Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aria reached the room and locked the doors and closed the window. After that action was done she took a look at the uniform in question leave it to them to make something insane like that and put it in the form of a school uniform. With a sigh she quickly changed as she took one final look around the room call her paranoid but she learned quickly not everything is as it seemed. Though as she was about to leave it hit her thats why that one person looked familiar he was the "charge" that was taken under his wing. With a mental note to apologize for not recognizing it first she left her first goal to apologize for her slip in judgement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Prof. Namashiya Kotori - Merlin

A chime interrupted her briefing of the news, and the notification revealed it to be none other than the Ice Queen herself once again. Reading through the messsage, the Songbird's lips creased slightly into a frown.

Naturally, she would hasten a response.

Brilliant as a mind you may have, Ria, it is still in need of further sharpening. Whether you like it or not, I'm afraid to say. Just because your pre-acceptance has gone through, doesn't mean you are too advanced for the Academy. Some of the prospects are just as capable as you, and equally they've also much to learn. You will abide by your new parameters accordingly.

See you in class at noon.


-D-Watch SMS
-Username: Songbird

Resuming where she had left off and flipping aimlessly through the countless stories that the day had brought thus far, Kotori was thankfully relieved. So far, the conflict in Afghanistan was quelled, other parts of the ever-turbulent Middle East were stable. No earthquakes, no tsunamis, no Espers acting out with reckless abandon. For the first time in a great while, the fragile stability of the world was relatively intact.

With a slight chime, the holographic screen of her Dynamic Watch faded and the watch itself powered down into sleep mode. Leaving her with just her breakfast, so almost happily she too a bite and chewed serenely.

A quiet morning, new student trials, and a few interesting ones to boot. She had lived up to her promise once again, the day just seemed to be getting better and better! Another bite then, until she heard the sound of approaching footsteps rapidly arriving past her right shoulder.

It was none other than her boistrous new prospect, of whom was being dragged about by one of her second year students. Successfully fighting the urge to roll her eyes at the ongoing antic, she neatly settled her hands and folded them together as they stood in front of her. The second year tried to hug her, but she lightly refused the gesture. It was really unwise after all for that kind of contact with students.

Yet Rouka, the prospect, spoke of concern.

Her eyes met his for a long moment, as if she were studying him. Silently lingering there as she finally broke the silence at long last.

"Yagami-san," she reservedly stated to start. "I expect more out of a second year than to try and punish a first year for being unruly. That is to the discretion of the faculty. He is new, and has much to learn...as do you as well."

"As much as it is recommended that a student team up with another, it is similarly recommended that we give new students the choice of whom they wish to team up with." The Professor continued, with a light smile on her lips. "You cannot force him, so please release him."

Once Yagami had done so, she waved for Rouka to take a seat in front of her. "Please, take a seat. And tell me what troubles you, prospect."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasaki Kirima - Hunger Pangs

Now free from the confines of the stuffy meeting room, Sasaki Kirima took the tube a few stations down, standing uncomfortably between several people as he did so, and took the short walk from the station to the Seneca Institute Orphanage’s research facility. Though these days he played the part of proxy more than researcher, Seneca was his homeground, and so he found himself rushing just a bit more than usual to get back to his comfort zone.

Even if he was old enough to realize that his comfort zone wasn’t all that comforting at all.

At his side, he felt a buzz and fished out the watch from his pocket - one of the two D-Watches in his possession.

Altering his course to park himself to the side of a building and out of the way of walking pedestrians, the giant silently assessed and reassessed the message he’d been sent by the colder-but-not-colder Tsurara twin. With a sigh, he began composing a response of his own:

This is a work-only line.
D-Watch SMS // Username: KirimaS -> Username: I'mTooCoolForU

He stuffed the watch back into his pocket.

Now back in the Institute, Sasaki Kirima took a seat in the staff canteen and set down the brown bag and drink that the secretary up at front had given him. “Another gift from your Level 10 friend,” he’d been told once again. She’d been doing this for a few weeks now, and never once had he managed to catch her in the act. Although it definitely would have been much simpler to just get Adam Pride to do him a solid for once, but there was some part of him that wouldn’t be pleased with that kind of resolution.

(Besides, letting that man have any more over him than he did now would be a nightmare.)

At any rate, doing things the complicated way had always been a mainstay of his repertoire. Or maybe he was just so much of a masochist that the path of most resistance seemed to be the best idea.

He took a bite out of the sandwich. ‘This...’ He narrowed his eyes, his mouth became still, and his eyes stared into the sandwich. ’...is good.’ That was the best he could come up with; Sasaki wasn’t much of a food aficionado despite his large capacity for consumption.

Across the table, someone took a seat.

“Good morning,” Sasaki greeted in slightly eclectically accented English. He took another bite of the sandwich and raising his gaze to meet the individual, “First month is over. Are you adjusting well?”

The individual across from him was Amara Hahn, one of the Institute’s recent hirees. From his understanding, she was transferred from some German research facility, and assigned to mentor a group of the Institute’s children while using her findings with them for a project of some sort related to ESP development. She was also one of the few individuals that possessed a roughly similar age, and the only one who got the same lunch time. .

“Did you hear that a Level 10 stopped by again? Dam-err-arn, I wish she was more consistent so I could get the kids to see that.”

There was a distinct pause before Sasaki answered with: “I see.”

“You saw? Or… do you mean understand?”

“Uh… Yes. Second.”

Amara put a hand to her chin. “I wonder what she always comes here for...”

He shrugged and remained silent. As far as his platonic relationship with the Songbird went, that was something he’d much prefer to keep on a need to know basis. It puts less of a target on his head, on many different levels. He crumpled the sandwich ziplock and began going for the apple slices.

“Ah, whatever. I bet’cha she’s got a good reason. None of my business anyway. Speaking of business, that kid of yours is trying to get into ENMA, right?”

He nodded, too busy stuffing himself with the slices to speak. He’d always loved the more zesty kinds of flavours.

“Well, good luck to him. I tried getting in and my instructor for the entrance test was way too severe. Most of my class didn’t even pass!”

She tilted her head and eyed the giant, who was channeling his inner furnace to consume the lemon-drenched apples.

“....Are those really that good? May I…?”

Sasaki pulled the bag closer to himself and stared at her with a blank expression. The sentiment was clear.

“That good, huh?”

That good.
Mika Alkaev - Uncertainty

Mika stared into the window, looking not at the city skyline, but at his own image reflected in the glass. 'Yeah, still feels a tad tight,' he thought as he moved his arms around, watching how the white uniform hugged the contours of his slim body, ’Or maybe it’s just me…’

After Professor Namashiya had set the class of hopefuls loose, the Russian esper had opted to take the uniform out on a test run. Overall, the uniform worked as promised, though he hadn’t gotten around to testing out the limits of the resistances. Given his nature, that was probably a good thing.

Still, not even three hours and his formerly-pristine white university-hopeful uniform had already been dirtied up. Feeling a bit self-conscious, he dusted off his thighs - a token, but ultimately useless action if getting his clothes clean was the goal. Dark and dusty streaks and splotches marred the lower half of his uniform, reinforcing the second-class image traditionally associated with children from the Institute.

‘I wonder if you’re supposed to put these in the clothes washer or get them dry cleaned...’ Mika hoped that Sasaki would know; he was always better at those sorts of things than he was, and showing up all filthy wasn’t the hallmark of someone who could impress a Level 10.

Speaking of which, Mika sighed and scratched his head. The terms of the entrance examination were really frustrating. As far as he knew, his options were a bit bleak. He puffed out his cheeks and wordlessly stared into the reflection, silently questioning himself. But the more he thought about it, the more grounded he was in the opinion that everything he was good for wasn’t really applicable in this sort of setting.

