Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Bearded One
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The Bearded One

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Hrmm, have a dinky little post right now... Oh, @Eyeris, would John be able to use his magic to rearrange the rubble into a portion of structure in order to free XIII, or would you prefer it if he was limited to an all or nothing thing?

EDIT: I think I'll just post what I have right now, because that part isn't going to change regardless of the answer... well, unless I'm told to change it I guess? Anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Brief 5am post to facilitate general bipedal locomotion in a outside-orientated direction
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hrmm, have a dinky little post right now... Oh, @Eyeris, would John be able to use his magic to rearrange the rubble into a portion of structure in order to free XIII, or would you prefer it if he was limited to an all or nothing thing?

EDIT: I think I'll just post what I have right now, because that part isn't going to change regardless of the answer... well, unless I'm told to change it I guess? Anyway.

The original structure is the tower, which is more than twice his weight, and probably has pieces scattered. So probably not. But good thinking of different strategies!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Personally I think the best way to get rid of a tower is to play Jenga :D

@Eyeris - quick question; is what I've written about Charles' briefing okay?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Forgive me! I've just couldn't get anything to think about writing for here, and now I feel like I'm lost and left behind. I have no idea what's going on or what Karnage can do right now...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Not sure exactly where they emerged out to, but they should all roughly be were Will started off. Might be a bit away from here but definitely lower ledge unless I'm being a pleb


Will is saying 'let us walk the way that is not where we came from, that is not a wall, and is not a cliff'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Bearded One
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Well, @Lucius Cypher BASICALLY what happened is that John said a lot of things and flashed his ID, Zesiro ignored him, and we all went towards the castle. Then XIII (Konan375's character) woke up under a pile of rubble, peeked out a hole, and started shouting at us. John got agitated at the thought of someone being buried alive and went to go get him out... and there we are.

I dunno what you should do... erm... be unimpressed with the hologram that came out of John's ID? Be insulted when John said he was a suspicious looking dude? Maybe dig XIII out of the rubble?

*looks about conspiratorially*

*whisper*use the distraction of the guy trapped in the rubble and John running off to save him to get the drop on Zesiro?*whisper*

EDIT: I dunno, the more I look at it, the more I think I've made John unlikeable. Anyone have thoughts on that? I'm trying to improve my range of characterization, so any critiques would be welcome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Well for one, karnage wouldn't notice his hologram, what with being blind and all. Also he's already fairly unimpressed by John, but don't worry. He doesn't really hold any of your flesh bags in high regards. I'll just have him use his strength and free XIII from the rubble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Bearded One
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Hah, KEEPS running off like that? That wording makes it sound like Karnage has had to deal with John running off before :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Sahlre'dval

Age: 44 human years old out of a possible lifespan of about 160 years (versus a human's 80-105 lifespan, so essentially, he's about 22-24)

Gender: Male

Species: Valkian - Tinkerer

World of Origin:

Are you a member of TRIDENT? If so, what is your job/specialty?: No, N/A

Are you one of those seemingly normal people? If so, what do you do? No, N/A

Appearance: Smooth, uniquely texture charcoal gray skin [tough and durable], with four black eyes [two human-normal eyes placed relatively normal, with two smaller eyes just above and behind], and an angular head, with a lipless, thin mouth that stretched about as long as a human's. Is about six foot tall, even, though he'd say he's average. Weighs in at about three hundred and fifty pounds, even though he doesn't look that heavy. Thick skin and dense bones, as well as a surprisingly amount of muscle on his somewhat willowy, wiry frame, makes his weight. Blue-gray glowing crystals sticks out of his back- two large crystal rowing straight behind where his ears would be, like straight dragon horns, with two smaller spikes just beneath them, like a frill without a membrane. One short spike sticks out of both elbows, an unusual stuntedness to them uncommon in others, with two large spikes growing out of his shoulder blades, one at the top for each shoulder blade, with three smaller spikes growing under the top one. Like most Tinkerers, he can move these sharp crystals growing out of him in a limited fashion, she can sit down similar to a man, with all the spikes pointing downward. His tail is rather long for a Valkian- being about five feet long, with two large 9-inch spikes growing about a foot from the end of his tail, on both sides, with two smaller 4-inch spikes growing out as well, similar to a Stegosaurus.

