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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sarah gave a chuckle at Witz's answer. "Classified military tech being given away as a gift for proving yourself. Kinda funny that the world fell that far" Sarah responded back before turning to Jack. "How about you? what was your world like? This place pulls people from lots of different worlds and if you might have some usable information in the future." She asked starting to probe trying to get any information she could from her "allies" while she had the chance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jack shrugged. "I'm a first generation Coordinator, a human who was genetically modified while in the womb. I can think faster than you, react faster than you, I'm stronger than you, pretty much if you can do it, I do it better. And...well, that's spawned a VERY unhealthy mindset amongst the older Coordinators. They founded ZAFT and wage a war on the humans of Earth, specifically those in the Earth Alliance, the military I enlisted with. They all live in space colonies, or at least those who aren't enlisted and are part of ZAFT. My own Gundam, the Duel, was designed and built by the Earth Alliance's greatest minds but along with several others, was stolen by ZAFT. It was even deployed by ZAFT several times during the war, but a poorly thought out attack cost them the suit and the pilot. Their pilot was one of the aces we capture recently, Yzak. He's...from a different universe though, not mine. I saw my universe's Yzak peeled out of the cockpit myself."

He sighs, changing how he's leaning against the wall. "So yeah, that's me. Oh, I'm also from the states, Idaho to be exact."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Before Graham could do much more one of the Sundown's soldiers ran up to him and told him that he would be needed for some repair jobs for his machine. Graham gave a farewell saying he was sorry that he couldn't stay any longer and that he'd like to talk more but time was of the essence considering the situation. However the call came around the hanger to start finishing up upgrades as a call from Mariemaia had come from the meeting room she was in that they would be heading out soon. The soldier announced it over the intercom so everyone could hear it around the base itself

"Sounds like a complicated story. Truth be told all I understand from all that is you got a problem with this ZAFT group we're going to fight. Look kid I don't mind fighting for you. As my friend Sarah here could probably attest to our world doesn't really have defined lines of morality. We kill, or be killed by our enemies in a bid for survival. That's why I fight for Vulture, to stop that cycle. It's all a load but it appears to be the same world as this 'place' we're currently at. Anyways sounds like we're going to be off soon. How about we get going?" Witz said as he pushed his chair back and stretched his arms. "Hope you're ready for what's about to happen. Oh and to answer your question Sarah. It wasn't the best place a lot of struggles. A lot of hardship but a lot of good friends I'd like to see again if given the chance. Two kids in specific stand out. A kid named Garrod and his girlfriend. Two really strong kids. Hope they're alright if they're here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sarah almost scoffed at Jack's remark of being "better", "Sounds like your a lab made Newtype. I wonder how well you will stand up to the real thing?" She commented before listening to Jack's description of the ZAFT group but from what she had heard it was a usual concept with most people around here. Some Anti-Earth group waging war on on earth dwellers over some stupid reason or another. Next was Witz's comment which gave Sarah a bit of a grin, but didn't speak up about it. And with both of them talking about people Sarah's mind went into thought. "I would just be happy to see Gabriel again. As I'm sure you two would agree seeing a familiar face in this place would defiantly be a plus."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well regardless we need to get moving. Sorry to break up this little heart to heart but we need to get moving. I don't want to get chewed on by a little girl again. You oversleep one time..." Witz grumbled as he made his way out of the room and towards the hanger.


Paul looked around the meeting room at all the faces. They had agreed on a plan in short order and now they just needed to enact the plan. They would follow the plan as ordered, Paul would lead the ground forces with Jason commanding. Mariemaia's men would provide back up. Worse case scenario was retreating and coming back to the fortress here. Mariemaia's base was a lot more fortified than the citadel after all. "Well Kenta? You just going to sit there? Get going!" Mariemaia barked at her commander who grunted in acknowledgement his ever present mask preventing Paul from seeing his eyes. But he could feel Kenta's cold uncaring nature through his newtype senses. It was odd now that he was more aware of his powers and having a name to put to them...he felt like they were more present then ever before. Kenta went out of the room and Paul soon followed. He'd need to get back to the Sundown before things were fully prepared. He'd need to brief and troops and everything. At the end of the day this was just another job for the soldier boy.



