Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
Avatar of RumikoOhara

RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Echo sat in her mobile workshop working on modifying a wrist saw for a client who'd paid good money for what she saw as a worthless piece of crap. He wanted a monowire saw that could fit into half the space as a conventional spin saw even though she'd tried to talk him into replacing the entire unit with a vibro blade that was almost off the shelf.
As she inhabited the micro factory she could skill recall their conversation.

"I know what I want and I want the thing to be monowire, I'm comfortable with monowire systems. They cut the molecular bonds of materials and do it without a sound, vibro blades make that dam hum and don't do the job as quick or surgically" Her client had said stating his case

"That's true but the modifications you want me to make to your monowire saw will limit it's cutting depth to only 4.45 Cm. Not to mention that it will also create an inherent structural flaw in the device that any moron with a rudimentary skill in engineering can see before it's done says an exasperated Echo.

Then she returns to work on what she considers a substandard device remembering what the sales people at her mom's company used to say "The customer is always right"

"Bullshit they're always right, if they really understood what they wanted then they'd build it themselves" she grumbled

Four hours and twenty minutes later after adjusting and installing the piece of crap into the guys arm Echo looked at him asking "Well I tried as much as I could with your bullshit request to make it work and it dose but I won't guarantee it past three maybe four uses if you're careful and not one if you aren't"

He popped the blade in and out checking it's responses to his command as he smiled. Then looking up at Echo he grins asking "You don't sport any metal at all do ya Doc?"

"Nope I'm as clean as if I'd just been born she says with a smile

"You know that's strange Doc cause most of your kind I've meet are dam near machines" he chuckles as he pops the blade out a couple of more times

"I have allergies, now your work is done time to. Leave so I can work on something worth while" she says with a giggle

The man moves quickly and has Echo restrained before she can even respond adding insult to injury by holding the extended mono blade to her throat.
"That's too bad Doc cause then this would have been more fun if you could have fought back"
He licks her cheek chuckling an says "But don't worry Doc we'll still have some fun before we get the codes to this thing an I make an easy cred."

He's stunned suddenly as a robotic arm swings down and strikes him precisely at the base of the skull rendering him paralyzed as it lifts him away from Echo

"He.....he....hey Doc I...I was jus jjjoking, it was a spoof" he stammers his eyes bulging in fear

Echo sighs an points to a sign that decorates many a Cyber Doc's wall an it reads
"Thieves will be scrapped and sold for parts"
"You read the signs like I asked an you still thought you'd try your luck, sorry but rules are rules" she says just before the arm delivers a surgical jolt of electricity to his brain rendering him into a vegetable.

The man now nothing more than spare parts both biological an cybernetic is wrapped in a bio web to insure he doesn't spoil while in storage then dropped onto a tray that is then sealed in a case.
Echo walks up into the workshop cab where Delta-7 sits at the driver's station awaiting her mistress.

"Well that was a waste of time, take me to Dawg's place so I can sell the dumbass an get him out of my home" says Echo to her only friend and spare body.

"Yes Echo at once" answers the Android still displaying only autonomy and not life

Echo climbs into her bunk above the cab and relaxes before she must deal with the eccentric Junk Yard Dawg and his gang of booster ghouls..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Insurrection, A mostly black city built for the poor by the poor. A city that very few rich care about and a place where the only thing that matters is your name. Insurrection was once said to be for the rich and rich only though now it's for the poor and the crime loving with no hope of ever coming back to it's good 'ol days. Still though it's cybernetic technology, and lights could still be seen all the way from Eden, as can it be smelt. Than again, who needs clean energy what this city has heroes? That's right even a dark shit city like this has some good people... enough to try and make a difference. The discovery of individuals with superpowers happened long ago though not many people paid much care or attention to it, some even gone far enough to say it was a myth... Even in this city, people cared... A great example of such a person might be this guy...

A man who was walking away mistakenly missed the trash can and thus a man with a strange green white skin flew down and used the wind, the earth, fire, water and other elements of the world to move this piece of litter. Behind him was several kids who had the powers to create this ultimate being of power. " Captain earth, why are we wasting our time here? we should be helping stop people from killing each other... you know, use our powers for good or something useful? said one of the girls but only to be dismissed by the all time hero. " You see kids? We just made this world a lot better and we're slowly but surely saving the earth. As the hero continued to talk to the teenage kids like they were two a random civilian from above threw down a banana peel which landed onto the ultimate great superhero, Captain Earth. as soon as it touched his face captain earth began screaming and crying. Kids AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...... KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!! IT BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! SOMEONE,ANYONE!!! HELP!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...." Seeing their creation begin to slowly die as the banana peel burned inside the man's face as though it was acid the kids just walked away. " This guy is fucking lame. And these rings are fucking gay." said one of the guys as the group agreed and soon they threw their rings into the dumpster, never to be used or seen again as their once great hero was dead on the floor... the banana peel slid off his face, which was now a half melted skull.

