Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The idea behind Revenant stemmed from the phrase 'Dirty Dozen in space', but 'Suicide Squad in space' works as well. It is a science-fiction role play taking place in the year 2166, chronicling the adventurers of the crew aboard the Revenant. The crew is composed of 'degenerates': mercenaries, assassins, bounty hunters, smugglers, pirates, convicts, etc. They have been coerced (persuaded, hired, or forced) to work for the Human Alliance, who wants to use them to destabilize their rivals: the Federation. Before long, however, the crew learns of an even greater threat, one that threatens the galaxy as a whole.

Each player-character will begin with little to no backstory. The idea is for everyone to begin as a stranger. As the crew learns to work with and trust one another, they will gradually reveal more about themselves.

The Alliance knows another war with the Federation is inevitable. They seek to win the war before it even begins, and they plan to do this via Project: Revenant. Attempting to perform covert activities with their own operatives may cause a war prematurely, so the Alliance plans to use mercenaries to destabilize the Federation. In order to accomplish their tasks, these mercs have been given an former Alliance frigate now known as the Revenant.

Combat and Role Play Special Rules

Each character has certain skills and abilities of your choosing. Throughout the course of the role play, on certain missions, these skills and abilities will be needed to progress further in the story. These skills can range from pilot and engineer, to medic and demolitions expert, and even technician and robotics expert. Be creative and try to think of unique talents for your character.

In this setting, weapons are either Ballistic or Laser. Armor is either Armored or Powered (uses shielding technology). Ballistic weapons use traditional bullets and ammunition, and are good at 'shredding' Armored opponents, but is ineffective against Powered armor. Laser weapons can disrupt and weaken shielded opponents, but is ineffective against Armored opponents. Conversely, rapidly-firing weapons are more effective at draining shields, and slow, high-caliber weapons are effective at chipping away Armored targets. Some weapons overheat, and Laser weapons can be affected by EMP blasts. You need to use the right weapon with the right capabilities to succeed at combat in this role play.

In this setting, exposure to an unknown energy found throughout space has given certain individuals psionic powers. They can shield themselves with powerful force fields, push and pull opponents with their mind, blast enemies with psionic bursts, turn invisible, and more. Some powerful psionic users can even use mind control. If you would like to use psionics, and want to use a certain power, feel free to ask me if it is okay.

The Revenant

The Revenant is an early model frigate that belonged to the Alliance. It vanished in Deadzone, a lawless region of space ripe with mercenary gangs and pirates, but it was recently recovered and upgraded. As far as anyone else knows, the Revenant is still missing, so no one will suspect it to be under Alliance control. By filling the ship with mercenaries, criminals, and other thugs, the theory that it was stolen by pirates is only made stronger. It is the perfect vessel for Project: Revenant.

This particular frigate can support a crew of up to 30 individuals. It contains a sizeable cockpit, war room, crew's quarters, and cargo area. While dated, it has been upgraded by Alliance personnel and is capable of stealth operations and combat situations.


[u][b]Player Characters[/u] (the Crew of the Revenant)[/b]
@TJByrum as Stryker (Bounty Hunter)
@crossfire as Maverick and SAL (Assassins)
@BlackPanther as Tokala (Thief)
@orlan as Brett Riveria (Thief, Assassin, Spy)
@lucidnonsense as Captain Skullface (Space Pirate)
@jordy0403 as Shade (Contractor)

Non-Playable Characters
Executor Lara - A high-ranking official in the Alliance. Technically, Lara's political and military power is shared with the other Executors, who govern the Admirals of the Alliance Fleet, and who are all commanded by the Chairman. The reality is, Lara may be the most influential and most powerful individual within Alliance command.
Captain Dawson - An officer of the Alliance Navy who works closely with Executor Lara. He's also Lara's direct contact when dealing with the Revenant crew.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Daniel Grayson AKA Maverick

Age/Race/Gender: 34. Human. Male. Caucasian.