"Come now commander you can't be serious...why are you being such a pain today? Ord already said that your friend won't be bothering us anytime soon." grumbled the scientist as he sat in his chair and adjusted his glasses. His silver hair was a mess and his lab coat covered in black spots from having to work on the experimental suits. Really the kid who was in charge of this place was such a pain. "That psychopath isn't my friend. Look I just have a bad feeling alright get the defenses near the coast ready. If Lao attacks from there he'll be screwed. Otherwise he'd have to come north. He won't make it that far." grumbled the commander tired of the god damn lazy bastard questioning every little god damn choice he made. Lao had been a pain in his butt ever since he had reappeared. More over that damn mystery suit that kept showing up. "Commander." came a familiar voice. The robotic like woman with purple hair. Her and her friends had joined up with them here and proved invaluable in combat. But it didn't mean he didn't like the way she talked or held herself. "Is Haptism ready to launch?" The Commander replied as the woman nodded. "Yes but he doesn't understand why exactly. Tell me what is it we're preparing for exactly?" the woman asked bluntly as the young commander grunted running his hand through his red hair. "My gut feeling tells me someone's coming I don't know how but I feel weird. Look just get ready worse things worse we pass it off as a test patrol. Look I'm heading to the command room. I'll see you later." he grumbled further as he stumbled his way out of the room. The woman looked at the man and then at the scientist and then left the room not bothering to listen to the scientist even try to bumble out any more of his rhetorical nonsense. She'd heard enough already.

The Sundown

"All hands to battle stations. Prepare for battle we are approaching out destination. Lieutenant Paul will lead the vanguard. Everyone assist him to the best of your talents. I am proud of your hard work these past days. I know it's hard. But now we must bring the fight to ZAFT. Terrorists will not be tolerated. Soon enough we will bring order to this city. Retrieve supplies. And hopefully come closer to finding a way home. I have faith in every single one of you. Captain Jason out." Jason said over the com as the pilots sat ready in their suits. He had brought some of Mariemaia's forces with them on the ship. Those that could fit at least. Others were following behind in convoy trucks secured from Mariemaia's base as to save power. It was a long trip due to the convoy but they'd be ready. They were just on the outskirts of the city and already Alpha Team was preparing to get on the launch catapult.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As Jason signed off of the intercom, Jack finished the last of his diagnostics to make sure the Duel would be able to maintain it's normal level of performance with the additions that had been made. Satisfied, he gave the mechanic a thumbs up before closing his cockpit. "This is Lieutenant Jack Jameson in Gundam Duel. All systems are go. I am ready for combat." The Sundown didn't necessarily run things like the EA military did, but running through familiar motions helped to calm his nerves before battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sarah nodded at Witz's comment, "Seriously that little girl runs a tight ship, if your not where your'e supposed to be you wont hear the end of it for a while." She agreed knowing a bit form personal experience herself. It didn't take long for Sarah to prepare for the operation, seeing how she wasn't exactly in Mariemaia's "A-Team" just yet her and her Leopard were positioned in one of the convoy trucks following behind the Sundown.