At least he hadn’t gotten into a fight like those two scoldees from earlier, but now that he knew her stance on fighting, an entirely different problem presented himself.

“NNNNNNNNNH… I told him this was a bad ideaaaaaaaaaa,” he muttered, frustratedly stamping his feet on the ground with characteristic rapidity. His expeditious mind was little help as it began generating a deluge of possible ways he could fail to succeed in his endeavour. Then, as quickly as it came, it left. Mika balled up his hands, forced his mouth into a hard line, and steeled his admittedly rather unreliable resolve.

“I’ll just ask her for advice.” There was a distinct pause. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Mika broke off into a preternatural sprint towards the central campus building.

Figuring that the lunch room would be the best place to look for someone at lunch time, Mika stepped into the canteen and took a quick glance around the premises, searching for his telekinetic teacher. It didn’t take so long, given that she was surrounded by a group of people.

Now that he thought about it, Kotori was a Level 10 and a teacher; Mika supposed he couldn’t have honestly expected her to be completely available at all times, let alone lunch hour when everyone was free. Thus, he stood awkwardly behind everyone, waiting for his moment.

And then he left.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mira Yasaka
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Mira Yasaka Homonculus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fan- Why didn't I looked at her closely?

She frowns in the midst of the voyeur, an upperclassman who seemed into guys, and Kotori Namashiya. Speaking of her name, she remembered. "Really? This is Kotori in person? Why didn't I notice it before?!" Fan regretted her actions which pose a bad impression for the hero she admires. Normally she likes liking and can't bring herself to like something or someone but just this once, it is the one and only Kotori Namashiya, the Level 10 Hero of Japan.

"Huh?! He started it!" Fan exclaimed but held her loud voice back which makes her sound squeaky. "I'll take a seat too and forgive me for my bad behavior o great level 10." Saying the level but behind it, she want to say Kotori's name. "Hey... you really are her right? Kotori Namashiya?" She blushed intensively thinking 'yikes I said my hero's name'. Japan is a huge place and most people have the same surnames and even their first names but to think of all people, the one and only Kotori Namashiya.

This is really getting awkward fast. Fan started losing her thoughts and stuttering in the presence of the great level 10. She sighed and started talking to Kotori. "Sorry again... hehe.." But can't look at her eye to eye.

"Prof. I too have a lot of questions so please bare with me." Subconsciously, she didn't know that she was hugging the Songbird.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rouka Shinami- You again!

Rouka is about to talk to Professor but have to get cockblocked by that Gila Girl aka Gorilla Girl. He just carried on. Something felt off and judging from the looks of it, indeed it is the famous telekinetic, Songbird. "Yagami-senpai. So this Songbird is going to be our Professor." He said feeling all surprise.

"My my. Rounyan. Your curious input makes me all HHNNNGG! Curiosity is good you know!"
"Shut up!" Rouka encases Yagami in his silver clay: coffin.

Ignoring the annoying gorilla girl, Rouka as assertive as always gets her out from the Professor, he drags her out by not being so gentle. "Quit harassing the Professor. I don't care if she's famous, we're here to learn and not to fool around. Since the exam is an hour away, don't expect me to hold back on you. Be it girls, or whatever gender, kids, and elderly. I show no mercy." He sighed full of resentment towards the Gila Girl.

"Professor. Tell me more about yourself and this school, I have a lot to learn and I can't fail this. I've faced too many failures in the past as I look myself in the water." Rouka although not dramatic, he looks dramatic, clenching his fists so hard with eagerness for answers.

He also is not bothered of his bad display against the Gila Girl and the impression he is showing right now, bad attitude. Yagami later is not fazed and amused. "That's not nice Rounyan." He is showing a smily face but behind it is a killing intent.

Yagami although not visible, inside him is an ooze of bloodlust that is bound to kill. Rouka is shocked. "Just what the hell are you?" Nobody had ever broken out of his silver clay coffin.

Still with the bloodlust, he cools down a little bit. "I'll say it again. My name is Gon Yagami, 20 years old. I love Kotori-sama and I am a Can..." Later both Rouka and Fan punched his face and in unison saying.
(Inb4 I get accused of powerplaying, I asked permission). Rouka looks at Fan. "Tch... this girl....."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Prof. Namashiya Kotori -- More Unto the Fray

She was being watched, she could practically feel it. So certain was she that while Rouka and Yagami talked and argued betwixt themselves, her eyes wandered. Drifting until they found Mika, just as he turned and walked away. For a long moment, she watched him until he had disappeared at last.

Had he needed to ask a question? If so, what were his concerns?

Yet her attention took a jarring shift as the second half of the fighting duet came and brashly sat down in front if her. In which quickly, her words and emotions went through a rapid fire changes. First was defiance, second was apologetic, third was disbelief, fourth was sorrow, and finally, fifth was curiosity. The way she spoke left the Songbird whether or not it was genuine admiration, or fecetiousness all around.

Yet even still, she would entertain the idea of genuity.

However, things took a sharp turn when both Rouka and the girl turned and swung their fists into Yagami's face. Sending him twisting through the air before rather apruptly, he stopped falling. With a profuse nose bleed, he was gently returned to his feet while he was supported by an invisible touch.

"Yagami-san. Please head to the infirmary to have that injury taken care of." Kotori stated quietly to begin with. "We cannot have you all bloodied up for the ceremony for newly accepted students."

Once the second year had left, and her breakfast had been finished, the young professor set her palms atop the table, and picked up her tray.

"I believe I gave simple instructions, you two." She stated simply, accompanied with a sigh of resignation. Together, this duet was so headstrong that they'd break even the simplest rules without hesitation. It did not bode well in the least.

She, as their teacher, needed to nudge them in the right direction.

Frowning, Kotori continued to speak. "The second rule for today was to be civil. Do you understand? That means no fighting, no striking others as a means to an end. Take the higher road, and use words to end your disagreement. For there will be a time when using your powers, instead of using words, it will not only be a detriment, but it will cause the deaths of others."

"It is your duty to control your tempers and impulses, or they will lead you down the road to disaster. Again, you've made it much much more difficult, even moreso than before, to earn my recommendation. Remember, ENMA's prospective student entry exams have an eighty-five percent failure rate." She stated flatly, clearly unimpressed by their behavior.

Pausing for a final second, she glanced between the two. "If you wish for a shadow's chance of getting my recommendation, let alone getting into ENMA, first go and apologize to Yagami-san. Second, when the prospect trials begin I expect you two to work together. And cooperate fully, to include resolving any disagreements you have with one another with words, rather than fists."

She turned then, carrying her tray along the way with distinction as she promptly dropped it off at the wash station.

And yet her path changed entirely, heading down tue same hallway whoch Mika had disappeared into. Once she stepped into it, her footfall echoed in a particularly peculiar way. A invisible wave of telekinesis echoed forth with the sound of her foostep. With her eyes closed as she walked, she felt the vibrations of molecules in the air as the wave proceeded gently forward.

Imperceivable to all, her eyes opened when it washed over the recognizable form of Mika. With such a discovery, she strode forward with a touch more haste in her step.

It did not take long for her to find him. Always, she had gravitated to the students who were the quiet, shy types. For what reason, she was uncertain. Perhaps because she was once like them? Or perhaps because of an old phrase that still echoed in her mind. One which she would reiterate to the boy as she fell into step beside him.

