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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The situation escalated quicker than Nemo had planned. But he had to admit that it was definitely entertaining so far. He almost felt bad he knew he had to do something to quench the fire that was building. Still in his seat, Nemo swiveled the chair into position and then used his boot to kick off from the table. It sent him sliding in between the two with an audible screech. The chair nearly teetered over but managed to fall back onto all four legs.

Now right in dangerzone, he put his hands up to try to signal them to stop. He faced the palm with the X on it towards Raiya. "Now now you two, let's just try to get along." He said as he put a silly over-dramatic accent onto his voice. He looked to the opposite person. "Give peace a chance." Nemo added before his voice turned back to normal. He looked to Raiya with a straight face. "He's not lying, while Felix was the one who told me about you. I searched you out on my own volition. You're only here because I want you to be." He explained.

"And even if it was him, that doesn't matter anymore. Or are you too drunk to remember our deal?" He asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Creamscene
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Mr Creamscene Bizzarre Adventure

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jessie glanced down from her perch, the view of the snowy slopes before her filled her with energy. The snowboard route she was taking today was usually pretty popular, but due to the opening of a new slope, all the regulars were off checking out the scene there. She didn't mind not being among them though, since she had done the route raw and unflagged before it had been scoped out by the local resort's route setters.
Jessie lowered her goggles and put her earbuds in before putting a snug purple beanie on and pulling it down over her ears. She took an ipod out of her pocket, clicked on a ska music playlist, and tucked it back into a pocket and zipping it closed. She smiled as the music stared playing and jumped down from her seat landing snowboard first in the snow and beginning to gain momentum. As she zipped down the slope, the parts of it she loved began to rush toward her, and those parts were the copious amounts of ramps and jumps. Her smile grew as she went rocketing into the air off the first ramp. While airborne, she grabbed the side of her board in her right hand and pulled while shifting her body weight to the left causing an aerial barrel roll before she righted her position just before landing. Several jumps and several miles of slope later, Jessie skidded to a stop at the bottom of the slope. She pulled up her goggles and glanced up the slope as she undid the straps of her snowboard.
"Always more fun to spend time with you alone babe."
She said to the slope. She was glad to have had it as an empty slope again, when she had started snowboarding a couple years back that specific slope had always been pretty empty, but the past few months had seen a surge in its popularity. Jessie hoped with the opening of the new slope she would get more time on this slope to herself. She shrugged as she picked up her board and went to head home. She had run the slope a couple times already, and she had some things she needed to take care of so she bid farewell to the slopes for the day.
After a short drive to the bottom of the mountain, Jessie arrived at her home, the large manor her family and many others lived in. The manor was home to a clan of summoners that she was a part of, as she walked through the halls, she saw many of the clan's younger members running through the halls playing with small animal-esque elementals. She greeted several of them as the ran past excitedly chasing the small sprites they had worked so hard to learn to summon. Eventually she arrived at her room and stepped in, leaning her snowboard up against the wall. She removed her jacket and snowboarding clothing, setting it up, ready for next time. She got dressed in a pair of jeans, a tank-top, and sneakers before leaving her room and going off to the manor's courtyard where there were a pair of kids she had promised to give a little bit of summoning training to that day were awaiting her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

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Artos kept his balance as best as possible after Felix took him through the portal. Unfamiliar with such forms of travel it quickly overwhelmed his senses as the world all but seemed to shatter and reform in an instant, depositing the shaky swordsman in a living area entirely unfamiliar to him.

Commotion started, and already the white haired youth felt out of place. Robed, hooded, armored, both swords attached to his hips, his northern pale skin identified him as an outcast in comparison to the tanned flesh of the others.
As the commotion with Nemo started, Artos swooned. The air was warm to a nearly suffocating degree, so familiar with the cold climate of home. The THUMP of his body hitting the ground was accompanied by a soft groan.

"sorry.. I'm not used to warm climates.."

