Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Louis groaned as he staggered up off of the cold floor of the hotel kitchen. His head was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to explode at any second. "Merde! I need aspirin..." He put his hand to his right temple as some sort of small relief while he tried to recall what the hell he was doing before to end up here. With the massive headache he had it was obvious he'd definitely been drinking. Like a lot. Liquor and him were going to have to take a break for awhile after this one. He plucked his favorite knife from the board it was held in to make sure nothing had happened to it while he was out just as someone started banging on the outside of the kitchen door. Louis grabbed his head in pain. "Guy with a hangover in here!" The banging continued in earnest and he groaned again before going to pull it open. Probably one of the kitchen staff who'd forgotten their key. Without warning the person burst through before he'd even fully opened the door, knocking him to the ground. "What the hell is...your..problem?" He found his voice leave him as he looked at the gray-skinned girl in front of him. The girl standing over him was definitely one of his kitchen staff, her uniform covered in drying blood. Large chunks of skin were missing in visible places. He didn't even get a chance to ask if she was alright before she was on top of him, growling and snapping her jaws at his neck. He tried his best to keep her away but still dazed from his hangover he wasn't having much luck. Belle had fallen from his hand when he fell over, and he reached for it with his free hand. As soon as his fingers felt the handle of his trusted knife, the girl had managed to sink her teeth into his arms. He yelled out and pain and on instinct clutched Belle's handle and drove the blade right through the top of the girl's head. The girl twitched slightly before slumping perfectly still on top of him. He pushed her off and yanked the knife free from her skull. His hands shook as he did so looking at the girl again he could definitely tell whatever the hell she was, she wasn't human. A loud inhuman yell came from from the direction of the door the girl came entered from. He didn't know what it was nor did he care. He ran straight for the door in the opposite direction leading into the hallway, whatever was yelling following behind him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chloe awoke on her bed surrounded by towels she went to sit up but everything went hazy and she fell back to her bed. she could hear her friend in the bathroom making a gurgling noise. "are you still throwing up from last night." she noticed the bite on her arm and turned a deep green and had begun oozing puss. "shit, claire are you alright" the monster that had once been her friend turned slowly to face her. parts of her face had peeled off revealing the muscle and tissue beneath. the thing jumped at her, quickly she grabbed the paddle from under her bed and swung it at the zombie caving its head in, but still it got up "WHY. WONT. YOU. DIE" she screamed beating it repeatedly
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deathly, grim silence. Blaine Okoma rose up from his bed, eyes still half-asleep as something groaned from inside of his bathroom. Great...just great. Did he somehow have sex with a female before he went to sleep? He couldn't have; he hadn't drank anything that would have made him stupid enough to risk an STD or pregnancy, and drinking was a no-go for a football player, anyways. The muscular young man stumbled onto the floor, instincts automatically making him steady on his feet. The groaning got louder, and there was...a clawing noise, and then splashing, and then a louder, more inhumane groan. Okoma, now alert and cautious, snuck closer to the bathroom door, quietly trying the door-knob. Whatever was behind it got quiet, and then a low moan sounded out, and a body slammed against the wooden door, cracking it. Instinictively, with a grunt of surprise, Okoma leaped back, before narrowing his eyes and squaring his shoulders, as if he was getting ready for a game-winning tackle. Another claw, and the wood peeled back at face-level, revealing a horribly decomposed, graying face of a cleaning lady. He charged. His powerful tackle sent him through the wooden door in a hail of splinters and splaying body limbs. Instincts kicked in, as he locked powerful, tan arms around the thing's torso and slammed it head-first onto the toilet. Bringing back a fist, he abruptly sent if flying forward, a shower of gore coming from it's rotten head as he repeatedly slammed it's brains in with his fist. Once it stopped groaning, Okoma panted, crawling backwards and falling onto his butt. Now that he could see clearer..."Holy shit..." The normally cool football player gasped. A zombie. A motherfucking zombie. And he had just killed it. Standing on slightly shaky legs, Okoma glanced around once. He needed to get out of here. The room was stinking unbearably, and the darkness didn't ease his caution. Looking around for practically anything, Okoma grabbed what appeared to be a medpack off of the table, along with one of those compact, heavy-duty wrenches that was used for multiple things. He strapped it to his belt-loop, before narrowing his eyes and turning around. Just as he was about to dash into the hallway, he saw his figure in the mirror. Tall, muscular, tan - obviously of Native American descent. Short hair, handsome visage, wearing nothing but a bloodied white wife-beater and jeans/sneakers. Not the most durable of outfits, but it would work for now. Grabbing his NFL backpack as he ran out the door, Okoma strapped it to his back and began heading down the hallway at a decent speed, on the look-out for any rotten douchebags. He was seen as a cool, collected, and rather badass player in football and other sports such as MMA and Wrestling, but this...this was crazy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick99
