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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oliver Garent Rivers

Olly or Rivers




Not in a relationship right now


(Hawthorne, 11 inches) A long dark wand with a threstle hair core. The wand is thin and has a twisting look much like a unicorn horn as it approaches the tip, while the handle is very smooth its end being decorated with a dark jewel. Oliver will tell you that it is his grandfathers best wand. It is adept at alteration spells, one namely being the disillusionment charm.

Oliver excels at spells that modify appearance. He is best at his disillusionment spell, which teachers have commented on being nearly perfect.

Bearded Vulture

In his second year DADA class his boggart took the form of a werewolf standing above the corpses of his family members. Since then it has changed to be a mirror of his own crippling anxiety that no one actually likes him and that he will end up a failure and a disappointment.


A crow named Vaness. She can do most things an owl can do, she can't carry as much weight. Most of the time she is hunting and occasionally will bring Oliver things she finds like lost barrettes or rusted screws.

Tall and thin Oliver stands at 6 feet tall. He tends to lean towards the person he is focusing on, usually in conversations, giving the impression of fondness and close friendship regardless of if he's known you for very long. Dark curly hair paired with bright eyes tend to give him an outward look of mischievousness, one that is not necessarily wrong.
His clothes tend to consist of dark blues and black and is more reserved and proper though he ops to wear such clothes in a distinctly purposefully disheveled way. It is not uncommon to see his in dark jean or dress pants with an untucked collared shirt and coat.

Oliver is a free spirit who enjoys lighthearted pranks, anything new or unusual, and has a strange fondness for birds. He yearns for attention of any type, and anyone who merely speaks to him he will label as a friend. He speaks his mind and generally seems very happy. With that in mind he does dislike large groups of people, and the loud that accompanies them. He takes being ignored very personally and is quick to assume peoples feelings about him. Oliver falls in and out of love a lot, though it typically doesn't go over well for him since he tends to be overbearing and has very minimal concepts of personal space.

Born in the small Wizarding Town of RiverWing Springs, Wisconsin. The birth place of the founder of famous wizarding school RiverWing Herself.

Oliver was born into one of the more well know wizarding families of the east coast. He is a direct decedent of Gothell RiverWing and closer to the day Thompson Rivers, the best wand maker in New York. He is the oldest now of three, with two younger sisters. His mother was often away, busy with foreign studies. His father worked long hours as a part of the wizarding protection agency. He was part of a special group that kept werewolves vampires and other mostly-humans under check. Unfortunately he was attacked by a werewolf and left with disfiguring scars as well as being a werewolf. After this Oliver's grandmother started having them over at her and her husbands house for a week every month.

In New York things were different. Oliver's grandparents were cautious about magic even though they owned a magic shop on a magic street. For these visits Oliver would brood his time by reading or sneak out to explore the magical backstreets of New York. He didn't understand at that point in time why his grandparents got angry at him for sneaking out or why he even needed to go to their house at all and it wouldn't be until his 2nd year at RiverWing that he found out.

Back at his home in the springs he happily tested his abilities constantly by jumping off of high things or messing around by the local streams. He never missed his father or mother who always seemed to have something they needed to do.

His years so far at RiverWing has been exciting. Aside from the original joyousness of having his great great great so many times great grandmothers portrait all over the place he had a positively swell time learning about the many spells and charms of the modern day. When his younger sister joined in his 5th year he was happy to help her out with studying and navigating the school, and then again in his 7th year when his youngest sister came along. Wih his 8th year he hopes to complete his animagouse training and achieve the top ranks which will allow him into the job of his choice.

Oliver is studying to become an animagus, and has ambitions in joining the wizarding protection agency (wizard cops) like his father.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 3 days ago

Finnegan Alexander Clarke







(Birch,9 3/4) A light colored wand with a dragon heart string core, Finn's wand has a small sphere at the end near where Finn grips the wand. The rest of the wand has three gold bands that are spaced evenly apart.