Okay so not all heroes are great.... Umm... Umm... Okay... Let's see what's happening somewhere else, shall we?

The cars drove across the roads at high speeds, oil was a thing of the past though that did not mean that the air was any better than how it was back in the day. Machines could be heard and lights of all colors shown all around the black steel buildings... Enough lights to put the Vegas into shame. A loud gunshots could be heard from miles away. Running footsteps ran from alleyway to alleyway as a man wearing brown leather boots and a tore up beanie that went out of style many years ago. As he stepped a puddle of mucky black water splashed everywhere as the man tried to run from a crime scene. A man and his wife were at the wrong place at the wrong time as they stepped to the side while their son used the restroom. It didn't take a genius to know what had happened there. The man was shot two times in the head and the wife had six gunshots across her body, showing her cheap cybernetic implants that stopped three of the bullets. The son would return to see his parents on the ground lying there dead as their bodies bled further into the alleyway.

The murderer was holding a purse and wallet that would have more than enough money for the new drug "Synch" which was sold by several gangs who fought to be the top seller and own the city insurrection, which was broken up into several parts for their gangs and wars. The man saw a black car on the other end of the alleyway. 'I am there... I made it... I did it... Those fuckers didn't even see what hit them. I'm rich now... hahahaha... they got what was coming to them... stupid fucks... I hope their bodies bleed into the streets... who did they think they were to talk to me like that? Year's worth of Synch here I come." was all that went into the man's mind as he opened the door and jumped into the car. "Ey man, glad to seeyou'realive... ddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddd yougetit?" asked the driver as he turned around to look at his friend holding all the money. " I have the money now fuckin drive." Yelled the murderer as the driver simultaneously pushed down onto the pedal, making the car speed completely out of the alleyway to run from the scene.

The murderer laughed as he boasted inside the car how he murdered them and got the money. The man in the passenger seat smiled and said, " yoooouuuu...aresofuckingawesome... here take ahit... You eeeeaaaaarrrrrnnnnneedit." said the man handing a strange metal canister to the killer who quickly grabbed it. Opening the bottle a red gas of a strange chemical mixture came out. Not wasting a moment the killer placed his mouth on the metal bottle and inhaled the drug completely, coughing as he closed the lid. One hit was far more than enough to last at least thirty minutes with the full effects of the addictive drug. Soon the killer's eyes widened as he looked around, his vision dulled into pure Blues as the greens and red of the world faded into nothing. Timed seemed to act both fast and slow at random, similar to pressing a fast-forward and a slow button. The killer could swear he is hearing voices or his friend's thoughts. 'man... this shit is the best we've had in ages... was what the killer thought to himself though mistakenly took it as his friend's thoughts. [b]" I know right? This fucking shit is the best." replied the killer to his own thoughts as both of his friends looked back at him for a second. " Shitdude... youjustread mmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy mind. eeeeeeeyyyyyy... wegotapsychhere" The driver and the passenger turned up the music as they practically partied in the car, driving recklessly onto the speeding freeway.

It didn't take long before they reached the warehouse where the gang would be hiding at. The grey stone building with black metal doors was all that could be seen and even being outside of it you could feel the near freezing temperatures of it. the building wasn't defended or anything though, which it was at least two hours ago. "Something's noaight" Said the driver as he opened the door and the trunk, in it a child could be seen, a girl around twelve years tied up in the trunk laying next to multiple forms of guns, crying as she screamed at the top of her lungs. Even at this age she knew that nothing would save her from whatever fate these men had fer her. 'ssssshhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttt..... dudewhatthefuck? why is there a girl in the trunk?' thought the driver to himself, believing that it was his friend. " Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, whileyouwere goooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee I foundthislittle fuck. Thought boss'll lllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiketohavefun with her before sending herawaytodo wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttttt ssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wasborntodo... please." responded the driver to the murderer and his friend. "LikeIcare? responded the murderer as the group grabbed their guns from the trunk and loaded them up with their clips before walking inside. "John, meandSmith wwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll go in... staywithgirl." said the passenger as they walked inside the building. John was holding a shotgun as the other two carried assault rifles and pistols.

As the two walked inside the building they noticed that all of the lights were off. " kay,shit'sgettingweirdnnnnnooooooooowwwwww" said Smith as he turned on the gun's flashlight as the two walked into the building. As they walked into the building, passing aisle after aisle of large boxes in the abandoned building. a sound of chains being slowly dragged onto the floor could be heard as they walked. The building was far too silent and it was clear that someone else was here. " Idddddddddddddooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn'tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttlikethis" said the other man. Right when he finished a body with a chain could be seen jumping at them from the roof. With a quick scream the two men shot the figure, which stopped to hang in the air with a chain around it's neck and now multiple gunshots in him. "f-fuck...weshottttttthhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeboss!!!!WWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCKINGKILLEDHIM Yelled Smith, who was now panicking as the dead figure was dangling in the air in front of him.

