Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Cloak

The tall dark wizard stood high above the new york skyline amidst dark clouds and rain. His wand was held firmly in his hand as he floated across the sky, eyeing the people below like insects. One day, soon if all went well, he and his followers would rule over the mundane like gods. But first he would need to find his prodigy. Someone one day would need to take on his task, one life time simply wasn't long enough to complete such a lofty goal. With a crack he vanished from the air, leaving the storm to began raining down on the eastern metropolis.

He now stood outside the window of a distinguished looking figure. The man inside was reading a book, he didn't even notice as the dark wizard cast his spell, ensnaring his mind. For now this would do.

Oliver Rivers

Today was the day. At exactly 7:30 AM his invitation back to Riverwing would disappear back to it's home school. For the last 8 years Oliver had struggled not to miss it, only doing so one year which wasn't that big of a deal because he could apperate by then. This year was bound to be different.

5:00 Am Vaness caws at Oliver, and prods his face with her beak, waking him up. Though it is still dark out he reaches a hand up to stroke her feathers, an action that provokes another caw. "Okay, okay i'm up," He states, not making a move from underneath the lavish blankets of his bed. The crow doesn't believe him evidently, as she continues cawing and pecking him. Finally he bolts up, bright grey eyes wide open, and startling the bird. Oliver simply can't help himself with laughter as the black bird flutters around uselessly, nocking artifacts from his shelves and walls. She settles on the window finally, her feathers still ruffled.

Oliver gabs his wand, a proud blackened looking stick, and flicks it first toward the window, then around his room. The window opens. Everything is back in it's proper place in seconds. Next he found clothes to wear. Being as it is that one should always make a good first impression his parents would have him wear proper wizarding clothes. A dark cloak over blue and white, the RiverWing colors. To bad for them.

At the bottom of the stairs he looked around, no sign of the house elf. He siged with relief and strode towards the door comfortably clad in muggle attire; dark jeans and a buttoned white shirt. Of course there was the house elf, Pipkin, Shining the door knobs, again. The wrinkled creature looked up with every ounce of happiness in the world and squeaked "Ohhohhh, Master Rivers! Would you like some breakfast before you go to school! Todays an important day!" to which Oliver tried to cut in "No, shhh. Pip shut up shh". "I can wake your parents and have something together in just a few minuets, and""Pip, no pip I've got to-"."Ohhh! And I can get you some coffee too right away of course I know you love coffee in the mourn-""Pipkin!". The house elf finally stopped. "Yes Master Rivers?No need to shout.". Oliver gave The elf a serious look. Was it really worth 3 galleons a week to keep him around. Yes, but that was beside the point. "I've got to go don't tell my parents, see you after school.". With a wink he slipped past the elf and out of the house, disaperating before the door was even shut.

Oliver Rivers appeared in an alleyway near a small coffee parlor in down town New York. Okay, last day, last chance you've got, he checked his watch as he thought to himself. 5:23, 2 whole hours. He grinned it was almost perfect. It was his worst idea ever what would other people think. No but he really really really did actually for real this time have to do this. He was in so much trouble. He stepped inside the muggle coffee shop and ordered a caramel vente capachino from some chick, not the right person. He could still leave and find a someone else. Nope to late, out he came. Mathew, this summer's dream boy. He was absolutely perfect except one little thing. Mathew was an utterly unmagical, entirely muggle human being. The boy was ruining Oliver's life and they hadn't even spoken yet.

it's now or never Oliver thought as he contemplated ever different thing that could happen to go wrong if he just went up there and talked to the boy. Mathew got off at 7 and the letter would leave at 7:20 plenty of time to become friends at the absolute minimum. Except that then he'd be gone until winter break, this was an awful idea he shouldn't have come at all. Okay, that didn't matter he had to do it. With all the courage Oliver could muster he strut up to the bar and sat down,coffee still in hand, waiting for boy to notice him. It didn't take long and he came over, freckled and smiling. "Did you need something?" He asked, very politely just like he did with all the customers, one would almost think it was his job. "Um I, well" talking suddenly became a lot harder. "Could we um, I mean I'm from out of town and. Well actually could we be friends maybe, please." Oliver gave his prize winning grin. He was doing such an awful job at making an impression. "Uhm, I get off at 7 I guess. I'm Mathew by the way""Oliver". Nothing could be more perfect. This was the best plan ever. It was 5 minuets 'til 7, a beautiful morning everything was great. Oliver decided he might as well wait outside since it was so nice.

