Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Korbanjaro
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Korbanjaro The Rogue Rook

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The following form should be completed in-character, as if it were being written by the character him/herself. This should let other writers get to know who your character is, and some hooks for other writers to work with in bringing the story to life.

Please be as detailed as you would like - The more detailed that your character is, the more personal, character-based things that we can incorporate into the story.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stairdweller
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Stairdweller it's all black and white

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Character Name] Linda Weston Summary Linda is a poisoner. She is physically underwhelming, and has never made any real effort to be more than basically fit enough to occasionally flee the scenes of her crimes. In fact, she tends to think herself superior to the "stabby" kind of assassins - she relies on brain instead of brawn, and is very proud of that. She thinks of her work as solving puzzles, and is strongly motivated by the thrill of out-thinking both her victims and law enforcement. She trained as a medical doctor, but has never practised medicine officially. Although she's morally bankrupt, she clings to a series of standards of behaviour that she believes set her apart from "common thugs" - including being courteous and polite, avoiding collateral damage with her work, and scrupulously maintaining her "respectable" appearance. - - - - - - - - - - Appearance [A description of your appearance.] Linda's pretty average in appearance - which is a good trait for an assassin, as she tends not to stick out in a crowd. She's slightly below average height, about 5'5" or 5'6" and slightly overweight. Her hair is almost but not quite black, she has hazel eyes and a medium-light skin tone that probably indicates Mediterranean descent. She rarely wears cosmetics, especially during the day, and tends to wear her hair in loose curls that take far more effort to maintain than their appearance would seem to indicate. She dresses very neatly, heavily favouring button-down shirts with pointed lapels. She also has something of weakness for shoes, though in an unusual way. Her footwear ranges from bespoke leather with moderate louis heels to classic canvas topped sneakers, but what they have in common is that all of her shoes are immaculate. She polishes the leather ones herself, and bleaches or replaces the white laces of her sneakers on a weekly basis to keep them from dulling. - - - - - - - - - - 1. How old are you? I'm 34. 2. Tell me about your family life. Are you parents still alive? Who raised you? Siblings? What do they do? My parents are both alive. I grew up around Seattle, but they're retired in Arizona. I also have little brothers. Alphonse has some kind of business ... person... job in Washington. Travis teaches high school. None of them know what I actually do with my life, I've been telling them that I work for a pharmaceutical firm. I talk to them at Christmas, birthdays, mothers day, that sort of thing. They seem content. 3. Explain your closest relationships, especially those that you've dated or courted, or those who you never want to see again. (We all have 'em.) LI don't really have a lot of close relationships. I date a normal amount, but my relationships always seem to end up with him being way more into me than I am into him. They want things like "commitment" and "emotional intimacy." I only have one really close friend, Andrea. I've know Andre since middle school. We communicate through phone calls, mail and internet, but rarely see each other in person on account of living on opposite coasts. As for people I never want to see again, well, generally I'm not going to. The only person I think I ever really hated was an ex-boyfriend from medical school named Michael, and since I poisoned him, there is no issue. Mike... well, I think I might have really loved Mike, at the time. Unfortunately for me, he turned out to be a jealous douchenozzle. Some of his best moments included following me to my classes instead of attending his own to make sure I wasn't getting too friendly with my classmates, then becoming irate when his grades suffered and throwing away papers I was really proud of because he couldn't stand to see me do better than him; abandoning me at the ER that time I had meningitis and claiming that he was involved in a traffic accident to cover his absence (I later figured out he'd been at the mall); and impersonating me on the internet to attempt to determine not only if I had ever cheated on him, but also if I harboured feelings for any previous boyfriends or even non-romantic male friends. But hey, Mike did teach me that I could get away with murder, so there's a silver lining. 4. What social class are you from? How has that shaped who you are? Upper-middle class, I suppose? Dad was a lawyer before he retired, mom had a hobby business selling whatever crafty thing she was into at the time. I don't think it really has shaped me. I mean... it's just they way I grew up? It's not like I turned to killing because I was poor or something. 5. How did you get started doing what you do now? I went to medical school - did I tell you that, yet? I'm not licensed to practise medicine in New York, but I am entitled to call myself Doctor. Well, I went to medical school because that's what girls with brains and money do, but I never wanted to spend my best years pulling 100 hour work weeks as a resident. I figured I knew a lot about how to fix or break a human, seemed like this career was a better use of my time. 6. Who is your greatest hero or inspiration? Leonardo Da Vinci. He contributed a great deal to what we know about anatomy thanks to his detailed studies. Also he was a genius. 