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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

First Letter (Interest Check)

Life was happy. Everyone was happy. The year was 2020 and technology was at an all-time high. Poverty was at an all-time low. Everything seemed to be perfect for us. And that's when they fell. The "Keys" as they were named. Bits of alien technology. Pieces of a civilization whos whereabouts are unknown. Whos very continued existence is unknown. But these pieces of their existence are real, that's for sure. Theyu came down, in all different forms and natures, each causing damage in its own way, each causing their own kind of suffering. There are 5 so far. Keys, I mean. There are five different kinds of keys. Each one a different color.
The orange, which is the second most dangerous but the most common, falls anywhere where a high intensity light is given off. Spotlights, power generators, a house in the middle of nowhere, even some of the other keys, if the conditions were right. When it would hit, an emp burst would go off. The bigger the Key, the bigger the burst.
The purple key, though not quite dangerous, was the second most common. Falling in random places and creating craters, the one thing we knew about this special gem was that it could upgrade ANY form of technology to the alien's standards. And I mean ANY form. Attach it to a gun, suddenly the gun will glow and shoot off a new kind of ammunition. Attach it to the sword, and now the sword can be compared to a lightsaber from Star Wars. These were the keys that the military definitely didnít want the common people even knowing about. So pretend I this part of the conversation didn't happen.
The yellow key. These keys fell at an amazing rate. Just under purple, in-fact. Attracted to any high heatsource, once they fell, they would land on the source and turn it to the hardest form of natural processes it could. Lava turned to obsidian. Forges turned to bedrock. Hell, even hot air turned to stones and fell out of the air. But the secret behind this key is a machine. Inside each yellow key is a one-use machine where the green key would fit into place.
The Green Key. This was the one the scientists called The True Key. The only one with a defined shape--a cube--this key holds data in a one-time-use function. These keys could be placed in a machine from the yellow keys and would project bits of data on a wall or such, revealing new information on the keys and destroying both the green key and the machine from the yellow key in the process.
The blue key. The rarest, but the most dangerous. No bigger than a quarter, this key would fall to any large power source--a power plant, an old nuclear bomb site, even during a lightning storm. Enough energy and one of these would be right behind. Now, I know you're thinking "Oh, what could such a small key do?" but some of you will be thinking "Okay, narrator says dangerous, must avoid." Both are correct and incorrect. First, when the blue keys land, not only do they emit large amounts of heat until picked up, but upon impact, any man-made, well, anything man-made, period, within a ten-mile radius would be absolutely obliterated. Fall apart. Wiped out. Gone. The materials could be gathered and the objects remade, but a lot of the parts that would hold the materials together would be turned to ash. Now, you need to avoid the impact, but not the key itself, because the key itself, when placed onto an engine, would make the engine be able to run without fuel and become immune to any damages caused by keyfalls.
Shit. Running out of paper to send you this letter on. I've told you what you need to know. I'm pretty sure you already knew about the world in crumbles in a post-apocalyptic situation, but I know you. You're smart. You can figure out how to rebuild the world as it was. How to stop these keyfalls, and how to take down the tyrants that have rose us.
I don't know how long it will take you to get this message, but as your friend, I am begging you to not give up hope. Don't worry. I'm safe.

