Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dungeon Fantasy

This game is for the writers who like the video game/MMO genre. This RP is a spoof of RPGs, and so there will be much comedy and every now and then tasteful seriousness involved. But overall, this game is meant to be fun. You will be role playing a character in a video game, spoofly-named Final Fantasia.

The planet is called Fantasia, and the main continent in which majority of the drama starts is called Rin. This is all you need to know to start this game because if there are any other places, then we’ll create them. However, I did go ahead and create/design the starting point of our bands’ journey. Also, the maturity in this game as far as jokes will reach 18+ but it won't get incredibly vulgar/inappropriate/explicit. Do not do anything that violates the Guild Rules.


To start us off, I am looking to recruit at least six writers. If we get more than that, then there will be two parties. But I’m going to see if I get six first. I only want writers who plan to create characters that they can enjoy, interact with others, who actually have time for this game, and who will stick around for the long run.

Your character can be any race except a god or god-like being. We also want to stick to the fantasy genre, so aliens are out of the question. The video game is High Fantasy with the highest level of technology being steam and no higher (unless this game goes on long enough for a Patch update!). But I’ll talk more about it. This is just an interest check.

Character Creation

Character Name: (much like a screen name but this is your character’s name)
Alias: If your character is well-known throughout the continent, then they may have a title or alias.
Age: If your character is over100 y/o then put “N/A”
Race: What race? No gods please.
Gender: Male or Female
Hair Color: You can go further into detail to add highlights, glowing features, length, etc. Just be as detailed as you want describing the hair.
Eye Color: Same for the eyes. Pupil-less, slit pupils, cat eyes, etc.
Visual Description: If you have a pic of the character. You don’t really need one.
Written Description: Describe all details of your character. Basically, give us something to envision. Tattoos, scars, brands, etc.
Level: 1 (everyone starts at 1)
Class: You can pick whatever but your class is also your profession and I won’t have more of the same type.
Abilities: For now write two abilities. You’ll be allowed to earn more as you level up. These are like special attacks or if your character is a mage, magic attacks. Some special attacks can be magical related. You need two.
Skills: These abilities have nothing to do with combat. They're utility skills that may be necessary for the survival of the group. Characters get two for now.
Weapon: We’re keeping this in the flavor of a RPG. So your character can only be specialized in one weapon. Not two, not three. You can dual wield but it has to be the same type of weapon such as swords, daggers, axes, etc.
Quirks: Bad habits, awkward habits, social problems, psychological problems, superstitions, etc.
Inventory: Empty (This will be empty for now. We’ll earn items through the game.)

So, you might have noticed the Level 1 thing. That is just for the spirit of the game. There isn't a stat system, dice, none of that crap. It's free-form. However, level increase determines if your character earns another ability slot. There will be missions put out for the party to complete, and each mission gives different rewards: items, level up, etc. Some items you may want to keep for an NPC in the game may want it and will trade it for something better!

But overall, if you love comedy and like to have fun, then this is the game for you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm going to go ahead and post up an example character sheet here, but this is an actual character in the game.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sneak Peek at the IC!

Welcome to Bridgewater

Bridgewater is a unique town where the stores, homes, and castle are built over The River Joy. The town is economically rich and is one of the major trade ports in Rin. The best way to reach Bridgewater is of course by boat. Boat is also the best way to leave. Many luxuries, oddities, and expensive niceties can be found in Bridgewater, and many a gold coin can easily be lost in such a place, whispering temptations from its every shadow and alley.

There is a major Bridge Rat problem. The massive rats are responsible for consuming majority of the cities trash, while also leaving their plague-filled feces all over. The sick crowd the alleys, while the rich live above them on the bridges.

Crime lurks beneath the feet of many. The smuggling of illegal narcotics are moved across ship, into the sewers, and into the hands of the wealthy. It is commonly sold to brothels to increase business. A prominent gang known simply as the Bridge Lords occupy Bridgewater and claim it as their territory. The gang has many members under the bridge, and have exploited the struggle felt by those who live in the ghetto.

The Bridge Lords are run by Jack Johnson.

Other Notable and Prominent Figures

Current Setting

Greased Oak Tavern

The Greased Oak Tavern is usually empty during the day and comes alive at sunset. Like a beast stirred from its sleep, if you're seeking chaos, then the higher the moon, the greater the activity. Bar fights are a prevalent occurrence. Every now and then, some mercenary becomes sore after losing in a game of cards. The piano rolls no matter if the place were burning down. They say the pianist will burn down with it before he stops getting tips. The ale flows like the River Joy and the women...heavens, the women! The tavern is stocked full of everything.

Juicy Girls

They are quite beautiful and they'll feed you endless mugs of ale just to take you to bed and rob you blind. Traveler be warned! They're the tavern's best business.

The Greased Oak, despite all the chaos, guarantees a good night's sleep and the best beer and food in town!

