Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 13 days ago


George would find Mahzun hunched over the woman's now unclothed body, his redworm tongue crammed halfway down her throat like a straw in a juicebox. It pulsed rhythmically as surges of blood were sucked out of Theo from the inside-out. Mahzun liked the fingers and eyes, but had saved them for George this time around. He preferred his meals to be liquid anyways. He had still broken her up a bit, snapped a few bones here, twisted a few limbs there. Blood always tasted better when imbued with the adrenaline of fear, with endorphins extracted by way of pain. He'd notice George having entered, the shadows cloying but presenting no obstacle to their nocturnal sight, two figures in the dark. Mahzun enjoyed one last sucking gulp that made the woman's emaciated frame flex into itself from the pressure before letting loose of his food and rising. The corpse seemed to reinflate slightly. Mahzun's belly bulged beneath his robe, like one pregnant. When Mahzun spoke, it was with rasping, wheedly little sentences as curt as they were short.

"Hello there, George. It is good to see you. Have some, while we converse. I want to talk about some things. About the human farm and the queen."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silmaril
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Silmaril In a hole in the ground there lived a roleplayer.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

{ Deena }

Once she was done with her brief performance, Deena thanked and walked out of the stage, heading back to backstage to put the guitar she had borrowed in place. It only took her a step into the backstage to notice the presence of someone else in there; raising her chocolate brown eyes, she found a female figure standing there, apparently waiting for her. Her face seemed familiar to her, though; she had to have seen her somewhere else, but she couldn't quite remember where exactly. Probably some past client.
Though she hardly ever denied someone's visit to compliment her job, it did surprise her to see the woman there, since she knew the guard wouldn't be letting anyone else in the backstage until she was done and out of there. Deena was just about to open her mouth to question her about this, but soon she was shut by the other's flattery words and nervous introduction.
"Oh, why thank you, miss.", She had first said, with a kind smile on her face, before she heard the brunette's name and something clicked in her mind. She recognized her, her eyes opening wide as she quickly bowed her respect towards the vampire nobelty. "Of course! I am sorry I didn't recognize you earlier, mi Lady. It's... a honor to have you here, and quite a surprise if you allow me to say." She spoke, just slightly embarrassed about her 'slip'. "And also, I'm glad you liked my song." Added she.
Deena tilted her head to the side a little with some curiosity, she had barely ever seen the oldest princess around in the castle whenever she was required there to assist the younger daughters before some special event of the Royal Family, so that might have been why she didn't know who she was right away. "I would have never suspected you would come around this place, your Highness.", she commented naturally, without losing the cordiality in her tone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Alia Krishkov~

Alia was very satisfied with Adam, he was indeed a loving member of the court, always doing his job even better that required. These kind of people deserved a fine treatment, although various members of the royals would often mistreat them, with the excuse of the lower rank. An excuse almost as efficient as Mahzun's smoothness in killing.

Oui, It is a fine night for riding indeed. Alia raised her head and examined the stars for a moment.
Do you see these three bright stars? Her hand pointed at them gracefully lingering some inches above her head, and then travelled to another direction. They are alligned with these two stars. It means it will be windy by morning, but not untill dawn. Therefore you need worry not, dear Adam, we both shall run tonight. She added, stroking the Stallion's neck and smiling gently at Adam. Helena left as soon as she arrived. Alia greeted her sister with a kind nod, as she got on Allegro. She was ready to go when Niklaus made his way to the stables.

Salute, Brother. Now, if you will excuse me, I shall beg my leave. Good evening gentlemen, enjoy thyself Niklaus, it is a fine evening. With that word Alia and left the two behind, racing in he night crossing the grassy fields, the long pastures, heading to the riverside. It was as if the wind was taking away her thoughts, letting her mind and soul rest of the constant thinking. Knowledge, is a burden. It brings responsibility. Now, freedom, that was all, a falsetto of ignorance, echoing through the night sky.

@1Hawkeyes @EmzyOfNeverland
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Queen Aurora Damascus Krishkov~

Aurora was located in the King's and Queen's room, the highest one of the castle. Gazing out of the tall window, she could see all that was happening in the courtyard. She knew not where Dushan was, but soon she knew Mahzun was making a scene once more. She pinched her nose bridge with her index and thumb, and closed her eyes in frustration letting a sigh out of her mouth.

