Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago





@TheWindel & @McFazzer

"When the night falls
the boundary is pierced
and beyond it
lies a world of red."


Mysterious occurrences have been happening through the city. Rumors tell about queer looking creatures stalking the shadows, people disappearing from the streets during the night, crime syndicates so powerful that the law can't even touch them and much, much more.

The common men dismiss such tales as nothing but urban legends, fabrications of the collective sub-consciousness of all who inhabit this sprawling jungle of concrete and steel.

However, there are few who know the truth that lies beyond every corner, within the back alleys where the light never shines and above the rooftops where the wind howls fiercely. These persons are know as Chasers, men and women of every age and path in life that always have at least two things in common.

First, they all know that the world is much more than the eye meets, that the supernatural beings wait inside every shadow, waiting to prey on the unwary. And second, somehow everyone of them has seen what lies beyond this world, the other side of reality that is best left unknown to the everyday men, this other world is know as... The Crimson Sky.

The Crimson Sky

All Chasers know of the Crimson Sky, in fact the ability to get in and out of there is the first and foremost difference between a normal human and a Chaser, and most of them gained their other abilities when they were sent there by accident, or dragged there by one of the Crimson Sky's inhabitants.

Entering and leaving the Crimson Sky can only be done during the night, for those who know how to do it, it is just a matter of crossing the right street or turning a in the correct direction corner. However, the easy with which it's done, meaning the number of places where the crossing can be done, varies with the phases of the moon, being much harder on new moon and almost childishly easy on the full moon nights.

The Crimson Sky is home to a number of different creatures that the Chasers dubbed Youkai for easy of reference. Some of them are friendly, some indifferent, but the great majority are nothing but predators always seeking their next meal.


Welcome to the world of Chasers: Boundary of the Crimson Sky. This is a world of rooftop jumping action, supernatural beings hunting and eldritch mysteries stalking behind every corner.

Your character is a Chaser, a human with supernatural powers/skills that allow them to bring the fight back to the dwellers of the Crimson Sky.


No Godmoding, Mary Sues, Drama Queens and such.

No OOC fighting.

Be reasonable when fighting IC (no auto hitting/ infinite dodging, no killing/ harming someone else's character without their permission and all that).

Be cordial. Respect other people and you will be treated equally, not and we will have to ask you to leave, kindly.

Please respect all of the GMs. We should be the final arbiters of any dispute.

Follow the Guild's rules for content/language. Take any improper material to PMs, please.

Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one paragraph and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent.

Although there is no posting order, please do not spam posts. Wait at least until two people have gone before you before posting again.

If you're going to leave for an extended period of time, or drop the RP, please let us know. We might be become a little sad because of it but we will respect your choice, but leaving without prior notice causes unneeded distress for all the other players.

Everyone will be allowed a maximum of 1 character.

And finally... Have fun! Because that's what we are here for, right?

Character Sheet

Name: Your character's name.

Title: Every Chaser is known by a unique title (usually related to their powers), put some creativity here.

Gender: Your character's gender.

Age: Your character's age.

Height: Your character's height.

Weight: Your character's weight.

Appearance: Your character's appearance, an image (anime pictures only, please), description, or both are all welcome.

Personality: Between one and three paragraphs is an acceptable size.

Short Bio: Same as above.

Powers: Every Chaser has a more or less unique set of of powers (usually, related to a theme), be creative here as well.

Weapons: Your character's most important weapons.

Equipment: Your character's most important non-weapon equipment.

Other: Anything not covered above.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Haruka Yoritomo.

Title: Preacher of Universal Speech.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Height: 160 cm.

Weight: 50 kg.


Personality: Simply put, Haruka is a quirky girl with a personality that can be better described as a troll. She's the type who likes to take what others say and spin it to her enjoyment, oftentimes bordering on fabricated stories. Most of the time, she has a quip or rebutal ready at the tip of her tongue and very rarely stumbles with her words.

As a raising pop idol, Haruka's "face", the sweet, cheerful and charismatic girl, brimming with youth and energy, is known by most, though her true self, a mix of her stage self, the and unrelenting troll with a penchant for weird subjects on psychology, philosophy and sciences, is rarely seen on stage or near it, being an aspect reserved only to her moonlight job as a Chaser, or the times when she's just enjoying her life.

However, when it's time to shoo the clowns, Haruka can become incredibly cold and analytic, using her sharp wits and powers to outmaneuver and defeat most threats that the Youkai can throw at her, or her current allies. Finally, this same Haruka is the one that engage in backyard scientific endeavors, trying to perfect her late father's work, specially his Opus Magnum, the erm... unique Project AURORA.

Short Bio: The only daughter of the genius scientist Dr. Marito Yoritomo, Haruka had an easygoing life, taking after her father's passion for the guitar and sciences, however putting her own spin to it, Haruka became a raising idol after, known for her soft low voice and great looks, however, because her career doesn't allow for it usually, very few know that Haruka is very skilled with both the guitar and the piano, in addition to her singing and dancing.

After her father's death by the hands of the notorious Edward Harker, Haruka took on Marito's research on advanced robotics and as of now, built a secret laboratory (with the help of Aria) to carry on Marito's work on the world's first completely functional android. She has also taken on the life of a Chaser and has plans to enroll on Sonomachi's University of Science and Arts (to study Philosophy) at the beginning of the next semester, even if this will have to put a temporary break on her idol career.

Powers: Haruka's power is known as Universal Language, the ability to influence others and even the world itself, with her words. This ability, is more like an advanced form of suggestion, that turns true anything that aren't outright impossible. However, Haruka can't use said power on herself, or warp reality in anyway, much less to outright mind control people, since all of these are out of her scope, at least until now.

Essentially, it would allow for things such as, she telling someone "Your feet are numb, you'll fall on your next step", and said person would fall if they took another step, or "Even if you try to shoot me, your gun will jam and become useless", which would cause said gun to jam, if the person she spoke to tried to shoot her with it.

Haruka also learned a bit of magic from Aria to be able to summon and dismiss her sword at a moment's notice and other simple cantrips, but this really isn't her specialty

Weapons: Shiranui: A treasure, being a shirasaya chokutoh (that is a guardless straight bladed sword) that can generate and control electricity and plasma in the form of a pale blue lightning bolt. Most of the time the charge is used to shock whoever is hit by her attacks, but she can also "shoot" the lightning by manipulating the potential difference between her and other objects.

Equipment: Mask of the Void: A mask depicting the symbols of the Sun, Moon and Stars, it's said to be made of the "hardened interstellar void", but has no powers or functions besides being completely indestructible.

