Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

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"Rick, while we're dicking around and building our strength he's doing the same thing and he has more people. He's just going to come in and shove his fist up our asses. Besides, killing him will give us a chance to finish it off." Janet was tired of seeing this man torment her family and killing him was a good place to start. "If you can grab one of the sisters instead go for it, even better if it's the older one. I have some words for her." The Governor didn't forget how Janet had grazed him with a bullet when they raided Woodberry, and he was going to make sure she paid for it. "I'll deal with the captive this time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Andrea's mouth almost dropped open. She couldn't really totally hide the horror in her expression. She knew what it meant that the Governor wanted to deal with the captive himself. If that girl walked out alive, she would be just barely. Merle saw Andrea's expression changed out of the corner of his eye. He looked at her to see what it was, but she had changed it before he could determine. "Sure thing. Don'tchya worry. We'll get your girl." He gave the Governor a sinister lopsided smile. Martinez nodded in agreement with Merle. One girl. Piece o' cake. Grab her and go. Maybe put some bullets in a few of the others on his way out. It would be fun. He mirrored Merle's smile "I won't argue with you on this, Jan." Rick's voice was steady. He knew the Governor was also preparing, but more than that, he knew that his own people weren't ready for that kind of move. Too many people were still injured from the raid. Lara watched the scene unfold. Rick's tone kind of freaked her out. He was at a level of seriousness that was usually reserved for young children. Don't touch that. I mean it. Only, instead of a toy, it was the Governor and instead of a young child, it was Janet. It was clear to Lara that Janet had some kind of vendetta towards the Governor, though she wasn't really sure what and she wasn't about to ask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

"No, I don't want a fight, just grab 'em and get out. Even better if no one sees you. I don't want Rick to blast another hole in Woodberry trying to get 'em back. It's best if they don't know we have out captive until I want them to know." The Governor noticed the look on Andrea's face, and then turned to her after he was done talking. "Is there a problem you wish to discus with me?" He was curt with her, and growing a little tired of her butting in. "Fine, whatever Rick. Just don't expect me to hold back the I told you so when it comes. I'm trusting you with my sister's life after all. Before we would of never joined a group and did just fine in the woods alone so remember that." Janet didn't mean to sound so snappy when she spoke to Rick, but she also didn't like what happened to Maggie. Over the winter Maggie became like a sister to Janet and she was more then willing to take the Governor's head off for touching her. "Look, I know what you're saying and I do still have faith in you. I'm just not happy about what happened with Glenn and Maggie. What if it was Sam and me who went on the run like it was supposed to be? God... I can't think about it. If he touched her.." Janet trailed off hiding her head in her hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Rick shot Jan a warning glance. He knew how strongly she felt towards the Governor. He felt pretty strong about the situation too, but he didn't want to lose more people than he had to. He was more than upset about what happened to Glenn and Maggie, but he wasn't going to let it color his decisions with irrationality and poor choices. "I know, Jan. Just relax. Nobody's going anywhere, long as I've got a say in it." He turned onto the street Daryl and Sam had taken. He followed them at a distance now, trying to avoid obstructing their view without totally leaving it. "We'll fix this and I ain't about to leave. The Governor will get what he's got comin' to him when the time's right." Lara wasn't sure what to make of the situation in the front of the car. They both had very valid points and she didn't know who's to defend. She just remained quiet instead. Andrea quizzically looked at the Governor. She hadn't said a word this whole time. She'd just stood by, keeping her eyes peeled for walkers and patrollers. He and the other two had not exactly been quiet about their planning. Particularly Merle. She glanced between the Governor and Merle. They were both watching her expectantly. Martinez was leaning against a tree, using a pocket knife to clean the dirt out from under his fingernails. He was most likely listening in as well "I'm sorry. I didn't say anything." Her quizzical look turned into one of offense. She honestly felt hurt that he didn't trust her. The man she lived with. Slept with. Made love to. And he still didn't trust her? Granted, she was planning on slitting his throat the next chance she got. Just stab him in his sleep. You can do it. The words rattled around in her brain. "Was I supposed to?" Carl and Maggie returned from gate duty. That meant she and Tyreese were on. She handed Judith to Beth and stood up. She smiled at the younger woman. "I'll see ya later. Gate duty." She turned and left, ignoring Judith's cries as she went. Tyreese met up with Carol in the center of the cell block. He nodded at her as she made her way down the stairs. "Ready to kill some walkers?" Carol nodded. She looked slightly distracted and he couldn't put a finger on why. ((I had to add color so I at least could tell who's point of view each section was from. It was driving me nuts.))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

