Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 days ago

Outpost 12, Common Deck of the Honōnoransu
When the alien spoke about their past contacts, Laidach's mouth dropped open. The way they spoke of their history... perhaps their enemy represented the galactic norm. Unlike most speculation, this idea stuck with her, which she took to be a sign of its accuracy. After all, it was said that the small part of the Goddess Abh that remained in all of her children sometimes allowed them higher knowledge. Perhaps she was trying to tell her something. "It is good that we met now and not earlier. Before the founding of our empire, a first contact would have devastated our species. Now, however, we need not fear that. If you wish, we can move to a meeting room, but we can also stay here on the Common Deck. Since we just won a battle, the crews are celebrating." The young man started to speak, so soon after Laidach that it was almost as if he cut her off. However, she showed no displeasure at the action at all, so it was likely that she was done speaking already. "Being the highest ranking officer, I will be performing the victory ceremony after the crews finish celebrating. If we go to the meeting room, we'll all have to leave for the ceremony. For an Abh to not go to it would be disrespectful to those who died in the battle. Since you never opened fire, and don't follow our customs, being absent would be perfectly fine. However, it would be a great honor to us and the dead if you would attend."
Deep Space
The Abh crew listened intently to the message, amazed that the aliens were able to send a message in their own language so well. The Captain in particular was scrutinizing every detail, trying to figure out the alien's knowledge and capabilities. It was clear that they did not know too much about the Abh, as they were asking for atmospheric specifications. However, the fact that they knew they both breathed oxygen made it clear that they had scanned the atmosphere of the colony, and that they had determined that it wasn't their homeworld. Luckily, since they didn't know the natural atmosphere that the Abh breathed, they probably hadn't found Shōrino'ba. Of great interest to the Captain was the fact that they found the Abh arrival early. Normally, the Abh would assume this indicated a lack of FTL technology, but they obviously had such technology. Apparently, their FTL wasn't instantaneous (from an outside perspective, that is). For whatever reason, a thought immediately popped into the Captain's head. Give them the drive. It made no sense for him to think that, and he knew it. For all they knew, these aliens were looking to trade. In that case, giving away such a valuable technology would be possibly one of the worst decisions. Thinking it was just him being impulsive, the Captain began to formulate a response in his head, but the thought of giving the aliens the FTL drive stuck in his head as if it had been permanently ingrained in his brain. For whatever reason, something inside him kept telling him it was the right thing to do. For a brief moment, he considered the idea that the aliens were telepathic, an idea that he tried to dismiss as outlandish. However, the report from the frontlines of the war had said that their enemy had some sort of mind control power. Paranoia gripped his mind as the wondered if anything he would see on the alien ship was real, if it was perhaps an illusion created by the enemy. After a few moments of intensely scrutinizing the situation, he decided that such a situation was highly unlikely. The enemy clearly had instantaneous FTL, and capturing an insignificant starship would gain them little knowledge about the Abh other than old reports and public documents that floated around planetary computer networks. It made no sense for the enemy to devise such an elaborate ruse. Reassured that the aliens were really a new and friendly species, he signaled with his right hand for the communications officer to send a response. The nod he got back confirmed that the message was being recorded by the bridge's speakers, and everyone fell as silent as possible in order to avoid saying anything that might be offensive to the aliens. "It is an honor to meet you Admiral." He began, starting to pace slowly around the bridge. "I am Captain Ator Kyūsei of the warship Rippaisei. My communications officer will forward our atmospheric requirements shortly, the air pressure is of minimal concern, mind you. You are correct in your observation that we both breath oxygen, our scans of enemy vessels seem to indicate that oxygen breathers are quite common. I apologize if we startled you with our arrival, our FTL reaches its destination instantaneously and we were unaware that non-instantaneous FTL was used."
Kibō-hosh, Ground Battle
"Paranoia is such a common response to situations because the paranoid are the ones that survive. If you expect a knife in your back, when the blow finally comes, you will evade it." -Taiyō Kyūsei, ancient Abh strategist When the Romans opened fire on the buildings, the Abh soldiers leapt off of them, falling right on top of the Roman troop columns in the streets. Being on the fifth floor of the buildings, they could take the fall easily thanks to the low gravity of the planet. They fired all the way down, shredding the Roman troops as they fell from above. When they landed, they continued to use the planet's gravity to their advantage, jumping multiple times higher than the Romans could and shooting them while still in midair. It was a brave, some would say insane, act. It seemed to depend on something more. As fate would have it, it did. The civilians in the buildings took up their own arms, which had been hidden away behind the barricades. They spread out across the many floors of the buildings, firing down on the Romans. The two groups formed a formidable force, which bit down hard into the Roman infantry and armor in the streets. In the city center, the Abh military continued to hold off the Romans. They had a major advantage from the Roman doctrine of "throw men at it until it dies". While it would have been quite effective in an open area, the Abh city center had been well fortified and was only accessible through the streets in which the Romans were being slaughtered. In the planetary theater as a whole, Abh victory was all but assured. A doctrine of overwhelming numbers only works if your total force outnumbers the enemy, which can never be true in a planetary invasion. The drop pods of the Roman marines were fired upon by the AA guns while they slowed their descent, which took out a non-trivial number of them before they even hit the ground. Those that reached the ground found that while the tanks were easy to take, the infantry were significantly harder. Their mobility and numbers afforded them an advantage over the marines in groups, with small squads of infantry splitting off from the main defense line to take care of the dropping marines. More anti-infantry tanks moved up, with the Roman armor being decimated, they could focus more on the infantry. The new plasma throwers added to the line made the Guardsmen drop faster than flies. They were being killed just as quickly as they reinforced, with the Abh machine gun emplacements in the trenches making short work of anyone that dared to come out of cover. Those that in cover were taken care of by railguns, which shot straight through any cover they could find.
Kibō-hosh, Air Battle
The Carrier's antigravity systems were decimated by the blast, along with the control circuits for the engines. It plummeted towards the ground as red mist rose from it, constantly flying upward just as fast as the ship fell. Its engines continued to burn, pushing it straight into multiple blocks of skyscrapers involved in the resistance against the Roman invasion. The Romans and Abh alike looked on in horror as the giant hulk fell towards them, crashing through skyscrapers on its way. Multiple Roman columns were absolutely anhilliated by the ship, and the skyscrapers that fell as a result of the impact did even more damage, causing the entire area around the impact to become nothing more than a twisted pile of steel and concrete. However, the destruction was not yet over. A few moments after the initial destruction, the carrier's explosive ammunition exploded all at once, devastating the area further and sending shrapnel into other Roman columns and Abh resistance fighters. With the Roman Knightmares down, the Abh air forces focused all of their fire on the incoming fighters and bombers. AA guns from the Abh airships shredded the oncoming fighters in droves, intent on making the Romans learn that one does not bring small craft squadrons to bear against an Abh air fleet.
Kibō-hosh, Kitoshi Spaceport
The Roman rounds came down into the night sky of the city, smashing into the Abh military bases and taking out all the surrounding civilian buildings. The spaceport itself shook as rounds landed on it, the Romans not knowing that it wasn't a designated military base. Chaos erupted in the building, with dozens of passengers and soldiers rushing to get out before their section got it. In the middle of all this chaos, five shots of a pistol rang out, broadcast all over the section using the PA system. A woman holding a smoking coilgun stepped into an opening that used to be a window, a microphone clipped to her HUD headset. She wore a uniform similar to that of a Spaceborne Navy Captain, but with the normal white becoming a sharp black and the rank patch replaced with an image of the Demigod Emirra holding her signature holy katana (Which glowed blue in accordance with the myths, which said that it contained the power of Ningen himself). Everyone stopped to look at her, as if seeking guidance from her. "Alright, you fuckers!" She yelled, making it clear with her tone and word choice that she didn't plan to be calm in any sense of the word. "There's only one way out of this damn building, and it's on our ships! If you're willing to run the goddamned blockade those alien demons have set up, then get your asses over to the starship bays! If you're not there in ten minutes or whenever an alien round blows up this section- whichever comes first -then your life's in Urania's hands!" The chaos began again, with everyone now rushing for the starship bays. As she ran towards her ship, the woman called up her collaborators. "Ciaca, there's way too many people here! How the hell do you expect us to get them all a place on the ship?!" Yelled a voice through her headset, making her cringe slightly. "First come, first serve you idiot! The better they are, the better our chances of braking that blockade! Have as many people as possible on our destroyer by the time I get there or else I slash your pay!" "Y-yes Ma'am!" "My name is Ciaca and I expect to be addressed by it!" "Understood ma- Ciaca!" Ten minutes later, to the second The hum of antigravity systems filled the ears of everyone on the block as ten starships rose from the spaceport. Nine were freighters, hastily modded with military grade weaponry. One of them was a destroyer, and the absence of any military markings made it clear to everyone that it was the Burakkusutā. It broadcast a message across the entire planet, one that anyone inside the atmosphere and with a radio would be able to hear. "Keep fighting, people of Kibō-hosh! Help is coming, and mark my words, we will drive back the invaders before the end of this week!"
Kibō-hosh, Orbit
Ten starships came up from the ground, glinting in the sunlight as they came into the daylight side of the planet. Nine of them were clearly visible, but the tenth had its space-time bubble generator active. There wasn't enough power put into it to elevate the ship to the fifth dimension, but there was enough to mask it from radar. It flew through space undetected, maintaining radio silence with the other ships. Everyone knew their part to play and they were prepared to play it was well as a professional actor. Passive scans of the system alerted the Abh to the Draconian presence, which made their job significantly easier. The engines of the tenth ship suddenly opened up at full burn, rocketing it into the Roman blockade at multiple gs of acceleration. The sheer speed of the craft made it nearly impossible to target, and the space-time bubble made missile locks absolutely out of the question. The nine other ships came right after it at similar speeds, opening fire with their weapons. The nine were transports, likely carrying evacuees in an attempt to get off the planet. None of them seemed to have FTL, which implied that getting through the blockaded Hasichi would be necessary. A message was sent from the destroyer, which was dodging fire left and right, as if the ship itself had a mind of its own. "It's far past time that you learned a very important lesson: Abh never surrender!"