Zak Freedman--September 27? 28?, 2036

This is the OOC, as of course, so please read the following rules to be sure to follow:
1. There are currently 11 slots open for initial play, but more will open up later on. This IS NOT a first-come-first-serve. I will be searching for the best character sheets to start out, then further down the line I will slowly add in more in the order they were recieved. So in order to get first spots, you must show you can write like a pro.
2. I do not want any Bad-asses. There can be a few with military experience, but most shall be normal people. If you wish to have military experience, stick it in your CS and I will ask you to make a change if I feel you do not need the experience. (Which, if it doesnt do too much else, I doubt that will be necessary.)
3. All first spots shall start out together. Anyone coming in later on shall be notified and will have to find a way to write themselves in. I AM WILLING TO GIVE WRITING HELP FOR ANYONE STUCK ON THIS.
4. Expanding on that last rule, I am here at all times to help anyone with any questions or who is needing help writing for suggestions. I try to be a good GM. I want to help you be the best roleplayer you can. Please, come to me with any questions, comments, concerns, or for any form of help with my Rp.
5. Expanding further on that last rule, I need everyone to try and take no more than 2 days to make a new post. We need to make sure that everyone can continue to play. If you feel like you will be inactive for more than 2 days at any time, just come to me. We can figure something out, whether it's Character Controlling, or you wish to place your character in the hands of another player, or even if you wish to make a "Dramatic scene" where you can jump out for a while and jump back in later on (though this will be the final alternative).
6. Write your best and do not be afraid to kill your character off. If I see a player writing with excellence, I WILL garuntee a new character spot upon their character's death. We wouldn't want our best roleplayers just leaving us, now would we? ;P

I think those are simple enough rules. Should be pretty easy to follow. Please make a single character using the following CS:

Yes, I know, this is a pretty good size CS, but it will be worth it as you will see a vast developement of your character throughout the game. Btw, as a hint for the CS's, those with description rather than pic, will get a bit more favor with me, and those with both, well, I REAALLY tend to like those ;).

As a fair warning: I am an excellent writer as you have seen and though I love to play the good side, I am talented with playing on evil's terms. I love to play games with my roleplayers and this game shall feed on your character's fears. Those fears shall become part of you and you will be scarred. This is only for the bravest of writers and the strongest of souls.

Play along if you dare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Working on a CS now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Rose Elizabeth Andrews

Age: 24

Gender: Female


Personality: She is quiet most of the time. She does not speak unless she feels she has something important to say. She acts very polite and formal to everyone she meets. She will not start a conversation with you unless you have something she wants or needs. Well, that is not entirely true. She is shy around new people and is very slow to open or even trust new people. Easy to say she does not make new friends easily. Once she does get used to a person, she will open up and be friendly. Once you are a friend, you are always her friend. Good warning though. Once she opens up to a person, that person might not get her to stop talking again. Ever.

Background: She was born on the East Coast of the United States as the second child of a US Marine. When her father left the service, he moved her and the rest of her family to Phoenix, Arizona. There she was raised. From a young age, her father taught her and her brothers (one older and one younger) how to survive in the outdoors. She was still too young to understand all of it but it did spawn a love for the outdoors way from the city. Her Father probably intended to prepare his children for military service. However, the keys began falling. When she was eight years of age, she remembers standing on the back porch of her family residence on the outskirts of Phoenix and watching a light show. At the time she thought they were shooting stars and thinking it harmless she happily made wishes on them.

Her family left their home the next day. Her parents packed up the car and headed North into the Mountains of Northern Arizona. There among the pines, they set up in a cabin with some trusted family friends away from Civilization in the hope of avoiding the keys. As power outages became worse with the destruction of the Palo Verde nuclear power plant and Hoover Dam, her family was largely unaffected until refugees began heading into the mountains. At first, her family tried the help the refugees that found them deep in the mountains. However like all good intentions, sooner or later you are going to have to pay for every good deed you do. The number of refugees that were coming out of the desert into the mountains were too many. Eventually, her parents had to start denying aid to the refugees. Simply put, the refugees did not like that. Things when downhill from there when guns got involved. Her family was forced out of the cabin and had to run for their lives. Rose's older brother was shot dead in the escape and her father died while trying to ensure their escape.

From that point on, her family and the close family friend that had survived wondered. After their vehicle ran out of fuel, they walked. they headed back south to have one last look at their home in Phoenix then they headed east looking for somewhere safe. Her group survived by scavenging what supplies they could from already looted stores and occasionally found a working vehicle that would take them as far as they could towards the next town. Over the years, they had tried to settle only to be run out by locals, or raiders, or keys. The group had never been large but after repeatedly running into bad luck the numbers dwindled. Her family got as far as El Paso, Texas before their luck truly ran out. They found what they though was a government run refugee camp. They joined it only to find it was full of problems. Supply issues had made rations tight and more refugees coming in made tensions erupt into full blown riots. Rose managed to escape with her head and her younger brother. Her family however was caught in the crossfire between rioters and US troops. Not knowing what to do, she headed back west toward Arizona, the only home she had ever know. She took her little brother with her. Somewhere in New Mexico, Her brother came down with an illness that claimed his life. Rose has wandered more or less alone ever since.