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Sam looked around for a safe spot to park then pointed to a side street. "There, that looks safe. Right in front of the yellow house should be good Daryl." Sam picked up her rifle and looked thru the scoop just to make sure there wasn't any surprises waiting for them. "Yea, just a few walkers, nothing we can't handle without our guns. I'll flag down Rick, and the others so they'll know." Sam turned around and looked thru the back window waving her arms letting Rick know that they found a safe spot to park. Daryl nodded and turned the truck into the street pulling up in front of the yellow house. "You're eyes are as good as ever Sam. Let's wait for Rick and the others before we start clearing the street." "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be snapping at you Rick. You got them out, and you got us this far. Anyway, when he has whats coming to him, I'll be there with you to take him out. You know you can count on that. Hell, I'll have your back after that point." Janet turned to face Rick as she was talking and smiled weakly. She saw Sam waving them down. "Looks like Sam found a spot. We better check it out. I don't think we've hit this spot yet." He was right and she knew it. She always was quick to react, and it got her in hot water before. She sat back in her seat and grabbed her hatchet having it ready if anything happened. She didn't feel like messing around with walkers today so it was best if they cleared out the streets before going in to look for supplies. "You had a look on your face. You seemed upset over something. If it's about grabbing one of the girls I have my reasons. They did blast a hole in our defenses after all." The Governor knew that no matter how he phrased this is would still sound horrible, but he didn't care. He did want to make a point, but it wasn't going to be a nice one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick pulled the car up next to Daryl's truck in a way that either vehicle could move without interfering with the other. He Looked at Jan, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks, Jan. I know. I trust you." He got out of the car, silenced gun in hand, poised, ready to shoot at anything suspicious. He found nothing but a few walkers. He nodded at Daryl, signifying a good arrow to the head would be enough to hold them back for a long time. Andrea, thought quickly for a cover. "I heard something, but it was only a squirrel." She said it straight-faced, knowing it had the potential to be enough to convince just about anyone that she meant it. Merle eyed Andrea for a few second more before turning back to Martinez. "Let's get outta here before somethin' happens." He muttered, motioning for the younger man to follow. Martinez nodded at Merle, totally understanding where he was coming from. When the Governor smelled something fishy, he never let it go. He would be forever suspicious. Even if the person he mistrusted was his lover. Carol walked beside Tyreese, a tire iron casually resting on her shoulder. There was a moment of silence before she spoke up. "What do you think Rick has planned for Woodbury? Surely he can't just ignore it anymore." Tyreese looked at her with an I'm-not-really-surw-what-to-think kind of smile and a shrug. "Not a clue. I think he'll do what's best though. He's done a lot of great things, even before Sasha and I arrived. I think we'll be just fine." "I hope you're right." Tyreese was a little concerned about the tone Carol was using. It sounded like she almost didn't trust Rick. Did she still think he was suffering from grief and couldn't think properly? He himself knew that was no longer the case. Sure, Rick rarely smiled. He rarely laughed. He spent a lot of time alone and occasionally beat walkers beyond recognition. But he knew what he was doing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