She sat in her cockpit with a headphone in one ear listening to some old world music as she waited for the order to deploy. As she waited she heard that Jack person from earlier giving off a call stating that he was ready on the mission's channel. She sighed a bit, for a group that wasn't exactly military standard this seemed too familiar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"This is Lyons. Sound off." Paul called quickly as Raigo was attached with his flier pack to allow him to handle multiple threats in the front at once. His other flight packs were being prepared by Yuri's, much overworked, technicians. He respected them the most out of anyone here. Without them they'd be out of luck and doomed. They kept this ship safe and allowed him and the others to do his job. "This is Graham Aker. I'm ready. My flag's systems are all operation." Graham said calmly for once in his life as he prepared his own machine for combat. "Stella here. I'm ready for combat operations. I'll follow your lead Lieutenant." Stella said with a confident tone much different than her usual shyness. It seemed that she was in her battle state. He would be counting on her out there. "Stella stay close to me." Paul stated to her she smiled and nodded toward the camera. "Wohoo! Let's go kick some butt! Puru puru puru!" Elpeo Puru shouted into her microphone. They finally managed to get her a flight suit her size thanks to Mariemaia. She looked pumped up despite everything Puru was ready for combat. "Needless to say I am ready and waiting for commands." Hiling Care said with pure confidence. Of course she would be ready for combat. Paul himself figured this was just another trip down to the candy store for a woman like Care. For all her abilities she was ruthless. "Beta ready for combat." Beta Leader called out as SIGMA also called out his calling card. "Captain! You're ready to launch go!" Yuri said through his head set as Grant nodded and launched in his machine followed by his own soldiers. Grant and Puru went next the battle had started as the Sundown and it's convoy entered the large urban city and it's white buildings. Almost immediately warning bells and sirens went off stating that there was a counter attack. They had company already.


"A counter already!? But how!? Were they expecting us or did their scouts see us? Do they have long range radar? Or is the Sundown's size the problem? Whatever the problem is moot all forces man the guns and prepare to fire. Arm the main cannon as well." Captain Jason said with a flat command as he ended his line of questions. He was a bit frustrated but the combined forces should be more than enough to finish off the enemy forces. However something different occurred. "Sir! Transmission acquired! Enemy is sending us a signal! Orders?" Baker said in a panic as Williams looked over in a shock. Jason sat there in equal surprise for a moment but only a moment. He didn't understand what the enemy wanted but they were idiots if they were going to demand they leave. "Put them through." Jason said as Williams took over for her trainee and prepared to get to work. She took only a moment and then Jason's jaw dropped. "Ho there! This is ZAFT Sergeant Geo-....Captain Jason? It's....it's you? Than that means..." came the shocked voice of the ZAFT officer as he stared with wide eyes at Jason. Jason himself stared back and blinked. "George Kyleson....Traitor and gundam pilot....Surrender now." Jason said firmly as George shook his shock off. His long time captain stood in front of him. And now he was his enemy. "Not going to happen Captain Jason. I'm not going to surrender this city. I was going to ask that you stand down and leave the city. But now that I know it's you and you know it's me that's not going to happen. Sir please let'-" George started as Jason shook his head. "I would. But I'm not the only big cheese here. Please forgive me George but I refuse to talk unless you lay down your arms first." Jason started flatly as George's eyes shut hard and his hand gripped the seat he was in tightly. "Fine then. Let the best man win then old man." George said shutting off the communication connection and Jason immediately looked down at James. "Not a word of this to Paul. If he found out....then this whole operation would be placed in jeopardy. Let him find out when George appears himself. He won't let his men battle without him." Jason said as the whole bridge became quite. James replied that he would make sure to do so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As the crew from the Sundown launched into the battle Sarah started her own boot-up sequences. Although this took a bit longer than just being catapulted into the field, it gave Sarah a bit of time to survey the area a bit before joining into the fray. After a brief look Sarah choose a spot near the Sundown playing on the defensive until she received other orders. "Sarah here, I'm in position to defend the Sundown. I'll move to assist where needed, just give me the call." She said over the Mission's com line before deploying the Leopard's Gatling Arm ready to mow down anything out of the ordinary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jack launched near the end of the launch line, landing and bringing his beam rifle to bear against a couple of Ginns that he'd managed to catch out of cover. The lasers tore through their standard armor and reduced the units to scrap. He then found his own cover as a counter attack game from another Ginn poking around the corner with it's own rifle. "I thought we were supposed to be taking these guys by surprise." He poked around the corner himself, a few quick shots fired down the street before he slides out of cover and fires the shoulder mounted Shiva railgun at a building to bring it down and slow the enemy advance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Starting location: Top Right of the map.


