Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The once and future King

A long time ago, in the age of myth and legend, giants roamed the land. Mankind was weak and shattered and suffered under the tyrannical rule of the big folk. Hope was all but abandoned. So came the day when a child was born under certain stars to uncertain parents. The child heard the lamentation of his people and swore to avenge them. He traveled the world and learned many things, and when he returned he had acquired the power and knowledge to fight the cruel giant overlords. Mankind united behind him and went to war.

When the dust settled the giants were undone, the last of them hiding in the mountains of Skaala. The man born to the certain stars was crowned king of all mankind and the realm prospered under his rule.

As the years and kings and queens went by there was war and strife. The humans, once united, became divided once more and spread across the land. The elves and dwarves, readily defeated by the human kingdoms, retreated to their domains in the forests and mountains and isolated themselves from the world. And all the while the giants in Skaala lay in wait.

It has been prophesized that the giants will one day return, and that their coming heralds the end of the world. When that time comes, a hero of certain stars and uncertain parents might once more arise. The hero is the once and future King and will unite mankind and save the world from destruction. If the hero doesn’t come, however, everything is lost and the world will fall into the abyss.

- The story of the once and future King, as told in the triplet realms

Welcome to the game! Here you will take on the role of an adventurer in Aimsir, a land full of magic and wonders, who gets drawn into a quest to save the world from death and destruction. Your character can hail from any of the many kingdoms in Aimsir, and can come from any walk of life, as long as you can explain how and why he/she decided to leave his/her home behind and travel the world. To help you in your choice, the world in which this game takes place will be described below.


The land of Aimsir is a large and diverse place, about the same size as Australia. In the north and west the landscape is dominated by great forests and rolling hills. The summers are mild and short and the winters are harsh and long. It is similar to northern America in flora and fauna. The southern and eastern parts of Aimsir are considerable drier and warmer. The landscape is made out of grassy plains and dusty badlands. There is no real winter in these parts, only a few intense rain seasons. The flora and fauna is similar to that of central America. Dividing these two areas is a great mountain range that stretches from the south to the north. These mountains are known to be impassable, except for in a few places.

Peoples of Aimsir

Realms of Aimsir

Magic in Aimsir

First practiced by the elves of Mor Adhmad, the magic of Aimsir is a mysterious and marvelous thing. Each of the different peoples of the land has their own view of it, but they can all agree on one thing: it is powerful. It is also extremely difficult to master. Indeed, only a few individuals not of elven origin have ever been recorded that have mastered its art, and they are spread far between in both distance and time. They have all however been legendary, known throughout the world for their awesome deeds. Many have had an important hand in the major events in history, shaping the world to their will.

There are three main reasons for the difficulty with learning magic. The first is that it has to be taught by someone who already understands it. A person cannot uncover the knowledge for themselves and finding someone that knows it who is also able to or at all interested in teaching it is a feat in itself. If a person could accomplish that, there is also the second reason to hinder them further. Learning magic takes time. A long time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime for the student to learn even the basics of magical practice. Sorcerers are rarely proficient with anything besides their art, as the study is too extensive to leave room for anything else. It is almost required for a human to begin training in early childhood to be able to wield it at all. And even if a person could find time for all of this, there is the third reason. Magic just doesn’t agree with logic or reason. It defies natural laws but depends on them at the same time. For the sorcerer to be able to manipulate fire, s/he must first understand fire completely. Where it comes from, how it functions, what it is made of, what it does, what it cannot do or be. Then the sorcerer must learn how to bend those things, change them. S/he must not think or believe that they can change, but know. The concept might sound simple enough to some, but it is not. You can imagine the day being dark in spite of the sun, or wood turning to water, or sound becoming material. But you know at the same time that those things are just a fantasy, that the real world doesn’t work like that. Sorcerers must overcome this. They must know, truly know, that the world and the way it works can be shaped by their will. It is not an easy task.

Your Character

So arriveth we at last, then, to the character creation screen! Before starting on your hero, please take another moment to read through the peoples and realms of Aimsir. Find inspiration there and mix it with your own thoughts and ideas. Remember that you can ask me if you need guidance or have any wonders about the world or its possibilities. I’m here to help you in this process, and I want to make things work. There are a few rules for character creation that I expect you to follow:
  • You may only play as humans, or elf-human hybrids.
  • You may create a powerful character, but keep things interesting. The keyword is growth.
  • You may create a sorcerer, but I will require more from your application and play if you do.
  • I have the final say with any application and have the right to deny them, although I will try to be as lenient as I can.

And here’s the character sheet!


(for suggestions, just ask)



(Meri, Iwi, Taniwha or Ebard/Eile/Half-Elf)

(Description obligatory, picture optional but very appreciated)

(Personality, pros and cons)

(Where your character comes from, where and how s/he grew up, whom s/he met and where, what s/he learned from them, where s/he has been, and most important of all, why s/he decided to abandon her/his old life and become an adventurer. Be descriptive!)