1. She is good at land navigation with the good old map and compass. She can also use the stars to find her way.
2. She is good with basic trauma medicine. She can splint a leg, suture a wound shut, and stop bleeding from stab wounds or bullets. She also know procedures like child birth or limb amputations.
3. She has the uncanny ability to not be noticed unless she wants to. This has helped her survive on many occasions.

1. Ants. Not sure if it is a fear or a hatred. Could be both but she will destroy any ant that comes near her. She will also make an effort to avoid ants. The bigger the ants the worse they are.
2. Water. She is an excellent swimmer but she fears what else can swim too. She does not want to fight anything that hides in water.
3. Chocolate. Not a fear but a weakness. Chocolate is the best think the pre apocalypse world had ever made. She loves scavenging old buildings for chocolates.
4. Confinement. Similar to claustrophobia but the size of the area does not matter. She does not like not being able to move freely or escape.
5. Cats. Not a fear but something of a love (weakness). She loves cats cannot bear to see one hurt. This is the domesticated kind of cat not the bobcat. In a normal would she might have become the crazy cat lady.
6. Caves. She is scared of caves and being underground. 'Bears live in caves.'
7. Dogs. She fears dogs. Not individual dogs nor the small little dogs you can punt over the wall. She fears big dogs. The kinds that run in packs and who's bite is sometimes and often worse than their bark.

Gear: A desert digital camo colored camping internal frame backpack 15 in x 8 in x 20 in., a canteen with a little bit of fresh water, and a orange switch blade knife about 4 inches long with the Star of Life engraved in the handle. Also cares a small single handed hatchet and a folding entrenchment tool salvaged from an old military surplus store. She has several sets of clothes and a sleeping bag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: James Marshall

Age: 25

Gender: Male


James Marshall is an honest man; while he can bit dull at times James has never cheated any one. That was most likely due to his southern raising, which at the worst of times involves a pliable leather belt, but things like that influenced him to act courteous, even in rough times such as these.

James, as well as his brother John Jr., was raised on a farm in rural Texas by his father and his mother. After ten years of a life of relative normalcy the keys fell and ruining the chance of a normal life for decent folk like James. For 15 years James and his father John, senior of course, took care of the homestead and John Jr. who contracted a sickness, which they thought could have been from the initial the family called the keyfall. Throughout the 15 years the disease evolved slowly, making him weaker and perhaps a bit deluded. After a day of a farmer’s work, consisting of feeding horses, mending fences, as well as defenses, and watering the field, James heard a commotion at the house. He rushed to the house, taking the long stairway up two at a time, and busted in the front door as a shot went off. James arrived on the crime to see his father covered crimson with a grim look holding a gun and John Jr., along with his mother, each dead with a large bullet wound. James never figured out if it was a misunderstood moment, like those moments on the T.V., since he walked out the door in his thick carhart and cowboy hat forever leaving his father alone. From there he wandered out stepping into an adventure he never thought he’d have.

Honesty, because of the south; decent marksmen, from hunting trips as a boy; and well mannered, due to a belt.

Honesty; afraid to change into his father; reckless and will rush into rather dangerous situations; James is a simple man; He is also blunt, with the exception of the presence of ladies, then he is polite; sometimes James can be ignorant; He can also be irrational when it comes to certain things, like the endangerment of a woman; James is definitely old fashioned, not in the fedora sense, but the let the men do the work sweetheart sort of way.

