Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

December 21st, 2015. 8:00 AM

It was a miracle that the ground wasn't covered in at least a foot of snow by now in the quiet town of Alta Vista. Instead, a slight fog paired with a sprinkling of rain came down on the frozen ground, leaving everything around a very dull and dead grey color. For all students, it was the beginning of winter vacation, a week off for the holidays to be spent with friends and family. For these six friends the day had started even earlier. Around 7:00 am they all decided, (somewhat reluctantly) to all wake up on the first day of the break and spend all day with one another. Having breakfast at the diner, they ate happily and started their day off on a bright and cheerful note.

Gaining a bit more energy and after the rain halted, the group decided to go exploring in the forest that surrounded the outskirts of the town. Upon reaching a small clearing appeared a faded yellow home. The windows boarded up, or if not boarded, broken. The siding decrepit and crumbling. The friends looked at one another, varying faces of excitement, curiosity, and worry spread across their face. They had never seen this place before, and they had sworn they had tracked over every inch of that town- twice.

Georgina adjusted the white beanie on her head as she looked to her friends, "You guys wanna take a look?" she asked innocently, as she hopped up the very weak and wobbly steps, almost going right through when she stepped on the termite infested wood. Wiggling the door handle, she pouted. She half expected it to open for her, but of course it was bolted lock.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 10 days ago

It was about 6:45 in the home Titus Calloway. Sleeping hard and slobbering from the tiring effects of going to bed around 3 in the morning, despite his grandmother's protesting of him staying up so late. By the time he was suppose to get up, he stay unresponsive to the alarm before being woken up with water being sprayed on his face by a spray bottle Miss Gardner uses if her grandson stubbornly stayed sleep, sleeping through the alarm.

Waking up cursing, Titus, reluctantly got up and went to get ready to meet with the friends at the diner. Sporting his red and black hoodie and meeting with his friends, Titus greeted them with handshakes and hugs. The tired and a little annoyed look on Toc's face started to change during and after breakfast..plus, sitting next to Georgina and Viv, bringing a smirk on his face.

Then came the exploring, Being their usual selves, Gina was pretty much in the front like always with Titus being close by, looking, searching for something new and interesting to occupy their time. They didn't have to search too long upon finding a beat up abandoned house they've never seen before. Looking at the house and his friends, he placed his hands in his pockets "Damn...and I thought we've seen everything this town had to offer. How the hell did we miss a house like this?" he asked, watching Gina walk up first, with no surprise.

Titus looked at Gina "Now you damn well knew you're going to check it out even if we said no but...I'm not letting you go in alone...you're not showing me up....I'm in!" he said with a half smile and turning "If you guys wanna wait back here....we'll be back in a few." turning back to Gina's direction as she tried to open the door but was locked "Gina watch out, I'll kick the door in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Riptide
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Riptide Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Shoot, woke up five minutes late." Erika whispered to herself, turning off her alarm that read 6:16 AM. Erika decided to take a shower even though it was freezing. She grabbed her favorite cerulean towel and headed to the shower and turned on her phone to play music while she was bathing. After a while, she dried her hair and wore a blue hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans with her favorite pair of boots. Before she headed out, she went to her aunt and uncle's room to say goodbye. "Mom, Dad, I'm leaving." She said with a kiss on their foreheads.

She came to the diner first, as usual. Then came Georgina and Toc and the rest of the gang. Erika didn't like physical interaction that much sue to her OCD so she smiled at them instead of giving them hugs. They had their breakfast and chatted while eating, Erika beside Yuri. After a quick meal, the group decided to wander through the town's forest since it was the first day of their winter break.

George was in front, followed by Toc. Yuri and Erika were beside each other while Viv and Kenneth were at the back. They came to the forest just to check what it would look like but they ended up finding something different. It was an abandoned house, a house they've never seen before. It shocked everyone. They took strolls in the forest once in a while yet they've never seen it before. This was more of a surprise to Erika because she was raised in Alta Vista her whole life. She never saw this house.