Soon a scream could be heard from further in the building, in which both of the two men ran quickly towards. only to find another body hiding in an empty box with a slash across his throat as the guy coughed up blood. his hand had a pistol in it as he twitched and looked at the other two men. They started to curse to themselves as they ran out of the building. As Smith was running all he could see was his friend from behind him suddenly have a knife through his body as he was being pulled back into the darkness. Time slowed down in Smith's eyes as his friend "slowly" was pulled into pitch blackness. "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT...."[b] was the only thing he could say as he ran out of the door. [b]" JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN STARTTHECAR" Yelled Smith before turning around to shoot everywhere at random in hopes to land a clear hit against this person. As he shot until his clip was completely empty he tried to quickly reload his gun as the silence and emptiness was still around. soon a loud bang could be heard from inside the building and a new hole was inside Smith's head as his brain matter and blood splattered onto the floor.

John closed the trunk and ran inside the car at this time, shotgun in hand as he hoped to get away but as soon as the car started a body fell from the sky and landed onto the car's hood. John screamed as he looked at his friend's lifeless corpse that laid there on the hood of the car. Still though he tried to drive away but soon four more loud bangs could be heard from all around as the he could hear all of the tires pop. With little choice John got out of the car and could see a figure wearing a strange black armor and a trench coat in front of him. Without any questions he began shooting as the figure strangely teleported from left to right dodging each shot with ineradicable speeds and after several shots the man could hear several clicks as the gun was now empty... in fear the man sat on his knees crying. " p-p-please... have mercy... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll change m-mylife... I... I'msorry... I-I won't kill again... just p-pppppllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... m-m-mercy? I... the man once known as john could feel a hand on his shoulder from the man in the dark suit that looked down at him. John could hardly talk as tears flooded down his face and sobbed from every word as he begged for mercy. "No." was the only thing that the man said as John could see the pistol aimed at his head and with one loud bang it was all over.

The man walked over to the car and opened the trunk, only to see a little girl in it. Quickly he pulled her out but didn't untie her and lied her down in the back seat as he drove back into the city and with a short bit of time the man stopped, opened the back door, grabbed the girl and soon they found themselves inside a hospital with one of the clicks there having her back turned the man placed the girl onto the table, her arms and legs were tied up and her head was bleeding from injuries though she would be fine... as soon as the man left the girl there he disappeared, only to say one thing... " Remember that I'm Shadow Wing... said the man before disappearing.

Yep... Insurrection... the city of darkness and a place where heroes try to do good. Their methods may be questionable though at least they do good. Than again, in all honesty a guy who kills people, fights bad ass Villains and meets the best of the best when it comes to heroes is a hell of a lot better than some guy who's weakness is pollution and wants to spend all his powers just to throw shit in the trash.

Let's take a look at some of our other awesome heroes, shall we?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(Post Deleted)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
Avatar of Reaper

Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just on the outskirts of Insurrection, stood the impressive villa that belong to Zilla. Here she managed her family's empire in Insurrection, overseeing the operations of their factories and outlets. Here she ruled her people with a gentle hand, her enemies with an iron fist. She was sitting on her throne, in a black dress and her legs crossed to reveal her slender legs through the thigh high slit in the dress, the image of power and beauty and danger, as another sycophant came before her and requested a partnership or business deal

"You have the workforce, the resources and the manpower to sustain all of your family's local production, Miss Blackburn. With our connections and influence, we could help you spread your operations and grow your wealth to every street corner of the city. Not to mention providing jobs and alleviating the unemployment issue in our problematic neighbourhoods." The man sure knew how to tempt a girl, Zilla thought, though apparently he had mistaken her youth for foolishness or naiveté because only an idiot would not see his entire speech was about bribing officials and creating fronts for his criminal activity.

Alleviate unemployment indeed - the problematic neighbourhoods were all under this man's jurisdiction. Nothing happened within those areas without her guest knowing about it. Zilla knew he was setting her up as a scapegoat in hopes of filling the power vacuum she left behind if she ever fell. Jon Falcone was a crooked businessman and a gangster dressed in a rich man's clothes... trying to trick a queen. The penalty was death. Though far be it for her to murder her guest under her own roof. Her servants should not have to suffer cleaning that filth from her carpets.

"That is a most tempting offer you make, Mr Falcone... I shall consider it and draw up a proposal for you as soon as possible if I do accept. I look forward to our next meeting." Her smile was charming and sweet, mixed with an all so subtle hint of interest in the man as he leered and made no attempt to his gaze at her legs or the low, tight cut of her dress.

He bowed and flashed the smile of a man knowing he would get what he wanted. "I look forward to hearing from you soon." She escorted him to the main door before letting her butler see her guest the rest of the way out to the gate.