"Not wise, Mahzun. I cannot always cover you." She whispered dissapointed by her kin's acts.

Any big trouble with Mahzun was to be avoided, he would not accept penalties without exposing the Queen's secret, and she was well aware of that. Such a troublesome immortal, unable to act nobly; maybe he didn't care to do so. Needn't he, since the Queen was obligated to cover his animalistic acts. Aurora placed herself before the mirror, making sure she looked proper. With a quick pace, she closed the door behind her, greeted the guards as they bowed and followed the blood scent leading to Mahzun. The way she walked, she looked like flying, her deafening grace echoing through the heavy walls of the old castle.
Aurora was not surprised by the bloody mess she found laying before Mahzun and George. Gazing at the poor lady laying there, her dissaranged limbs and bones excessing her flesh, the Queen shook her head in dissapointment. An immortal is capable of true mastery of delicate murders, even painless for the victim. But no, Mahzun was fixated by the cruelsome view. Aurora turned her head to Mahzun, looking utterly serious, with her arms by her sides, and her hands resting on one another before her lower belly.

"Mahzun LaCroix." She said with a cold voice, her serious eyes piercing him.
"This, monstrosity, is no badge to carry with pride. I can smell the urine, the poor girl was led to utter terror, surprisingly enough, you made it to her veins before her heart stopped out of frightment; unless you are keen on scavenging as well, now. You shall give me a very good explanation, for I can see no excuse for such violence." Aurora's gaze travelled to George.
George, you are dismissed. Mahzun had things to tell her, she knew that. Any normal man would would call up a meeting, but Mahzun always preffered a more dramatic call. The Queen was not satisfyed, although deeply, she was happy that she could at least have some connection with her cruel past, and she wasn't the one commiting the crimes. Nevertheless, back in those days, even the gang was never to attack without cause. No innocents were killed, Mahzun knew that as well. The pile of fright and blood laying on the floor on the other hand, looked nothing but innocent.

@Doc Doctor @Cuccoruler
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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@EmzyOfNeverland @Silmaril

"Only 'kinda' missed me?" Adam chuckled then listened to the rest of what Nik had to say. "Why don't you tell him about me- about us?" He knew it was more complex than that, considering Nik was royalty, but he couldn't help but feel hurt sometimes. He usually kept these hurt emotions aside, knowing Niklaus has a lot on his plate, especially being the oldest sibling, but they slipped out a bit now. "You're the heir, any son you produce with your true mate will then be the heir," Adam said, the yearning to be in public with Nik clearly there.

Adam heard Alia's goodbye, and was sure to peek out and wave, wishing her good travels. Yes, some children of the royal family treated him with little to no respect, but he didn't mind. That was how royalty went most of the time, so having the handful of children who enjoyed him made everything worth while.


A wave of relief washed over Helena as Deena spoke. The woman wasn't creeped out at all by her sudden appearance, mainly just surprised. As Deena bowed, Helena shook her head and bowed back, something highly permitted from any royalty to do to a "lower ranked" person, save very special, rare circumstances. "No please," Helena said, rising up from the bow, "the honor is all mine."

At Deena's comment about not expecting Helena in the bar. "I'm usually not out here much," Helena explained, relaxing into the conversation, "The castle had been busier recently now that I'm almost of age," she paused a bit, and continued, smiling, "But out here is great. I'm not higher up than anyone, I just get to be... well, I just get to be me."

Though she might not admit it, Helena was glad they were alone backstage. It felt a little silly and a little childish, but she was a grateful to have Deena to herself with minimal distractions. "What about you?" Helena asked, removing the attention from herself and moving it to Deena, "You have such a beautiful voice, why do you share it?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

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Corinth made his way through the forest eventually coming onto the castle grounds and made his way inside. He is immediately aware of the smells of the castle, his nose much sharper than mlst others. Sighing as the smell of blodd hits the wind he shakes his head, guessing the culprit to be Mahzun. He heads into the Guard Tower and makes his way past the other guardsmen to find General Gunnar's personal office. Taking a seat on one of the chairs he pulls out a book on hos current field of study, advanced mathmatics, and starts reading.


Magnus grabs a towel and wipes sweat off his face. "So, want to brawl again, coz?" He grins at the man lying on the ground. Fang and Storm have decided to run off and play somewhere. But he doesn't worry about them, few would dare touch his dogs. The last one who did found himself buried to his neck for a full day.