Daryl fired a bolt into the walker then lowered his crossbow. "That looks like it's all of em Rick." He looked around just to be sure then walked to the group. "Let's hope we can find somethin' this time around; ass kicker needs formula soon." Janet smiled hearing Daryl say ass kicker then looked to Rick. "He's right. Carol also told me yesterday we're low on medical supplies so better keep our eyes open for that too. I suggest the Sam and Daryl take one house while Rick, Lara and I take another. We ca clear this block faster if we do that." Janet pointed to a blue house across from them. "We can take that house if it's ok with you Rick." "That sounds like a good idea sis. If there's any trouble we're still within ear shot, but we won't be getting in the way of each other. That way if we do find a pack of walkers we won't be fighting for space." Sam nodded in agreement kicking a rock by her shoe. The Governor wasn't buying it, but decided it was best to just leave it be for now. "Well, if that's the case then never mind." he smiled and walked off after Merle. "Now that Andrea is out of the way for the time being when we get back I'll need someone to keep an eye on her, she's up to something."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick nodded at Daryl's comment. That should be good enough for now. It took the walkers a while to gather enough to be a real threat. Unless, of course a herd came by. After Jan had said her piece, he nodded his consent. He motioned for the two to follow him, refraining from using his voice to reduce the risk of danger. Sometimes, walkers heard pretty damn good for being dead. Lara came to stand behind Rick. She was still smiling, unable to not smile. She waved at Daryl and Sam before Rick began leading his grouplet in the opposite direction. This was going to be fun. Merle followed closely behind Martinez and the Governor. He always took the rear. This was mostly because he was the best of the three of them when it came down to detecting pursuers. His years of hunting had taught him the difference between something moving and something following. Andrea had been left by herself to watch the prison. She wasn't really sure why. She was rather irritated about it too. No word from the Governor. He just up and left with Merle and Martinez. Sometimes he really pissed her off. Killing him was sounding more and more like a good idea as the days went by. "Sure thing, Gov." Martinez held his gun up with the scope to his eye, following the taillights of the two vehicles as they drove slowly down the road. "I'll Get someone to keep an eye on her. No problem. How about Milton? He doesn't seem to be doing too much but sitting around and twiddling his thumbs these days." He smirked when Merle chuckled. He knew the man agreed to some extent. "Sure. Let the doctor keep an eye on her. That'll do us real good." He chuckled again. Martinez glanced at him just in time to see him shake his head. "Do you know anything 'bout Blondy? I'm tellin' you. You're gonna need someone bigger for that job. The bitch's talented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

Janet had her hatchet at the ready in case something came at them from the house. When they got to the front door she opened it and slammed her fist on the side of the house to make noise to draw the attention of any walkers that might be in there but noting came after her. "Looks clear, but something might be locked in a room." She kept her voice low so only Rick and Lara could hear her. She then stood aside to let Rick in first. Sam followed Daryl's lead as he moved to the yellow house. When he pounded on the side a single walker came running out at them, but same slammed her machete into the top of it's skull dispatching it then looked to Daryl. Daryl motioned to Sam to move in first so he could take the back. With her machete she was of better use in the front anyway. They moved to the kitchen first which was just ahead of them. In the cupboards they found some canned food, and a few bullets. "It's a start, more then what we had before." He put the goods in Sam's pack then moved to the next room. "No, Milton is a good idea. Andrea trusts him, and I can get anything I need out of him if she tells him something." The Governor gets in the passenger seat of a car to follow Rick. "We can have her help Milton to keep her out of our hair. I didn't want her here today, but she forced her way anyway so that's a best thing to do. Keep her busy. Now, for the girl take her to my dungeon. As much as it's for Michonne I can still use it on one of the sisters."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick led the way into the house. He returned his gun to its holster and pulled out a modified police baton. Merle made a psssssssht sound, honestly surprised the Governor was considering trusting Milton with such an... interesting job. It was certainly going to fail. Milton was easily manipulated. Sure, that could work in the Governor's favor, but it could just as easily work in Andrea's. She could inflict some serious damage if she needed to, not that she always preferred violence. If he knew her well enough, she'd probably sweet talk him into giving her information and possibly convince him to turn on the Governor himself. Merle wasn't totally onboard with the Governor either. The man was a basket case. But there were certain things he got out of following him that Merle didn't want to give up. Things like hot water, clean clothes and a bed were obvious. But there was also the respect from the citizens of Woodbury and the trust he'd spent months building. All things he would definitely give up if he left for Rick's teeny little prison home. It was definitely not worth it. Andrea paced for a few minutes. What was she supposed to do? She