Quest Board

A RPG can't be complete without quests. The Quest Board can be found posted about town, leading to crazy plots either the entire party or a few party members can complete. Whoever decides to be the party leader must choose to pick who they want to go. Meanwhile, those not on quest can partake in other quests and shenanigans.

  • The Fat King - "Oy, that Fat Willy up there on tha' bridge thinks he's jus' gonna let us rot! We, the Bridge Lords are gonna show his fat arse a thing or two. Y'see the slobs actualleh plannin' ta' leave his castle for once, and he's gonna leave his women at 'ome. Most ov'tha' guards gonna be escortin' tha' king, which means we're gonna sneak in, steal some loot, and some lovelies while we at it. Maybe use tha' gals fo' ransom!"
    King's Request: Guard the Queen and Princess.
    Difficulty (# of party members needed): 3
    Reward: Plenty of Gold to get the party to the next location comfortably, food, wine, and three days at an Inn.
    Level Up: Yes.
  • Bridge Rat Infestation - "Help! They're everywhere and they're eaten us! Oh gods! What is that? A monster! Aargh!"
    Difficulty (# of party members needed): Everyone
    Level Up: Yes
    Reward: Rat King Skull (someone might want this); Rat King Heart (someone might want this)
  • Stolen Daughter - "Please! Someone! The bandits took my daughter! Please, help!"
    Difficulty (# of party members needed): 1
    Level Up: Yes
    Reward: Health Potions x3
  • Boss: Jack Johnson and the Bridge Lords - LOCKED

Some quests and their results will unlock other quests or more quests called Side Quests can appear. Some quests may permanently lock other quests, so be careful what you choose. When all quests for the area have been completed or if the party acquires enough funds to move on, then the party will do so to the next location.

Tagging System

[b]Level:[/b] 1
[b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning, Noon, Afternoon, or Evening
[b]Location:[/b] Try to specify where you are. Just saying Tavern isn't good enough. The tavern is huge! So for example, Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - So-and-So's Bedroom or at a table in the main lounge.
[b]Tagging:[/b] Who your character is directly talking/interacting with. [b]Mentioned:[/b] Who your character may have mentioned in their post but he or she isn't directly or currently interacting with them. Use the mention button for both categories!

Be sure to use this tagging system so that the game can flow smoothly.

Approved Characters and Party

No - Barbarian/Dragon - Holy Soldier
Gwendolyn - White Mage/Elf - Cyrania
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Do not mind me. I am just dumping more hilarious ideas onto this game. Such as the Troll Bot Army because these guys are in every game and drive us crazy. I figured that they would be a random, reoccurring enemy. Somebody is botting and they're free to be destroyed by our characters. They are mostly very very easy to kill, but there might be a super troll boss one day that takes a little more effort.

Perhaps even a rival NPC party that are Cash Shop heroes. Of course, they will be highly embellished with their pets, glowy-flashy costumes, impressive rides, winged mounts, and weapon/armor skins. *eye roll*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Interested. And with a possible character, if you approve. She might be a bit straight-laced, but what's comedy without a straight man? Though, pitting her and No together would create some humorous situations just by their contrasts.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@CyraniaYep, they're going to get along well. I think her first impression of him is going to be ruined because hitting on her would be the first thing he'd attempt to do until given her bitingly-cold shoulder. Then she gets put on his BITCH LIST!

I can see them arguing a lot. Or maybe her horrible snarkiness makes him cry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier
Glad you like her. If this thing ever gets off the ground, they're going to be a prime couple.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@CyraniaI'm sure it will. People wait until the weekday to join games instead of the weekend! WHY!? Why wait until work? Ugh...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JackalopeLove
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JackalopeLove A Loser

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well its a little out there from what I normally do but Id like to give it a try
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Holy Soldier

This seems sweet, I'll have a CS up between today and tomorrow, if you don't mind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

No, I don't think he'll mind at all.

Like the character. Just wondering something. Does having IT make Seth snobbish, come out as snobbish, or not snobbish at all? Just to get an idea of the character first impressions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Name: Seth of Valeria.
Alias: None, yet.
Age: 21.
Race: human.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6'1”.
Weight: ca 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Mostly black, but with a few shots of dark brown throughout it all. The hair is kept short and over all well managed.
Eye Color: Normal human eyes, green.
Visual Description:

Written Description: Seth of Valeria is a beautiful young man that have practiced a long time with his sword. Although he has a lot of formal training behind him he lacks experience and as such, all the cool scars that will make all the ladies swoon. What he has on the other hand is a certain charisma or aura of confidence that will trigger the old groveling-reflex in the lower born.
Level: 1.
Class: Swordsman/Mercenary.
1. Cleave – Wielding a large twohanded sword seems like a lot of work with low payoff for most people. One of the perks is an unstoppable attack that can hit multiple foes and that cannot be blocked unless it is done with a blocking ability. (Can be dodged)
2. Cry of valour – As a natural born leader the user can release a cry that will inspire any ally nearby and infuse them with a will to give their all.