"Screw you." Gunnar groans, sitting up. "If o wasn't family I'd-"

"Be dead long ago." Magnus finishes. Tossing the towel at Gunnar.

"Bah!" Gunnar knocks the towel away. "You couldn't live without me. Who else would hold a beserker like you back? Not the other guards. Amd surely not Him. He'd probably encourage it..." He stands and starts heading back to hos office. Magnus follows. "So, what kind of punishment should i gove the louts for not finding the flags, eh?"

Magnus chuckles darkly. "A minute in the ring with me." He cracks his knuckles. I'd love that...

Gunnan shakes his head. "I don't think that'll work... I need guards alive, you dumb brute. Aren't you their Captain, anyways?"

"So I can demand them to fight me in the- Ow!"

Gunnar punches him again. "No." He opens the door of his office and sees Corinth. "Ahh, Corinth. Good morning."

"It's the middle of the night, sir." Corinth doesn't look up from the book. By now he's grabbed a notebook and is working out problems. "Also the bag on the table has all the flags. You suck at hiding things."

"Knight Captain Magnus hid them, but being an pirate for a while, he should know how to hide things..." Gunnar checks the bag. "Well, well." Looks like they can't find what isn't there..."

Magnus takes a seat on another chair. He hasn't actually seen the Ranger as he's usually wandering, and he's under Gunnar's command. "I thought i hid them well enough..."

"Hiding something in plain sight isn't hiding at all. Its almost laughable how easy the task was..." Corinth looks up, noticing its actually Magnus who's glaring at him and swallows. "Forgive me, sir. I mean no disrespect." Corinth turns a little red.

Magnus scowls. "Forgiven. But remember your place, soldier."

Corinth nods. "Yes sir, it wont happen again."

Gunnar sits at his desk, having moved the flags off. "So, anything new around the area?"

"A pack of wolves tried to move through the area." Corinth resumes working. "But they decided to go around. Other than that nothing has changed. We're not in much danger. Haven't been since the World Wars. I remember we almost got bombed once..." Corinth and Gunnar talk about some changes in the world around them, being some of the few who venturefar beyond the castle walls.

"If that's all, i have reports to go through." Magnus leaves the room. He grabs his reports and sighs. 'Another day... Another day without seeing Leif... God I'm lonely...' He looks down at his dogs who run through the yard yapping and playing. He sits and goes over them for a while before signing and taking them to find Dushan.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

George grabbed the eyes and fingers. He had wished that Mahzun had left him a whole arm or something instead. "Really? The small parts?" George said with a bit of a huff before eating the parts. "Oh and don't you have a mansion of your own somewhere? Or did you eat all of your servants already?" George added. He wasn't one for being nice to subordinates.

When the queen entered he only raised an eyebrow. "Actually this concerns me as well I'm afraid. As dismissal means I have the choice to leave I think I will choose not to and stay instead." George said with a smirk. He was certainly smart that was for sure. Afterall what's an assassin if not smart?

"You wanna talk about this subject with her highness?" George asked Mahzun. At this point it was clear that he didn't care much for what the queen asked them. If anything the only person he really respected in this family was the king.

@doc doctor@alicepleasanceliddell
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Niklaus bit his lip, averting his eyes anywhere but Adam. He knew Adam put up with a lot regarding their relationship. Helena was the only one he had told and Caspen caught them kissing on the back stairwell. That was all who knew and Nik knew it wasn't fair to Adam. "I wish my father saw it that way, Adam but he doesn't and he probably won't ever. I stay up most of the time thinking about how this relationship isn't fair to you," he sighed. "I always think to myself that I love you so much that I want you to find someone you could truly be happy with but then I realize that I'm a selfish coward that could never do that."@1Hawkeyes
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

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Mahzun's eyes narrowed into black slits, and he pointed a stained talon at George.

"Servants and structures are cosmetic, like your beard. I do not care for neither. Food and the service of a murderer, however... Are invaluable."

Mahzun twisted to face the Queen as she entered, giving her a slight bow, but with derision in his steady gaze. He then stiffened at George's words, a few yellow teeth glinting as he smirked.

"Consider the definition of expendability George. To earn entitlement, one must have..."

