Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Right-o, as far as I know everyone is playing good guys, so I've decided to shake things up a little ;)

Broken Jacks/Jokers will now function slightly differently then I was planning. Instead of set people secretly playing Jacks/Jokers, Jacks/Jokers can be anyone and become anyone. This means any one of us can become a Jack/Joker over the course of the game; and that too is subject to change.

I will say no more then that~

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Fairly certain I'll be joining, just a question. In the opening post (which I loved, don't be sorry it's so long,) it says most will marry within their suit. Are people allowed to marry outside their suit, and what would happen if they did?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@duskshine749 that's a very good question! People may marry outside their suit, but it has some consequences. It can depend on alot of things what happens: House Number plays a part as well, along with corruption in a suit.

A Heart marrying a Spade would be a relatively appropriate match, a Heart may do this if their family is running out of wealth and the Spade would gain renown from it. For Spades, this is their most covetted match. The family would probably take the Heart's Name/House.

A Heart marrying a Club is more complicated, depending on circumstance. Generally it would be frowned upon, but as Hearts are motivated by... well, their heart, it's not unheard of. Often a young maiden princess will be swept up in the embrace of romance, falling for the Head of her Guard or a bodyguard. While it's not unheard of, it is looked down on, and most hearts would be disuaded from such pursuits. In the example, if the maiden leaves her family she would join the Club family. Or, in the example of a Champion or Knight being promised the hand of a highborn in exchange for a victory or quest, the Knight (in rare circumstance) would join the Heart's family.

A Heart marrying a Diamond would probably result in the Heart being disowned/banished by their family and lose any sort of protection or benefits from their Suit. The Diamond would not gain any renown, except possibly in one's suit, but Diamond's are often spiritually motivated and don't care for social shenanigans as much, so their House Number might not change at all. In this instance, regardless of whether love was involved or not, the Diamond would have been considered to have somehow enchanted or corrupted the Heart into this action, and if anything, shunned all the more or possibly punished. It's a tragic union.

Now, if we're talking a Corrupted Heart... they could take many Diamonds as partners as a pseudo-harem and, if they so willed, it wouldn't be seen as an 'official' marriage if they also had a Heart partner. Think Game-of-Thrones style or any of that sort of thing that happened in Ancient Times. Not very savory, but it could happen.

Spades marrying Clubs: depending on the House Numbers of each, this could range from being a very good match to a terrible one. Spades might take interest in a unique skillset that a Club family has, or it might be a marriage of convenience for a Spade (House 9 Spade marrying House 2 Clubs, for example, could push them up the rankings) whereas Spade 2 marrying Clubs 10 would be shunned quite severely, particularly by other Spades, unless the Club family was particularly skilled in some way.

In alot of cases, though, Spades and Clubs can be quite complimentary, particularly the more "rogue" style Spades who are all about secrets, sneaking around and being nimble. In some cases Spades and Clubs who have fought together in a Deck will marry after they have put adventuring behind them.

Spades and Diamonds... No Spade in their right mind would do this. Unless the Diamond is a particularly strong one with unique magic the Spade is fascinated with... but rarely would that be grounds enough to marry them. A Spade marrying a diamond, even a low spade to a high diamond, would be a match in a million, perhaps only brought on by a shared love of magic. Diamonds are basically a forbidden match to high borns, for the most part.

Clubs and Diamonds... Appropriate, though the Club basically forfeits any expectation to rise in the House Number ranks. They'd have to work twice as hard to make any headway.

There's lots of different options depending on a lot of things, hopefully that'll give a pseudo-overview :D but if you want help with a specific situation, I am available to help brainstorm what that pairing might be like~

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I like the idea of my character having a Club mother and Spade father who fought together in a Deck back in the day. So would he have sort of lesser versions of both suits' characteristics or would he lean towards one more heavily? Also we could totally move this to PM if you think it'd be more appropriate @Mae
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@duskshine749 He'd be born either a Club or a Spade and inherit one set of magic or the other, but there's a Roguish side to Spades, so if you wanted to play an aggressive or combat spell caster he'd be born a Spade. If you go for a magically inclined Club, it'd be elemental based, shilding/buffing others or about straight up combat. We can take it to PM if you'd like more help :D

Also the history is sounding great, looking forward to it!