1. Social chameleon – There are few people Seth cannot speak to, at least for a short while until they realise that he's actually full of crap.
2. Animal handling – Riding a horse, training a dog or hunting with a falcon. The user may not be an expert, but is indeed more skilled than a layman.
Weapon: Great sword.
Personality: The most apparent feature of Seth’s personality is his charisma. He is a true nobleman, able to charm people left and right. He has a way with worlds and a sort of natural authority that makes people pay attention to him. On top of this, he also has IT. No one can specify or explain what IT is, yet everyone know. Something about him makes women weak, and men jealous of his very being. IT does not work on everyone, but a surprising amount of people will either like or dislike Seth on a first glance because of it. Coupled with his own natural charm and charisma, Seth can often choose whether he will spend the night alone or with someone.
As a young man full of dreams Seth wants to build a better world for everyone, except orcs.
Quirks: Uptight and clean to no end. Behaves like a nobleman.
Likes: Dancing, epic tales, young women, beer and wine, money.
Dislikes: Orcs, goblins, warlocks and other monsters.
Inventory: Empty.

Your skills are a little vague. I need to know how many opponents your "Cleave" move can hit; and as for your "Cry of Valor" move, I need to know what it does exactly for the party. What aspect does it buff?

Also, no more fighter classes and no more "Great Swords." I think two Great Swords is already enough for such a small party.

If we get enough people (6+) for a second team, then yeah that team can do whatever it wants, but it's important to have a variety of roles in a team.

Archer, Mage, Thief, Tank is what I'm hoping to get at this point. Of course, you can pick whatever class name you want for it. But that role is what I'm looking for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 14 days ago

I'm seriously divided between a few key roles at the moment:

Mage > Necromancer (not evil, just using dark magics for affinity reasons)

Thief (basic street rat)

Jack of all trades > Red Mage (a bard like type, more or less)

The first two dominate the priorities list, I just can't decide between them, maybe I'll just roll a dice and go with whatever the RNG dictates.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@KoLWhatever interesting personality you can come up for either. Choose the one you think you'll have the most fun with. AoE is going to come in handy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Holy Soldier Sure, I'm already having fun with this trip down the fantasy lane. I'm an old timer D&D player, a game like this is sure to hit the nostalgia switch. I'll have a CS ready as soon as I wake up, at the time I'm fiddling with a wizard classic build, instead of a necromancer.

I'll take a mage this time since I play way too much rogue-like characters.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I forgot about the tank.

Since we have a player working on a mage.

Open roles for Party One:

Archer, Thief, and Tank


If the game grows down the line, then the characters can create a guild lol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


The character could easily become a Paladin/Knight class to fit the tank position. That way the character could still be of noble birth with basically the same skills. The only changes would be for a long sword and shield or two long swords instead of a great-sword and a different special attack.

Or you could be a thief-type wielding a rapier that picks locks for the fun of it (Holy Soldier probably wants a Thief type with that skill at least if not the pick-pocketing). Whatever you decide.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Like the character. Just wondering something. Does having IT make Seth snobbish, come out as snobbish, or not snobbish at all? Just to get an idea of the character first impressions.

It really depends on how you react to it. Generally IT makes Seth come across as an extremely charming and likeable fellow. However, if you're one of those that are unaffected by IT I guess he could come across as a snob, or something equally "bad".

Your skills are a little vague. I need to know how many opponents your "Cleave" move can hit; and as for your "Cry of Valor" move, I need to know what it does exactly for the party. What aspect does it buff?

Also, no more fighter classes and no more "Great Swords." I think two Great Swords is already enough for such a small party.

Cleave - I kind of modelled this after the feat in DnD, but wanted to have a bit more free flow to it, but now that I think of it I really think we can skip the whole "hitting multiple opponents"-thing and just have it as an unblockable.

Cry of valour - I was thinking a general morale boost. So no real stat boost... In gaming terms I guess it would boost Initiative or AP.

Also, my first thought for the character was to make him a knight with shield-based abilities. I read No a bit too quickly and didn't realise you'd gone with a great sword as well. Most barbarians use axes :P If you're alright with it I'll change cleave into either a shield bash-ability or some kind of "Block a lot of incoming attack"-kind of deal...

The character could easily become a Paladin/Knight class to fit the tank position. That way the character could still be of noble birth with basically the same skills. The only changes would be for a long sword and shield or two long swords instead of a great-sword and a different special attack.

Or you could be a thief-type wielding a rapier that picks locks for the fun of it (Holy Soldier probably wants a Thief type with that skill at least if not the pick-pocketing). Whatever you decide.

Thanks for the tips. Knight was my first thought, but I found an old character I made ages ago and thought it would be fun go give him a go in a game like this. If the GM is up for the change I'll go Knight instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Halvtand Originally, No was just a warrior, but he acted like a Barbarian. And I wouldn't stereotypically restrict barbarian's to axes. Clearly you haven't heard of Conan. o-o

As for your explanation for your character's "personality" trait. It sounds more like a Charm ability, which is something you'll need to invest in. Especially if you are hoping for it to work on people against their will or decision.
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