He panted and channeled his magic, a dull chill permeating from his body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raiya was too flustered and flabbergasted to give any sort of response. The anger she felt burning inside her was from many reasons. First and foremost of those reasons for her anger and coincidentally her drunkenness, was her brother Felix abruptly showing up in her life after four years of silence.

She could remember those four years ago, when she went on investigating something that she was forbidden to continue investigating, all in an effort to clear Felix's name in her mind. And yet, after all the work she did, Felix sided with those who most certainly committed heinous acts in secret. What was it that Felix had said to her? "We have no reason to distrust the Arcanocracy, they have given us everything. And... And well, to question the order of things is to reject our teachings, and that's the way of the apostate.

The words stung even now. Raiya couldn't blame Felix for his then blind acceptance of the Arcanocracy. The Church was all they knew; it wasn't just a way of life it was their family. But to not even attempt to contact her after she left? That was almost unforgivable.

The other reason for her frustration was that a random stranger had bested her right hand woman and essentially stolen her from her home and business. Plus to make matters worse the stranger who did all this was broken out of a jail cell he should have been rotting in for the rest of his life by her brother whom she considered dead but if to be believed was not ordered to capture her but did so on his own and- ARGH! The factors for her frustration were so large in number and so complex in connection with each other that she had difficulty picking one thing to be angry about.

So, in a sigh of frustration, she placed her knife back in her coat, and stormed off in the direction of the stairs that lead to the guest rooms. Finding the left room at the end of the hallway, she walked in and slammed the door as hard as she could without breaking the hinges.

The room in question was quite large with many luxuries. The bed was a queen-size, with black Egyptian cotton comforters and sheets, and real goose down pillows. The room had a wall mounted flat screen television on the wall at the foot of the bed, and in the north section of the room was a desk with a shelf above it; various books lining the shelf. As she looked to her left before the bed was an opening to a full bathroom. The full connected bathroom, plus the modernity of all of the furniture gave her the familiar feeling of a hotel room.

Feeling exceedingly tired from the effects of the alcohol, she began to undress. She pealed off her leather jacket and black hoodie, and kicked off her combat boots. She also took off the outer fishnet shirt and tank top, and dropped her jeans, leaving her in her black laced bra and panties. She then crawled under the tightly made bed's covers, and fell asleep, letting the frustrations of the day slip away with the blissful reprieve that sleep brought.

Felix watched as Raiya stormed off, and flinched at the loudness of the door slamming.

"Well. On one hand I want to scold you for going off on your own. On the other I want to thank you for managing the impossible and getting my sister to join us. I still don't know if that latter part is a good thing, but her name is on the list so good or not she needs to be with us. So... Overall good job, Nemo. I'm not sure how you did it, but making inferences, I would say you should sleep with one eye open when she's around." Felix mused.

Felix noticed the pale blue man faint. Felix didn't think about accounting for temperature adjustments, but he noticed Artos activated a temperature spell to keep himself safe. Felix walked over to the lounge area and began to address everyone.

First he pulled out the parchment list, and then he began talking.

"I have called you all here because all of your names have been written on this list. I haven't told you all this, but I wrote this list while I was sleeping, in a vision state. The vision I was having was one of warning, and one of pleading. I was told to bring you all together so that you could save the world from those who seek to gather up the dangerous artifacts known as the Paragons." Felix looked down at the list, "Now that we're all here I'd like to-" Felix stopped himself as he noticed a name that he hadn't noticed there before. It was possible he had noticed it, but in his haste he skipped it by accident, the third name down. It read, "Jessie Link - Summoner Manner (Wakana, New Zealand)"

Felix rubbed the back of his head with his empty left hand in embarrassment.

"I- um... I seem to have accidentally skipped one of the list names... I'll be back, but... we'll continue this discussion tomorrow morning. You can all chat amongst yourselves. But, it's-" Felix looked at his mana-dial which read in blue digital numbers 23:46 (11:46 standard), "almost midnight. So you should all eventually find yourselves a room and get some sleep."