EDIT: Also not sure if you were asking this but mid-low class Spades and high-mid class Clubs would marry, anywhere in that range really, though if their relationship was forged in the heat of battle this might be an instance of not heeding tradition :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Mae Sent you a PM, I've gotta go back to work soon. So if I don't respond that's why. I'll be home in about 4 hours and then I can finally get some real work on this character. Normally I'm pretty shit at bio's and that, but I'm really gonna try hard for this RP :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Zephyr Hierro

Zephyr Hierro • 6 of Spades • Swordplay

"A true master is an eternal student."
♠ ♠ ♠

17 • Male

Zephyr's most prominent physical feature for most people would be his ears. They're just a bit too pointed for people to not notice them. There's no special story behind them, he's not some mystical race like some joke, genetics just said, "you know what? You're getting pointy ears." Part of the reason Zephyr keeps his hair long enough to cover them is just to reduce the comment he gets about them.

Other than that there isn't much remarkable about how Zephyr looks. He's a bit on the heavy side, but being 6'1" helps hide that fact. He wears a lot of blue, but that's more because he genuinely likes the colour and not just because he's a Spade.

If one had to describe Zephyr with a single word, focused would probably be a popular answer. Whether he is focusing on learning a new type of magic, focusing on his swordplay, or just focusing on being with friends. Zephyr lives in the moment and has a one track mind when doing something he deems important.

Zephyr sees life as one big lesson, and whatever he is doing also gives him a chance to learn. He enjoys life and wants to live it to the fullest, and how can you do that if you don't know as much about everything as you can?

Zephyr is generally a happy guy, and not much gets him down. When he does feel down though he drops like a stone. Often isolating himself and focusing solely on reading, trying to learn anything and everything he can. Thinking that if he just learns the right thing he'll be able to fix the awful feeling inside of him. It often takes others forcing themselves on him to get him out of his rut.

Zephyr is part of the house of Swordsmanship, one which very often has Spades intermingling with Clubs. Whether the swords are magical or made of steel, members of this house are exemplary at melee weapon combat. Zephyr's parents in particular were in a Deck together during their prime. His mother was surprised a Spade could be so adept with a sword (albeit a magic one) and his father was impressed at her combination of elemental magic in her combat style.

After their time out in the world they decided to settle down together and that's where Zephyr came from. When Zephyr started showing which parent he took after more it was very clearly the magic of his father, even though physically everyone says he looks so much like his mother. Both his parents taught him what they knew, thus giving him his current, almost hybrid, fighting style.

Unfortunately things couldn't stay happy forever. Zephyr's father came down with an illness which could not be cured. His father died when Zephyr was only 11, and that sent him into depression. Zephyr isolated himself and spent all his time reading, barely remembering to eat and unable to accept the death of his father. There had to be some way to see him again, but despite all his efforts, Zephyr found nothing. Eventually his mother got through to him, and after some time he just got used to his dad not being around.

The System

Health: 11
Sanity: 10
Willpower: 10
Stamina: 12
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 12
Stealth: 11
Magic: 17
Vigilance: 10
Luck: 0

Attuned Weapon: Zephyr can create a blade out of magic. This uses his Magic stat to attack, can later be enchanted with effects.
Currently uses a Dagger which deals 4 damage and has a 10% chance to cause the oppontent to bleed for 4 damage over 2 rounds
Frostbolt: Deals 8 and slows the enemy
Fire Blast: Deals 4 and burns the enemy for 3 over 3 rounds
Psyshock: Sends a jolt through the targets nervous system, dealing no damage but stunning them for 2 rounds.
Shield: Blocks 5 damage, Sanity, Health, or both


Cantrips: 3 times a day, Zephyr can preform a minor magical feat. Such as making a light source or a noise.
Research: Due to his focused nature and propensity to read, when Zephyr is researching a particular topic he can find the information faster than most other people would, and learns more in the process. During the time after his fathers death Zephyr spent much time looking at spells he shouldn't have. He has an extensive knowledge of all kinds of Forbidden Magic
The Effects