"Sarah this is Lieutenant Lyons, Black Star, move in to defend the Sundown enemy forces are attacking us from the start. I don't know how they saw this coming but they did. Giving us trouble launching the rest of our forces." Paul said as he got into his position and Gaia went into the other launch catapult. "Stella here all system parameters met. Launching in Gaia!" Stella called out as Paul stepped up to bat himself. However he decided to wait until the enemy focused off the front in order to preserve energy. Enemy ZAFT Zaku units, familiar ones for once, immediately attacked the launch bay luckily for the Alpha Squadron they managed to land before the attack started and the ZAFT rounds bounced harmlessly off Gaia's shell. "Help me clear the landing bay! Me and the Lieutenant need to advance down the west! We need to break through! Lieutenant Jack I need your assistance!" called Stella as she expertly piloted her gundam moving between shots. Even with the tampering done to her body to prevent the kick backs of her condition from kicking in it was clear Stella was a formidable adversary. The long line of enemy zakus first on the her picking out the gundam out only for them to get gunned down with precision. "What the fuck is that thing a new model!?" the enemy cried as one of the older soldiers told him to stow it and just attack. Mariemaia's troops weren't far behind as the serpant models came in and started opening fire upon them raining down a hailstorm of ammo onto the enemy's heads forcing them to take cover behind buildings and it was clear they were now on the defensive immediately. "I got this!" Witz shouted as he flew into the air with Airmaster's flight mode and proceeded to bombard the enemy from the sky. "We were worried about trash like this? This is almost disgusting." Witz grumbled in disgust. "I've been hit!" Alpha 2 cried as his suit was critically damage by a rocket shot from out of nowhere taking out the machine's left leg crippling it. "Team's taking fire get them off us!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sarah nodded to herself seeing the enemy lines hitting the Sundown. "Copy that I'll make these chumps regret attacking your ship" She said over comms before unleashing a barrage of fire on the enemy forces approaching the Sundown from the west her shots ripped through any poor unit that happened to be in the open and making a gap for some of the Sundown's units to make a move. "That should give you a opening to hit the west I'll clean up this area go ahead and move forward with the plan." She communicated before laying down even more covering fire on the enemy forces forcing them to hide for cover behind the nearby buildings. "Just checking, we know there aren't any civi's in these buildings right? Want to know if I am clear to level a block." She asked command before making her next move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"More than likely there are no civilians here. If not they'd be evacuated already less these 'ZAFT' guys are bigger monster than we gave them credit for." grumbled Hiling Care clearly making it out to everyone that she had no interest in talking about civilians. "Graham Aker launching!" Graham called as he launched himself in jet mode from the Sundown into the air as he grinned ear to ear as fire immediately came his way. "Oh this is more like it! Huh...no way! Enemy gundam in coming! Celestial Being!" Graham shouted as Paul looked to the air and growled as he launched forward. "I'm moving to assist!" Paul shouted as Graham laughed. "No need lieutenant. THIS IS MY FIGHT!" Graham called out as he launched himself forward out of the area by himself. Paul considered catching up to him but this wasn't part of the plan. "Don't worry I'll help him!" came Witz who flew out to assist Graham. In the distance he did see an enemy unit jet approaching but was it really a gundam? "Lieutenant don't get distracted!" Stella said snapping Paul back into action as he flew back down narrowly avoiding a rocket shot that would've taken a large chunk out of his energy supply. "These ants need to die!" growled Hiling as she launched from her spot into the air her main weapon already charged she immediately blew away two large buildings murdering the ZAFT units with brutal efficiency. Those who did not die in the massive surge of red energy were crushed beneath the large chunk of buildings. The remaining Zaku panicked and opened fire wildly as the fell back towards the tunnels. "This is Grant I'm sending my injured guy back into the Sundown his suits fried. My squad will stay back for a bit." Grant said as his fellow pilot grunted that he was sorry for failing his captain. "Captain doesn't want to hear that stuff shut up and just deal with it. It's clear we got a big advantage." grunted the female pilot as Grant acknowledged the line saying he was more worried about his old friends than missing a few seconds of action. "Um will Mr. Graham be alright?" Puru questioned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Right then, to bad for them that means I won't hold back" Sarah responded as she launched one of her Hornet Missiles right into the buildings the enemy units were using for cover. Any units the explosion itself didn't disable would be showered with the crumbling building. "That should cover this side for now. I can move to support that Graham guy if needed." She said over coms while holding her position making sure no enemy's survived to attack the Sundown.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