With that, created another rift, and gave a wave before disappearing through the portal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 2 days ago

"They may feel that way, but you must figure however how Magic had even been understood, before being implemented as it is today. Besides, why must I hide anything?" replied Travis before continuing on,"This specific kind of knowledge has not been seen for who knows how long. It would be a shame not to put any of this into use. Of course, this is just the scratching the surface and that rune there is the product of what I've only touched based with."

Travis relaxed himself into the couch has sat in as he oversaw Yuno analyze his milestone of progress with the practically revered-engineered rune. Just has Yuno was appearing to give a suggestion about the rune however, Felix all of a sudden phased into reality with another robbed figure beside him; likely another fated recruit for their venture. Yuno had taken the opportunity to welcome their acquainted friend back and while Travis would have been willing to do the same in kind and query about their new friend, more company however appeared as suddenly as Felix had.

And so did a whole lot of vulgar language too apparently. Two more individuals arrived through similar means like how Felix possessed but it seemed different. Instantaneous. Some sort of recall spell? Travis unfortunately could not focus on this debatable question as one of the female newcomers of began shouting up a storm against Felix about breaking a criminal by the name of Nemo who was with her. What history that was between Felix and this, rowdy, individual seemed both fascinating and scary all at the same time.

Felix quickly got down to explaining to the woman that Nemo was on his list, emphasizing why he was here in first place. However a murderer in their midst made Travis somewhat uncomfortable, especially given the cultists he had encountered with recently, and made him question how Nemo would 'behave' within their company.

The unnamed woman, despite Felix's explanation, didn't seem to care much for the Arch-Magi's response and swiftly sent a knife between Felix's feet. She soon revealed an impressive array of sharp pointed objects within her opened jacket from where she could access from to send hurdling death to anyone unfortunate to stand her in way. Felix, in a surprisingly panicked manner, clarified that what he said was true and opted for Nemo to communicate this to the still unfazed she-devil.

"Erm..." was all that Travis could muster up as a verbal response to everything that was going on. He shifted a stare from the scary lady with the knives, to a Nemo now playing negotiator, then to a seemingly cornered Felix, eventually to Felix's newest acquaintance whom appeared oddly fatigued and showing little involvement with the argument, and finally back to Yuno in hopes she had any idea what was now going on. But it was likely though she may have been just as lost as Travis was.

Thankfully, the confrontation de-escalated when the furious-appearing woman stormed upstairs as if angered by the ordeal to which Travis guessed had to do with some history between she and Felix. A loud slam of an upstairs door nearly made Travis jump due to its violent sound vibrating throughout the mansion. Funnily enough, Travis was now more afraid her than Nemo. Lovely.

With everything cooled down, Felix finally took the moment to brief everyone with the basic rundown of the topic that had assembled everyone here - correction, not everyone. Looking now embarrassed of the new situation, Felix decided to retire everyone to their rooms of their choosing with midnight before departing to acquire their next comrade through another one of his portals. With the portal closing behind the Arch-Magi, the lounge somehow appeared empty and quite despite its, possibly confused, occupants still present.

Still recovering from the former unnerved sense that had befallen him with the armed intervention from before, Travis hesitated but eventually spoke up, "So...Anyone up for a quick jab at meet-n-greet before hittin' the hay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nemo turned his gaze away from Raiya as she stormed off, he scanned the room's other personnel to get a feel for them, but stopped when he reached Yuno. She had looked at him strangely earlier, however he didn't blame her. Instead he only returned the favor by eyeing her back and analyzing her. By this point his smile was gone, only sporting a completely blank expression. Something that could be considering rather eerie as he mechanically stared through her.

People with a highly developed manalysis tended to steer clear of Nemo. In the beginning his aura usually only confused people. He seemed have a completely neutral aura, vacant of any type of direction. However further study of him revealed that it felt this way not because of neutrality, but because his aura itself seemed empty. His manawaves seemed almost hungry; giving off a feeling of unease to most people who tried to sense him in depth.