"pssst Master Rivers you need to go home, your mother wants to see you before you go to school. Also shes worried sick." oliver jumped Just around the corner was Pipkin, his great big green eyes beaming with joy as always. Oliver rushed over, pushing him deeper into the alleyway where he wouldn't be seen. "pip," he whispered in a hurried tone, "I'm meeting someone, and it's very important and you can not tell my parents.". Oliver looked at him pleading the elf. "but there are only muggles around here, Your dearest Father has ordered me to tell if you speak to muggles. You can't go around speaking to whoever you want, muggles aren't like wizard folks," The elf put a small hand on Olivers knee. "come home."

Before Oliver could protest he and the elf had appeared on the doorstep of the great big house of the Rivers. At the door stood none other than Adam Rivers, Olivers father. "What in the name of Merlin did you think you were doing boy?! Get inside." The man stood stern, scars across his face making him seem permanently angry. "yes father..." Oliver sighed slipping back inside and sitting forlorn on the couch. His parents badgered him for nearly the whole 20 minuets about how he had an appearance to keep. How Magic was fine in wizarding villages but muggle cities what was he even doing before he mentioned the time and the curtly said good bye. Other years had gone over better.

He popped into the exit hall as he had in past years and worked his way into the short line to sign in. Professor Willfrey, a wrinkled old wizard gave him a smile when checking to make sure his forms were all in order. The old teacher even started up a conversation about how Oliver's animagus work was coming along. The entire chat was boring and tedious just as the sign in process was. Finally Oliver managed to get away and up to his room, a 4th floor room with a small window. Unpacking his bag took even longer. He'd almost certainly packed too much. His small backpack had been enchanted, as everyone elses' would be, to hold much more that it looks like it aught to. It took nearly an hour to unpack his many things.

After checking in and settling his thing Oliver made his way down to the Dining hall, most students gathered here after checking in to have a hearty breakfast and catch up with their fellow classmates while the first years were shown around by the teachers. Oliver took his seat at one of the many round tables in the middle of the huge room. He was one of the first students there, having 7 years experience factored into this. There he waited for something or someone to happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Finnegan Clarke


Finn had been having a rather pleasant dream before he'd rolled off his bed. He couldn't remember much about it, but he knew that it involved skydiving, pumpkin pasties, and a dog. However, the pleasantry had been cut short as he rolled off his bed, sending Walter flying from his chest. He groaned and opened his eyes to see a very angry cat staring at him. He smirked. "Oh come on Walter, relax. It's time to go home," he said with a grin before hopping up and grabbing his outfit. He quickly got dressed, into a blue and white button up with the sleeves rolled up, and some beige joggers, one of his signature looks. He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, impressed with his speed. He muttered a quick spell that set his hair into place before checking the clock that hung on his wall. "And with only five minutes to spare. They didn't make the last minute for nothing did they Walter?" he asked his cat, who replied with a glare. He slipped on some converse, grabbed his cat and his bags, and then grabbed his letter, waiting for the portkey to open up and take him back to school. He'd said his goodbyes to his parents last night, knowing full well that they wouldn't be awake this early.

When the portkey did finally open, it popped him into the exit hall with the rest of the students. He said his hellos and let Walter free to roam the castle before getting in the sign-in line. He finally got himself signed in with Professor Wilfrey, though he cut the conversation short with a mediocre excuse about how much he had to unpack. He quickly made his way up to his room on the third floor, where he opened up his trunk. The dark red bag that he had brought with him was nearly bottomless, and his first year he'd lost three outfits in it. He still hadn't found them. Luckily one of his friends later taught him a charm to get everything out and sorted on it's own, one that he quickly cast. His clothes floated out and hung themselves in his closet as he looked out the window and out at the grounds.

