Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ozpin stood at the edge of the cliff overlooking the forest outside Beacon, a mug of coffee in his hand and a slight wind blowing at his coat. Beneath him stretched miles of woods, into which the last of the new students had just been unceremoniously catapulted. In fact, he could still vaguely see a few of them fading away into the distance, the glimmer of metal from drawn weapons and bright colors from their Aura's giving them away.

When the last of the students disappeared into the forest canopy he retrieved a small tablet from his pocket, pressing a button on it and unfolding it into a larger viewscreen through which he could watch the students progress, occasionally swiping the screen to switch between students and taking a sip of his coffee. This was shaping up to be a most interesting year.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ezmeralda long black hair flow behind her as she flew to the skies, as she started to reach the top of the treeline she grabbed her dual fans and she quickly spinned with her fans out to quickly let out a powerful gust of wind. Which knocked off several branches of trees that quickly flew past her as she headed towards the ground. She was still going fast and the branches still have the chance to hit her, so she used her semblance to increase the air resistance around her to the point of slowly floating to the ground on a mini tornado. And at three feet off the ground she stopped her tornado and landed on the ground softly. She pushed back her disheveled hair behind her with her wrist.

She scanned the forest, but everything appears to be all in order. She spinned the fans in her hands and closed them and put them back in her sleeves to be used at a later time. That was quite the flight. Will the other students be okay. Ezmeralda thought to herself with a look of concerned. She better start looking for the others now that she landed. She started walking through the forest stepping carefully not to get her heels stuck in mud or roots, while keeping an eye out for the others and for Grimm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grigori grinned as he flew through the air. As the pad launched him he had pushed off with his legs, giving himself a forward spin. As he fell toward the forest he began gaining speed, as well as planning his landing. Crashing through the canopy now, in one fluid motion, Grigori removed his school jacket and tucked it against his stomach, curling into a ball. Almost at the forest floor now he extended his quills, destroying his shirt already and using them to launch himself forward into the forest.

As his rolling charge slowed, Grigori's limbs exploded outward as he jumped to his feet, removing his shredded clothing and throwing his jacket over his shoulders, throwing a few punches at the air. Walking slower now and listening for other students or grimm, Grigori advanced. As he walked, he checked his gauntlets, loading a vial of fire dust into the right and ice in the left. Combat ready now, he continued walking, spotting a woman in green and jogging toward her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Xue smiled as he flew through the air heading for the forest. So this was his first step to becoming a huntsmen and he was going to enjoy every minute of the flight. As the canopy quickly approached, he grabbed his staff from its position on his back and twirled it above his head for a moment before the blades extended and caught a hold of a tree branch. Xue allowed himself to be carried around the branch once before launching forward soaring through the trees and spinning his staff around him to knock away any branches that would knock him out of the air.

As he watched the ground start to rise up to meet him, he activated his semblance to slow his fall by reducing the pull of gravity upon his body until his feet touched the group. The blades retracted back into the staff of Blizzard's Fury before being placed on Xue's back as he stretched. "I wonder where the other students are now." He said to himself and started to whistle to himself as he made his way through the forest toward who knows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Relic Brone

Relic Brone Death Marquess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Even Rost found himself taken by surprised after being launched into the sky looming over an overgrown canopy. Rost quickly relaxed himself, as his shirt and ponytail fluttered in the wind. Then as Rost scratched his head with the sheath that held his blades, thinking of a way to land safely, he noticed that the forest beneath him was on somewhat of a large slope. In one fulid movement, Rost unsheathed his sword and the sheath began fanning out into its shield form. Firmly securing his right foot into the shield's handle, Rost braces himself so his shield would absorb the bulk of the impact as he entered the canopy feet first.

Rost hit the ground harder than he expected, but the mass of branches he smashed through on his way down allowed him to decrease his descent enough to make the impact bearable to withstand. With his sword in hand craving a path atop of his shield, as if it was a sled, Rost descended down the hill. Rost's sword acting as an extension of his body flowing with a natural harmony, severing any limbs reaching out to him from the trees; until, the forest gave way to an opening. As the sun gleamed down on Rost's face only to hear whistling in the distance, he began laughing out of pure ecstasy over his ride down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ezmeralda walked through the thick forest swatting away low reaching branches and walked around the occasional mud puddles.
She looked up the skyline again she didn't see anybody fall nearby nor has she heard any noise since she landed, it was far too quiet for her liking, she pulled out her fans from her sleeves.

On cue, she heard the shuffle of tree branches and looked at the noise and suddenly an Ursa charged out and she barely dodged the sharp claws swiped at her, she jumped out of the way but the Ursa grabbed her sleeve and the Ursa violently tossed her at a tree. Her body broke several branches off the trees, she used her semblance to readjust herself and landed softly on the ground, which gave her ample time to dodge the incoming Ursa charging, it swiped with it's massive claws this time without being caught and she slashed at it back which made it screech in pain and trashed in a blinding rage destroying several trees, Ezmeralda used this time to jumped up to the branches to get away from the ground where it has a clear advantage over her. She jumped branch to branch, it's waste to fight it now, now that she gotten a better look at it was an Ursa Major, it would take too much energy to take it down by herself.

