Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 1 day ago

(Because FunnyGuy told me to)

As Norman typed away in spreadsheets full of his clients' finances, he took a bit of time to look around the room. Not for people, oh God no, but just for things that were strange, out of place. And then he saw three men, dressed in black suits, ask his boss where... He was? Who the hell were these people? Then, he saw it: as the men approached his cubicle, things sort of slowed down, and Norman saw the men reach into an inner pocket of their jackets and pull out pistols. Time just paused for a second. Norman saw the pistols perfectly, all visually identical, the guns being black Glock 18s. In that moment it hit Norman...

These guys are Evo hunters.

He didn't ask for this, he didn't even fucking want it, and now people are trying to kill him because he can make tornadoes? Oh hell no. Time sped up, maybe faster than normal, and Norman stood up from his desk, the men firing several shots, one of which was centimeters away from hitting Norman's temple and grazed his nose. Norman then turned around to the walls, made of glass, and turned back around at the men. He then held out the palm of his hand, in which a miniature dust storm began to form, and ran around with it as the men shot at him. When it was large enough to knock the men to the floor, he threw the dust storm at the trio, which threw them against another wall, knocking them to the floor.

While they laid there, Norman took the time to run straight at the glass wall and shatter it, falling two stories into an alleyway. He hit the concrete hard, several shards of glass sticking into his lower abdomen and some tiny ones into his face. No time to stop because he was hurt, he had to run. As he hurried out of the alley, he looked for somewhere to hide... He saw a coffee shop across the road. That'll work. He ran inside and slid under one of the table, trying to hide from the men. They emerged from his office, looking around, before just walking away nonchalantly as if nothing happened...

Norman then crawled out from under the table, still clutching his stomach area, before turning around to see who was sitting at the table that he slid under. He saw an Irish man, with a thick beard and bulky build, and a blonde girl. "Uh... Sorry."

@Nallore, @pockets
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johanna Phillips
Quantum HQ
Los Angeles, California

Johanna paced apprehensively back and forth whilst her eyes stayed fixed on the one way glass separating her from the action. "I should be in there..." She half mumbles underneath her breath but loud enough for those in the viewing room to hear.

"Not after what happened last time." Agent Black replied in a stern tone. Her mind instantly flashed back to the last interrogation she took part in before she got suspended and banned from the interrogation sector for six months. She was only meant to bring the husband in to threaten. Yet when the prisoner wouldn't speak Johanna coldly slit his throat right then and there like it was nothing. Still to this day she is uncertain about why what she did was so wrong. After all so many 'innocent' individuals everyday loose their lives in the crossfire from the work that they do here which apparently is okay. However, what she did is not. What's one more death going to matter? He was in the "crossfire." She shook her head trying to forget the memory before her mind could recall all of the punishment she received for that misbehaviour.

She should be grateful for the fact she was even allowed to be in the viewing room and standing where she currently stood but she couldn't help herself. She was itching to get in there. Itching to smack that stubborn bastard into submission.

"You sure you don't want to reconsider Henry? Texting without thumbs will be hard."

A hour or so later....

Most of the other agents beside Johanna (of course) and Agent Black had decided to leave the viewing room and occupy themselves with something far more interesting. Just as the team was about to call it quits the room fell completely silent. It looked like they had finally found his weakness. However, just as they pushed the paper and pen towards him a wicked smirk spread across his face. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT MY FAMILY! GO AHEAD, KILL MY WIFE AND KIDS! I DON'T NEED THEM!...KILL THEM JUST LIKE YOU KILLED HER PARENTS! Don't you remember sweetheart?" Johanna froze dead in her tracks as her eyes met Henry's. Even though he couldn't actually see her it looked as though he was looking straight at her.

"What did he just say?" The tone of her voice seemed to drop a few octaves as all the memories, images and emotions came flooding back. Johanna could feel her chest tightening with very breath she took.

"JOHANNA IT'S A LIE...his trying to provoke..." Agent Black's voice trailed off as the sound of glass shattering pierced her ears. Even if it wasn't true it didn't matter to her. Henry had blatantly attacked her and now she should 'defend' herself. Punish. She rose from the shards of glass and proceeded towards Henry without even bothering to brush herself off.