"The stillest ponds oft run the deepest." She began with a mild sagely tone in her voice. A quick glance to his face revealed concerns of his etched upon it, yet no voice thus far for her to discern such issues. So she instead attempted to break the ice, in the hopes she could get him to talk.

"Something troubling you, Alkaev-san?" She inquired in Russian that carried a heavy Moscow accent. "I'm sure from of the look you had earlier, you've many questions. Fire away."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mika Alkaev - Encounters in Birdwatching

Someone was following him.

Though it wasn’t entirely uncommon for someone in his line of work to get followed around - and definitely not something unfamiliar to him himself - it was still a jarring turn of events nonetheless. He hadn’t expected something like this to come up here. Fortunately, he was well-suited to getting rid of tails. Unfortunately, he didn’t really know the topology of the building, so he was just winging it at this point, far away from anywhere familiar and relying more on being faster than being able to outmaneuver.

Considering his pursuer, this was moot point. Homeground advantage was a potent thing. Being the world’s best telekinetic was also a pretty significant factor, admittedly.


Before he realized it, Mika let out a frightened screech that went up and up in pitch, echoing through the corridors nearby. It was pathetic, really. He was better than that; he knew he was better than that. It was just that he hadn’t at all expected his tail to suddenly talk to him, and to be his teacher of all people.

He soon calmed down though, but the remnants of that wide-eyed disorientation in his expression were evident. It didn’t help that he didn’t quite understand what he’d been told - maybe he’d been moving too fast or something. Something about deep water? He kind of just stood there, staring at her until she made her second statement. Then he blinked. That explained it. He wasn’t rushin’; she was speaking Russian.

That said, he hadn’t properly spoken his mother tongue in a good decade; properly relearning the language had always been a bridge he would cross when it came to it - and now it came to it. He could still convey general concepts, but the exact-intent-to-speech translation escaped him.

Except for the expletives. Those always came in handy.

Mika scratched his nose. Even if his polite Russian wasn’t the best, it didn’t mean he couldn’t at least give it his best go by bastardizing the impolite Russian. If he knew the meaning of the phrase, all he’d have to do was omit the right (wrong...?) bit and substitute something else, no? He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, thinking about how best to go about this, and spoke:

“You stop my brain with stupid questions.” That didn’t sound too right. “Err… I’ve had thoughts of you?” Wait, no. That didn’t mean at all what he thought it did on second thought. “Do you think - I don’t care. Understand?”

Well, if there was anything moving fast was good for, it was digging holes.

“I will shut your fucking mouth.”

Very good.

“...” There was a pregnant pause and a cringe from the young man. This experience hurt him on the inside. “...I can speak Japanese better,” he said in Japanese, “No insult intended, I swear! I just wanted to know about like, advice on how to pass the first part and stuff.” He paused again. He was forgetting something.

“Oh, and how should I go about cleaning this uniform?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Prof. Namashiya Kotori -- Still Waters

There was a brief moment of surprise for the Songbird when Mika spoke. It did not take her long to discern that he was no longer fluent in what was his motherland's tongue. Looking at him from over the rim of her half-moon spectacles, Kotori continued to let the boy make his attempts with a hint of amusement on his face.

Until of course he sighed, and spoke in Japanese. Nefer removing her gaze from his as he spoke of concerns he had, and how to clean his unfiorm.

"I'll start woth the latter. If you look carefully, the uniform is self-cleaning for the post part." She waved towards the state of his clothes, and if he looked down, the boy would be able the staining of dirt and grass recede across the entire uniform.

"It is laced with nanotechnology to help the uniform regenerate swiftly after any damage. This also happens to include stains. Designed it myaelf, pretty neat hm?" She quipped with a reassuring smile, while she leaned against a wall and folded her arms.

"As for passing the teat, look at it this way. You are currently a level four esper. When I applied to join ENMA, I was the exact same." The Professor nodded softly, and then continued. "Have faith in yourself, and think outside the box a bit. After that, you will more than likely pass the test."

Turning back towards the door that lead downstairs, she waved for him to follow her. "Also, feel free to follow me and get a bite to eat. It is not wise to try and complete the exams on an empty stomach."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mira Yasaka
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Mira Yasaka Homonculus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fan and Rouka

A Collaboration with Jelly

Gon Yagami
Gon is not phased for the last attack, it seems that his wounds just easily healed itself. He tells Kotori to go easy on those kids and the kids she'll be taking in, so far only Gon's the student that calls the Prof by her first name. There's something he must do and that is to meet his cross-dresser friend, he's been missing in action for hours and Prof. Indra Muthusami had been searching for him. He leaves Kotori and searches for his buddy and flashed him a message via D-watch.

Hang in there H***y**i. Let me guess, you're up to mischief again? Prof Muthusami is looking for us, I understand how boring Magic Class is but for crying out loud, we're gonna get detention if I don't find you.
[@D-Watch SMS // Username: Negated -> I'mAgirlButIloveGirlsNoWaitI'maGuythatLikesGuys.Wait]


The young lad continues running to find his comrade.

"If only Hajime is here, the guy is like the strongest man on the planet." He thinks while running and whoever is this Hajime guy, he must be someone from his awesome past and connection of friends.

Fan Fan Fan All The Way

After getting the wrong impressions from her idol. Fan is totally, as in totally and extremely pissed at Rouka. Rouka on the other hand either does not care about the damage he have caused or he is just not good in expressing his emotions.

"Let's have a truce but on one condition. Team up with me for the Maze Battle."
Fan boasts about her capabilities against Rouka. Either she is bluffing or not.

Rock out it in the Kitchen Gila

Rouka grinned. It's not the second time that a girl in his life is threatening him. He decided to talk to her in Chinese. Both converses in Chinese. "Since when did you find out about the exam's coverage?" He asked with curiosity.

Gila Girl Strikes Back

She yawns. "Some blonde guy who looks like a lolicon... on my way to school told me about the exam's coverage." She shows him the outline, she so far can only remember.

2-4 PM

First 30 minutes

Aptitude Test
Know yourself. Are you an ESP or an MAG? Focus yourself on the surprise objects that will be given to you. Be it mana or prana. In this phase, you will know what you are and what you can do.

An all out war with students, take down each other and only 12 Students would be the last standing.
Entrance Exam

"That's what I remember so far. But who cares, sounds interesting right? This is an offer you can't refuse." She said to Rouka.

Kiss of Life
To Fan's surprise, she herself fell prey on Rouka's nonsense again. If this continues, she might drop this school. Deep in her mind, she wants to fight back but decided not to because she just got schooled by the great Kotori and it would be a bad if she gets wrong impressions again. Of all the nonsense she's been through, a kiss from the enemy is a disgusting one. "You're my first kiss? Why did you do that for?" Fan tries holding back her punch.

I can explain

"Shut up and listen Gila. I used a magic barrier spell so that nobody will be able to hear our conversation. Look. People in Pyramid City, if not half the population knows how to speak Chinese but maybe a quarter. If they find out what just happened to you, we're dead. Also these idiots are not native Chinese but people who either hates Chinese people or the elites. I just saved your life so be thankful. Mófǎ lǐngyù is a spell taught to me by my Shi Fu. It works as long as I have a medium, Mófǎ lǐngyù aka Mana Field is a basic spell that shuts off all sounds. It's a sound based illusion that distorts sounds. What others hear may not be what they hear. Luckily you're a medium. The medium itself must be something or someone that can make a sound."

Da heck

"MAG huh? Too long I didn't understand a thing you just said. In a nutshell your spell can shut off sounds and make other people hear different things. Simple but effective. By the way who taught you Chinese?" She asked. "Your grammar is a lot better than you speaking in Japanese or English."

