Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"At ease, I have heard of the grey Jedi. I do not always believe in what they had spoken about then but I am more concerned on why come at us and no others there are more then a few hundred run away padawans during this time period." Although Anna asked him, Kurt did not feel anymore at ease than he did before. He still kept his lightsaber ignited and himself battle ready. He kept his eyes locked on the man who called himself Kale.

Out from the forest approached another figure, this time one more familiar to him. With all the humans around, Kurt couldn't identify individual scents until they got much closer to him.

Cole... Kurt shifted his stance, his back no longer towards his fellow padawan. Cole approached the current standoff carefully, but did not have his weapons drawn at all. Fool. Can he not see that Anna and I already have our lightsabers ignited? He should prepare himself as well.

"What do we have here Anna? Friend or foe? I really hope it is the former and not the latter." Cole asked Anna with his ever so iconic casual bravado, as if a simple house guest had arrived for tea. Cole's personality never sat well with Kurt. His cockiness and arrogance drove Kurt wild, no matter how well intentioned his actions were.

"The man says he comes to recruit us to be Je'daii, but we haven't exactly gotten around to trusting him yet." Kurt said so sharply. "Hence our lightsabers being ignited, Cole."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sera walked and she stood behind the waterfall, listening in. She tilted her head, listening. "A grey Jedi....Curious...." She whispered. She was prepared to fight though she did not ignite her lightsaber just yet. She came out and stood beside Anna.

@Darth Revan
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@jeroukoo"You said there were four of us." Kurt's translator conveyed his speech coldly. "There are more than that here. Are you saying that only a few of us are strong in the force? And how are we sure that you speak the truth? You could be a bounty hunter, trying to bring us to the Jedi. And never have I been told about a Grey Jedi."

"I only sensed four, though I was only viewing you for a few seconds, so I could easily miss some of you. Or maybe there were just four that were close enough to where I was in my view on the Force that I was drawn to them. I'm not sure."

@Darth Revan"We are not grey jedi, we are just run away with out own teachings of the force and while I do belive there is to be balace between both sides thats not always going to happen"

"The Force is life." he responded. "Life creates it, and makes it grow. All life seeks a balance of some kind, though that balance is always changing, and is different for different types of life, and on different worlds. I only care that you seek a balance. I don't care what that balance is. As those whose abilities come from life, we must seek to find a balance as well, or we will suffer the same fate life does when it goes out of balance."

"It is only my opinion, but the Jedi set themselves apart from life, not truly being a part of society or nature. They protect it, while not being a part of it. They deny the emotion that is a part of life. The Sith, instead, try to rule over life, and control it. They rely too heavily on emotion, which prevents them from understanding the way nature works." He realized he was monologing, so he quickly finished with "but like I said, that's just my opinion."

Kale noticed the Barabel after it began to speak and nodded in its direction. "Hello, there." He noticed the strength of the Force in the man, despite the lack of outward signs of him being trained in the Force. Maybe he was just a Force Sensitive that happened to be in the area? Or was it like his master used to say, "there is no luck, only the Force." He decided to test the guy to see if he was interested. Kale could train him if he wasn't trained, after all.

"Just having a philosophical discussion on the nature of the Force, the Jedi, and the Sith. You're welcome to join in if you like. Or if you want a lift, I can take you to Theed. I was planning on heading to town soon anyway to get some supplies."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Darth Revan
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Darth Revan

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Anna glared at him but placed her lightsaber away and huffed gently "as long as you pose no threat to my group or family you will be fine. But if you show any threat you will regret it. kurt back down" she said as she would show him no trouble right now but he would have to be careful. She looked at Cole "And where we were early this morning doing your meditations?" she finally asked the man as she cracked her back slightly and crosses her arms.

"So why did you come toward our place though? " she asked before turning to the group as she sat down ona rock but was still on guard no matter what.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vonghese
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Anna of course wanted to handle everything herself... Djak gave a very put-upon sigh. He could sense the newcomers, sense what was going on. He didn't reckon Anna was in much danger. Say what you would about her, she could get her shit handled.

Setting the scatterpipe back down, he headed back to finish his shower. He wasn't needed here. They'd talk, they'd posture, they'd threaten each other... and then either they'd come in, or they'd leave. If they left. then his crew would probably be moving on as well. Djak didn't want to be moving gear without a proper shower first.