A quick burst of three lasers lanced out into the retreating enemy line, causing three ZAFT suits to explode at the cockpit. "Graham will be fine. Guys too tough to be beat by that." Stepping out, he fires his missiles after the retreating line, blowing up several more suits or at least damaging them. "Seriously though, how did these guys know we were coming?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"What do you not have faith in Aker? He's a baboon but I know he's better than that. From the rumors I heard he once piloted a machine like that when he was a little boy. Younger than you even. Don't worry he'll fight, or die trying. Besides I won't let Celestial Being beat me." Hiling Care said hotly as she turned her attention to the ground units fleeing before using her beam cannon to open fire on the enemy whom were fleeing down the hall way. Paul landed on the ground and rallied the soldiers around him. "Push forward! I don't care how they knew we were coming that's besides the point! If we don't take them out as soon as possible we'll regret it! Push forward!" Paul shouted over the communications channel. Stella growled an affirmation before switching her mobile suit's mode and ran forward towards the enemy. They sealed the corridor leading down towards the main part of the city behind them as they fled. "Bastards how do we break through that!?" one of the Mariemaia Soldiers growled clearly acknowledging that the door was meant to hold back a lot of damage. "Hiling Care do you have another shot!?" Paul asked as Hiling grumbled that she indeed didn't hold a charge for that weapon. "Of course and we sealed Nena up in that brig again because Reve's dead....damn it! Sundown I know we shouldn't hold up our ace in the hole but we need the big guns!" Paul requested as Williams acknowledged the order and reported it to Jason. "Orders authorized setting up main cannons." Jason said as Axer, Calhone, and the rest of the bridge crew began to furiously set up the orders calling for main gunnery crews to prepare to set up the main weapon as the Sundown's hatches began to open in the front of the shit Puru was ordered to defend the ship at all costs while in this mode. "Hey! Everyone form up quickly! They're stalling and they will coutinue to do so unless we can blast our way through!" Witz called out as Kenta came over the communications network. "I have a theory. I believe they were setting up for someone else. I suspect we may have enemy forces on top of the ones we're dealing with. They're probably stalling to re-organize inside the walls to strength force's chances of victory. I believe we may end up dealing with another faction. I will prepare to launch in Devastator if it comes to that. I have sat by for too long and I will not sit idly by if we become overwhelmed. After all I can't let my fellow OMNI die now can I?" Kenta said smoothly but a few people may have picked up a sense of confusion in that tone as if he wasn't exactly sure why he had said that last part. "It doesn't matter Mr. Kenta! We're the good guys! The good guys always win!" Puru said with a sheer positively. "This is SIGMA we'll land and use depth charges to blow the door open. Usually they're used under water but we'll get the door open." SIGMA stated as the landed on the ground and proceeded to use their charges on the door blowing a small hole in it as a rain of bullets followed. The other hallway stood stalwart meanwhile as The Sundown's Main Cannons fired as a massive wave of energy smashed opened the doorway, and the top of the corridor. Mariemaia's Soldiers tried to advance but were immediately cut short of anything as enemy fire rained down from the hallway. "Well what are you people waiting for go!" Hiling grumbled as she flew up in the air ready to provide support fire but not making any moves to go down the corridor. She didn't need to deal with that she was capable of flight. "There's enemy turrets along the hallways! We need to take them down quickly! The enemy aces haven't arrived yet!" one of Mariemaia's Soldiers reported as he returned covering fire from their side of the hallway. Their suits seemed to have better armor as some of them got hit but were fine afterward.