7. What precious personal items do you carry with you always? I have been wearing this ring on my left index finger since I was a little kid. I got it on a family trip to New Mexico - it's more of a habit than anything, though. I also almost always have my fountain pen with me, the one my parents gave me when I graduated from medical school. I don't like to write with ballpoint pens if I can avoid it, they're gross. 8. How do religion and prophesy play into your life? They don't, really. Mom and Dad never made us go to church. I don't think that there's some universal code of right and wrong up there. It's all relative - what's right depends on who you are talking to. And I'm pretty sure there's no heaven or hell. I don't think what we do when we are alive had any impact on where we end up when we're dead. 9. What do you feel about myth and legend? Do you mean as in the greek epics, or like people who think ghosts are haunting their cats? Because I guess the ancient myths are kind of entertaining, but I haven't studied them in depth. People who believe in ghosts are, at best, gullible. 10. Tell me about your dealings with the military. None. No-one in my family is in the military. 11. Tell me about your run-ins with the law. I haven't had many. I briefly came under suspicion in Mike's death, but the autopsy results ruled natural causes so nothing came of it. Since then, my particular method of assassination has meant that I generally avoid suspicion. Frankly, I look much more like I would be the victim of crime than the cause of it. The few times I have found herself in suspicious situations, I cried my way out of trouble. Crying on command is a very useful skill. 12. Who is your greatest confidant? Andrea. Well, that's kind of complicated. Andrea doesn't know that I'm a hired killer - we mostly talk about harmless subjects like pop culture and make up ridiculous stories that involve them going on disaster=wrought road trips. But I already told you about Andrea. I'm not going repeat myself. 13. Tell me about someone in your past you'd prefer to avoid. Who, and why? I would prefer to avoid any member of my immediate family. Lies work better at a distance, and despite everything would really rather not have her family find out that I am essentially a classy serial killer. The same goes for Andrea, for the same reasons. 14. When you finally leave this life (hopefully a long time from now), what do you want to have been known for? I want to be known for my brilliance, and the flawless execution of my tasks. I would love to be famous for mystifying other professionals - for an assassination that other assassins couldn't figure out. I want future generations to argue over exactly what method I used to poison some great unkillable masterpiece. 15. You see a large bar of gold sitting in the street, and no one else seems to notice it. You think you have a moment before anyone else sees. What do you do? Gold is really heavy. How large is this bar? I'm not exactly strapped for cash. I'd probably only take the bar if there was an excellent chance that I could take and transport it without being spotted or caught. Was I supposed to say something about reporting it to the authorities or finding its rightful owner? 16. Which side of the bed do you roll out of? How come? Right. The left side of my bed faces a wall. That is to say, if I lie on my back, the side to my left is against a wall and the right side faces out into the room. I like to sleep looking at the door, and I prefer to sleep on my right side, and the geometry of my bedroom required that my bed be in a corner in order to accomplish this. It's a three quarter bed, if that's relevant? 17. Of the following choices, choose one at the expense of the rest: WEALTH. POWER. RESPECT. WISDOM. STRENGTH. LOYALTY. FAME. Respect. 18. Tell me about your recent history. My cover story about working for a pharmaceutical company isn't entirely fabricated - in the early days of murder-for-hire, I actually did have a day job working for a drug company. There are quite a few jobs for a person in my position - that is to say, medically trained but not licensed and practising medicine. I enjoyed the work, which involved clinical trials. It was fairly stimulating, and I enjoyed being able to dictate a whole day's routine to a group of people and then watch what happened. However, it wasn't interesting enough to be an end in itself, so once I felt she was able to support myself indefinitely via my "night job" I quit my position with the drug company. This leaves me a lot more time for planning jobs, which is good because my methods require extremely meticulous planning. So, that's what I spend most of my time working on. My most recent hit was a middle aged diplomat with ties to black market organ trafficking. I was able to discover that he was an insulin-dependant diabetic, which made my task way easier. Normally I try not to inject my victims with anything, as needle marks tend to look really suspicious to coroners. In this case, I felt confident that an extra one would not be noticed. So, after trailing the man to a lavish hotel and sneaking my way into his room (I can pick locks. It's really my only classically criminal skill.) and injected a fatal overdose of potassium through his subclavian vein. Given the man's age and medical history, the death wasn't even considered suspicious. It was, after all, hardly the first time a middle aged man died of a heart attack after a night of drunken indulgence. And watching him spasm his way though a massive heart attack was actually pretty entertaining. - - - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Notes - Linda is romantically attracted to her best friend, Andrea. However, she hasn't admitted this to herself and probably isn't going to any time soon. - Linda has really nice handwriting, and is very proud of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kevin Jaeger