Appearance: 5'11. Pale blue eyes. Jagged scar running from above his right eye to roughly the cheekbone area. Unkempt short dark-brown hair and scraggly goatee with permanent five o'clock shadow.

Occupation: Assassin.

1- MARS-388 Tactical Rifle: Prototype Modular Weapon that, with the flick of a switch can re-arrange it's parts to shift functions from a long-range sniper rifle, to a short-range automatic ballistic rifle, and just about anything in between. It also has a experimental CLAR (Concentrated Laser Assault Rifle) mode that is extremely prone to overheating in its current unfinished form.

2- Twin BlackHammer pistols- Fairly standard ballistic sidearms, easily acquired off the black market. Personally customized with Magnetic Grips. In-Line Silencer Toggle and 3-Way Ammo Shift (Light, Heavy, and Shrapnel)

Also has access to a large armory from his black market contacts, which he keeps on-board for general crew use.


Armored using mainly a heavy ballistic weave rather than cumbersome metal plating for effective protection against small-arms fire as well as nimble movement for quick on-the-job escapes. Completely ineffective to laser fire however.

Active Camo: Bends light around him to give the illusion of invisibility. Battery life ranges from 10 minutes (sitting completely still) to 2 minutes or less (when sprinting/running)
Analysis Tool: HUD overlay that identifies weak points on a sighted target. Secondary effect allows for tracking of targets. Synced up to both his helmet and eye implant (see below)
Cyber-Eye Implant in right eye that gives him a helmet-less HUD as well as assists with long-range targeting data.
Spider's Web Belt-mounted grappling cables that can stick to many surfaces, allowing him to suspend or transport himself between specific points. Controlled by a wrist-mounted computer.

Skills: An expert in nearly all forms of weaponry, both in the operation and maintenance department. If he likes you, he'll fix up any damaged weapons, or lend you new ones. His expertise in the art of tactical murder have also led to him developing quite a good tracker's sense.

Powers: No known psionic powers

Other: Somewhat unstable. Seems to suffer from some undiagnosed form of a split-personality disorder.


Name: SAL-PMA-M005 (Saber AutomLabs Prototype Personality Matrix Automaton Model 005) SAL for short.

Age/Race/Gender: Unknown Age. Robot. Male-Pattern Personality.


Occupation: Assassin.

CerberTech Ballistic Shotgun- A lever-action shotgun that looks comically small in his large hands. Fires standard ballistic short-range scattershot, as well as special explosive rounds.

ArcLight Pulse Pistol- Lightweight and quick firing laser pistol.

Wrist-Mounted Laser Knife- Custom made and designed. For extreme close-encounters only.

Armor: His body is made up of dated, but still effective plating used in traditional Heavy Armor. He's equipped himself with a low-level Powered-Shield emitter for an added (albeit admittedly ineffective) layer of protection.

Powered-Shield Emitter (see 'Armor' section above)

Skills: Intel Analysis. Robotic/cybernetics expert through his study/research into what he is.

Powers: None.

Other: Partnered with Maverick. The two are inseparable for some reason, even though neither can really stand the other.

May add an additional item to SAL, also gotta come back for some general clean-up/editing, but this covers the majority of it.
Last note, I have a clear explanation for why the 2 are partnered up, should I add it or leave it out for now to be explained in the rp itself?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm guessing the pistols are ballistic, and Daniel uses Armored rather than Powered armor. SAL is a nice addition. It is entirely up to you on explaining to us why the two partnered up; that's something you can reveal now, or in the intro posts, or later on when a crew member inquires about it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by JackRansom
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Name: Jack Ransom
Age/Race/Gender: Age: Unknown, Race: Unknown, Gender: Male
Occupation: Assassin
Weapons: Two Standard Issue Pulse Pistols, One .50 Sniper Rifle with advanced scope and silencer(deconstructed in a bag), One Tomahawk
Armor: None
Items: Totem Necklace
Skills: Self-Replication, Self-Resurrection, Sharpshooter, Cooking
Powers: Self-Replication and Resurrection
Other: Let me know if this isn't up to scratch, I can add more and edit if it isn't.