He made it quick, and came back out dressed. The handsome Zeltron was clad in tight black pants and a green shirt that looked as if it had been painted on. His thick dark hair was carefully styled, and his usual pistols were strapped to his body. "So, Neri, what's up? Anything happen yet, or are they still talking?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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@Darth Revan@TheUnknowable@jeroukoo

Carefully listening and taking in all that is said Cole had ultimately waited for Anna to put her light saber away and to speak before doing anything. Cole decided to answer Anna first almost appearing to ignore the rest of the situation, "Yeah, I headed out early to get in some meditation in the jungle this morning. I was going to get a few morning warm ups out of the way first but I took a bit more time meditating."

Almost right when he was done answering Anna's question his eyes snap towards Kurt to address him, "I saw the sabers Kurt, I didn't see the need to draw either of my sabers. It is easier to talk to people when we aren't trying to threaten each other. Besides Anna had her saber on for the ready. We'd only get in her way if she did need to use it anyway." Cole's tone towards Kurt was still casual like a friendly conversation. Cole hears the conversation that Kale started to talk about, and Cole didn't want to get involved. The discussion wasn't something Cole was interested in even though he had his own ideas and perspective towards the force.

Cole looked back over at Anna after she asked Kale while did he come here that question was something Cole wondered. Why would someone come out here alone towards a group of like theirs? Cole then says jokingly, "He must have came here to see all the wonderful trees and wildlife here in the forest. Maybe to even see some of the wild nexu around here, its like a petting zoo that will eat your hand when you try to pet them." Cole trying to lighten the mood with a joke about why someone would come out to their location.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Ausneri Faralay

As more students of Anna’s showed up to meet the intruder, the more it seemed like things would become volatile, something that she understood their reasons for, but found three people drawing their lightsabers on one man was a tad excessive, even if he was a Grey Jedi. Thankfully it seemed like things were beginning to calm down when Anna put her weapon away, they didn’t need any attention being drawn to them, a bunch of Jedi fighting one another would do just that.

When things seemed to be safe, Neri came from her cover, heading over to where the small group had been forming, pausing for a second as she sensed something through the force, “What is that?” she asked herself in a whisper, trying to focus on what she was sensing “it feels far away, yet...close somehow, hmmm, I wonder if I should discuss this with Anna? Probably best to do it after we finish speaking to our little guest,” Neri continued her stride to where the little group had formed near the Grey Jedi.

Sadiana Izhemea

“Hey, red, get up, our captain would like to have a word with ya,” A Weequay spoke to a hooded figure in the cargo area of a pirate ship.

She looked up at him a moment before lowering her head, getting off the box she was sitting on and began to follow the Weequay. Under her cloak, she reached over to her left side, feeling the cylindrical metal of her lightsaber, checking if it was still there, she hoped she wouldn’t have to use it, but she wanted to make sure it was still on her, just in case.

“I hope I haven’t done anything to upset your captain,” the hooded woman asked as she followed the crew member through the halls of the ship.

“Nah nah, love, captain just wishes to ‘ave a nice chat with ya...what was yer name again?”

“Sadi,” the cloaked woman merely responded.

“Right, right, lovely name name for someone as exotic as you are,” the Weequay chuckled.

“Exotic?” Sadi asked, not understanding what he meant.

“Well you know, there are plenty of species in the galaxy, but I’ve never seen one quite like you, so that makes you exotic.”

“Oh, I see,” she answered back as she contemplated his words. Well it did make sense to her, her species had nearly been wiped out millennia ago and the remnants went off into the unknown regions of space, so very little would’ve been seen or known about her species, it was probably for the best as well.

The soon made it to the bridge, a blue Twi’lek sitting at the helm, while multiple people steared the ship, monitored communications and kept check on the power and engines, all in front of a view of space that was nearly a 180 degrees, the only slight obstructions to the view being the metal that held the glass in place.

“Sir, the red one you requested, Sadi, is here,” The Weequay bowed slightly to his captain.

“Ah, thank you for retrieving her Fallu, you may go,” The captain responded, Fallu giving a nod in return before exiting the bridge.

“I was told you wished to speak with me?”

“Yes, first allow me to introduce myself, I am Rends’toovl, but you can just call me Rend, my dear,” he spoke a bow.

“A pleasure to meet you, will we soon be at Nar Shaddaa?” Sadi couldn’t help but ask, seeing that the ship had stopped.

“Suuure, sure, we’re just stopping for a moment to pick up some supplies nearby and some fuel, in the meantime I was hoping we could have a little chat, would you join me in my quarters for a drink?” Sadi was unsure of the man or his intentions, but she didn’t wish to insult him and end up getting kicked off the ship, so she agreed.