Haruka also owns a custom built BMW S1000 RR racing motorcycle, with an improved suspension, chassis and brake systems, specially made to be able to jump the gaps between most building without suffering extensive damage. She also always has with her the best smartphone model she can buy, some money/credit cards and at the very least a couple packs of Pocky.

Other: Haruka declared publicly that she has a girlfriend and and little to no interest in boys, whoever said girlfriend's identity is secret.

Also, as befits her troll nature, Haruka greatly enjoys British comedy, finding it almost impossible to resist laughing her heart off with their quips.

Lastly, Haruka is fluent in English and knows a bit of both French and German, since her father's notes are written is a literal soup of idioms, to make it harder for people to decode them and use his work for evil purposes.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


A team of Chasers hanging out as they wait for the sunset.

Place your Character Sheets here, after they have been approved.


Everyone is allowed one character, for the time being. GMs are an exception to this rule, obviously.

Don't post anything here until you've been approved.

Use hiders, when posting your CS, it makes this section way more manageable and easier to browse.

Follow any other of ours/the Guild's rules for your characters.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago



A large city located somewhere on Japan's coast, it boosts an incredible variety of locations, from the Setsuna Mountains, inhabited by a variety of ancient and powerful spirits, to the Old Port/Industrial District, ran by the worst of Sonomachi's scum. This is a city that stands at a unique position in the conflict between the Crimson Denizens (commonly known as Youkai) and the Chasers, because of the concentration and power of the passages between both worlds, earning it the nickname of "Maelstrom of Strife".

The only other known place with so much resonance between the Crimson Sky and the Human World is the city of Prague, back in the heart of the Old World.


Humans who dedicate their lives to fight off the threat posed by the rogue denizens of the Crimson Sky. They wield special powers and, sometimes, Treasures to assist them in their struggles and come from the most varied walks in life, united only by the flimsy banner of their cause.


Denizens of the Crimson Sky, the Youkai are beings composed primarily of Spiritual Power and can come in all shapes and forms, though, most assume the guise of humanity, even if temporarily. They follow a flimsy hierarchy that is based on each individual's power level, which is turn is based mostly on said individual's age, meaning that the older an Youkai is, the more on top of the Crimson Sky's food chain they are likely to be.

The Crimson Sky

A parallel world, beyond the boundary and borders of the everyday men's reality. It envelops and overlaps with the Human World on the places they are closest, meaning that a city on the Human World will be all but perfectly copied on the Crimson Sky, with the noticeable difference that there will be no humans around.

Pretty much any damage caused on the Crimson Sky will not be reflected on the Human World, even if you demolish a building it'll not do anything to its "real" version, unless the barrier between both worlds is exceptionally flimsy at the time. The contrary, isn't valid (most of the time), since the Crimson Sky get's "reset" at each sunset of the Human World, being a fresh impression of how the later looked at that time. Exceptions might happen to places of great concentration of Spiritual Power, such as a temple, or a hospital, since the laws binding both worlds get warped by strong concentrations of power.

Lastly, the Crimson Sky derives its name from its most defining characteristic, the sky that is bathed in the blood red light of the Moon that hangs ominously overhead. Inside the Crimson Sky, the time seems to go slower, and the night is permanent; the Sun never been allowed to touch this cold land. This discrepancy means that staying for extended periods of time in the Crimson Sky is a taxing task for humans and there's no known reports of anyone who survived for more than a week locked in that realm. The contrary is valid as well, since most Youkai can't survive on the Human World for extended periods of time; their Spiritual Power slowly drained, making then disappear little by little, this being the prime cause of Youkai attacks on humans to steal their Spiritual Power for themselves allowing for a continued existence on the Human World.


Special items said to break the rules of reality, like a ring that makes the user immune to flames, a chime that can put those who listen to its tune to sleep, or a sword that can cut someone's spirit, without leaving a single wound on their flesh. These items are by their very nature extremely rare and to posses even one is the mark of powerful individual; during the whole recorded history it's said that no one had more than three treasures at a single time. To affirm the contrary is to declare oneself as a fool.

Hunters' Association

A gathering of the Chasers from all around the world, the Association offers help and support as well as basic handling on the maintenance of the Masquerade, by keeping the common people in the dark about the Chasers' activities. Sometimes, the Association issues bounties and missions for the Chasers and handles any reward they get. A member is expected to pay an annual fee based on their earnings, though it can be postponed if there's undeniable proof that a Chasers can't cover it for that year.

To turn one's back at the Association, or break their very lax set of rules, is to have a deathwish, since their priority is to keep the general populace safely in the dark about the truth of this world.

Youkai Junction

A coalition formed and ran by Miss Chikage Akane, probably the most powerful Youkai known, the Junction serves as a node to protect the Youkai who aren't dangerous to human lives and has a similar role in upholding the Masquerade, and handling of missions as the Hunters' Association, though their ultimate goals differ greatly.

The worldwide headquarters of the Youkai Junction are the rundown alleys of Sonomachi's Old Downtown, popularly known as the Youkai Ghetto, most properly speaking the Red Cloud Music Store, Chikage's personal facade business.


Shorthand for Yotsuba Technology Corporation, the worlds' lead technological conglomerate, having businesses in fields that range from pharmaceutical products, to fine electronics, military grade weaponry, power generation, so on and so forth.

They are also (unknown to the main public) the lead in Crimson Sky and Youkai research, having little to no morals in their pursuit for global monetary supremacy. With such a track, it's no wonder that YTC is the main opposing force to both the Hunters' Association and the Youkai Junction.

YTC is officially ran by a Shadow Council, whose true identities are unknown even among themselves (or so is said); the official face of the company is Edward Harker, a man better not to be crossed, any further information isn't known.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sonomachi City - Dangeki Pawn & Parlor Café

A mysterious dark-haired and red-eyed girl, wearing a dark tunic and scarf, over a white miniskirt and thigh-high leather strap sandals*, walks the streets as the sun sets under the distant skyline of Sonomachi's Downtown. Soon enough she arrives at her mark, the quirky store known as Dangeki Pawn & Parlor Café and pushes the antique door open, and is greeted by a chiming bell, before walking to bar and taking a seat at one of the stools.

"May I help you, miss?" The rather curious barista that worked on the night shift, a rather petite (though not as much as the shop's owner), pink-haired/eyed half-succubus/vampire hybrid named Ellie (wore had a thing for wearing a magician's assistant outfit, inline with the Dangeki's parlor trick side business), asked the girl, as she poured boiling water on some freshly cleaned cups to further sterilize then, before drying them with a pristine white cloth.

"I came here on behalf of Miss Chikage, from the Youkai Junction, there's a message, she wished to pass to the Association. I'd like a café au lait as well."