There goes the table. It flew straight across the room and smashed up against the wall pinning the two interrogators into place and out of her way. Henry chuckles with enthusiasm, if his hands weren't tied he would surely be clapping. However, the amusement and smile quickly vanishes as he finds himself pinned by telekinetic force against the wall. He begins to struggle but it's no use. His trapped like a fly in a spiderweb. "Did you know that in their last moments people show you who they really are...so who are you Henry?" As Johanna stops still a few inches in front of Henry the shards of glass from the floor slowly begin to rise up and shift around Henry's elevated body. Her eyes remain fixed on his as pieces of glass one by one begin to pierce his skin. A sinister smile spreads across her lips as she hears him cry out in agony.

Meanwhile, Agent Black finds himself pinned into position as well. Unlike Henry though he is able to breath just fine. Although there are about 50 rules being broken this very moment Agent Black can't help but stare at Johanna in amazement. There are times like this when she becomes so focused on killing that her powers shine. She seems unstoppable...but unfortunately for her it never lasts long because like any 'normal' person she becomes overwhelmed by emotions.

Johanna's black painted fingernails wrap tightly around Henry's neck. Her telekinetic hold loosens slightly as she decides to take physically hold of him. "Are you a loving husband?...A caring father." Her grip tightens a little more but before she could part her lips again she feels something prick her in the neck. "No..." She manages to mumble before her vision blurs and she collapses to the ground unconscious.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Lex Henderson
Some Alley, Los Angeles

As the young woman spoke to Lex, he contemplated whether he should have her pas out or just listen to hear what else the girl would spout out. She’s so… random. Did she just stop to eat a chocolate bar? Lex thought as he stared at her. He didn’t know why, but he listened. He did ask, even if the answer wasn’t something spectacular, he was responsible for opening up that can of worms.

“Hmm.” He let out as she finished. “So you came by to help? How do you know you were helping the right person?” He said with a grin. “Anyway, you should probably go back to what you were doing. I don’t need any witnesses, and you were funny enough to make me not want to leave you passed out in an alley.” Lex crouched down beside the body before cursing under his breath. He hadn’t thought this through. He needed a vehicle, and he wouldn’t leave this guy just laying here to be found or to wake up to get away. “Actually, you got a car? I’ll give you a tip on using your powers if you can get me car to move this guy.” Lex was reaching at straws. He was a bit desperate due to his bad planning. His uncle, Rob would have thought this through easily, but like always, Lex wasn’t the best planner. “You in, or do you want to be the next victim of a hate crime against Evos?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Elena Reese

"Well I guess that makes us the same, I mean since then I've not been in contact with my family." Elena said with a slight shrug as she took a sip of her coffee and another bite out of her sandwich and leaned back as Derrick asked what she could do with her powers. "I can create it, and absorb it pretty much. Though obviously I cant use it in water unless I want to zap myself." Elena said with a laugh, then she heard the door open and then someone rushing under their table. Elena sat up slightly as she could see men in suits searching for someone and then running off somewhere else.

When the man emerged from under their table Elena raised her eyebrow and stared down at him, and then gasped suddenly when she noticed the bits of glass and blood embedded into him and quickly got out of her seat looking very concerned. "What happened?! We should get you to the hospital." Elena said as she offered her hand to help him back up to his feet.

@pockets@Simple Unicycle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa looked at the guy and listened to his threat. ''Are you threatening someone of your own kind?'' she asked and shook her head. ''You might be able to do those electric thingy's and run fast but I can still pop up to where ever I want as long as I see the place'' she said. ''But I am a nice person and I will help but not if you try to threaten me.. No need to do so'' she said and then walked to the guy. ''How long will he stay like this?'' she asked.