Finn is particularly skilled with offensive magic, many teachers having commented on the strength of his stunning spell, which once sent another student flying back into a tree.


Finn's boggart has always had a constant appearance. It takes the form of himself, trying and failing to cast a spell, before being dragged away by his professors, presumably back to the muggle world.


Finn has a pet cat named Walter that he's had since his second year at Riverwing. The cat is often found roaming the castle grounds, or in Finn's room.

Finn's eye's are a dark grey, the color of storm clouds. Some people say that he has eyes older than the rest of him. The eyes make him look a bit intense, though he's the exact opposite. His dark blonde hair is always done in a quiff style, the result of a spell that one of his friends taught him. His clothing is rather consistent. He's always in a pair of black converse, and can generally be found in a flannel, or a hoodie of some sort, with some joggers acting as pants. Most of his clothes are blue, grey, white, or red, with the occasional black.

Finn is a bit of a teacher's pet. When he arrived at Riverwing he was already an oddity due to his parentage, and he figured that he might as well just focus on his studies. By the end of the year he'd become much more popular but he was also a favorite of the teachers. He's got a sarcastic sense of humor but is also very intelligent. He's an avid wizard chess player. If he's not practicing spells in his room he can probably found hanging out with his friends, reading up on anything magical, or tutoring some first years. His biggest pet peeves are morons, a product of the feeling that he doesn't belong because of his blood status even though he is towards the top of his class, as well as being bossed around, and failing.

Finn is from a small town in California, called Granite Cove.

From an early age, everyone had said that Finnegan Clarke was different. Tables would shake when he got angry, lights would suddenly turn on, and he seemed to be able to understand the cat's meows. As he grew older he found that these things continued to happen to him, often at the worst of times. The school bully once found himself with a face full of burger that Finn swears up and down he didn't throw at him. These actions deterred most kids, but Finn found that a few still thought he was cool, and so he was never lonely.

Finn's parents, both of who are artists, always just assumed that Finn was plagued with strange coincidences, until they were visited by a Riverwing professor, who told them that Finn was in fact a wizard. Finn was ecstatic about the news, and studied up on the magical world all up until his first day. Unbeknownst to him, his muggle heritage was not something to be proud of, and for the first few weeks he found himself being watched by his fellow classmates constantly as he walked the halls. By the third week however, he'd been victorious in his classes very first dueling tournament. That scored him his way in, and from then on he's been one of the more popular 6th years at Riverwing.

If you need a co-GM I'd be happy to do it, assuming nobody else wants to do it more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME: Alyssa Samara Chase

NICKNAME: Aly, Alz, Sam( When going by middle name))

AGE: 16

GENDER: Female


RELATIONSHIP STATUS: She is currently single.

YEAR: 5th year. ( If they start at 11 like hogwarts does. )

WAND: It is about nine and a quarter inches. It is made of wood and has carvings of snakes. She never knew where the carvings came from but they looked so cool to her. It's about 1.5 inches thick. This wand was said to be an ancient, from the early wizards made with a dragon's tail and a serpent's scale. (I don’t know but it rhymes)) and it was fought during the salem witch trials. She’s had this wand since her first year.

TALENT: Magical resistance and legilimency


BOGGART: Aly isn’t scared of many things but is afraid of some things. She is afraid of spiders due to one morning when she was in bed. She got bit by one and had to go to the hospital and almost died that since she was allergic. Ever since then she’s been scared of spiders worried they would bite her again though that chance was very unlikely. Also, she is scared and afraid of losing or having the ones she trusted turn on her. She doesn’t act like it's true and tries her best to hide it. She has had this fear ever since her mom died/ friends.

BLOOD STATUS: She is a muggle blood. Her mom was part of the ( Eh whatever you call the place where the ministry of magic is or if there is some thing similar… Police?) police when she was shot down by one of the people. Aly was 7 when this happened. Her dad, who she lives with during the summer, is also a wizard. He owns a car shop in New York.

