Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay... I have been putting off making one of these for a loooong time... Okay, a few months, but yeah... Anyway, I am a writer, fairly active, with a slow night at work,.

Anyway... I tend to post at the very least once a week... please feel free to poke me if it takes longer than that, and if I am still around, I will explain whatever unforseen circumstances that threw my writing off a wak. I post according to the time in which I received a post most of the time. I try to adhere to that, and if I don't, and you don't approve, I am sorry, but I cannot write with you. I need understanding partners. Anyway, I am always open to being poked over some discrepancy in my work, and I expect you to be as well. Don't get pissed!

I like being in regular contact with the people I write with, but, please note, this is absolutely not a requirement. If you would rather just keep it a story, I am fine with that, and will completely understand.

Anything else before I get to the fun stuffs? Oh yes...

I primarily do M/F. I can't write a woman to save my life, and I have tried... if you would be willing to try something like that with me, I would be open to practice, but you have been warned.


Before the Seven Hills

Troy has fallen to the trickery of the Greeks. Agamemnon has triumped, at a heavy cost, but now the army he commands is raping, pillaging, burning and looting the countryside around the once great City. Many have escaped. Paris, killer of the Great Achilles, has fallen, and his love, the beautiful Helen is being taken back to Greece. Led by Helikaon Aeneas, a small group of Trojans have escaped the destruction of their city. Andromache, the wife to Hector, is at his side, with a cunning mind. Helen, almost a sister to the both of them, must be rescued.

(Characters played: Me - Aeneas, You - Andromache and (if you like) Helen)


Shut up and Drive

Taken from the Premise of Death Race, failed after the death of it's runner and head, a new prison is bringing in from penitentiaries all over the world the best fighters, drivers, and gunners that can be found for an all new presentation of it. With men fighting in rings, driving with heavily armored and armed cars, the next few presentations of Death Games are all the rage, people all of the world clamoring to watch and bet.

Carl Lucas, formerly known as Frankenstein and escaped convict, has just found out that his wife has been taken to prsison, and, being recognized, is now being pushed in as a part of the all new Death Games. He goes back to prison to help her. But the games has changed, and he has to change along with it.

(Characters played: Carl Lucas, You: His wife or whatever character you wish)


Wakey, Wakey

Former Special forces fighter, in the distant furture has lost his legs in combat. Bitter, depressed, gone to drugs and alcohol for solace. But a new chance is presented to him. A cryo-sleep that has can make his lost limbs grow back has just been invented, and needs someone to test it. He is the first applicant, and is accepted. But there are rules. He will be held intact for a long time in the cryo-sleep, even if the regrowing of his lost legs will only take fifteen years, and he will be as good as new. He agrees, signs the papers, and is put to sleep. But something happens. Ten years into his Cryo sleep, the great nation for which he fought for has descended into the largest war in it's history, and it forgets all about the sleeping soldier.

Five hundred years later, the war has ended, and the world has changed. He is found and awakened. What will he find in this strnage new world?

( I really want this one, if the concept is still a little vague... we would work on plots, world building etc... if you choose to accept... you could play the soldier, the person that finds him, or someone that needs his help once he is found... the sky is the limit in this one...)


All But One:

An odd saying isn't it? All but one of your dreams come true? Why not all? Because then what would you dream of? What if someone had the power to turn all your wishes and dreams true? Would you then be living in a dream world? Or would it be just one more dream? A young man in the city, boring life, boring job, boring everything. And yet he dreams. He imagines. And in this imagination he finds a way to live his dreams. The Dream Theater he creates, in which he can form his own world, and live in it while he sleeps, and then return to his own life while awake. And yet, his dreaming life becomes so much more... interesting than his regular life. Why would he want to go back?

(Sooooo much we can do with this one... so many worlds to create... I dunno...)