She didn't own a car but she could try to poof from here to a other place while holding him. ''I don't have a car but I might be able to poof with him.. Never tried it though'' she said and shrugged. ''You tell me if you want me to try it'' she said.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Nallore @pockets
As Norman is pulled to his feet, he screams in pain before falling right onto the table. Most of the people in the cafe freak out, but Norman seems pretty calm. "Yeah, it hurts like hell... Maybe we should get to the hospital before I bleed out? Sorry for asking, I just-*cough* don't have a car to do it myself." He coughs up some blood, before asking: "Could you do that? Or maybe call nine one one?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johanna Phillips
Quantum HQ
Los Angeles, California

Johanna's cries of agony echoed throughout the white tiled room. Her muscles instantly contracted as they zapped her again. Not only did each new current appear stronger than the previous but the fact that they drenched her in water only seems to make matters worse. However, she didn't bother to fight back knowing full well there was no point to it. They had strapped her tightly into the chair, both hands and legs bound and secured with heavy metal chains preventing her from escaping. The more she would struggle the more it hurt so as the saying goes 'she took it like a man.' Apart from some odd twitches and muscles spasms from the electricity coursing throughout her body she remained almost completely motionless. And besides the occasional scream which seemed to a way for her to slightly subdue this excruciating pain she appeared to be pretty quiet. No foul language. No signs of aggression. Just pure contentment in a sense.

Meanwhile in the viewing room.

"Why did he have her name circled? It's like he knew she..."

"We don't know and there is no point in speculating." The grey haired woman was quick to cut Agent Black off seeing him became rather agitated with the whole matter. "We are just going to have to wait until he is fully recovered before questioning him again...in the meantime we have assigned agents to decipher the data." The room fell silent for a couple of minutes.

"What's with the video?" Agent Black's eyes trailed away from Johanna and up towards the large LCD screen which was built into the ceiling of the room.

"Just something to remind her what side she is on...and who is in control..." The older woman mumbled the last part more to herself.

"I think she had enough."

"I agree." She signals her inferiors to stop and release Johanna. "..she has had some difficult weeks and therefore our associates believe it's best for everyone if we take her off this mission and put her on something less...stressful as you might say. Maybe recon or something similar...mind you she can be put anywhere but the 'combat zone'. Do you understand?" Agent Black nodded his head whilst his eyes focused back on Johanna.

Three men completely dressed in white slowly begin to drag Johanna's half conscious body of the metal chair. They tried to get her to stand on her own feet but she immediately collapsed straight back into their arms. Without hesitation the three men quickly stripped her down, sprayed her with what looked like a garden hose before dragging her into the next room to get redressed. "AND our associates would like her under 24 hour supervision, so be sure to sign her up with a new partner...preferably one of our veterans." The woman dismisses herself and then vanishes out the door.

Johanna simultaneously appears from the opposing door the elderly woman had left from. "What's up?" She casually utters before rubbing her fingers across a small puncture wound on her neck. Agent Black took a few steps back eyeing her suspiciously. Only minutes earlier had he seen her being dragged across the floor barely conscious and now she stood in front of him right awake and showing no signs of injury. She even had her usual child like smile plastered across her face. "...Wanna take a picture it'll last longer?" Johanna joked seeing Agent Black just staring at her like a stunned mullet. What the hell is his problem? Must be this God awful black and white stripped pant suit they put me in...look like a zebra...and why it gotta be so damn tight?

"Uh sorry...I got a new mission for you. One of our agents on recon has missed two check-ins. His last mission was to look into what happened to that high school that got destroyed. I would like you to go follow up on it...and of course try find our missing agent. We believe he might've just got caught up with something and forgot to check-in, you know how those recon boys can be...oh and you have been assigned a new partner, Agent Walters he is waiting for you in the garage. So hurry along...and try to behave yourself." Before she could object Agent Black vanished out the door. Johanna just rolled her eyes before proceeding on her way. I did not just sit through that crap to be placed on recon...there better be some action.

Demolished High School
Los Angeles, California

"Wow....glad my parents didn't waste money on private school...what a shit hole," Johanna's chuckled to herself as she placed her shades on and then stepped out of the vehicle. "Come on Walter grab your notepad and let's go investigate."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Lex Henderson
Some Alley, Los Angeles

Lex somewhat felt like he was in a dilemma now. Sure, teleporting around this city with an unconscious man was better than tossing him into a taxi and hoping the driver wouldn’t call the police, but it just seemed like a bad idea. Lex firmly grabbed the man’s arm, which allowed him to sap a little energy from him.

