Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A new day dawned in equestria, and in ponyville both young and old ponies as well as any other creature that awake early was ready to greet a new day. The younger ponies would attend the school, while older ones would attend their various jobs and activities. Among them was Wincent Gainbits, waking up as the sun came through his window, even if he was not completely ready to greet the sun that shone into his eyes. An Audiable groan escaped his mouth as he shifted in his bed a few times before finally giving up sleep to wake up and get ready for the day. A quick check up was all he needed before setting out, to brush his teeth and pull a hoof through his mane. then he was ready for the streets.

The Village of Ponyville looked as cheerful as usual, and he was glad to greet everyone he met with a smile as he headed towards the local café for his favorite clover sandwich breakfast. Today was no different and it came as little surprise that he ordered the usual and that the waitress served it with a smile that made Vince blush faintly before regaining his confident to wink at her. After eating, Vince would pay a few bits and leave a tip for the waitress before leaving, then he would stroll around town to check up on what was going on today while checking if anyone needed temporary workers for something or simply help with any tasks.

In another part of town a forge was lit up and metal was put into the fire for heating by the smith Mjoll. He had been awoke before sunrise, preparing his metals for forging since the day before even if he found the time to sleep. he was a hard working pony and worked often from dusk to dawn with only a few breaks, he seemed to love his craft, even if many of the things he made was not used, they could be sold for decorations.

In the same house another pony was sleeping in, not ready to face the daylight and not really caring enough to do it, Bane remained asleep trying to be undisturbed for as long as possible.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian woke rather early, the sun had not yet risen, but he was ready to start his day. Damian always started early so that he could be nice and awake for his morning classes before he went off to work. Setting his hoods to the ground he got up from bed making sure to stretch before taking off to get dressed. He trotted to the bathroom, after showering up and brushing his teeth he began to dress for the day.

Today he was feeling quite colorful and happy so he put on his rainbow bracelets and a blue hoodie. making sure that his hair fell ever so perfectly he preceded to leave from his small home and make his way towards the school. (flamboyance=angelie). Angie happily trotted towards the school with his headphones in not watching where he was going as he bumped a good cart, topping it over, and causing a big mess.

He helped the pony pick up the mess constantly appologizing for disrupting. Once finished he rubbed his mane a little embarased as he continued on his way hoping he hadn't caused to much of a public disturbance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 13 days ago

Ponyville is a nice town. Lovely little huts. Lovely magical ponies. And the streets are all paved in stone. And best of all? It's a stupid town of paranoid hillbillies. Or at least it was a hundred years ago when it was built from the ground up. And Ladon was anything if not completely out of date on everything going on in the world. So when a magic rift opened in the middle of town center, whatever ponies where watching was probably surprised to see a purple creature of mismatched parts get punted right out.

Scraps was kicked right into the dirt, big floppy blue tail curled about and resting on top of his matted mane, which only managed to make his single twisted horn stand out. The young creature was a draconequus. A big fancy word for dragon horse. And Scraps was defiantly the child version of that, measuring only slightly bigger than the average pony his age, and mismatched with what seemed to be multiple different patterns on his fur.
"Ladon! Come on! I was joking about your smelling of butterfly farts!" Scraps shouted as he stumbled up to his paws. "I mean, butterflies don't even fart! I haven't gotten that spell to work yet!" He shouted into the portal that hovered right in front of him.

"No." A rather grumpy face stuck out of the portal. Ladon was much larger than Scraps, and most ponies to boot. His mane was nice and proud, almost like a lion's mane which accented his curved horns that looked like a ram. "Consider this... A lesson." the older creature purred, lion paw reaching out and pinching a soft purple cheek. "You're being a brat, and what better way to learn how to behave like a proper abomination that you are, than to make some friends."
"But I don't neeeeeeeeed friends." Scraps complained, swatting at the older creature. "I'm a perfectly fine dr-draggy- Dorkequit!" He said proudly, still learning big words as he tried to wrestle his way back into the portal. By this point, ponies where either staring, or had just decided to focus on something better to do with their lives, like buy insurance now that some magical creature had just been dropped into town.
"Listen kiddo. I'm your dad."
"No you're not. My dad is the apple tree."
"So I'm your uncle. And I'm telling you right now that you need to stop living in your dad's garden, and make some friends." And with that, Ladon closed the portal, leaving a really grumpy draconequus pup in the center of a populated area.

