Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vessel Name: Ark Royal
Vessel Type: Light Carrier
Vessel Class: Yorktown Class Light Assault Carrier (LAC)
Armament loadout: Ark Royal is lightly armed with what is mostly point defense weapons. She has beam lasers for close in protection, chemically propelled dual barrel rotary autocannons for medium range, and high gauge gatling lasers for longer range defense. For self defense she has a handful of smaller railguns. She is not meant to be doing the fighting, however.
Onboard vehicles: On her own flight deck she has:

20x SSS-7 Barracuda fighter/bombers, which are tiny tri-engined delta shaped craft capable of very high speeds and intense maneuvers but only carry light weapons. Crew of one, on an ejection seat and with an armored escape pod cockpit.

16x SB-12 Bighorn bombers/scouts. These are larger dual engined craft with a small autorailcannon in a turret mount facing backwards. They look like pill shaped pods with two engines vertically stacked on tapered and raked towers of struts with four radially arrayed streamlined hardpoints mounted forward for small torpedoes, cameras, or heavy railgun pods. They have a crew of two in an armored escape capsule.

12x ABS-70 Cougar medium bombers. These are the bad girls of the Ark Royal flight group, capable of long range long endurance sorties and can even perform two warp jumps with an expendable warp drive shaped like a ring around their bodies, which appear as a tapered wedge shape with the four engines mounted inline in the back. They can carry six light torpedoes, four medium torpedoes, a very slow firing but very painful pulse laser pod, or cameras and sensors for reconnaissance. They have a dorsal and ventral turret with dual autorailcannons in each and a forward facing autorailcannon. They carry a crew of three in an armored escape capsule.

6x CP-0 Transport Shuttles. General purpose wedge shaped shuttles for cargo and non combat personnel movement.

5x AS-220 Viper Assault Shuttles. These sleek VTOL shuttles with folding airfoils are fast and armored shuttles meant to land Marines wherever they need to be, whether that be on a planet, ship, or other vessel. They have a caseless twenty millimeter eight barrel Gatling gun on a flexible mount plus dual rocket pods on stub wings. They have a square body with a tapered tandem cockpit that is heavily armored and braced.

3x EWAAS-12 Copperhead Electronic Warfare and Support: This is an adapted version of the CP-0. They look similar but have antennae and sensor pods all over their bodies, plus three extra crew, better engines, and special electromagnetic shielding.

For her battlegroup she has three destroyers with her: Fornax, Ursa Major, and Taurus. These triplet sisters are general purpose light escorts with a small armament of heavy torpedoes facing forward plus a broadside armament of medium duty rail guns. The three hundred meter destroyers have a small but effective array of point defense lasers. They are lightly armored but fast with very good sensor arrays. They look like orcas with the "tail" being a boom with twin engines on the end and a bulbous maintenance pod between them.

Alongside them is the ancient light cruiser Orion. This poor old warrior has seen way too many battles and this will be her last hurrah before she is retired and scrapped. This porpoise shaped ship packs a decent punch in the form of a great number of unguided rocket banks, as she uses too much power in her huge engines for her frail old reactors to handle large rail guns. She uses chemical Gatling guns for her close in point defense and magnetically assisted autocannons for medium range defenses. For the long range secondary armament, various guided missile launchers are used. She is fast but this four hundred and fifty meter cruiser lacks in sensors and armor, like the rest of the battlegroup.

Crew: 1,400 including a regiment of Marines, flight crews, and command staff.
Overview: The Ark Royal is named in honor of the aircraft carrier that helped destroy the Bismarck hundreds of years ago. She herself was commissioned a decade ago as a carrier class that is supposed to strike hard, strike fast, and haul ass before anyone can mount a serious response. Ark Royal is a seven hundred and fifty meter ship shaped like a sperm whale with her "tail" holding four bulbous engine pods with a paint job of forest green with white stripes, also with color changing light strips for identification and signaling, a pattern shared by her whole battlegroup. She has slits in her side for launching her small craft and is covered in antennas and pods for sensors and shields.

The Ark Royal is considered a cursed ship. Two dockyard workers died building her. The champagne bottle was thrown dozens of times before it broke over her bow, and then a dockyard worker died when she was launched. During her space trials, a radiation leak killed two engineers and injured another. This dark trend has continued for her entire life with several accidents including fires, radiation leaks, collisions, and small craft crashes. She has been known as a "cursed ship" since her first sortie. Sailors are still scared of her. The latest incident is when she was rammed by a frigate but still managed to make it back to port, albeit with a hundred casualties, and ten fatalities. She has just finished drydock repair when she is called to action against Nemesis.