To that particular announcement, Ellie raised an eyebrow, before replying in a matter of fact way "Oh, so she has? Would you like to talk with the Boss, I'm sure she's busy with her beloved paperwork, but sparing sometime for Miss Akane's envoy shouldn't be hard. Your drink will be ready in an instant, anything more you'd like?"

"Well, perhaps a cheesecake, with lemon zest and whipped cream topping, please. Also, indeed I'd like to talk to Miss Aria, even if she's busy I'm certain that she would like to know about the 'Cataloger of Sacred Relics'." With that said, the young woman rested her chin on her cupped hands to wait while Ellie called Aria, humming a random tune in the mean time.

The Head Magister herself was deep in the throes of her paper work, just as Ellie had predicted. The head of both the Association and the Chasers as a whole could easily note the new presence in her shop and made no effort to slow her scribbling.

"Yes, Yes, I've heard you two already. Just bring her in the back Ellie. Or does she want this announcement to go public? In which case, I'll make arrangements to contact the others immediately. Also, get me a chocolate doughnut while you're running about," she said telepathetically.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, Miss Aria." the dark-haired girl said as she got into Aria's office after having finished her treats, "I came to say that the Junction has received a challenge letter from the Cataloger, declaring that Sonomachi is his next target. The letter was meant to be delivered to the Association as well, so here it's." The girl gave the letter to Aria and certainly, the flamboyant script on it could belong to none but the Cataloger of Sacred Relics.

Looking up, Aria raised an eye to see that it wasn't Ellie with her requested doughnut. Holding back a sigh, she took the letter and carefully began to scan over it. Eyes reading over the words, she blinked once, twice, before looking back at the girl before her.

"I see. Well it was only a matter of time since that walking gold statue would try to pull off something like this. Very well then messenger; you may return to your snacks. And make sure to tell Ellie to make haste in my doughnuts."

With that said, Aria promptly went back to work but not before focusing her mind and channeling herself. It wasn't hard for her to make contact with every Chaser in the vicinity and she made short work of requesting their presence immediately. After all, a challenge issued by the Cataloger warranted only the strongest of her Chasers to complete the task.

"Hey, Boss, here are your treats! Be sure to not spill any on the paperwork~" Ellie said as she placed a plate of freshly baked doughnuts before Aria, alongside the sweets there was also a file containing a few papers. "Tonight's reports, it seems the Jackets are up to trouble again... you'd think they would have learned after last time, but no, they never do. Also, there has been reports of Youkai activity at a few spots through the city, most noticeable the Amagumi Park, the Setsuna Temple and the Gomon Riverbank."

With that said, Ellie took a step to the side and quietly gazed upon her mistress, with a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat's look like a frown, while humming a tune from an old anime about a temperamental goddess and her unlucky minnions*.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Harumi Shizuka.

Title: Shrine Maiden of the Lost Paradise.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: 47 kg.


Personality: Harumi used to be a loner with a serious tendency to keep people away from her because she, ironically, never had any good human relationships before getting involved with the supernatural. A bitter life had made her grow tired of the world at large.

However, Harumi still held a deep inquisitive nature, the boundless curiosity of an unfulfilled child —one could say— and a stubbornness that would make a mule look tame when she made her mind about something.

These days, Harumi still keeps traces of her old self, but the unfettered life as Reiko's apprentice changed her fundamental view of the world. Now that she knows that the supernatural is all too real, Harumi can't help but get excited around being such as kitsune, ghosts and fairies, despite that, she finds jarring the fact that no one, even Reiko, believes that aliens exist.

After all, if there are espers, (alleged) time travellers and (again alleged) people from other dimensions running around the world, why there can be aliens out there somewhere?.

Short Bio: Being the only daughter of a divorced upper middle class couple, Harumi had a privileged (but cold) life most of the time until a unexpected turn of events got her in contact with the world of the supernatural.

Since she is an unplanned child, born out of an one night stand between a couple of careless students, neither of her parents cared too much for Harumi, thinking that money would solve all the problems that a crappy upbringing created. Harumi lived with her mother (a cardiosurgeon) until she became a high school student, when she moved to a studio apartment (after enrolling on, then recently co-ed, elite prep school, Kaname Academy) and managed to live on her own, after becoming full of her parents' crap.

There, she met her first true acquaintance, ***-kun, a boy that had obvious feelings for her. However, Harumi hang around him mainly because she didn't knew how to turn someone like him down, even so, there was no way for her to retribute with feelings that she didn't had. In time that backfired grievous and oonly a stoke of luck spared Harumi from a grisly fate.

Harumi's life changed radically after she was saved by a mysterious swordswoman who was hunting down a spirit that had chosen Harumi as its next target. Shortly after, Harumi was brought to the Hunter's Association on a day when no one other than the World's Most Powerful Mage was making a rare visit to her tutor's headquarters. Reiko took Harumi in, since she was in dire need of a new domestic helper... apprentice an, the rest is history.

Powers: First and foremost, Harumi is a psych, having a rather high potential, but little to no means of exerting her main ability of her own free will, or better, of controlling its output. Simply said, Harumi is a medium that can contact and interact with spirits of all kinds, however her reserved of Spiritual Power is so huge that it keeps "bleeding", making Harumi into a big lure for Youkai and other spiritual beings, like ghosts. Needless to say, such a bothersome power is the source of unending grief to Harumi.

Since she was born a Psych, Harumi can't even use her Spiritual Power to cast magic, which for some can be considered a relief, since her tutor/employer, Asamiya Reiko -The World's Most Powerful Mage- theorized that Harumi could surpass even her if she were to find a way to use magic. Even so, such an endeavor our really not within Harumi's list of wishes.

Weapons: Harumi doesn't carry any weapons in the strict sense of the word, instead she uses magical Ofuda (talismans prepared by her teacher Reiko that can be used to number of situations) and, if the push comes to shove, good ol' martial arts to get her through the perils of a Chaser's life.

Equipment: Kaguya: A ceremonial tool in the shape of a short sword, it's in fact a reproduction of the a treasure long since lost. The blade, despite having a rather sharp edge, isn't meant for battle, but as a focus to the wielder's Spiritual Power.

Truth be told, Harumi has little to no use to the sword since she can't use magic. Reiko gave it to Harumi as the mark of an accomplished apprentice, just like Reiko herself had received it from her own master, thus Harumi wields the blade with quite a bit of pride.

Dress of Heaven: Another one of Reiko's heirlooms, Harumi's shrine maiden dress, is enchanted to be as sturdy and offer about as much protecting as a military grade ballistic vest

The dress also has the neat function of being able to turn into a bracelet (for those moments when a cosplay-like suit isn't the best choice of attire) and back with a simple voice command. The dress also displays Harumi's version of the Scarlet Sage's crest (a white rose over a red field), which Harumi is quite happy to flaunt around.

