big top. "DEATH!" He announced, letting the ball drop, plunging the crowd and Elementals into the big top. Will rolled in it and outside as water seeped out, unsheathing his spear, now purple with black highlights (including the spearhead) as he awaited the doomed Elementals to attack.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 33 min ago

Appling | Circus of Wonders Cora watched as the sphere of Ice hovering over their heads slowly cooled the golden flame, blurring the line that separates elements. As the flame quite literally froze, it flashed a bright, diffusing light that coated the sphere in a subtle golden glow. In that glimmering moment, Cora felt time slow down, and in her heart she felt a peculiar sensation. Feelings without thought, emotions she couldn’t recognize as her own. It was… it felt like Yahtzee! Cora immediately looked at him standing beside her, and he returned her stare in sync. His eyes, they weren’t the normal gold-brown she was used to seeing. Instead, the entire eye was white-gold, softly glowing just like the sphere above them. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary; it felt as though she’d seen all this before. It wasn’t a hunch, she knew her eyes appeared the exact same as his. It didn’t scare her. At that moment, she was totally wrapped up in the heightened Sixth Sense she could feel. Their energy fused together felt like a literal extension of her body. She could feel it outside of her as vividly as if she closed her eyes; it was a whole different sense altogether. It was strange, but her sense could also feel Yahtzee. Not just feel, but know. She knew exactly where he was standing, which leg his weight was on, and where his eyes were looking. But on top of that she was also aware of his feelings, the unvoiced urges before his thoughts were even constructed. He was an open book as she undoubtedly was to him. And she had never felt so soulfully tranquil. Her mind thought too fast for words, but her feelings flashed from confusion to a kind of joy. It was terrifying and amazing at the same time, feeling as though their vast consciousnesses would simply disappear into each other. Unfortunately, as Phil’s electrons of light were orbiting separately from the golden sphere, the light could not combine with the other elements, meaning Phil could not See as Cora and Yahtzee suddenly could. The moment could have been a year, an eternity. But all too soon the experience collapsed with the destruction of the ice sphere. The golden light fell from Cora’s eyes, and a sadness crossed her face. The moment was over, and she could no longer See. As the debris settled, Will was revealed at center stage. Immediately Cora felt something was off. She couldn’t see his face, but Will was giving off a sickening vibe, forcefully engulfing her tranquility. She felt dread. Pure, unadulterated dread sinking her heart. It was overwhelming, and strangely nauseating. Cora stumbled on her feet, numbly affright. I don’t know this man… She thought. Will triumphantly spoke to the crowd, malice coating his words. "And now...!" Particles of water came to focus in Cora’s vision, being drawn together to one source at the beckon of Will’s arm. "For the main event..." Cora felt her jaw drop in horror. Oh God, this can’t be happening… Will let the ball reach a size that would flood the entire big top. "DEATH!" Cora’s world was plunged in icy water, the currents tearing her away from the stage. She was blind, deaf and lost in Will’s finale, only realizing too late that Will meant to kill them all. Weak with betrayal, she fell adrift up among the tent’s high beams, drenched under the sphere that would soon suffocate them all. As her lungs burned for air, Cora uselessly flapped her wings in the high current water. She was stuck in the whirlpool, hurt and alone. The man she thought she knew… Will, he was gone. A monster took his place, one that didn’t even recognize her. Will, how could you… She thought weakly. How could you abandon us? Her broken heart grew hot with anger, sharpening her mind against the water crushing her chest. She drew up her strength, rapidly cooling the temperature of the sphere starting from her point near the ceiling, then down. The effect was true to her wishes, the sphere turning from water to ice in a wave from top to bottom. Everyone became encased in translucent beauty, and it held there for a moment before something cracked. Another crack. Then, the ice ball split apart, crumbling away into particles. The audience was saved, but many remained unconscious. Cora had to wonder if she had been too late in releasing them. But there was no time to regret, and even less to think. Cora quickly stood, clearing her throat. “This is a critical emergency. If you have your life, evacuate the premise immediately. I repeat, evacuate immediately.” She didn’t have time to find the other Elementals. Will had to be stopped before he tried killing again. She spotted him, hovering at the edge of the destroyed tent with a blackened trident. As their eyes met he almost smiled, but it wasn’t genuine. He was fierce, terrifyingly so. Grimacing, Cora stepped forward, flapping her ice wings once to cut the distance between them. The look of a betrayed lover haunted in her stare as she locked eyes with Will’s bottomless pits. Her voice quivered with emotion, but she held strong. “Will, what is the meaning of this? How dare you betray us -- me. I thought you were better than this.”