Kevin is a master of infiltration, wet work, and low-key operations. He is highly skilled in Krav Maga and proficient in the use of handguns, sniper rifles, and blunt melee weapons. He is generally a very calm, collected, and neutral person, giving him an almost cold visage when he is at work. He retains his focus and ensures that he never leaves a trace of his existence when he is doing a job. His deadpan attitude does, however, betray a sort of personal code of honor that he abides by, and it stops him from taking some jobs, either due to the nature of them, or the mark themselves. In one instance, he even took it upon himself to sabotage a potential employer because they tried to get him to assassinate a rising businessman who turned out to become a wealthy philanthropist. Additionally, he is typically cautious about what jobs he takes, and isn't afraid to decline one when he knows he'll be in over his head. One would think this would make him a risk in some cases, but his high success rate counterbalances his "moral shortcomings", as one person put it.

- - - - - - - - - -


Kevin is a pretty skinny guy, standing at 5'10" and weighing about 147 lbs. He has a slightly muscular build, though it's hardly a "buff" look. He has dirty blond hair, which he typically keeps short and a little messy, and his eyes are a greenish color. He generally tries to stay clean shaven, though he'll occasionally get lazy and allow a 5 o'clock shadow to grow in before shaving it back off. He always dresses, more or less, business casual, though he'll never wear slacks, preferring jeans or other casual pants. A dress shirt, tie, and vest are almost always involved, and when he doesn't wear a coat, his sleeves are typically rolled up to the elbow.

- - - - - - - - - -

1. How old are you?
"That's easy. I'm 27."

2. Tell me about your family life. Are you parents still alive? Who raised you? Siblings? What do they do?
"As far as I know, my biological parents are still alive. I've lived with my mother for most of my childhood. I don't really know much about my biological father; he divorced my mother when I was two. She's re-married three times since then. My first step father was a prick, but at least he was fair. My second... I want to see him dead. Third died of a heart attack shortly after he and my mom married. My sister was born of my second step-father, about six years after me. She's the closest thing to what I'd call a family. Especially because of her prick fucking dad... Anyways, aside from my sister getting her master's at the New York Institute of Technology, I don't really know nor care much about my family."

3. Explain your closest relationships, especially those that you've dated or courted, or those who you never want to see again.
"You already know who I never want to see again. Prick. I'm just going to start calling him that from now on. Like I said, my sister is probably the closest thing to family I have. I've only dated one person briefly in high school. Haven't really seen or talked to her since, which I don't really mind. We didn't quite match up anyways."

4. What social class are you from? How has that shaped who you are?
"Middle class. My financial background is probably the least important thing in shaping myself as a person."

5. How did you get started doing what you do now?
"Someone told me I was good at infiltration, and after a few trials they referred me to this place. I've been working here ever since."

6. Who is your greatest hero or inspiration?
"Do you want the smart-ass version, or the realistic version? I'll give you the former; Jimmy Hoffa. No one's seen him since 1975, I wish I could disappear as easily."

7. What precious personal items do you carry with you always?
"Well, I keep a 20 Czech Koruna coin on me for toss-ups, but you won't see me cry if I lose it."

