Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As the rain grew in intensity outside, Kethuala sat around the fire, petting his pet Bear. Thankfully, they'd managed to gather a decent supply of firewood before it started to rain so hard, but the supply wouldn't last forever. "Come." he said to the others. "If we are to be stuck here, we may as well make some use of it. If no one objects, I would link our minds together, and take us back to the first battle. If we are to learn of the Demon Lord, we must see how we fought him in the past."

After all questions had been answered and everyone was comfortable, he arranged to have Bear watch over them and awaken him if there was any trouble. He then reached out with his mind and linked them, and dove back into the past, further than he'd every gone before.

Ata'ka'thu left the tent as the sun arose. Her dreams last night had been of a dark creature, with eyes the color of blood. It crushed villages beneath its feet, and devoured people and animals alike. In her dream she ran, unwilling to stop, lest it catch and eat her as well. When she made it to the sacred tree, however, the creature stopped its prusuit, and walked away.

She shook the dream from her mind. She needed to gather her berries and herbs quickly, as she could feel a storm approaching. This storm felt angry, though, as if the spirits of the rain and thunder had malice towards the people of the land. Knowing she must hurry, however, she ignored the approaching storm and climbed down the hill into the valley. She approached the overproducing bushes of blue and black berries and of grapes and trees of nuts. As she finished gathering the first bushes berries, though, she saw a person approaching. She knew not whether they were friend or foe, man or woman, but she was kind to all until they proved that they had evil in their hearts against her or her people. "Are you hungry?" she called out to them. "I have fresh berries, if you want some of them." Often, the best way to make a new friend was to offer them a meal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zuhk walked out into the valley from the treeline marking the edge of the forest. His satchel full of hearbs he'd later use to make poisons to coat his blades in. He watched the ground as he walked through valley, scanning the ground for any herbs that may grow out in the open. Seeing something that he couldn't necessarily use for poisons, he bent Dow to pick it up; knowing he could most deffdeffinetely sell if to a medicine mixer due to its healing properties. Admists standing back up straight he saw a woman in the field picking berries. Slowly Zuhk walked towards her, unsure if she'd prove to be hostile. As he moved his hands towards one of his throwing knives Zuhk heard the woman call out him in a welcoming manner, 'Hey are you hungry? I have fresh berries.' This could be a trap of sorts, a complete stranger offering food to another stranger... I should keep on my toes. Upon approaching the woman Zuhk masked his face with a smile, squinting his eyes slightly as he did so. "Oh no, I'm not hunger, thank you though." Zuhk said to her as he put both his hands up slightly to wave them back and forth. The smile on his slowly disappeared as he lowered his hands. Looking up to the sky he could see dark clouds approaching from the distance, a fierce storm was certainly on its way. "What are you doing out here?" Averting his eyes from the sky and back to the woman. "There's a storm coming and it seems to be a big one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sal, was sitting in the back of the Cavern, busying himself with sharpening his weapons with one of the whetstones he always carried with him. It still seemed slightly odd to him that he was here, in a place that only a short while ago he didn't know existed and with someone he seemed, 'linked to', like it was fate. Though he did not question it, and just accepted that he was fated to be here, as that seemed the right thing to do.

Shaking his head to pull his thoughts away from questioning the why of now, he pocketed his whetstone, put the weapon he had finished working on a loop on his belt and stood. Just in time to hear Kethuala say for him and others to gather together and link minds. Again he felt a link just like the one he felt before, and nodded towards Keth. Maybe there is this Demon Lord, and maybe I had fought him, I just... Can't seem to remember.

So without hesitation he sat next to Keth., looked around for the others and not seeing them he shrugged. He assumed they would gather soon, and he closed his eyes waiting for the mind link to occur.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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A figure in a woolen cloak walked the path of the forest, her dark feet bare and near silent. Achieng was happy. A woman had just had the healthy birth of their second child. A healthy girl. Achieng had visited once the birth was done, to bless the child in the name of the Warm Goddess. It was a duty and a pleasure to welcome new little lives into the world. It had been her mother's job, and her grandmother's job, and one day, with her own daughters, perhaps it would be theirs too.