When everything was put away he ran down to the dining hall, taking the steps two at a time. Merlin it is great to be back he thought as he strolled into the dining hall, scanning the room for a place to sit. He spotted Oliver, an upperclassman that he'd come to be friends with and made his way over before taking a seat across from the older wizard. "Oliver Rivers, how the hell are you?" he asked with a smirk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 days ago

(also for some reason I can't get it to center...don't know why it isn't working >_<)

Melanie Stryder

"Melanie, if you don't get up now, by Merlin I'll make you walk there!" The sixteen year old groaned loudly as her mother's shout roused her, and rolled out of bed unceremoniously to comb lazily through her hair and gather together the last few of her things that she hadn't packed the night before.
"Kindle, c'mon!"
she called out to her pet, who had been patiently waiting wrapped around her bed post. Grabbing her charmed bag which now contained all of her books and possessions, and slid down the bannister (much to the dismay of their house elf, Peony, who had just finished polishing it)
Melanie called out a hasty apology to the little wrinkled elf, skidding to a stop in the kitchen where her mother had laid the portkey letter on the dining table.
"I'm here, I'm here!"
she puffed, checking the time on the wall. 7:28, just in time. Rolling her eyes at her daughter, Mel's mother quickly exchanged a goodbye with her. She hadn't accompanied her daughter to RiverWing since her third year, but then again it wasn't really needed.
"Alright, stay out of trouble, young lady. I don't want to hear anything about you getting up to things you shouldn't."

"Oh please, mother." Mel scoffed, "Nobody's complained about Kindle yet, she always behaves and stays out of sight in class anyway."
With a final wave, she seized the letter as the portkey activated and steadied herself as it apparated her into the exit hall.
Slipping around a group of nervous looking pre-teens (must have been the new first years), she got into the sign in line and greeted a couple of the other students she recognised as being in her year. When it came to her turn to sign in she beamed at Professor Willfrey and greeted him politely, though didn't stick around too long-making an excuse that the line was awfully long and she wouldn't want to stall the others.

With a few nods to the other students as she passed them, she quickly made her way to the 3rd floor dorm and to her room. With a flick of her wand, she cast the unpacking charm her mother had taught her last year (it made unpacking a lot easier-and quicker!)
"Alright Kindle, pocket."
she instructed the snake softly in Parseltongue. Nodding her head in understanding, the corn snake slid into Melanie's robe pocket where she would be out of sight of the teachers and other students, and Mel made her way down to the dining hall to join the rest of the school for breakfast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyssa Samara Chase

'Ring, ring, ring!' Alyssa's alarm boomed in her hear causing her to shoot awake. She quickly eyed the small alarm clock that was beside her bed and huffed. '6:15' It read. She was still half asleep from last night. She stayed up almost all night doing her summer homework that she had procrastinated till then. She stood up, stretching, and looked at her disaster of her room. There was no way she was going to make it out of that house with her it looking like that and she also had to pack all of her stuff out.Of course it was an a move only she could make to be completely unprepared. She flipped the light on and began to clean. Most of it was just stuffing the objects under her bed, and also putting a lot of things in the closet. She didn't bother much on the neat factor, at all. It didn't seem very nessesary. She finished up as she kicked the last thing under the ground. She checked the time once more as she finished. She could not afford to be late at all. '6:30.' It read. 'Good I have about an hour she thought to herself. She rolled her suitcase out to the center of the floor and began depositing her belongings into the bag. She finished up and zipped it all up and changed into a white tank top and a blue checkered throw over sweater and a pair of jeans. Sure it wasn't the school dress code but it was only the first day and it was in the schools colors. She brushed out her hair and left it down not bothering to do anything with it.
She finished up with this when her dad knocked on her door. "Hey!" He called out.
Aly sighed as she told him, " Come in." She eyed the time once more. She had about twenty minutes left till the portal key opened up. She was know completely ready and couldn't wait to go. All she had to do is say bye to her brother and her dad.
The door creaked open as her dad entered the room along with her brother. Aly looked at them as she waved a bit." Hey!" She said.
Her dad went over to her and gave her a big hug and her brother joined in as he gave her a hug also. The hug ended sort of quickly and went back to conversation. " So your leaving soon?" He asked.
"Yea in a few." She responded.
He nodded. " Remember don't get in trouble and-" He began but was interrupted.
"Don't fall into the wrong croud. Yea, yea I know dad." Aly said.
He smiled a bit as he pushed a piece of Alys hair back and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Good. I got to go to work. Have fun at school. Remember to contact me!"
Aly laughed a bit as she laughed. "I will!" She said.
Her dad smiled."I love you pumpkin." He told her as he walked out of the room.
Aly nodded as she looked at her wizard brother. " Be careful and no messing around. Stay indoors there's a new villion around town."He warned.
"I'll be fine."She reassured him.
He shook his head." Promise me." He demanded.
"Okay I promise!" She said.
He handed her the letter that he had been holding for her. Aly grabbed it and gave him a hug. "I believe its time." He said.
Aly nodded. "Bye." She said as she opened it.
Next thing she knew she was at the exit hall where it had led her. She waited in line with her suitcase behind her. After a few minutes she signed up and entered into the school. She headed to her dorm. She entered and looked at the empty beds. The one she usually had was still open. 'Yes!' She thought to herself. She went over to the bed at the far corner of the door and next to the window. She placed her bag onto the bed saving it. She knew she should unpack her stuff but she honestly didn't feel like doing so at the moment. Instead she went downstairs to the cafeteria and sat down in one of the seats.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oliver Rivers