Today was just going to be one of those days.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The sunshine rising over Ponyville poked a shaft of light between drawn curtains in a quiet room of one of the small towns' inns. As the questing beam of warm sunlight crept across the floor, dust motes dancing in its' glow, it slid onto the bed, and the form of a dark-grey coated pegasus, with red accents on his wings. Laid on his back, his legs were splayed upward at awkward angles, one rear leg twitching as he snored quietly with an open muzzle. As the sun crept onto his belly, he murmured and grinned dorkishly in his sleep half-saying words and chuckled softly as his face twitched, before finally he groaned and opened one bright green eye to the cosy glow of the room in Celestia's bright light.
"Urrgghhh..." he rasped and smacked his lips, blinking owlishly. "That Apple family hard cider is good stuff," he muttered as he rolled onto his side and winced. "Though, next time, do not get into a drinking contest with a Mare before you find out she's the expert".
He slid onto his hooves and took a long drink from the cold water faucer above the basin in the corner of the room, remembering over the previous night.
He'd flown into Ponyville late last night, ahead of a mapping mission over the Everfree Forest the next day (today, in other words). With a few bits in his purse he'd decided to enjoy his night after getting a bed, and had enjoyed the hospitality of the local tavern, and it's delicious local cider. Stories had been swapped with the other barflies, many of them talking about Princess Twilight and her friends, or other characters around the town. He'd got chatting with a mare older than him, with berries as her cutie mark, and their enjoying the drinks together had ended in an impromptu contest, which she'd clearly won, judging by his fuzzy memories and the headache in his temples.
He flicked his wings in a shrug - he'd had fun; and she'd been cute enough. It was worth it, in his book.
Feeling his stomach rumble, the pegasus retrieved his customary goggles and scarf from the floor, before making the bed and donning his saddlebags. His duty was waiting out there; the forest was waiting to be explored. But first, breakfast!

He trotted out of the door a few minutes later, having paid the mare at the counter. The smells of baking drifted in the light breeze and he followed his nose, nodding to a few friendly faces on his way, as he headed for an open-air cafe at the other side of the town square. As he took a table, he nodded at a few other ponies with a grin and sparkle of mischief and excitement with his eye, before the waitress came to serve him next. She was polite, and he gave her the same courtesy, ordering with a smile. He wasn't sure what he wanted, but seeing another pegasus stallion enjoying a clover sandwich, he nodded for the same thing, and sat back to wait for his order, glancing up at the cornflower-blue skies and enjoying the bustle of the little town as it started its' day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wincent was feeling fully awoken after his breakfast was done, and as he was scouting town casually incase there would be anyone needing help he still hoped that everyone would be doing fine as he didn't want to jinx anyone by hoping to find work... after all he didn't need it for money, only to make good deeds and if his lucky found him work by causing trouble he certainly wouldn't enjoy it. Greeting other ponies and walking around he was soon stopped by the sound of something crashing, it was a Pony nearby who had accidentally run into a cart and spilled its contents over the ground. Vince hurried to the scene as the two of them started picking the stuff up and happily offered his help which of course drew others to help as well, the ponies of Ponyville was as usual very helpful and kind thus the items was soon collected once more.

It may have caused a bit of a scene in town, but in general it was not something that would affect it negatively... more like the opposite where it just kept showing the kindness and helpfulness of others, the pony who had caused the accident had appologized and helped out too, so no hard feelings was felt by anyone... if anything it probably just helped the Pony with the cart sell any possible wares as it got more customers in the end. Vince trotted up to the pony who had caused the accident after it settled down "Don't worry, it seems everything worked out... accidents happen" he said with a smile before continuing on his way as he assumed the other pony was busy.