Graham was smiling, for once in a long time this was from pure excitement, his true enemy was finally coming or him. Celestial Being. Not that kid Setsuna but the other one with the jet mode he'd serve as a good enemy! A true fight in the skies what a way to live! He'd keep on fighting until the bitter end! "Get out of my way!" Haptism growled at the Union pilot as he fired away at the flag flying towards him. Graham make a quick turn and a series of spins dodging the shots as he returned fire. "GUNDAM! I'M GRAHAM AKER! UNION PILOT! I WILL BE YOUR OPPONENT! COME ON FIGHT ME!" Graham shouted to the heavens themselves as he began a series of back and forth trading of shots from their main weapons. Graham's guns blazed like molten fire as the cool gn beams coming from Allelujah Haptism's gundam returned. The two danced a hellish but beautiful dance in the air. Witz charged forward intending to help his comrade but first he need to wait for an opening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jack rounded the corner of the tunnel with his beam rifle up and his shield stored to keep it from being destroyed, and fired off a series of quick shots into the turrets that he could see before launching a fragmentation grenade from his barrel mounted grenade launcher. "Move up! Keep on the pressure!" He fired a few more lasers down the hall way, each one finding a target, before taking cover so as to avoid using up all his battery. "Sundown, this is Lieutenant Jack. Any sign of that other enemy Kenta thought these guys were preparing for? Probably best we not get flanked while fighting these guys."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sarah watched as the depth charges blew a hole in the massive wall that had blocked their path "Impressive" She thought to herself for them coming up with the idea of using the depth charges. But with one obstacle down Another would soon rise as a hail of lasers poured through the newly formed opening. Sarah waited for a moment scanning for a good piece of cover to use before jetting forward to reach a good piece of cover inside the cavern. Luckily Jack's flashy entrance into the cavern drew quite a bit of fire in his direction and Sarah was able to reach her chosen bit of cover with little effort. From there she scanned the area marking all the remaining operational turrets along the walls. Once marked she flipped a switch and a single rocket tube fired from her shoulder. A mid air detonation covered the alleyway with smoke obscuring the targeting sensors of the turrets before Sarah emerged from her cover and let off a long arcing hail of shots from her main gun making sure to pass over every marked spot for the turrets. Explosions sounded throughout the corridor as Sarah decimated the defenses preventing allied movement. As her barrage ended Sarah moved back behind cover to let the gun cool down as she announced over coms. "You now have smoke cover and most of the turrets should be eliminated feel free to move up." She announced letting out a sigh and letting others move forward first knowing her suit wouldn't be able to fire again for a quick minute
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Baker here! Lieutenant Jack there are not any signs of enemy activity on the long range radar. However we may be fighting enemies who don't transmit signals we can pick up. Who knows what's out there. Be careful out there and come back alive you got that? Don't be reckless." Baker pleaded to Jack as the worry in her voice became clear it was not exactly her most comfortable point being in that chair of hers on the bridge. Beta's remaining units charged forward in front of Jack when they were focusing on him and in moments the slaughter daggers ripped apart the enemy mobile suits using beam rifles. Beta Leader's swift and decisive action cleared up most of the hall way and caused the remaining enemies to retreat down another corridor but this one luckily enough didn't have a shield wall preventing them from moving forward. "Beta Leader here. SIGMA take to the skies prevent enemies from targeting us from the skies. Our suits aren't optimized for sky combat. We'll make sure no surface to air missiles get to you to the best of our ability." Beta said as SIGMA hurriedly went into the air with their Murasame units. As the enemy units from the hall retreated a bizarrely shaped mobile suit stood firmly in the center of the hall way. An enemy Ace pilot. "Come forward and challenge me invaders! I will push you back in the name of the queen of the moon!" growled the enemy pilot.