Oliver looked about the great room, spotting The 6th year before he even sat down. The boy was one of the many people Oliver knew at the school. A fine person to pull pranks with, less so to pull pranks on. The under classmate greeted him as a friend, so Oliver replied with all the morning grace sought after from a prodigy. "Finn!! I'm great, my parents gave me the ol' talk just before i came actually, it was the best moment of my entire summer!" The sarcasm dripped from his voice making it obvious that his parents had done something possibly offensive earlier that morning.

It wasn't so much that he actually felt like talking about what had occurred earlier, nobody needed to hear about his personal life, especially not people who still liked him. Oliver thought perhaps changing the topic might help. "What about you, and your summer. How was it? Did you perchance know about muggle coffee? They make it themselves with like grindy things or something is that outside of new york or a localized delicacy?" The first part resignated as sincere but as most things with Oliver are the rest was more difficult to tell. Oliver had always been a bit of a joker as a fall back for his more serious side. In all honesty it was hard to tell if he truly didn't understand muggle society or if he was only kidding around.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was 6:30 AM and Johnny was fast asleep at the kitchen counter as the sun had just started rising as it gave the night sky a dark blue tint. He had been up late reading up on various notes for his potions class, but while he had never really seen the use for potions, he had promised his mother he would get better associated with them. He had spent almost the entire summer studying with his sister who was visiting after he practically begged her to help him, and she did not make it easy. For three to four hours in the evening she would lecture and test him on what seemed like any and every potion and every evening for three to four hours he tried not to sleep through it. He did have to give her credit as she DID know her potions. He had done so much studying, he almost forgot to pack everything he would need for the coming year, yet he managed to get everything packed last minute with the help of Snow. As he lied there fast asleep, his faithful companion and his ever loving sister had just come from a walk and headed to the kitchen where Snow decided to hop on the stool next to him and bark in his ear as loud as he could. There shear noise alone was enough to wake the dead as he jumped and flailed around "Someone had a long night" the girl said in an impressed tone as she leaned over the counter and rested her head on her hand. "How many times have told you not to do that Amy?!" He said in a startled tone as he sat back down and gathered all of his notes. He hated when she woke him up, as she always had to mess with him, especially in the mornings. "Oh crap, what time is it" He looked over at the clock that read 7:05 which meant he had twenty five minutes to get ready.

He got up and ran to the bathroom to quickly wash up and grab a new outfit which consisted of a pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt, a pair of black and white sneakers, and a tan button up shirt with a few design patches. He looked at the clock again which read 7:15 meaning he had just enough time to get his luggage and set it near the letter. All in all that took him five more minutes to get together "I was almost late, why didn't anyone wake me?" he asked. "Aww you looked so cute, I thought I'd let you sleep" She facetiously said. He rolled his eyes and waved at Snow to come over as he grabbed the letter just at 7:30 and the portkey opened "I've got to go, tell mom and dad I said goodbye" He said as he readied himself to be transported to the main hall. "Okay, I,ll see you during winter break, and remember everything I taught you" It was the last thing he heard as he instantly arrived at the main hall.