PET: Aly currently doesn’t have a pet of any kind yet though she does want a puppy.

APPEARANCE: She is about five feet tall and she doesn’t have any piercings. she has a couple scars but nothing very big. She has blue eyes and she has blondish-brownish hair. She is sort of small and skinnyer than she should be. She wears simple cloths most times and rarely ever would wear something fancy. She has sort of pale skin.

PERSONALITY: A troublemaker from the first time you meet her to the last. She is very curious and if she is interested in doing something, or interested in some sort of information she will be determined to find out something on it. On the contrary if she’s not interested in it she ends up being lazy, and perhaps she’ll do something like try and get someone else to do it. She tends to do this with all her work and homework and all her classes other than her favorite one, defence against the dark arts. She loves to do new and exciting events and can be quite sneaky. Other than her curiosity, her mouth can get her in trouble at times. If someone makes fun of her she will defend herself and make fun of them back. That is one thing she is almost never scared of no mater what. Along with this she says what shes thinks about something. She doesn’t tend to talk about people behind their backs, but tells them it too there face. She can be a good leader at times also at times, but she isn’t that good at motivating people at doing things. She can be very negative at times and she is really stubborn for what she believes in and refuses to change her opinions about something once she had made it. Even though a lot of this, Alloy can be a person to make a lot of jokes and have lots of fun and is a major tomboy. She refuses to wear any makeup and she also refuses to wear dresses since they're super comfortable. ((Do they have to wear uniforms in this school?)) She tends not to pay attention to a lot of things and tends to just zone out of boredom. Also she is almost always moving some part of her body and at times can be distracted sort of easily. She can also be stupid and naive at times.

PLACE OF ORIGIN: She was born in Manhattan, New York, at 5:30 am on December 21st.

HISTORY: Aly always had grown up in manhattan. She originally lived at 73 Kentucky road and has lived there all her life. It was a small duplex building on the corner of the street. It was a one story house. It had three rooms. She also has/ had one older brother. His name was Cameron and he was five years older than Aly. He decided his career based off of his mother’s in honor of her. Their mother, Carson Chase, died from an attack when aly was nine. Carson was 34 when she died. She was working for the police department. The muggles think that it was a bassare random shooting but it was a bigger cause that she died for. She died for the wizarding community fighting off someone. It isn’t exactly sure who it was who killed her and there was no information given out on this in an attempt to keep it from being viral news. Her brother found this out quite recently and told her defying the rules of the law. When her mom died Aly was left devastated and was determined to get her back no matter what the methods were. Despite what she tried her mom never came back alive. She learned for herself that it's impossible to regain someone who died. Learning this she began to push people away not wanting to ever have that feeling again. Along with this she began to ignore her dad, Wilson Chase, and went out whenever she wanted to. She would go out to the park with a couple of her friends who were older than her. These ‘friends’ invited her into her group at first. They made her feel special and seemed to be super fun but the truth was far from that. She thought that they were awesome and she just wanted to be like them at the time. This lasted a while. During this her dad was freaking out about her. He didn’t like this much at all. He would try to do everything he could to end this.
Aly found all of this out two years later, right before she had gotten her school invitation letter. Her friends were nice too her for a while and showed her a lot of cool things. They slowly taught her how to do a lot of things, most illegal. They slowly did it though to make it less obvious that it was stuff she wasn’t supposed to be doing. They were completely using her and would have her give envelopes and stuff to certain people. Aly didn’t exactly realise this stuff at all. There wasn’t anything to worry about in her mind. ‘Just don’t look at it. ‘ Was one of the only rules. She ,like a lot of other rules, broke this before but nothing happened and no one realised. There was nothing interesting to her in it though. Just a couple of plastic bags with powder inside. She didn’t seem any harm in continuing this so she did. Her dad began to give up on changing this thinking there was no way possible. He knew about the school and he hoped he would be contacted about it soon. Very very soon. She was about the age and he hoped they still would accept her. He thought that if he sent her to that school she would change this. Aly stayed with the group till one night, on friday the 1st of august. It was friday and it was the annual hang out day. They went to an old cemetery that night. It gave Aly the creeps that they went there. It was so spooky and weird. They went to one of the graves. While they were there they were all making a bunch of jokes. Nothing harmful at first, then one of them pulled out a bottle of vodka. They all laughed and began to drink it heavily. Aly seemed to be just there. It was the first time they had actually gotten drunk in front of her. She understood somewhat what they were doing because of school. There was a lesson on this in health/gym class in third grade. They didn’t go that much in depth about it though. She didn’t want any part in it though, and it seemed as if she got the exact opposite of her wish. One of them offered her a sip. She shook her head no and refused. They got mad at her and kept telling her she needed to drink it all up. She refused. One of the teens kicked her and the others joined in. They got a few kicks as Aly laid on the ground motionless screaming out and tears coming out of her eyes. After a few kicks a boy yelled out, “hey leave her alone she’s just a kid.” The teens. The teens looked at him and laughed and the man punched one of them in the face. The rest of them ran away. Aly looked up at the man. She didn't know who it was at first, but she figured out that it was her brother Cameron. She felt so sorry for everything she did. She got up even though it still hurt a lot and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and brought her home. Her and her dad made up after a long conversation… Blah blah blah etc. A while after this Aly had gotten the letter. After a lot of convincing her dad let her go to the school. ((Sorry I was getting lazy at the end.))