Fates & Destinies:
  • Make some friends, he's fallen a bit deep in to his studies
  • Become proficient enough to combine his blade with at least one other spell
  • Join a Deck like his parents before him



Area Unlocks:

Gold: 150g
Equipment & Items:


There we go, @Mae said she would help with specific numbers for the powers, so that will change. Other than that I think I'm good. Unless you think I should put more detail. I just really wanted this done tonight. I should have been in bed an hour ago but I really like this RP. Hope it's all good :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@duskshine749 he's looking excellent! I'll balance stuff tommorrow, but when the OOC goes up you can post him straight into the Character thread :3
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@duskshine749 I think our characters will either get a long very well or hate each other. Well not hate necessarily, but you'll see what I mean soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jorik
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So I was wondering if this was still open, Cause this looks like something I can commit myself to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jorik
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Still kind of a W.I.P so..xD

The Character

Allan Banta • 8 of Diamonds •Fortune's Finders

"If plan A doesn't work the alphabet has 25 more letters so don’t stress!"
♦ ♦ ♦

19 • Male

Appearance: Allan is 5’’9 with short auburn hair which complements his pale skin which is prone to sunburns, His outfit usually consists of clothing that would normally make him look like a shrine priest, but He is a crafty fellow when it comes to modifying everyday clothing. As an under protection he wears a light chain mail shirt which is covered by a Yellowish sleeveless Robe which extends to his waist line, which is then continued by black leather plated trousers that are tightened to his legs for easier mobility, for foot wear he has on a pair of old leather boots he father used to wear, they extend to just under his upper calf (about half way). He can usually be seen with a bow slug over his shoulder and a quiver not far away from it. A few pouches dot his adventuring "costume" but he cannot carry much, sacrificing Carrying Capacity for maneuverability, this is because Allan isn't a very tough looking fellow, He is a pretty lanky looking individual with no visible muscles showing unless he decides to flex, something he has been teased for in the past.

Allan isn't really the type to want to stand out in the crowd, because of this he usually has his robe hood up and is looking at the ground unless he finds something particularly interesting.

Personality: Allan is a quiet sort, especially when talking to or in the same Deck as a heart or spade, he was always taught that because he and his family were really low on the chain of diamonds that you should always watch yourself before talking to anyone with a level higher than his, that went especially for Hearts. His parents always viewed them as better than such a low class diamond family. These teachings were somewhat passed on to Allan. The only difference being that he was not so dead set on just being a low class diamond. He wanted to be a hero of the people, to vanquish all the darkness from the land, he wants to do everything he can for the greater good.

But there are some difficulties. Ever since he was a child he has had...Urges to be cruel and torturing. He is usually fine but every once and awhile he would get this insatiable need to torture,Destroy and pulverize someone. He hates it, and it scares him the things that he thinks of sometimes. He’s gone to doctors and shrines but they say he is not cursed or have any madness’ upon him. It shames him but sometimes he actually gives into these urges and sometimes tortures the undead far far into the woods, it always works. Though he is afraid that one day it won’t work and he will need to torture a human being.

Biography:Allan was born at night, with multiple complications at birth he somehow came out a perfectly normal child. His parents were two owners of a shrine of good health and luck, using the blessing of spirits and other unknown divines to help people on their way to wherever they were going. But one day there was a storm to end all storms, oh so it seemed like, the entire shrine was almost destroyed, the family too if they had not taken shelter in a neighbors more fortified home. This destruction shoved the Family into Poverty and family had no choice but to move to a family member's stead. It was horrible, the rats were as big as cats and the food was bad and Allan’s mother got very sick.

This stress,piled on with the other family problems were what drove Allan over edge a bit. And it really only ever showed when he was angry. When he was ten a few rats had cornered his mother. They were circling her and were preparing to eat her, if Allan started to swing a big stick around at the rats, after a few hits and maybe a few bites they all ran away, except one. It was limping and crying out weakly. Long story short Allan liked the feeling of holding the power over others. And for a few weeks under the excuse that he was catching the rats that attacked his mother he found any rat he could and beat it. His father and mother recognized this and did his best to teach him not to do these things as they were the quick paths to villainy. He did his best to not succumb to the urges of his “dark side”.