Captain: Felix Nevermor
M/F: Male
Age: 54
Rank: Rear Admiral
Bio: Felix is a brainy man with a strangely Type B personality for his rank. He is spontaneous and quick to react, but not the best planner, although he is capable of a good strategy or decent tactics. Felix rose through the ranks quickly because of his quick thinking and capability to contain any sort of crisis or catastrophe, but his career has stalled at Rear Admiral. He is just above the rank of Captain, at an age where he should be a full Admiral with a fleet under him. His years are running out, and he knows this all too well. He has no connections and appears on the outside to be lazy and uninspired... but he wants nothing more than to show the higher ups otherwise. He wants the full rank, and he is going to die to try to get it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Vessel Name:
The Cumberland

Vessel Type:

Vessel Class:

Armament loadout:
“Anti-Piracy” direct energy laser cannons on front-face and sides.
Two Missile pods

Onboard vehicles:
Utility shuttles, Cockshuttle.

180 with an “officer” number of 18

The Cumberland is an eighty year-old (Earth years) freighter purchased by Levi Beim off of its original owner, Vashia Miglorkia. Since the transition of ownership the Cumberland has been indicted in a number of contraband smuggling operations by the greater Eosian government. Modifications carried out on the supply transport has fitted it with extra storage compartments as well as an extra set of deterrent weapons to keep government chasers at a safe distance.

With the use of the onboard utility shuttles the captain and crew have also carried out illegal salvage operations, setting out to the scenes of inter-space disaster or former battles to pick from the wreckage the sometimes rare and dangerous components for black-market sale.

Levi Beim



Private captain

Born in orbit around the back-water planet designated CI-147e, or better known to the first pioneer colonists as Xiin Zhoongguó to the son and daughter of Earth refugees who fled the former heart of Human space during the Vorghul war, Levi Beim was the middle child of four.

His family – when it was on Earth – traced itself as far back as the 18th century as sons and daughters of Scottish and German immigrants who settled the former American Appalachia. Of course, when the threat of alien destruction loomed over-head they took to the stars like so many billions to seek refuge on foreign worlds in an evacuation measure to save as many souls as possible. And like the Beim family's descendants they soon found themselves in a world as mixed as they would have found it in those ancient times.

CI-147e was far from what they had known as Earth. In-fact, it simply wasn't a terrestrial world at all. A gas-giant orbiting its native star at a distance half that of Earth, Levi Beim was born in a large orbital station used to mine gaseous metals from its native planet through the use of radio-controlled drones. The station was cramped to begin with, but the refugee crisis that had brought his parents in made it worse. His child-hood came up in the squalor of the squalored decks of the orbiting space-station among the other refugee families and the long-settled poor of Xiin Zhoongguó. And while English was a primary language across all space, the conditions of the station was not far from what may be described as diverse.

A bright young child from his early days, Levi was quick to learn. Not only the five largely spoken non-English languages on the station (Mandarin, Pashtun, Russian, Vietnamese, and German) but also how to conduct enterprise and how to fight. His growing up on Xiin Zhoongguó marked a period of growth as the colonial management sought to construct additional support for the new population and to relieve the already poor conditions with money granted to them through a program from the oligarchical government, this brought to the station more people to build as well as materials and tools. Levi learned quick the rules of black-market commerce and what is traded between people and tackled not the use, but its sale. In a way, by the time he was ten he was a moderately skilled dope dealer often targeting the stressed and tired crews who labored in the harsh light of the alien sun and the dangerous conditions of working at orbital velocity above the skies of a gaseous giant that as much as its host star emitted itself put out considerable radioactive risk. Working long hours as well in extreme conditions did not bode well for long-term health or sanity and relief was needed.

The construction on the station would close when Levi turned nineteen and his family was moved to replace a tenants quarters in the old station as they moved to the new quarters of the station. This gave the family some much needed space, but also dried up the new markets and the sense of adventure brought by the clamor and the spacecraft that had long loomed outside the station's windows and Levi grew bored.

He'd soon find his respite in the space force, signing up to set out on a frigate in search of glory and honor. Though in police orbit around a terrestrial planet he never found it, but he was recognized for his quick wit and efficient savy all the same allowing him to advance through the ranks as a captain, where as one he discovered the extent of his office and the limits he could test.

While some would have considered him corrupt, to the planet he helped to police sometimes thought of him as a bit of salvation as he helped skirt government restriction on commerce to move contraband, willingly looking a different way for a small price to help people get in and out, or more sensitive materials through government-controlled space on the right spacecraft.

He was adept at what he did, but was bored all the same.

Eventually he would be discovered and given a dishonorable discharge and relieved for duty – or rather banished to – the planet he ordered. For his criminal activity he was not permitted to ever come near another spacecraft or even leave his new home. He also had court-dates as he was on trial for his corruption but the appropriate judges had to be brought in and had yet to fully examine the case and conduct preliminary hearings.

But despite all this, Levi found a way. Not only to slip under the government nose but to purchase a spacecraft all his own and slip out passed them and into inter-space as a freeman, and a rogue criminal.

Having purchased the eighty year-old junker named the Nostraum from an elderly Ukranian-born captain, he renamed his new prize the Cumberland and set out with a rotating crew for an interstellar quest of what he called “enterprise, freedom, and glory”.

He hoped to get all three more than a decade later when he heard of the activity of the Nemesis.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Vessel Name:
The Virgin

Vessel Type:

Vessel Class:

Armament loadout:
Lightly armed with low-caliber lasers, shit-tier miniguns, a cloaking field and a rather-powerful tractor beam.