He went to sign in and headed up to the eighth floor to drop off his things with a huge yawn as he headed down to the dining hall to hopefully get some coffee and if he could gather the energy get something to eat. With luck he could get some sleep before the ceremonies started, or sleep through them. As long as he got some more sleep, he did not care what else happened. He entered the dining hall, grabbed a seat and made an introduction with the table as his head hit his arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 days ago

(they're in the same year and both terrified of spiders so I figured they'd get along pretty good xD)

Melanie Stryder

On entering the dining hall, Melanie spotted Alyssa, who she recognised as one of her classmates from the year before and slipped into the seat next to her.
"Hey Alyssa!" she grinned broadly at the other sixteen year old. "How was your summer? Didya get rid of that massive spider in your room at home?" she shuddered at the thought of it, remembering how she had discovered that Alyssa shared her phobia of the eight-legged creatures. "I hope you did, or I shan't be coming over to visit you until you have!" Melanie added with an extremely serious expression plastered over her face. "I might have made it across once but mother had me practising a bunch of charms and stuff and then that thing with the Cloaks happened...she got all paranoid and wouldn't let me leave the house." Melanie rolled her eyes in annoyance at this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Lol yes! Join the fear of spiders clique. based on there personality's they would also seam like they'd be good friends! Xd))

Alyssa Samara Chase
Aly turned over to see her friend Melanie. She smiled as she waved at her."Hey! About time I see you. For a bit that a spider went over to your house and killed you." She joked and turned her attention to the memory over the summer about that creepy looking spider. That thing was terrifying! "Its deffinitly out of my room. If it wasn't I wouldn't even dare to step foot in there. "She shivered at the ought of the spider lurching around in her room. She continued on,"but that chair we broke is still in there." She pushed her back to get it out of her face. "The cloaks? Like a Jackets? She made you practice spells for jackets?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Lol yes! Join the fear of spiders clique. based on there personality's they would also seam like they'd be good friends! Xd))

Alyssa Samara Chase
Aly turned over to see her friend Melanie. She smiled as she waved at her."Hey! About time I see you. For a bit that a spider went over to your house and killed you." She joked and turned her attention to the memory over the summer about that creepy looking spider. That thing was terrifying! "Its deffinitly out of my room. If it wasn't I wouldn't even dare to step foot in there. "She shivered at the ought of the spider lurching around in her room. She continued on,"but that chair we broke is still in there." She pushed her back to get it out of her face. "The cloaks? Like a Jackets? She made you practice spells for jackets?" She tried her best to think about why in the world that would be useful but not a single idea came to her mimd.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 8 days ago

Melanie Stryder

"No, not a jacket silly!" Melanie rolled her eyes again and nudged Alyssa in the shoulder lightly with her elbow. "It was in the newspaper the other day, it's like...some group or other of wizards and witches. They want to stop hiding from the Muggles here and reveal our world to them.". The young blonde shrugged and her eyebrows knitted together as she seemed to give the idea some thought herself. "I think we should, you know. I mean, back in England we hid most of our magical stuff from the Muggles but they still knew a fair bit about us. Seems strange to me for you guys to be so strict about hiding it over here."

(since I'm not sure what the name of the American Wizarding newspaper is, @Classpet? Didn't want to just call it the Prophet, wasn't sure if they had a diff. one?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyssa Samara Chase

Aly shrugged. Over the sumer she read about one copy of the wizards newspaper,and that was after the week after the school ended. For the rest of the summer she didn't bother to pay them anymore money and it stopped coming to her house. She didn't worry much about it and didn't bother to register to get it. Know that it was coming up in a conversation, she sort of regretted this decision. "Oh yea."She told her trying to sound convincing but the hesitance in her voice gave it away. "That's a redicoulos idea though." She said. She was definitely for the idea but she definitely didn't want to blow her cover of being muggle-born. She thought that everyone would look at her differently than they already did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Finnegan Clarke


Finn was interested by Oliver's quick dive into his personal life but refrained from prying. He figure if it was important, his fellow prankster would let him know. As Oliver continued talking, asking about the popularity of muggle coffee, Finn smirked. He wasn't too sure if Oliver was joking about his lack of knowledge on the muggle world, but he figured it was best to answer anyways. "Yes Olly, coffee is pretty common just about everywhere," he said with a chuckle.