Night Terrors:

A young woman. Her father and mother were never there. She was an orphan. And yet, not your regular orphan. Intelligent beyond compare, slick, a natural leader. The only thing holding her back would be a violent streak that she tends to have. Still, she becomes an officer of the law. All goes well for her there. She has everything she will ever need in life. But she dreams of more. And she gets it. A serial killer get's captured in her town, and yet he doesn't seem quite like the serial killer type. He tells a crazy story though. Involving monsters, vampires, lycans, the like. But when he sees her, is expression changes. He seems to recognize her...


The Games Gods Play

She, a goddess, is bored. How could she be bored? Well, it is simple. There is nothing to do in the heavens, at least nothing fun to do. So she takes on the shap of a woman, immortal though she is, mortal is what she appears. But still, as beautiful as a goddess. Kings fell to her beauty. She took over the world with he beauty, with her charisma, with her skill. Her lover, another god, left her, not liking what she had become. She shunned him as well. How could he not love a goddess?

And yet, years later, she became bored again. Sports were made to entertain her. Gladiatorial sports spread over the country as the new rage. The best from every land were brought to her, for her games. One man rose above the rest. Still a mortal, she thought, and was bored... until she saw him... he looked so familiar... so much like... her former lover.


Not What it Seems

She works in an Asylum. When she was hired by the government after getting her degree in criminal psychology, she thought she was going to be doing something exciting, like working in the CIA, FBI, catching criminals, the kind that she read about in novels and watched in Movies and TV series. But no. Here she was, granted in a location in which she could not disclose, treating men that had been served their country, and lost their minds over it. It was nice, and patriotic... but it wasn't what she had gone to school for. But she slugs it out, hoping, somewhere along the line, that something will come along, what she has dreamed of.

Eventually, she notices one of the patients. He isn't particularly handsome. He doesn't have nice muscles. He first caught her attention because... well, he didn't look like he belonged. He made an effort to keep himself looking nice, and sharp, and presentable. Always greeting her, always cordial, polite. Out of curiosity, she looked into his file, and was surprised to find... well nothing. He wasn't a veteran. He wasn't former... anything. For all intents and purposes...

He was normal? So why was he there?

(What I originally have in mind for this is something like a spy novel, but it can literally be anything... I can make anything of this character...)


The Fighter

He has a dead-end job. What could be expected from an ex-con? He was in jail for helping his brother, but who would believe him? He was out of prison. He met a girl in a bar. Her parents were devout Catholics, so after a drunken and very exciting night in teh hay, and when they found out she was pregnant, marriage was the only option. And so he married her. Not that they loved each other or anything, but they did want their daughter to live in a united household. But things were tough. Her parents were rich, by comparison, anyway, and he could tell that his loving wife was chomping at the bit for something better. So he went and did something that he hated. Something that he swore he wouldn't do again since he left prison: Illegal ring fighting.

She is from a rich family, rich enough for her to be supported by her parents while she tries a career at journalism. And she gets her big break: An undercover story offered to her by her editor on illegal ring fighting. She would be reporting to the police as well, and she would be given a whole 30 minutes coverage in a national television if she can pull it off. She is that good. So she agrees, not telling her folks the details involving this 'Awesome job'. And, so like everything she does in life, she dives right into it, working hard to get one bad ass new story. She even goes so far as to go to one of the bars that have the ring fights, and watch several of the fights.

And then she sees him fighting in the ring...

(more Drama in this one, yeah, but I have been aching to play this one for a while...)


Light at the End

Earth has been taken over. Aliens came from a nearby Galaxy, and in a quick and bloodless battle, took the earth, enslaving the human race. Tales of what they did once removing all living things, which took about 10 rotations, or as they used to be termed 'years', were everywhere. Most believed that they had torched the place, making it inhabitable, as to keep their newfound slaves from dreaming of escaping back. Other said that they removed all larger life forms, allowing the trees and smaller animals to evolve and make it their earth. Others said that they had been colonized, more said that earth was now a giant factory, being used to promote more takeovers of more worlds. But stories were useless. Humans couldn't escape. They didn't know how to. So, after a few examples were made, they resolved to not resist their new masters. They were allowed to mate at a reasonable rate, given food, drink, and not worked too hard. Drugs were given to make them more submissive, and to allow them to take on their jobs with more heartiness. They were seen, by their new masters as cattle, pets, taking all forms of uses in their new society.