Cathacia, Planet Arcadia
The woman slowly came to, finding herself in some kind of medical facility. Her wounds had been healed, but there was still plenty of pain, likely a result of either the alien medical technology or their understanding of Abh physiology. It was obvious that it wasn't any kind of major hospital, but her wounds had been severe, so keeping her in the town was the best choice. The room itself was similar to the hospital rooms she had seen, but all of the equipment was completely alien. She found that she couldn't move without extreme pain, but that she was very much capable of moving if she had to. She decided to thank the low gravity for this, as with her injuries, she wouldn't be able to move at all on Shōrino'ba. She lifted her head as high as she could, which to her delight, caused little pain. Any pain would have indicated a neck injury and signal her death. The door to her room was open, and outside she could see multiple aliens, most of them were Abhoids with pale grey skin, but there were multiple different species. She hadn't expect this, if anything, she expected a fractured species with multiple different nations vying for control just like in the Pre-Empire days. Turning towards the medical equipment, she found that it seemed to use standard digital computers. She scrutinized the equipment, looking for an interface port. Not to hack into it, but to figure out if the aliens could also interface with computers. Finding none, she frowned. Are we really the exception? She thought, still staring at the computer. A sudden realization came to her, something that she had never thought of before. We're just as alien to them as they are to us. She snapped out of it when she heard the voices of two aliens talking just outside of her room. Tilting her head back up, she opened her mouth to speak when a mind shot through her head: What if they were Romans? The idea didn't make much sense, but being in her state, she couldn't think of a reason they couldn't be. For a moment, she was paralyzed with fear, but then she shook it off, reminding herself that nothing ever got done without taking a risk. She called out to them, hoping they could hear her. She didn't expect them to be able to understand her, as she hadn't ever thought of a translation device as a plausible reality. "Who are you?" She called, as loud as she could (which was about as loud as her normal speech). "Your species, I mean. My people are at war, and for all I know, you're the enemy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dullahan, High Orbit
General Silvad waited a moment before responding to the xenos in front of her. Before she spoke, one of her fellow Valkyrie walked over to her, the Valkyrie's metal wings still spread out and her Aether Wing suit still active from the flight over. She moved her hands in a series of gestures, obviously some form of sign language as she sent her message to the Roa'marii General. Sta'falia simply nodded before once more returning her attention to the xenos before her. "I apologize for that, my Battle Sister was just informing me that the scans of your atmosphere show it to be habitable to our kind. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to remove my helmet." With that said, the general removed her helmet completely, her silver hair falling loosely across her shoulders as it was freed from the confines of the Aether wing suit's air tight helmet. once the helmet came off with a slight hiss, the general took in her first breath of non recycled air and sighed in relief. "Those suits are great for movement through space, but wearing them for prolonged periods of time is not pleasant. Now, as for this situation of yours. The Roa'marii Empire is always willing to accept an alliance with another nation who offers. One of the main goals of the United Empire is to unite all species in a sort of peaceful union. we wish to end those wars which threaten to eliminate entire cultures and civilizations. We were once the cause of genocide, and this is our work to make up for our sins. We will assist you however we can, and we hope that you will consider a place among the United Empire. you will remain a Sovereign Democracy, and we will open up great trade and diplomatic unions between those already in the Empire and yourselves. Of course, we don't expect an outright acceptance immediately, but i will not lie to you about our intentions. Take word to your leader and have them think over our proposition. In the meantime, we will assist in your toubles." Her speech given, General Sta'falia Silvad smiled and leaned back in her seat, waiting for the response to come.
Cathacia, Arcadia
Doctor Ire'merok had been one of those who had attempted to treat the newly arrived xenos. She had previously been a battlefield medic in charge of administering aid to enemy fighters, and as such was considered the most qualified to treat these injuries on this unknown species. She had been standing outside the room it was being kept in when she heard the xenos speak once more in its native tongue. She quickly grabbed the translator ring she had been given for communication with the xeenos should it wake up and put it on her finger. she then turned to the room and entered it once more. The alien was still in the bed, her eyes hiding a look of slight fear and nervousness. She stared directly at the doctor who stopped just before the foot of the bed the alien was in. The doctor was the first to speak, her voice coming out as a slighly accented version of the typical Abh language. "I am sorry, but I was unable to understand your words. Don't worry now, I have this translator ring to ensure a coherent message getting across. Now, since I'm sure you are wondering, You are currently being held at a Queen's Cross hospital in the town of Cathacia. You were found at the edge of the town after collapsing. I assume you came from the ship that crashed in the jungle not far from here. You are on the planet Arcadia of the United New Roa'marii Empire. As a doctor of the Queen's Cross it is my sworn duty to tend to your injuries. Now that you are awake, would you mind telling me who and what exactly you are, as well as how you came to be here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cathacia, Planet Arcadia
The Empress looked the doctor in the eye, listening carefully to every word she said. The accent was definitely alien, but the "translator ring" (however that worked) didn't make a single mistake. Even the grammar was correct, speaking the formal dialect that would be required when speaking to the Empress. The ring appeared to have more knowledge of Abh culture than the doctor, which was especially odd since there didn't seem to be any major electronic component to it. As far she could tell, it was just a ring. When she heard "Roa'marri", it was quite clear that she was afraid. While she controlled most of her facial cues, her eyes gave it all away. Whoever she was, that name meant something to her. "I was on the bridge of the Imperial flagship, which is probably what you found crashed. I was leading an attack on an enemy colony of about a hundred million people, not an invasion, just a blockade. We figured that if they couldn't launch anything, then we could set up defenses and construction facilities uninterrupted. After all, we were only trying to establish a frontline outpost. It was our first offensive of the war, the plan was to surround the enemy homeworld on all sides then force them to sign a peace treaty. I'll give you the short story for now, maybe later I'll tell the whole story. After we had entered blockade formation around the planet, an allied warship rammed us, setting off the emergency escape system and forcing me to flee. Before I jumped away, I heard a transmission from the ramming ship. It wasn't the voice of that ship's commander, it sounded just like him, but it wasn't him. They declared allegiance to the enemy, something no Abh would do after what they did at Midway. The only explanation I have is that they were somehow mind controlled by our enemy, who revealed themselves in that message to be known as the New Roman Empire. That was the first time they let us learn anything about them aside from the shape of their ships and what their weapon discharges looked like."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sector Black Four Uninhabited planet Civilis Protectione Chatter "Mission specific Sterilisation and Protectione Teams assigned. All units BOL for suspect wanted for unauthorised absence from civil society. Advise; Suspect is known to have an illegal mate. Units of protectione team SUNDOWN report status." "SUNDOWN 3 reports control is 100% at this 10-20, no sign of that 647E." "Overwatch confirms zero viscon, continue search for 647E. Caution, violations include 243S." "10-4, SUNDOWN 3 10-50 at..." "10-78, SUNDOWN 2 has viscon of that 647E reading" "Anti-Kyn Viral Infection detected; All units, verdict code on suspect; Amputate, Sterilise, Zero" "10-4, SUNDOWN 1 and 3 moving to SUNDOWN 2, request SUNDOWN two report 647E equipment?" "..." "SUNDOWN 2 report black out status?" "Lost biosignal for Protectionne team unit; SUNDOWN 2." "Copy, SUNDOWNS 1 and 3 move to diagnose..." "Biosignal terminated by damage from plasma weaponry." "10-4, SUNDOWN 1 i..." "SUNDOWN 4 here; We have a 10-91M here." "Overwatch confirms 10-91M, sentencing is discretionary" "10...-4, 10-17 with 10-91M to transport" "SUNDOWN 1 engaged in combat with 647E, requesting 10-78 and 11-99" "SUNDOWN 3 has administered, injecting to 10-78" "NOMAD 1 here, NOMAD is moving up to flank" "SUNDOWN 1, hit on the 647E, subject immobile" "Overwatch confirms hit on target. All units complete sentencing at will" 'SUNDOWN 3, got clear viscon on target: Amputating" "NOMAD 1 confirms SUNDOWN e has delivered final prosecution, NOMAD team spreading and continuing sweep for his mate." "Overwatch confirms SUNDOWN 4 has already located mate." "Wh... She's about 13! He w..." "You mean 1.5 cycles, unit..." "Overwatch confirms suspect had hebephilic tendencies. SUNDOWN 4, 10-3. Further unnecessary transmission will result in corrective treatment." "NOMAD 1 here, confirming target. We got him." "He's 41... That's sick..." "SUNDOWN 4, just get her on that transport!" "Then what? We send her off to recycling too? The..." "All units cease non-essential communications and wrap up" "10...-4" "SUNDOWN 4, 10-91M is fleeing; Chasing" "SUNDOWN 4, prosecute" "NOMAD 3, moving to intercede." "She's entered a small wooden structure; Classification as cabin, moving in!" "NOMAD 3 reporting uh hearing a 10-91I. SUNDOWN 4, do you hear a... 10-91I?" "Affirming, NOMAD 3, 10-91I somewhere at this 10-20" "Must be hers, inject." "NOMAD 3, SUNDOWN 4, designate 10-91I as 10-91UI and prosecute "10-4." "It's just a baby! You..." "SUNDOWN 4, 200 civic work points deducted. Cease communications and prosecute." "NOMAD 3 here, we've injected. 10-91UI amputated, SUNDOWN 4, has recovered that 10-91M" "We didn't need to kill..." "SUNDOWN 4, 100 civic work points deducted. Cease unneeded communications' "Go easy on him, Overwatch; He's 2.3 cycles old, he's new to mask." "Acknowledged, Division Leader." "All units, wrap up. Debriefing aboard the Atom in 30" "SUNDOWN 1, 10-17 with 647E body to transport" "NOMAD 1, attached to NOMAD 2 and 4 and sterilised scene. Removed all Collective tech; Requesting pings." "Overwatch copies, pinging technology and scanning for missed infection." "SUNDOWN 1 here, I've got SUNDOWN 2's body, 10-17 transport" "SUNDOWN 4; 10-91M is aboard the transport. "Reminder; Memory Replacement is the first step towards rank privileges. Memory replacement is available for traumatic incidents." "Teams disbanded, return to standard digit system."