"Forget if I ask and said that. So it's a yes then?" Clarifying if Rouka agrees.

I agree to disagree

"Yeah. I hate to cheat but don't ever mention what you encountered."
Advising at broken English which sounds retarded in her ears.


Rouka approaches Kotori and the rest. "Prof. Just a time check, the ceremony is about to start in 10 minutes and after that, it's the entrance exams. Don't you think, we should gather the remaining students?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mika Alkaev - Not That Deep

To say Mika was surprised would be an understatement. Usually if he’d said something like that in a polite place like this, he’d get knocked on his ass or otherwise forced to do something rather unpleasant as compensation. All he’d gotten from the Level 10 was benignity all around. Where was the ruler smashing his knuckles and the endless rewriting of “I will not cuss out the teacher” on the whiteboard?

...Hm. Maybe all those books about schoolmarms had colored his perceptions a tad too much?

Whatever the case, he wasn’t about to look this gift horse in the mouth. He was, after all, sure that if he pulled that trick again, he wouldn’t be getting similar forgiveness. He averted his eyes, knowing he’d done something a bit embarrassing, and gave an awkward laugh of relief as he saw his grime fading.

Though the reason for his relief was pretty obviously not the fact that he was getting a quick clean up.

“Neat trick.” He tugged his uniform and brought it closer to his face, watching closely at the fading specks of filth. Nanotechnology derived from microtelekinesis - now there was something he’d have liked when he was out on the job a few weeks ago.

’Uuuuuuh,’ Mika thought, somewhat disoriented by the professor’s words, ’Was that part about starting off at Level 4 a challenge?’ Although it was entirely self-perceived, the expectation that the Songbird had “forced on” him was a bit much for the young man’s easily mistranslated mind. Advancing to Level 10 in a good… six, four, something like that... year window like she had? That was crazy! And he didn’t even have the luxury of general-purpose telekinesis! “Thanks teach, but one step at a time,” he mumbled, slowly and mindlessly following after the older woman, “One... step... at a time.”

As the two walked, a thought occurred to him: he was following the professor to the lunchroom, but he’d left his actual lunch in the classroom. Taking a moment to silently break away from his academic mentor, Mika dashed through the corridors, skidded to a stop next to the desk he’d placed his lunch, and was right back behind the Songbird.

But before they could make it to the canteen, they were approached by a student - the playdough guy from earlier, Mika noted - who decided to talk to them about some events that were going to happen soon.

Well, whatever that was, Mika didn’t feel like paying too much attention to what was being said. So he reached into the brown bag and began eating the sandwich therein. "...That...Sounds...Like a....Good idea..." he said between bites.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Aiden Cross

As the students went about their day, a black limousine would pull up in front of the E.N.M.A building, the door opening to reveal a rather handsome-looking man exit it's depths. Dressed in a fine leisure suit, a light blue dress shirt prominently displayed due to the jacket part being left open. Running a hand through his golden blonde hair, he took a minute to examine the building, piercing blue eyes taking apart every inch of it in his mind from behind the darkened glass of his designer sunglasses. With a soft chuckle, he'd step forward, allowing for the woman following him to step forward, a somewhat bookish looking woman that didn't look much younger than the her boss. As she took her usual place at his side, to his right and three steps behind exactly, she couldn't help but look around in slight amazement at the facility.

"Wow, I knew this school was top of the line, but even from the exterior, you can tell it's a cut above the rest. But I guess that's to be expected when you have Adam Pride backing you."

"Yes, it is rather glamorous isn't it?" The man replied with a rather unimpressed tone, his eyes glowing slightly from behind his shades as he set about hacking into the systems of the school to give both himself and Claire visitor access to the school, unlocking his restraint a tiny bit in order to do so in an efficient manner rather than just wonder around for 2 minutes. Instead, he had finished in seconds of reaching the information desk, about 30 seconds since he exited the car to be precise, and after a brief discourse with the staff their, he and Claire would make their way into the halls unimpeded for the most part, aside for those who recognized him in the hallway, though some subtle bio-electrical manipulation kept them from approaching him with any asinine requests or impromptu autograph sessions. Luckily for him, most of the Esper's he was meeting where rather weak, and thus no Prana field could halt his attempts, but he knew it was only a matter of time until he ran into one.

Till then, he confided himself with simply looking around the facilities, looking everything over with a practiced eye. It wasn't until he felt her that a smile began to cross his face. He knew the moment he felt the electrical pathways of her brain that it was the woman he had come to see, and quickly made his way through the hallways to bring himself before her. He barely noticed that she was currently with a group of students, his attention focused solely on her as he approached, all smiles and warm greetings as he removed his sunglasses, tucking them into the collar of his shirt with a dramatic flair.

"Well well, I'd say I'm surprised to see someone as big as you here, but given from what I heard of you, teaching seems like the perfect job for one as humble as you are. But alas, where are my manners, I've forgotten to introduce myself." The golden haired man would nod his head to the woman, reaching his right hand out in greeting while he placed the other in his pocket. "Aiden Cross, at your service, Miss. Namashiya. Perhaps you'v heard of me from one of the movies I've played in, though given my more western focus, don't feel bad if you don't. And of course I know of you, Miss. Namashiya. I doubt their is a soul in Pyramid City that doesn't, what with you being one of Pride's strongest Espers. It's truly a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, and before I forget, allow me to introduce my Assistant, Secretary, and Agent, Claire Redfield. She handles all the day-to-day issues, such as contracts, job offers, and other such things. I'd be at a loss without her, as I've never had much of a head for all this paperwork and whatnot."

Upon being introduced, Claire would take a deep bow, giving her own smaller greeting to both Kotori, then the other students that surrounded her.

"Uh, like Mr. Cross said, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm also dreadfully sorry if we interrupted you talking to your students. We're hear to take a look at the entrance exams, something Mr/ Cross has always been curious about. We'll be sure not to make too much of a fuss, so please don't mind us." She gave Aiden a look of admonishment, but would only get a smile and roll of the eyes in return.

@Mira Yasaka
@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Prof. Namashiya Kotori -- A Meeting of Titans

She noticed when Mika disappeared in a burst of speed, only to return a few moments later. It was an interesting ability, really. But how it actually functioned drew upon her curiosity. Was it a localized telekinesis? Or was it simply juat superhuman speed? Both had the perpensity to improve, it was simply a matter of diffeeing methods for doing so.

Only time would tell, if he passed the examination of course.

Silence continued as they walked, until they ran headlong into Rouka and company once again. Of whom mentioned the impending commencement, and the trials which would take place shortly thereafter.

Considering just for a moment, Kotori quickly came to a decision. Glancing between the small group that had now surrounded her in a way, she spoke quickly, but with distinction.

"Alright. Well, Alkaev-san, eat your meal quickly and assist Rouka-san in helping Yagami-san corral the students into the meeting assembly for commencement." She began with, beginning to walk in a different direction. "Once everyone is inside, I will begin the ceremonies shortly thereafter. Move quickly now, there is little time to waste."

Making her way down the hallway, this time free of students. She almost walked right into a new party as she turned the corner. Pausing for a brief moment, her gaze came to meet a duet of individuals who were obviously not students.

The first, a man that she could vaguely recognize spoke. Talking about how being a teacher was fitting in a way for her, before finally introducing himself. Mentioning of course that he had been featured in a few films.

Aiden Cross.

Where had she heard that name before? Using the opportunity to shake his hand warmly in response, and similarly with the woman who came with him. Yet it did not finally click unto recognition until she finished her own introduction, and mentioned that they'd like to observe the student trials.

Aiden Cross....Aiden Cross....Oh!