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil looked up in horror as Toran was tossed towards his feet. "Toran?..." Phil said weakly, thoughts stuck on worst case scenarios. Suddenly the shadow of something huge, something dangerous loomed overhead. Looking up, Phil's facial expression went from shock to Terror as he saw a ball of water threaten to flood the entire tent. ... It really is Will isn't it? Phil thought to himself in disbelief. Phil, feeling a mixture of anger and sorrow, picked up Toran just as the ball of water hit the floor. Both Phil and Toran were quickly engulfed by water, as was the rest of the Big Top. The water tore past them causing pain that could only be compared to small razor blades cutting through their flesh. It was cold but Phil braved it and started swimming upwards. Suddenly, the water got even colder and turned to ice. Quickly being encased in ice, Phil tried to glance through the semi-transparent ice. All Phil could see was that he was close to the surface of the ice and that it was fairly weak. Phil looked at Toran, who was still unconscious in Phil's arms. He looked... Bad. Phil put his hand on Toran's head and used his healing light on Toran. After a second, Toran burst into life. Now, Phil knew he had to get out; an old "friend" was waiting for him. Phil shot a burst of intense light to open up his prison and he climbed out. Instinctively, Toran flew out through a hole in the tent's roof. Good, he has suffered enough. Phil turned towards Will, a look of anger and betrayal spread across his face. it wasn't easy for Phil to look at Will with these emotions, especially after he had welcomed him into this nightmare and made him feel... like he belonged. Phil took a breath and started to walk. Phil was using small steps of light so he didn't slip on the ice. He approached Will but noticed that Cora was already there. “Will, what is the meaning of this? How dare you betray us -- me. I thought you were better than this.” Cora said with a hint of... sorrow in her voice. Phil, feeling a lot more pissed that Cora, Shouted "Yeah, what the fuck man?! What you did to Toran just now..." Phil eyes turned almost murderous. "I'm going to return the favour!!" Phil shouted threateningly as he conjured a long staff out of light. Even with what he was feeling, Phil didn't want to kill Will. There has to be a way to get through to this bastard Phil thought as he started a sprint towards Will, swinging his weapon precisely and with a firm grip.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The feeling of relief turning ice-cold was one that Yahtzee would never forget from seeing Wil again. His earlier worry vanished at the sight of one his friends returning safely but that soon was replaced entirely by fear. For the first time in along time Yahtzee was afraid. It wasn't that he was brave or arrogant but it was just everything had always seemed like a problem he could ignore or run away from. There was no way he could run from this and the fear paralyzed him. It was in that state that the water hit him. He was spun around like a rag doll and black spots danced in front of his eyes and just as he was about to take a breath of this water despite himself he stopped. Everything stopped and his eyes could only dart around as he realized he was encased entirely in ice and time seemed to stop. In this endless moment Yahtzee had what he needed to focus himself. This was not the friend who was in there by maybe there was some remnant in there. Building up his power inside of himself he prepared himself to unleash it and break free but before he could the ice shattered, dropping him heavily to the ground. Looking around he saw his comrades racing towards Wil and he released his own pent up power with an explosion that shot him forwards at an intense speed. He landed in line with Wil but to one side and shot him a glare through the flames that surrounded him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" He demanded. "Are you going to let this thing win Wil?" He called out, still hanging on to the belief that the person he had grown to be friends with was still in there. "If you wont fight we will!" He shouted as he snapped out both hands in front of him and let out a wave of flames towards his old ally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Will chuckled as the Elementals charged him, first Phil, brandishing a staff made of pure light- the opposite of what was trapping Will's soul. Will twirled his spear and blocked with the lower end of the spear, pushing upwards then striking at Phil's gut in a rapid succession, hopefully doubling him over