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Draconian Major Warlord watched with some amount of interest as the holographic display pinged with updates- dozens and dozens of ships surrounding a planet, all facing more or less inwards. Based on the ships' actions, their orbits, positions, and numbers, it didn't take much to figure out that they were clearly setting the planet under siege. Interesting indeed, this may bring more honor than I ever expected from this trip. Thoughts of the honor gained from breaking this blockade and taking the planet- as well as the resources- gave heavy incentive to attack. His interest rose as nine ships rose from the surface, shooting for the blockade. Accelerating to high-sublight, they darted through, and the Major Warlord's grunted in recognition of their slight cleverness. They were escaping the planet, likely to bring help from outside, and they were now moving towards his fleet. Ten ships to his several hundred... and the war on the planet may boil over to the point of both sides exhausting the majority of their resources, leaving the planet open for the taking... There was honor, true, but then there was also saving his own peoples' hides from meaningless battle for resource and land. Why not just wait and take it later? "Intercept the ships," he growled, "launches drones and use tractor beams to slow them down when they're within range. Have the drones disable them; I want them neutralized, but not dead." A chorus of affirmatives rang out across the Combat Information Center, and the Draconian leader smiled grimly. Oh yes, he thought, this might work out very well. He would speak with the occupants of the ships that now approached him before he released or boarded them- they may prove to be valuable allies, or worthy slaves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ciaca sat in the central seat on the bridge of her destroyed, wired directly into the ship's systems with her eyes closed, her mind reading every bit of sensor data flawlessly as only an Abh's could. The rest of the crew was only staring at their readouts as a formality, being the skilled pilot she was, Ciaca could fully merge herself with the ship. It was an ability only earned after innumerable hours of practice, and very few Abh had it. Oh, another fleet blocks our path to the hasichi? The friends of our enemies, given the odd configuration. No matter, we'll punch through them too! As the Draconian drones came closer and closer, a small opening at the center of the destroyer began to glow a bright orange. A pulse of orange light was fired from it, destroying multiple drones right on front of the destroyer. Its cannons opened fire, bolts of the blue argon plasma hitting their target drones perfectly every time, bringing them down with ease. The other nine ships opened fire with their own plasma cannons, streams of plasma bolts forming walls of weapons fire that shredded anything that dared to enter them. Though the drones were dropping like flies, they came like ants from a destroyed hill, swarming the Abh ships to the point that everyone had to focus on fighting them. Though they could have held off against the drones, tractor beams from the Draconian warships grabbed them, halting their flight to the Hasichi with such great speed that even the Abh felt squished by the retrograde acceleration. When Ciaca realized what the aliens were doing, the Abh ships abruptly stopped firing, letting the drones pick at their shields. The thruster lights went out, and it seemed that the Abh had surrendered. However, anyone that had ever met an Abh knew that the fight had only just begun. Ciaca gasped slightly as she disconnected herself from the computer, the shock of it getting to even a seasoned pilot such as herself. She jumped out of her seat, unsheathing her katana with one hand and grabbing her pistol in the other. "The filthy aliens that would ally themselves with the demons from the fifth planet would dare to confront us in hand-to-hand combat!" She tapped a button on one of the many touchscreen panels on the bridge, and the crew immediately noticed the environmental change. She had deactivated the gravity. "They think they can board and capture our ship, but they do not realize that when you dock with an Abh ship to board them, you're just allowing them to board you!" She once again tapped a button, activating the shipwide intercom. As the looming shadow of the Draconian flagship eclipsed the purple glow of the Hasichi, she activated her headset's microphone, ordering it to connect to the ship using her constant neural link to it. "All crew, prepare to repel boarders!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Interplanetary Space in the Kibō-hosh system
Warlord Hele'Streth bared his teeth in a feral smile as reports came in: "Sir, unknown ships have opened fire on drones!" "Sir! Enemy ships have ceased fire and ceded to tractor beams and drone disarming!" "Sir! Unknown ships are now being designated as Enigma One through Nine!" "Sir! Enigma Escape Fleet all deactivated internal gravity!" "Sir! Enigma Fleet is ready to be contacted or boarded at your discretion!" Oh, he knew they were up to something. Why else just give up their weapons? Unless, of course, they wanted to be taken hostage and then enslaved, or something similar. But no- they would've contacted him in that case. No, he wanted to see what they were made of. Their gravity was off; already, they were brought in and surrounded by his fleet- far enough away that even if they did try to ram, they would be destroyed before, and if they self-destructed, they shouldn't be able to seriously harm any of his ships. "Ship-of-the-line Genetic's Carrier move to dock with their largest ship. Prep the zero-g spiders for entrance and neutralization of crew- link them to a hive. Follow up with an adaptive Draconian non-lethal team- I want them all alive, and a dozen shipped back to our ship immediately for detainment, study, and use as hostages. Take care- they are planning something." A chorus of aye-aye's came from his officers and communication panels, as his Formations officer relayed orders to other ships in the fleet, reorganizing to cover the Genetic's Carrier's now-empty spot. The SotL approached the unknown ship with care, adaptive airlock rearranging and resealing itself to act as an a go-between for the Draconian and Enigma ships. Tractor beams lanced out of the side of the SotL, locking the two ships together as clamps emerged, locking onto whatever was firm enough to hold the weight, sometimes even expanding into holes left by destroyed weapons, like a ball in a socket- except much less pleasant. As soon as the airlocks were secure, the Draconians' side opened. Should the Enigma's side immediately open as well, they would see nothing but a dark room. Had they been able to see into the dark, they would see nothing but a large, barren room with three doors set into the opposite wall, Draconian writing marked above each. Had they been able to read this writing, one would say "Decont," another, "Corridor AE-3," and the last, "The Kennels." The Kennels had the largest and most reinforced door, with the Corridor's door being second in reinforcement, though it looked more as an airlock. The moment the Abh's side was open after a period of ten seconds, the Kennels' door opened, and out came interesting creatures indeed. One way to describe them would be as worms, or snakes. They had long bodies, though the front was more like a four-flap mouth, and swelled in the middle, before ending in a thick tail. Tentacle-like legs reached out from the sides of the body, grasping the walls, the floor, and small gadgets presumed to be sensors and light shields. Small semi-organic power plant implants shone on the surface of the creatures' bodies, betraying their presence, but also shining bright enough to reveal anything else's. Besides that, they appeared completely harmless. As dozens of these creatures emerged, unfurling their glowing arms, small claw-ringed suction cups popping onto and off of the surface of the ship, claws scrabbling where suction cups wouldn't grip. Vents similar to those of a fish dotted its leathery body, some breathing in, some breathing out, each keeping it stable in position and propelling it whichever direction, in sequence with its limbs. They filled the Draconian room, each body being from two to ten feet long, a foot to six feet thick. They appeared to converse with each other, tapping their mouths against each other, messages being passed through mere touch. When the Kennels' door closed, the creatures spent a minute conversing, then they acted. They rushed forward, squeezing through the airlock's gap. The ones closest to the Enigma ship's airlocks spit acid- sprays of floating grey droplets launched forward, splattering against the hull of the airlock and sticking, slowly beginning to melt through. Regardless if the doors opened or not, they would be ruined, and anything else in their path. Anything organic would be sprayed at with silvery liquid- it would spread against organic matter and spread a paralyzing agent, while the grey wouldn't harm organic matter, but would slowly melt through metals or alloys. The two-dozen zero-g "spiders", the tentacle monsters, would spray everything with silvery liquid, each other being the only creatures that it didn't harm. When they died, they almost burst, a bag in the center of their bodies releasing the silverly liquid, and a white one that did nothing at all. The grey would never be seen except when sprayed- for obvious reasons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Rim of the Dullahan System, Dreadnought Glorious Betrayal
In the ink like blackness of space, a ship exited Flingshot, decay and rust displayed on the once showpiece of freedom and democracy. Once a bright shining light now faded into a disease ridden thing, unworthy of it’s title and shackled to the greedy hands of slavery, oppression and injustice. A shining torch of just rights, grasped in the decay of it’s owner, a Warlord of the highest order and a genocidal maniac. With power beyond belief, he has come to the unknowns to make camp, for he is said to be destined to kill, rape, pillage and burn. The scarred hull was covered with purplish organic, live sickness. Yellowish pus came out of pores, green glowing radiation filled liquid floated around the hull, spewing out of holes in the purplish decay. If you looked closely Krieg, Tar’Lik and Tayt were stuck in the purplish skin, moaning and groaning in their undead ways, some screaming or shouting, unheard in the dark. The interiors though, were quite pristine. Few of the decks had any speck of rust or decay. Excluding that by pristine, it wasn't falling apart. No rust, but there was blood over the walls, cries of pleasure and pain echoing into the halls, groans and moans from the pleasure of flesh, the greedy man’s sole desire. In the bridge of the ship, the Warlord Adolf Von Hilfer cast upon his eyes upon the system, twinkling with ideas and plans. The bridge faired no less and the screams were echoing louder and louder in his ears. For another man, it may have seemed almost arousing, but Adolf was no normal man. “Jarl Fortis!” A stout, gruff man stood attention, half naked and grinning like a child. His stubble beard and short red hair did not improve his appearance. His loose pants were held with a white string and his hairy ginger chest hair gave him the ‘homeless’ vibe. “Yeah?” He replied as a short grunt. “Get the ‘companions out of here. We have reached our destination” Adolf heard a whistle and a clap as the crew groaned, their women taken away from then. As they filed away, he pointed at one of the bridge crew with his pistol and looked at the dressing man with epiphany. “Get yer pants on you lazy dolt and give me a comms. with the crew! Hurry up you bastard!” He looked at Adolf with wide eyes and dragged his pants on and brought the holo up to the Warlord’s face. A green chime came from the holo, signalling him to speak. “Okay boys” he began “our pleasure trip is over. We have reached our destination. The destined Crusade will begin in a few short moments. We shall murder, rape, pillage and burn across these lands! We shall commit blasphemy of the highest order, to appease the Shadow! We shall cast a Shadow so large that innocents will piss their pants and soldiers poop in em! THEY SHALL DIE AND WE SHALL WIN! FOR THE SHADOW!” A roar was heard around the ship, the murderers are on the move. Glorious Betrayal moved forward, as dozens of blue portals popped up from behind the behemoth. Death to all. Rape to all. Pillage from all. And burn all. These are the words of the Shadow, the glorious leader, the omnipotent one, the being that shall grant its followers pleasure and relief beyond measure. And we shall commit the evils in his name.
Dullahan System, 101st Exploration Fleet
“I thank you. I am sure our leader will be glad to accept-“ alarms blared to life and a huge earthquake came on the ship, signalling an attack. Jargen looked at the diplomats and signalled them to stay seated as he went out the door. The Admiral looked at the two Tayt guards. “Guard them with your life, they are first priority” he ordered and he whipped around to one of the elevators on the ship. He arrived on the bridge and was barraged with questions for orders. He ordered silence on the bridge and went onto the command throne and looked at the reports. They weren't good. The Shackles of Oppression was swarmed in the first minute of the fight, it's wreckage floating in space, little bits and bobs bouncing off the Freedom’s Right’s shield. Floating Democracies bodies floated around the place, blood flowing. The cruiser Death to Slavery was taking sustained fire and the rest of the ships were in a vicious melee. “Status report, now!” He barked. “All of our drones have been deployed sir! They are struggling to keep the enemy cruisers and frigates away from our bloody shields!” A Krieg Bridge Crew was looking at his data slate, disbelief in his eyes. “Constitution Squadron, Omega Squadron and Chi Squadron have been wiped from the sensors. Half of the other squadrons have been cut to half. All three frigates have reported boarding actions and their crew being overwhelmed.” The silence was deafening. The Admiral was grim. Death was imminent. He did not expect Adolf to come this early or in these numbers. They were outnumbered 10 to 1. He was going to die here. On the age of 19, he was going to die. Jargen was old for most Krieg. An old man. He has lived his life to his species’s potential. But some of the others….. They were younglings. Some barely 10 years old. They had to live. “Admiral! Boarding actions! There is a hole in the drones defences!” The colour drained from his face. There was no hope.