In the distance he saw some weird magical event transpire, a dimensional gate open up and a creature to drop out. It was certainly not every day a portal opened up.... or wait... well, techically it was more of a each other day thing... Ponyville happened to be a seat of quite strange things indeed... And Between Gods of Chaos and Pinkie pie, he was quite certain that they had anything covered. It looked like a relative to Discord or something... unless the Chaos god had decided to be smaller and more blue... one could never be too sure after all. But for the Moment Wincent just 'assumed' that whatever it was, he may as well go and greet it. "Hello there, I'm Wincent... and this Is Ponyville... who might you be?" he asked as he tried to kindly greet the strange creature.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 13 days ago

Scraps was the opposite of happy as he smacked his paws against the ground. Every time he did so, the ground changed colors. One moment the dirt was regular brown, and then it was plaid! Green! Blue! It was covered in emojis! The multi-colored creature hated being stuck like this, in some stupid backwater town. Simply put, he hated it, and began to float out of fury. His blue tail swished back and forth as his purple furred face bristled with annoyance. Stupid town! Stupid ponies! Stupid water! And then, his ears flicked, and somebody spoke.

Scraps looked around, eyes wide as he made eye contact with Wincent. His reddish eyes made contact with those turquoise colors, and he just looked at the pony. Of course it'd be a pegasus who approached him first. The yummy looking pigeons always did happen to be the first to build up the nerve to meet strange things.
"Well, hello there." Scraps said, his head rotating on his neck a full turn, but his eyes never left Wincent, and his body soon followed short till the draconequus was just floating in front of the pony. "My name is Scraps. Now, what do you want? I'm throwing a temper tantrum here." He snapped his fingers and turned the ground back to normal. Probably for the best. Most would probably be confused by dirt that spelled out different swear words that a child shouldn't know. He didn't trust ponies. Something about their insistence on making sense, or just not liking the strange and bizarre.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yes it was a normal day, perfectly normal in fact.... the sun was shining... probably not because some pony somewhere with the power to raise or lower it at will made it so, and it wasen't raining probably not because a squad of weather ponies had decided to not make it rain. And between dragons, bears and the occasional changeling prince visiting, nobody probably expected another draconequus to drop in. Either that or thet groaned all groened inside over how they didn't hope it would turn into another battle for survival... there had been so many of those already. But seeing as Ponies where a rather happy if not emotional bunch even that was unlikely.

Feeling a 'you look tasty' gaze on a being your trying to greet was not exactly what Wincent was expecting when he greeted the visiting Draconequus that just hapenned to come from a rift in space and time. But Hay, by now everpony in equestra knew what one was, or had a faint knowledge that such things was just part of their normal life. "Scraps eh?... you had a fallout with your relattives or something?... " he asked, not wanting to pry, but it sure looked like he was having a somewhat of a fight with somepony. He was going to commment something else when he heard a familiar helicopter like sound...

He glanced to the distance and saw that it was the earth pony Pinkie pie flying by using her tail as a propeller again... he had never really tried to wrap his head around how it worked, but it worked for Pinkie pie and made pinkie sense. It was followed by a deep gasp when she spotted the 'New' Draconequees. "Oh.. here we go again..." Wincent said facehoofing.

There was a pink streak, a gigantic squeee and suddenly Pinkie pie stood on the other side of the two with a large party cannon loaded. "SQUEEE!.... YOUR A DRACONEQUUS! HOW AWSOME AIN'T THAT!.... AND YOUR NEW!.... *IIIINHAAAALE*.... WELCOME TO PONYVILLEIAMPINKIEPIELETSGOINTRODUCEYOUTOEVERYPONY!..." The Pink Mare practically shouted across the town square before firing off her party cannon making confetti fly everywhere.

Then Pinkie pie broke out in a 'Welcome to Ponyville Song for Scraps'
Everypony in town chimed in.
Everpony was introduced to Scrap.
And in just a few frames, an impossible short amount of time later... Pinkie Pie had managed to Drag Scraps around every location in town and Shown the Draconequus around whatever it thought it wanted it or not.

There was lots of sweet treets, a full on welcome party and by the end of it Five more was probably planned for Scrap's for the following days.

When the Song ended Scraps was placed in the Park, having what looked like a picnic in the sun together with Fluttershy, Discord, A Dressed up rock named Steve, and a flying pig who was just called Piggy. "Well thank you Pinkie pie... we certainly wasen't not having room for somepony else..." Discord said sarcastically as Scraps was left there with its new 'friends'. "Hi... I'm uhm... Fluttershy" Fluttershy said lowly nearby. "Well Hello there Little one, I'm DISCORD!... Lord of Chaos!...Now you have to tell me from WHERE or WHEN you Came!" he said stretchign out his upper limbs to the side and threw bred crumbs into the air that some flying fish came to eat.