“It’s not a good idea. If you have to see your destination with your own eyes, then your power ain’t too great at being conspicuous... eh big words.” He said the last part with slight distaste. He felt like he was talking like his uncle when he talked like that. “I’ll just take the loss and run his pockets. I might find something nice.” Lex said as he began searching through the man’s clothing. He pulled out a cellphone, some folded up documents, an extra pistol magazine, and several dollar bills. As he put everything into a loot pile, he looked up at Vanessa. “You’re still here? You need something, because I don’t have anything you want.” Lex said a bit rudely, but he was curious as to why she stuck around here. “Sure, we’re both Evos, but that doesn’t matter to me... It’s like saying any two normal people can automatically be friends.” He said that as he pocketed everything from the man and started his trek from the alley while fiddling with the phone he had acquired. Locked... Guess it’s off to Benny’s then.

Lex turned around to look at the girl before smirking. Maybe this wasn’t some really messed up coincidence. Perhaps this girl was supposed to cross paths with him in an alley in Los Angeles. This is definitely a coincidence... But why not let it ride in my favor.

“Take my number, and call me. And not for a fucking date. I mean if you want to get better at using that poof thing or whatever you call it. You gotta be tough for the things coming our way... Or you can just never see me again, which is fine as well...” Lex said his phone number out loud as he walked toward the more populated street.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Elena Reese

Elena quickly looked around seeing the various customers starting to freak out at the sight of the bloodied Norman on the table, she looked very concerned at him and nodded slowly. "I'll take you to the closest hospital okay?" Elena said she quickly turned her attention towards Derrick. "Hey mind helping me with him to my car? The ambulance will take a really long time to get here." She said as she started to lift Norman up grunting loudly as she moved out of the coffee shop, Elena quickly opened the side passenger seat and sat Norman into the passenger seat and quickly set the seat belt on him. "I'll take you to the nearest hospital alright?" Elena said softly as she quickly closed the door and looked over at Derrick and smiled slightly at him.

"I'm going to take him to the hospital you can join me if you want, also heres my cellphone number if you do need me for anything." Elena said as she dug into her pocket and pulled out a small sheet of paper and wrote down her phone number and handed it to him. "I'll see you later, and it was great meeting a fellow evo like me." Elena gave him a quick hug and then went to the drivers side and got into her car. Elena quickly pulled her car out of the parking lot and quickly started driving down the street looking over at Norman seeing him and how injured he was. "So what the hell happened?" Elena asked.

As she drove down the road and apparently there was an attack on the high school, she watched as a woman put on a pair of sunglasses and got out of her car. Elena sighed loudly to herself and started beeping her horn loudly so that, Elena looked over and saw some ambulances nearby. The road was busy with emergency workers. "Hold on." Elena said as she got out of her car and started to walk past Johana and making her way towards one of the paramedics.

@ThatsWhatSheSaid@Simple Unicycle@pockets
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Nallore, @ThatsWhatSheSaid
While driving, the girl asked Norman what happened. "Evo hunters," he said plain and simple, "Goddamn evo hunters. Broke into the office and tried to shoot me up, and I ran right out the window and fell onto the ground. All this glass got stuck in me... Better than being dead, though." Occasionally his words were stopped by Norman coughing up blood and wheezing, that or a grunt of pain. He tried to stop the bleeding, though it was bad... Really bad.

Then they stopped at a school. Norman was about to ask what they were doing, but then saw the ambulances parked outside. Great, he almost died and there was an attack on a school. What more could go wrong? Well, not much. Thankfully, the girl stepped out of the car and walked to one of the paramedics. Norman opened the car door and tried to step out, only to shout in pain and start leaning against the hood. He begins shuffling towards the paramedic the girl had went to, but collapsed half way there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johanna Phillips
Demolished High School
Los Angeles, California

"Do you mind?" Johanna's uttered rudely as some girl brushes passed her a little too close to comfort. Although she appeared to be in high spirits Johanna was still feeling a little shaken up from her punishment. Her eyes trailed back in the direction the girl had come from. "Check out this broad Walter, bloody parks her rust bucket in the middle of the street like she owns the place...nobody can even get out. So rude." Like she could talk, she was no Saint but that didn't stop her from calling others out. And even though the girl's car wasn't really in their way or stopping them from doing their job it still seemed to bother her. It was almost like she wanted to pick a fight with someone. She could hear Agent Black's voice in the back of her head saying "Behave yourself. a sinister smirk spread across her lips. I'll behave alright.