Until, oddly enough, in the eyes of their new masters, with the help of the drugs that they had been given, their evolution process began to accelerate. At first it was only one or two, here or there, ones that grew increasingly resistant to the drugs, learning faster, some even managed to escape the atmosphere of their new world, only to get shot down. After that, intensive genetic checkups were mandatory for all humans and human owners.

But one or two, here and there escaped the notice of their overlords...

(An interesting plot, I think, and one that can be adapted to a group as well as a one-on-one... the development of the Overlords is still in progress, as well as their technology, and the rest of the details, but, the more that I think on this plot... the more I like it, and want to write it...)


Opposing Forces

They grew up together. How they managed that, only God knows. She was rich, pampered, royalty of the state, her father the rich owner of oil companies both foreign and domestic, and her mother was a supermodel. He was the kid of the groundskeeper, and they met as he was helping his father with his work on a school holiday. She was bored, her friends all traveling elsewhere and she sickened, forced to stay home for the holidays. So they got to talking and a friendship quickly bonded between the two of them. They grew into their teen years, and as her parents saw this friendship budding at first, they thought it was quite adorable, but as thoughts that such a friendship between a boy and a girl growing into puberty might turn into something a bit more romantic, her parents sought for a way to end the friendship in as smooth a way as possible.

And then something happened. Something that marked them very deeply. Something that they never spoke to anybody else about. So deep was it that it thoroughly derailed their relationship, and she was sent off to a boarding school, and they never saw each other again.

10 years later, and instead of following in his father's footsteps working for her family, he became a police detective, and a fairly successful one. During a time that the police were investigating a certain vigilante character, a kind of guy that sneaked around in the shadows, face covered by a deep hood, and went about doing good and catching bad guys. Seen as something of a hero to the populace of the city. About that time, she returns, successful after studying law, and with a little help from her father, a major shareholder in one of the largest law firms in the country. They don't run in the same circles, but they run into each other on the street, him investigating the case of a sort of opposite to that vigilante mentioned earlier, her busy with some sort of family business. He father was very ill. They agree to meet for dinner the very next day.

(The indication being that these two characters somehow have become more than the average humans, one using his/her powers for good, the other for evil. A sort of good vs. bad battle with a nice romantic twist to it.)


Make a Wish

He works, he breathes, he eats, he sleeps. He even has a job and a bank account, but few know of his true secret. Well, secrets. Lots of them. One of a lost species, the kind that was lost in the deep reaches of time and space. They were called the Djinn in their time, Genies and other such names being adapted to them. One of the most powerful creatures in existence, a long time ago their was controlled and cursed. Cursed so that they were never allowed to use it themselves. Only someone that was not their kind, holding their pendant, anything from a gold coin to a vase or even a house for some, would be able to wield their powers through them.

Of course, as time went on, they were lost in history because, as all should know, a Djinn can only die when his pendant is destroyed, and if a Djinn touches his own pendant. Their powers became myths, some even saying of them giving only three wishes to those who controlled them.

His own had been lost for a long, long time, buried beneath the sands of the great Egyptian Empire, and he felt he was finally free. His brothers and sisters had all died as their pendants fell into the hands of those that knew nothing of what they held, destroying them, breaking them down, melting them for gold. He was lucky. One of the few.

But, one night, he felt the tug of his pendant, the first time in thousands of years, and he had to answer it's call.


Dark Times

The Church had never been the forgiving type. Their gratitude was short lived, but their memories towards Grievances had a long, long life. It was why they hated the witches so much. The reason of the Church's meteoric rise to power in the world, the Witches and Wizards were the ones behind the scenes, helping destiny along it's merry path, Until they saw what the Church had become on the inside, and quickly decided to have nothing to do with it, thinking that, knowing of their power, the Church would leave them alone.