The forest seemed strangely busy today. Tugging back her hood, Achieng revealed her face. It was soft and pleasant, and tattooed with the symbols of a Goddess dedicate. Within the season, she'd become a full priestess, and the two marks on her cheeks would be joined by a third on her forehead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

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Umbra stood at the mouth of the cave, idly watching the rain as it fell on the plains outside. It was peaceful and quiet, but it was strange, almost foreboding that it was raining. It had rained too, on the day he'd left the castle, and again on the day he'd found his companions. Since then he'd attributed the rain as a sort of important marker, that the things that would happen on that day were something he would never forget.

Today was no exception. Their leader, Kethuala, had called the group in to relive the past memories of their earliest ancestors: the original Seven. It was, to quote, an attempt to learn about the Dark Lord, and how they had fought him in eons past. His own ancestor, the Warlock, was one of the evil one's greatest minions, and yet, at the pinnacle of his reign, he and his two other lieutenants defected to fight their former master. He wanted to know how.

He sighed to himself and retreated back into the relative warmth of the cave and sat in front of the fire. If what their leader wanted was information, he would gladly provide.

The man had a name once. This name was a name that struck terror into the hearts of men and gods, for it was a name of such vile disrepute.

The man's name was Koli. He was a warlock.

He served the Dark One, the Demon Lord, oh ye who tore mountains in twain, he who would conquer kingdoms with a flick of his wrist. The most terrifying being in the land, and he was his chief tactician and warlock. He had taught the mages under the Lord's charge how to utilise only the worst, most powerful spells in existence. He wreaked havoc with them, caused much suffering and loss of life. He enjoyed it. Watching the weak and the fools die so that the superior race could take precedence. All for his master, Xalafoor.

Today was no exception. His lord had marked out a village due for their monthly tax collection. They paid in coin and in flesh; the women produced this far north were exceptionally pleasant and full in body. Perfect to serve as slaves for his master's throne room, or as breeders for the army's demons. He was to lead, of course, since the land feared his magics. The threat of a storm of stars raining down upon their heads was a threat they couldn't possibly ignore. He was week prepared enough; his tome of spells hung from his waist and the tattoos of his many, many spells writhed and swam across his flesh. With a flick of his wrist he could turn a man inside out, or fling him across the land, or bury him in the ground, never to escape, or a myriad other punishments for disobeying Xalafoor.
That said, he gathered the scroll upon which the decree was written, rolled it up and stored it within his robe. Then he left his tower, bringing along his two daemon door guards for the trip. It wasn't particularly far away; just a short horse ride to the south.


"...and so, by the end of this week, twelve of your fairest maidens and two thousand gold pieces must be procured and awaiting our arrival. If neither are present when I return, you will face my master's wrath."

A stunned silence fell across the marketplace. The looks of indignation and anger slowly spread through the townsfolk, and some began raising their makeshift weapons in earnest. Cries of protest rang from the crowd, and in minutes the whole town was in an uproar. Koli kept his expression impassive; this reaction was something he'd expected. The sheep always needed a little motivation before they turned themselves into willing lambs. He flicked his hand at the nearest man and slowly the farmer rose into the air, crying and raging against his fate. The protests surged forth as Koli held the man aloft in front of the whole crowd. With his magic he amplified his voice, intent on making a spectacle.

"Protest more, mortals, and this is what will befall you!"

He curled his hand into a fist and the man was crushed into a ball, limbs and bones contorted and broken, a loud cry of agony escaping his lips before he fell silent, as did the protests. With his other hand, he released the spectral shackles he kept on his two daemons.

"Daemons, you may feast today. Enjoy."

With a gleeful howl the two winged beasts flew straight for the levitating ball of flesh. They tore into it with a ravenous hunger, splattering the crowd and ground below with blood and gore. As the remaining townsfolk fled screaming, Koli let his voice ring out once again.

"Remember your payment, mortals! I will return at the end of this week to collect your tribute to Xalafoor! If you do not pay, you will all suffer!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ata'ka'thu went back to picking berries while she talked to the man, making sure to bless the plants after she picked the berries off of them so that they'd regrow their berries quickly. "Oh, I live nearby, but I was just hoping to pick my berries before the storm so that I could sell them in town. THey'll be rotten by tomorrow, and I'd like to spend the time during the storm in town in an actual building instead of my tent which doesn't block the rain that well."

As she finished speaking, however, a woman from the town ran up, with her baby on her back. "Ata'ka'thu" she said, "You must help. There is an army attacking the town, and they have demons and a sorcerer with them."