"OI BIMBO!" Johanna shouted towards the girl. "THIS ISN'T A PARKING SPOT YOU KNOW...." She was cut short hearing someone cry out in agony behind her. Johanna quickly span around to find a young looking guy covered in blood shuffling around the orange mustang before finally collapsing to the ground a few feet or so away from her. "Well this is interesting...very interesting." She mumbled to herself as she realised the boy had come out of the other girl's car. Johanna instinctively and swiftly makes her way over to the guy. She crouches down right next to him not to help him back but instead to get a better look at him. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" Her eyes quickly shifted over the boy's body analysing and examining his wounds. "What have you been up to?" She chuckles to herself. However, before she could continue she was cut short again.

"Johanna this is not what we have been assigned...let's go." Johanna flinched slightly as Walter grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her to her feet. His pull wasn't strong, she merely cringed because he gripped hold of abrasions on her wrist that she had received from the chains she was tied down with. She instantly tugged at her sleeve to cover her injuries as she suddenly felt somewhat ashamed. "Just a scratch don't be such a baby." A strange yet somewhat familiar voice echoed in her head.

"...Come on everyone's getting distracted let's pass through police"." Johanna's head jerked upright before noticing everyone rushing towards them to aid the boy. The remaining officers stationed at the barrier appeared to be preoccupied with watching the paramedics. Walter whips out two fake CIA badges and moves towards one of the officers. Johanna hesitates for a moment as she finds herself torn between curiosity and obligation. "JOHANNA."

"Okay..." She mumbles before proceeding after her colleague.

@Simple Unicycle @Nallore
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Elena Reese

Elena looked over at the woman who called her a bimbo for parking, when someone was clearly hurt and injured. "Well sorry for that princess." Elena yelled back sarcastically. When she got to one of the paramedics Elena led them over towards Norman they quickly got a stretcher and set the injured man onto it. "They will take care of ya alright?" Elena said gently patting him on the shoulder as they wheeled him off towards the nearest ambulance. Elena turned to look over at the woman who yelled at her earlier, she stood there by her car and crossed her arms over her chest staring at the woman and the man who accompanied her.

Elena somehow got the feeling they were up to something and quietly followed behind them, when she was close enough to the yellow tape she looked around as the cops were distracted by something else. Elena quickly moved under the tape and made sure that she wasn't seen by either of them and stuck to hiding behind cars or large chunks of debris from the remains of the school.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pockets

pockets The Happy Gargoyle

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Everything happened pretty fast. People rushing to and fro, a guy diving under, then crawling his way out from beneath their table. Derrick took everything in as best he could, just processing and watching quietly as things happened. When Elena dragged the guy out to her car, he followed and climbed onto his bike to follow along behind her.

"What the feck is going on today?" he muttered to himself when they slowed at a high school. Police and emergency vehicles filled the front lot and spilled out onto the street as well. "Everything' done gone ta' hell in a hand basket, I'm tellin' ya." By the time he pulled his bike up onto the sidewalk and shut it off Elena had already gotten the attention of a pair of paramedics who were looking at the injured guy and some bird was yelling at her about parking her mustang in the road. "Seriously. Has everyone lost their feckin' minds?"

When Elena started following the bird and some bloke he hurried his way after her, slipping under the tape just in time to catch up to her. "What in tha feck d'ye think yer doing'?" he demanded, quietly. "Just cause ye think ye can protect yourself doesn't mean ye gotta go looking' fear trouble. Why're we following these two for, anyway?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Johanna Phillips
Los Angeles, California

"Thank you," Johanna smirked as one of the officers lifted up the yellow tape for them to pass under. Too easy, she thought but her amusement slightly dropped when she noticed the large number of officers and paramedics scattered across the rubble. Guess we aren't in the clear just it. She quickly pulls out a small notepad and pen to try and look more the part as they proceeded towards the right of all the rubble and away from the 'crowd'. "Picked up anything yet?"