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Wick99 Yeetster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Victor paced back and forth, nervously wringing his hands. He had locked himself in his personal hotel room but he knew he couldn't stay there for long. While he didn't think there'd be a problem with anything getting inside, his primary problem was with himself. Hunger. Other than a snack sized package of potato chips he had eaten a few hours earlier, his room was completely devoid of food. Victor also figured it was only a matter of time until the pipes quit running without anyone to maintain them. Not to mention, he wasn't about to drink any of it anyway. Who could tell it wasn't something in the water that had caused all this? Weighing his options, he decided he'd have to make a run for the kitchen, grab all the food and bottled water he possibly could, and then return to his room and hunker down until it was all over. Searching for a weapon, Victor had an idea. In a section of his closet, was a few rusty old pipes still attached to the wall because the hotel owner hadn't hired anyone to disconnect them yet. Using all of his strength, Victor managed to rip out a particularly thick section of pipe to use as a makeshift weapon in case his mission for food went south. Gripping it in his hands, Victor tapped it experimentally against his leg. It was old, heavy, and full of lead. Perfect for bludgeoning someone chasing after him. Putting an unsteady hand on the thick wooden door to the hallway outside of his room, Victor took a deep breath and readied the pipe on his shoulder. He was ready to go. He swung the door wide open and dashed out of his room. In the back of his mind, he almost hoped he wouldn't have to return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by inuyashachick13
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Member Seen 4 days ago

When the rays of sun filled her room Elizabeth had finally decided to crawl out of bed. Walking to the dresser across the room she grabbed a bottle of water and cracked it open before grabbing two advil and popping them into her mouth. Once she had managed to swallow them with the aid of the water she walked out to her balcony and leaned over it slightly before taking another sip from the bottle. "Damn I really need to learn when to stop, the headache the next morning is so not worth it." She muttered to herself as she noticed something in the pool. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief for a moment she looked carefully and seen it was blood and a few floating bodies. Throwing a hand over her mouth in disgust she started to back away when she watched a body from the floor above her fall over the edge, even with it happening so fast she could tell it didn't look right. Once back in her room she quickly closed the doors to the balcony and grabbed the phone calling the front desk. Frantic about wanting to know what was going on she grabbed a sewing kit and looked through it till she found a pair of scissors. Realizing no one was on the other side of the phone she just left it on the floor and started to cry a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chloe dropped the paddle to the floor and put her hands on her head and began to cry. she sat for a few minute before standing and going over to her balcony and looking over the edge. she stumbled back when she saw the horror that had set upon the once beautiful resort. there were bodies strewn everywhere, the pools were red with blood and more zombies walking around on the ground. "What the fuck is happening" Chloe said to herself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Louis ran down the hall clutching his knife in his right and covering the bite wound with his free hand. The yelling creatures were still chasing after him and he was doing everything to evade them. Knocking over any luggage cart still standing. When he reached the end of the hallway and he tackled it as hard as he could, forced it open, and as soon as he was on the other side he closed it just as quickly and shoved a nearby maintenance cart in front of it. He leaned against the cart with a relieved sigh. Now that the adrenaline was starting to leave he noticed he was in the front lobby and could finally see the full damage. Corpses littered the room and it was almost impossible to find a spot that was covered in blood. "What the hell is going on here?" The front desk phone started ringing. as soon as the noise broke the silence of the room he saw one of the corpses start stirring. "Oh fuck my life."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A loud hammering sound came from a nearby door, close to Louis, and then an emergency door was kicked wide open with a loud crash. Okoma growled lowly, brutally throwing the slow zombie off of his form, only to gasp as another one fell from the door and onto his neck. Before it could take a crunch out of his flesh, the young man plowed it's face in with his fist, making it fall against a shopping cart. Okoma was on his feet in a second, curb-stomping the mush out of the zombie's head while yanking his useful tool from his belt. The first zombie was back on it's feet, and lunged towards the larger man. On nimble feet, Okoma side-stepped it's clumsy lunge, gripping his wrench with both hands and swinging the light-weight, durable metal tool towards it's head. *SPLAT* Gore sprayed along the wall, covering his shoes and the bottom of his pants. "...Fuck." Okoma groaned, staggering back a step and panting slightly. His eyes wandered up, taking notice of Louis' form, and he straightened, walking forward. "Hey, the Hell's going on?" His deep voice had taken a confused tone as he eyed the chef; his TV hadn't been working. Maybe this other man had heard news?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick99
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Wick99 Yeetster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Victor raced down the hall, his heart in his throat. Visions of gore and carnage were all he could see. Corpses littered the hallways and blood was everywhere. The smell filled his nostrils and he just couldn't take it any more. Turning his head to the side, Victor vomited against the wall. He watched as the moss green splotch of his stomach contents mixed with the crimson red surface of the wallpaper. Fuck. This was a bad situation and as far as he knew there was no one else alive. Suddenly, Victor heard what sounded like a woman crying coming from up the hall. He frantically placed his ear to each consecutive door on the way, attempting to pinpoint its location. He finally rested on a door towards the end of the hall. He could hear the sound clearly now. It was definitely coming from the door in question. "Hey is anyone in there?" He banged on the door with his pipe. Suddenly, a human like form lunged at him from the floor, yelping in fear, Victor took a mighty swing with the pipe in his hand. Splat! The creature's brains were dashed across the thinly carpeted floor. "Please!" He called to the crying woman inside the room. "Let me in! I think more creatures are coming!" He rapped on the door again, urgency in his voice. "Open the door please! I beg of you!