Oh, you'll be hearing from me sooner than you think. Zilla thought silently as she headed for her dining room and sat at the table before a luxurious spread of food. "Alfred, have the men assembled and ready by 8PM. A man has insulted my intelligence and honour and the slight demands an answer. Tonight my army marches on his kingdom. He will know the folly of a city-state challenging an empire." She took a bite of her meal and curled her lips into a smile. "Prepare my armour and my ride as well. Let it not be said that Zilla Blackburn is afraid of getting her hands dirty."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The wind howled like a coyote, accompanied with the bone-chilling wind it seemed to never let up, the breath of rooftop sentries could be seen. "F-fuck man, it's cold....how long is the boss makin' us stand guard anyway?" A voice asked, the one who projected the words seemed to be a man in his mid twenties, a single scar going down the right side of his face from his forehead to the corner of his lip. "I don't know, why don't ya go ask'em?" Another said, the two stood a good six feet from one another, both held rifles in hand, safeties off and ready for anything but there was nothing around, not that they knew of anyway. The visibility of within the heavy rain was a little less than about two inches or so, the rain hit the rooftop with enough force to sound like they were sizeable pebbles pelting it. The two were dressed in identical outfitting, black hoodies with an undershirt that had thermal tech weaved into it, it also had a half mask to conceal the faces of the men.

A figure stood on the adjacent rooftop, the glowing red specs of his suit were less than visible in the heavy rain. Crouching down and quickly springing upward propelled the strange figure into the air, the soundless action had prompted no investigation. Landing on an overpass several feet above the man, the figure stood upside down. A short gasp was heard when something landed on the back of the first sentry before he was pulled away, his screams heard clearly before they stopped. Now the release of sound was muffled and the man was now stuck on the bottom of the overpass. The figure released the wall, falling down toward the next man, he landed softly, simply kicking the man's patella with just under two tons of force. A hand went over the sentry's mouth to silence his screams of pain follwed by a quick two hundred and ten degree turn of the man's head to effectively silence him, the lower half his leg was completely taken off without effort. Climbing in through the skylight with was now opened he crawled to a dark corner of the large hideout, viewing the congregated group in secret. He was watching the crates carefully, they were opening crates, weapon's crates. They all looked to be Grand Army property, how did they get those, they must have been smuggled in by someone.

The vision of the man's specs shifted from red to blue, each person here was a organic in entirety, except one. One with a feminine shape. suited in black from head to toe, masked completely, her arms were not of organic nature it seemed. He wasn't sure what other enhancements there were to her body, possibly even nanites were involved, small light blue tinted canisters prompted him to believe that. He raised an eyebrow when he saw other canisters being removed, one held a dark red tint and another with a green tint. Just what were they planning with this? He skillfully got to another side of the room, there had been a loading bay and what looked like more shipments. Just how long were these people doing this? Then he had seen the label on them, Spitfire, an interesting name but now the new question was who was leading them?

The cybernetic female did seem to hold some authority, the way she watched over them, he watched a man accidentally drop a box full of canisters. Vapors colored red, blue, and green forced their way out of the crate, everything seemed to stop at that moment. The man quickly scrambled to act as if nothing had happened but the damaged was already done, the female left her post and pulled a long broadsword from its sheath. two other gang members seemed to walk up instinctively. They brought him to his knees before he could even think of running, curiosity piqued the vigilante now. "You are sentenced to death for destroying his property.." The female spoke in a tone that held neither anger nor happiness, but who was she referring to? She couldn't have meant anyone in particular, this place was filled with subordinates, she wasn't leader then but a second in command. Whoever this 'he' person was, their identity needed to be uncovered. The vigilante watched as the ex-member's head was liberated from his body, for a gang they had a very strict set of rules it seemed. The body was dragged out by the two who participated in the execution. He'd need to do more investigating before he even attempted an attack, diving into a sea of bullets was not a good idea, even with him being who he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“I told you that it was gonna go well” Vivan said to her brother through the com. She was back at her own little “base” where she sat in front of several computer screens with different things on them. One had a drawing program hooked up with a large drawing tablet, one was filled several security camera footages that switched around between others randomly when things happened. Few others were looking at the stocks and following the progress of corporations and businesses. Other screens were emails and accounts where she watched her and her brother’s profits and currently it had just increased massively. The payment had involved a lot of zeroes and a new arms dealer in their contact list. The deal was to incriminate a major executive of a military arms corp by, from what Vivan could track down, another executive to further his promotion. Now they could use him to

“Yeah yeah, you were right” Vivan’s brother, Baldur, said as he drove his hovercraft through the city of Insurrection. The small craft had a holo screen for a computer, the front being fitted with armor plates and cameras to compensate the lack of visual. The small hovercraft was a two-seater though there was no one in the other seat. “Though I must say, the evidence I had to plant are rather surprising. He probably won’t see the light of day…despite that there’s barely any daylight through this polluted shit hole” Baldur said, looking at the sky through the holoscreen of his craft. “And all you had to sacrifice was that security guard’s life and the fact that he shot the crap out of your left hand. Genius” Vivan joked which made Baldur take his left hand off the wheel. It was clearly busted as he wasn’t able to move his little, ring and middle finger and unable to grab the wheel properly. It had been a point blank shotgun blast to the hand when the security guard had gotten lucky and seen him with his peripheral vision. The guard was now dissolving somewhere in the sewers of Insurrection or even digested by mutated alligators if the local myths were true. “Admit it, you just let it happen so you had an excuse to meet Dr. Echo. What? Hoping she’ll be in a slutty nurse’s outfit?” Vivian teased her older brother which only made him laugh. “Hah, you and your imagination. You probably WANT me to hook up with her because she is practically your idol now” Baldur countered with a grin on his face. “As if” retorted his sister and they continued with their banter.