Onboard vehicles:
-Drop-ships x5
-Escape pods x10
-Land vehicles x20

300 men with 30 officers

The Virgin is primarily used as a patrol ship around the planet of Fomoria and replaced the old militia/pirate fleet after the Battle of Fomoria. However, much of the crew stayed the same. Built more for speed, scouting and precise attacks than full-on bombardments and chasing, the Virgin is widely regarded as the greatest scout in the small Fomorian fleet and has been credited as one of the biggest rivals to the Fomorian smuggling ring.

The Virgin is approx. 250 foot long and is quite sleek and modern compared to other ships in the battered Fomorian Fleet. The crew of the Virgin were largely pulled from the crew of the old militia that once protected Fomoria from pirates and are one of the most experienced crews in the sector. The Fomorian Fleet is officially a part of the Eosian Navy and is slowly being upgraded, with the Virgin currently one of the "newest" ships (15 years old)

Malachy "Mac" Gallagher



Lieutenant Captain

Malachy Gallagher was born and bred on the planet of Fomoria, a colony planet far from Eos and one that is currently being pacified by the Eosian Army. For much of its history, Fomoria has been "protected" by a small, unable fleet of the Eosian Navy, which was riddled with corruption and laziness. The small planets protection largely fell to militias and mercenaries, who eventually formed the Fomorian Defence Navy. The FDN was made up of men of all ages and the ships were a mish-mash of civilian and pirate ships. The FDN was very successful in deterring pirates and lasted almost 150 years before being noticed by Eos. The Eosian Naval Command saw this militia as revolutionary in nature and had the leaders executed and the ships scrapped.

Malachy Gallagher, a prominent member of the organisation, was offered a spot in the new Fomorian Fleet but was disappointed when he was relegated to command a small, if modern, corvette. As Fomoria brewed into open revolt and was crushed by the Eosian Naval Command, Malachy became disillusioned with Eos and longed for the days when the FDN protected Fomoria. He secretly aligned himself to a group of Fomorian politicians and naval captains who also felt disillusioned with Eos and was planning a revolution when Vranas went missing with the Nemesis. The Virgin, which had become famous in the Fomorian Fleet for its superior scouting abilities, was offered up by the Eosian Naval Command to assist in the search of the Nemesis and Malachy reluctantly took up the job, putting all plans of a revolution on hold.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Posting what I've got; more bio to come:

Vessel Name: Lysander
Vessel Type: Battlecruiser
Vessel Class: Chevalier-class Battlecruiser

Armaments: The Lysander boasts eight massive 'ball turrets,' along its broadside and aft arcs, each housing a three-barreled mass projector. The spherical design of these batteries give them unprecedented ability to rotate 360 degrees and traverse over 180 degrees to threaten both oncoming and broadside targets. These mass projectors are accompanied by smaller autocannon turrets arrayed across the hull. Laser CIWS turrets defend the vessel from warheads and other small threats. To supplement its direct-fire armaments, the battlecruiser has six anti-ship missile batteries.

Onboard vehicles: Chevalier-class battlecruisers have enough space in their launch bays to carry ten small dropships or support craft, and eighteen aerospace fighters. The Lysander's onboard vehicle component is as follows:

  • 4x AS-220 Viper Assault Shuttles.
  • 6x CP-0 Transport Shuttles.
  • 18x Myrmidon Space Superiority Fighters.
  • 36x 'Lifeboats'

Crew: Operation of the Lysander is heavily automated, requiring only a meager crew of 394 enlisted and 99 officers to oversee its functions. 140 marines are stationed on-board the vessel.

Overview: The Lysander is one of several Chevalier-class battlecruisers, designed as a mobile, yet heavily-armed component of Eos' space fleets. They are faster and more maneuverable than dreadnoughts or true battleships, while sacrificing little in the way of armament or protection. Such is their success that they are frequently seen as flagships of task forces and battlegroups. While the class is aging, is remains active as a tried and true component of Eos' navy. The Lysander stretches just over seven-hundred forty meters from bow to stern and weighs about 740,000 tons.
The Lysander is currently acting as the flagship of the 8th Battle Squadron of the Eos Third Fleet. Four other Chevalier-class warships accompany it: the Agamemnon, the Capricious, the Wild Hunt and the Hughes-Davis. Each have identical configurations.

Captain: Lisa Feng-Hayes
Sex: F
Age: 52
Rank: Rear Admiral
Bio: A staunch Eos nationalist, Rear Admiral Lisa Feng-Hayes commands the 8th Battle Squadron of the Third Fleet under the directives of keeping Eos's colonies in line. Her five Chevalier-class battlecruisers patrol Eos-controlled space as a show of force, more than anything; the sight of which is enough to expedite the flow of taxes and material and pacify dissident populations. The Nemesis incident prompted Eos Naval Command to reassign the 8th Battle Squadron, sending it after the rogue ship in support of other Navy task forces.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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