Also note; He has another form that he hardly ever uses, should I add it in as a picture?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What is
Self-Replication, Self-Resurrection,

I just need some clarification on that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@TJByrum Yeah, I went in and clarified that Daniel's pistols are ballistic and his armor is Armored rather than Powered, gonna leave out why they partnered up to reveal it in the story. Other than that, I think everything's good?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@crossfire Yeah everything else seemed to be in order.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JackRansom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Self replication refers to his ability to, for instance, grow back limbs if they're removed from his body. Self-resurrection is in reference to his ability to 'come back to life' after dying. This requires an incubation period of around half an hour to an hour though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@JackRansom Hm, I guess that's fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago

How humanoid must humanoids be? And any particular reason they are humanoid? Is there some kind of precursor race?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

How humanoid must humanoids be? And any particular reason they are humanoid? Is there some kind of precursor race?

Mmm, I could have worded that better. I was just wanting to make sure no one came here with some crazy stuff. Look up Twi'leks, Togruta, Gungans, Asari, Turians, Salarians, Krogan, Vulcans, Protheans, Batarians, Protoss... these are all relatively 'humanoid'. They would be perfect inspirations.

I just had to make sure no one came in here trying to play something like the Alien (from the Alien franchise) or Jabba the Hutt, or Elcor and Hanar type characters.

It's like trying to host a RP about a party of adventures, and someone comes along and says "I want to be a unicorn" or "I want to be a dragon" or something. Those kind of characters just would not fit what I am trying to accomplish, you know?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Lucidnonsense>

Mmm, I could have worded that better. I was just wanting to make sure no one came here with some crazy stuff. Look up Twi'leks, Togruta, Gungans, Asari, Turians, Salarians, Krogan, Vulcans, Protheans, Batarians, Protoss... these are all relatively 'humanoid'. They would be perfect inspirations.

I just had to make sure no one came in here trying to play something like the Alien (from the Alien franchise) or Jabba the Hutt, or Elcor and Hanar type characters.

It's like trying to host a RP about a party of adventures, and someone comes along and says "I want to be a unicorn" or "I want to be a dragon" or something. Those kind of characters just would not fit what I am trying to accomplish, you know?

Damn, So nothing like the hivers from Traveler? What about like, a member of a species that is in natural form non-humanoid (but intelligent) but because space travel is hard on organics and they didnt develope the fancy artificial gravity shit till later They went post-biological and put themselves in robotic bodies. The robotic body of this character would be humanoid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks really really cool and I'm definitly interested in putting up a character sheet

Before I do...would an anthro creature be humanoid enough
Like say a jackal anthro?

Edit: mostly checking to see. If not no harm I just like to check before putting up something
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alright, So Now Im thinking of playing a technologically advanced Alien "Park Ranger" who was captured by the Human Government after it Killed a bunch of Colonists who were trespassing on a planet that already had a primitive sentient species or something.

Actually changed my mind, Im gonna be a space pirate. now to think up a name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Has went by many names Currently known to the authorities as "Captain Skullface"
Age/Race/Gender:Has been Operating since at least the mid 21st century/Believed to be transhuman/Ambiguous, usually uses masculine pronouns
Occupation: Space Pirate.
Weapons: Skullface has an impressive collection of weapons, but usually only carries a few at once, his preffered loadout includes.
"Space Sword": a common weapon for Pirates, basically combines a taser with a sword. specially designed to be used in Zero-G
Antique Pulse Pistol: a 21st century brazilian police pulse pistol, kept mainly as treasure rather than for combat value, still operational and an effective weapon
Grenade launcher: Launches a variety of specialty grenades
Reaver Pistol: a flechette pistol, while supposedly safe for use in spaceships, Skullface only uses this weapon outside of starships.
Rave Rifle: A highly versatile weapon, Skullfaces weapon of choice it can fire lasers at a variety of frequencies, can be used both lethally and as a distraction.