Wincent was still standing in the square and a was just finished singing the welcome song... somewhere along the lines... he had chimed in, and been unable to resist singing along... but that was also quite normal. And after that he deecided to take another Sandwich at the café he just been to a few frmes ago since... well he had to start his mind over a bit, and he felt like he could use another good sandwich and a cold drink to prepare him for a day like this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Noticing everybody break out into song. Damian quickly shrunk behind a bush as to keep out of the way. He did not wish to be part of these fancy and ridiculous interactions. After everything had finished and he was passed over for being introduced to the newcomer he came back into the open and slowly walked to school. With a small pick of a rock he was trotting off to the schoolhouse.

Upon arival he realized he was still a bit early, so with a small huff he pushed his beanie over his eyes and lie down beside the steps waiting for the school teacher to arrive. All he wanted to do at this moment was get to his seat at the back of the room and get through the day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the day continued a pony who spent his time ignoring its arrival finally got out of bed. Bane snorted as he opened his eyes and then quickly put on his hooded robes before leaving his room. He didn't bother brushing anything... He just left through the smithy.

Mjoll was working as usual and only looked up from his side work as he noticed Bane passing by. "You leaving?" he asked casually.

Bane didn't even look to the older stallion but snorted in reply "I am" he replied before passing out the door without stopping. Mjoll wished him to be careful but it seemed in vain as the door shut. Bane headed towards the school.... He never went there even if he seemed the right age to attend... Perhaps today he felt like school deserved a shot. As he reached the school building he noticed a pony on the steps, but it didn't bother him. "Move..." He said roughly as he came close enough and approached the locked door.

It didn't however remain locked for long, as the Unicorns horn glowed red a crack was heard hinting that the lock broke and wasn't simply picked or unlocked, apparently Bane didn't care if he was breaking and entering in broad daylight, with a pony watching Amanda, two minutes before the teacher was going to unlock it. He then proceeded to walk inside almost without stopping still. He proceeded to the library to retrieve some school books and then went to the classroom.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Silverwind wasn't entirely sure what happened, but it was one of those moments like others he'd been involved in before. He was eating a clover sandwich, enjoying a normal morning, and then the music started. And, like most ponies, he got swept up in the whole thing. It was one of those things about Equestria; sometimes big musical numbers just happened, and it was best just to go with it. Somehow, everypony picked the words and the choreography up quickly enough. The grey-furred pegasus was no different, and he joined in heartily with the musical number.
A pink earth pony with a mane like bubblegum was leading the routine, and she looked kind of familiar, though he couldn't quite work out where from, but he was too distracted to think about much.
A few moments later everypony was dispersing back to their mornings, and he was blinking at the introduction of the young draconnequus - that had been surprising, as he'd thought Discord had been the only one of those.
And oh, hey, there was Discord.
The scout blanched and did a double-take. The spirit of chaos!
He didn't seem to be wreaking devastation this time, like the last time Silverwind had seen him in a theater in Canterlot, where the conniving avatar of chaos had tricked a whole theater of ponies into having their magic drained by Tirek. That had been one of the most terrifying moments of his life, and the hours afterward had been more so, as the demonic centaur had ground Equestria under his hooves, and he'd been among the pegasi to have his own magic drained-
He snapped his wings, cutting off the thought - it wasn't something to revisit. As it was, it seemed like things were peaceful; so, warily, he turned back to the cafe and his clover sandwich, and his drink.
"Ponyville sure is a weird place," he muttered to himself as he took another bite of his sandwich.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rude" Damian said aloud to himself as bane helped himself to doing, as it seemed, whatever the he'll he felt like. As teacher aproached Damian stood up and trotted his way inside making his way to the back of the class and plopping down in his seat awaiting the rest of the class to show up. As he waited he remained silent, once again pulling his beanie over his eyes to take a nap. He lie there peacefully. He hadn't gotten much of a look at bane, but so far, it seemed like he was going to be a jerk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 13 days ago

The 'you look tasty' gaze was not intentional. Mind you, as a strange creature with some dragon in his DNA, who knew what a draconequus could or would eat? Honestly Scraps didn't need to eat. His insides where made of soft cotton-y fluff something he learned the hard way once when he got tangled in a tree branch and torn open.