His deadpan stare was cut short when Raiya slammed her door, causing Nemo to emit a snicker in response. He leaned down to the side in his chair and grasped the knife Raiya had thrown at Felix's feet earlier. He pulled back and removed it from the floor with a audible noise as it released itself from the wooden board. Nemo examined the blade as Felix talked. Tamahagane, custom Japanese styled, traditional and rather expensive looking. Not to mention extremely sharp. He turned it horizontally and balanced it on his hand by it's center of gravity. It was a nice knife, he almost started to feel jealous. The craftsmanship enamored him a little too much.

Nemo resided to return it, but it would have to wait till tomorrow. He used his magic to warp it to his spacial inventory in the meantime.

"Sounds lovely." Nemo replied to Travis as he got up from his seat. He walked over and offered him his left ringed hand for a shake instead of his right bandaged one. "My name is Nemo Smiley. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask." He said in a rather friendly manner.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felix arrived in a nice city surrounded by mountains, with a large lake off in the distance. Felix glanced at his mana-dial and noticed it was 19:46, July 2nd, a full day later than the timezone in northern California. Felix wasn't sure where to begin looking for the Summoner Manor, so he activated manalysis to search for any nearby Talents that may be able to direct him where he needed to go. Felix felt the familiar wave signature of a Talent, and began walking.

Felix arrived at a fruit stand on the side of the road, a young boy with a baseball cap was running the stand.

"Good evening, young man. I was wondering if you could help me."

"Buy some fruit." The boy said in a bored fashion.

Felix sighed, and gave the kid a 20 dollar bill.

"What is this? American currency?" The boy sounded insulted.

"Yes, an-"

"I can't accept American currency. The exchange on this is right bollocks." The boy angrily rejected the money.

Felix sighed and pulled out a €20 banknote slip.

"Are you trying to insult me with this garbage? The euro exchange rate is even worse!" The kid crumpled up the banknote and tossed it at Felix's head, rebounding off his forehead and hitting the ground.

Felix started to get a bit angry but calmed himself down before speaking. "Well... between the two currencies I just gave you, I am sure you can do something with it. I, however, do not have the time to be exchanging my currency for New Zealand dollars just to get some fruit. Now do you know where the Summoners Manor is or don't you?" Felix sighed.

The boy's eyes narrowed, but he conceded. "At the north end of the city there is a trail leading up into the mountains, the Manor you are looking for is on that trail."

"Thank you." Felix said. And with that Felix began walking towards the north end of the city.

It took him about thirty minutes to reach the trail the boy had talked about. All the landscape was green and verdant, and off in the distance was a large manor peaking over the tops of a grove of trees that surrounded it.

Felix made his way to the front entrance of the grand building. There were a few kids on the front steps playing with various summoned creatures. As they saw him, they panicked in an attempt to hide their creatures, some of them instantly dismissing their creatures.

"Keep calm, children. I am not an Untalent. I am here for Jessie. Do you know where she is?" Felix asked in a quiet tone.

One of the braver kids, a small boy with a cracked front tooth and a red t-shirt that had a dinosaur picture on it, stepped forth.

"She's teaching the little kids in the courtyard around back." He said, attempting to deepen his voice.

Felix chuckled to himself at the boy's attempt to sound macho, and patted him on the head.

"Thank you," Felix said graciously.

Felix rounded the corners of the building until he found the courtyard. There he saw a redheaded woman, with two kids with her. The kids were leaning on her every word, it was clear she was a good teacher.

Felix didn't look imposing, all he had on was a blue cotton T-shirt, some jeans, and a backpack. Since he suppressed his mana-wave signature, everyone who saw him would just see a hiker/tourist.