But as she ran away from it, it was keeping up with her and destroying the trees she was on, she nearly fell several times but she always kept her balance and kept running. She really needed help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As he saw the woman jump into the trees above, Grigori knew she needed his assistance. He charged toward the Grimm, screaming inarticulately so as to draw its attention. By the time it turned to face him, Grigori had managed to close most of the distance, and was ready to attack. Identifying his target as the Ursa Major, Grigori activated his gauntlets, using them simply to infuse his punches with the power of the dust loaded up.

He jumped into the air toward the beast, drawing his right arm back while extending the left toward the Ursa. As he moved through the air the Grimm began its rush to attack, just as Grigori planned. It jumped at him as he fell, opening its maw preparing to bite down. When his left fist was almost touching the snout of the monster in front of him, Grigori drew it back, instead launching his right fist at the beast's skull. The punch landed with a burst of flame and Grigori landed safely on the ground, Ursa crashing down next to him. Before it could stand up again, Grigori jumped into the air once more, punching down with his left fist at the Ursa. The punch landed and the Ursa began to freeze over from the impact point, still alive but incapacitated for a short time.

His assault on the Ursa Major finished for now, Grigori called out to the girl in green, "You're safe now. I'll let you kill it if you want to. Anyway, looks like we're partners in this shithole of a forest. Let's do what we need to do and get outta' here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Relic Brone

Relic Brone Death Marquess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After Rost regained his composure from the exciting ride down the hill, he determined that he should follow the whistling off in the distance. He kicked the shield up, retracting it back into a sheath while he gracefully slid his sword back into it. Then Rost began trailing after the whistling with his sword draped across his shoulders and his arms hung over it.

As the whistling grew louder, Rost was wondering which of the others, he would be paired with. The closer he got to the whistler the more his mind drifted from reality, he imagines who it might be, what they act like, where they are from... Rost didn't snap back to reality until he heard a loud howl behind him. He quickly turned around, flipping his sword of his shoulders, positioning it in front of him just in time to receive the blow from a beowolf. The hit from the massive claw was still enough to send Rost flying. He hit a tree with a thud. Rost arched his back in pain, and realized he had found his whistler, as he stared up at a man with hair as white as snow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Xue had been enjoying his walk when he heard a crash and noticed a blonde haired man slam into a tree next to him. Before he had a chance to check if his fellow student was alright, he was forced to drop to the ground on one knee as a beowolf's claw passed above him where he head was moments before. Xue had to draw his staff and twirl it around his body to deflect to savage onslaught from the Grimm only having time to block the slashes and never having a chance to go on the offensive.

"I hope you are alright over there. Please don't be dead or knocked out." The white haired huntsmen said out loud as he sped up the spin of his scythe as the blades sprung out and he sliced off one of the beowolf's paws. The creature howled in pain and backed up away from the weapons range. Xue stopped the scythe's rotation as he approached the guy that had hit the tree to make sure he was alright always keeping an eye on the beowolf encase it attacked again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bornlucky
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Bornlucky Not so green cyborg ninja dude

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Ezmeralda jumped though the treetops she heard the Ursa roared aloud and another loud scream from a person when she looked a back and she watched a follow student charged the giant Grimm with his gauntlets and started to punched the Grimm.

Ezmeralda jumped out of the tree lines and landed on the ground softly with a click of her heels. The student was strong she has to admit that, he was lucky that the Grimm was chasing for as long as it as it must of tired it out a bit, but the fight was still vicious she will like having him as a partner. The man, Ezmerlada identified as a Faunas froze the Ursa, it was clearly incapacitated but not killed.

The Faunas called to her and she quickly walked up to him and she did a quick bow of her upper body as a sign of gratitude to him.
"That it does, and I will get rid of the Ursa Major, don't want it to cause any problems." Ezmeralda said as she opened up her Fans and she threw them at a thick tree, knocking it over with one end extremely jagged and dangerous, Ezmeralda used her Semblance to create a mini tornado underneath the thick tree lifting it up before it could even touch the ground. She aligned the fallen tree at the Ursa's major chest and when it aligned properly she lunched the thick and jagged tree at tops speed piercing the Ursa's chest and shattering the ice which caused the body of the Ursa to evaporate, confirming the death of the Ursa.