Sniff. Sniff. Sniff.

Johanna couldn't help but chuckle as she watched Walter sniff at the air. He looked like a dog. Although his ability had its strength especially when your trying to track someone down she felt like it was weak power to possess. From the abilities she has witnessed heightened smell is feeble and nothing to be celebratory about. Still right this moment she appeared to be the weaker one of the pair. "Nothing yet...well it seems like we have some fans but...." Johanna instinctively turned on her heels to glanced back but Walter quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to face forward. "Don't look!" She cringed and swiftly tugged her arm free. "They are just nosy...no threat...at least note yet..." Walter then returned his attention to the job at hand.

Johanna's spent the next couple of minutes just doodling around on her notepad pretending to take notes as she strutted along behind Walter who was hard at work. "I think I got something...yes this is definitely the trial we are looking for...mhmm yeah I remember that hint of green tea..."

"Green tea?" Her right eyebrow arched slightly in confusion as she took a deep breath in through her nose trying to smell what he was talking about.

"Never mind. Just follow closely..." They moved off further to the right and away from the wreckage of the school. "What do we have here?" Walter came to a sudden halt causing Johanna to almost walk into him but lucky she managed to stop right on time. "Looks like our friend got himself into some trouble." Her eyes instantly lit up with excitement at the thought that they were finally going to get some action. "He ran off this way." Walter pointed down a nearby alleyway.

"Lead the way." Johanna lifted up the yellow tape before signalling Walter to proceed onwards.

Once they were out of sight from the police they picked up the pace and before long they were sprinting. Left. Right. Left. Left again. Johanna could feel her breathing becoming heavier and heavier by the minute. Although they were barely running at full speed she was beginning to feel tired. With barely three hours sleep exhaustion was starting to kick in and the pain of her injuries were resurfacing. Looks like the meds are wearing off. She bite the bottom of her lip trying to hold in her scream of agony as she prayed for the next corner they take to be their last.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Lex Henderson
Used Car Lot, Los Angeles
"Brand New Car"

"Nah, I'm not paying that much to get this shit ripped. I could find some guy named Mr. Wong that can do it for half the price... Yeah I gotta be like that... So you're doubting my plan B?" Lex was currently on the phone with an associate that simply went by Benny. The man had a business in ripping cell phones and computers, and he could find you whatever you wanted from a device as long as it was in there. Not only was Benny not cheap, but he was one of the only people Lex knew who could help him at the moment. Speaking of helping, a black haired woman was headed his way from across the lot.

"So Mr. Jones, how will you be-" The woman was cutoff by Lex holding up his index finger and turning away from her.

"Alright fuckface. How about this, I'll pay 75 percent now, and then get you the 25 later? Deal... There we go. I'll be over in about... Give me thirty minutes." Lex said before hanging up and looking to the woman. "How will I be what?" He asked.

"How will you be paying for the vehicle."

"Cash... in full." Lex said with a smirk. He really needed a car after his screw up earlier. He would have been golden if he could have interrogated the guy he found. Maybe he could go back and make it in time to grab him. Then again, he made an appointment with Benny. I don't need Benny if I have the guy. Besides, the phone could have nothing on it, just like those documents I grabbed. Just research on the school. Lex sighed. How am I supposed to get this contract done, if I don't know a god damned thing about the school!


Several minutes later, Lex was behind the wheel of his black Chevy Camaro. He just loved how intimidating the car looked on the road, especially in one of his favorite colors. I have to get that guy.