Armor: Skullfaces body is made of advanced EMP-Hardened Nanomaterials, while lacking the same kind of protection as full on power armor, it can take a lot of punishment. Its also highly maneuverable.
Items:Has been compared to a swiss army knife.

Aerospace hardware
Cybernetics: (can maintain cyberwear and knows how it works, probably would not be the best person to install it though)
First Aid
Zero-Gravity work and combat.
Scum networking: Can find friends in the shadier areas of space.
Reputation among Scum
Zero-G martial arts
Laser weapons:
Piloting spacecraft:(Isnt like an ace or anything, but can get through an asteroid belt no sweat.)
Video games
Card Games: (you have to pass the time somehow!)
Trading Contraband
Sex (so he claims)
Drug Use: (he knows how to get really high)
Has a decent education and knows how to research shit on the space internet:
Fixing broken shit

Powers: His brain is cybernetically enhanced to allow for enhanced thinking, The best of human and Computer thought. is also generally faster and more dextrous than an unaugmented human. Is also very hard to Kill for good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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jordy0403 I'm the little one

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Ok, made up a CS, sorry it took so long.

Name: Shade
Age/Race/Gender: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Occupation:Contractor (Takes all sorts of jobs, from espionage to assassinations to bodyguard for a price)

Armor: Light ballistic weave
Items: Voice scrambler
Skills: Good engineer, skilled sword fighter
Powers: Known to have psionic shielding
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Orlan


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Brett Riveria, Assassin and spy.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Tokala looks mostly human but has large red fox ears and a red fox tail. The fur on each is a burnt orange in color with traditional black and white markings. His eyes are grey in color and his skin is olive toned though his arms up to his elbows and his legs up to his knees are black. He has claws in place of finger nails and pointed canines. His hair is a slightly deeper red then his ears and tail. He stands at 5 foot 9 and has lean muscle. (Akin to an archer's build.)

-daggers: blades made of a iron and steel blend.
-throwing knives: lightweight titanium blades
-claws: he has reinforced his claws with a matte black metal coating

-Body armor: his suit is black in color and made of a fine metal blend. It looks like a simple cloth type suit, but is bullet proof.(think black Panther's suit) (it does not cover his ears or tail...most likely he ran out of material)

-lock picking tool
-laser: a small device that can shoot a laser in bursts or a single line that is capable of going through tough metals

-silver tongue:he can sometimes talk his way out of problems
-Blending: can blend in to different situations (like a museum tour so he can steal a piece unnoticed)

-enhanced senses: he has enhanced senses equal to a canine. He is able to hear at a larger distance then a regular human, can smell more equal to a fox, and has slightly better eyesight along with better sight in the dark.
-Speed: he is quick, not flash level or quick silver, but he can easily outrun a human
-endurance: he can run for a long period of time before tiring
-steel stomach: not literally steel, but he can eat raw meats, uncooked fish, that type of thing

-he enjoys coffee
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So then, a bounty hunter, an assassin, a space pirate, psychotic hitman, contractor, a thief, a spy, and a robot. Quite a crew we've got here!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, just forewarning you guys, I work Monday-Friday so I will probably be absent those days. I will be more active on the weekend. Friday's are iffy, just depending on how I feel.

Okay, that's a really cool picture, and it's a unique character. Everything checks out fine. You're in!

Okay that's a cool picture too. I will assume the rifle is Ballistic and the armor is Armored. You're in.

Okay, with the chemist skill I got some ideas cooking in my head on how the team can use that. You're in.

I looked up images on Google and I am assuming that is what you mean. Yeah, that's perfectly fine and you are accepted.

Alright everybody, just let me see if I can get an IC up and we'll see how this goes.
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