Felix approached the group in the courtyard.
"Jessie Link, could I take a moment of your time?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Creamscene
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Mr Creamscene Bizzarre Adventure

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Prodigal Son
Jessie looked up at the man who had walked in and held a single index finger up to her lips in a "shush" style. She pointed at one of the children sitting in front of her who had begun to look down at an intricate summoning circle drawn on the ground. The child put his hands on the circle's border and closed his eyes. After a moment, the circle began to glow, and a flame floated out from the center of it. The flame danced about the circle for a few seconds before it began to decide on a vulpine shape. The flame began to seem to become solid, and the wisps of flame formed into a more refined fur like texture. The circle lost its glow and a fox stood atop it, a small orb of flame at the end of its tail. The child who had performed the summon let out a squeal of delight, and Jessie let out a smile and ruffled his hair.
"Why don't you go show Kana? Im sure she will be delighted."
The boy looked up at Jessie and nodded before giving her a hug. He then gently picked up the fox spirit and ran off, the other child close behind. Jessie waved at them as they ran off and then turned her attention towards the man who had asked for her attention.
"Sal has been having issues learning, this was his first successful summon. Alex just likes to sit in on all the private lessons, he can never seem to get enough info in that head of his."
Jessie casually explained.
"But I can guess that my tutoring isn't the reason for your visit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felix felt a pang of guild for what he was about to ask. He knew that if she accepted, she would be leaving behind kids who depended on her knowledge. The prospect of being the one to tear her away from that gave him a pit in his stomach. But he shook his head. The knowledge that his cause was of vital importance led his words.

"I am indeed not here for your tutelage. I am here because of something much more important. My name is Felix, and I am- or I was an Arch-Magi with the Catholic Arcanocracy." Felix stated.

"I know what I am about to say will sound far fetched. So please just bear with me and make a final judgement after I have said my spiel." Felix implored.

"Around a few months back, during a council summit, an Arch-Magi by the name of Thadeus suggested efforts be focused on an endeavor. This endeavor involved making sure the Arcanocracy obtain nine artifacts of devastating power named the Paragons. Thadeus had said it to be solely for the purpose of assuring the position and the safety of the Arcanocracy as a world power. Many were opposed to this motion including me, and most namely the papal-magi. After the motion was rejected... I had thought that would have been the end of the discussion. I knew better than most people that this pandora's box known as the Paragons should not be opened. So I breathed a sigh of relief when the papal-magi rejected the motion. Unfortunately three weeks ago, the papal-magi died, and a new papal-magi was voted in. The unfortunate part sadly was not only the previous papal-magi perishing, but that Thadeus's brother Cornelius was voted in as the new papal-magi. Needless to say a few weeks later at the next summit, the motion to search for the paragons was brought up once more, only this time the motion was not only accepted, but made top priority. That night I had a fever dream that could only be explained as a vision. In this dream I was shown the many possible endings of this world should anyone get their hands on the paragons besides a group formed by me. I awoke to find me sitting at my writing desk pen in hand, and parchment in front of me. Upon the parchment was a series of names and locations written in my handwriting."

Felix procured the parchment and handed it to the summoner, and indicated her name was the 3rd name down on the list.

"I have visited everyone else on the list, and most all of them have agreed to join. You're the last one I have approached. I know this is a lot to ask you to believe, but I'll come out and say it anyways. Will you join our team? Will you help save the world?" Felix asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Creamscene
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Mr Creamscene Bizzarre Adventure