She smirked quickly, one less dangerous Grimm to endanger a person. "So what's your name?" She questioned the Faunas. "My name is Ezmeralda Beryl."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As she dropped down from tge trees and began walking toward him, Grigori watched and examined his new partner. She seemed thin and graceful, light on her feet. She appeared to be his opposite in many ways, which he didn't mind. As she stopped and bowed in font of Grigori, he followed suit as a respect, smiling as he returned to his upright posture.

When she told him that she would take care of the Grimm, Grigori gave her a nod and gestured toward the beast as he backed away from it and behind her. This would give him a chance to observe her abilities to a small extent, enough for the time being. As she knocked over the tree with her fan and lifted it with a small whirlwind, Grigori guessed that her semblance involved using the air. He watched contentedly as she pierced and shattered the Ursa Major.

"Well let me say that it is my pleasure to meet you, Ezmeralda," Grigori responded, his voice deep and smooth, after she revealed her name to him. "My name is Grigori Zoloti." He flashed a warm smile at her before turning, facing away from the cliff the students were launched from. "We need to go this way, deeper into the woods. I hope you're ready for whatever we find in there..." a small chuckle punctuated the sentence, showing that Grigori expected to have some fun.

Without wasting time, he began to move forward, calling back, "We should hurry, we might be able to do this before the other pairs!" He sprinted through the forest, running on the balls of his feet in order to move faster. Grigori didn't know how to pace his runs, always sprinting full speed when needing to move quikly. He didn't care about pace though, he knew he was a sprinter and not a long distance runner, and embraced it by charging full speed ahead, an unstoppable juggernaut. He ran like this for as long as he could, until he needed to slow down to catch his breath, figuring Ezmeralda might need to catch up anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Relic Brone

Relic Brone Death Marquess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rost used his sword as a support to lift himself up after his newly found partner fended off the beowolf's initial wave of attacks. Rost rubbed his head and claim,"The little guy snuck up on me out of nowhere,"

Before this new guy could turn his attention back to the beowolf, Rost extended his sword to the stranger's chest and declared, "He's mine. I saw him first,"

Rost began to walk slowly and calmly towards the beast, as he attached his sheath to his right forearm and withdraw the blade. With his blade held down by his side, and a smile on his face, Rost dips the beowolf's next right swipe. Although, it looked as if Rost was going to fall on his face, at the last moment Rost quickly repositioned his feet firmly into the dirt while unhinging his sword at the hilt revealing the twins. With four quick swipes the beowolf fell to his knee, and his right arm went limp. Now it's right side was rendered useless. Sensing it's end nearing, the beowolf left out a battle cry and made a desperate attempt to gouge Rost's face out. The attempt was futile as Rost danced around it, and used his twin blades like a pair of scissors to chop the beast's head clean off. As its body fell limp onto the ground, Rost conjoined his blades back into one, and stepped over the body of the headless monster towards his new friend and gestures for a handshake, "Greetings, my name is Rost,"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Xue placed his weapon securely before shaking the hand of his new partner. "Nice to meet you. My name is Xue Jin Chu, it would look like we will be partners from now on." He said with a smile before looking around the clearing. During the incident with the beowolf it seemed that he had gotten turned around and now had no idea which way they were supposed to head. "By the way, do you have any idea where we are supposed to go? I think I'm lost."

This other guy seemed interesting with a twin blade style that he had not seen before. He was always interested with how other peoples weapons worked and learn from other huntsmen and huntresses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Grigori's breath returned to him, he took a chance to admire the forest. The trees around him were large, with thick trunks. The greenery and calmness around him was soothing and peaceful at the moment, though he knew what might dwell within. Grigori decided to get moving again, despite his partner seeming to have fallen behind.

He walked at a fast pace through the forest, making sure to break some branches as he went to leave a trail to follow. The walk was quiet aside from his snapping of the trees around him. It let him listen once more for his teammate and for enemies. He couldn't hear Ezmeralda still, but something else caught his attention. Howling, a lot of it.

The rush of beasts running toward prey filled the air as Grigori took a wide fighting stance. He took the jacket from his shoulders and placed it on the ground, activating his gauntlets. From each of his fingers extended foot long claws produced by the dust energy of his gauntlets, fire in the right and ice in the left. As the creatures came into view it was clear they were Beowolves. Grigori waited for them to close in on him, before turning on his heel in a one-eighty and extending all the spines on his body.

The Grimm were too close to avoid the surprise counter-attack, the front runners getting impaled and their brethren crashing against them from behind, driving them further up the spines to death. In the confusion Grigori managed to pull free of the corpses and turn back to face his opponents, keeping his bloodstained quills extended. Waiting for the pack's next move, Grigori smiled and thought to himself, With odds like this, I might end up enjoying myself too much...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Relic Brone

Relic Brone Death Marquess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Rost shook Xue's hand, he took the time to more accurately assess his physical capabilities. Rost notices that his white hair companion has a slender build, such as himself, but a little smaller. Due to his size and build, Rost assumes Xue excels at agility and comes up short of power. Although, Xue's double headed scythe is at least as tall as he is, so Rost questions Xue's ability to proficiently wield his own weapon in battle.