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

Crazy Doctor The Konami Kid

Member Seen 17 days ago

Eliza Cotterill

Lizzie, Liz




Forever Alone


Rowan Wood, 16 and a half inches, Phoenix tail-feather core. The wand is made up of a knotted and twisting wood which is a pale white colour. Every inch or so are black iron rings set flush into the wood. It took Eliza 7 hours in Ollivander's store to find it, it was tucked away in the corner and Ollivander declared it to be extremely old (even as old as the first few wands the original Ollivander made). It is normally hidden in her oversized hoodie sleeve.

Transfiguration and Duel magic. Eliza reacts quickly and with a good sense of intuition that helps her win most duels.


Eliza's beggars takes the form of a Grim Reaper. The hooded figure nearly always pulls back its hood to reveal the faces of her friends and family.


A pet phoenix named Fiametta but more commonly know as Fia

Eliza is 5” 3' and will attack anyone who calls her short. She is pale-skinned with long waist length hair which is dyed (the colours change but mostly stick to pink and purple at the roots and change significantly at the tips). Her eyes are blue but she can and does change them regularly. She has a look that always makes people tink she is up to something.

Eliza normally dresses in a skirt with a t-shirt and a large oversized black hoodie. She wears long socks and black canvas shoes most of time. Her clothes mostly vary from the colours, black, pink or blue. She has some animal tattoos that move around on her arms and change form. She also wears a few silver and black iron rings on her fingers with various symbols on them.

Eliza can either be shy and mysterious or loud and boisterous. It just decides who she is hanging out with. Her mind wanders a lot and can flick from topic to topic quite quickly. Mostly happy sometimes she will grow sad at random moments but will soon have a smile on her face. She likes hanging around with friends, reading and sleeping. Eliza dislikes pranks being played on her, but she might laugh it off. She also really dislikes being told what to do and people touching her things.

London, England but has moved to New York

Eliza'a mother was a muggle from America but her father was a Auror for the Ministry of Magic in London. Her two older brothers and 1 older sister both went to Hogwarts. 1 brother became a Healer at St. Mungo's Hospital while her other brother became a Quidditch player for the English team and her sister became a dragon tamer. Eliza wet to muggle school for the years 3-5 where she would get in toruble for her looks, do to being born a metamorphamagus , she would change her looks often much to the confusion and annoyance of the teachers.