“So what did you wish to discuss with me?” she asked as they were entering the pirate captain’s quarters, only to be stopped when a small alarm went off along with a red light above his lighting up.

“Before that, I must ask you to relinquish any weapons you have, it’s nothing personal, just no one other than me is allowed to have a weapon in my quarters.”

So that’s what that sound and light were, darn, I don’t want to but... Sadi thought to herself with a slight grimace on her face, “Alright, if I must,” she responded, reluctantly reaching inside her cloak and pulling out the cylindrical metal tube that was her lightsaber hilt.

His eyes widened in surprise as he took the weapon from her, “My my, this is certainly interesting, I didn’t know we had a Jedi traveling with us, then again I guess it makes sense, had anyone else had this on my ship, they probably would’ve used it to try and take it.”

“Oh...er, I’m...not actually a Jedi,” she lied, looking off to the left with her head lowered.

“No? But you have the weapon of a Jedi, do you not?”

“Well see, I bought it off the black market on Coruscant, I figured if people thought I was a Jedi, they wouldn’t bother me and I could get to where I wanted unimpeded.”

“Mmm, mmm, yes, I see, well that is true and I must say, you are quite honorable than most who wouldn’t have thought twice to use this on us.”

“Well I’m not looking to cause trouble, I just want some transport to Nar Shaddaa and you’re providing that for me, so it wouldn’t be beneficial for either of us for me to attack you.”

Rend let out a hearty laugh, “Right you are, right you are, anyways, please come in,” he responded, leading her into his luxurious quarters, fine silks dawned the walls and his bed, various jewels and artifacts decorated the room along with a large window that gave view to the blackness of space. As they entered, he set her weapon on a nearby desk and then lead her over to her bed, having her sit and then went over to his personal bar, “So, can I get you a drink?”

“Oh, no thank you, you’ve been hospitable enough and I don’t wish to take anymore from you,” Sadi responded as she took in how massive and expensive Rend’s quarters were.

“I insist, you’ve been in that cargo bay for almost the entirety of the trip without a single complaint, you’ve certainly earned this,” He answered back as he made his way over to her, handing her one of the drinks he made.

Not wishing to be rude, she accepted the drink from Rend as he took a seat next to her, taking a small sip from it, “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why I called for you, well I was wondering if I could accommodate you to some better sleeping arrangements?”

“Better how, exactly?” she asked with a quirked brow, once more taking a sip from her drink.

“Well, I was thinking you could stay in this room with me, it’s much nicer than in the cargo bay, much more comfortable too,” He smirked to her as he eyed her body up and down.

“What...um, what would you want in exchange for such a generous offer? I don’t have many credits left,” Sadi asked slightly nervously.

“Hey, who said anything about credits? Did I say anything about credits? No, I was thinking something a little more rewarding that we both could...benefit from,” Rend responded flirtatiously, placing his hand on her knee, slowly going up to the inside of her upper thigh.

Sadi instantly jumped up when he did that, finally understanding what he had in mind with her, “Oh, no, thank you for the offer though, but I’m quite fine in the cargo bay.”

“Come now my dear, that area is cramped and not comfortable, it’s much nicer in my room. How about joining up with us as well? You seem as though you’re running from something, we could keep you safe,” Rend said as he stood up, walking over to her and placing his hand on her shoulder.

“No...no...I need to get...” Sadi objected, dropping the glass in her hand as she began to feel tired. She shook her head to try and wake herself up but it wasn’t working, she then looked to the shattered glass and liquid on the floor then back at the pirate captain, “Wha...what did you do to me?” she struggled to say as her body became weaker and more sluggish.

“Well you seemed like the type who would refuse my offer and I couldn’t let someone as interesting as you leave, now could I?” Rend asked as he lightly pushed his finger into Sadi, effortlessly falling her onto the bed thanks to her weakened and partially impaired state.

He then hovered over her on the bed, beginning to undo the latch to her cloak, “No...stop...” she resisted weakly, the drug in her system taking more and more effect.

“Now don’t worry, I’ll treat you real good,” Rend chuckled, tossing the fabric aside and then began loosening her robes.

Not good, if I don’t do something fast, this creep will have his way with me, she thought to herself as struggled to keep her eyes open.

Though she didn’t want to, she saw she had no other choice and called on the dark side of the force, her eyes beginning to glow as she took it in and then she used the force to lift the man and choke him. He squirmed and gagged as he scratched at his throat, trying to breath, he was then thrown against the wall, momentarily dazing him as Sadi used the force to bring her lightsaber back to her, after which she stumbled out of the man’s quarters, trying to make her way off the ship.