In response, Rost states, "We have to head towards the northernmost part of the forest so..." Rost turns slowly until he locates his tracks leading into the clearing. Figuring that he tracked the whistling to the northeast, "Umm, we need to head in this direction," Rost claimed, as he pivoted around and pointed in the direction he believed was a little west of north. "We should move quickly and avoid any unnecessary fights," Rost twirls his blade and smiles at Xue, "Ready, set..." and Rost takes off; dodging, dipping, diving, and dicing his way through the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Viscerous
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grigori began bouncing on the balls of his feet, raring to go. As the first of the pack charged toward him he mirrored the act, dashing toward it. Upon closing the gap between eachother the beowolf was the first to attempt an attack, raising its right arm and slashing down and inward toward Grigori. Waiting until the last second, Grigori ducked down to his left, under the slash. He swung his left foot forward and into the ground, pivoting on his toes and launching up towards the Grimm.

Swinging his right arm up at the beowolf Grigori managed to tear through its abdomen with the fire claws, not stopping to see if the wound was fatal as he passed the creature and continued toward the pack. A group of three rushed forward to challenge him, Grigori launching himself at them. He slashed both his arms at the group, managing to decapitate two, the third catching him open with a swipe of its claws. Grigori blocked the blow with his forearm, the quills stopping the claws from cutting but still forcing Grigori to fly back through the air tumbling over the forest floor. He shook as he attempted to stand after coming to a stop, a soft laughter beginning to emanate from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

POW! With a tremendous force the launching pad sent Ferrinas soaring through the sky over the dense woodland, his coat pushed back and flapping with the speed of his launch. As he fell, he nonchalantly checked his Dust, ammo, and a pouch of small iron ingots shaped like coins. "This will be fun." he thought, activating his semblance. Transparant blue lines appeared that he knew led from his chest to every sorce of iron nearby. "I don't need a partner, they will only slow me down." As he neared the tree tops, he grabbed an ingot and threw it in front of himself and Pushed. Nothing happend for a split second, then with a jerk he began to fly upwards, his coat snaping from the sudden change in direction. His Push had proppelled the coin down untill it hit the ground. When it did, it was like he was pushing against the ground. Still flying forward with his initial momentum, and Pushing against the coin, he flipped out another ingot and Pushed sending him back up into the air. "Wooohoooo!!!" He yelled. In this way he covered a lot of ground very quickly. He could keep this up untill he ran out of ingots, but he wanted to conserve his supply. So, decending quickly, he threw out an ingot, but this time he gently Pushed against it, slowing his decent into the trees. As he passed a big thick oak, he reached out with his fistform claw and sunk his fingertips into the bark. He wrapped around the tree in a decending spiral, untill he was low enough to turn the rest of his momentum into a roll. He sprand to his feet, looked around and realized, with a sinking feeling, that he had fallen right into the midst of a massive Ursa pack. After a breif moment of surprise the pack charged him as one."Son of a----!" "ROAAAARRR!!!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Relic Brone

Relic Brone Death Marquess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It did not take long for Xue to run out of stamina, while attempting to match Rost’s pace. On their way through the forest, they encounter several more Grimm. Each time, Xue found himself being overwhelmed, and Rost stepped in to save his exhausted companion. Eventually, Xue called out to Rost, and claimed that he could not go on. Xue was gasping for every breath, and sweating profusely; whereas, Rost hadn’t even begun to feel fatigued. Rost didn’t give Xue a reply, he just turned around and continued to make his way through the forest.

Having lost his dead weight, Rost was able to kick it up a gear. He charged through without resistance, avoiding any more interruptions due to random Grimm. After a few minutes, Rost saw someone get knocked back against a tree by a beowolf. Pushing himself into a full sprint, Rost vaulted over the large man, who was laughing, landing between him and the beowolf. Rost’s sheath fanned out, and he blocked the incoming attack from the beowolf. Noticing a semi-disemboweled beowolf beginning a charge, Rost ducks under a second swipe and tosses his shield at the one charging. The shield cleaves the charging beowolf’s head off, and continues to firmly lodge itself into a tree. Since his back was now towards the remaining beowolf, Rost dashes forward to avoid its claw. The beowolf gives chase, as Rost ran toward his shield. Once he was close enough, Rost jumped up and used the shield as a platform to leap off. As Rost flipped off the shield over the approaching beowolf, he unhinged his twin blades, and performed a few quick swipes before landing. Still having momentum, the beowolf’s lifeless body hit the ground and continued to slide into the tree, before disappearing into nothingness.

Rost retrieves his shield, and faces the laughing brute. “Sorry for crashing your little party, I just couldn’t resist,” Rost shrugged, “The name’s Rost,”
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