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Prodigal Son
Jessie listened patiently to Felix's story and thought for a moment once he had finished.
"That's quite the story."
She stated handing the list back to Felix after looking over it.
"Issue with a quest for items of great power like you have described is this though. What if you aren't telling the truth? As much as I would love to believe you, we've only just met. Perhaps you simply want these Paragons for the sake of your own power? A man's hubris and desire for power can oft be his greatest driving force, the only thing they hold sacred."
Jessie took a few steps away and looked up at someone at the top of the courtyard wall, silently signaling to them, the few other people within the courtyard stopped what they were doing and quickly left the area.
"So tell you what. I say we have a friendly little duel, just to have a judge of your character. If there is anything my lessons have taught me, its that the fastest way to learn what someone is about, is to trade blows with them."
The courtyard gained a light glow around its perimeter, a field preventing stray spells from going awry into the Manor. Jessie tapped the ground with the toe of her shoe twice and a summoning circle sprouted from the spot.
"Surely a former arch-magi would have no issue facing off against a single summon of mine, eh? Not even a big brawl, just a few traded blows and then Ill give you my answer."
Two large chunks of rock sprouted up from the ground at opposite ends of the summoning circle and slammed against each other. Cracks grew within the large boulder before it shattered to reveal the summon. It appeared to be mostly human, save for its four arms and seven foot tall stature. It was very muscular and stood with a powerful confidence, its upper arms crossed and its lower arms with its hands on its hips.
"Sound good?"
Jessie asked as she stepped behind the summon and looked at Felix with a smile on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felix didn't like violence. He always had only fought as retaliation to those who wished to do him harm. But, if it was for the greater good of the world that he fight, it was time for him to step out of his comfort zone. Felix used his hand to brush back a blonde lock of hair that had come loose from one of his hair pins.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." As Felix recited the scripture, blue flames began to overtake parts of his body. First the azure flames were overtaking his legs. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Now the flames spread up to his chest, "Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." Next the flames spread to his arms, "Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of piece; Amen." The flames finally overtook his head, and then solidified into a shiny perfect suit of full armor. Normally, he would have recited the whole passage of scripture, but only needing the armor, he decided to forgo the sword and shield.

Felix took a battle stance in his manaegis, and then charged the tall brute. The speed of his manaegis allowed him to cover the distance between them in a split second. He stopped abruptly within arms distance, and issued a swift full force blow to the chest, that to a normal human, would have crushed their bones and sent them flying twenty feet in the other direction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Creamscene
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Mr Creamscene Bizzarre Adventure

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Prodigal Son
Jessie was impressed with Felix's armor.
"Nice armor, must be a pretty high level construct if a mage of your caliber requires an incantation to conjure it. Or was that just for flair?"
That's when she noticed Felix making his move. His charging strike at Man of War was a simple opening, so just before contact, Man of War braced itself for the impact. Once the attack hit, Man of War's feet dug into the ground with his brace, resisting the force of the hit. Jessie whistled, impressed at the power and speed of the attack.
"Was that a burst of focused mana for propulsion? Or is it more polarity style?"
As she finished speaking, Man of War grabbed Felix, with all four hands, and tossed him across the courtyard, causing him to land heavily on the ground.
"Either way its impressive magic."
Man of War gave Felix a chance to stand back up before dashing over to him and sending two powerful punches at him with both right arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felix hit the ground and bounced as he skidded to a halt. The impact was mostly absorbed throughout the armor, and Felix was hardly effected by it other than being temporarily disoriented. It was clear that Jessie was familiar with the innerworkings of most magics, and her curiosity was something that Felix could relate to himself.

After Felix stood up he spoke briefly, "It's not as simple as saying it is polarity. You see, my suit is made of Manalloy, a substance that is much different than physical matter. So different, in fact, that it pushes against all physical matter. Although I have figured out exactly the reasoning behind the repellent nature of manalloy, it is indeed very useful." Felix explained.

Then the giant man-like creature charged him, sending two powerful punches. Felix didn't have time to dodge, so he took the hits head on. In most cases, the manaegis could absorb the blow entirely. But so much energy was exerted, that the manaegis could only absorb the internally damaging energy, and not the displacing kinetic energy. Which meant that now, Felix was flying through the courtyard once again this time not stopping until he smashed into the perimeter field.

Felix pealed himself off the barrier, and examined the situation. He then decided on using a different tactic.