Other: Despite everyone else's opinion on that matter, Harumi is a firm believer that UFOs and Extraterrestrial beings do exist.

Can do pretty much any household chore as well as any experienced housewife. In fact, if it wasn't for Harumi's domestic skills, Reiko would still be living in a huge trash pile.

Has a thing for bad boys, however her luck is very poor and she tends to end up with scumbag boyfriends pretty much whenever she gets one.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


• • •


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Eclipse Princess

Avatar Title:
Eclipse Princess

Avatar Class:
Warrior (Berserker)

Avatar Level (Initial):

Avatar Guild:
None at the moment.

Avatar Abilities:
Lvl 1 - Shadow Armor (passive): Gains a 20% bonus to defense when in shadowy areas.

Lvl 2 - Shadow Step (passive): Gains a 20% bonus to speed when in shadowy areas.

Lvl 3 - Dark Rage (active): Can be activated to gain a 20% bonus to damage in shadowy areas. If there's no shadow nearby you don't gain the bonus damage, but instead creates an area of shadow around your avatar with a radius of 10 meters/level. Cooldown: 1 min.
Avatar Feats:
Lvl 3 - Power Strike: Increase all damage done by 15%.

Avatar Equipment:
Regalia of the Serpent
"This collection of arms holds the essence of the Snake of the Paradise, a being of unfathomable might said to be older than Creation itself, those who master its power are to be feared as the snake itself."

Serpent's Embrace: A suit of 'armor' said to be woven from entropy fibers, it grants the user unparalleled defense without any form of restriction while boosting their speed and reflexes to be like that of the snake.

Blade of Serpent: A jet-black sword that can be wielded with either one or both hands, it has the power to rend space with a mere swing, even a grazing hit can cause grievous wounds and the user can use the 'ripples' to reach targets far beyond their grasp.

Choker of the Serpent: A choker as black as the void between the stars, coiling around its user's neck and devouring its own tail, like the legendary Ouroboros. It grants the user control over the space and time, bringing all to nothingness with the power of entropy.

Theme Song

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago





Jorm, The Snake of the Endless.


Unknown, but she looks to be in her late teens or early 20s.




November 12 (Zodiac: Scorpio).


Technically, she's a vagabond but doubles as mercenary, bounty hunter and even bandit, when she needs to.

Where they live:

Wanderer, but she generally sticks to Edelweiss' mountain ranges and forests, since it's easy to make a living there.


Originally human, now she's bound to and inhabited by the spirit of World's Serpent, an ancient being of untold power. What this makes of her, is unknown even for Jormungandr, not that she cares for it anyway.


Jormungandr, or Jorm for the intimates, is mysterious being with a serious disposition, or so it seems. Generally she isn't so much interested in idle chatter and frivolities, striking the impression of being seriously tense and dry in her daily relationships. That is, until you get to know that all that seeming uptightness is in fact a slightly morose facade that she projects unconsciously.

Her true self, while being serious to an extent, is way more laidback, to the point that calling her slacker wouldn't be very off the mark. Though, it's more like Jormungandr isn't good with anything that doesn't involve fighting. Most of the time she isn't trading blows with something, she'll be found either sleeping, or eating, both qualities that she display to an astounding degree.

Lastly, Jormungandr seems to be severely lacking in the matter of self consciousness and shame, since she has no qualms about walking around in an impossibly skimpy armor that leaves about nothing to the imagination, but still manages to protect her with a full body force field, without demonstrating any significant reaction. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that the snake was supposed to be a male and bonding with a woman has kind screwed its common sense, or just because she is an exhibitionist, who knows?


Little is known about the individual known as Jormungandr, and the few accounts that are spread though the land usually clash with one another making sure that not one true story can be pieced together, not without a lot of effort, at least.

The most known, and probably closest to the truth of these tales say that Jormungandr was once a humble farmgirl born into a village of Zin that was used to long droughts and poverty. Her parents in a choice between leaving the whole family die of hunger or selling their youngest daughter to a slave monger, chose the second one, despite knwing what they have done... it was the only way, wasn't it?

A young girl, beautiful despite being unkempt, obviously caught the eyes of many would be buyers, but the one to meet such a high bid was a vampire merchant known for his exquisite collections, slave girls being but one of his many devious pleasures. One day, while performing her cleaning duties, the now emotionally emaciated slave girl (who didn't even had the luxury of having a given name) stumbled upon the open door to one of the vaults and was drawn in by curiosity despite knowing the fate of those who were accused to trying to steal their master.

Inside the vault a choker as black as the interstellar void itself and shaped into semblance of the Ourboros, a snake eating its own tail, laid above a pedestal beside an 'armor' that made the girl blush just from a gaze, and a black gunblade that seemed too heavy for most men to handle. It was almost as if the choker was calling for her and when she tried to touch it the snake uncoiled itself and slid up the screaming girl's arm.

The next known thing is that when the master and the rest of the staff arrived, the girl's eyes were glazed and her her expression blank as the snake coiled itself around her neck, fangs carved firmly on the girl's jugular. Stories say that she took the armor and sword afterwards destroying the mansion and everything inside and escaped to seek whatever fate had in store for her. It's also said that her previous master may still draw breath, and be hellbent on avenging the losseshe suffered. Though, none of the mercenaries or slayers sent after Jormungandr ever returned.

Nevertheless, all of this is but a mere gossip and since Jormungandr herself seem to have forgotten a large portion of her early years, the truth might never be uncovered.


Melon. Really, the only thing that Jormugandr really likes are the fleshy round fruits, and she can be easily convinced of swaying to any particular opinion upon the offering of some of the succulent treat.


Money (more like she doesn't bother with it), having to think too hard, sleeping in hard places and bad puns.


Seriously, she's only good at destroying things and killing. She can potentially do some work relying on brute force as well, but you'd better leave fragiles out of her reach.


Chaotic Neutral.


Magic Type:

Space, coming as a gift form her bonding with the World Serpent and its own connection to the entropy that threatens to devour all that there is.

Fighting Style:

Melee, with either one or two hands at the grip of her heavy gunblade.


A heavy looking black gunblade, though the blade can't be used to shoot anything, the bursts are used to empower her melee attacks, or provide unexpected bursts of speed.


Mental tasks. Seriously, she can be put on hold when presented with the even least chalenging scenario, like having to banter with a merchant, or having to deal with a con artist. Take heed, she will default to violence in case she notices she has been scammed.


Fighting. That's what she exists for and the only thing she'll ever be able to do right even if ususally it's just a matter of self-defense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Seyrum Leviathan.