"He could be waking up any fucking minute now. I can't have that! Damn this traffic! Damn that fucking school!" Lex raged on the road just before pulling over and parking next to a parking meter. He scowled at the parking meter before red electricity electrified across his body, scaring nearby pedestrians on the sidewalk around him. "Good." He said as he stopped and kicked the parking meter that crunched against his shoe. "I gotta stop being so reckless. I'd hate to have the cops called." Lex said to himself before his body charged up with electricity again. His eyes glowed a deep red color and allowed him to see the neural impulses in the area as he had done at the site of the destroyed school. [i]A low read over there... low to the ground... Yeah, the bitch is still down." Lex was ready to start moving before he caught two more neural signatures near his target. Two people? Ha! Too easy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vanissa would not be alone for long as soon, a young man crash landed infront of her as his eagle wings flared up and then vanished as he mutter a couple of choice cursewords before he stood up and looked at her for the longest time before he said "Well well, if this is not a massive slap in the face by destiny. I can smell your scent quite well young lady and cane tell immediately that you are like me. You might not even share the power with me but you are certainly a Evo human and a very beautiful young lady at that. My name is Mike, may I ask what a lovely girl like yourself is doing all along in an alleyway like this?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Summervile

Some alley, California

Vanessa listened to the guy she just sort of helped and then took out a pen and wrote on her arm: 'Ass E.' - and then his number. Right before he left she looked at him. ''Like anyone would ever wanna go on a date with an Ass like you'' she said and then turned around to start walking back to the main street.

She was stopped by something or someone and she looked at the person with the big wings. ''Ehm.. Hi'' she said and raised an eyebrow. She listened to him and then nodded. ''Yep, I am one.. Just like you, I can see that'' she said. ''Nice to meet you Mike, I am Vanessa'' she said and shook her head. ''Lovely girl? Please Casanova, back off or I will'' she said and then looked behind the guy and focused. She then poofed to the place she was looking at, a few feet away from Mike.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Johanna Phillips & Lex Henderson
Los Angeles, California

"THERE HE IS." Walter shouted before coming to a sudden halt. As Johanna slowed her paced a warm acidic and bitter taste started to rise in her throat and gathered in her mouth. She knew the feeling all to well. Her face turned completely white but before Walter could ask what's wrong Johanna found herself bent over behind a trash can emptying the content of her stomach. "You alright?" She just held up one finger to him as if you say 'give me a second.' Her upper body seemed to shudder in disgust as she straightened herself up. "Told you we should not have gone to McDonalds earlier," Walter joked.

"Ha ha very funny," Johanna rolled her eyes knowing full well this wasn't caused by the large cheeseburger meal she had consumed earlier. This was because of those stupid drugs they jumped her up with. Sure they felt good at first but when you are coming down its a whole lot of pain and nausea. "So, what's wrong with him? Taking a nap on the job." She wiped her mouth clean on the sleeve of her jacket before returning her attention to their unconscious colleague.

"No idea...but there is this unique scent in the air which I had picked up earlier at the school. I can't confirm it 100% but I think our friend here was being chased because I could smell this scent the whole time I was following our friend's trail."

Lex rounded the corner in the alley way with haste, but remained careful. He always loved a good brawl, but he knew better than to go charging straight into bullets if there were any.

His red eyes locked onto the two individuals standing over the man he had recently incapacitated. Lex straightened up his stance as his eyes shifted back to normal. He couldn't help but smirk at the two that seemingly stumbled upon his victim.

"Like what you see? Now scram and find another alley to make out in." Lex said as he sized the two up. His pistol was accessible to him if he needed to give them a scare, though he felt sure that they would leave in a hurry. How the hell did that geezer get with a girl like that... must be a gold digger.

Johanna and Walter simultaneously spun around their weapons drawn and pointing straight at the intruded. Johanna decided to take the more 'normal' approach and not reveal her powers unless necessary. Although she might never admit it, deep down inside she was feeling a little vary about her abilities and whether she had enough strength at this moment in time to use them. She eyed the stranger. At first glance he looked almost like a Quantum agent, a professional. Formal black suit. Tie. Fit build. Clean cut. But upon closer inspection she could tell his wasn't one of them. Usually the organisation's logo would be embroidered somewhere on the clothing which he didn't have. Nor did he bear the 'mark' or for better word serial numbers on his neck. All agents were assigned a specific six digit number for identification purposes which would be tattooed on their neck just below their right ear once they passed the training.

She brushed off his comment about her and Walter making out. That old geezer wishes. "Ha. I don't think so mate. How about you scram?...what's that saying again finders keepers losers weepers." She snickered before giving the strange one of her typical mocking smirks. Even though he was out numbered and appeared to be no immediate threat with no weapons of his own drawn she kept her hand steady and her finger firmly planted on the trigger. One false move and it's goodnight.