8. How do religion and prophesy play into your life?
"I've no need for such superstition."

9. What do you feel about myth and legend?
"It's interesting, and sometimes there are some meaningful lessons to be had from them, but that's all."

10. Tell me about your dealings with the military.
"My first step-father was in the military, and I know a bit about how they work from that, but that's all."

11. Tell me about your run-ins with the law.
"I got in trouble once for trespassing. I made sure I would never get caught again."

12. Who is your greatest confidant?
"I don't really have one, though I suppose the closest thing would be my sister."

13. Tell me about someone in your past you'd prefer to avoid. Who, and why?
"My second step-father; Prick. Mostly because I know I'll hardly be able to hold back the urge to put a bullet in his brain."

14. When you finally leave this life (hopefully a long time from now), what do you want to have been known for?
"As long as it wasn't this line of business, I don't really care."

15. You see a large bar of gold sitting in the street, and no one else seems to notice it. You think you have a moment before anyone else sees. What do you do?
"I would check to make sure traffic permitted, then go and pick it up. Who wouldn't? If someone gets to it before me, so be it."

16. Which side of the bed do you roll out of? How come?
"The side on my left; force of habit, nothing else."

17. Of the following choices, choose one at the expense of the rest: WEALTH. POWER. RESPECT. WISDOM. STRENGTH. LOYALTY. FAME.
"At the expense of the rest? None. I take pride in being a fairly well-rounded individual, I'm not going to pick any one of those above the others, though I will tell you which ones I prefer, in descending order. Strength, with wisdom being a close second. Respect and loyalty are also fairly important, and while power is nice to have, that's not really my business. Wealth... I only need enough to live comfortably, and I have no use for fame."

18. Tell me about your recent history.
"I've actually started college. Majoring in psychology and minoring in criminology; imagine the irony. Yeah, it's a weird combination, especially for someone like me, but I've always been interested in what makes people tick. I want to be able to take one look at someone and accurately categorize them, and then pin down their personality within a conversation. Maybe I watch too much TV, but I think there's something to profiling. Plus that shit's just cool, you know?

Aside from that it's pretty much business as usual. My job as a 'security consultant' pays the bills and leaves me with enough money to live quite comfortably. My last job was pretty straightforward, and I got to stretch my marksmanship skills for the first time in a while. Someone wanted me to take out his boss; apparently he was a prick. Killing him was the easy part. I was told that he was suicidal, so I just needed to help him out a bit as he was leaning over the edge of a balcony. He happened to land on his head too, shattering his skull; an unexpected convenience which nicely disguised the fact that there was a hole through it. It was messy, but it was almost like everything fell into place for that kill. No one suspected a thing."

- - - - - - - - - -

Miscellaneous Notes:
-Good piano player, though he'll do everything in his power to avoid being caught.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexander Drümmer


Alex is an assassin, plain and simple. With a penchant for knives and other assorted sharp weapons, a cold and impersonal demeanor and methodical nature, Alex is the go to person if you want someone deader than dead, the person you don't want to bump into at night in an alley. He is ruthless, cunning and very, very brutal and efficient. His day job is as a simple accountant, and with his head for numbers and calculations he quickly grew to be an extremely calculated killer. Contrary to his conduct, he is not without emotions, even though he maintains his stony demeanour for contracts and jobs. Off the job, he can often be found in the basement bar of the Continental enjoying a meal and the excellent music. His favorite weapons are a pair of butterfly knives that he wields with expert precision.


Alex stands 5' 11" tall, weighing in at roughly 160 lbs. His physique is that of your average desk worker; average body build, shoulder width, and so on. He has a head of coarse black hair that he regular combs into a side parting, with absolutely no fringe escaping onto his face. He also has brown eyes, a sharp nose and relatively high cheekbones. He also wears spectacles, a circular pair. His main getup is a simple three-piece suit, with a jacket, inner vest and shirt, along with a tie, slacks and dress shoes. Occasionally, on cold or rainy days, he wears a trenchcoat over his suit jacket, and he always rocks a fedora or a trillby when he's out. Alex's one outstanding feature, however, is a scar on his face, specifically across his mouth. horizontally, your classic 'Glasgow Smile', carved into his face when he was a youth. His casual attire is a waistcoat with a tie, a shirt, pants and shoes.