I am eagerly awaiting your characters, comments and questions!

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Gordarion

Age: 24

Gender: male

People: Taniwha

(you have a picture of one so if its ok to have that as a bases. I'm just describing distinguishing features.)

Gordarion was born as an albino. Given he is a taniwha, he is very muscular and tall. His hair is white and hangs down to his shoulders. He wears studded leather gauntlets and leggings. He covers his arms up to his shoulders with armor taken during a raid. At the waist of the legging are torn leather rags that hang over it.

Gordarion is much more calm than those of his kin. He is actually a strategic person who values a group over ones personal might. His mind set is different from that of his kin but not far off. During combat he is ruthless and cold, not caring to cut down an ally if the enemy goes with him. As a taniwha he is very respectful to woman and believes them to be above him in some manner unless you are of another race. When enraged he will mercilessly attack anything as if it is a blood lust he craves. Though he is not quick to anger or violence, he has no problem proving dominance and will mercilessly crush anyone who causes him or those he sees close harm.

His view of magic as particularly strange. He believes that the reason so few can do magic is because it chose them. He believes the reason why someone can study magic for their entire lifetime and not perform it is because it didn't choose them. His view of Gods are strange as well. He believes that there are simply transcendence of power and to obtain that power is to become a God. He believes that those who can perform magic have obtained a portion of that power.


Gordarion was born in Koraha as an outcast. Being born with pale skin lead him to be treated much more harshly than others. he was often picked on and beat up as a child. He however never proved to be weak and always stood his ground and thus is the reason he wasn't abandoned. Being that he was always picked on did have his advantages. Since he had no support it allowed him to quickly realize how strong he needed to become to defend himself and thus pushed him to fight harder than most. It did not take long for him to prove strong enough to participate in raids and pillaging. On these occasions he showed to be much more ferocious than others and his brutality was to be feared. It was on these raids that Gordarion truly realized that dominance was key. As he and the others were heading home from a raid, he had stolen something that looked to be very valuable (at least to him). However, another taniwha wanted it for him self. he was older, stronger, and a veteran warrior among the group. Gordarion did not have the proper strength and thus was beat and the pendant was taken from him. After that day, Gordarion began to be much more aggressive toward others of his own kin. He realized that this society truly was about survival of the fittest and he hated it. Several years passed and it did not take long for Gordarion to find interest in a woman. He knew he had to prove his strength but never knew how. All he did was train to further improve his physical prowess as a warrior. However, as an albino finding a woman who would take interest in him would be rather difficult. His being heavily religious, he wasn't sure if he was viewed as a bad omen for being albino. To prove his strength he challenged the strongest male in the encampment. Gordarion knew that if there were a way to prove strength then this was it. This fight was not be easy as he was going up against the strongest male. This time was where the strategist in Gordarion would be seen. During the fight, Gordarion was outmatched in most aspects. His opponent was stronger, more ruthless, and physical superior. Gordarion had devised a way of defeating his opponent. Gordarion was to strike at the joints and to tire his opponent out. This plan however did not last long. His opponent was able to over power Gordarion and relentlessly beat him into the dirt. Gordarion became overcome by bloodlust and delivered a fatal punch into his opponents throat. This hit turned the tide of the fight. With his opponent chocking and his eyes filled with blood lust Gordarion mercilessly beat his opponent. Gordarion continued to relentlessly bash his opponents face in. After the fight Gordarion showed little interest in impressing a woman. The fact that it took such savagery to find a woman interests was not what he wanted. It was the following day that Gordarion had left his people behind. Gordarion left and set out for one purpose. He wanted to gain the power he needed to change his people, to unite all of Koraha under one banner and to show them the meaning of a pack. To do this he knows he needs power for that is the only thing his people will listen to.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I like your character! He is interesting and feels like he's part of Aimsir. I have a few questions for you (and I want to make it clear that these are not demands).

  • Would you consider making Gordarion a full albino? With blonde/white hair as well as pale skin?
  • As steel plate armor has not yet been invented by the humans of Aimsir, would you consider changing the armor Gordarion wears to splint mail or perhaps studded leather?
  • This question might be redundant, as your application is a WIP, but I was wondering if you could add a part about why Gordarion became an adventurer to your background?

Thank you for your contribution!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I finished it. Or at least finished to my abilities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Love it. Accepted! You can post Gordarion in the Character Tab :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Where is everyone?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I want to post my interest and make a character if possible
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I want to post my interest and make a character if possible

Great! I've answered your PM as well :)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thrashy
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Thrashy smashy-splashy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am going to scrap the game. I don't think anyone else is going to show up, and I can't do this with only two players.

Thank you for your interest and contributions, and good luck with other RPs on the site.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 8 days ago

Damn. I reached this too late.
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