Lex's eyebrows raised in surprise at the quick draw the two had. He didn't expect this, but it was hardly that much of a setback. Pistols weren't a big problem for him. He looked from the female to the male twice over. His smirk faded before spoke.

"And you are??" He asked in curiosity.

She was astound by the fact he didn't even flinch when he saw their weapons. Why is he so calm? What's he hiding? Johanna glanced over him again and frowned slightly feeling a little frustrated by the fact she couldn't figure out why he was so confident. "Evo..." Walter softly whispered into her left ear. She rolled her eyes in annoyance at herself. Idiot...get your shit together and focus.

"CIA." Johanna flashed her badge with her free hand.

"So if you don't mind sir could you please step aside so we can continue our investigation." Walter quickly showed the stranger his ID before lowering his weapon. He signalled Johanna to do the same. She hesitated for a couple of seconds before following him. If they were going to pretend to be CIA agents then they better not be pointing their weapons at innocent civilians even though they looked sketchy. Although she might've lowered her gun she kept her finger still on the trigger just in case the stranger wasn't all that innocent.

"CIA, huh?" Lex said with a smirk as he nodded at the two. "Oh let me see that ID." Lex said as he took a step forward to get a good look at Walter's ID. Lex had no idea what to look for when it came to fake IDs, but he'd go with the flow of things. He knew they were both lying. Walter was a bit better than Johanna, but they weren't fooling him. He touched the ID moved in closer before an idea came to mind. "You know, you're pretty good at lying, right?" Lex whispered just before electricity sprung from his body and shocked Walter. Walter went numb, but Lex wasn't done. In a swift spin movement and on Walter's way to the ground, Lex stole some of his energy and drew and aimed his pistol at Johanna's face. "Amazing, ain't I? Now are you going to tell me who you really are?"

As soon as she saw the strange red electricity moved towards Walter she took a couple of steps away from him. She had been shocked enough times today and therefore decided to let Walter take one for the team. Johanna couldn't help but smirk slightly when Walter joined the other unconscious agent on the floor. Now there were no witness which meant she could do whatever the hell she wanted without having to worry about someone snitching her in to the big guys. "Thanks for that he was..." Her words trailed off as she gazed back towards the intruded and he noticed he had drawn a pistol out. Strange. She couldn't help but wonder as to why he decided to pull a gun on her. Why wouldn't he just zap me like Walter and be done with it?...then he could do and take what he wants...unless A sinister smile spread across her red painted lips as she gazed over him again. Unless of course he wants to play...mhmm yeah let the games begin.

"Woah hold up there handsome," her hands went straight up to her chest in a defensive manner causing her gun to drop to the floor. Johanna then kicked her weapon a little away from her, "You're not going to shoot an innocent, defenceless unarmed...young and pretty girl, are you?" She pouted her lips and gave him puppy dog eyes as she stepped towards him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

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Mike watched her use her power and he was quite surprised. "Now that is quite an impressive, Teleportation was always something I really wanted to do but meh. I get to do this instead" Mike said before he transformed into a fox and quickly appeared in front of Vanessa and smirked at her in fox form before he became a human again and stretched out his body. "So, Where are you heading to? Do you mind if a tag along?" He asked her with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Elena Reese

Elena looked over her shoulder Derrick and then over at Johanna as well as the other man that was with them and shrugged slightly. "I don't know, but something just doesn't seem right. And no I have not lost my mind, just follow behind me alright?" Elena quickly followed them around still making sure that they were a very good distance away from Johanna and the fellow agent with her. Eventually Elena was in an alleyway where Johanna had started vomiting in for some reason she didn't know why.

Then there was another man and watched as what looked like red electricity surrounded his body, the other agent was knocked out only leaving Johanna there. She wasn't sure if Johanna was CIA or not, but she had to at least try something Elena turned towards Derrick. "Watch my back alright?" Elena said softly as she quickly came out of the cover holding her hands up in a non threatening way. "Whats going on here?" Elena asked trying to be as calm as possible.

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