Sey, Snake Princess of the Abyss.

19 years.


August 30 (Zodiac: Virgo).


Where they live:

Half Human/Demon.

• • •

Seyrum is calm and collected, like her appearance suggests. Being lady of high birth she never had to think of petty annoyances like work and such, which in turn caused her to develop a conceited personality, not to the point of total disregard for others, but certainly she thiks she's usually the most importan being whenever she goes.

This would be helped by the fact that Seyrum is the only daugther of a powerful demon, Leviathan -The Snake of the Abyss-, who has power over the magics of water and ice and was is of the Demon Lord's lieutenants and a human girl who saved him after a betrayal almost costed his life, thus being a rare case of half-human/demon hybrid that was not born through less than savory methods.

Seyrum chose a path of education and improvement of both her human and demon qualities. However the demon realm had little in this regard and she then decided to move to human lands and enroll at the famed schools and universities of Edelweiss. She tends to expend some of her time on combat practice as well and became a master handling the rapier and combining magic and swordplay to for a beautiful and deadly display.

Herself, Tea, Fencing and Reading.

Peasants, Dirty, Low Quality Goods.

She's very knowledgeable, since studying is her main pastime, but also has develop quite a skill with the rapier.

Chaotic Neutral.


Magic Type:
Water and Ice, with a small dab of Shadow mixed in. "Winter is coming."

Fighting Style:
Magic Knight, mixing melee and spell casting.

Joyeuse, a glistening silver rapier with a gold and diamond decorated pommel in shape of a serpent coiling around the wielder's hand.

Her pride and haughtiness.

Being a half-demon Seyrum has most of that species strengths without their innate weaknesses.
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Tsc!" Veronique clicked her tongue at Mina, she really wasn't going to back down on this one without a good reason, not when it was about HER home, "And you have a lot of nerve to talk like this to someone while using THEIR things, on THEIR house. Who do you think you are, again?"

Upon hearing Bathory's name, however, Veronique frowned. "Why are you mentioning that filth woman's name? Recent events... are you telling me that..." A sing if pain ran through Veronique's mind as she tried to recall what had just happened, "Damn, what's that? The last thing I remember is being at a party on the hag's, erm... mistress' mansion, before following them here... somehow and then, then..." As Veronique seemed to recall something even if it was just a little detail, her eyes grew as wide as saucers.

"You... you're..." Veronique pointed at Mina again with her mouth now agape, "You are Mina, right? The crazy woman that killed everyone, even that dirty Ba- Ba- Bathory woman. What are you doing here? And, stop using my things right now! I'm hungry and not in a good mood." It seems that even recognizing Mina wasn't enough to shut Veronique's mouth. What kind of torture waited her in the future if she didn't learned to put her tongue in check?

Veronique thought about ignoring the mention of snakes and the possible innuendo contained in those lines, but the name Apophis rang some bells in her head and she couldn't help but ask, "Hey, does anything of this has anything to do with that mutt woman, how was it again... Anubis? The names sound suspiciously similar."

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Another day broke at the headquarters of the underworld organization known as Deep Ground, their mission being the liberation of the lands under the oppression of the corrupt government known as the Imperium. A daunting task for a group as small as Deep Ground, but nonetheless one that should be achieved, if the people of the land were once again to be able to live their lives in peace and dignity.
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Chasers School



- & -


The legends say that a long time ago the world was a better place than it's today. No dark clouds obscuring all but the littlest slivers of sunlight during the day, no blood red moon looming over the skies like the ominous eye of a foreign deity during the night, no monsters prowling the fields and the feeding on weak and the ill. Alas, all things must end one day and so did the old world.

The one we live now is a land where the few who can afford it, live their lives locked away in the few wretched hives of scum and villainy that pass as the world's last cities, each of them huge metropolises full of nothing but the worst humanity has to offer. These cities are run by the shadow corporation known as Yotsuba Technology Corporation, YTC for shorts, a company that rose to prominence after the fall of the old world and now runs it's remnant with an iron fist, being effectively the only form of government left on earth. Their only rule is profit.

Outside the cities things aren't pretty as well, in fact, the world is even more bleak to those who can't afford to live under YTC's security, even as beggars and rapscallions, for the world outside is the hunting grounds of the Youkai. Monsters of all sizes and forms, few of them aren't dangerous to humans, but the greater part are beasts that know only one thing... hunger. The price for freedom from YTC's rules is fear, for even the least rattling at a nearby brush could mean that one's life is forfeit.

To fight this darkness, warrior academies have been founded all over the world, using the power of a technology known as FLUX, the main source of energy in this dark world and channeling their own spiritual energy (present in all living beings), known as Zetsu, these warriors of the darkness came to be known as Chasers. The ones who manage to graduate from an academy are the world's last line of defense, the people's shield and their sword to fight back the shadows and... hopefully liberate the world, one day.

Now, you ask, what caused the world to become what it's today? The answer is simple. Long ago, during an event known today as the Crimson Overrule, a being of immense power, Tsukuyomi -The Prince of Moonlight- fought the Chasers and, despite their best efforts, he won. After this Tsukuyomi plunged the world in darkness eternal and retreated to his palace, leaving the people of the land to struggle for even the most basic needs.

Even now, Tsukuyomi watches from his blood-soaked throne, only the Chasers turn this predicament around, but... will they do it, or is history fated to repeat itself once again?


No Godmoding, Mary Sues, Drama Queens and such.

No OOC fighting.

Post your Character Sheets on the OOC, for evaluation.

Be reasonable when fighting IC (no auto hitting/ infinite dodging, no killing/ harming someone else's character without their permission and all that).

Be cordial. Respect other people and you will be treated equally, not and we will have to ask you to leave, kindly.

Please respect all of the GMs. We should be the final arbiters of any dispute.

Follow the Guild's rules for content/language. Take any improper material to PMs, please.

Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one paragraph and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent.

Although there is no strict posting order, please do not spam posts. Wait at least until two people have gone before you before posting again.

If you're going to leave for an extended period of time, or drop the RP, please let us know. We might be become a little sad because of it but we will respect your choice, but leaving without prior notice causes unneeded distress for all the other players.

Everyone will be allowed a maximum of 1 character.

And finally... Have fun! Because that's what we are here for, right?

Character Sheet

Name: Your character's name.

Title: Every Chaser is known by a unique title (usually related to their powers), put some creativity here.

Gender: Your character's gender.

Age: Your character's age.

Height: Your character's height.

Weight: Your character's weight.

Appearance: Your character's appearance, an image (anime pictures only, please), description, or both are all welcome.

Personality: Between one and three paragraphs is an acceptable size.