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Uh, haven't had a hangover like this since... high school I think? Ow," Alex said as he rose from his bed. He looked across the room to see his little sister still resting. Well, she wasn't little anymore, but to him, Cass would always be his little sister. Not wanting to wake her, he quietly went to the bathroom and found some ibuprofen to help his headache. As he was sipping a glass of water, he couldn't help but hear a faint scratching sound coming from outside their room. Again, he quietly moved across the room, this time toward the door. He looked through the peephole, but something was blocking it. He opened the door, only opening it a few inches since he had forgotten to unlock the top lock. Suddenly, a decayed face appeared in the space between the door and the wall and an arm shot through the gap soon after. Alex jumped back, away from the walker, and looked at it for a few seconds, his mind trying to comprehend what was in front of him. He then jumped into action, running toward the Beretta in his suitcase while also shouting for Cassandra to wake up. He came back toward the door and pointed the handgun at the walker's head. "Back away from the door or I will fire! I'm giving you to the count of three! Three... two... one!" He readjusted his aim and shot a single bullet at the walker's knee cap. It fell on its now injured knee, but kept trying to get in anyway. "It's not even human," Alex said before firing another shot at its head, killing it. He then turned around toward Cassandra. How much had she seen?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Confusion was only one of the words that described Louis' reaction. Crazed freaks trying to eat him was one thing, but watching some admittedly ripped guy bust in out of nowhere and then proceed to bash the heads in of said freaks was completely unexpected. He brought himself to his feet again still holding his wound. "No idea." A small grin as he tapped one of the bodies with his foot. "Judging from your little stunt I'd say you have a better grasp on the situation then I do, Mon'Ami."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chloe ran over to the door and opened it to reveal a man. He had not yet become one of those things. She pulled him inside quickly and locked the door. "help me put this wardrobe in front of the door" she yelled
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

Isabella groaned loudly as she felt the suns bright rays hitting her face, she slowly opened up her eyes looking over towards the closed glass door that led to the balcony. She remembered opening up for last nights festivities with her band, it was one of her best nights she had performing and her first time in Banoi. Isabella slowly got up from her bed walking over towards the mirror in her room adjusting her hair, her red hair was a huge mess she was just happy that the hotel staff gave her and her whole crew private rooms. Adjusting her hair and tying it into a ponytail. "Help me!!!" Isabella turned around hearing a woman's cry for help she quickly turned around towards the door and opened it, just in time to see a woman being tackled down what looked like her manager except he was completely bloodied his white buttoned up shirt covered in blood. The woman dropped a crowbar she could hear the woman screaming in pain as the man sunk his teeth into the woman's neck, Isabella grabbed the crowbar by her feet that the woman had dropped. Shortly after Isabella's zombiefied manager turned his attention to her, his teeth all bloody, and blood sliding down his chin before Isabella could do anything he charged right at her tackling her back into her suite getting the wind knocked out of her Isabella hit her back against the hard bedframe. Bringing her arms up to protect herself Isabella cried out in pain as she felt teeth sinking into her arm, using the sharp blunt end of the crowbar Isabella brought it over his head hearing and feeling something sickening pop as the end of the crowbar caved in part of his skull. Isabella laid there breathing heavily intense pain shooting through her whole arm. "Fuck.." She muttered pushing the dead body off of her, looking around Isabella reached for the bed sheets under the comforter to grab the blanket below it. Isabella ripped a small piece of the fabric and quickly went for bathroom running hot water over the bite wound, the sink started to turn slightly red. When she thought it was clean enough Isabella quickly tied the torn sheet of paper over the wound wincing when she tied it off so it would stop the bleeding. Going over towards the corpse that was once her boss Isabella quickly yanked the crowbar from out of his skull Isabella walked over towards the girl he had attacked getting a better look he had torn out a big chunk of her neck, she would have bled out in seconds. "What the hell is going on?" Isabella said to herself as she stood up and started to run towards the elevators luckily they were still in working order.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was a very fun day yesterday because she and her brother were having parties! It is something that they truly love. Cassandra was sleeping in her brother's room. Well their room. Yes they still sleep in the same room, doesn't matter. She suddenly woke up hearing her brother's voice, quickly stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to put on some clothes really fast. A few seconds later she was out and went to her brother. "Can you let me sl..." she stopped seeing a body on the ground. "What is this, brother..?" It smelled really bad too. What the hell was going on...?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Confusion was only one of the words that described Louis' reaction. Crazed freaks trying to eat him was one thing, but watching some admittedly ripped guy bust in out of nowhere and then proceed to bash the heads in of said freaks was completely unexpected. He brought himself to his feet again still holding his wound. "No idea." A small grin as he tapped one of the bodies with his foot. "Judging from your little stunt I'd say you have a better grasp on the situation then I do, Mon'Ami."