As Baldur arrived at the complex Echo’s little surgery table was located he landed the hovercraft nearby before exiting the vehicle. He locked it tight and activated the security measures which shock the car thief enough to scare him away. He made sure that his big gun was in his holster and a new pistol in his shoulder holster. He placed a special helmet on his head that was fitted with 5 lences, one in the middle, larger than the other two while two were in the place of each of his eyes. He walked up to Echo’s facilities and rang the doorbell. “Echo, need my hand fixed. It’s Gideon” he said, using his current alias.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
Avatar of RumikoOhara

RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Echo had returned from her deal with Dawg her thief disposed of and a good credit made.
The Foxes den was parked and connected to the building and Delta was running a security check when a regular walked up and rang.

It was Gideon and when he mentioned his hand being glitchy she sighed.
It was most likely his over complicated left hand, his right was a slightly modified tool hand which rarely needed repair unless he tried to use it improperly.

"Dam gun hands, guns are better in the forearms; Enter Gideon an remember the signs" says Echo over the comms

The door hums open as twin mecha combat arms hidden in the wall on either side standby for any potential assault.
The hall beyond is clean and well lit showing Echo's penchant for order and maintenance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
Avatar of Reaper

Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alpha Team, objective completed.

Bravo Team, enemies dead.

Charlie Team, cleaning up and heading home.

Zilla smiled as she received updates of all the squads she had sent out. So far, only two men had been injured. They were all highly trained, some of them even superhuman themselves, so that was no surprise. Those who weren't so naturally blessed proved their skill in sparring matches against her on occasion. There was no reason why these men would fail against a bunch of gangsters who only had pistols and suits.

She was on her way to her objective herself, riding on her motorcycle. It was black, much like the rest of her outfit and armour. Its engine was virtually silent and packed a lot of horsepower, another impressive technology from Blackburn Enterprises. Jon Falcone was at his nightclub, no doubt meeting with his lieutenants and discussing more business. Zilla refrained from using that term - he was an extortionist and his money was dirty. There was no honour or integrity in the coin he had earned. He was everything she despised in the people that placed themselves on her level.

In her getup, she drew much attention. The bouncer at the line raised an eyebrow and blocked the door so she couldn't enter. She grabbed his shirt and threw him aside casually, before he could even react. She turned to the rest of the guests waiting in line. "I suggest you find somewhere else to party." She warned, before drawing her sword and breaking the glass entrance with it. Those closest to it took one look and escaped with cries of shock and fear. The rest were oblivious due to the loud music but the commotion soon spread through the club and the innocent clubbers left hurriedly.

Now it was just her and Falcone's men. They all rushed up to surround her as the club was finally empty of civilians. Even they were not so stupid to draw too much police attention. Falcone and his men would get off scot free if they roughed up some punk who barged in and vandalised the place, if they drew guns and killed innocent bystanders, that was another matter entirely.

"Who the fuck are you, tough guy?" One of Falcone's lieutenants challenged, obviously thinking he had the upperhand. "You march in here with a sword? You must be fucking stupid. You just brought the knife to a gunfight, punk."

Men were so willing believe their opponent was another man. She appeared rather androgynous in her armour, so if everyone was out looking for a male shadowbending assassin, who was she to clue them in? She simply smirked. "You must be pretty fucking stupid yourself to ask someone wearing a mask who they are. Besides, bringing a knife to a gunfight is only an insult if I lose."

"We've got guns!"

"No, what you have are bullets. Pray they kill me before your guns are empty." Zilla answered with a sneer as the men cocked their guns and the order to shoot was given. The guns exploded in a roar of gunfire as the a smoke from the gun barrels and the dirt kicked up by the concrete behind her getting smashed obscured their view of her. If they were able to see clearly, they would see that she had transformed into a shadow and their bullets were phasing through her as if she wasn't there. When they emptied their guns and the smoke cleared, a few of them faltered and stumbled backwards to see that she was unharmed.

"My turn." Zilla's smile was sinister as sadistic as she rushed straight for the lieutenant in front of her, while the other mens' shadows sprung up and stabbed their owners from behind. The lieutenant could watch the slaughter in horror before Zilla ran her blade through his gut.

Falcone was crawling back, his legs having given way. "Please... please... what the hell are you?"