Short Bio: Same as above.

Powers: Every Chaser has a more or less unique set of of powers (usually, related to a theme), be creative here as well.

Weapons: Your character's most important weapons.

Equipment: Your character's most important non-weapon equipment. Characters can have at most one Treasure.

Other: Anything not covered above.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Kurenai.

Title: Seven Swords.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Height: 160 cm.

Weight: 51 kg.

Personality: Kurenai usually is a person of few words that tends to spare little time for nonsense. A very natural reaction for someone that has no ties to the past, at all. She's no misanthrope, just someone who doesn't know how to hold a proper conversation, since she has no past experiences to put weight behind her arguments, so unless someone actively tries to involve her in conversation, or she has something important to say, Kurenai will keep quiet.

Kurenai feels more at home with weapons than with people, so it's not an uncommon sight to find her training even past the time when others had gone to sleep. She'll always strive to become better, since her swordsmanship is the only thing that Kurenai can be sure that belongs to her.

Short Bio: Kurenai has no recollection of her past, beyond waking up in a pool of blood, with missing arm amidst a sea of fire that once used to be a farmer village. She would have died, no, she should have died... if it were not for the timely arrival of the man who would become her master, a wandering swordsman by the name of Archer Crowley, who was also a smith.

Crowley took Kurenai in, trained her to become a warrior of unparalleled skill and created an artificial arm for her, not unlike the one he had. Kurenai thought that the free days beside her master would last forever. However, fate would prove that she was wrong as soon enough she was separated of him in the aftermath of a battle. Kurenai has been searching not only the memories of her past as well as Crowley's whereabouts ever since and finally, her search led her to only place she could not only find Crowley's trail, but also keep on honing her skill at the same time.

Manifestation: Kurenai's manifestation is the power of speed, she can move fast enough and has the reflexes to dodge most types of projectiles from all but point-blank range. At full speed, Kurenai is so fast that she barely leave a blur behind her and it's not uncommon to find people who think she's teleporting, instead of running, even if it isn't the truth.

Weapons: Kurenai doesn't carry around one single weapon, but seven blades blades out of a full set of ten, each with slightly different properties and shape and is proficient in using said weapons under any combat form. Some of the weapons have different modes as well, being:

- 2 FLUX powered gunblades, which can be combined into a greatsword;

- 2 Swords that can change their shapes to become spears and be combined into a trident-like FLUX powered weapon;

- 2 Swords that can be used defensively as tonfa-like weapons, or become a FLUX powered bow that produces ammunition on demand;

- And, finally her most powerful and cherished weapon, a FLUX powered katana whose sheath is an integral part of the weapon, specially when used quick draw attacks.

More combinations and other tricks are possible as well, and it's not rare for Kurenai to employ them as the situation demands.

Equipment: Kurenai has no special equipment at all, other than her artificial arm, which has no special features (at the moment) other than being very well made.

Other: None at the moment.


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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago


Name: Reiko Asamiya

Title: The Scarlet Sage.

Gender: Female.

Race: Human, though there are non-confirmed stories that say she might have vampire blood running in her veins.

Age: Unknown, but she looks to be around 25 years old..

Height: 170 cm.

Weight: 63 kg.

Appearance: Reiko is a slightly tall woman with a toned and slender figure who looks to be in her mid to late twenties. The stern and scholarly look in her glasses-framed red eyes is complimented by her long dark hair, reaching past her waist, giving Reiko an aura of respect, as is expected of a serious academic such as she.

Her usual attire consists of an overcoat over a white shirt and skirt, with a pair of thighs covering her legs and adventuring on her feet to endure her constant outdoor expeditions. No matter what, Reiko is always seem wearing a long red scarf, a mark the women of the Asamiya lineage.

Personality: Reiko is a serious, no-nonsense person as is expected of someone who has attained the rank of World's Strongest Mage by talent alone, instead of racial or birth gifts and within the life time of a single human to top it all. She wears an aloof facade, but deep down Reiko is quite vengeful, perhaps even sadistic, and does not take kindly on those who insult her unless they have a special meaning to the World's Strongest, like a pupil or a lover. Anger her at your own peril.

First and foremost, Reiko is an scholar, thus she enjoys to study and pass on her knowledge to others, as long as they are able to follow her rhythm of teaching, which is no small feat. Specially, Reiko is prone to philosophical arguments that can extend for some time if you indulge her for too long.

Reiko seems to have a personal distaste of her own master, mainly because the harsh training of those on the line of the World's Strongest Mages tend to breed this kind of discomfort between student and tutor even if they don't outwardly hate one another. It's just that it's hard to look on the person that nearly tortured you both physically and mentally for years and be all kisses and giggles for them, there's no rancor involved on this relationship.

Short Bio: Reiko Asamiya, the Scarlet Sage, the World's Strongest Mage, all these names and perhaps others that she is not aware of refer to the same person.

Reiko was born to the demon hunter clan known as the Asamiya lineage, a matriarchal family that has bred some of the best witches of history, while their men are known to be unnoteworthy, at best being librarians and archivists of the Asamiya history as payment for being accepted in such a powerful clan. Form her early childhood it was determined that Reiko was a genius without compare ever since the time of the foundation of the clan as she devoured all the lore she could find and mastered the Asamiya magic at an astounding rate.

Soon enough there was nothing more for Reiko to learn and then her grandmother made the harsh decision of sending the still wide-eyed infant to be trained under the Magister of the World, a mage known for her powers and her strange ways. Reiko succeeded were countless others failed, however once she came back from her training, Reiko was a completely different person. Her idealism had been swapped with calculations and her wide-eyed grin with the harsh stare of one who had seen and knew too much of the working of the world, cynicism had taken a grip of her heart and refused to yield.

Not all of this was the Magister's fault, though; certain... personal experiences changed who Reiko is from her core out after she concluded her studies and as a sign of this, Reiko offered herself to work with her master, again, shaping the new generations. Hopefully, no new World's Strongest Mage will need to be bred by her, since this training is much more than most can ever dream to take.

Manifestation: As a mage, and the World's Strongest, Reiko's powers take on a different shape than most. Magic allows her to do any kind of thaumaturgic and occult effect, though most spells would require a modicum of preparation at least, Reiko is powerful and skilled enough to enact even grand rituals with mere minutes at most.

Reiko can generate barriers, cast curses and enhancements, summon spirits, and even do direct magic attacks with easy, though her signature magic is Rose-Killing, a subtype of blood magic unique to her, which allows Reiko to create and shape "roses" made of blood and magic. These roses are completely under Reiko's control and diffuse an extremely powerful and corrosive hemotoxin, not to talk about the thorns that can dig through steel armor while the vines strangle you to death. Truly, being caught on Reiko's garden leads to a gruesome demise, be either human, Youkai, or whatever else.