was sure that anything she reported to the Governor that she might possibly see at the prison would just be sloughed off like it was useless. She couldn't follow Governor and his men. They were long gone. She couldn't just go to the prison and join them as she'd brought on the personal quest to kill the Governor. She decided to just head back to Woodbury. Tyreese hummed quietly in the background. It was his way of "staying sane" when he was on gate duty. Carol paced back and forth along the grate, stabbing a walker now and then with her tire iron. She peered out into the forest and thought she saw something move. It looked like a human form. A walker? No. It moved to smoothly and quickly to be a walker. She motioned for Tyreese to be quiet for a moment. She listened for any sounds that would give away what or who she had seen. Just in that moment, a walker came up to the fence, reaching it's fingers through grate at Tyreese. It let out a hungry growl that was cut short by a sharpened cane through the forehead. Carol had looked up in surprise. She turned her attention back to the spot in the forest but could see nothing. Tyreese had no idea what Carol was doing, but whatever it was, she looked concerned. He figured she saw something fishy, but he could see nothing. Just trees, bushes and dead people. Not exactly the most pleasant sight, though a very common one now a days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

Janet followed behind him her hatchet ready for anything. When she walked in she was greeted with the smell of death and soon found the source. There was the body of a woman in the living room that looked like it had been chewed on. She didn't want to look for too much longer and turned to the cabinets that was a few feet away from her. Inside the cabinets she found papers and some odds and ends but nothing they could use. "No luck here unless we need to send some letters." Janet sighed then turned to the table that was next to the cabinet. Score. There were some ace bandages they could use but not much else. "Well, I found some wraps we can use." She showed them to Rick before putting them away in her pack. Sam and Daryl moved to the living room, but there was nothing there they could use. "I'll check this room over here." She walked in and saw that it was a baby's room. It looked like it hasn't been touched in months so their was a good chance they could find something for Judith. She looked in the dresser and found some clothes so she took them with her and a baby bottle that was on top. Daryl took the next room, it was the master bedroom. After checking all the furniture there was nothing of use. He met with Sam in the other room. "Nothin' in the other room. Seems you found somethin' for ass kicker thou." The Governor turned to Merle. "Do you have a better idea Merle that I should know about? I could have you watch her." He turned away when they got to Rick's cars. "Park a few blocks away."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick looked at the bandages as Jan held them out. They were better than nothing and certainly worth the trip. Every little thing they found would be worth it. Lara went opposite of Janet and Rick, making her way into the living room. She intended to pass through and go into the hallway, but was stopped when the dead woman on the floor began writhing. It surprised her and she readied herself to attack. The walker just lay on the floor, her neck and head moving as she snapped at Lara's feet. It was kind of pitiful really. She felt like she was doing the dead woman a service stabbing through her head with a detached chair leg. Tyreese looked back at Carol. "D'ya see somethin'?" He whispered. Carol held a finger up for a moment to silence him. After a few seconds, she stood up straight and brought the gun she'd picked up back to her side. "I think we're being watched. You stay here, I'll go warn the able." She handed Tyreese the gun and walked away. Glenn Rhee sat alone in the watch tower. He leaned on the bars and stared into the trees through the scope of his gun. He'd been so focused on the task that he hadn't noticed Carol come up behind him. "See anything?" She said, leaning next to him and looking at him. He jumped back, aiming at her for a second before seeing who it really was. "No. Just trees and walkers." Glenn sighed resuming his previous position. "Why? Have you?" Carol wasn't surprised that Glenn hadn't seen anything. There was only so much you could see through a scope. "Thought I saw somebody at the edge of the forest. "You sure it wasn't just a walker?" Glenn turned slowly. "It can be difficult to keep them straight sometimes." "No. Too fast." Carol looked out at the trees. "So you think we're being watched." Glenn stated more than asked. "Wouldn't surprise me. We do have enemies after all." She gave him a half smile as if the meaning of her words was equivalent to telling her neighbor her dog just peed on the carpet. She shrugged. What are you gonna do? These things happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I'll go check the other rooms." Janet passed Lara and slowly opened a bedroom door, but there wasn't a walker waiting for her. She walked in and looked around. There was a bloody bed, a dresser and a footlocker so it could be promising. She started with the footlocker and found some clothes, but nothing of use to them. Sighing she closed the footlocker and turned to the dresser. "Maybe I'll have some better luck with the dresser." She opened it and smiled some seeing a porn magazine in the first drawer, and in the next drawer there was nothing. She moved out of the room and joined Lara. "Any luck finding supplies?