No such luck.

Witches and Wizards were quickly declared to be traitors, blasphemers, and just about anything. The Tales of horrors that they had unleashed grew with each telling, and, sadly most of it was true. However, the tellers of the tales failed to mention that these powerful beings had done so with the blessing of the Church. Witch-hunts were quickly formed and, through sheer numbers, they managed to take down a handful of those most powerful Magic-wielders, and all those that came forward as Witch-killers were well rewarded for their efforts.

As time went by, a troop of warrior monks were trained in the ways of defeating Magic, men and women whose sole task was the hunting down of the remnants of those that had been trained in Magic, and destroying them, burning them. They were largely successful, but one night, a troop of these monks were ambushed by their quarry and all but one had been destroyed. All but one, a younger monk whom had seen it fit to run for his life into the forest, not caring about the famed dangers to be found in the forest. Night was cold and it was raining, so the young Monk found his way into some shelter, a cave to spend the night in.

He wasn't alone in that cave.


Beauty and the Beast

She is an ordinary country girl, or so it would seem on paper. In reality, she is a woman with enviable beauty, smart, sharp and intelligent, every man's favorite. But she has no intention of remaining in the country. She has her eyes on the world outside, wanting more than just a quaint country life, although she is sure that she could accommodate that if her father wants it. Mother dead, her father fighting a daily battle to keep food on their table, her in school, and still trying to be a good father. While not as 'there' as he should be, he does a downright decent job of being a father for her. He loves her dearly and knows of her dream, so when the offer to work in a household of quite a bit of repute in the city, he reluctantly gives her his blessing to go.

She arrives in the city and is introduced as the new maid in the household. The people in the household are warm and accepting, and her main job is to keep the elderly lady of the house company. Both women immediately hit it off, both fiercely intelligent and with wits as sharp as well honed blades, so when the young woman notes that the top floor of the house is cordoned off, with none of the servants allowed to come close to the shut door, except for a meal 3 times a day. The Mystery eats at the young woman for a long time until the matron of the house is invited to a party at another prestigious house, along with her son.

The first time she sees this son, a chill runs down her spine. Handsome, darkly so, with well refined features and well kept face, there is something inherently... off about him. His smile is just a bit too icy, his moves just a bit too fluid, his voice chilling and heartwarming at the same time. He seems well acquainted with everyone in his mother's circle of friends, as well as having quite a few of his own despite the fact that the young country woman never saw him before. His eyes, a chilling blue, have a look of haunting and repressed pain that oddly terrifies and intrigues the young woman, and she is now determined to find out this young man's history and, of course, why no one, not even his mother, is allowed up into what he called his "Sanctuary."

(Sooooo much top work with here... we could go with something truly supernatural and fairy-tale based, involving vampires, werewolves, or something else entirely, or we could go to the darker supernatural theme, possession, exorcism, the works, or we could just approach it from the human angle, a beast in human form... and we could also explore just where his 'mother' fits into all of this, as well as all of the staff...)


The Hunchback of Notre Dame

(Yes, I know this movie was based off of the Victor Hugo book, but damn, they changed so much and yet managed to come up with such a compelling story line, with an unusual and uncommon protagonist, and one awesome villain. So yeah, the idea I came up with might be even more warped and altered, but dammit, it is a good idea! I think so anyway... So, a fantasy twist on a well known dark tale just sent shivers all the way down my spine...)

The Dark Ages are a recent memory in everyone's mind. Everyone remembers the Vampires in Eastern Europe, the Lycans in the North, the Wendol, also known as trolls, in further East and North than anyone cares to remember, Witches in the south and many more. The Church rose to the challenge, a shining beacon of light, hope, protection and civilization in the dark times. They spread their faith, their hope and a blanket of protection over all those that would be baptized, and, in time, these creatures that were stuff of nightmares eventually faded from the lives of the common folk in Europe, but certainly not from their memories. From time to time sightings were called in, a huge uproar caused and, very occasionally, a true threat revealed and quickly dealt with. But as time passed, these occasions became fewer and further between.