Mahzun stared at the Queen's eyes, a nasty, knowing look.


He directed his voice to the Queen now.

"Before you send George away, there is a matter concerning us all. We want some land, and your grace on an endeavor."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The extra closet room Alice had was spacious and elegant. While there were spaces for here dresses, shoes, and jewelry, she had a space for makeup, a space for a piano and one for just relaxing. There's always a maid or two in here organizing everything and every once in a while one of her sisters will come in to try on dresses and accessories. Alice is usually generous in her clothing and such, she keeps her favorite outfits in a hidden closet just for herself. Dinner was going to be soon so she steps into a changing room and calling for a maid to pick her out one of her casual dinner dresses and calling another to get the makeup table ready.

It wasn't long until Alice was presentable but there was still time so she makes her way to the piano nearby and starts playing a short piece to pass the time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Queen Aurora Damascus Krishkov~

Αurora started pacing slowly back and forth in the chamber, switching her gaze from the lifeless body, to Mahzun, to George, and again Mahzun. She turned her body towards the bald creature, and after a long silence raised her eyebrows.

"What separates privilege from entitlement, my fellows, is gratitude. A virtue I am not sure everyone in this room possesses." The strictness in her voice was obvious. She was the least satisfied.
Such a cowardly creature you are, Mahzun, using the presence of a mercenary to blackmail me. She thought to herself, piercing Mahzun with her eyes.

"Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government, something you are well aware of, Mahzun. One shall earn what he possesess. The Queen crossed her arms behind her back, and straightened up her posture. "And what is this.. land's purpose, you are asking of the kingdom to assign you? She glanced at Theo's remains on the cold floor, and her voice now came out louder, and even more strict than before. This kindgom's lands will not be a graveyard of innocent souls Mahzun!

@Doc Doctor @Cuccoruler
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

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Dashiell sat on the dark bench by the window of the tower. He looked down to see his twin make his way into the stables. It wasn't fair that Niklaus was the perfect child. You kill twelve members of the Royal Court and they lock you in a tower for 486 years. He had siblings he had never seen. Helena was six when he was locked up here and he always wondered what dear old dad did to erase him from Helena's mind. He also wondered why they didn't bother with Niklaus but he knew angel boy had a soft spot for him and it was Niklaus's greatest weakness
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@alicepleasanceliddell@doc doctor

George looked on with a sigh as he leaned against the wall. "Our purpose for this is one of noble purposes. We want to give an infinite supply of blood to everyone." George said, if he weren't so good at killing he would make a wonderful politician for sure. "And it would give us all a chance to have Mahzun here out of the palace as well. Wouldn't that be better my queen?" George said offering up some of the deal. More the details would be explained by Mahzun most likely. He only hoped that he wouldn't make it sound terrible.

Feon in the meantime had seemed to come out of a broom closet at this point with multiple items to clean up the mess in the current area. "Excuse me madam, I am sure you want this mess cleaned up as soon as possible." Feon said bowing to the queen in respect before starting to clean up the mess and placing the now finished body into a large bucket that would be taken to an incinerator later. If anything she was extremely quiet as she started to clean up the mess.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"How could we keep us a secret forever then?" Adam asked, shaking his head, "He'll never see this as okay, this will never be 'okay' but if anything..." Adam trailed off, looking to his feet. He didn't want to say it, he didn't want to suggest the unthinkable, but he decided to anyway, "Maybe you won't be eligible for the throne anymore, but couldn't Helena or someone take it? Whoever is the next eligible heir can take it and we can be happy together." Adam squeezed Nik's hands and sighed. Their loved seemed impossible, but he wanted to make it work more than anything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silmaril
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Silmaril In a hole in the ground there lived a roleplayer.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