Docking Bay V of the Freedom’s Right, 101st Exploration Fleet, Dullahan System
The inhuman war cries of murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals echoed throughout the bay, mixing well with the sounds of gunfire. Tayt, Krieg and Tar’Lik alike clashed with raving lunatics, turning them into bloody pulps. But they just kept coming. Wave after wave, and after half an hour, they had to retreat or be overwhelmed by the amount of bodies. The troop morale was low and the unorganised retreat wasn't helping it. Death was everywhere, gore and blood stained the walls and floor and the screams were terrifying. They retreated into the hallways and tried to hold. “We need to hold! Don't let them through! The ambassadors!” A Tayt Gunnery Sergeant shouted at the top of her lungs, before a razor sharp knife lodged into her neck, killing her instantly. The fighting turned even bloodier as the melee began. SMG and Pistol fire echoed throughout the hallways, sporadic in the midst of the violent crunch of armoured fists connecting with soft flesh and bone. The two Tayt guards heard this all behind the blast doors. They smashed the room open and looked at the aliens in the eye. “We will not hold. Death is imminent. Our numbers have depleted even more. If we do not get any help, we will all die.” One Tayt took her helmet off and revealed her amber hair, blue skin and blue eyes. She looked into the aliens eyes with plead in her voice “For the love of the Democracies, please call help”. The screams grew louder and louder before, silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cathacia, Arcadia
The doctor listened intently to the tale. Upon hearing mention the Romans, she took note mentally not to mention their presence in the capital and in orbit above the planet. Once the Abh was done, the doctor responded. "That is indeed quite the story. I do wish to ask, are you a high ranking officer among your people? You mentioned being on the bridge of an imperial flagship. If so, I apologize for any curtsies I was unaware of. If you would allow it, I'd like a true ambassador to come see you. While I'm sure you could make the journey to the capital after perhaps a day or two of rest, it will be far more beneficial to bring someone here. We already informed the capital of your arrival, there should be an ambassador ready to meet you soon. Until then I recommend you stay in bed here. It will speed up your recovery if you remain immobile. Anything you need will be brought to you, you need only to ask."
Dullahan, High Orbit
General Silvad watched the invading xenos Rush aboard the ship, slowly overwhelming those defending it. The space battle wasn't going much better, the friendly fleet outnumbered massively even with the assistance of the Dullahan defense fleet. With the number of drones in the space combat, a launch of the Valkyrie was not an option. Instead, messages were quickly relayed to the Roa'marii fleet to send reinforcements. In the meantime, it was the general's duty to protect those she could and help repel the invading masses. She replaced her helmet on her head and opened her wings, their faint blue glow appearing once more. As she advanced towards the invaders, the xenos defending were panicking, their discipline breaking from the berserkers' onslaught. The general's eyes met one of those guarding her, her eyes filled with fear. As the Tayt spoke, the blast doors shuddered from the attempts to get through it. Suddenly, the doors buckled and were forced open, only to unleash the fury of blades that waited behind them. The general leapt into action as soon as an opening was made, the valkyrie with her doing the same. Their wing blades flashed as they sliced through those immediately near the door. Most valkyrie flew upwards, hanging above the invading xenos and gunning them down from above. The general was not among them. She had pulled out her dual blades which, along with those on her wings, flew faster than eyes could follow, slicing through flesh and armor as if it wasn't there. The dark metal shined in the crimson blood that coated it. Unseen beneath her helmet, the general had a wide grin on her face, eyes glowing, magic fueling her and causing her to move even faster than she normally could. Moments later, the defenders began to fight back, the valkerie's fury raising their moral and giving them hope of repelling those that had nearly broken them just seconds before. However, the influx of invaders never ceased, and still they came.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dullahan System, 1st Crusade Fleet
Adolf Von Hilfer grinned at the incoming results for the battle. It was going well. The Democracies Fleet was wiped out except for their irritating flagship and the Xenos defence fleet was wiped out. He looked down at the planet below him, unknown life signs coming from the planet. The Warlord stretched his fingers and pondered on the events that has unfolded. His plans were going perfectly. Death has begun and reinforcements from the omnipotent Shadow has continuously streamed through Flingshot. His forces have been bolstered and his troops will probably break through the defences in the Flagship. Adolf turned to his second in command. “Send the troops down, the crusade has begun. Let them live their desires. Let them commit the pleasure of flesh and blood. Let them be. Let them destroy. For the Shadow, Jarl” Fortis saluted and let out a grin, as he gave the orders to send the maniacs down. Adolf walked down towards the bay where they will be embarking off of. The mass of bodies shuffled and pushed to the drop pods and the shuttles. He saw a few Tayt, Krieg and Tar’Lik committing, “quickies” and doing rituals for luck. He started. “Brothers, Sisters. The true crusade has begun. Commit your desires. Kill and destroy. For the Shadow.” A loud “Hoorah!” was heard throughout the room and mass moved more faster. Adolf looked down on his wrist holo and saw the live video footage. The streaks of yellow fire and the shuttles entering atmosphere was glorious. The Anti Orbital Guns shot some of them down but the mass of ships was overwhelming. It has begun.
Dullahan, Capital
The huge roar was heard across the city. Fire streaked from the skies as comet like pods crash landed into the city, smashing a few towers down and sending rubble down to the unsuspecting innocents. The shuttles came next, landing gently on the streets. And then the frigates came down, breaking the skies and casting huge shadows over the civilians. Then all hell broke loose. The doors on the pods opened, revealing the mass of bodies inside. They came out of each pod, firing their guns at the victims, their infections and tattoos displayed proudly. Some were wearing full body armour while some were just bare naked, the lust in their eyes making it obvious their intentions. Murder, Rape and Pyromaniac Desires were released into the city. Murder was committed more than rape for the Roa’marii was quite…. Defiant. The shuttles opened revealing more “troops” and the heavy armour. The great guns of former democracies tanks barked loudly, taking buildings down, causing even more chaos. The frigates in the sky released fire onto the streets, death unleashed upon the city for the Shadow (Last one for the week. Gotta take a break guys. Is rote this all with a terrible cold still)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Arcadia "We applaud your efforts in setting up such a Union Nox, we Romans even want to do something similar. However we have come to realize force will be needed, as not everybody will willingly join it. Also included on the disk are the locations of New Rome, New Germania, and New Gull. These are the three largest planets in terms of population in the New Roman Empire and is where I would like to have the magical academies. I can also say that I can not join the New Roman Empire with you right now but perhaps in the far future. Beyond that I like to stay on Arcadia for a while so I may learn more about Roa'marii history and culture." Kibō-hosh, Space The Princess stood up as she watched the the new contact board the Abh ships. She did not know who they were, but they were helping the Romans already. She turned to her communication officers as she ordered the fleet to deploy all Roman Bug Fighters into atmosphere and bombard any Abh reinforcements heading towards the capital of Kibō-hosh and any Abh Air bases regardless of their location. The fighters swarmed into the atmosphere and the new bombardment campaign began. She turned to the new communication channel as she broadcasted her message. "I am Princess Aurora via Italia of the New Roman Empire. I do not know who you are or why you are here, however if you assist in capturing and taking this planet we can make it worth your while in the form of resources and perhaps a few pieces of technology. The message was broadcasted in quite a few languages, also included in the transmission was a strange data matrix. Analysis of it revealed that it was a translation matrix for one of the languages the Romans broadcasted, and it was easy to decrypt due to the fact that it was in basic 01 code. Kibō-hosh, Ground Battle The Abh Air bases were suddenly surrounded by the explosions of orbital bombardment, as many of the rounds struck the bases. Reinforcements heading to the current battle also found themselves struck by the massive blasts, as the massive swarm of Roman Bug Fighters descended on the Abh Craft. If there was one advantage they had it was the fact that they were fast and cheap to produce, making it so the Abh suddenly found their craft outnumbered in the air, as massive amounts of Roman transports descended, carrying even more troops. Combined with the orbital bombardment the Romans were focused on gaining air superiority, as the Abh in the city and on the battlefield found that for every Imperial Guardsmen they killed, another 5 seemed to take his or her place. The Romans were hoping to win by sheer numbers alone. Roman Colony World A-01 The Psionic aboard the Roman ship transmitted another message. "You may land near the capital, it is the largest city and where you most likely feel most of the energy on this world. Normally the Emperor himself would meet with such a... interesting contact but he is currently attending to other diplomatic matters." Outer Collective Human Colony The Romans had detected a signal originating from this sector of Andromeda, supposedly from the other human colony ship attempting to contact Earth or the Roman's colony ship. However the battle group of 10 ships upon arriving and scanning the system had found that a new alien contact had conquered them, apparently the signal beings quite old. "Novi ego imperator Romanus Kajan venimus huc ratus humana erat coloniae Novae Mostt homines sed etiam imperium alterius rationis." The Latin they were speaking was clearly a different dialect, and the transmission also included a translation matrix but for the most part the Collective could understand it without it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

[b][u]Sector Black Three[/b][/u] Native Designation: New Scotland Exogens detected within containment and restriction zone The Romans would easily notice an increase in energy surrounding their ship as there was a mass scanning from the planet and it's orbital stations. A handful of Civilis Protectione ships came into view from the nearby nexus station, gliding through space towards the battle group and circling like vultures around a man stranded in the desert, or like flies drawn to a week old corpse, eager for their lot. What Equitem ships there were in system held their distance, apparently content to allow the civil authority to handle this particular intrusion for the moment, though their movements did not allow one to wrought their intent; They were prepared to engage the Romans at a moments notice, as was apparent from their positioning "Operam placet; Quos eructavit speciebus usuris, confirmetis intenta" The cold feminine voice declared over a message. There was a clear atmosphere of suspicion and perhaps a hint of paranoia from the alien vessels... And that is what they could most easily be described as, their sleek forms apparently had no engines or system of propulsion, no visible weaponry and no clear indication of it's design at all. They were almost all simply cold metal, save for two symbols branded on them; A collective symbol on the port side of the vessel, and the marking of Civilis Protectione on the other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mikellh Dejax

Mikellh Dejax

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Roman Colony World A-01 "Very well." The Builder and his Teynen floated down into orbit, then to the atmosphere, then the stratosphere, and so on. Behind him, the Congregation let two individual, invisible presences float down with the Builder and his Teynen. The descent was fairly average, uneventful, not slow, nor fast. Roman Colony World A-01 - Capital The Teynen touched down, and the Builder detached himself. As he detached, the suit engaged its anti-gravity and the Builder floated gracefully, he awaited the arrival of the Psion's ship before he ventured into the capital. He and the Congregation knew that it was impolite to barge in without proper notification, especially since he found that he dwarfed much of the people here in his suit. The Builder turned to the presences and saw that they were already forming into Seighis. The Psion's ship landed as well. The Builder communed. "Forgive me for not notifying you, but I shall be bringing in additional guests, as you know, diplomatism does not always go favorably. It is best to be prepared." He rang his voice. After a few moments, the Seighis began to form and finally, the twisting chaos and shadow that was their bodies made shape. "Please," the Builder noted to the Psion, "After you." After the Psion had entered, the Builder and his two Seighis escorts hovered by and into the structure, fortunately, the Builder was not tall enough to promote inconvenience in humanoid-sized passageways. He looked forward to the meeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kibō-hosh, Draconian Contact
The moment the doors opened, the Abh forces inside the ship opened fire with coilguns, using the door as a bottleneck. The odd alien creatures managed to easily paralyze the Abh, but their fingers were already pressed down hard on the trigger. The entire hallway became a storm of gunfire and advancing aliens, the chaos seemingly making any kind of planning impossible. Though the Abh were still firing, they had no way to control which way their bullets went, causing multiple friendly fire casualties. Of course, these casualties kept on shooting, having been paralyzed in that position already. One of the alien creatures suddenly fell, bursting and spraying the silver liquid everywhere. Its killer perfectly dodged the splatter, not letting even a single drop get on them. Another flurry of shots took down a second alien, with the killer once again avoiding the silver liquid. A katana was dragged through the body of a third, the killer latching onto the alien and swinging themselves under it in the microgravity environment, ending up on the other side of the hallway before it burst. Whoever the killer was, they moved as if they knew what was going to happen, avoiding shots of the liquid before they were even fired. What they didn't dodge they deflected with their maneuvering jets, forcing the bursts of liquid away with the jets of monopropellant. Before long, the entire ship was clear of the aliens, all of them killed by this one Abh. With them gone, it was clear who they were: Ciaca, the captain herself. She stood silently, ordering the computer to open a channel with the alien vessel using her mind. "Attention alien demons!" She said in an almost taunting voice, walking into the alien ship two soldiers on each of her flanks illuminating the room. "It will take more than beasts to kill Ciaca, the Ronin Empress! By sending beasts to do you own work, you have shown that you are yourself a beast! I demand to speak with this beast in a captain's skin, if you do not meet this demand, then your ship will be mine!"