She had seen one movie with him in it, though she hadn't seen many of the others. Now she finally recognized him, though his assistant bore no familiarity to her. Yet their wanting to see the prospect trials was rather curious; why of all people, did a movie star want to see the student trials?

Even still, it was irrelevant. The trials themselves were public. Broadcast nationwide in Japan and Internationally to boot. So wanting to observe in-person may as well have been just curiosity, to which Kotori would softly nod in response.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Cross, and..er...Madame Secretary." She fumbled a little at first, since Claire had not given her name. Even still, she resumed her normal state of grace.

"Feel free to come and observe if you'd like." They both evidently knew all too well who she was, so her introduction wasn't necessary it seemed. "The observatory for both the commencement and the trials are north of us. Down that hallway." She waved smoothly towards their left before continuing. "It will be the eighth door on the left. With coffee and pastries available for free for guests. Feel free to partake, and I am sorry, but I must be going. I am due to start the ceremonies soon."

Bowing respectfully to the two, the Songbird turned on heel and headed in the opposite direction. Reaching into her pocket for a handful of folded, handwritten notes, she found the entrance to the backstage amid the dull roar of chattering students.

Once she walked onstage however, the dull roar ceased to a silence so deep, that the drop of a pin could be heard. After insuring the microphone was attached to the collar of her turtleneck, the Songbird began her commencement opening speech.

"Welcome students, prospects, and distinguished guests to the beginning of another year in ENMA." She began smoothly, looking over the hundreds of faces, and even recording cameras. "As this year begins, I stress unto you the importance of the tasks you accomplish here, as they are crucial to the future of this world. Each step you take forward here is a step towards an incredible potential that you must grow into."

"It is critical that you do so, for you see, we are more than just young men and women from all reaches of the world." The Songbird continued, speaking with an impassioned voice.

"We are Hope." She stated, as a holographic screen showed a view of two soldiers, worn, beaten and embattled with fear from the onging war. Only to suddenly smile as tbey looked skyward to see a streak of frigid ice tearing across the sky towards the conflict.

"We are Honor." the Songbird uttered, and the screen flickered to an ENMA Esper defending wounded policeman from rioting derelicts in a godforsaken part of the world by creating a towering barrier of steel extracted from the earth.

"We are Courage." The screen flickered again, changing to a video of a quartet of students blurring towards a monstrous mechanical behemoth. One blasting fire, the other hurling massive boulders, and the other conjuring up spires of ice as they assaulted what seemed to be an insurmountable task.

"We are Justice." She added then, with a hint of fervor on her voice, whilst the screen changed to another ENMA student using his Super Speed to bring an ongoing Bank Robbery to an end. Moving in a literal blur across the screen so that each of the gunmen were knocked out in a matter of seconds before they could even react.

"We are Compassion." The hologram changed again with her words, showing the up close back of the professor herself. Only to sharply pan out to view something that was difficult to imagine, as with invisible hands she had lifted the ruins of over a half dozen skyscrapers. Filling the air with billions upon billions of pieces of debris while she simultaneously extracted hundreds of survivors and wounded from the devastation of an earthquake.

"And we are Harmony." Kotori stated in finality to this part of her speech. With the hologram howing an overshot of the student campus, where dozens of nationalities coexisted and worked together in peace. Which was such a stark contrast to the conflicts of the past, almost unimaginable to how things had once been.

"This is why, as a representative of ENMA, you represent something far greater than your individual sum the moment you don the school's uniform." Folding her arms behind her back as she slowly paced along the edge of the stage, Kotori's eyes seemed to bore into the souls of every individual that was present. "Even prospects are representative for us, and I, as well as the entirety of the faculty will hold you to a standard of excellence. Remember however, all great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words; Freedom, Justice, Honor, Duty, Mercy, and Hope. It will become your duty as Students, and inevitably Graduates, to insure each of those values are upheld."

There was a long, inexorable silence then, until the Songbird turned sharply to face them all directly instead of continuing her pacing.

"That is all." She finished with curtly. "Students may depart, Prospects are to remain here to be briefed as part of their trial."

A great jostling of bodies and footsteps occured then, as hundreds departed only to leave a few dozen uniforms in white behind.

Kotori waited silently then, for the Dean to emerge and brief the new students on whatever task they needed to complete in order to earn their black uniforms.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mika Alkaev - One-Sixth is Fine Too

The short blonde boy pushed the final fragment of the sandwich into his mouth, gave it a few long chews, and washed it all down with a few sips from an apple juice box. If it weren’t for the fact that dark circles hanging under his eyes and the white uniform - it would’ve been acceptable to mistake him for some kind of middle schooler. He reached into the paper bag and withdrew the final item - a chocolate covered wafer bar of a popular brand - before crumpling the brown bag in one hand and tossing it into a waste receptacle.

Mika cracked off one-fourth of the wafer bar, ate it, and was just about to snap off another fourth when he and another prospect were addressed by Professor Namashiya. She’d ordered them to go round up the rest of the students for the coming opening ceremony. This was slightly confusing given the fact that there should be a campus-wide announcement, but he supposed they were just to wrangle up the stragglers. He could definitely agree that his power was particularly well-suited to that sort of thing.

And besides, who was he to deny the direct order of a Level 10?

“Yes, ma’am,” Mika answered, giving a convincing little salute. He covered the leftover half of the bar with the remains of the wrapper and, instead of heading off to do his job like a good little trooper, stared at it. He had a bit of a predicament; putting it in his pocket would just mean it would melt, but so would holding it tightly in his fist. He could just eat it, but eating it on the job would be unprofessional - and he was nothing if not professional. (He wasn’t really that professional). In the end, he decided to just keep it gingerly pinched between his fingertips while he set about rounding up some of the less willing students.

By the time he’d completed his objective, the actual ceremony itself had already started. The blond tried his best to remain out of sight and out of mind as he snuck into the front-row section dedicated to the white-clad prospects. He ended up taking the seat next to Aria. “Eh… Sorry for earlier. That was a bit weird of me, haha...” he apologized quietly before settling in his seat and directing his attention ahead.

Upon noting that there were images on the holo screen, Mika immediately turned his attention elsewhere. At this point it wasn’t even a conscious decision, just a reflexive response. Reviewing video with the side-effects of his ability was hardly a good time. It wasn’t that it was physically painful or anything; it was that it was boring. Even the most elaborate action sequence is horribly unimpressive when shown in slow-motion. Eventually though, the contemplation of his navel was interrupted by completion of the speech.

“That was something,” Mika commented, which was a completely honest opinion considering that he was only truly half-paying attention to it all. Fortunately it was short and sweet, and he’d gotten the gist of it quickly; overly verbose speeches always tested the limits of his patience and attention span.

Of course that was disregarding the fact he would have to wait for the Dean to arrive and give their spiel next, but that was beside the point.

He turned his attention down to the half of his chocolate bar (which fortunately had not at all melted). Then he looked over to Aria. Then back to the bar. Then back to Aria. He snapped the half of the bar in half again, and pointed one of the fourths towards the taller girl’s face. “Want it?” he asked offhandedly before taking a loud bite of his own fourth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aria let out a sigh at the presentation that went with the whole spiel about everything. While yes she understood the point it seemed pointless for it to be over the top. As she looked around she heard the person she was looking for offer her a piece of a candy bar of sorts. While if she was being completely honest she never was much for candy she had it yes but only sparingly. Seeing no harm in accepted she gracefully accepted while taking a small experimental bite. "I thank you for that" Aria said softly her voice carrying a melodic tone that she was never able to remove from her speech. It made it seem like she was singing constantly but that was not the case as no matter how much she wished she could never stop from speaking like that. "Ah sorry about earlier I didn't recognize you at first your the one Sasaki adopted correct?" She asked her tone while still melodic held a questioning hint in it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Aiden Cross

Aiden waved goodbye as Namashiya walked off, his smile dropping the moment she as out of sight. Frozen orbs of cold contempt started after her, tiny sparks bursting into existence around him for a few moments, before he took a breath to calm himself. After a while of silent staring, he'd run a hand through his hair, a low, hollow laugh making it's way from him.