When Eliza was eleven she got a letter to go to Hogwarts and she started her first year. Then news of her father came. After her father died Eliza and her mother moved back to Eliza's mothers house in new York. She transferred to RiverWing and started her Second year. From then onwards shes been slowly been perfecting her skills so she can be an Auror. She excels in Defence against the Dark Art and in Transfiguration, but her potions and herbology skills aren't the best.

She is a Metamorphmagus and has an English accent . She also uses muggle technology to play games, most notable a PSP.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME: Alyssa Samara Chase

NICKNAME: Aly, Alz, Sam( When going by middle name))

AGE: 16

GENDER: Female


RELATIONSHIP STATUS: She is currently single.

YEAR: 6th year. ( If they start at 11 like hogwarts does. )

WAND: It is about nine and a quarter inches. It is made of wood and has carvings of snakes. She never knew where the carvings came from but they looked so cool to her. It's about 1.5 inches thick. This wand was said to be an ancient, from the early wizards made with a dragon's tail and a serpent's scale. (I don’t know but it rhymes)) and it was fought during the salem witch trials. She’s had this wand since her first year.

TALENT: Magical resistance and legilimency


BOGGART: Aly isn’t scared of many things but is afraid of some things. She is afraid of spiders due to one morning when she was in bed. She got bit by one and had to go to the hospital and almost died that since she was allergic. Ever since then she’s been scared of spiders worried they would bite her again though that chance was very unlikely. Also, she is scared and afraid of losing or having the ones she trusted turn on her. She doesn’t act like it's true and tries her best to hide it. She has had this fear ever since her mom died/ friends.

BLOOD STATUS: She is a muggle blood. Her mom was part of the ( Eh whatever you call the place where the ministry of magic is or if there is some thing similar… Police?) police when she was shot down by one of the people. Aly was 7 when this happened. Her dad, who she lives with during the summer, is also a wizard. He owns a car shop in New York.

PET: Aly currently doesn’t have a pet of any kind yet though she does want a puppy.

APPEARANCE: She is about five feet tall and she doesn’t have any piercings. she has a couple scars but nothing very big. She has blue eyes and she has blondish-brownish hair. She is sort of small and skinnyer than she should be. She wears simple cloths most times and rarely ever would wear something fancy. She has sort of pale skin.

PERSONALITY: A troublemaker from the first time you meet her to the last. She is very curious and if she is interested in doing something, or interested in some sort of information she will be determined to find out something on it. On the contrary if she’s not interested in it she ends up being lazy, and perhaps she’ll do something like try and get someone else to do it. She tends to do this with all her work and homework and all her classes other than her favorite one, defence against the dark arts. She loves to do new and exciting events and can be quite sneaky. Other than her curiosity, her mouth can get her in trouble at times. If someone makes fun of her she will defend herself and make fun of them back. That is one thing she is almost never scared of no mater what. Along with this she says what shes thinks about something. She doesn’t tend to talk about people behind their backs, but tells them it too there face. She can be a good leader at times also at times, but she isn’t that good at motivating people at doing things. She can be very negative at times and she is really stubborn for what she believes in and refuses to change her opinions about something once she had made it. Even though a lot of this, Alloy can be a person to make a lot of jokes and have lots of fun and is a major tomboy. She refuses to wear any makeup and she also refuses to wear dresses since they're super comfortable. ((Do they have to wear uniforms in this school?)) She tends not to pay attention to a lot of things and tends to just zone out of boredom. Also she is almost always moving some part of her body and at times can be distracted sort of easily. She can also be stupid and naive at times.

PLACE OF ORIGIN: She was born in Manhattan, New York, at 5:30 am on December 21st.