His face grew slightly more serious as he began to change the topic. "So, Olly, what have you heard about all this Cloak stuff? Do you think they're gonna gain the momentum they need?" Finn asked, referring to the wizards that wanted to expose magic. Finn had been rather cut off from the wizarding world over the summer, being muggle born and all. His only access had been The Salem Daily, and he didn't fully trust them. He was worried about all this Cloak business though. He figured that this could all be a slippery slope back to the olden days where blood purity came before talent, and Finn refused to live in that sort of world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oliver Rivers

Oliver chuckeled at the answer to his coffee question, giving away the lighthearted intent behind it. Really he already knew all he cared to know about muggles and as far as he was concerned they only existed to fill the space in between wizarding communities and produce funny people like Finn who didn't even have a house elf. Oliver really didn't get how muggles even managed to do half the things they.

Then the topic of the cloaks was brought up. He'd heard of them from his parents and Salem Daily but mostly they seemed like a small harmless group of wackos. His parents, however much he disliked their opinons declared that they were no good and the kind of people who would also try and raise elf wages which according to them was already to high. The news reported as though they were just over excited about stuff and for the most part Oliver agreed. For him everything seemed pretty okay, sure it'd be nice if talking to muggles was more normal after all it wasn't their fault they were so lowly and defenseless.

Finally answering he declared, "I dunno, my parents don't like them but they just seem like a bunch of wackos. Muggles would probably freak out and do something crazy if they knew magic was real. Oop wait sorry not you though bro, I'm sure you're parents are an exception I just mean other muggles". He paused for a moment, reassuring himself that what he said wasn't that offensive and checking that Finn wasn't offended.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyssa Samara Chase

As she talked to Melanie, she overheard the other twos conversation. They weren't that far away from them, and there still weren't a lot of people in the great hall. She felt a bit guilty for listening in on them but at the same time she almost felt obligated to. She couldn't believe some of the things they were saying. 'A bunch of wackos.' The words just kept playing in her mind. Sure she didn't know much about them, but if its all over the wizarding papers, how can he just say that there just a bunch of wackos? She wondered. It wasn't terrible that they were talking about it, it just meant that she could just use the information they were saying as evidents she read the article or articles. 'How long has this been out to the public?' She wondered.
"Wouldn't the muggles be after all of us like they were in the hangings? Wizard war two! An absolutely terrible idea." She continued on her conversation as she twirled around on the stool like seet back towards the table. She couldn't wait for the feast to begin! She was starving. She looked over at Melonie over her shoulder. "Well? Are you going to sit down or what?" She asked as she smirked a bit.
She warily eyed them as they talked out of boredom. She sighed a bit. She sort of wanted to jump into there conversation but she didn't want it to seem like she was ignoring Melonie. It seemed like it was so easy for her to get distracted by something, almost anything. It was one thing she absolutely hated about herself. She gripped the top edge of the fork of the set up table arrangement and began to fiddle with it. She made it go to one of the sides of her napkin with a spin. She then spin it to the side closest to her with a couple of more twirls, passing her starting point, at the middle of the line she made. She poked the napkin lightly each time. It made a small indent into the tissue paper but it didn't last long. She didn't exactly know what she was doing but it didn't entertain her boredom much, or at all. She wondered if she should go and unpack her cloths. It would at least pass some time away. She shook her head no to that thought. There was no way she wanted to do that right then and she knew the ceremony would start soon. With her luck she would be the only one who would make it there late. Well that's what happened during her third year. People seemed to be showing up so slowly that it seemed like there was plenty of time, but she still refused to go.
She sighed as she blankly looked at the plate. 'What time is it?' She wondered. She looked up a bit looking around her for some sort of a clock. She stopped as we realised there wasn't one around. She should of none there wasn't one around, this was the wizarding world not the muggle world. 'Idiot!' She thought to herself. She let the fork fall out of her hand and onto the napkin with a small 'cling'. It wasn't load enough to be noticeable.
She drew held up her thumb as she mouthed the words, 'Strike one." She kept a number of strikes of every time she did something, or said something that related to the muggle world and showed that she used to live there in some way. She managed to keep this a secret for a while and intended on keeping it that way. She had seen some of the things that happened to the muggle-born and she didn't want that, whether she deserved it or not.
She felt as though all of her friends were going to suddenly leave her if she did. Ofcouse she trusted her friends, but she couldn't help part of her thinking that they were all going to turn on her. That they were simple going to ditch her and leave her for something else. She didn't exactly know why she felt this. Okay maybe she knew exactly why she felt this.
She shook these thoughts out of her head. She didn't need to think this right then. She was back for another year at River Wing and she was as happy as she could be about it. Last year was fun for her and she had a feeling that this year was going just as fun or even more fun than the last!