Until a Gypsy camp is travelling through the wilds of Romania and they hear a commotion near the mountains. A crowd has gathered, and fear is rank in them, as a witch is told to have taken refuge in the caves there. She fights back but is eventually overwhelmed and tied to a stake and burned. But a secret is revealed to these gypsies, and she was not alone in that cave. They return to it to find a bundle of her clothes moving about.

And what they find is both horrifying and amazing. Not quite troll, but not quite human, a hideous creature, immensely strong, is found there. Without the heart to kill this... thing, they bring him along with them. A Gypsy woman, already a mother of a young daughter, takes the child in as her own. The child is half starved and takes to it's new mother with much affection.

Tragedy strikes in Paris however, and the mother is also accused of witchcraft and burned to the stake. Her young daughter is left alone, but the Bishop in charge of her burning finds the monster among her things and takes it away to dispose of it. Such an abomination cannot be allowed to live, after all, an affront to God. But kindness, in an odd fashion, works it's way into the bishop's heart as well, and he cannot put his heart to murdering the beast. But he cannot allow it to live like he does now. So, locked up in the top of the Notre Dame Cathedral, he is cared for and taught by the bishop, but never allowed to forget what he is, and never allowed to leave his Sanctuary. The cost for all of this? Once he is able, he rings the church bells whenever told.

Years pass. 20 of them.

A young Gypsy woman, with the scarring event of watching her mother burned to death deeply burned into her mind, she appears a bit odder than the rest of her group. She almost refuses to return to Paris with them, that image too deeply held in her mind. But she returns and finds the place more... mellow than she remembers. A festival is being held, and they are being paid to be a part of it. And so she throws herself fully into her duties, loving her work. But, come Sunday, everyone goes to Church. And, as not to be singled out in suspicion, the gypsies go as well.

All is fine in this young woman's world until she looks up into the tower and sees the tall, muscular, warped figure high in the tower. None ever look up, but she does, and the sight of his sparks something... odd in her mind, memories long given up as childish. Of a creature that she had held in her arms as a little girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrsEltanani
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hello. Most of you plots sounds interesting, and wouldn't mind doing almost any of them. If you are still interested, I would like to roleplay with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhantomSekai


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I would love, and I do mean to say LOVE, to participate in the Wakey, Wakey rp idea you presented. If you'd PM me, I'm sure we can discuss more and begin working on world building :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@MrsEltanani did any of the plots catch your eye in particular?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by andastra
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I would love to do the beauty and the beast one
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Night Terror sounds and Dark Times seems interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Andastra Beauty and the Beast has been taken already, sadly. Any others interest you?

@Madame_March both are still open! Shoot me a PM and we can get down to the plottings...*rubs hands together*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by andastra
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Not what it seems and the games god plays looks good too
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Your All but one, Make a wish and Beauty and the beast plots sound very interesting! Send ne a pm!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Let it Go

The kingdom of Arendelle is finally at peace, the winter being expelled and it's queen Elsa finally taking her place at the throne as a righteous and loved queen. Her sister, also well loved, marrying a commoner, the oaf Kristoff would have been something of an uproar, but after his role in helping the princess and queen lift the winter, the people of Arendelle turned a blind eye to it, accepting the young man as a their prince just fine, and for the moment, with trade flourishing, the people happy, it seemed like this peace was here to stay.

But like all moments, it would pass. While it seemed like Elsa, Anna and their Queendom had no enemies to speak of, one in particular, Hans, the youngest prince among thirteen, managed to escape his confines and, with the help of his many contacts back home, met with an emissary of assassins in the Middle East named the Hashishin, paying him an immense amount to end the life of the Ice Queen.

And this dark order of assassins sent their finest to the Northern lands to fulfill this contract, but what neither the Assassin or the Ice Queen know is that something far darker is in the works, something that will force these two polar opposites to join forces if either of them are to survive.
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