A large backpack, ammo, a few bottles of water, a bolt action rifle, a can of bacon fat, an assortment of pots, as well a quick starter wood and a hunting knife with a flint striker.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So far im liking what im seeing. Gonna give it another week and then we'll start up. This will allow me to make another letter as well as a bit of Tyrant action with militias and such
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Chris Ryan

Age: 41

Gender: Male


Chris stands about 6’4” with brownish hair and hazel eyes. Chris is athletic but is starting to show his age in some cases. Muscles take a little longer to heal, not the fastest or strongest but he can hold his own in a fight. Wears sunglasses occasionally, a Black windbreaker, dark blue jeans, a red t-shirt (if it’s night and sneaking around is called for he zips his jacket up all the way and it hides his shirt), and black hiking boots.

Personality: Chris is an easy going guy. It takes a lot to get him angry but when he does get angry he has been known to get very violent and lash out. Chris will always think of the needs of others before his own, and although he generally doesn’t like being in a leadership role if called upon he will take it. He means what he says and says what he means, however it should be noted Chris has a streak of sarcasm that he uses from time to time. After spending a lot years in isolation Chris is now getting used to being around people again. He trusts people once he gets to know them but doesn’t go out of his way Chris makes them make the first moves.

Background: Chris was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa. After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh he went into the Police Academy and from there to the Pittsburgh PD. Shortly after he joined the Pittsburgh PD he was married to his college girlfriend Anna.

Chris proved to be one of the best cops in the city and played a key role working alongside the Attorney General’s office that he helped take down the McGinity crime family. It was in that operation that AG’s office took special notice of Chris and offered him a job. Chris never thought he’d get a chance like this and took it.

In working with the AG’s office Chris once again excelled in his field, but the longer he worked at the AG’s office he began to see things that made him question what he was doing. He began seeing cover up after cover up and secret meeting after secret meeting. The stress of knowing what he did cost him his family and his wife divorced him took the kids and went back to Pittsburgh. Chris knew his wife would leave him and that was part of his plan, so his family would be safe. Chris made the painful choice of copying classified documents and audio recordings he felt people should know. He also knew the longer he did this more than likely he was gonna get caught, and so Chris began researching on how to survive in the woods and off the grid. Once he figured he had enough information to work with Chris Ryan disappeared and hitchhiked to Michigan where he had a cabin in the woods. Chris lived there for a while leaking out information to certain web-sites and conspiracy theorists.

Then the Keyfall event began and Chris realized that his life on the lam really didn’t matter much anymore. The Government had bigger concerns than the ramblings of a former agent. However Chris knew his sanctuary was about to be lost forever, and so he grabbed a few essential items and went on his way.

--A sharp analytical mind
--An expert with a Bow & Arrow from living in the woods.
--Knows basic survival skills.

1) Hates guns! Chris wonders how often he could’ve made a difference on a case if he didn’t shoot first and ask questions later.
2) Allergic to cats
3) His sarcasm can be a detriment
4) Chris is confident in finding a solution to anything…sometimes TOO confident.
5) Can over-analyze a situation
6) A serious mis-trust of the Government and the military.
7) Chris believes he is the smartest guy in the room.


-Hiking Backpack: Blue & Silver 25 (Height) X 10 (Width) X 11 (Length)
-The McMillian Hunting Knife (9 inches in length and a 4 inch blade)
-Various food items (mainly granola), a black jacket, a survival blanket, and length of rope in the backpack.
-Compound Bow
-Arrows in a quiver across his chest.
-Baseball bat
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think I am gonna have two lists. Accepted, and Current characters. Accepted will mean that I have thouroughly read through your CS and like what I see, and Current characters means your cs has been moved to being able to play. so, as people get to jump in, I can keep moving them and more cs's can keep coming. And dont be afraid to comment on other characters. This is the OOC after all ^.^ it would make me feel better to know I am not the only one judging the quality of the well-built characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

congrats to you three ^.^ you have all been added to the accepted characters list!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The_Full_Spektrom said
congrats to you three ^.^ you have all been added to the accepted characters list!