"Eh, smashing their head works wonders." Okoma replied easily, twirling his multi-use wrench between his fingers before gripping the light-weight, steel weapon in calloused hands. "Name's Okoma, from the New York Warlords, although that probably doesn't matter." His deep voice took on a friendly tone as he offered the man an unbloodied hand. His mom taught him respect, after all. "We should probably get out of here soon. The dead's raising up pretty quick." He had already calmed down from the situation, adapting to it, like he did on the court, in the ring, and on the field. One of his skills, he guessed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So his rescuer was a football player? That explained a lot. Louis chuckled before he took his hand and got up off the ground. "I'm Louis, head chef of this fine resort." The sarcasm practically dripped from his voice. This place had been a dream come true a few months ago, but now he couldn't wait to get out. He flourished his knife and kept it ready, if the head was their weakness his girl would be more than enough protection. "You don't have to tell me twice. Let's go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okoma nodded seriously, only pausing once to grab what seemed to be a lead pipe off of the ground, near a luggage cart. Couldn't have too many things to wack heads with. Storing it in his bag, Okoma headed in a slow gait towards the entrance of the resort, the sunlight streaming through the dark, grimy glass door. With a broad shoulder he slammed it into the door, slamming it open and revealing them to the outside world. He couldn't enjoy the scenery, however, as his gaze was quickly zoomed in on a zombie, eating the dead carcass of a female maid. Eyes steeled with resolve, Okoma darted forward, slamming his heel against it's head...once...twice. It didn't get up. "Fucking parasites."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by inuyashachick13
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Member Seen 4 days ago

After a little bit Elizabeth regained her emotions and pushed the few tears away. Standing up she walked over to her door and looked out the little peep hole. Seeing blood splattered on the walls she knew this wasn't something contained to outside. Grabbing a light sweater she threw a bottle of water into the pocket before opening the door slightly. Moans filled the hall as she poked her head out and seen that there were a few dead looking bodies walking at the one of the hall. Holding her breath she pushed the door open and ran for the staircase. Once she was on the other side of the door she slammed it shut as some of the walkers headed towards her. "What the hell is going on here, is anyone even left alive?" She questioned softly before heading down the stairs making sure to look down to the lower levels as she did so. On one level a door was opened and when she went to close it a walker jumped at her. Seeing their eyes as is pinned her down she could tell that the person was a walking corpse. Throwing her arm up with she scissors she stabbed them in the side of the head after struggling not to get bitten in the face. Standing to her feet again and taking a breather she ran down the rest of the stairs busting into the lobby thinking open space was better then a cramped staircase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Louis started after Okoma and winced reminding himself of the bite on his arm. The bite had managaged to break the skin and was bleeding but not incredibly bad. Remembering the hotel kept a first aid kit behind the front desk he walked over to it. Not only could he bandage up the cut, but he'd bet they'd have need of the kit later anyway. He stepped over a few corpses before vaulting over the desk. The area behind it was a wreck showed sign of a struggle. Sure enough leaning against the wall was the body desk attendant, a large chunk of his neck appeared ripped off. Whatever had killed him was either gone or one of the ones his new companion had killed on his entrance. Louis sighed before grabbing the kit he was looking for. The body of the attendant lunged suddenly but he had already moved out of the way and the zombie fell face first into the desk. Louis shove his knife through the back of its skull before it could even move. He could hear a small sound coming from the body and had suspected it wasn't as dead as it claimed to be. "Rest in peace you poor bastard." He muttered just as he vaulted back over the desk and the door to the staircase opened again, a girl emerging from it. "Whoa! You're normal, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by inuyashachick13
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Breathing quickly when she broke out of the door Elizabeth was slightly shocked to see someone. Standing there she allowed herself to regain her bearings making sure she heard him right and that he was alive. "Yeah I'm normal, can only guess you are to seeing you don't look dead and can talk." She replied while walking towards the man. She didn't know what was going on here but it was better to be around others for safety reasons.
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