"Ladon's not my relative." He grumbled loudly. Tail swatting at the air. The relationship Scraps had with Ladon was... Tricky. If anything, the older creature was a teacher than a parent. Ladon spent 99% of his time with Scraps teaching him magic, how to speak, how to put his head back on when it falls off. The other 1% was BICKERING! Clean up the tree! Stop eating all the golden apples! Stop sleeping on clouds! Eeesh, so many rules! And that was a creature just as chaotic as Scraps was. Why, when he gets older, he'll have to show Ladon up! He'll turn the whole garden into puppies and kit-

Wait, why was he suddenly wearing a party hat? His ears flicked from either side, and he looked right into the wide eyes of a pink pony. And then the music hit him! Ponies shook his paws with their hooves, and he might have turned one or two of them into frogs when they squeezed too tightly. He'd fix them later, once all this music stuff was over.
He was spun in place, and even found himself shaking hands with his own clone, which poofed away from the sudden realization.
Ponyville Library/Castle was the first stop. Which was boring. Eesh, who needs this MANY books? And crystal is kinda tasty. Scraps mused on that for about two seconds as he chewed on a bit of throne, before everything flashed away.
Apples!? Scraps grumbled as he held a shiny red apple in his paw, wondering just why it wasn't gold. Who eats apples that are red!? And where's the big K of khaos etched with magic? Eeesh, he'd have to bring a bag with him next time.
Scuba-diving? Really? Lets not dwell on this one.
Ew, why does this place smell like sewage? Wait, this is actually the sewer? That explains it.
How can ponies eat so many sweets? Scraps was having to magic his insides clean after just the first cake, and he didn't even want to think about the second or third that passed him by.

And BAM! Right in the park with birds fluttering about. He didn't like Piggy. The flying creature's stories about post modernism in a capitalist society where just booooooooring. Steve was fine, even if he did have a lisp.
And then there was Discord. Scraps had heard a lot about him. Ladon practically mentioned the guy every time they talked about magic. Especially the chaotic kind. Slowly Scraps slurped on a cup of tea. Specifically the cup, and he ate the tea. Already with the questions, eesssh! Well...
"Um... Howdy?" Scraps said, giving his ears a waggle and a nervous smile. Yep, those where the teeth of a carnivore. "I'm Scraps. And I'm -- years old!" The -- was clearly a placeholder as static just filled the air. "I'm from the magic garden in --" Another placeholder. Clearly he just couldn't say it. "But according to Ladon, I ate a magic golden apple. I... Don't know anything before that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Silverwind Blade
While enjoying his second sandwich and the commotion had quieted down a bit, Wincent took a moment to glance around the café and noticed another Pegasus eating sandwiches here like himself. He recognized the stallion to be one of the cartographers of the royal corps, it was quite interesting to see one staying here for once and not being on and about discovering new things. Wincent did like discovery too, but unlike most Pegasuses he didn't fly much unless he really felt like it, he actually liked to walk around... even if i twas slower to get somewhere by hoof rather than wings. There was something that you could only see from the ground, how things felt big and mysterious to you in a completely different way than they did from above. If he flew to a new place he would almost always see so many things that otherwise would be hidden, and not as many things would come as a surprise like they did from the ground.

He liked to disciver new things by simply walking around... it was just such a interesting feeling in a way. He had never really thought about becoming a wonderbolt either, if it wasn't for him admiring Rainbow Dash. But somehow he didn't know if he should chase after to join it just to follow her as he didn't want to feel like a stalker. But that was another chapter in his book, he hoofed it over to the Catographer pony and raised a hoof in greeting. "Sup?... any new interesting discoveries going on?" he asked as he sat down across from the other pony after somewhat inviting himself in.


The teacher obviously noticed Bane being in the classroom before it marking him as quite the obvious culprit, however the teacher seemed unsure how to approach the matter, every-pony had a right to schooling and Bane seemed the right age. The teacher knew who he was and he had been invited to the school when he and Mjoll moved here even if Bane had refused to attend he was still welcome to join them. Thus the teacher decided to drop it for this time... after all the teacher didn't want to start by leaving a bad impression on a student that may be insecure and who seemed usually quite shy to most, the teacher decided it was better to make him feel welcome and simply forget about the door... it was just a lock after all... and perhaps it had been an accident?. "I'd like to introduce a new student?... who I believe like to be called Bane, and that have decided to join us today... please nice to him... now I suppose we were in the middle of reading about The Castle of the two sisters that stands in ruins within the Everfree woods..." the teacher said and started teaching about its history.