Weapons: Reiko has absolutely no need for weapons and if she ever does need it, she can simply summon whatever weapon she wishes to.

Equipment: As above, though depending on the nature of her current research, she might carry around tools that are more practical than employing magical for their job, most particularly, books to take notes.

Other: None worthy of note.


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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Chasers: Boundary of The Crimson Sky

Sonomachi City, Setsuna Mountains

"Ho~ Oneiros, the bells earrings that can put the ones who listen to it to sleep? This is a nice trinket, my friend. I'll guess I'll be adding it to my collection as well." Said a blond young man with clear disdain to the downed Chaser bellow his feet. "Endless Lullaby, have they not warned you I was coming, or did you just wanted to play the hero? Either way, my business here is done", as the man said so, he finally stepped on the other side of the narrow bridge that Endless Lullaby was guarding, before setting his gaze on the urban landscape before him, spreading his arms and shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Sonomachi, prepare yourself, for here I come!"

Sonomachi City, Dangeki Pawn & Parlor Café

And so it began, another night, another round of secret gatherings and mission to keep the peace of the city and the world intact.

In the wait for this to happen, Ellie went into Aria's office bringing a mug full of freshly brewed bloodchino and some doughnuts "Everything is ready, Mistress, we should be receiving the Chasers soon and the reports have arrived in time again. Even so there's something wrong with all this... I have a feeling I can't shake off, what could be it? Perhaps, the loneliness of my heart, or something much darker in the works?" As Ellie said so, her tail snaked subtly but certainly to the underside of Aria's skirt. Well, it was to be expected, at least for Aria, since the Magister should know all too well that even when her... overly dedicated familiar was being serious about something she couldn't help herself from demonstrating her love for her master in the most inappropriate ways.

• • •

Anyway, as the Chasers surely would begin to arrive again, they would be met with the mission board, currently with only the following options:

- A Youkai has been prowling a neighborhood near the Train Station and devouring people's souls while they sleep. It has been reported to be a Baku, a dream demon that can invade people's minds while they are asleep. For specific information, please ask either Master or I.

- There have been reports of a possible Poltergeist in an abandoned traditional residence on the Setsuna Mountains' village rumored to be the hiding place of a great fortune. Please, investigate and report your findings.

- More missions will be added as soon as Master finishes reviewing the remainder of the reports.

Sonomachi City, Outskirts of Reiko's Residence

Entrenched on the forest on the Outskirts of Sonomachi is a mansion rumored to be home to a witch known as the Scarlet Sage. They say she is the most powerful mage in the world, but also a very hard to deal with individual and, that's not wrong. The Scarlet Sage is really a pain to handle sometimes.

At the gardens of the old Western-styled mansion, red roses bloom the whole year, giving it a sophisticated appearance, even if the thorny vines entwined in the fence make for a very painful greeting to unwelcome visitors. To any who can peer upon the Crimson Sky, the house's defenses would clearly be seen to not stop by there, with multiple layers barrier taking a good part of the very forest where the ghostly manor is located.

Either way, it was from this very same mansion that Harumi Shizuka, the mage's apprentice, was going out that night, leaving for the Dangeki in order to meet with a certain kyuubi that has been giving her quite a deal of troubles these days. The presence of the mage could only be hinted by the fact that the light of her study flickered on just a moment after Harumi left.

@TheWindel@GrafRoy Zeppeli@Rune_Alchemist@Ashifili@rechonq@Shisa@Queue13@McFazzer@IncredibleBee@SolisHeretic
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Eris "Valkeyr" Reinhardt

Name: Eris "Valkeyr" Reinhardt.
Age: 17 years.
Height: 162 cm.
Weight: 59 kg.
Hair Color: Blonde.
Eye Color: Green.
• • •


Eclipse Princess

Avatar Title: Eclipse Princess.
Avatar Class: Warrior (Berserker).
Avatar Level: 3.
Avatar Guild: None at the moment.
• • •

Avatar Feats:
• Level 03: Power Strike - Increase all damage done by 15%
Avatar Abilities:
• Level 01:
• Level 02:
• Level 03:

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Name: Itsuko Mariann Kanzaki.
Title: The Rampaging Tiger.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Age: 17.
Height: 155 cm.
Weight: 53 kg.
• • •

Appearance: .
Confidence, this is the word that can sum the irregular existence known as Itsuko Mariann Kanzaki. She's the best, the one and only, and she knows that and accepts no one spitting crap at her or trying to make the Rampaging Tiger bow down. That said, Itsuko can pass the impression that she's nothing but an arrogant fool to those around her, at least until they get acquainted to her and notice that, indeed she has an ego the size of the Sun, but she's no fool, or mean.

However, Itsuko has a habit of sticking up with people that she sees as those that need a bit of fire in their lives, or those she thinks are fun (though Itsuko's sense of fun is highly twisted because of her personality), after all... "If you don't think of yourself as the protagonist of your life, who will?" That's the most valuable lesson Itsuko got from her parents.

Nevertheless, to think of oneself as the best is not to think of others as inferiors, but to be the one who inspires others to find their own 'bestness', after all the true best is the one that can outshine the competition, just like the sun does to the other stars.

That's Itsuko for you, the shining star of gold that refuses to fade and bow, but at the same time serves as the guide to others, as long as they keep in mind that Itsuko is, and always will, be the number one.

Short Bio:
Itsuko Mariann Kanzaki, is the only daughter of the former commander of the US military base at Okinawa and the heiress of the Kanzaki zaibatsu, an industrial and financial conglomerate so vast and powerful that it's said that with a snap of their fingers the economy of the whole Japan could be snapped in half at a moment's notice.

To say that Itsuko had a privileged upbringing would be a gross euphemism, specially considering that her parents (as busy as they were) managed to avoid the stereotype of uncaring parents and made their best to be sure that Itsuko was always well. To cope with the huge amounts of time that she had for herself, Itsuko took on the hobby martial arts training and other athletic practices and became a genius when it comes not only to how use her body, but how to use it well.

• • •

Manifestation: .
Weapons: .
Equipment: .
Other: .

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

Magical Notes

A Tale of Songs and Knights


A long long time ago the world was a peaceful and serene place, life was good and wars or plagues never cursed the land. Until it was plunged in darkness when the Goddess of Strife overthrew the other members of the Heavenly Host, the sons and daughters of the Creator. It is said that she used the power of her songs, being the most beautiful singer between all the gods, she used her music to summon terrible beasts known today as Dissonances and slay the other gods before unleashing her own children upon the world of mortals.