- - - - - - - - - -

1. How old are you?


2. Tell me about your family life. Are you parents still alive? Who raised you? Siblings? What do they do?

"I was raised by Herr Paul Drümmer and Frau Brenda Kleiner. Not exactly the most German couple in the whole of Berlin. I have no siblings, as far as I know, and both my parents are now dead. They both used to work in accountancy, my father as your bog standard accounts manager and my mother was the same, except they worked in different firms."

3. Explain your closest relationships, especially those that you've dated or courted, or those who you never want to see again. (We all have 'em.)

"Closest relationships...there was this one frau back in Berlin that I dated for a few years. This was before I got forcibly turned into a killer. Once I went down that road, I left my old life behind and never looked back. As far as I know, she has found someone else, married and had children, and for that I am grateful. As for people I never want to see again, that would be my kidnappers, but then again I made sure I'd never see them again after I burned their bodies."

4. What social class are you from? How has that shaped who you are?
"Zhe upper class. Life wasn't hard for my family, but it wasn't exactly zhat easy either. Even though accountancy has its...merits, let's just say the long hours aren't condusive for family bonding."

5. How did you get started doing what you do now?

"A very interesting story, one I have told no one, save for you, mystery interviewer. I was kidnapped by four masked men who tortured me until I broke. One of them decided to let me go out of pity. I killed them all."

6. Who is your greatest hero or inspiration?

"Jack zhe Ripper. Unseen, invisible, ruthless and brutal. Just the way I am."

7. What precious personal items do you carry with you always?

"An old straight razor, my own from when I first learned to shave. It is as clean as a straight razor can be, even with zhe disposable blades. And my father's pocket watch. He gave it to me as a birthday gift before he passed away."

8. How do religion and prophesy play into your life?
"Zhey don't."

9. What do you feel about myth and legend?
"Good bedtime reading. Except the legend you build around yourself. Zhat is something that will last for eternity if you choose it."

10. Tell me about your dealings with the military.

"None, as far as employment is concerned. I have been contracted to kill military people before, but as far as dealings go, I have not been approached by any member of the military, or navy, or air force."

11. Tell me about your run-ins with the law.

"Several times I've had to run away from law enforcement because of my own inexperience in certain situations. As good as I may be, no one is perfect."

12. Who is your greatest confidant?


13. Tell me about someone in your past you'd prefer to avoid. Who, and why?

"My parents. Zhey'd be horrified to find out about the monster I've become."

14. When you finally leave this life (hopefully a long time from now), what do you want to have been known for?

"Being zhe modern-day Jack zhe Ripper, maybe?"

15. You see a large bar of gold sitting in the street, and no one else seems to notice it. You think you have a moment before anyone else sees. What do you do?

"It is obviously a trap. I avoid it."

16. Which side of the bed do you roll out of? How come?

"Zhe left. It's the furthest away from my window."

17. Of the following choices, choose one at the expense of the rest: WEALTH. POWER. RESPECT. WISDOM. STRENGTH. LOYALTY. FAME.

"...zhis is a trick question isn't it. Not one of these has their merits without the others. If I had to pick, I would say Wisdom, for without it a man is nothing."

18. Tell me about your recent history.

"Recently I did migrate here to the United States, and though my reputation has survived intact, my job has not. I am between occupations now, which is a situation I'd rather not be in. I stay at the Continental because it is a safe haven for people of my ilk. Perhaps I'd be good as a barber, hmm..."

Miscellaneous Notes
  • Loves jazz and does not hide it at all.
  • Is fond of the American submarine sandwich.
  • Is not above helping out a fellow in need.
  • Has a rival, though he's not telling in who.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

James Wight


James is, more or less, an "Old School" fan, in the world of assassination. Knives, swords, and hand-to-hand style killing being his most... Notable, talents, though he's a half-way decent shot with firearms as well, necessary for any assassin with a reputation. It should also be noted that he takes a good deal of enjoyment not only from his work, but from meddling in the affairs of others. It isn't uncommon for him to just... Show up out of nowhere, seated on a crate or atop a wall, and start up some vague, less-than-helpful conversation, subtly pushing people towards some end or another, then vanishing without a trace. Most of the time, these chats also include him tossing a severed head or two to his new 'friend' in a bag. Often meaning free contract money for them.