Felix pointed to the sky above Man of War and yelled,"He covers His hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark. Job chapter thirty-six, verse thirty-two." And then pointed down from the sky to the Man of War. Immediately a large purple bolt of electricity arced from the clear skies, blasting at where the the Man of War was standing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Creamscene
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Mr Creamscene Bizzarre Adventure

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Prodigal Son
"Rejecting contact with physical matter, smart."
Jessie was surprised to see Felix call thunder down onto Man of War
"That was.... less smart."
Man of War was more or less unaffected by the bolt.
"Man of War is an earth elemental, lightning, well lets just say it's not very effective."
Man of War crossed its arms and looked over at Jessie. She acknowledged it's look and snapped her fingers, dismissing the warrior. She walked over to Felix and held out her hand.
"I got a decent impression of who you are from that. Man of War has decided that you are worth giving a chance. So I suppose I will help you on your quest, for as long as you maintain that you are worthy of that trust."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yuno had broken soon after he turned to her and watched as the developments before finally came to a close. Needless to say it wasn’t her place to comment on the recent actions between Felix and the girl now identified as his sister once he spoke. The fact she was on the sheet and the likelihood of such a thing occurring made a slight sliver of doubt appear in her mind about the entire situation again, but before she could comment on anything or try and change the conversation herself Felix discovered his possible mistake on the naming list. It looked like she would need to wait the rest of the night to get answers in the following morning, and in response to that she let out a small sigh as twisted her head briefly to being her ponytail over her shoulder and gently comb through it with her hand. With the general atmosphere having become rather uncomfortable she did her best and practiced job to remain looking confident and controlled when for now even she wasn’t sure where to head outside of minor introductions with Travis whom she knew, the unconscious man on the floor who she now had time to notice had blue skin, and then Nemo who was now showing himself to likely be quite the troublemaking type. She, unlike Travis, was still wary of the man who seemed to be the root cause of the trouble that prevailed. Bringing the woman here and the way he felt simply made her unable to drop her guard for now.

Her hand continued to mess with her ponytail as she used her peripheral vision to once again watch Nemo. His hands engaged in an analysis of the blade at the time which she rose an eyebrow towards before looking away to avoid trying and be caught by the man with the knife. Once he had put it away and spoke aloud she was even more guarded, though her outward attention to her hair didn’t change until he was finished. Swinging her head slightly again to let it fall back behind her Yuno didn’t enjoy his carefree attitude out of the fun he got from the situation and sense he gave her mananalysis. Despite being proficient in it from her studies, one such as her wasn’t skilled enough to explain what she had felt in detail besides the hunger she sensed before. Instead of showing this off however she stood up from her seat and did as she did with the rest of those whom she had met: giving Nemo a small curtsy as she returned the introduction.

“You can call me Yuno, it’s a pleasure.” She stated as when her head lifted her face had returned to her trained smile. “I don’t need to ask why they call you Smiley by the way you present yourself.” She added on as he had seemingly enjoyed most of what had been going on. “It’s unfortunate we couldn’t hear more tonight though. And as for the man on the floor I suspect someone should take him to a room as well once we are done speaking. Or at least set him up on the sofa.” With her last set of words she took her snack cup and spoon before returning to the kitchen to set the items away properly. Cleaning the spoon off quickly rather than leaving it for someone else to wash and setting it away. Returning to the room only moments later as the task was quick to say. “As for myself, I do believe we will have plenty of time to get to know each other tomorrow morning. So I think heading to bed may be the best of options. If you two wish to stay up don’t let my choice decide for you.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Felix felt a bit frustrated that he wasn't able to discern the type of elemental that the summoner was using. Felix had assumed that since the man of war was somewhat human, at least in shape, he would have retained some water within his body. Even his manalysis didn't give him any tips as to what type of elemental he was facing. But that had more to do with the fact he had never personally seen summoning in his life. He had read lots of material on the subject but never had he experienced it for himself.

When Jessie said he passed her test, he breathed a sigh of relief and released the manaegis allowing it to disintegrate into a bright blue blaze of pure mana.