Bane who seemed mostly distant before sat silent, his head turned towards the teacher all the time as he seemed rather interested in this particular subject... perhaps so much that it had driven him to come here upon this day?. "Everfree huh..." he muttered silently glancing out the window, perhaps he was thinking of going there... it was a dangerous place where nopony should ever go alone, or at all for that matter.


Discord was very happy, or perhaps a little more so than usally to have someone like himself to talk too... even if Scarps seemed like a child to him and pprobably was one in compare... Fluttershy didn't seem to mind the extra company but seemed shy about it and didn't say too much other than the occasional faint response. Pinkie pie seemed to join in after a while too, making the set quite interesting...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Damian glaired over to bane. He could see the sense of wonder and excitment. But he personally knew the dangers of the everfree. It was a harsh and dangerous place filled with evil magic. In his head Damian thought about going all the time but after the last time he went he knew it wasn't a good idea. He had been to the castle in ruin and even lived there for a while.

Looking back down to his desk he jotted down some notes and began to doodle a bit on some paper, not sure yet what he wished to make. Ignoring the teacher and the events of class as a whole he began to sketch bane. This pony was different than any he had known before, eventhough, he really didn't know bane at all. Nonetheless he was different. His color, his manarisms, and especially his name. None of them made sense and this, for damian, was something worth digging into.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Sup?... any new interesting discoveries going on?"

Silver looked up as the green pegasus he'd spotted earlier came up to the table, a friendly expression on his face.
"Oh!" he said with a slight surprise, and then nodded a hello, dabbing around his muzzle with a napkin before smiling. "Morning. Um, well, guess you noticed my cartography corps bags?" he said with a nod toward the saddlebags around his middle. "As for discoveries; well, that's what I'm here to find out. Apparently there were some strange reports from the Everfree Forest are - shocking, I know - and yours truly got assigned to go and try and make some kind of sense of it by taking some measurements, maps and photos, and making some notes on what might have changed out there." He shrugged, but the smile stayed on his face. "I know it's a dangerous place, and quite unpredictable, but we try and keep as good maps as we can to keep everypony as safe as possible" he glanced around and then leaned over the table. "And between you and me, I like the excitement of going somewhere a little dangerous and mysterious myself, too"
He grinned and sat back. "Name's Silverwind by the way. Nice to meet you! What brings you to Ponyville?" he asked in reply as he sat back. "This is my first time visiting. It's an uh... interesting place," he replied with a raised eyebrow, as he looked back toward where Discord could still be seen.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Bane was lost in thoughts quite a while, and didn't really notice any pony looking his way or sketching him. By the end of the class Bane flipped through the last pages of the book far ahead of where the class was and seemingly he was done reading it, either that or he had just skimmed through the pages for anything of interest and then closed it.

As class finished the teacher looked over to Damian and Asked if maybe he could show Bane around if both of them wanted. It just seemed like a good choice as the teacher had noticed Damian looking Bane way. "Fine " he replied, as he just wanted to get it over with, the others seemed to keep a respectful distance for now which suited Bane just fine. He glanced to Damian and kept his head low so that his face was pretty much shaded.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
Avatar of Iatos

Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Silverwind Blade

Wincent had indeed noticed the bags, and was glad the other pony was welcoming. As for his questions and replies Wincent smiled "Yeah, I also remember seeing a photo of you I guess... In equestria daily I believe. Names Wincent Gainbits... Friends call me Vince" he said as he thought about it, then he shrugged. "been livid here a few years now I guess, it's a very good town... Very eventful i guess... From being the center of several major events from getting our own castle and Princess to chaos Lord's and changeling attacks... Princess Luna and Celestia have also visited and that was certainly something... There's also a lot of cool ponies like the hottie Rainbow dash... Uh... Ya know" he said and blushed faintly as he realized what he was saying.