"Hmph . . . you'd hardly think she was anything more than a lowly Professor, albeit one with a pretty face. Aiden said, his lower lip suddenly finding itself trapped between to rapidly clenching sets of teeth, pressing down harder and harder with each passing second. It's actually a bit sickening how she squanders the power she's been gifted with. So much so that I'm severely tempted to educate her how one should use power.

It wasn't until Claire put a hand on his arm that Aiden was jarred out of his head, quickly turning his gaze to glare at her, only to see the outstretched hankercheif. Feeling his lip, he realized that he had bitten down so hard that the flesh of his lip had split, staining his chin, and more importantly his rather expensive shirt, red with blood. Snatching the cloth, he quickly dabbed it to the wound, raising an eyebrow as his lip began to tingle and itch a bit. Upon further inspection, he found that the wound had been healed after a few dabs of the cloth, which seemed to shimmer ever so slightly on closer inspection.

A side long glance was cast towards Claire, but no words were said. The hankercheif was returned to her, and Aiden began to make his way towards the viewing platform. Within moments, they arrived in a rather nice viewing room, cushioned seats, a little mini-bar stocked with all kinds of nice wines, beers, and sodas to enjoy. Not in the mood to drink, Aiden simply took his seat, looking out the window towards the arena where all the students were gathered. He watched as that woman gave a speech about the responsibilities of Espers, something that earned a short bark of laughter from the Movie star. What a ridiculous sentiment, and what a droll way of presenting it. And yet I don't doubt she believes every word of it. I wonder, what stance she'd have if she'd been one of those unlucky souls who had to go through hell to get their abilities. If she had to fight tooth and nail to gain every scrap of power she had, rather than have it given to her because she was born lucky. Would she still care for others like now . . . or would she be closer to me?

A fun thought to ponder.

With a sigh, he turned to Claire, who was sitting next to him and looking at the screen with a look of such intense focus, Aiden couldn't help but smile. Without warning, he reached out a poked her on the cheek. This broke her focus instantly, causing her to look at Aiden with an incredulous and somewhat red face, before she quickly smacked his hands away with a huff. Azure ice stared into her head with such chilling indifference, it sent shivers down her spine, but she held firm. Eventually, Aiden turned his eyes back towards the Arena, wondering if anything of significance had happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mika Alkaev - Trial Period Expires in 30 Days (It Doesn't Actually Expire in 30 Days)

With the death of the applause and the departure of the final upperclassman came the very distinct sound of silence, and the familiar sensation of having to wait. Not long after, the arena fell into a quiet din of hushed whispering. The hearts of the prospects and the venerable guests were one as they patiently awaited the dean’s arrival.

Of course, Mika’s attention was turned to the girl beside him, the one with the musical voice - which, incidentally, was another thing he couldn’t really appreciate. Though that was less a function of his power and more him not taking the time out of his day to cultivate that kind of regard; that said, he had the feeling the effects of his ability would ensure that that experience wouldn’t be as great without some kind of fast forwarding function. He was a busy little bee after all

“Yeah…!” Mika whispered, trying to keep his voice quieter than those around them. “And you’re Ms. Fabre’s daughter.” He said that last part proudly, like he’d remembered a particularly important fact. “He told me to make sure not to piss you off.” A simple command, and very, very roughly (and incorrectly) paraphrased.

Feedback from the microphone cut him off just then, and caused his attention to quickly shift to the stage, where at a podium, a sharply-dressed man stood beneath a spotlight. The Dean of ENMA University had finally arrived to announce the outline of the opening week’s events. His first words were preceded by a loud clearing of the throat to catch the attention of the crowd.

“Thank you Professor Namashiya, for that wonderful speech,” the man said, giving a nod to the Level 10 off stage before turning back to look at the sea - err, pond- of white below. For a moment, Mika almost thought he’d cast a specific look at him specifically - or at least in his general direction. But that couldn’t be; he looked like he’d just remembered an old acquaintance, but Mika had never met this man before.

Before he could ponder that further, the man began his own little spiel. Great, because more speeches was exactly what Mika and his hyperactivity needed right now.

“Congratulations, all of you, for making it this far; it’s not easy to become a student-candidate at ENMA. So give yourselves a pat on the back,” he said cheerfully. His arms were left outstretched before falling to rest on the sides of the podium. At the same time, his expression fell into a more severe one. One that, if Mika had to say, seemed to enjoy the fidgeting in response to his next words a bit too much: “Unfortunately, this is as far as some of you may get.”

“As most of you are aware, ENMA has a very rigorous selection process designed to gather only those of you with the greatest potential,” he explained, “For this purpose, we’ve established what people call the ENMA Entrance Exams, a series of trials that designed to wring out every little bit of ability you students possess.” He steepled his fingers. “Your success - or failure - will be determined by the judgement of the teachers, and if you manage to gain one of their approval, you will be assigned to their class.”

’Oh. I get it now,’ Mika glanced to the side of the stage, where the teachers were arrayed to the side. Though some of them looked like hardasses, he was sure even the nicest, mousiest one would be difficult to gain consent from. ’I don’t need to beat everyone else, I just need to ensure someone is willing to let me in.’

Almost immediately he had the unsettled feeling that the real entrance exam had started ages ago. Could they have already established their biases for or against certain prospects?

“That said, I suppose it’s time we get to what you prospects are here for.” Instead of the ENMA University logo, the holoscreen behind him now displayed the itinerary for the following two weeks or so. Though it looked to be a rather packed period of time, many of the events were restricted to certain varieties of students - presumably to allow those with incompatible skills to demonstrate their assets in a suitable environment.

“In case you forget, the appropriate dates and times have been sent to the addresses listed on the contact information section of your application.” He gave an exaggerated shrug. “Of course, acquiring the endorsement of a teacher can be acquired through means beyond the events on the schedule, but what that entails is up to the student.”

Mika saw someone up ahead raise their hand.

“...No, that is not to suggest student-teacher ‘fraternization’ is an appropriate method.”

The hand slowly lowered.

“Dismissed. Although you may stay for the snacks and refreshments in the adjacent building.”

Interlude - Excerpts from a Certain Group Chat

--- Show Older Messages ---
--- Today ---

Snow-Fairy - 12:04PM
yeah I don’t watch enough western movies to know who that is lol

xXRising_DragonXx - 12:06PM
You should check out one of his movies, they’re pretty great action stuff. The stunt work is real good especially.

Tsuru85 - 12:07PM
We should stream one of his movies and watch it together (ᴖ◡ᴖ)

Snow-Fairy - 12:06PM
maybe next time since im a bit busy next few days

xXRising_DragonXx - 12:33PM
@Tsuru85: I just had a talk with one of my friends, he said he’ll ask his sister to pick up an extra autograph or two.

Tsuru85 - 12:33PM
Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouuuuu (ノ>▽<。)ノ

xXRising_DragonXx - 12:35PM
Hey now, don’t get your hopes up. No guarantees, remember?
Anyway I guess I’ll get back to you about figuring out how to actually pass it along when I hear back from them.

xXRising_DragonXx - 1:54PM
So what did you guys think of the ENMA ceremony?