((Nailed it!))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

Crazy Doctor The Konami Kid

Member Seen 17 days ago

Eliza looked up from her game, her eyes straining to see in the dark. The lime green numbers of her digital alarm clock flashed on and off. 4:58. 2 hours and 32 minutes to go. That would be fine she thought. Going back to her game she barely noticed the time tick by, or the sun coming up through the Skyscrapers of New York City . Her curtains drawn closed she missed the birds flying and the sight of the City waking up.

A sharp knock on the door and a squawk of alarm from Fia caused Liz to pause her game and look up. The clock read 6:45. “Honey? You awake? Can I come in?” The door opened without waiting for a response and framed in the light from the hall was her mother, Diane. Her mothers wild red hair made her look like her head was on fire. “Up! Liz get up! Have you been playing games all night? Honestly!” Her mother glanced around the room while Eliza saved the game on her PSP. “This better be spotless before you go or so help me I will go there and bring you back to clean it myself.” Lizzie rolled out of bed and spread out her arms, cracking her back and neck. “Dont worry mum, it will be.” Diane rolled her eyes, she made this threat every year and the room was always messy after Eliza left. “Go get ready.” Her tone exasperated she went downstairs leaving Eliza to stand in her room alone. Fia squawked and spread his wings, as Eliza opened her satchel. Placing it in the middel she pulled her wand out from the cupboard drawer and cast a few spells. The first to clean her clothes, the second to fold and place them into the satchel. Fia flew around the room dodging flying pieces of clothing. As she finished packing Eliza grabbed the clothes she left on the hanger to war today and went to take a shower. Showered and dressed Eliza went back to her room.

“ELIZA, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!” Eliza sighed pushing the half-drawn PSP back in its case. “Im coming, calm down!” Grabbing her satchel she packed the rest of her stuff into her bag before pulling her black hoodie on. The PSP went up on sleeve, her wand up the other. “Fia come on.” The phoenix flew over from its perch and landed on her shoulder. As Eliza exited she looked once more at her room. It was moderatley clean but she knew her mum would find something wrong. She stepped back quickly and opened her curtains, squinting as the light flooded her eyes. Walking back out she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her older brother, Daniel was sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea and clipping the end of his Firebolt. His polishing kit was open and strewn across the table. Eliza poured herself a cup of tea from the kettle bubbling on the stove. Heaping sugar in she quickly slurped it down before she nabbed a slice of toast from Daniel's plate. Her mother hurried into the kitchen and thrust a envelop into her hands. The black and blue seal of River-wing was on the back. Cracking it open Eliza spread the paper out and placed it on the table. Daniel his eyes showing curiosity started speaking. “You know I never got this system of port-keys. The amount of time and precision needed, its just too much effort.” Eliza looked over to her brother. “Yeah the train was fun, but this is quicker.” Running quickly to the lounge she grabbed the pocket watch from the mantle piece. “See ya dad” she murmured quietly to the photo above the fireplace. Clipping the pocket-watch to the waist of her skirt she opened and read the time. “Mum got to go, see ya when I see ya. Daniel good luck for your match against Ireland.” Placing her now cold piece of toast into her mouth she waved and touched the portkey.