HISTORY: Aly always had grown up in manhattan. She originally lived at 73 Kentucky road and has lived there all her life. It was a small duplex building on the corner of the street. It was a one story house. It had three rooms. She also has/ had one older brother. His name was Cameron and he was five years older than Aly. He decided his career based off of his mother’s in honor of her. Their mother, Carson Chase, died from an attack when aly was nine. Carson was 34 when she died. She was working for the police department. The muggles think that it was a bassare random shooting but it was a bigger cause that she died for. She died for the wizarding community fighting off someone. It isn’t exactly sure who it was who killed her and there was no information given out on this in an attempt to keep it from being viral news. Her brother found this out quite recently and told her defying the rules of the law. When her mom died Aly was left devastated and was determined to get her back no matter what the methods were. Despite what she tried her mom never came back alive. She learned for herself that it's impossible to regain someone who died. Learning this she began to push people away not wanting to ever have that feeling again. Along with this she began to ignore her dad, Wilson Chase, and went out whenever she wanted to. She would go out to the park with a couple of her friends who were older than her. These ‘friends’ invited her into her group at first. They made her feel special and seemed to be super fun but the truth was far from that. She thought that they were awesome and she just wanted to be like them at the time. This lasted a while. During this her dad was freaking out about her. He didn’t like this much at all. He would try to do everything he could to end this.
Aly found all of this out two years later, right before she had gotten her school invitation letter. Her friends were nice too her for a while and showed her a lot of cool things. They slowly taught her how to do a lot of things, most illegal. They slowly did it though to make it less obvious that it was stuff she wasn’t supposed to be doing. They were completely using her and would have her give envelopes and stuff to certain people. Aly didn’t exactly realise this stuff at all. There wasn’t anything to worry about in her mind. ‘Just don’t look at it. ‘ Was one of the only rules. She ,like a lot of other rules, broke this before but nothing happened and no one realised. There was nothing interesting to her in it though. Just a couple of plastic bags with powder inside. She didn’t seem any harm in continuing this so she did. Her dad began to give up on changing this thinking there was no way possible. He knew about the school and he hoped he would be contacted about it soon. Very very soon. She was about the age and he hoped they still would accept her. He thought that if he sent her to that school she would change this. Aly stayed with the group till one night, on friday the 1st of august. It was friday and it was the annual hang out day. They went to an old cemetery that night. It gave Aly the creeps that they went there. It was so spooky and weird. They went to one of the graves. While they were there they were all making a bunch of jokes. Nothing harmful at first, then one of them pulled out a bottle of vodka. They all laughed and began to drink it heavily. Aly seemed to be just there. It was the first time they had actually gotten drunk in front of her. She understood somewhat what they were doing because of school. There was a lesson on this in health/gym class in third grade. They didn’t go that much in depth about it though. She didn’t want any part in it though, and it seemed as if she got the exact opposite of her wish. One of them offered her a sip. She shook her head no and refused. They got mad at her and kept telling her she needed to drink it all up. She refused. One of the teens kicked her and the others joined in. They got a few kicks as Aly laid on the ground motionless screaming out and tears coming out of her eyes. After a few kicks a boy yelled out, “hey leave her alone she’s just a kid.” The teens. The teens looked at him and laughed and the man punched one of them in the face. The rest of them ran away. Aly looked up at the man. She didn't know who it was at first, but she figured out that it was her brother Cameron. She felt so sorry for everything she did. She got up even though it still hurt a lot and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and brought her home. Her and her dad made up after a long conversation… Blah blah blah etc. A while after this Aly had gotten the letter. After a lot of convincing her dad let her go to the school. ((Sorry I was getting lazy at the end.))