"I don't know guys... that house isn't the most welcoming... I'd rather stay here outside." Erika replied. "Y'know, so I can check from here." The temperature was dropping, she didn't know if it was her anxiety or if it really was the temperature. One thing was for sure though, she did not want to enter that house.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vivian Anastasia Locke

The truth: Vivian had avoided her father all of last night. They had a fight, just like all parents and children do, though when the two argued, it was few and far between. Months of frustration had been building up inside of them both as her grandfather naturally sat in his recliner and watched, his head going back and forth between the two as if watching a tennis match as the words flew around the room. Hurtful things had been said until Viv finally walked out of the house without a word. Running to the stables, she would only stop when her heart felt as if it was now beating in her throat. The next few hours came by in a flash as she brought the black mare that she cherished so much out of her stable and took her for a few practice laps. Then back to the house she went, walking in with a tiny apologetic smile to her grandfather and upstairs. She fell asleep without meaning to.

Waking up at 7am, Vivian would take a shower, towel dry and brush her hair, dress in her usual leather jacket, black combat boots, skinny jeans and grey t-shirt, Vivian would tell her father where she was going while eating a bowl of cereal. The two had a friendly conversation and then she walked to the diner. Giving hugs and smiles all around, the girl ordered a cup of coffee to go.

Walking beside Kenneth was awkward, really, the two of them not actually speaking. The girl would keep her eyes on her cup of coffee, shifting to her feet every so often as she kept her head down. Coming upon the house, she would inspect it momentarily. The pealing paint, termite eaten steps, broken and boarded windows... Viv was instantly curious. Gina was in for an exploration, and so was Toc. She had a feeling Yuki would do what Erika decided and Ken... she had no idea.

"Erika," she sang playfully, her voice emphasizing every syllable, "You know you want to." She gave the girl a goofy wink. "Oh come on, Toc," she proceeded to tease the boy, "You know you can't just bust the damn thing down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kenneth would have loved to sleep in every day of winter break, taking the time away from school and classes to relax. Sadly, a few alarms and some texts from Georgina got him to drag himself out of bed. He dressed in a pair of navy jeans, black t-shirt, grey hoodie, and a pair of black sneakers. I can't believe I agreed to this. Who wakes up before eleven in the morning during breaks? He thought while saying bye to his mom and walking out the door on his way to the diner.

"I shouldn't be awake right now." Kenneth muttered to himself as he approached the diner, greeting everyone with a tired smile and wave, returning handshakes and hugs to those that offered them. He woke up a bit in the diner after having a cup of coffee... and dozing off two or three times.

Going off to explore the forest that surrounded the town wasn't Kenneth's idea of a good time, but bailing on his friends would have been asking for trouble. So he reluctantly played 'Follow the leader' which was Georgina, as always. He would have made small talk with Vivian if he wasn't so tired.

The old, abandoned house that the group came across sparked a curiosity within Kenneth, as well as alerted his "we shouldn't do the thing because reasons" piece of his protective nature. Kenneth clears his throat, attempting to get everyone's attention. "What? No. We shouldn't. I mean, breaking and entering, vandalism... plus a police record among other negative ... consequences..." Kenneth said in a clearly sarcastic tone. It's not that he was necessarily wrong, more that Georgina and Titus already want to explore and no amount of negative consequences are going to stop the two of them. "Should I continue, or is the door getting kicked down, Toc?" He finished, dropping the sarcastic tone and smirking slightly, which tossed any doubts about his wanting to explore the house out the window.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Gina watch out, I'll kick the door in."

Georgina moved out of the way and down the steps hurriedly, placing herself back in the group as Titus moved into position. As everyone voiced their opinion on what to do, Georgina couldn't help put let out a few laughs. "Viv's right, she's more capable of knocking the door down than you!" she added to the teasing, sticking her tongue out playfully. Around them the wind picked up gently, sending a chill through the area at high speeds.

Within the house six small creatures no smaller than a typical mouse spoke quietly to one another, to the outside ear it just sounded like a small squeak repeating the same sound: "mahlimae, mahlimae, mahlimae." but in their own language they had conversations. "There are people coming. Young people. New people. People coming." they whispered between themselves as they scurried across the dust covered floor, some unwrapping themselves from the layer of mold they were resting in. They climbed under the stairs, peeking through an open slit of broken wood so they could have their piercing eyes watching the front door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 10 days ago


Right when he was about to kick the door in when Gina moved, he halted himself and turned to face Viv when she challenged his claim and to make it worse, Gina joined her to tease him. As arrogant as Titus was, he was going to prove he could kick the door in to shut both of these girls up. He spoke up I bet I can prove your ass wrong Viv...and Gina don't you start either because I'll kick this shit down. I know I can knock it down and to prove it, in fact, when I kick this door down....both of you chicks will be kissing me. That's the bet!