Kibō-hosh, Ground Battle
"Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve." -Sun Tzu The Abh were forced to focus on the enemy fighters, letting the transports slip through. On the ground, the Abh had retreated entirely into the heavily fortified city center. They were surrounded now, but the Abh seemed to be of the opinion that they were simply "In a target-rich environment". The streets funneled the enemy into the city center in an incredibly predictable manner, creating dozens of choke points that the Abh took full advantage of. While the Romans might have the advantage in numbers, those five soldiers that took the place of every one fell just as quickly as that one did, torn apart by the Abh defensive line. It was clear that the Abh had intended for this to happen, letting themselves be trapped inside of the city with no possible escape. Either they defeat the entire Roman invading army, or they all die. Even as a fleet of airships made their way towards the city, they could feel the foreboding sense of defeat. Even so, they kept fighting, slaying enemy troops without any fear of death or loss. The new airships came into cannon range, but held their fire. Their guns were raised, their planes were ready to launch, but none of them opened fire. A message was sent from the command vessel, apparently towards the Roman forces. "This is General Jentorumh-Heishi Kyūsei of the Eight World's Empire. You promised not to kill... 'those who arm themselves not'. You had a word for it too, cee-veel-ee-ehn. We don't understand why you would say that, as it's just common sense that all of us would arm ourselves to fight you. Nevertheless, we took this to be your word of honor. You dishonored yourselves by attacking those who did not arm themselves, who obviously quickly did so in order to fight. I make a request of you, whoever bears the shame of this dishonor. Being the only leader left with honor, I could request anything, even your retreat. However, as you thought that we would not take up arms against you, we doubt you understand our customs. Instead, I simply ask you a question: Why do you fight us? Space is too vast and gravity too strong for you to be looking for resources, and even if you somehow came to the belief that you are superior due to your genes, we have incredibly similar genetic makeups. The basic structure is so similar that we could naturally have children. So why? Please, answer me. As aliens, you cannot be bound by our honor code, but you must have some sense of decency in you, some instinct if you will that compels you to answer. I have never had to see the lifeless eyes of one of my men before, and I would choose dishonor over seeing them without knowing for what purpose their shine has left."
Cathica, Arcadia
The Empress laughed, ignoring the resulting pain entirely. After a non-trivial amount of time, she finally stopped, holding her ribs in obvious pain. "I'm the Empress of the Eight World's Empire, probably should have mentioned that earlier." For whatever reason, she didn't even think about telling the doctor to observe the proper courtesies. In fact, she instinctively did just the opposite. "Don't worry about how you act though, you're aliens, so I can't expect you to follow Abh customs. Even if I explained them to you, there's no reason for you to follow them, as they're mostly rooted in our religion. I would like to ask one thing of you though. If you could meet me after I'm healthy enough to stand, that would be nice. We bow to everyone we meet, and you're the first person I've actually spoken to here, so I'd like to bow to you as soon as I can. If that's not any trouble, of course. It's not like I would request that any kind of transfer be delayed so I could bow."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moonlight Castle, Arcadia
"I shall send groups to these planets as you wish. We understand as well that not all will accept peace with those around them. We have dealt with many wars fought against us for even implying such a notion. Neither do I expect you to join in this union immediately, most do not. If I'm correct, you are biologically immortal as I am. Therefore we have plenty of time in the future to work towards the ideal galaxy. You are welcome to spend as much time as you wish on Arcadia, though I will ask that you not go too deep into the Great Rainforest. The place is far from safe, and a recent uprising of the forest's Naga population has left it filled with the lizards ready to prey on any who travel in the area. Some border towns have been experiencing raids rather frequently lately. A guide will be sent with you wherever you go, but I'm afraid I have matters to attend to. I hope to speak once more sometime soon. With this said, the Nightmare Emperor bowed slightly before turning and exiting along with most of his guard. One soldier remained with the Roman Emperor. After the Nightmare Emperor had left, she spoke. "I am Commander Arc'istia Sehlph. I will be your guide here on Arcadia. If there is anything in particular you wish to see, I would be honored to take you there."
Cathacia, Arcadia
Upon hearing that this Abh was an Empress, Doctor Ire'merok's eyes grew wide. She immediately fell down to a knee and bowed her head. "You are an Empress. I'm sorry, but I should inform our own Emperor right away. If it is your wish that I meet with you when you are healed I would be honored to do so." Just then, explosions were heard from outside, followed closely by screams. Moments later, a loud scratchy voice spoke, obviously aided by some sort of amplifier. "Citizens of Cathacia, the Naga Cartel is here for supplies. Hand over your goods and we won't be forced to cause unnecessary damage to this town of yours." As this was broadcast across the town, a frantic doctor ran by the room, stopping only long enough to request everyone meet in the lobby before continuing on to other rooms. Outside, there was a group of twenty Naga standing before a single small tank hovering just above the ground. The hover tank was painted a dark green and was covered in mud from the forest. The Naga themselves wore skin tight black suits which covered everything besides their faces which were covered in scales of varying colors. Each held a long barreled rifle and had a number of grenades on their belts. The lead Naga had golden scales and had been the one speaking. He stood there now, a crooked grin on his face.
Dullahan City, Dullahan
The people of Dullahan watched the space battle as it lit up the sky with explosions. The Defense Shield lit up with multiple explosions as the invading fleet bombarded it. Surface to orbit emplacements along the Great Dullahan Wall were firing rapidly at the enemy ships in an attempt to support the defense fleet, but were holding back for fear of hitting the newly found allies among the defenders. After half a day of constant bombardment, the planetary shield began to falter slightly. When it finally fell, the Roa'marii were ready. The streets had all been fortified, and all those in the city had taken up arms, ready to defend their homes. The drop pods came down like rain, and the Anti-Air guns shot down the falling ships left and right, but many still made it through to the city. The invaders hit hard against the defenders, the drop sites turning into bloody areas of murder and rape as the invaders overwhelmed those in the area and killed at they found. In the Keep, soldiers shot from the walls as they did their best to thin the tides of invaders rushing through the streets towards them. They waited in their fortifications, as battles raged in the streets. They waited for the horde to reach them, and to break upon their walls.