Zilla stopped short and flashed her dangerous smile again. "A woman. You know what they say about a woman scorned." Zilla didn't bother to reply before she had her shadows restrain Falcone and pin him against the wall. She snapped off three chair legs and carved out a cross from the wall. The man's eyes widened in horror as it dawned on him what she was about to do.

"The Romans crucified those acted against the public good." She commented, before nailing Falcone by the wrists and feet. "Farewell, Falcone."

There had been people whispering of a Dark Knight going about punishing high-profile criminals, and the police commissioner had been denying those claims. There was no way he could after tonight. Zilla walked right back outside and got on her bike, just as several police cars started coming towards her. No doubt some of the clubbers she had chased off had called them. They were getting faster in their response. Zilla paused long enough for them to get a proper look and confirm this "Dark Knight's" existence, before she revved her bike and rode off into the night, evading them entirely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Spitfire Hideout: Interior Loading Bay

Arachnid began to bring his hands forward one at a time at relatively fast pace, his movements creating no sound. The patrols were easy enough to avoid, there had been only one man for each hall, the cameras were another problem. Luckily his sixth sense alerted him whenever there was a camera around, all it took was a shot of webbing to cover the lens. He waited for the patrols to leave the area before stealthily taking them out, usually with a strike to the temple. He found that getting to the server room wasn’t a real problem under any circumstance, the strange device on his back crawled off of him and onto the main server. Multiple tendrils entered the ports of the server before the firewalls were broken down. His robotic spider-bot had been hacking in, downloading all of the sensitive files it held. Maybe with this information he’d figure things out, his spider-bot crawled back onto him after successfully removing all knowledge from the server’s database and wiping it from the main server. He was betting that they’d need those files, now he had them and their production time was most likely cut in half. He aimed his hands forward, a mass of robotic glowing red spiders were sprayed out. They were explosives, now he was on a race against time, he needed to get out fast. He set the time to five minutes, that should be plenty of time for him to get out safely and watch the place go up in flames, now that he thought about it, those canisters might be useful, maybe he’d liberate one of them. He began running out of the server room, passing hallways quickly, he was almost back to the loading bay when he was blindsided. Who was fast enough to even attempt that let alone do such a thing? He got up from his hands and knees and saw the aggressor, it was the enhanced female. ”I am Malice and your intrusion ends here.” The female said in a serious tone, her broadsword drawn and ready to strike. Only three minutes left, this wasn’t a good night, not a good night at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gideon walked into Echo's place of business and took note of the signs. He knew them pretty much by heart (or photographic memory stored in his brain implant databank) after his visits to get upgrades and repairs. He glanced at his hand and checked the damage again, smirking a bit. It hadn't been his own weapon that had damaged him but another so Echo's assumption was a bit off target.

He walked through the corridors and approached Echo. "Hey again, Echo. I seem to have gotten my arm a bit wrecked" He told her and presented his hand to her. The barrel chamber that would extend out of his palm was wrecked and so was the rest of the palm. The center of his palm was torn open and mechanism was showing. If it had been something more than just simple shotgun pellet rounds. If it had been a slug or flechette round, he would've completely lost the hand. "And no, it's not from my gun. That thing has worked fine ever since I had it installed" He added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Echo sighs and motions he put his arm literally in a vise as her systems warm up and Delta comes in to act as he assistant.
Delta seats Gideon and then helps Echo as she runs scans on the damaged arm

I'll have to temporally remove the forearm but don't worry I can offer you a temporary or a sim clip so you don't feel amputated. It will take about four hours because the forearm is wrecked as well as the palm flexors are ruined says Echo as she begins peeling his arm at the elbow.

Her mind drifts into her instruments as she begins calibration of the different aspects needed for the operation. Having built the device she decides it would be quicker to reconstruct a new system than a repair of the older one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lily was well and truly fucked. She only wished it was innuendo. She had been on the run for a good time now, and in the three years since she left Insurrection she had been training, getting her mutation under control and learning everything she needed to keep herself and those around her safe. Then she learned how to throw anyone looking for her off her trail.

She had been back in Insurrection only a month, and now the agents were back on her. She knew taking part in that underground fight club was a bad idea, though she was hard pressed for cash and betting her last hundred dollars against the opponents there was the fastest way to grow her money and ensure she wouldn't have to worry about it for a while. Unfortunately she had not anticipated how quickly her pursuers had put word out to the criminal underbelly of Insurrection. It wasn't long before they found her trail again and despite the fact that no one would guess she took shelter in a convent or be stupid enough to attack a place of worship, she had to shake them off and make it back home safely in the first place.

"There! Down the alley!" Lily cursed as she heard one of her pursuers call out to his friends and start chasing her down the alley. It was a dead end, the route blocked by a chain link fence and barbed wire. An obstacle she could easily jump over, but the gunfire coming at her was annoying. She activated her mutation and transformed the rest of her skin to dragon scales, just to keep her protected long enough to escape. She reached the end of the alley and leaped over it, before landing on the other side and making a dead sprint for the exit.