On a sunny day in the middle of Fall Allan was playing down the river, pretending to be an adventurer on an epic journey when he spotted a man near the shoreline, he was kneeling on the sand, the tide just hitting the bottom of his black robe. In Front of him was some strange looking stones in a wide circle with him outside of it, Allan tried to back away from him slowly when the hooded figures head snapped towards him “I won’t hurt you” he said to him, taking off his mask to reveal an older man with short white hair and tired eyes . His name was Adalard and he was a travelling Diamond who was doing a ritual so that a local spirit may find peace. Allan asked if he could stay around and watch, the made nodded and started the ritual. After that their friendship blossomed and for a little while things were going good. But one day Allan went down to the shoreline and Adalard wasn’t there. He waited for a long time but eventually he had to go home.

The next day Allan went down to the shore again and to his surprise Adalard was there but something was different about him, he was limping and looked sickly “My dear boy, it seems that my luck has run out” the dry, hopeless voice of his friend shook him in a strange way Adalard began to tell the story about how he was on his way to cleanse a nobleman's house a few villages over when he was attacked by a group of undead, he suffered a few scratches and bites causing some cell decay, parts of his face and hands had started to look like old bread. “My friend could you do this old man a favor? Adalard took a small dagger out of his pocket. After some thought Allan agreed and did what his friend wanted him to do. After it was over Allan pushed the body to where the tide could reach it. And he came home, not wanting to go down to the shore anymore.

When he was of age his parents sent him to The Spire so that he could become something of himself, no one ever knew about Adalard and no one knew about the satisfaction Allan felt by killing his first friend.

The System

Health: 10
Sanity: 10
Willpower: 10
Stamina: 10
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 15
Stealth: 10
Magic: 10
Vigilence: 10
Luck: 10

Shoot First, Ask later Upon entering a location, Allan may fire an arrow through time. Upon the start of combat, this arrow hits for 8 damage. If this ability is used in combat, it instead hits for 6 damage and grants +1 speed for the round of combat it is fired in.

Good luck,friend! Allan can give a friendly suit LUCKY and heal a suit for a small amount of SANITY lasts for ONE ROUND

Spirit Caller! Allan is able to summon a minor spirit to aid in battle against non-corporeal enemies, 10% chance to cause FEAR in human enemies, has a base health of 12 (may do 2 damage a round while active, 5 to non-corporeal enemies, cannot be healed)


Heal em up,watch 'em go!:Allan can perform one small healing action per day
CraftsmanAllan can repair a piece of LIGHT ARMOUR if the durability is more than 67%

The Effects

Fates & Destinies:
  • To be Cleansed
  • To make a new best friend
  • To be corrupted



Area Unlocks:

Gold: 150g
Equipment & Items:


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Alright, sheet is all done, edited my numbers a bit, Str and Dex are 12 instead of 13, Magic is now 17. Also put in some fate/destinies
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iktomi
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Iktomi The Spider

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I am loving everyone's characters so far! They are a great bunch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Did a thing, sorry for mistakes it was kind of rushed while I had access to a computer, but here's a least the general idea. :<
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gosh I'm chuffed as chips with how well everyone's characters are coming along!

Also I find it so funny we've got all dudes so far xD They will go on the manliest of missions together >:3

right, so let me think what actually still needs doing before the OOC! Locations are pretty much there, ALL the shops have been populated, I have the updated rankings in a word document (probably just going to keep that stuff for the OOC so you guys don't need to go read the front page of this every time I make a teeny tiny change xD)... I think that literally just leaves formatting the front page with proper location information!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tal0n


Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Mae Sorry, my character is taking a bit long... Should have her up today, though
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@tal0n it's ok i understand :D There's no pressure just yet (we don't even have an OOC yet!), so you do what you need to do :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Eklispe just saw your sheet :D I really like your loadouts and i'm so excited by your fates <3 i'm getting a little tired so idk if i can help with balancing tonight, but just wanted to let you know i've seen him! Also I think you get another 2 in sneak~
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Now we need someone to be a heart so we can have all the suits, we seem to be a bit over represented by clubs at the moment
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