Thanks looking forward to the IC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name:Jackson "Hart" Mallard
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Description/Picture: It has been a long time since Jackson has looked in a mirror and seen himself. He is a tall man standing close to six foot three and weighing an apt amount of two hundered and thirty pounds. Like his father, Jackson has a rusty red hair that has now been filled with flecks of grey that come with age. His eyes, which once held hope and happiness, are a dull blue color. His face is worn from travel and lack of sleep that is obvious by the heavy bags under his eyes. His distinct high cheek bones and his curved chin, like that of a spade, is what sets him apart from most others he has met.
In the area of Jackson's collar bone lies a scar left over from a surgery to fix a fracture in the bone. He bears a tattoo on his shoulder of a heart with ice over it, he recieved it after the Keys fell. Jackson wears a silver ring on his left head, as plain as a rock but as priceless as his life to him. He has some obvious bruising around his chest and arms from a recent fight that have yet to heal. Wrapped around his right forearm is a bandage that covers a three inch long cut that is a quarter inch deep recived from a piece a metal while he was on the run from bandits. Jackson's shoulders are broad and mildly strong as the same with his legs.
Jackson prefers to wear a simple yet dusty green camo shirt with a red bandana stuffed into it's right breast pocket. His prefered pants are mud caked and blood stained blue jeans that smell of sweat and smoke. Jackson has a pair of stolen size thirteen nikes that are worn out and caked in what seems to be mud but also smells like horse dung.He wears a distinct and torn up, red baseball cap with a rag looped through the back. Jackson hasn't shaved in a long time but still keeps his beard rather neat by tieing it together in a thick strand and then wrapping it in back up into a small ball kept in place by a hair tie. The length of the beard is about seven inches long.
Personality: Jackson was a hopeful, not a fanatic like some of the other but a hopeful. He believed that the keys would unite humanity and make them stronger as whole. Instead, the keys caused destruction, death, and overall decay of what made people human. Yet, Jackson tried to hold onto his hope and pray that things would change for the better, that people would change for the better.
After a turn of events, everything broke inside of Jackson. He lost his hope and he saw the world as it was, a crumbling pile of dung. What had made him hold onto his hope was torn from his arm and killed right in front of him. He could no longer hope for a better world with better people and better life styles. All he could see was the darkness and despair that was the real world and he let it envelop him. He changed from a man who had hope to a person who had see the darkest pits of despair and had let it come to him. Jackson was no longer Jackson and instead took up the name Hart, a man who hunted bandits who killed with out mercy. Hart is defiant and will not stop until those who kill are killed, even him.
Background: Jackson was born three seconds after his twin brother Meryl in early March in the city of New York. Meryl was the opposite of Jackson, a smart kid with a bright future if he would just do the work. Jackson had to work to keep good grades and become an archeitect as he wanted to. Jackson grew up knowing the true meaning of hard work while his brother Meryl had everything given to him. Meryl recived scholarships to prestigous schools while Jackson got a crap scholarship to a school that was even worse than he thought. Yet, Jackson loved his brother more than he hated him. He knew that if he could be more like his twin he would.
Jackson went on to work as an archeitect while Meryl joined the United States Navy nuclear propulsion program. Meryl served for four years then went on to work as a teacher for a local high school in New York city in Physics. Jackson constructed several buildings which included a mall, a multitude of apartments, and a hotel. After the keys started falling, Jackson and Meryl quickly left New York city for their parents summer home in North Carolina. Soon after their arrival, Meryl was taken by the government to do testing on the keys. He was reported dead three weeks later and Jackson was the only one who could take care of Meryl's daughter Jennie. It was a year after the keys fell that Jackson lost Jennie, his only connection to the world. Their house had been raided while Jackson was out trying to find some food. By the time he had gotten back Jennie was lying on the floor, slowly bleeding to death from a gun shot to the thigh.
Jackson watched as a raider came back to finsh her off and tore her from his arms. She was killed right in front of him and he was left alive, almost as a kind of torture. Not long after that, Jackson decided to chose a new name, Hart, and recive a tattoo of a heart with ice over it from a very shady man. Hart sold his remaining supply of food for weapons and joined people who were transporting things like food and drinks across the country. He has performed this job since Jennie died and only recently recived a letter from this man who Jackson knows nothing about.
Strengths: Jackson is a stalwart man. He has a way with constructing buildings and has picked up a few things that are needed for survival in the past few years.
Weaknesses/Allergies/Fears: Jackson is allergic to pollen and dust which causes him to sneeze. He is afraid of spiders and of snakes. Jackson is hard to get through to when he has an idea in his head and even harder to talk out of making an action he has already decided on. Jackson prefers not to be interrupted which has cause a bit too many disputes than it should have.
Gear: A medium sized backpack, a canteen with a little bit of fresh water, and a pocket knife. Inside his backpack he has three cans of beans, a tinderbox, a pair of brass knuckles, and a sleeping bag. He carries on his belt a three foot loop of string wrapped tightly around and a pouch filled with coins, mostly five dimes and ten quarters.Attached to his backpack by string hangs a rusty machete.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Accepted. And I think I have my idea for how to fully get this rp up and running. But we still have 6 days. If any of you are a gamer, you'll know 3 days after Titanfall release is when this shall launch. (I'm doing that so I can get started back up in YouTubing)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