Dullahan, High Orbit
As the defense fleet fell slowly to the overwhelming numbers, the remaining fleet gathered its strength. The flagship of the Democracies had repelled it's invaders at great cost. It was the sole remaining ship of the Democracies fleet and along with one ship from Expedition Fleet A-9 and two from the Dullahan Defense Fleet made up the remainder of the defending fleet. Messages had been sent for reinforcements, and the ships watched as the planetary shield was bombarded and eventually fell. They could do nothing to fight off the overwhelming fleet brought to the planet. Then, as hope was lost, a portal opened near the fleet and a great beam of energy shot out of it, slamming into a group of enemy ships and tearing through them before continuing through the center of the enemy fleet. When the beam faded, the enemy feet had been scattered, many ships damaged and those in the beam's path destroyed. Next through the portal came a fleet of Roa'marii ships, their hulls shining and weapons prepared to fire. This new reinforcement wave ready to bring the fight back to the enemy fleet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kibō-hosh, Draconian Contact
The Draconians watched with some amount of skepticism at the antics of the unknown ship's captain. She tore through the creatures, somehow avoiding the ocean of paralyzing acid, and the hivemind shrieked under the collective pain and thoughts. But even when disemboweled and gutted, though she did not know, they still lived- as so their purpose. She had moved to the airlock, demanding to be met by the owner of the monsters, a monster by right in the actions taken, apparently, even though all the creatures had subdued the entire crew without any major injuries, nor anything on the ship damaged. Which was why the shipmaster of the SotL Genetic's Carrierp was so eager to meat her. A woman, too! Fierce, strong, and proud! Sadly, she'll have to take a knife in the back one of these days, for her ambition may get her too far, but that is for later- now, for admiration! The ship captain was roaring with laughter when he appeared in the room opposite the airlock. Around him, stray drops of acid dropped to the floor; where the metal-eating touched his scale, it did nothing, as did the paralyzing acid. He strode through, gravity only surrounding him, as he bared his teeth in a feral smile, clapping all the way. "Worthy of Admiration, fellow Shipmaster! I ask of you why you call me a monster- I receive my orders, and to not follow them is treason, and breaks what little order there might be! Why, I simply receive orders," he gestures vaguely as if a wave or something from higher up was being sent down," and I follow. Those beasts of mine are quite non-lethal, I would call myself quite the opposite!" His smile became more clever, slier, more assured. "In fact, I don't think I managed to get any of your people hurt at all! Of course, your own, being obviously proud, immediately opened fire. I'm afraid the hivemind didn't like that much, now did it? All the harm that came to your people came from your people, and mine only sought to end the conflict very quickly, and then explain later. No telling what you might do- had to act quickly, see? You might decide to fuck it, and self-destruct- which would most certainly kill me and mine in the process. No, I could've sent in the hounds, or the raptors, or the slitherers, or a dozen other creatures- as my ship is to do." He spoke with a deep, gravelly voice that had the hints of a strong persuasion- listening to it, one might want to just close their eyes and listen to it. It was not beautiful, but it was, in its own right, powerful. Maybe or maybe not because of cybernetics, genetic modification, and the like. But he continued smiling anyways, and continued talking without pause. "You see, your threat is empty. You threaten to take both ships- and yet, you do not know anything. No, you don't- your fiercest warriors may be fierce, proud, strong, like you. But many, many of our warriors live for, crave for, such battle that the entire species of mine are of the fighting kind! You would be taken down before you could tear through half a dozen of us! We are armored, naturally and artificially, with genetic modifications and better weapons. A thinsword, you have, no? Very well-made, I must say. But it would not stand against our own- energy swords and assault rifles. You and your handgun- you threaten a small army equipped with armor, weapons, and beasts," Here, his lip curled up, "And you pay no mind to the thought that if I had wanted to, you would be dead, your crew would be dead- or turned into personal, forced slaves that can do nothing but watch as their body does things they think not- and I could tear open the airlock right now and let you drift into space, while I stay rooted to the ground." Again, back with the easy, fearsome, assured smile. "I will treat you as a guest, and my superior wishes to speak. Know, though, that you may be a person of special prowess in your land, but you are much less so in mine. Come, now- I will escort you personally. And if you think of taking me hostage, there are facilities aboard my superior's warship that will allow him to clone me- so my death will not change much. Taking me hostage will do nothing more than get a bullet through both of our chests'. Come along, now- and don't touch anything. A Sniffer might investigate." With that, he turned and made his way back to the corridor he came from, pausing in front of it for a moment before it deciding to let him in. In that space of a second or so, the door scanned him, analyzed his DNA, his body structure, his blood pressure, etc., to ensure it was most likely him. The door remained open, both airlock and corridor, though all other doors could be seen locking down- thick, thick bolts slid into place, panels sliding over them to ensure extra protection, smaller bolts sliding all the way through the door to the opposite side. It was very clear where he wanted her to go. --- Beforehand, the Major Warlord Hele'Streth had been ranting at his officerss, prior to a certain message that was quickly translated: "I am Princess Aurora via Italia of the New Roman Empire. I do not know who you are or why you are here, however if you assist in capturing and taking this planet we can make it worth your while in the form of resources and perhaps a few pieces of technology." His rant went something along the lines of... "Some resources?! Some pieces of technology?! As if we are some starry-eyed tourists looking for eager tidbits from their great hands! We are warriors! We are masters of conquest! We destroy and take what we will, settle on the ashes of any who are not our own! And they act as if we are some kind of inferior thing worthy of little worthless gifts! Everyone knows that resources are as abundant as bulshevnik! Rewarding with resources is about as rewarding as giving dirt!! INSOLENCE! INFERIOR DELUSIONALS!! THEY WILL BE PUNISHED! First, though, I want these ships taken care of. Then we'll tear apart their limbs and bodies, and feast on their hearts and terror!" Shortly afterwards, Hele'Streth personally sent a video message. Sitting calmly in front of a banner that has his personal crest- that of what might appear to be two curved longswords flanking a rearing antlered fire-breathing lizard-creature, otherwise known as a bulshevnik. "Greetings inferior beings. We are the Draconians, a proud and mighty race of unmatched warriors, with conquest and territory far and wide. We have not come to assist or battle you; try not to insult us with your meager bribes of worthlessness- we are far more worthy for scraps! Mind your business and your territory, and we'll mind ours." He gave a thin smile- looked more like a bearing of the teeth- and shut off the recording. What he left out was that the Draconians considered everywhere to be their territory- just not yet cleansed and settled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kibō-hosh, Space As the Admiral was about to send a message back to the Draconians, Aurora paused him and looked forward, fire now in her eyes as she clearly had become driven to defeat Kibō-hosh. "Nevermind them, our focus is Kibō-hosh. Once we conquer it we shall wipe the floor with these so called Draconians." Aurora finally turned to the console and broadcasted a message across Kibō-hosh, and addressed them to the General. "Honor you say? Under our system of honor your entire species a disgrace. I made that promise with one intention, to seize the capital of this world as quickly as possible, then blockade the planet. We fought you, because we saw all the defenses you had built in and around our home system. We were scared and lashed out thinking that you had come to kill us. However we were mistaken, and this was our last planned offensive. After that we were going to contact your nation and sign a white peace. However I was contacted by my father, the Emperor, and informed of Colony World A-02. On that planet their lived happily 100 million Roman Citizens, civilians they were to. Some men, some women, and some children. They would have been incapable of ever fighting back against you, but do you know what happened? They all burned in the fire of antiprotons, all dead in a single instance. I broke my promise because under Roman standards of Honor, you were a filthy and vile people, and thus not worthy of promises. This war is no longer driven by fears of invasion, but rather vengeance. For every life lost on A-02, I shall claim ten of your peoples! And you know what, I do believe know that Romans are superior to you Abh, except in one aspect... You are better at dying!" Kibō-hosh, Ground Battle The Romans kept on pushing harder, because for their entire time they military they had been told their only purpose now was to server the Empire and Emperor. They have been taught to ignore their comrades falling, and only to push and defeat the Abh. Many who were now just being deployed had been told of what had happened at A-02, and many of those told had families their. They pushed into the Abh with a vengeance, seeking to destroy them. Explosions rang out across the field as all of the orbital bombardment coming from the Roman Ships in orbit became focused on the in-coming air fleet, unleashing vast amounts of firepower down upon it. The swarms of Roman Bug Fighters only continued to rain, as some now turned into Kamikaze Pilots and rammed Abh Fighters, massive amounts of transports descended the sky, adding to the ever-growing horde of Roman Soldiers. As the Romans pushed into the city orbital bombardment rained down upon the chokepoints. New paths opened up, allowing the Romans to spread out across the city. The Romans hordes continued marching, not ceasing. Orbital strikes continued to rain down, focused on those blocks away from the Roman Forces. While the huge horde that the Romans had deployed was mostly the relatively untrained Imperial Guard, the sheer amount of troops deployed stretched far and wide, and vastly outnumbered the remaining Abh Defenders. The Abh may fight valiantly and bravely, but the Romans fought out of undying loyalty to the Emperor. Arcadia Apollo sat their a minute, pondering what the Commander had said. "I am interested as learning as much about your history as possible, as I believe is is the most important gateway to understanding other cultures. Is there a museum or other place of learning we could go so I may acquire such information?" questioned Apollo. Roman Colony World A-01, the Capital Several Roman Soldiers watched the Builder descend from his ship then enter the building. Quite a few were not Romus Humans, but Solusi or even Forsythe, but they clearly were suspicious of the Builder and the rest of his species. A few soldiers escorting them explained to the Builder that is had been the Psionic Message he had sent. Tradition in the New Roman Empire held that if you communicated via mind, you informed the person you were communicating with them through their mind. The breaking of this age-long tradition had clearly upset many a soldier and citizen. When the Builder and his two escorts finally arrived in the Roman, it was a simple glass round table, a large holographic projector showing A-01 in the middle. A tall man sat across from the table, although unlike other Romus Humans his skin was much lighter rather then the skin of the Mediterranean that many Romus Humans had. Also unlike the other soldiers, the ones he had protecting him wore much fancier and more advanced armor, and had better weapons. At that they were Psionics, so it was clear this man also had his suspicions of the Builder after the psionic message. "Greetings, and welcome to Colony World A-01. I am Governor Klaus, and I rule this colony in the Emperor's name. You mentioned Knowledge, and the Roman motto is Knowledge is Power. What specifically do you seek from the New Roman Empire?" asked Klaus, his tone was actually rather friendly, despite everything that had happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mikellh Dejax

Mikellh Dejax