Another three men appeared at the mouth of the entrance to cut her off. "Oh fuck this!" She cursed as she inhaled and let out a jet of icy mist that encased them in ice before they could draw their guns on her. She was tempted to smash their frozen corpses apart just as a warning, but she would not be so barbaric. No point giving them more fuel to hunt her with.

Lily, in an attempt to evade reinforcements, ducked into another alley and down a manhole into the sewer system. She had spent so much time down here mapping out the important routes back to the convent lately that she might have better lay out of the sewage system than the city did. It didn't take long for her to find her way back and hide in the basement, washing off the stink of her escape route. She would have to take the fight to her pursuers at one point, if only to prevent them from catching her scent again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gideon sat down at Delta's behest and kept his arm steady for Echo. "A temporary will be fine" he said to Echo as he watched her peel his arm at the elbow, He was used to getting his arm pulled out as he often did that to himself when doing some regular maintenence or with the help of his sister. He didn't tap his finger on the arm of the seat and just looked around to see what had changed since his last visit. "Also, Jinx says hi." He added as an after thought, thinking back to his sister who was currently watching the stockmarket while drawing up some cartoon figures as a way to pass the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Echo worked quickly but with a precision few cyberdocs could match as she disconnected the damaged arm.
She did answer his statement about his sister in case it might impinge on her focus. She knew that when she was alone that she'd need to refer to Delta's interaction abilities because she herself lacked the ability to understand why people felt the need to make small talk.
She observed it every time she was forced to speak directly to people and still she had difficulty knowing why they did it.

To her it seemed such a waste of time and effort to do so. It also meant that you had to be able to connect these random and trivial thoughts together and the goal was nebulous at best.
Echo preferred to communicate in data streams because it required precision and truth "Garbage in; Garbage out" she thought but the look that Delta gave her as she pulled the arm free of it's mounts told her that a trivial response was required.

Please Inform Jinx that I convey to her greetings as well she says as she sets the broken cyber limb in the grip of one of the large intimidating robotic arms the hovered around their mistress eager to serve..

She looks into Gideon's eyes as she smiles. a bit mechanically
I'm building your new arm of CoE94 fused alloy ceramic, as I stated the product shall take 3.792 hours to complete. This temporary arm shall serve in it's place but lacks any extra peripheral equipment so it may seem weaker to your neural motor cognitive functions but will prevent Amp-syndrome
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The time was running down quickly, there were only two minutes and seconds left, he evaded the cybernetic enhanced female's broadsword slashes with some difficulty. This female, Malice, her enhancements were making her attacks just as fast as his movements. He didn't have time for this, he needed to get out of this hall and fast. His urgency and haste made his movements faster, as she lunged forward he arced around her, landing his elbow down on her spine, paralyzing her. He quickly began running, taking a red canister with him, some studies would be needed, he glanced at it. It looked like it was moving, that couldn't have been right, he switched to thermal vision and saw that it was generating heat. That wasn't right, what were they doing here? He quickly dashed out of the Spitfire hideout, firing a line of web at a building, propelling straight up like a slingshot. The explosion lit up the surrounding area but he didn't even look back, even with the heavy rain the effects were evident. There was nothing left but a pile of rubble, the canister was glowing a crimson red.

He was only concerned with what was in the canister rather than the fate of the Spitfire gang and its lieutenant. He got farther and farther away from the area, eventually getting to his hideout. He entered the building that seemed normal in its interior, he descended down the stairs and into a lab of sorts. He set the canister down and got a good look at the organism, it was alive to his knowledge anyway. It was moving around as if it was looking for a way out of the small prison it was in. He went back to his home's upper levels, getting dressed over his suit, putting on a plain black shirt, black pants, and silver and black shoes. He left his house and walked his way down the street, he kept the organism in the back of his mind as best as he could, Wildfire. The name kept lingering on in his mind, it gave him a slight sense of worry as if this was something bad, really bad but he couldn't explain it. He just kept walking his way down the street, he didn't mind the rain really, his suit was insulated so he hadn't been exposed to the freezing temperature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It will do just fine" Gideon said to Delta and looked from her and to his arm, clenching and opening his left hand. It didn't seem to respond as well to his system but that was to be expected as this was just temporary. It was already better than the shot up hand. He then looked around again and all over the workshop. It didn't seem to have changed much since his last visit and neither had the two people running it, Delta and Echo. Echo still seemed to be reclusive when working and Delta was as mechanical as ever. "And as always, money isn't an issue" he said and as he spoke, his sister was getting ready to transfer the payment.