- - - - - - - - - -

James is hard to miss in a crowd, truthfully. Standing at 6'2", with a lithe build brought on by working his profession so well for so long, and holding fairly handsome features,- If somewhat clearly reaching middle age- he makes for a distinctive figure. Silvery-grey eyes are rarely seen without a sly grin of some sort, particularly when he's working... Or trying to manipulate people. He's fairly riddled with scars under whatever suit he may be wearing at any time, the number suggesting a long life of experience in the field- But not quite so many as to suggest he wasn't capable of ducking when somebody shot at him.

- - - - - - - - - -
1. How old are you?
Forty eight.

2. Tell me about your family life. Are you parents still alive? Who raised you? Siblings? What do they do?
.... Non-existent. Parents dead, brother decapitated. And no, it wasn't by me.

3. Explain your closest relationships, especially those that you've dated or courted, or those who you never want to see again. (We all have 'em.)
To hear tell from any of those past courtships you mentioned, I'm an emotionally unavailable man-whore who manipulates people to my own ends and calls them friends. Unfortunately, I agree with them. As to people I never want to see again... Well, they're all dead and buried, now aren't they? Except Tom. That little shit never dies.

4. What social class are you from? How has that shaped who you are?
Middle class. I never starved and had some nice things, but I was hardly spoiled, either. Just taught me to be stingy with what I do have.

5. How did you get started doing what you do now?
I killed my brothers killer. An assassin whom shant be named here took note and... Nudged me in the right direction.

6. Who is your greatest hero or inspiration?
Hitler inspired me not to kill millions of people unless I wait a few days between every dozen or so. Does that count?

7. What precious personal items do you carry with you always?
I have a knife from my brother. Totally useless in a fight, but I like it. And a necklace from my mother. Purely sentimental, both of them- Necklace being a bloodstone carved wolf.

8. How do religion and prophesy play into your life?

9. What do you feel about myth and legend?
I find them interesting, and I enjoy toying with the thought that all lies are based in truth....

10. Tell me about your dealings with the military.
Well, I slaughtered somebody for a low-ranking soldier with barely any money once. But that's about it.

11. Tell me about your run-ins with the law.
I've spent my fair amount of time in and out of cells, though usually for something less than murder. Like public intoxication. Mostly in my younger days, mind.

12. Who is your greatest confidant?
My cat, Tibbles.

13. Tell me about someone in your past you'd prefer to avoid. Who, and why?
Tom. Again, the little shit never dies. I've stabbed him, shot him, cut off his -bloody arms-, and KICKED HIM OVER A GODS DAMNED BUILDING. He. Wont. Die. I swear if I find him at -one more- D&D game I'm -actually- cutting off his arms.

14. When you finally leave this life (hopefully a long time from now), what do you want to have been known for?
Absolutely nothing. I want to be not-so-fondly remembered by three or four people and leave it at that.

15. You see a large bar of gold sitting in the street, and no one else seems to notice it. You think you have a moment before anyone else sees. What do you do?
Take it. Obviously.

16. Which side of the bed do you roll out of? How come?
Left, because the right side is against a wall.

17. Of the following choices, choose one at the expense of the rest: WEALTH. POWER. RESPECT. WISDOM. STRENGTH. LOYALTY. FAME. Wisdom. Knowledge is power, after all.

18. Tell me about your recent history.
No. Okay, maybe. I woke up thismorning, walked out my front door, got in my car, drove to a bar, and then somebody strange started drilling me with questions about my life. That recent enough?

- - - - - - - - - -
Miscellaneous Notes

He's a bit of a wine-o, loves classic muscle cars and jazz, and is not-so-secretly addicted to playing D&D and online roleplaying forums. You'd think being an assassin would be enough, but oh no. He's gotta spend time as a bloody space pirate, too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Peik
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