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Roman Colony World A-01 - Capital Around the glass table were numerous chairs, but neither the Seighis escorts nor the Builder sat, as no matter how humanoid they seemed, they did not need to. The escorts hovered a pace backward, now they remained motionless, one could easily mistaken them for figures, if not for their shadow energy erratically moving around them. Knowing that this was a possible offensive or at the least aggressive gesture to most sapient humanoids, the Builder quick, but with no hint of panic at all, eased forward near the table and, addressed the Governor, this time he had the ambient energy vibrate the air to enable sound, though his voice remained as chimeful as always, "Good morning Governor Klaus, I am the Builder, forgive me for I have long forgotten my given name, of the former Xalku species. And please forgive me once again, as I will not take a seat, please, do not see this as a sign of disrespect, we merely do not need to sit, and therefore need not execute the action, as our species, the Congregation and I, now values efficient pragmatism. Forgive the redundancy as well." The Builder inclined his head slightly. "As for our business here, for the knowledge that we seek. I am fairly pleased to hear of your motto, and I, indeed, must agree with it." the Builder paused, his machinic head glanced to the side slowly for a moment. "Hmm. Here I talk of pragmatic efficiency, yet I stall. Forgive me" His melodic voice rang as he emitted a sound, a sound perhaps similar to a chuckle. "The Congregation and indeed, I, only wish to learn from the sapient species of the galaxy, and if time permits, the universe. Your people, as you know, is one of the sapient species native to this galaxy. We seek to learn from you, your culture, your history, how you came to be, and perhaps, if you permit, how your technology and magicks function. The last item may promote to be too suspicious, but I assure you, I and the Congregation will never use this knowledge against you, unless provoked. If this is not satisfactory, know that you are free to leave this information out." If the Builder had a face, he would have smiled, the absence of features was usually an inconvenience, but not always, as there are times when one truly needs to hide their emotions and a face may betray its master. "And for this knowledge that you will share with us, we too will share knowledge equal to what you have given us. But know once again, that if you are unwilling to share at all, we will not harbor ill to you or your people, and we will depart in disappointment, but in peace."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sector Black 4 "Atom" A Velites Class Civilis Protectione pattern vessel CCA-BLADE-05.48281 bit his lip and shifted uncomfortably as the transport docked with the ship. He moved his eyes slowly across the row of white masks before him, belonging to the other units who had been sent on the "protection". What was left of CCA-BLADE-04.38281 after the plasma destroyed nearly his entire upper left torso was slung over the shoulder of CCA-BLADE-04.11037. 482 quickly turned his head to look down at the young girl who stood beside him, tears welled in her eyes and hands bound tightly together by energy restraints. He quickly looked away again, unable to bear the thought of the young girl being processed and likely prosecuted for her actions, perhaps even recycled or amputated. A bright light suddenly illuminated the metal casket that held them as the access hatch opened, revealing a small hanger bay. The units quickly disembarked from it, one of the units, CCA-BLADE-02.88913, dragging the young girl out from the transport, pulling her to her feet as she stumbled. 482 weakly stepped out and onto the floor, following beside his team. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the team leader, 01.35728, take the young girl from 889's grasp and then suddenly shove her towards 482, who barely had time to look up before the girl collided against his chest, making him stumble back a few steps as he caught her. "Process her, 482." 357 barked as she placed her hand against the 02's shoulder and spoke in a lower voice, exchanging a grim nod a few moments later before glancing back over to 482. 482 merely stood there for a few moments, hoping the 01 would pass the task to someone else "I said, process her!" 482 nodded hastily, stumbling over his words as he placed his hand tentatively on the young girls shoulder "R-Right away!" He quickly led her away and down the corridor's towards the holding cells. The girl didn't attempt to resist, knowing full well such an endeavour at this point would simply end in her injury or death. The strange metal doors slid open before the two, overwatch accepting 482's biosignal as it approached. Finally, they reached the cell block and turned off one door before, entering the prisoner inspection room. What waited inside was the same dull metal as the corridors, as cold and uncaring as the force it served. 482 slowly moved behind her and reached out, placing his right hand against the energy restrains for a moment. He heard her make a soft gasp as the energy quickly dissipated, resulting in a sudden temperature change and then the freeing of her hands. She moved them around to her front and rubbed her wrists as 482 put the lump of metal back onto his belt. Her clothing was not Collective Issue, that was for sure. It was that used by the slummies back on worlds such as New Pluto, where they had few work points to requisition proper clothing and had to make do with what they could get. Her trousers were torn in several places and the "needle work" showed that it had stood a test of time, for sure. Her shirt was missing its sleeves and was drenched with sweat, a side effect of taking refuge on a jungle world, no doubt. He slowly crossed around to the front again taking out his PDA and speaking slowly "Wh... Apply." She bit her lip and shook her head quickly. 482 stood their hopelessly before repeated the order in a weak voice "Apply." Again, she remained silent and shook her head. "I've already lost 300 work points today, I can't afford to lose anymore, so please just cooperate..." She paused for a few moments and looked him up and down before speaking "Amelia Goodwin..." She said softly, watching him as he tapped several pieces of data into his PDA before continuing "NSL-LOW-391948194" He finished hammering in the details and looked over her datafile before looking up to her and pausing awkwardly for a few moments. Her signal wasn't transmitting; Overwatch couldn't reactivate it and pings were showing nothing. That wasn't entirely unexpected; Any refugee worth their salt would remove the device from their body; Most were not lucky enough fr it to be a proper surgical removal. Usually it would be performed in some dull sewer tunnel or ditch. "Uh... Re...remove your clothing." He weakly ordered. She stared dully at him for a few moment before muttering "At least turn away...' "Uh... They'll dock me if I do... Sorry" He replied, shifting awkwardly in place. There were another few moments of silence before she pulled her shirt off over her head, casting it down to the side. She reached around, undoing her bra and dropping it to the floor before kicking off her muddy boots and knocking them to the side. 482 let his mind wander for a few moments before quickly bringing it back under check. Overwatch could tell a lot more from his bioreadings than most would even care to think about. He looked back down to his PDA and swiped over the screen before running his fingers down the dull metal to disable it, clipping it to his belt. He glanced back up to Amelia as she slipped out of underwear and stood uncomfortably before the unit, shifting awkwardly under his gaze. 482 ran his eyes up and down her slowly before taking a few steps in advance towards her, causing her to involuntarily step backwards in fear, turning away from him. He placed his hand gently on her shoulder, making her quiver slightly and guided her towards a surgical device "No!" Amelia cried out, pulling away from him again and breaking his grasp on her shoulder, backing up quickly. 482 approached her, taking her hand and holding it tightly in his grasp and disabling his vocoder, speaking in a muffled but reassuring tone "I'm just processing you; You're gonna be fine." He whispered as he guided her back over towards the machine, seating her in it gently. "It'll only sting a little, okay?" She nodded weakly back to him and bit her lip as she heard a buzzing. She felt a dull on the back of her head and felt cold metal against her skin. She tightened her grasp around 482's hand as there was a sudden wave of pain... in less than a moment, it was replaced by a dull throb as the buzzing stopped, the machinery backing up. She felt several more dull stings around her body, giving a moan of pain as she felt a sudden burning sensation flood over her. Again, it was gone within a few moments, and the device retracted it's metal talons from her body. 482 guided her hand down towards the side of the machine and closed a small metal circle around it, releasing his grasp. She felt a dull burning on her flesh and then felt her skin get sliced open. She cried out in pain and writhed as she felt something inserted into her wrist. A moment later she felt a sharp burning sensation, followed by the device cracking open and revealing her arm, which appeared to be unhurt save for a small black symbol that was now inked onto her flesh. She beard the orders to close her eyes, and shut them tightly, feeling a moment later an assault on her skin and a tingling sensation. She realised her flesh was being decontaminated, quite possibly by some form of nanotechnology. Shortly there after, she was told she could open her eyes again and she did, looking over her body. The first thing she noted was how clean it now looked, almost as though she had spent no time inside that damned jungle at all. The second thing she noted were that the cuts and bruises and other injuries she had acquired, as well as the scar tissue she had built up overtime, were no where to be found. In fact, there was nothing to betray that they had ever existed at all. Amelia slowly raised her eyes to 482, who simply nodded to her. She hopped out and took a few steps away from the machine, her head throbbing and her wrist numb. She stared down at the indelible ink on her wrist, tracing it with her free hand and muttering to herself before feeling a hand on her shoulder, slowly turning around to face 482's mask. She felt the rough standard issue clothing thrust into her hands and took it, clutching it against her chest and backing away from him "I told you it wouldn't be that bad." 482 replied, his vocoder engaged again, words sounding again as though they fell from steel lips rather than from a humans mouth, and with all the harshness associated with such. He reached for the PDA on his belt and ran his fingers down the cold metal, turning it back on and tapping a few commands into it, symbols and information dancing before his eyes. He heard the door slide open and spun on his heel to face the Blade Division Leader, snapping his fist to his chest and straightening himself up "Praelatus Meus, processing the detainee." He reported in a clear voice, not daring to look into the division leaders mask. The figure towered over him, having at least six inches on him, and was built more like a giant than a man. He had little doubt that a single swing of the transhumans augmented fist could extinguish his life, even cleave his head straight from his body. Once, while on duty, he had watched an Elite Protection Unit, who were a step down from a division leader, put their hand through a solid metal door and tear out a fully grown man like a rag doll. "I can see that, unit. Did you get her details?" The Division Leader inquired, eyeing up the young woman suspiciously. As was the behavior if a division leader, distinguished by an unnatural amount of paranoia... Or sometimes a child like curiosity resulting from its unique birth. Frankenstein would be an apt analogy for these, part man, part machine and part alien; Programmed and created with perfection in mind, they were born of the machine, baptised in fire and raised on duty. They seldom removed their mask, which he realised must have become as vital to them as an organ or perhaps an extension of their face... And that they seldom seemed to remove their uniforms was lucky, for few wanted to see what horrors lay under the clothing and mask that these beings wore like a second skin, clinging to their behemoth form. "Amelia Goodwin, Praelatus meus. Someone removed her chips, they've been replaced. She's 14 years and eight months and was a citizen of NSL." 482 reported, not daring to break attention without express permission "Sterilised and diagnosed, I assume?" The Division Leader inquired, slowly folding his arms as he continued to stare at Amelia. She did her best to ignore him as she dressed, zipping up the uniform over her clean and renewed flesh. The division leader slowly waved his hand at 482, motioning for him to ease up "Affirmative. She had a parasite in her, but Overwatch took care of it. I think she'll be good for rel... I mean, re-injection when we get back." 482 reported, as he lowered his fist from his chest and clasped his hands behind his back, relaxing his muscles from their tensed state. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Amelia shudder slightly at the word 'parasite' "What level district should we release her to?" The Division leader asked, glancing towards 482, who swallowed and glanced towards Amelia before looking back towards the Division Leader. This was a test, he could tell. BLADE would release her to whichever of the lower and middle types of district 482 said, he'd seen this test before. However what BLADE wanted him to say was 'Send her to slums', which was in truth the most logical option. She had to have been compliant in her fleeing from the Collective (which in truth made him more disgusted by the thought that her intercourse with a man nearly thrice her age had likely been consensual) and had obviously committed a list of crimes that she was already lucky she wasn't being prosecuted for... However the slums were a dangerous place; The life of a slummie was far from good, despite it's romanticised image in the propaganda of various resistance groups. The slums of NSL, where she was a resident previously, were not as bad as some, though he also knew BLADE would quickly reassign her to New Pluto. He bit his bottem lip and glanced toward Amelia, weighing up whether he should destroy what's left of her life to redeem himself in the eyes of his superiors. He knew he was already walking a very thin line... Though he had heard the stories about the slums. About the human trafficking, the violence, the rapists, murderers, liars and thieves. 'Boss', 'Ambrosia', 'Shade' to name but a few know nicknames of the notorious figures... In truth, the Slums were the best gift the Collective could have hoped for. They had to convince the people that the occupation was for their own good, and the various anti-kyn groups were making a propaganda goldmine for the Collective. So much so that the Collective had increasingly been able to equate resistance with the bad old days of gang warfare and violent crime. He spared Amelia another glance and spoke quietly "I think... A guardian would be in order. Someone who can... Correct her course..." 