Abilities and skills: A Tinkerer's innate ability to theorize and think and such, though he may be difficult being introduced and dealing with human theory and technology. Enjoys cooking, indeed, but may or may not like a human diet. Extensive ability with advanced technology and some ability in being part of a team, or leading one. As a tinkerer, he has a strategic mind that can identify and sort needs or objectives into groups of priority; organized. As far as abilities go, he has a mass-detection sense that replaces light-based vision (He can't see a sunset or nothing, but he can see everyone and everything inside a mansion. He does have a limit on his range, the farther away something is, the harder he can get detail)

Strengths and Weaknesses: He is tough, strong, and intelligent, but being out of his comfort zone, especially this much out of it, makes him nervous, anxious, and unable to think properly. He is unused to certain concepts that humans find normal, such as privacy, telling a lie (Valkians are a rather placid species to each other), but can sometimes go into a rage when a non-Valkian aggravates him too much. Valkians have less moral sense than a human- they are slower to anger, but once angered, the are more likely to straight-up murder someone and all their defenders or assistants, and won't feel bad at all- well, not very much. They will regret the loss of life, but will not regret them taking care of what had become a problem to them. Also, because they see with mass detection, they are more likely to be confused or blindly by a great many objects moving at once. Highways will be nauseating for him at first, as will be something like a grenade, withs lots of little particles moving really really quickly. Too many bugs or thicker particles in the air can also mess with his vision, making rain a serious vision limiter- though what will see will probably be clearer than what a human sees.

Equipment Requests: Multitool, holographic arm implant [their version of a smartphone with more extensive capabilities], advanced tools, environmental field generator [he can, for example, generate a field around him that only allows certain particles through. This could stop radiation, rain, dust, etc., from getting to him more efficiently than any clothing], particle deflection field generator [similar to the environmental field generator, but more sophisticated, to block, say, debris or a blast of radioative dust from making contact with him], belt with loops that hold various specialized tools, that are likely to be at least half a century ahead of human technology.

History: Routine; he helped maintain pipes and power lines, and about once or twice a month, he was called down to refix the redundant reactor and get it ready to keep going and make sure it was still running. His shift was three days long, because of a Valkian's seven-day cycle of sleep and such- that is, a Valkian has the wakefulness to stay awake for six days straight, but on the seventh day, they are completely braindead. This has to do with a similar system to the fact that humans sleep 1/3rd of our lives away, while horses only really need 3 hours of sleep a day. Sahre'dval enjoyed his simple, if difficult, job at maintaining the core of life for the entire city. He had his place and enjoyed it, especially so because of the reputation gained from being the "Caretakers" of the city's core.

Personality: Well he's nervous and anxious around strangers, which is now everyone, he doesn't take kindly to rudeness or anything ungrateful when one should be, and loves himself and his former job very much. Very concerned with himself and his people's well being, but he still thinks far too highly of himself than he should :b
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Very cool character! We are discussing you now! Will pm you soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Very cool character! We are discussing you now! Will pm you soon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So uh, any update?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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Eyeris has discussed with me, but she is a busy person, so she'll PM as soon as she can with any relevancies. Sorry for your wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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How's everyone doing today?

Also me thinks we may want to get into some character scenes at a later date where we don't depend quite so heavily on Eyeris for just such occasions. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Arty Fox
Reference to a book, and to your profpic (profile picture)

"Rose took my nose, I suppose...
It blows."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Oh noes, my nose D:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'll post tomorrow!

Including info for me guy who is so in!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll post tomorrow!

Including info for me guy who is so in!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Affili

Affili The Timeless

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I think we should be able to move the story along without having to always wait for gm or co gm posts. I'm more used to a faster pace for posting personally, but I'm surviving. and if anything rears too far off track the powers that be wil get everything back on track at some point.
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