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I found these." Lara held up a couple of bottles. Two water and one unopened beer. "The beer was hidden. Someone was trying to hide their alcoholism." It made sense. The room had looked as though it had once belonged to a teenage girl. Rick held out his find. A pair of worn boots that would likely fit Carl. "Just these. I'd say we're about done here. Let's move on." He looked at the dead walker on the floor. It was absolutely pitiful. Her limbs had been chewed off by other walkers. The only thing she might have been able to move was her head. He was sure she had, too. It looked like one of the girls had stabbed her through the head as the blood was as fresh as walker blood can be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I found a porn mag but that's it. Maybe you'd like it Rick." Janet smirked then laughed softly. "Anyway, it seems like there isn't much here. Let's hope for better luck in the next house." Janet sighed and stretched her back feeling it get a bit tight. She felt a bit down about the turn out for this house, but sadly that was pretty normal as of late for them. Maybe their luck will get better int he next house. The Governor slowly walked to Rick's car and looked inside. "It's clear." He had his gun at the ready just in case. He couldn't see ether Rick or anyone else yet, but her knew they were around that area. "Look for them but don't be seen. Understand?" He hissed that last word. Sam and Daryl had finished clearing their first house. They found some clothes, food and a bottle but that was about it. "Next house?" She took one last look around just to be sure they didn't miss anything they could use. "Well, we didn't do too bad." She smiled thinking about what all they found. "Yea, lets move on to another house. This wasn't a bad start that's for damn sure. Maybe we can cut thru the back yard to the next house." He looked out the window, but sadly the fence was too high for them to craw over. "Hmm damn too high. Let's head out then." Him and Sam headed out to the street not seeing the Governor or his men.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick chuckled lightly. Jan always knew just how to get to him. How to put a smile on his face. Even after Lori passed away, Jan had been there to make him feel better. She was good like that and definitely an priceless friend. He would do a lot for her. Just about anything. He would do many things (like kill people who threatened) for his people, but Jan had a special place in his heart. Lara watched the interaction from a distance. Rick and Janet seemed to be tight. She vaguely wondered what had happened that made two totally different people rely on each other the way these two did. It was honestly very nice to see Rick smile. He didn't do it very often. The whole thing was pleasant. Two people making it in a world gone to shit. Two people able to see the good in the worst of circumstances. She envied that. Andrea walked through the gate that some Woodbury members held open for her. She was back. She had a plan. Tonight would be the night she made her move. Of course, she'd have to flee right away. She headed for her little apartment and began packing a bag. She shoved a knife into her boot. She would do it this time. "Sure thing, Gov." Merle said in a low voice before heading out to find cover in the trees. He knew that if they spread out, it would be harder to spot them as well as determine how many targets there were. Also, should the girl break free from the Governor and Martinez, he was waiting for her in the only place she could turn to run. He saw The girl and Daryl exit a house. He brought his gun down for a moment. Daryl. He missed his brother, but there was no convincing the man. He was glued to Rick like a little girl to her favorite stuffed animal. It was sad, really. Daryl loved and trusted Rick more than his own brother. He brought the gun back up, ready to shoot if he needed to. Even if it meant he had to shoot his own flesh and blood. Martinez waited behind the car with the Governor. Merle had taken a different route to cover more area in the event that one of Rick's people saw them. He nodded at the Governor's orders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Well well, the younger sister. Almost as good as the other two. I'll knock out Merle's brother and you go for the girl Martinez. Get in, and get out in can she screams." The Governor crept up behind Daryl hitting him hard in the back of the head with the butt of his gun knocking him out cold then quickly hid behind a large bush from Sam. Sam blinked hearing a noise