4 days left. Bring in some more people guys
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

3 Days. Bump
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bump. 2 days. C'mon guys. I would like a few more people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

First IC post goes up either tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Depends what happens today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Awesome I am glad this has started. One question before I post. Is everyone starting together or are we on our own until Beggars Point?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I say on your own until beggar's point, but try to get there in 2 posts, even if you have to make them extremely long. Go ahead and use post one as a sort of intro for your character, and then you can make them arrive in post 2. But you DO have a group that you're leaving. No one was ever alone in this. Even if it's just 2 people. Find a way to abandon them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_Reckless


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Drayke Flamel (Fla-Mel)
Gender: Male
Age 16

Personality: Drayke is the silent type but with loud actions. He can walk into a room and heads will turn to him. He knows when to be silent but if something is on his mind he knows how to let it out. He is always looking for new people to meet but is not intent on being followed by them. He is used to being alone so his social skills are lacking a little but he does know how to please a crowd. He has sort of a New York accent mixed with a British accent coming for his family tree and the British influence already in New York.

Description: Drayke has been alone most of his life, left scavenging New York City for supplies to live on. With his parents dying in a car crash at the age of 8 he was left broken and homeless. He takes refuge in an abandoned warehouse that is surrounded by an antique shop, Italian restaurant, and a library. Off of those stored and various other places in the area he has learned to steal, survive, and has learned valuable traits to maintain survival. He also does a couple "favors" for people around the city like knocking out competition for a business. He will do things like steal important paper work or sabotage the a generator. He lived like this for 8 years. Stealing or earning his was through life but here recently an Orange Key had falling in New York and gave off an extreme EMP blast and wiped out most of New York. The parts of the state that still had power were blocked off to ordinary people and only the rich lived there. He then decided it was to to leave the Hell hole he was about to be trapped in. He then stole a 600cc Go-Kart and took 20 gallons of gas with it. He then began the journey to Texas.

Strengths: Can move quickly and can strike and recover easy.
Very skilled with swords and knives resulting from the various steals for the Antique shop.
Knows how to scavenge and survive due to the life in New York.

Weaknesses Emotional uneasiness around other families because of the loss of his own.
Allergic to wildflowers. (Flowers not found in the city)
Cant stomach medicines as well as others.
Claustrophobic around a large group of people. Tight spaces don't bother him.
Spiders are the only creatures that frighten him.
Afraid of loosing the last memory of his parents.
Does not feel empathy for others as another person would.

Gear: A black and grey camo backpack. (19x13.5x7.5) Inside is a slightly used, as in drank out of, Ozarka, 3 cans of vegatbles and 2 mega bags of beef jerky. Also a box of matches and an old news paper with a date that seemed prehistoric. He carries a 27' Full Tang sword. It has a black nylon wrapped hilt with flecks of white in the nylon. This was a gift from the shop keeper for doing a "favor" for him the first time. He then used the library and got books that taught him the basics of sword fighting. He also carries a Wetstone for sharpening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Accepted and added to the character list (he has been talking with me via pm almost every day.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_Full_Spektrom
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The_Full_Spektrom Firebrand

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That was well played-out m35t3k, very well done. Ive added you to the current characters list
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