"Demons?" she asked as she stopped picking. "Very well." She handed her basket to the woman. "My tent is at the top of the hill. You may hide there." She checked to make sure that she had her knife and hatchet and looked at the man who had come up to her. "I'm heading to the town. You can keep any berries you pick if you wish to stay here. I must help protect the village again the demons and sorcerer, though."

Not bothering to check if the man was behind her she quickly made her way to the town, climbing onto the thatch roofs of the buildings so that she could make her way to them in stealth. When she saw one of the demons attack a woman, though, she slid down the porch roof and stabbed it in the back. Though it didn't die, it released the woman and turned around, roaring.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Zuhk listened and nodded as the woman spoke to show her that he was listening to what she said even if he wasn't saying anything in reply to her. Almost immediately after she finished another woman carrying a baby ran up in panic talking about how the village was being attack by demons and a sorcerer. Koli mist be here already, with the attack. Seems like I'm behind schedule. He sighed to himself folding his arms at his chest. What was he going to do now that he wasn't where he was supposed to be. He then had an idea. "I will go with her to the tent then bring any others I can round up there as well. I will watch over them and make sure they are alright throughtout this." The tone in his voice sounded sincere at its most.

He cracked a sinister smile as the woman who was picking the berries turned her back to him and took off to the town. Zuhk then went with the woman to the tent, bringing others they passed on the way there with them as well. Once at the tent he got everyone inside telling them to wait there till the conflict was over and he would see who else he could get there as well. With that being said he took off from the tent telling all survivors he saw to head to that tent. He seemed to round up a good bit of people. On his way back to the tent he'd seen of the demons carrying a live woman over its shoulder. Zuhk rushed up to the demon without it having noticed him, putting his hand over its mouth he tilted the demon's head back. "I'm sorry my brother, but this must be done. You served well, now enjoy slumber." He whisper in its ear causing the demon to drop the woman having recognized Zuhk's voice as one of Xalafoor's renowned luitenants. With a swift motion Zuhk slit the throat of the demon, whisper a prayer of sorts sending the soul of the demon back to Xalafoor to be reincarnated at another time.

He picked up the frightened woman, brining her back to the tent with him. Once back at the tent he looked to dozens of civilians he'd managed to get there. "Everybody, you need not worry you will not suffer anymore at the hands of these demons." He would say to the trying to ease their fear and calm them down. However, Zuhk had ulterior motives wfor bringing them to the tent. He cracked that sinister smile again, drawing his dagger in his hand. He spread his arms out wide mumbling chants quietly as the people looked at him curiously. As he finished the chants he looked back to the civilians. "May your souls be taken to lord Xalafoor." Without a moment of hesitation Zuhk brutally slaughtered each and every man, woman, and child inside the tent. "Xalafoor accept my offerings to you as we carry out your plans, may your eve growing empire rule for a millennia to come." He would say as he kneeled on one knee, holding the hilt of his dagger while the blade was plunged into to ground.

Leaving the tent he would look around before rushing off from the area and back into the midst of the battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 24 days ago

Sal gritted his teeth as he arrived at the edge of a village. The ground was covered in blood, and he was disgusted. He had hoped that the rumors he had heard concerning Lord Xalafoor's reign here, were just that mere rumors. He made his way through the busted down fence of the village warily keeping his eyes open. Ready to cut down any threat as soon as it appeared. He wore a full suit of bronze armor except for the helmet, with a bronze lance, longsword, circular shield, throwing daggers. Besides that he kept a small bag strapped to his back with food stuffs, in case he couldn't find any place to stay. Like hell, there would be a place to stay here, he thought in anger as he shook his long black hair out of his blue eyes, which glared around like ice.

All of a sudden he heard a voice raised, coming from the village marketplace, "Protest more, mortals and this is what will befall you!"

He growled under his breath as he went past corpses which littered the ground, continued onwards to that voice. He was sure that who ever was calling people mortals, that they were scum.

Just as he neared the voice, (actually just around the corner of a half destroyed 'house' from the voice), he noticed movement in the corner of his right eye, Sal turned his head to notice an armed man leaving a tent. @Kindos Out of curiosity as he watched the man continue on his way, Sal entered the tent where the guy had exited. His eyes gaped at the corpses that covered the floor of the tent, they were all dead from a weapon with a sharp point or edge. There was also children. Sal made a promise to himself, that man who left this tent was going to pay and pay dearly.
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