He looked towards Everfree and quickly found consolation in being able to shift the conversation back to it "Your really going there? Wow, never been close to it myself.... Even We Pegasus ponies tend to avoid flying over it if it...i suppose it mostly pony-lore and superstition... But there's been sightings of Timberwolves, and I might. Not be afraid or anything, but I suppose I've never had a reason to go there" he replied, glad to have some pony to talk too, although he grew curious about Everfree, and perhaps he could tag along just slightly??... Maybe it would be a really cool experience.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiritoAsuna
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KiritoAsuna Murderer of darkest night

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With a sudden change of emotion Angie looked around the room slightly confused. "Oh you must mean Me?" angelic asked excitedly with a big smile on his face. "I would love to." extaticly he jumped up and held out his hoof with a big smile. "Hi my name is angelic star, what is yours?" he patiently waited for bane to speak back.

Lots of things were speading through the flamboyant pony's mind as he awaited a reply. Things mostly consenting the fact he got to spend the day walking around the cute mysterious new pony in class, but one could only imagine what was gone through bane's mind consenting the fact the pony in front of him two minutes ago was slightly offputting and quiet and called by the teacher as one name but appeared now to be completely different and introducing themself as though they were an entirely different pony
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silverwind Blade
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Silverwind Blade Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Silverwind winced and rubbed the back of his head with one hoof as the green pegasus mentioned his 'appearance' in EQD.
"Yeahhhh," he said with a chuckle. "Probably not the claim to fame I'd choose, but one I got all the same," he said with a grin. "But it's nice to meet you, Vince," he said as he listened to him explain Ponyville and describe his time here, nodding enthusiastically. His grin turned more sly as he heard his new companion mention Rainbow Dash and his thoughts about the mare, and he chuckled softly and gave an agreeable nod. "She's definitely impressive" he replied. "I've seen her a few times around and about, and she's certainly a lovely mare. Really skillful too. I heard she made it into the Wonderbolts reserves."
As Vince commented on Silver's upcoming trip to the Everfree, he followed his look toward the forest, just visible in the near horizon and nodded firmly, but with a shift of expression.
"There's no doubt it's a dangerous place," he replied after a moment, shifting from side to side. "But that's why I - and the cartography corps - have to map it out; finding safe passages through for ponies and other creatures is good, and so is being aware of where the dangerous creatures or terrain are, as much as we can be. I'm sure it won't be too bad - I'll be flying overhead mostly, and following routes on an older map to update them".
He looked back toward Vince, and he gestured around at hte town. "So, Vince, what do you do around Ponyville? You seem to know about the town and the forest quite well. Though, you say you've never had a reason to go there so far".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



The classroom got louder as class ended and ponies started chatting and leaving again, but it soon quieted down again as the sounds decreased and faded into the distance. Bane slipped out of his seat and watched as the other pony practically bounced out of it, he didn't budge much at first when the hoof was reached out towards him, but then he slightly raised his own... before putting it back down again without shaking anything. "Bane... and I don't like physical contact" he said promptly as he kept himself shaded and at a distance, he glanced around the classroom and then headed towards the door and out into the corridor.

Then he looked around again long enough for the other pony to catch up, and then he looked towards Angelic's direction. "So?... where to?" he asked with a rather uninspired voice compared to the demanding one earlier the same day. Whatever hea meant by it, it seemed Angelic had his attention, for now... however his thoughts was drifting towards the Everfree and he felt like he could skip soon to go there.

@Silverwind Blade

Wincent Gainbits

He was feeling quite nervous after dropping the Rainbow dash comment, and it came as a huge relief to him when the other stallion mentioned some things about her making it not be too odd to mention. He chuckled slightly at the conversation about EQD and shrugged about it as he didn't quite remember what the article was about. "I suppose that make sense, and I suppose somepony have to do it. I'm glad its not me, but at the same time now I am getting a bit curious about it" he said as he too glanced into the distance and towards the forest. "Well, like i said, I've been living here a few years, and I'm somewhat of a drifter when it comes to work I guess... I help out where anypony seem to need it and like when I make other ponies happy. " he said and thought about the forest some more. "You could say its a topic you usually encounter quickly if you ask about it, I had heard of the forest myself before I came here and asked the town's ponies about it... its a quite interesting subject, but most ponies probably give you a good few reason why you should keep away rather than encouraging you to find out... " he explained and then nodded "Is it okay for me to tag along?... a chance to see it first hoof would be cool, and I suppose i promise to not get in your way or anything" he said chuckling.
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