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jonathan Leon Conrad

Lee, Johnny






(12.5' yew) A very dark colored wand with a dragon heartstring core, Johnny's wand has a grip at the base with etched in carvings. The rest of the wand is pretty basic with a black finish

Johnny excels in hexes and curses. His teachers have both praised him about this and warned him about the dangers of it


His fear is and always has manifested itself as the ocean


Johnny has a pet husky, who unlike him is very friendly towards strangers, but don't let its kindness fool you, as it is just as likely to treat you like a chew toy as it is to lick you. It is usually seen walking with him in the mornings before class

Johnny's eyes are a very dark brown, so staring into them is almost like staring at a black cup of coffee. This description is almost fitting for his personality, as he tends to have a very bland look on his face. While his natural hair color is brown, he shows a bit of a rebellious side by bleaching his hair and mixing it with his natural color. His hairstyle is a bit on the shaggy side and he keeps it at neck length. His choice of clothing is very plain in nature, as he can normally be seen wearing a black long sleeved shirt with designs on the sleeves and wears a pair of blue jeans. As far as jewelry is concerned, he wears two necklaces and a ring.

Johnny is a very solitary person and prefers to stay to himself, so when it comes to friends, he keeps his inner circle very exclusive. The best word to use in order to describe him is a loner, as he is one by nature. Upon first meeting him, if you are someone he is not comfortable with, he can come off as very cold and standoffish. Until he gets used to a person, he will not talk much around new people unless he has something important to say. If a person does become part of his inner circle, they can expect to be treated like it, as he takes care of his friends, even if he does not always show it. Unfortunately he has those days where he just needs time to himself, so no one should take it personally if does not seem responsive. Johnny likes being alone, reading (especially comic books), and studying. He hates meeting new people, not getting some time to himself, and ignorance.

Sidney, Australia but moved to Winter park, Florida

Johnny is the youngest son of two very well known aurors and members of ravenclaw at Hogwarts, at least around the ministry of magic, as well as the third child of two sisters. Because he comes from a family of Aurors, he learned many things such as stealth, secrecy, concealment, and Disguise. Both of his parents were purebloods who went deep undercover in Australia to track a few dark wizards hiding out. They eventually stayed there after the job was done and settled down to raise a family. Johnny and his two sisters stayed there until he was six when his parents decided to move back to the U.S. in order for for their kids to attend Riverwing.

His two sisters graduated with honors from Riverwing and joined the ministry of magic. One became a part of the Department of regulation and control of magical creatures, while the other went on to become an auror in the ministry of magic. He got his acceptance letter to Riverwood at the ripe old age of eleven and took to studying hexes and jinxes in the defense against the dark arts classes. He is not the best at transfigurations, herbology, or potions.

He had an australian accent when he was younger, which he has taken classes to get rid of, however from time to time you can still hear it if you listen closely

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 days ago

Melanie Ariana Stryder





Currently single, will see what happens


(Yew Wood, 12 inches ) This wand is an heirloom wand, with a Basilisk Fang core, that once belonged to Mel's father, when he fell during Voldemort's war it was the only thing that was retrieved, and when Mel was enrolled in Riverwing, her mother passed the wand down to her. It is a sturdy wand, somewhat flexible. It is somewhat curved in shape, with the handle carved to look like a cobra's head

Mel is a Parselmouth, like her father was, though magical abilities wise her greatest talent is for Potions.


Spiders!! --The bigger, the worse!


Yes. Mel's pet is a female corn snake named Kindle, who she has had since she was 13

In height, Melaie is considered the upper end of average, at 5 feet 9 inches, with pale/porcelain skin and straw-blonde (picture is slightly lighter than actual but none of the darker shade ones suited her) curly hair that reaches her shoulders, chocolate brown eyes. She dresses smart casual e.g. jeans, polo shirt/jumper/jacket, you won't catch her dead in a skirt/dress or tracksuit!

Stubborn and determined, Melanie will never back down from a challenge, so don't butt heads with her if you're someone who isn't prepared for that; she holds grudges for a LONG time and finds it very difficult to forgive people if they've done something bad against her or one of her friends. Often sarcastic and snappy, she's not particularly patient either and will often respond sooner with a sarcastic retort rather than a kind comment, but if you can learn to deal with that she can be a decent enough friend and will usually stick by you...but if you expect her to squish a spider for you, you can get lost! She's absolutely terrified of them and would sooner scream and run than try and fight back against one, whether it's a house spider or a behemoth like Aragog was, it makes no difference to her.
As a Parselmouth she has a close connection with snakes and is never seen anywhere without her pet snake Kindle, who she even hides in her pocket or bag during lessons--they haven't been caught yet!