"Well, we will be leaving post haste if you don't mind. You may want to tell the young ones that you are leaving, and grab anything you may need." Felix said, a bit winded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

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"I'll definitely keep that into consideration, Mr. Smiley," Travis forced a smile to meet Nemo's currently hospitable demeanor. Travis was still uneasy with Nemo's presence, especially with what was said from earlier was in fact all true. But the white-haired fellow nonetheless made the effort to create a friendly atmosphere around him despite the disagreeing vibes that irradiated off of him and that was as much a Travis could hope for, "The name is Travis by the way."

Yuno too then greeted Nemo in the same fashion she had presented to Travis awhile ago. Introductions aside though, she too appeared somewhat wary but maintained her pleasantness before she pointed out the man that had arrived with Felix still collapsed on the floor. It was plenty obvious, whoever he was, he really did not appear all that well. Sweat running down his face was evident enough of a warming temperature confliction that had taken hold him. Judging by his attire to a degree, he must have come from a much colder climate.

Travis shifting his gaze from Nemo and then back to the unnamed individual. With a slight directional nod as a hinting gesture to Nemo, however he may have interpret it, Travis rose from his seat and made his way to man whom appeared to be in the process of regulating and normalizing his body temperature, "Pardon me, sir? You look really under the weather; are you need of any assistance?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cottonmouth
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Cottonmouth Mr. Memescene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Open, but not the most eager to converse bunch. Though I suppose I can't blame them, it's late... Or maybe it's just me." Nemo thought after the two spoke. "All good things to those who wait, huh?" He said to Yuno in response to her comment about not getting to hear more tonight. Figuring that Travis had it covered with blue man, he agreed that maybe retiring to a room was the best choice for now. "Tomorrow morning it is then. I've had a long day and I haven't slept on a real bed in ages. With that I bid you both, adieu." Nemo finished as he made his way upstairs, giving a small bow to the people in the room before leaving.

The mana signatures upstairs made his choice easy; he picked the room second to the last on the left and entered it. He closed the door behind him gently. The posture he used was rather over dramatic for a person who just entered a room alone. Nemo shed his coat and hung it at the door along with his scarf. He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and took a deep breath in through his nose before exhaling, clearly planning something. He scanned the room left to right before speaking. "I hope the walls are soundproof."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Creamscene
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Mr Creamscene Bizzarre Adventure

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@Prodigal Son
"Packing is the easy part."
Jessie said with a smile. She crouched down on the ground and picked up a stray piece of chalk, left there from one of the lessons earlier that day, and drew a quick and simple summoning circle on the ground. Once she had finished, she placed her hand on the circle and it began to glow. A poof of smoke and standing in the circle was a heavily cloaked imp, about a foot tall, with a large backpack, about as big as the imp itself. The imp took a notebook and pen from a pocket on its coat and looked up at Jessie.
"Grab the usual package, but also grab my summoning tome, Mister Mephistopheles, and three or four books from my unread shelf."
The imp scribbled down the instructions, tore off the bottom half of the paper he had been writing on, and handed it to Jessie, who accepted the paper thankfully. The imp scurried off into the manor to get to work.
"Luggage imp, when the receipt turns red, it means my package is all ready to go and I can just summon him to wherever I've gone at my convenience. Saves me a bundle on luggage checking when I need to travel by plane."
From the door that the imp had run into, a group of people, both young and old, emerged. Jessie went over, just out of earshot from Felix to quickly chat with them, saying some quick goodbyes before waking back over to Felix.
"Alright, Im ready whenever you are."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Saved by grace / Through faith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Alright, well if you're all set, let's be going then." Felix said.

Then he turned and created a cross glyph in the air that split open a rift between their current location and the cabin.

Felix stepped through and saw that everyone except for Travis and Artos had gone upstairs.

"Is he going to be okay?" Felix pointed to Artos.
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