Snow-Fairy - 1:55PM
you were there dragon?

xXRising_DragonXx - 1:55PM
Nah. Just watched the broadcast on my comp.

Snow-Fairy - 1:55PM

Tsuru85 - 1:56PM
They had us watch it for class

Snow-Fairy - 1:56PM
same but not really

Tsuru85 - 1:56PM
I really liked Namashiya-sama’s speech, but the dean was a bit harsh…

Snow-Fairy - 1:56PM
probably just intimidation tactics tbh

Tsuru85 - 1:57PM
I didn’t think of it like that, but it sounds like a solid possibility.
Anyway ENMA offers scholarships to people like me, so I hope I have the chops to pass their entrance exam after I apply
I also hope they admit me in the first place… (−_−;)

xXRising_DragonXx - 1:58PM
If you’re smart or you’ve got an ability, you should be fine. After all, they let a handful of LLH members through each year so someone as pure as you shouldn’t have too hard a time.
Speaking of, I wonder if they’ll have a good showing this year…

Tsuru85 - 1:58PM
Huh? The Liulanghan have connections to in ENMA?
I thought ENMA were the good guys (・□・;)
That’s scary…

xXRising_DragonXx - 2:00PM
Eh, it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Snow-Fairy - 2:00PM
folks from seneca get scholarships but most from seneca have some sort of tie to the LLH so

xXRising_DragonXx - 2:02PM
Exactly. No matter how good their scholarship committee is, they’re gonna get a few members through since like 70% of the Seneca Institute is LLH at this point.
And pretty much all of them don’t even get past prospects anyway.

Tsuru85 - 2:03PM
Oh. That makes sense. (≧w≦ ;)
I guess I don’t have to worry so much then

Snow-Fairy - 2:03PM
just apply and hope
and also do school and stay in drugs and all that

xXRising_DragonXx - 2:04PM
Besides, with that Level 10 there I don’t think the LLH is going to do anything too bold.
User: Snow-Fairy // Group DM Name: “stop changing the group name to stupid shit” | 4 participants

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rouka Shinami- Friends?

After such time...

"Yo Alkaev. I don't know what you are but every time I'm near you, my blood just boils and I have big goals. My rudeness, I apologize for that, the name is Rouka Shinami. I hope for the best of us including you, Princess." Rouka seemed to have a thing for the blonde hair girl as he winked at her, his blood is for some reason and he doesn't know why it's boiling. He offers a handshake to Mika but it's bittersweet since arrogance and sincerity mixed even though it shouldn't mix.

"Aiden CROSS!!!!" Rouka was head over heels for his idolized actor, Aiden Cross. He wanted to get an autograph but for some reason, Mr. Cross doesn't want to.

While interacting with Mika, the dude is just busy spamming at Aiden's phone. Perks of being the number one fan of Mr. Cross, he even stalked his phone number. >"HEY! HEY! HEY! MR.CROSS I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN, I'M A GOOD ACTOR TOO AND ACTUALLY CAN I BE YOUR DISCIPLE?! CAN I ?! CAN I?! CAN I?! CAN I?! I promise I'll be a good boy."

Adam Pride and Ria Tsurara- LATE ARRIVAL
The man of the hour entered the scene. "Hey kids, I don't suppose you'd let an old man have a--" Suddenly he receives a drop kick to the face from the loud mouthed Ice Princess. The atmosphere in the room has gotten colder.

"Don't go sounding like a pedo-bear Dr. Pride." She said. As much as possible, he wants Adam to be professional and not just barge in like he own the place. Technically he does but still, he shouldn't be walking around unarmed. @Grey and @Suku @RaijinSlayer

Ria gets a look at the students. He noticed Rouka at first glance.

"I never thought the day would come, you care about your future than act like a hipster wanna be gangster, Rocchan."
Rouka grinned. "If it the Aisu Kid. Long tai no TOOK Ria. I is man today. Of coz. I care for my future. Otherwise my sister would have got jail me."
The Ice Princess laughed her heart off. "HAHAHAHA! Some things never change, your grammar is still bad. Don't speak in English when you can talk to me in Japanese, Cantonese, Filipino, and Russian but never English k? Of course, Kaede-san, an alumni and Captain of the Explorer Club would be disappointed."
Rouka sighed and smirked. "Hmph! Don't ever mention my sister." They proceed speaking in Japanese.

"By the way. What you're doin' here?" Rouka asked.

"I'm a student!" Their conversation was cut short when she received a D-Watch Message. "Flame B**c*" She muttered, Ria runs off quickly.
"Hey Blondie Boy-Girl-Boy? BURLS?! Have you seen where Kotori is?" From a outward perspective, other people are thinking why would a little girl, a midget who looks like she's from middle school or early high school is inside the University? She's already rudely addressing her older peers. "Dr... where'd he go?!" Pride suddenly disappeared.

All of a sudden, she takes a look up close the boy and the girl. "Those eyes are beautiful and you look small for a student. Can you guys help me look for Kotori?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Prof. Namashiya Kotori -- Back to Work

With the Dean's dismissal, the aforementioned missing scholar went back to her daily ritual. First traversing through the winding hallways before finding the elevator. Since the prospects now had to go about the campus and prove themselves, she opted instead to make herself scarce. Not because she intended that none of the prospects would earn her recommendation.

Rather, she was still a Professor, a teacher of Physics as a whole. An instructor of the laws that governed the very fabric of existence. It was be her duty to pass on the knowledge she had rapidly accumulated through the years onto the new generations. So that new, fresh minds could peruse her work, and find new perspectives.

Hopefully, perspectives which she had failed to see in her broad spectrum of mastered studies.

With a whimsical chime, the brushed steel door opened wide, and Kotori stepped into the rectangular chamber. A simple press of a button and a monotone hum of an elevator moving just over five miles below the surface of the Earth marked a swift pace as soon before long the doors opened. There, waiting for her were a handful of students, a simple chalkboard, and a massive, absolutely gigantic chamber that wasrounded as it traversed seemingly endlessly in each direction.

"Welcome to the ENMA Academy Hadron Collier Tunnel, class." She began with casually, plucking up the piece of chalk. Of which she began to deftly write a calculus formula. Of which seemed small at first, but soon came to encompass the entirety of the black board. "This will be the problem you all will solve together this semester. It encompasses the entirety of this semester's curriculum in one problem. This formula will allow us to sustainably collect larger amounts of antimatter. Enough potential energy to power Pyramid City for several years at once."

The students seemed dumbfounded at first, but their stoic professor seemed as nonchalant as ever. "Mind you again, this class is held under a non disclosure agreement so that one, foreign governments do not interfere on this study. Two, so that similar people do not know the true extent of my abilities. Gifting me a little more privacy than what would be otherwise, so please. Respect that."

Yet she continued with the lesson. "Once again, welcome. The ENMA Collider stretches in a total perimeter of eighteen miles. Of which the tunnel itself is over three hundred feet wide. It was built in cooperation between myself and a team of brilliant engineers for one purpose: the advancement of science and humanity. Each of you will now contribute to such in due time."

Taking a step back, the beautiful bookworm moved to stand in the midst of the brightly lit tunnel.

"Since each of you are advanced telekinetic students, this is also where you will further hone such an art. You have each excelled in harnessing and moving larger objects. This is where your abilities will be refined to a molecular, and then atomic level." Waving her hand dismissively, she stated her final piece for the day.