482 said slyly, turning his gaze back towards BLADE, who tilted his head in response "And I suppose you think you are suitable for that position?" He asked, watching as 482 nodded meekly "Throwing her into the slums does nothing to help us or her, nor would simply rel... Reinjecting her." "And her mammary glands and other sexual features have nothing to do with that decision?" BLADE inquired, making 482 go slightly red in the face... Though it was hard to tell whether it was from outrage at the suggestion or simply embarrassment. Whatever the case he was glad he had his mask to hide his face, lest he meet his superiors blow. He shook his head violently "My own civil housing apartment has free space. I can assign her work, set up her rations etcetera, and I'll be close enough to monitor and report the progress, making sure she's always under our watchful gaze. I'm not in the upper levels and I'm not in the lower levels; Its the perfect place for her to start again and we'll see how it goes." There was a break, an awkward silence filing the air. It wasn't broke for nearly 20 seconds, when the division leader nodded in approval and replied "Very well, you may try. They don't easily change at that age, 05... You'll have your work cut out. If you fail, I'll have her reassigned to the slums and you'll be reassigned there with her. You want to be her 'guardian'? Then your fate can be tied to her success." The division leader spun on his heel and paraded out the room without another word, leaving the two in silence. 482 placed a weary and rough hand on Amelia's shoulder again and began to lead her towards the cells "Thank you..." Amelia said uncertainly, giving him a weak smile. He simply nodded grimly as he led her away, still unsure of whether he made the best decision. It was the right decision morally, that was for sure, but now he'd painted a target on his back. This was attention from his superior that he didn't need right now; If anything, he needed to keep his head down and try to be forgotten. Unexpected guests Jacob Downes leant backwards against the slimy, cracked wall, listening to the distant dripping of water. These sewers were the only place marginally safe from the prying eyes of the Collective, at least if one knew which tunnels were monitered and which not to take. Other than getting maybe a little privacy, they were far from safe. Anti-Kyn groups made their homes down here, and any who weren't weary enough could easily fall prey to lowlifes and the like. The advantage of the sewers may have been that the collective would only sometimes be watching, but for many taking their chances with such murderous scum was simply out of the question. The streets above were strewn with old rubbish and cans, cast aside by the inhabitants of the 'slums'. While the inner sections of the city were kept clean, the slum dwellers were left to handle their own cleaning and rather than do such many had taken to lazily allowing it to collect in the streets. In there eyes, there was no reason to keep these streets clean for they were no longer their own. Each day the boundaries of the inner city seemed to draw a little closer, threatening to crush them under it's expansion. Each day the numbers of the Loyalists seemed to grow, as more gave in to the unending barrage of propaganda. Each day, the hope for the 'non-conformists', for the 'malignants' and the 'anti-kyn' grew slightly dimmer. Even those who were unable to bring their views into line with the Collective and become loyalists were slowly become docile and becoming simply "Citizens", which granted the right to live in better area's than the slums, with access to a better quality of life, rather than stay in the slums. For some, rescue from the slums was worth the mental gymnastics and the change in loyalties. On the other hand, there were plenty of Anti-Kyn groups... though that was a misleading term, some of these anti-kyn groups were no more than common criminals... and others were a lot more. Jacob was an "Anti-Kyn", a resistance member who was part of the most powerful network on this planet... that was founded for the purpose of resistance, at least. There was a more powerful anti-kyn group, one which nobody ever wanted to cross. They didn't care about resisting the occupation, in fact they were quite comfortable with it because it made their services all the more valuable. Jacob turned his head sharply as he heard the foot steps approaching, and joined the newcomer as they proceeded down the tunnel. He was roughly six feet tall with having an angular, tanned face, long black hair and blue eyes. His most striking feature was a deep scar on his right cheek, which pulled his right eye in such a way as to give his face a mocking expression. As he met with Jacob, he smiled his boyish grin and the mocking expression vanished once more. He spoke in a deep voice which carried a note of authority with it and was somewhat inspirational; He would have made an excellent orator, had he been so inclined to work alongside the Collective rather than against it. This man was Andrew Reve, the leader of their particularly cell and not a man to be crossed lightly, having managed to avoid being implicated as a resistance leader thus far by the Collective, which was no small triumph in and of itself. "Come on, they'll be waiting for us" He said, leading Jacob down the dark, dank tunnels that could just as easily made them fall to their deaths if they had taken a wrong turn; the storm drains in this sewer section were infamous for being unlit and treacherous. They walked for what seemed to be an age but could only have been a quarter of an hour before they finally reached their destination; A dull, rusting metal door set in the slimy bricks of the sewer wall. Jacob pushes down against the handle and struggled with the door for a few moments, creating an almighty racket before he was able to force the rusting hulk open and enter the room. It was pitch black and Jacob moved to the side, searching the wall with his hand for the light switch before flicking it on. The lights flickered and finally turned on... Revealing a man who looked like he had crossed into the wrong period. He wore a black fedora on his head, with a white dress shit and a black waist coat over it. Around his neck hung a grey tie, perfectly done and slipped behind his buttoned waist coat. Drapped over the wooden chair he was sitting on was a long, navy blue coat and in his right hand he held a small black metal device, which vaguely resembled a small pocket pistol, though the barrel was cut extremely short and instead had thin slits down the side. Jacob recognised the weapon immediately as a directed energy pistol, probably using lasers. He was The Boss and you didn't want to cross the bods. On the left side of the chair knelt a gagged man, who was extremely young and had dull blonde hair and blue eyes, which were glistening with tears; He was William, a boy of barely 16 who was in this mostly for his profound intelligence. He could fix just about anything Andrew asked him too... and had managed to hack the civilis protectione database before to pull a file (Though Overwatch locked him out in less than a quarter of a minute, barely giving him time to copy the file, and the group had to beat a hasty retreat from their location, barley avoiding capture. Overwatch tripled the system security after that, and he was never again able to break in.) On the right side of the chair knelt a very angry Caucasian woman in her 30's with long auburn hair, tied back in a pony tail. Her green eyes seemed to burn with a fury at the two men who entered the room. This was Mara... and she was clearly not happy that she was now at the mercy of one of the most dangerous men in the city... and clearly held Andrew accountable. Behind Mara stood a tall, bald black man with a small rifle, though similar to the pistol the barrel was cut short and instead had thin slits down the side of it. Jacob recognised him as Blisk. The Boss began to speak in a somewhat friendly manner that didn't fit the circumstances, as he raised his pistol and gestured for the two men to enter the room and close the door "Good evening, gentlemen." His lips curved into a thin smile "It seems you may have mistaken me for a mushroom; You've been keeping me in the dark and feeding me crap." Andrew took a deep breath before speaking and as he did Jacob took a few steps backwards and away from him. "Okay, listen to me and I'll-" Andrew began, but the man cut him off quickly "I already know you don't have your end of the deal." "So you're going to kill us, then?" Jacob said, shifting nervously and backing towards the door. He was stopped when Blisk raised his rifle. The Boss simply shook his head "No, if I wanted to simply kill you all I'd have gotten Wight or Daud to do it. I'm here to collect some collateral." He slowly stood up from the chair and lifted William to his feet while his lackey pulled Maya to her feet, pressing the metal of their weapons into the back of their victims heads as they led them towards the door "If you deliver on your end of the agreement by the end of the week, I promise they will be returned to you unharmed... Otherwise, I cannot guarantee their safety, this is a dangerous business." They pushed past Andrew, who wisely backed away from them rather than incur their wrath. The two vanished through the black triangle and slipped into the sewers beyond, the rusty metal door clunking shut behind them. Jacob and Andrew were left alone to exchange glances with each other and plan their next move now. They would have to hold the information from the others rather than spread panic and encourage defection...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dullahan City
I reach for my Flak Pistol, peeking over the shoulders of the guys in front of me. I never wished for this. I thought following Hilfer was going to be an escape from my crimes and the Democracies. To make a new life. Oh how I am wrong. Now I run here on alien soil, shoulder to shoulder with murderers, rapists, the criminally insane, corrupt politicians and other nasty things. Drawing my pistol, I charge to the front, shooting at one of the xenos, blowing their head clean off. Now that I think about it, my body has been moving on it's own. Ever since I stepped onto that ship, my words, my thoughts and my actions have never been my own. Now I sit here, almost as a spectator in my own mind, watch a stranger in my body massacring and raping aliens. I watch as the horde pauses in battle, to do Creator knows what. It seems they have overridden another blockade and the troops begin to...... assault the local female population. These men and women...... they do not have soul. They have no remorse, no mercy and no regret. They live to experience the pleasures of life. Myself looks around at one of the Tayt I "used" to know. She was one of the first to be converted. I look on as she assaults this, female?, alien with a crazed look in her eyes. Her twinge lolls around as she cries out, in horrid ecstasy I might add. I March on forward, heading towards an ominous looking fortress. That is a very controversial word, I. I do not know if myself is myself anymore. My once proud Krieg soul has been taken over by this savage monster. As "I" charge against the walls, fellow monsters being cut down beside me, I wonder what I am. What am I? Am I a figure of imagination? The fact that I do not know who I am anymore scares me. Am I Dant Von Laktzon? Or have I really changed to this evil serial rapist, a man currently assaulting a world full of, I believe, peaceful aliens? I can not think any further as "my" head gets blown off, myself being dragged down into the depths of hell. I did not deserve this. I watch from the fiery depths, as the waves and waves of daemons and monsters trapped in mortal shells, charge and die against this seemingly impenetrable fortress. I feel myself drifting, the fire tickling my feet. "I have a special place for sinners like you..... Chaos is eternal". I fade away.
Dullahan High Orbit
Adolf looked on at the battle with a bemused look. He did not think reinforcements would come this quickly. Although the search streams of ships will win him this battle, they will experience unbearable losses. The Shadow will not be happy. He looks at the command map, looking over the battlefield. A spark flashed on his eyes. "Order Task Force 78 to Flingshot under the incoming reinforcements. Order Task Force 89 to Flingshot above the incoming enemy reinforcements. Fire on my mark." The operator looks at Adolf with slight surprise, if Task Force 78 and 89 move, they will be open to attack. With a quick glare, the shaken operator went to do his work. Adolf watched as his ships moved into position, making a U shape around the reinforcements. He makes a pinch hand movement, and the bottom bit of the U formation breaks away. He clicked his fingers and the 89th and the 78th descended (or ascended) into their prey, sending their hordes of fighters towards the probably surprised defenders. The two sides move in to trap the defenders and any stray ship that escaped to the open gun ports of the ships in front of them is destroyed immediately. 89 and 78 fired at the ships that escaped on the open side, destroying six ships before the rest jumps away. Adolf grins savagely. The Shadow Rules All. For it is Eternal. All there is to do now is to capture that carrier.
Carrier Freedom's Right, Dullahan System
The troops, having been inspired by the foreigners, bit back at the invaders, holding their ground. Waves and waves just kept coming, some normal but some mutated and strange. Their barbed tentacles wrap around a few of the soldiers, sending them into their bloated, open mouths. One of the Valkyrie got caught in the melee, the Bloated One attempting to eat her. The Democracies soldiers work with the other Valkyries, making coordinated attacks against the bastards. The horde seemed to have no end though. Every wave, a dozen or more Democracies troops get taken, killed or seriously injured, taking their toll. The invaders had one advantage. The surety of their win.
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