Titus turned towards the door to give it two frontal kicks that caused a little cracking but was still closed. Titus was attempting a third kick, hitting it again but this time with more force.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vivian Anastasia Locke

Vivian couldn't help but laugh as her friend joined in teasing the boy. "There is no way in hell I am kissing you, she said. Watching as Toc began to kick the door, Viv could swear that she hear small voices. "Did anyone else hear that?" After 2-3 times of his attempts, the girl would roll her eyes. "You know there is such thing as a bobby-pin."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 10 days ago


Hearing her still not believing he can do it, Toc looked over Hey...that was the bet...I kick the door down...you two kiss me....and....that's going to happen now...I don't need assistance. as he gave two more kicks finally breaking the door open and turned to the girls I don't hear anything and uh....pucker up... He stared back, then turned his head to take a look at the inside which looked a little creepy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Earlier that day | 6:30

Thick lashes fluttered open, revealing chocolate brown eyes. Yuki laid there for a moment, enjoying the warmth her bed provided. One slender hand reached out and turned off the alarm that had woken her up so early. She sighed before she pushed back the blankets, taking away her warmth and extinguishing the tempting desire to roll over and go back to the sleep. But today was a big day and she had to get up! The girl swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, rubbing her eyes. She padded towards the bathroom and flipped on the light, blinking owlishly as her eyes adjusted. She made her way to the shower and turned on the water, slipping out of her clothes while she waited for it to heat up. She took a quick shower before she blow-dried her hair and made her way back to her room. The smell of coffee drifted down the hall, signalling that her parents had gotten up.

Yuki got dressed and slipped on her shoes. She tucked her phone into her skirt pocket and made her way down the stairs. The kitchen was empty though the coffee pot rumbled as it made the life blood that allowed her father to not be a grump first thing in the morning. The residents of the Fuyuko household knew to leave Satoshi alone until he has had at least one cup of coffee. Yuki hummed softly to herself as she poured herself a glass of milk and stood by the kitchen window to watch as the sun peeked up from the horizon. As Yuki stood there, an elderly woman slipped into the kitchen and smiled to see her daughter standing there. Kana told her daughter good morning but frowned lightly when the girl didn't move or respond in kind.

The woman approached the girl and leaned over to peer at her daughters face. To others that didn't know Yuki, they would think the girl was simply lost in thought but to the people that did know her, they would recognize the vacant and dim look in her eyes as she stared off into the distance. Kana simply smiled and gently ran a hand through her daughters as she waited for Yuki to come out of her seizure. When the girl did a few moment later, Yuki jumped in surprise at her mother standing there. The girl gave the woman a smile as she set her cup down and gave her mother a hug. "Okaasan! I didn't notice that you had come in." "Happy 16th Birthday Yuki." Kana hugged the girl back before stepping over to the coffee pot and pouring herself and her husband a cup of coffee.

As she stirred in sugar and cream, Kana asked Yuki what her plans were for the day. "Spending the day with the group. But I'll be home in time for dinner." Yuki said in a cheerful voice as she finished her milk and washed the cup before placing it in the dish washer. At she was talking, her father came shuffling into the kitchen and accepted the cup of coffee her mother held out to him. He sat at the table and sipped his coffee in silence for a few minutes before he spoke. "Are those boys going to be there?" Yuki sighed while her mother tsked at Satoshi. "Yes, Otousan. Both Toc and Kenny are going to be there. Anyway, I better get going!" She kissed her parents on their cheek and exited the kitchen, her father grumbling to himself in Japanese.

She slipped her coat on and headed out into the rain. It was a short walk to the diner where they had all agreed to meet up and so Yuki thankfully wasn't that wet when she finally entered the warm building. She enjoyed breakfast with her friends and was glad when the rain let up while they ate. As they walked through the woods, Yuki admired the nature around her and tried to watch where she was walking so she didn't trip.

Present Time

As she stared at the broken down house, Yuki felt surprise and unease skitter through her. She was sure her and the others had combed through the town twice-over and never came across this house before so where did it come from? As Gina questioned if they should check it out, Yuki bit her lip nervously. She wasn't so sure about this. Plus, the house looked like a breeze would blow it over. Should they really be going inside? Then Toc proclaimed he was going to kick the door in and Yuki's worry doubled. That didn't seem like a good idea!