and turned to see Daryl was out. "Oh god, what happened?" she turn to the unconscious Daryl kneeling down her weapons at the ready in case something happened. "Shit, I can't just leave him here like this." She was kneeling over him checking for wounds when she saw a bump on his head. She knew at that moment what was happening. "Dammit." Janet smiled more meeting his gaze for a bit then broke it just as quickly. "Alright? Where to next Rick?" Janet had always been supportive of Rick since they met. When she ran across them after they lost the farm she could tell he was a good man that would do anything to protect his group, even if he had to protect them from their own bullshit. The Ricktatorship is what she thought of it as, but it wasn't meant to be anything negative. He got them past that winter and into the prison. Anyone willing to do that for the good of the whole was all right by her. She also knew that Sam felt the same way, but Janet felt a bit different about it and she couldn't put her finger on what it was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick thought for a moment. He figured they'd check the other houses on this side of the street before meeting up with Daryl and Sam as the plan had been. "Let's move on to the next one." He began leading the way out. Once outside, he was greeted with an unpleasantly surprising scene. Daryl was sprawled out on the ground, clearly unconscious. Sam was nowhere to be seen. His heart started pounding with worry. "Sam?!" He started walking towards Daryl, shouting the girl's name. "Sam!" Lara followed Rick and Janet out. When she heard Rick shouting, she began running. She went from car to car, stabbing a walker with a knife, and stopped her search in the house that Daryl and Sam started in. She couldn't find her anywhere. This was bad. She knew someone was bound to blame her. Claim that Sam disappeared right when she showed up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 11 days ago

Janet was becoming frantic. "SAM!" she yelled not caring if anyone hear her; her sister was more important at that time. She ran to catch up with Rick and gasped seeing Daryl passed out. Next to him was Sam's pack, and weapons as well as some fresh blood that formed a trail that clearly wasn't Daryl. "No.... no no no nononononono." Janet felt her knees give way as the truth hit her like a ton of bricks and she fell to the ground. "Someone took Sam......" She couldn't handle the idea that Sam was in danger and that she had no idea where to start to save her. Without thinking she stood up, and bolted following the blood trail not caring about her welling being. Her gun drawn, hot tears running down her cheek as she sprinted. The trail stopped in the middle of another road a few blocks away. She had been dragged into a car and taken away and at that moment Janet started balling. Sam was thrown into the back of the Governor's car with her hands and legs bound. Her head had a hung gash on it from when she fought Martinez trying to get free, but was hit over the head by the Governor. She was out cold. "Good work Martinez, thou she fought more then I expected her to. Make sure Dr. Stevens gets a look at you when we get back." The Governor was please at who they got. While it wasn't Janet or Michonne he could still hurt Janet with her sister. Maybe even get her to trade places with her. "You know what to do Merle."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Jan!" Rick ran after her. "Janet no! She's gone!" He shouted but he knew she probably couldn't hear him. He sped up, hoping that he might catch up with her. After a few minutes of running, he found Jan bawling in the middle of a clearing. Fresh tire tracks suggested that Sam had been taken by someone with a car. He was pretty sure he knew who it had been. He came to stand in front of Jan. He took hold of her shoulders and tried to look at her face, but he couldn't. Instead, he just pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. He was trying to comfort her and maybe even himself as tears threatened to push their way out. Sam may not have been his sister, but he still cared for her as if she was. It also killed him to see Jan, usually strong and brave, crying. "We'll find her. I swear to God, we'll find her. I know we will." Lara decided it would be best for her to stay behind and tend to Daryl. She positioned herself so that the sun would stay out of his face. She pushed some grimy hair away from his forehead before checking his neck for a pulse. Though his state of unconsciousness was not something to take lightly, she couldn't help smiling just the tiniest bit. He looked so peaceful. Intense, badass Daryl looked relaxed. She pulled his head into her lap and then tore a piece of cloth off of her shirt. She poured some of the water she found onto it and placed it on his forehead to help keep him cool. Carol patted Glenn's shoulder. "Well, keep an extra eye open." She joked. "Maybe we should get you a second scope for the other eye. "Or just get me some binoculars." Glenn gave her half a smile. "Or that." She chuckled before leaving.
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