(hope this is detailed enough, I can expand/add more if you need me to)

Born in England, but now lives in Pasadena.


Born in England and lived there for a short time with both of her parents. They had always been a part of the Wizarding world, both working in the Ministry; her father was an Auror while her mother worked more on the Administration side. Her father was secretly a Death Eater, and this was largely kept from Melanie until Voldemort's return whereby her father returned to serve his old master. During one of the many battles in the war that ensued, her father was slain, and one of his fellow Death Eaters managed to retrieve his wand which they returned to Mel's mother.

Fearing that when she came of age the Death Eaters may force Mel into their ranks, in order to escape from Voldemort's grasp, Mel's mother relocated her shortly before her 11th birthday and before she could be enrolled at Hogwarts. They moved to Pasadena in America, and settled into a fairly relaxed and "normal" life. It wasn't long before the Riverwing letter arrived, and overjoyed that her daughter might still receive a wizarding education, Mel was immediately enrolled. In her third year, it was discovered that Mel possessed the Parselmouth gift like her father after her mother found her having a conversation with a wild snake she had found in their garden during one of her breaks at home away from Riverwing. It was shortly after that that her mother purchased her Kindle as a pet to take back with her to the castle, and the two have been inseparable ever since. In fifth year, she began to develop a more in depth interest in Potions and excelled in those lessons, it is now her best subject.

She hopes to eventually become a private Potions tutor, or something of that sort c:

If you can't tell, yes, I really love snakes x'3 ...guess I could give co-GMing a go if you needed it. *shrug*

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mason Garrison Scott





single, for now



Cherry, phoenix feather core, 11.5 inches.

He is particularly skilled in offensive spells, particularly incendio tria, and other fire related spells.



pure blood


Mason is approximately 6 foot 1 inches in height, and weighs in around 195 pounds. He is well built, obvious signs that he works out showing on his body. He prefers to wear tighter shirts, but tends to stay with this design. He prefers bright, almost electric blue eyes, and as such the color of his eyes turn to such. His hair will change in shade, but he doesn’t tend to go towards the bright and abnormal colorings. He was fascinated by the thought of permanent things that would always remain. As such, he now has several tattoos. One of which covers the majority of his right side front, and the other goes across his shoulders and down.

Mason isn't the most attention seeking person, but he always wants to have friends and people to talk to. He is known as a flirt, hitting on everyone when he sees fit to. He generally seems to be a serious person, but he can be quite the joker when he is comfortable enough with the people around him. He is rather friendly, but is stuck with a temper that can quickly snap as he gets more annoyed. He likes going for a run, fire, and friends. He does not like arrogant people, loud people, or crowded places.

A small wizard town near Dallas, Texas

As soon as he was born, he knew about his special ability. Within hours after his birth, the thick mop of hair began turning different colors from the original. It was not too surprising, his mother's family has a history of being metamorphmagus, though it had skipped a few generations to get to him. He continued on through life, surrounded constantly by magic, not expecting anything different in life. The first time he visited Dallas, he was thrown off completely. He couldn't understand how people could live without magic, and he watched them in utter fascination as they walked from store to store. Not a single bit of magic was done.

He had two older brothers, both of which picked on the younger brother, occasionally taking out their frustration on him. He was always glad when they went to school, to get anyway from them. Once he was accepted, he chose to stay there as long as he could, due to the years of separation between his brothers. But they grew out of their tendencies, apologizing to him eventually. Now they are both off working, the eldest married and with a 2 year old son. He went through a struggle as he aged discovering his was attracted to both sexes. He was afraid that something was wrong with him. For several years he hid it from everyone, but once he learned more he came out, becoming more comfortable with himself.

He is a metamorphmagus

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