Yuki hesitantly made her way up the creaky steps that looked like that were going to collapse at any moment and peeked into a broken window. The inside of the house was dim with dust covering every surface. Her nose wrinkled. That look like an allergy attack just waiting to happen. Out of the corner of her eye she swore she saw something scurrying through the dust and grim covered floor and rats popped into her head. Shuddering, she took a few steps back and squeaked when she almost went tumbling down the steps. She managed to save herself by latching onto the stair railing and slowly regaining her balance. "Guys? I'm with Kenny and Erika. I-I don't think this is a good idea. I mean, who knows what's in there and besides, we could get in trouble..." Her voice grew quieter and quieter until it eventually trailed off as Toc climbed the steps and proceeded to try and kick the door open.

Yuki retreated down the steps and stood by Kenny, worrying her lip between her teeth as she unconsciously leaned into the boy as she stared at the house with anxious eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riptide
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Riptide Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I definitely heard something. And that's one more reason why I'm going to stay here, Viv."

Erika was a bit relieved to know that Kenneth and Yuki also want to stay outside. The temperature slowly continued to drop while the atmosphere seemingly changed around the house. It was weird, the aura that was surrounding the house. Erika was more than sure that it wasn't only her that felt it. Alongside the fact that there were weird noises that were coming from inside the house, she's come to a conclusion that going to that house was a bad move.

The door was open, waiting for the six to come in. Eri suddenly realized that they'll be split into two groups, one group outside and one in. She didn't want to be left outside and freeze to death.

"Okay, okay. If Gina's coming, then I'm coming. Yuki, you should also come with me. Same goes to you Kenny."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I don't hear anything and uh....pucker up..."

Georgina puckered her pink lips obnoxiously before turning around and pointing to her bottom. "Only thing you'll be kissing is my ass as I go through this door!" she taunted, walking back up the steps to the now open door. Passing Toc in the door way, Gina looked toward her group of friends with a mischievous grin. "Come on guys, when do we ever get to do something new in this town? It's Yuki's birthday, let's show her a good time." Turning back to enter the house, Gina removed her hat from her hat and cupped it in her hand placing it over her mouth.

At least an inch of dust covered every surface in the house, mold formed in some of the corners where water had seeped in from the constant weather changes in the passing seasons. "Keep the door open, it's dark as hell in here." Gina called, taking in the true darkness of the boarded up building. It was creepy, but in an adventurous sense. Gazing towards what seemed to be left of a living room area, a very decrepit couch sat lonely next to a large hole in the floor. Gazing up to the ceiling, the hole aligned with another hole. It would appear something fell through the ceiling and went all the way down to the basement. Wanting to check it out, Gina stepped forward but instead decided to wait for her friends. She didn't want them to miss anything.

Six pair of piercing eyes blinked in unison as they took a look at the teenagers who could be seen outside of the home. Again the only sound could be heard is a small squeaking repeating the same word over and over but they spoke to one another in their own language "Mine. I'll have that one. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. That one is mine." One of the smallest and youngest of the mahlimae named Six began to move to greet their guests eagerly and when the eldest mahlimae, named One respectively shook it's head. "We wait."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 10 days ago


Toc smirked a little when Gina passed by him and mentioning for the others to follow and not miss the opportunity for this new adventure Kiss your ass huh? Well...if you give me a chance to do so, I would.... He said flirty tone. He forgot that it was Yuki's birthday as he looked back at her @XxLyraxX Sis...view this as a birthday present from all of us. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or Erika or Kenny....or any of you..

Titus meant every word as he walked in right behind Gina, looking around as the door stayed open to bring what little light they could inside. Toc checked around the right of the room and looked over to notice the hole in the ceiling and on the floor, walking over to get a better look as one of the planks gave away a little, causing Toc to stop and carefully get his foot free. That was close... walking up to Gina I know you wanna do it. Wanna go to the basement with me, babes? and I think I hear....rats?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vivian Anastasia Locke

Vivian couldn't help but let out a small laugh at what Gina said. Walking up the steps and giving a little sigh, she was partially glad to hear that the others had somewhat decided to follow. "Come on, youg guys. It'll be fun. And, if all else fails, we can throw Yuki a huge party and whatnot."Seeing Toc almost fall through the floor, Viv made a direct movement to avoid where he walked, carefully testing her weight on each board until she was in the middle of the room. "Dark, dusty and cold," she mumbled, looking around. Still hearing the squeaking and noticing that some of the others did too, she thought that it was safe to say that she wasn't crazy. "So... guys, what exactly should we do here? I mean, there is the option of telling ghost stories but I mean, this is not any place that seems... happy."

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