or a similar effect. A shot of flame approached Will's left and was forced to throw water to block the attack, steam exploding from the spot where water and fire collided. Will smirked evilly. "Foolish guardians..." He began. "With this new power..." He carried on, looking at his hand before forming it into a fist. "I can wipe out resistance and rule by my master's side!" He declared with an evil determination unsettling for anyone who knew the previous Will. "I am better than what I was." He said in response to Cora, staring a hole through her with his pure black eyes. "I have power you wouldn't know of." He added, before positioning his spear into a javelin throwing position and launching it straight at Cora!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yahtzee flinched as he steam exploded out from his attack but seeing his opportunity he used it as a cover to run closer to Wil. His power was about half used at this point and he didn't know how much longer he could claim to be able to stand by himself. The others seemed to behaving just as much trouble and he could feel his gut churning in fear. Not so much for himself but more so for the people he had grown to call his friends. "Wil!" He shouted as he leapt clear of the steam and landed in front of the aforementioned young man. Yahtzee sent an arch of fire to hit the spear shooting towards Cora. "You bastard!" He yelled as anger began to burn away all other emotions he had been feeling mere moments ago. "These are your friends!" Yahtzee pushed his power to his feet and shot forward, riding an explosion of fire as he raised a flaming fist to slam into Wil's face. With the power behind him as well as the added power of the flames enveloping his tightly clenched hand the punch was powerful and fast enough to kill any human with even an excessive amount of strength and speed. But Wil was not simply an ordinary human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Will turned to see Yahtzee charging at him from above, riding a wave of flame and fire coming down upon Will. Will chuckled as he merely rolled out of the way of the attack, ignoring whatever words Yahtzee was using to persuade Will from not attacking. Will pulled out Kraken from it's holster and whipped it on the ground when he stood up, making a painful snapping noise. Will swung his arm around and shot it out, swinging low from left to right to catch Yahtzees' ankle when he landed. The whip snapped and coiled around the ankle, sending Yahtzee to the floor when Will pulled on it. Will tugged again to pull Yahtzee towards him and made his away towards the fallen elemental. Yahtzee punched upwards to try and catch Will off guard but Will caught the fist in his own hand, clenching tight and pushing the fire elemental's arm to the floor, before placing a boot on the shoulder. "I really... really didn't want to go this far, but it looks like pain is the only way to get through to you people." Will said with malice and evil resonating in his voice. Will pushed down with his foot onto Yahtzees' shoulder joint and pulled his trapped arm upwards, both with equal strength.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil's staff was deflected with an inhuman force created by Will and his spear. Phil was then forced to jump back after a few strikes from that same spear. Due to the slippery surface, Phil staggered on the ice. It took him a second to regain his balance, but as he looked up, he could see Will attempting to make Yahtzee submit. "you big..." Phil murmured under his breath in rage as he took a running start at Will. As he reached the pair, he jumped about a foot in the air, staff readied, and brought the staff down, making a definable cracking sound as it hit Will's back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

"Gah!" Will exclaimed as his back was struck by a staff. Will averted his attention to Phil and let go of Yahtzees' arm, letting it fall limply. Will used Kraken and used it to grab his spear off of the ground, and pulled it back to his hand. "Persistent..." Will commented, casually unscrewing the spear head of off the pole attached to it as he walked towards him. "Fine, lets fight." Will said, sheathing the spear head and pointed his new staff at Phil. Will extended his arm, guided the staff forward and shot forward at lightning speed, but Will feinted and grabbed it before it could hit Phil, spinning around and lowering himself so the staff would sweep Phil's legs, after swinging he jumped upwards and swinging it down with two hands at the base of the staff towards Phil's head.
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