He then clenched his teeth as he heard a loud "HOLY MOTHER-" with the rest being quite profound from his com implant. "You are never going to believe this" She said to her brother. "Is the computer store having a sale on super servers?" He asked as a joke. "We got a job. I've been speaking with a possible client through private channels and he wants us to do a major hit here in Insurrection. He wants us to hit the Blackburn HQ Servers. He wants to demolish her. He only says that he is a rival but that could mean anyone at this point. Hell, from what I see, she is just invaded one of said rivals. She is not making many friends"

"Damn, that's not something we can do right away. We are going to need some planning on this one" Gideon said, no longer joking. It was going to be a hard thing. Blackburn wasn't the average corporation. It was something big in Insurrection and it would need prep time. "Alright, Jinx. Get me the best fake ID you can whip up. No halfassing it. Get to work on your software and viruses. I'll need updated gadgets too." He said in a low whisper to Jinx as he continued to clench and open his hand to get a better feel of it until his actual hand was finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Echo who until then seemed to be just zoning out in her shop chair sits up with a frown as she tosses the broken hand into her recycler. Her chair then slides her over to the Nano factory which has already begun it's work on assembling Gideon a new arm with improved ammo cycling and reinforced struts as well as subdermal armor webbing to prevent such damage from reoccurring.

Delta looks in her Mistresses direction and sees a pattern in her behavior that indicates annoyance. Usually the cause is apparent and means that a client is about to be recycled or ejected then banned.
Delta understands her Mistresses rules better than anyone and in her memory cannot find any fault from Mr. Gideon

She turns and examine the young man and again reviews her files her expression perplexed.

"Somebody is trying to Ice you and your sister Gideon, either that or use you both a sacrificial lambs while they take advantage of the distraction"Echo sighs as her chair drifts away from the factory

"Zilla Blackburn will catch Jinx in the act and might even come after me after she scraps you. You guys are too small to go after her and any boob would know that" says Jinx as she zones out briefly while her mind races at the speed of light towards the Blackburn citadel

She comes to a stop on the edges of the Data Fortress that surrounds Blackburn's files. For Echo stealing anything she see on the net is child's play but if the stolen data is noticed elsewhere then her troubles would begin. Echo drifts past Hell hounds, Vampires and even an Archangel.

Delta moves closer to Echo sensing that her Mistress has left her body once more and begins monitoring her vital signs.

The Citadel is a toy box of traps and dead ends which would kill her in a moment if she didn't move carefully and avoid the living watchers which were her only true dangers here.

Leaving without a trace Echo returns to her own body and sits up to find Delta hovering over her with her look of concern 2237-9. How Echo wishes that the look was real and not merely programing, good programing but still just that.

Echo moves her chair back before the factory and checks it's progress acting as if Gideon didn't exist.

Delta on the other hand doesn't ignore the young man and turns to smile at him asking Would you like a beverage Gideon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gideon listened to what Echo had to say and in turn let his sister listen in as well. Jinx scoffed at what Echo had to say. "That's why I ain't gonna try and hack it from the outside. That´s stupid. We are going to go in, access their mainframe and THEN hack in, plant some bugs and trojans from within their own physical databanks. All I'll need to do is forge an employee ID to the corporation, track down a good disguise for you and when you just have to get yourself in and have the jack at the ready. Getting in will be hard but from what this guy is saying, he is offering big money for this. Very big." Jinx prattled on as the sound of keys being struck rattled in Gideon's ear. "And she won't even suspect you had anything to do about it, which you technically don't, Echo. You have about as much accountability as those who I bought my computer gear from and where I get my soda pops" She kept on, not quite caring if she was being heard or not.

"Beverage would be much appreciated, thank you" Gideon said to Delta, lowering the volume of his sister's typing so it was barely heard to him. He gave the android a nod and looked back at the temp hand which he was still moving around to get a good feel despite the fact it wasn't going to be there for long as the other hand was being constructed.

"Though pretty sure it's not the craziest thing happening this time around. From the reports and hijacked cameras around town I see, Blackburn is getting her hands dirty, showdown in a warehouse and a big scuffle either at or near some loading bays. Today is obviously active" Jinx said as she was forging an ID. "I think Blackburn might be the least of our worries if so many people are causing indiscreet troubles around this pretty little town"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Overlooking the Spitfire hideout that had just went into a blazing inferno, probably the most dangerous man in Insurrection watched, he watched as a spider themed clad acrobat jumped out the window. Deep orange eyes zoomed in on the person and took in what info it could gather such as height, possible weight and even identifying the tech that was visible. The databanks within man's implants identified most of the gear as Arachnid tech, the thing that some of his own things were based on. He would've grinned if his face wasn't already sent in that expression. The lower half of his face was similar to that of a skull. No cheeks and teeth exposed.

He was in a kneeling position and followed him from a distance. Although he preferred to go full frontal assault, he was curious about this little prey. Agile, quick, a possible entertaining hunt and maybe a good meal later on.

When the prey was in civilian clothes, walking in public, the hunter reached around his back and pulled out a retractable javelin. His cybernetics calculated how much strength was needed and how high to throw. When the perfect aim was chosen, one that should impale the prey on his right side of the back, the same position where the heart was on the left side and he threw it. The projectile flew into the air, barely making a sound as it ascended and descended down at spider prey.
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