With a weird feeling in her tummy Eliza popped out in front of the school. Gazing up at the school she started walking forward, up the stairs and into the main hall. The crowds of people talking made her uncomfortable. The parents of new students greeted each other like friends, while the new students tried to appear unfazed by the hall. Joining her queue for enrolment she waited playing with Fia, she turned and noticed she was last in line. Like always. As she got to the sign in sheet and signed in she started talking to Professor Willfrey. He told her about he had gone and saw his daughter in Canada over the holidays. After a quick chat she went to her room. Climbing to the 4th floor she went to her room, right at the end of the hall. While it wasnt the biggest out of all the rooms it was the most private, in the corner and the door was out of sight from the main hall. Entering she smiled before opening the window. Looking out the window she glanced at the playing fields before pullign out her wands and casting a spell for the window view to be the same as the view from her bedroom in New York. Her bag dumped on the floor and Fia fed and perched Eliza decided to grab some breakfast.

Locking her door with a enchantment behind her she shuffled slowly to the dining room, where she spotted Oliver. He was talking to Finn but she kinda wanted to talk to someone. She walked over quietly before sitting down next to him. “Hi Finn. Hey Oli, how were your hols?” Her PSP came out her sleeve and she started playing.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Finnegan Clarke

Finn smirked at Olly as he got worked up trying not offend him. It was common place among many of his friends, and while nothing was ever truly offensive, Finn took to correcting them if it was. "It's a lot easier to handle the idea of witches and wizards when your son is one. If the general muggle population knew about us, I don't think it would go well. Muggles aren't big fans of change," Finn said, smirking. He turned as Eliza came and took a seat.

"Hey Eliza," he said to the girl. "My holidays were fine. Same old same old. It's always a bore going from here to boring old muggle world," he said. "But how were you're holidays? Run into any adventures?" he asked. His summer had been sorely lacking in the adventure department, as he had been stuck doing summer homework and working at his parents' art gallery.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oliver Rivers

@smarty0114@Crazy Doctor

Oliver beamed. His friends were great, and Finn didn't seem offended at all. Taking up Eliza's question he began to ramble again. "I found this cute coffee place with really nice muggles and this one was kinda, i mean the coffee was hot." He left off in nervous laughter. He'd forgotten all about Mathew at the coffee place. He was the literal actual worst. Oliver vowed to himself that he'd never go back to that coffee place ever again, or anywhere near it for that matter. On top of that the cloaks defiantly were wrong; muggles and wizards needed to stay out of each others hair.

With a fake grin he turned to Eliza "But uh, yeah, Liz, what about you and your summer?".

Oliver wasn't really paying that much attention, he cared about what they thought, but he also still felt bad for accidentally ditching poor stupid muggle Mathew, and for goofing off up until this year, and for all the goofing off he'd still do this year. This was his last year at RiverWing, he had done well grade wise so far, and he was going to have his animagus exam in a week or so and there was just so much going on now that he had a chance to think about it. It sucked, he wished things were easier.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alyssa Samara Chase
Memory's of the year before came into her mind as she thought. She remembered all the stupid yet fun things they did. Then she left for the summer and spent the whole time in her room. It was lame alright and she knew this, sadly. She ended up playing video games unless someone she knew came over to her house which did happen at times, or she went to someone else's house. Her vacation was nice though, no worry's about her grades and she got to hang out with her family a lot.
One thing she couldn't get off her mind was that it seemed like everyone but her knew about the cloaks. She wondered why her brother never told her anything about them. She continued to listen in on there conversation, even though they had stopped talking about the cloaks. As she heard another voice she looked up seeing the girl. She shrugged as she looked down once again trying to go unnoticed. 'Eliza.' She thought to herself as the girl said her name. She sighed as she looked back over at Melanie.
For a second she thought that she missed something that Melonie had sad as she zoned into the world of thought. She has done this multiple times to her and each time she didn't really mean to it just happened. She sighed as she debated if she should ask what she missed or just say yea. She had no clue how long she had been zoning out of the conversation or how much she would have missed. Instead she just smiled and nodded.
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