{ Deena }

A smile was drawn on Deena's burgundy lips as she heard the noble vampire's words. "I can imagine it had.", she nodded, referring to the castle's activity. "It's always refreshing to know people still seek to be themselves. It can feel a tad monotone sometimes, so I guess I can understand why a beautiful noblewoman would want to come around this place." She said with a small shrug. The later compliment from Helena made her chuckle a little, pushing away a lock of lilac-dyed hair from her visage and then placing it behind her pierced ear with a swift move of her hand. If it hadn't been for the thin layer of makeup she was wearing, Deena would have surely felt herself blushing about it.
"Thank you, your Highness. It... actually means a lot, coming from thy.", There was sincerity in her voice while uttering those words, not only because Helena was a member of the noblesse, but because there was something special about her. She had meant it, that Deena could see; the other was known for her courageous and kind spirit, something the stylist didn't miss to see in her eyes. "I don't know... It's something I've liked to do since I was a kid. And I've always thought that if you're good at something and you love doing it, then it is your duty to share your work with the world. Maybe it could make a difference." When was the last time Deena had truly opened up to someone, she couldn't quite remember. But being there, alone and calm with no one else bothering them as they talked, just allowing them that warm atmosphere of privacy,... it felt just right. Deena realized she liked it that way, and that she felt comfortable with Helena, which wasn't a usual thing since they had just 'officially' meet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 13 days ago


Mahzun nodded, arms opening as if he were proving he had nothing to hide.

"A breeding ground for the humans, a feeding trough for us. Of course, it will be discreet, sanitary, and humane. Only the sick and elderly will be fed upon, so as to put them out of their pain. Our food will thrive, and so will we.

Mahzun lied straight to the Queen's face. He knew how things worked. First he had to coax her into allowing the plan to progress. Then, once it was all said and done, George and Mahzun would have and endless supply of victims, a personal pantry of horror. Any consequences to follow didn't matter. All the sadistic junkie wanted was to be able to get his fix all day every day, by any means possible.

The Queen might have noticed a trend evolving from Mahzun's behavior. He was getting bolder and more ambitious, sometimes daring even to antagonize residents in plain sight now. He was testing her, poking and prodding at the Queen's resolve to see how far he could go, and whether or not he could gradually stress her limits to further depths.

"We are bound by blood, were siblings, /are/ siblings. Have you no faith left for me, Aurora? I am not a perfect creature. I know I am repugnant to you, to the rest of the family. Have you considered that I too, have self awareness? Allow me this opportunity to show you that I am capable of compassion..."

Even as Mahzun spoke, black thoughts curdled in his brain, roiling about like a foaming cancer of hate. It was a special hate, the kind only an addict knows when something stands between them and their drug.

~Bitch. I'll fuck with you for this. I'll fuck with you... And one day when I get tired of fucking with you, I shall choke you with the guts of your heir...~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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Helena blushed and gained a goofy, wide smile When Deena called her beautiful. Her fingers lightly brushed her own lips, a nervous habit she never grew out of. Her heart jumped up a bit at being called beautiful by a woman she found beautiful.

She listened to each word coming out of Deena's mouth, loving the sweet honey of her voice. "I'm glad you continued singing, your voice is amazing to listen to," Helena said, "I'd listen to it all day if I could." This genuinely wasn't a lie either. Deena had a soothing voice and a lovely smile- who wouldn't want to listen to her all the time?

"Your optimism is truly inspiring," Helena complimented, referring to Deena's view on sharing talent and gifts. "Maybe gifts really can make a difference on the world." Deena's out view on her talent was so humble. She didn't say she has the best voice ever, she simply said it was her passion.

At all of the times Deena referred to Helena as any type of royalty, Helena cringed a bit. "Please, don't call me a royal title," she asked, "As I've said, I'm just like anyone else in the city."

Helena chuckled a bit, once again timidly running her fingers through her hair, and said, "I'm really glad we've got the chance to talk, you're a great person to converse with."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

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Niklaus took a deep breath. "The next heir wouldn't be one of my sisters. It would be Caspen and Caspen can't handle that much responsibility. I know how it is to not be the born heir and having that weight dropped on you just like that. I wouldn't wish that on my enemy much less my little brother!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EmzyOfNeverland
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EmzyOfNeverland My Parabatai is my other half <3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Caspen walked through the halls of the castle whistling some God awful club song that was stuck in his head. He started down the left corridor to hear soft piano. He immediately recognized it was Alice. He moved towards her dress room and leaned against the door frame. "Thanks for getting that awful club song out of my head, Sis."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"That's something I don't get either," Adam huffed, "There are a few of your sisters who should be able to inherit the throne before some of the sons." He knew this wasn't Nik's fault, but that didn't make him feel any better. "It's better we wait a bit," Adam admitted, "I'm sorry for stressing about it again." Adam leaned over and kissed Nik again, their lips connected a bit longer this time. "We'll get through this."
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