In an attempt to preserve their own creation, the gods reunited their last remnants of life force and imparted some mortals with the power of summoning legendary creatures of themselves through the power of music, known today as Spirits, to fight back the Dissonances.

After a long and arduous war, the forces of Goddess of Strife finally were defeated and she was sealed away to never be seen again. Even so, the Goddess' power is so great that the land is still plagued by Dissonances even today, to fight back this threat and defend the land special schools were created to train the next generations of Song Knights, the only ones that can wield the power to summon Spirits and bind them to their service.


The story will begin during the 243rd Liberation Festival on Arpeggio, the capital of the Bach Empire. The festival is a week long series of holidays when people celebrate the defeat of the Goddess of Strife with religious, military and artistic events. All player characters will be students of one of the Song Knight academies of the world, who congregate annually for the Battle Royale, a tournament to choose the best Song Knights in the land.


The story is set on the land of Da Capo, an insular continent roughly the size of Europe where three countries control about 80% of the usable lands (about half of the mainland area), the rest being divided between numerous city states and non-claimed territory. The rest of the continent is taken by vicious mountain ranges, deep forests and overran by amok Dissonances, being completely unsuitable for occupation by human, however members of the Elven people make their homes at such places.

When it comes to technology, Da Capo is mostly around the level of the Renaissance, however there's the addition of key pieces of Magitech like long range communication devices (too big to carry), vehicles and an everyday analogous of electrical power. All of them powered by Crystals, which are crystallized fragments of magic obtained from the Ruins, which are places where remnants of the Old Civilization from before the days of the Great War. Needless to say, such places house countless dangers and powerful Dissonances.

Partial Map of the Da Capo continent.

Bach Empire: Controls most of the colder and heavily forested lands of the north of the continent, having about 50% of the usable land under their banner. They value order and are a very militarist people, with a penchant for xenophobia, heavily distrusting the Elves. Primary colors: Black and Purple. Academy: Imperial Song Knights' Academy of Cadenza.

Wolfgang Alliance: A coalition of several states united under the same banner for military and economic interests. They are a flimsy union that has many different views of life and are led by a Council of Representatives of each of the minor states that form the Alliance. They hold control over the Southwestern lands, an area dotted of large plains and marshland, corresponding to roughly 20 % of the usable lands. Primary Colors: Green and White. Academy: United Academy of Song Knights' of Crescendo.

Chopin Republic: The smallest of the major states, they control the remaining 10% of the usable lands, having most of their territory at the East taken by craggy rocky terrain rich in unexplored mineral resources. They have the most open minded culture, valuing individual liberty and rights and the most advanced education in the land. While officially a republic, their Head of State is a member of the former ruling Royal Family, while the government is headed by a Prime Minister, the chief of an elected Parliament. Primary Colors: Blue and Yellow. Academy: Grand Academy of Song Knights' of Capella.

Elves: The wielders of the Primordial Songs, it's said that elves had the power of summoning even befre the Great War came upon the land. They are said to be a pure and beautiful race that makes their home in isolate forests, within deep valleys where no man ever set foot. Under normal circumstances they do not interact with outsiders, thereby they became legends over time. These days many people laugh at the mere mention of elf sightings.


Your characters will be students at any of the three before mentioned Song Knight academies. Since their initiation is complete everyone will already have control of their specific Spirits, life long companions and servants that share a bond, formed by music, with an specific Song Knight. Song Knights are also capable of employing magic based on songs, either by voice or any other instrument, though said magic is limited to effects linked to the elements upon which their Spirit is aligned.

Furthermore, all song knights are trained in some form of combat, either armed with swords, bows, guns, spears, etc, or not. Many of them also have complimentary skills, based from their walks of life before joining an academy, academic knowledge, athletic skill, survival lore, or even something as simple as cooking or cards games.


Mysterious beings that are summoned the Aether upon reality by the power of a Song Knight's Summoning Aria and are bound to their summoner by their own free will. Other than this fact all Spirits are as different as the Knights they serve, varying in size, shape, intelligence, disposition and elemental affinity. These parameters are used to classify a Spirit within a scale of Ranks, from E to A, the closer a Spirit is to A rank, the more powerful they are. There's also rumors of Spirits that go beyond this scale and are classified as EX Rank, but the means to summon such a powerful creature are unknown.

Elemental Affinity: A Spirit is aligned to one, or two of the following elements, being immune to the same elements as they are composed and weak against opposing elements. For this reason, a Spirit can't be aligned to two opposing elements (e.g.: Fire and Water).

Fire x Water
Air x Earth
Water x Fire
Earth x Air
Light x Dark
Dark x Light


• No Godmoding, Mary Sues, Drama Queens and such.

• No OOC fighting.

Post your Character Sheets on the OOC, for evaluation.

• Be reasonable when fighting IC (no auto hitting/ infinite dodging, no killing/ harming someone else's character without their permission and all that).

• Be cordial. Respect other people and you will be treated equally, not and we will have to ask you to leave, kindly.

• Please respect all of the GMs. We should be the final arbiters of any dispute.

• Follow the Guild's rules for content/language. Take any improper material to PMs, please.

• Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one paragraph and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent.

• Although there is no strict posting order, please do not spam posts. Wait at least until two people have gone before you before posting again.

• If you're going to leave for an extended period of time, or drop the RP, please let us know. We might be become a little sad because of it but we will respect your choice, but leaving without prior notice causes unneeded distress for all the other players.

• Everyone will be allowed a maximum of 1 initial character, that being, both a Song Knight and their respective Spirit. This number can be expanded later, depending on the story's needs.

• And finally... Have fun! Because that's what we are here for, right?

Character Sheets

Song Knight

Name: (Self-Explanatory).
Title: (Optional).
Age: (Between 14 and 19).
Gender: (Self-Explanatory).
Grade: (1st to 4th).
Academy: (Self-Explanatory).
Height: (Self-Explanatory).
Weight: (Self-Explanatory).

Appearance: (Either an image, description, or both. No real life photos, please).

Personality: (At least a couple paragraphs, please).

History: (At least a couple paragraphs, please).

Instrument and Weapons: (Choose one of each).

Magic: (A short explanation of you Knight's magic. Must be based on your Spirit's Elements).

Other: (Anything not covered by the above).


Name: (Self-Explanatory).
Title: (Optional).
Gender: (Self-Explanatory).
Element: (Self-Explanatory).
Rank: (From E to A).
Height: (Self-Explanatory).
Weight: (Self-Explanatory).

Appearance: (Either an image, description, or both).

Personality: (At least a couple paragraphs, please).

Powers: (A short list of you Spirit's powers. Keep it reasonable, please).
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