"Today, you will harness the smallest, most precise object you can and make it move as swiftly as you can while maintaining its structural integrity. From there, with the beginning point of your ability, we will sharpen it unto a razor edge. Get to work, and good luck."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Aiden Cross

Aiden grew bored of the dean's speech almost immediately, and was quick to leave the viewing room once he saw that nothing of interest would be happening anytime soon. Clara got up to join him on his way, but he quickly waved her off. She was to get back to the limo and wait for him to call her for pick up. He also handed her the currently ringing phone, knowing it to be some overly excessive fanboy that somehow managed to get his public number.

While he was wandering the halls of ENMA academy, however, he managed to happen upon a rather interesting sight. He got just the tail end of it, but he was certain that he saw the Songbird step into a nearby elevator. Walking up to it, he released his restraint in order to expand his senses, at first just to confirm what he thought. And while he was able to confirm the person he just saw was Kotori, he also noticed something even more interesting. This elevator went deep into the earth, deeper than he could even try to sense. What could be so important that ENMA would build such a deep hole in order to keep it hidden? It was too tantalizing a question not to answer. Walking down another hallways, his senses still active, he quickly found another elevator that had connections leading rather deep underground. Stepping into it, he pressed a button, as if he was intending only to go down to the building's first floor. However, the system would suddenly seem to malfunction, taking him down as far as the elevator would go. Not only that, but any attempts to halt the elevator's descent seemed to fail. Even the elevator security camera and intercom were completely unresponsive.

And since just this elevator short messing up would be too suspicious, it would be to ENMA's shock that their enitre system was going out of wack, most notably the big screen televisions, which seemed to flip through a number of images as Aiden secretly created a connection between it and a computer within the building, before finally settling on something less than wholesome and sure to cause scandal. Aiden, being bored and wanting to instill some excitement into the lives of those looking on, as well as ultimately wanting to fuck with Pride just a little, made it so that all of the tv's were streaming pornography.

Hardcore pornography.

At Max Volume.

Above the scenes of debauchery would be a black bar with text circulating through it that would say this: "To all hopeful aspirants, this is what the dean basically meant: 'You're about to get fucked' This helpful reminder brought to you by the Hand of God, currently situated somewhere in Pyramid City. Catch me if you can suckers, you've got 3 days. And to the aspirants, have a great year!"

Attempts to shut off the screens or disconnected the computer would be met with futility for about 20 mins, then the system that Aiden created through electrical connections in the air would give out and everything would probably return to normal. Some people would be scared and ENMA made a laughing stock for the world to see, of course, but those are just some small details.

"That should keep them occupied for a while." Aiden thought with a chuckle, wondering if Clara would approve of his behaviors. Probably not, but then again, it's not like any of these kids weren't already looking at it before then. And if they hadn't well, never too late to start. "Man, I should've probably stayed upstairs while I did that. I'm certain that more of Pride's wonder children are here, and I would've paid to see their faces. Hell, it would've been funny to see Pride's face too. Ah well, at least I have this to look forward too . . . if only this damn elevator could move a little faster.

After a few long, arduous minutes, Aiden would soon arrive at his destination, which would deposit him a little ways away from where the students where. He'd already taken a few moments to get into character, and his power had been restrained just in case anyone or thing down here could sense them. When the elevator dinged, Aiden stepped looking confused as all hell, gazing at the huge piece of machinery before him in wonder. In his head, he was wondering when ENMA found the time to even build this thing, and how they managed to do it without anyone noticing either? Hadron Collider's are not simple machines, and require a shit-ton of specifics parts and lots of money to moved. Whatever the case, he'd sent out a pulse of electrical energy out like a sonar, quickly sensing a group of people not too far away. Coming into the lecture hall near the end of Kotori's speech, he gave a sheepish cough to announce his presence.

"Uh, excuse me. Miss. Namashiya? I think the elevator malfunctioned, cause I was heading to the first floor but. . . this isn't the first floor right? It shouldn't take what feels like half an hour to get down to the first floor in a building as tall as ENMA." He looked around a bit at everything, hands in his pockets as he stared at the board. While he tried to hide it, one could easily see that he was feeling more than a little nervous about his position, given the fact that he was obviously seeing something he shouldn't be. "Mind if I ask why you're teaching physics in a place like this?"

@Masaki Haruna
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Prof. Namashiya Kotori -- Peculiar Peculiarity

The moment she placed the piece of chalk back upon its sill, there was a change in the air. It was slight, barely noticable for most. Even her most advanced students lacked the ability to do so. Yet this change never got past her senses.

A charge of thinly veiled electricity whisked through the air, making her hair stand on end for a split moment. It was a singular burst of a charge, and she could feel through the excited reverberation of electrons as it moved past.

What was more peculiar was that the collider hadn't been used in nearly a month! So there was zero chance that residual static from the electromagnets that lined the tunnel could be releasing potential energy of any sort. There had to be a source, so as her students focused and went about their work, the Songbird closed her eyes and focused.

The burst was quick, fast, and done with a degree of control. The way it traveled meant that she would search in the opposite direction. Bringing down the sonar-like burst into a singular point. It didnt take too long to find it as she felt the path the charge had traveled, until she found the source. She opened her eyes to the voice of none other than Aiden Cross, simultaneously as she found him to be the point of origin.

Briefly, her eyes narrowed. This man being the source meant only three things: first, Aiden Cross was easily deduced to be an Esper. Second, he was commendably proficient in Electrokinesis at the least. At the most was unknown. Third, he now couldn't be trusted; after all, it would be an easy task to get an Electrokinetic to cause the elevator to malfunction.

Above all things, she had to consider the safety of her students first. Speaking of which, much of their activity had stopped in awe of the movie star who had "accidentally" stumbled into their midst. So both conditions would not do, he was here suspiciously, and their studies were not being progressed.

Ironically to her, the latter of those two troubles was far more important. Yet she needed to act convinced of his little ploy, as to not endanger her students. Aiden Cross was now an uncertainty.

"Class dismissed, use the northern alternate elevator across the hallway since the main elevator is malfunctioning, and return to your dorms for self study. I will know if you slack off, be off now." A collective sigh of disappointment throughout the handful of students expressed their discontent. However, they did comply to their instructions. After all, one disobeyance meant expulsion from the course, and the last thing anyone would want was to be removed from the most advanced ENMA Physics course.

Once they scurried away and out of earshot, Kotori's eyes affixed attentively back to Aiden once more. While others may have acted suspicious of the man and his actions, the Songbird actually greeted him with a truly beautiful and genuine smile.

"We meet once again, Mr. Cross." She began cordially. "You've accidentally stumbled across ENMA Academy's Hadron Collider. We teach our most advanced physics doctrine down here because, well, this has brought us to the very edge of current understanding of how the universe works. Only the most advanced class, the one which must be completed for our doctoral program, is completed here. Students who graduate from it go on to be cutting edge researchers in each of their fields, oft for the benefit of humanity."

Folding her hands neatly behind her back, she looked back to him with an inflection of humor from her lips. "Though, I must admit, you're a terrible liar. I can feel your heart skip a beat. The firing of synapses in the human brain when telling a lie is identical across over ninety-five percent of our species to boot."

"So, as an incognito Electrokinetic who 'accidentally' managed to stalk me and follow me into the deepest depths of ENMA, what are you actually after, hm? I doubt that it's to ask me out for a cup of coffee." She quipped to him with a light laugh, lofting a curious brow towards the man.

"I would be humbled, if you offered me the truth this time however. You're a wonderful actor from what I've heard, Mr. Cross. You're good, but not completely disable all biological reflexes good. She requested in finality with a cheerful smile all the same. Hoping to get an honest word from the man, all while doubting the possibility of it.

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