The enemy pilot quickly fired a series of beam shots from a strange weapon as Beta Leader blocked them but barely as he and his men pulled backward stalling their push. "He's a good shot gundams take him on for us." Beta said bluntly as he pulled back into cover behind the entrance to the other tunnel leading downward into the city.


Graham deftly blocked a swarm of GN Missiles sent at him by Haptism using his propeller as he returned fire moving in forward in an attempt to cut him down quickly but he knew it wouldn't be that easy. "I'll defeat you gundam! I'll make my way forward and beat that boy Setsuna! I promise you here that I won't stop until I do!" Graham shouted with passion his eyes shining underneath his helmet and his hands firmly gripping the controls of his flag. Haptism quickly dodged rolling his jet to one side and circling back around as a Graham tried to slice at him. "I don't know how you know that name but it won't matter I'll make sure to drag you into a shallow grave!" Allelujah retorted with annoyance as he shot at Graham Aker in retaliation. "If there's one thing I've learned in this world Gundam! It's that battle is a beautiful thing! Despite the harshness of our situation we can still communicate with each other through a battle! Entire universes clash and break bread with each other! It's nothing like I'd ever seen before! But maybe just maybe this is just a prologue to the bigger story! If that's the case then I'll make sure I see it to the final curtain call!" Graham called out as he forced his flag to transform mid flight into jet mode once more as he heard the metal calling out and felt the G-pressure on his chest he coughed out blood but his will kept him steady. He just barely managed to transform into jet mode when the shots came and he flew underneath them Haptism trailed him continuing to fire. "I'll make sure you see what comes next...from the other side!" Haptism grumbled as he kept his sights on the enemy pilot aware that he needed to finish this quickly. But it should've been over by now this flag pilot was the real deal apparently if it could keep up with his gundam.


"I don't have time for this amount of bull shit!" Paul growled as he ordered his men to stand to the sides of both the areas and Hiling Care responded with a quip, "Oh come on now Lieutenant is that all we got? This is rather pathetic..." Hiling mocked as she hovered in the air looking at Graham battling with Allelujah Haptism her innovade instincts telling her to go kill the gundam but at the same time she was needed on the ground. "We'll just have to break through. Mariemaia's group do you have anti-fortification weapons?" asked Stella as she calmly surveyed the situation. "If they don't then the only way through would be through pure force..." muttered Grant as he took his position next to Stella finally returning with the rest of his team. "Don't worry we can handle it just give us a few moments please Lieutenant Black Star." commented one of the soldiers confidently as he rallied his men around him and prepared for the worst. Paul pulled back and prepared to see the handiwork of the soldiers as they unleashed a storm of missiles down the loading ramp and prepared to charge forward. The turrets were blown to hell and the hall way cleared of any enemies anyone remaining was quickly gunned down like swine.

"Well done men! Advance forward! Let's go!" Paul ordered as he and the rest of the other group advanced except for Hiling who stood there for a moment longer to admire the fight in the air and she grinned. "Go on gundam...fight....fight for your pathetic existence. It's already on a clock anyway." she grinned as she turned around and prepared to re-engage the enemy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jack moves up behind Beta and spots the beam shot coming from the other suit. Pulling his shield out, he moved around the corner and returned fire once Beta Team was out of the way. He only released a single beam, testing to see if the enemy Ace's suit could handle the beam weapon. "You know, I don't have a lot of love for ass holes from space, so I'm thinking you're only going to get one chance to stand down before I reduce that fancy suit of yours to scrap."
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