When his head was clear again, Rend went rushing out of his quarters back onto the deck, “Put the ship on alert, we have a Jedi aboard, I want her found and captured immediately!” he shouted to his crew, they hastily began working on the various computers, putting the ship on alert with flashing lights and loud alarms.

Sadi continued to hobble down the halls of the ship, falling a few times as she continued to resist the drug in her from fully knocking her out, “Not good, pissed off pirates and me about to lose consciousness, I need to get off this ship before it’s too late,” she spoke to herself as she leaned against a wall, trying to figure out where to go, soon a passing crew member spotted her and went to pursue her.

“Hey, stop Jedi!” The crew member shouted, beginning to shoot at her with her blaster rifle.

She drew her lightsaber, deflecting what she could, though it was difficult just to move, let alone trying to fight in her weakened state. One bolt managed to hit her in her shoulder, toppling her for a moment before she got back up, stumbling to get away as more of the crew pursued her. She eventually made it to the hangar bay, though she didn’t know it, seeing the men chasing after her quickly approaching, she looked around until she pad to the door, igniting her weapon she stabbed the pad, forcing the door to shut and lock.

“Hey, open up!” One of the crew shouted as he pounded on the door.

“Darn, almost had her, come on, there’s another way in there, let’s hurry,” another said, all of them giving a nod and then headed down the east hallway.

When Sadi could no longer hear them, she let out a sight of relief, “Well, that should buy me some time,” she spoke to herself before wincing as she turned around, her fresh wound aggrevating her, “Damn it, he got me good, I need to leave, now.” she added as she gripped her shoulder whilst looking around the hangar bay. She saw that most of the ships were small fighters and that they were in need of repair, a luxury to get any of them at least in work order she didn’t have, nor the time. She heard the stomping of boots on metal and shouting, the men after her nearly to the hangar, she started to panic a little, “Come on, there has to be a working one somewhere, I don’t care if it’s a bucket of bolts, if it can fly I’ll take it,” Sadi said aloud desperately.

She eventually found one just as the men made it to the hangar, “Hey, there she is, don’t let her get in that ship!” One shouted, all of them firing at her as she stumbled to the fighter, just managing to avoid getting her head shot off as she entered it. She took off out of the hangar, making as much distance as she could and then tried to set coordinates to make the jump to hyperspace, however she soon realized the hyperdrive on the ship wasn’t working, “Blast it! I was so close,” she said in anger as she hit the dash with her hands.

Soon other fighters came flying out of the pirate ship, blasting at her as they moved in closer. Seeing that she couldn’t just sit around, she looked out the cockpit, trying to see if there was anywhere nearby she could go to and hideout for a bit. She spotted a blue and green planet, checking the fighter’s info on the planet before her revealed it to be Naboo, “Perfect! At least there’s forests there for me to hide in as well as people that I can ask for help from, okay, let’s go,” she spoke to herself, putting the engines on full as she raced her way to the planet, her pursuers close on her tail.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"I only sensed four, though I was only viewing you for a few seconds, so I could easily miss some of you. Or maybe there were just four that were close enough to where I was in my view on the Force that I was drawn to them. I'm not sure." The grey jedi responded calmly. His temperament did not seem to change, even with the overwhelming odds he was beginning to face. Pergaps he was telling the truth about coming in peace. However, Kurt did not necessarily trust the man fully yet. He lightsaber remained ignited.


"I saw the sabers Kurt, I didn't see the need to draw either of my sabers. It is easier to talk to people when we aren't trying to threaten each other. Besides Anna had her saber on for the ready. We'd only get in her way if she did need to use it anyway." Kurt let out a low whistle in response, the Ssi'Ruuk equivalent of a growl.

Speak for yourself, Cole. Kurt kept his thoughts to himself. Perhaps if he mastered one saber before diving right into two, he wouldn't interfere with Anna. That was another reason Kurt had a little animosity towards Cole. In addition to his cocky attitude, he was the only other student within the group who preferred to use two lightsabers in combat. Kurt, however, believed that he should still master with using just one blade, while Cole decided to just begin training with two. It was his lost anyway and didn't really have much to do with Kurt.

"I'll check around the waterfall to see if he brought anyone else." Kurt said, beginning to cloak himself. "I don't want any surprises." And with that, Kurt disappeared from sight and made his way into the forest, using his forked tongues to try and pick up any new scents.
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