Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Dr helps Major away from the main trouble and starts properly working on the wounds frowning at the sheer levels of random violence that seem to make everyone about as bad as a raider*

Can there be a single day without someone getting shot or stabbed?

*Goes back to helping the majors wounds from the fight with one of the rooms medkits*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John groans in agony at being touched by Xan, and tries to find where Gordon went.*
John: An asshole, where is Sasha? Need to warn her.
*He begins to crawl out of the kitchen, though he is doing a terrible job of crawling.*

*Sasha folds her arms, and looks down at Taboo.*
Sasha: Is this true?
*She figures John is dealing with whoever is shooting in the bar, and decides to deal with the situation at hand.*

*Gordon walks into the mainroom, hears Sasha, and heads toward the kitchen.*
*He stands just outside of the kitchen, clicks a button on his watch, and smiles.*

*From the fridge a beeping sound starts to ring out.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Taboo is panting heavily, still impaled on Karma. She gives Sasha a look that says "Seriously? I've got a SWORD in me right now!" and spits out a glob of blood before groaning weakly*
Taboo: Tiaz... father... Mergoux... bad...
*She's not doing well and the pool of blood is growing*

*Xan makes faces of compassion at the thought of hurting John but does what she has to. She stops him from crawling and shakes her head.*
Xan: No! You be making hurt worse! Here, I help you!
*She transforms into her full Werejaguar form, and carefully lifts John up, carrying him in her arms carefully, and not moving too fast. It's still a lot faster than John would be crawling though.*
Xan: Sasha? She be Armor woman? We find her! You warn her!

*Outside Jilial's finally finishes digging. She clambers out of the hole she's made and crawls towards the room, unable to stand from sheer exhaustion, both emotional and physical*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter stretches his hand out, and Karma flies from Taboo's side and back into his grip*
Lecter: I'll make it quick. She deserves to die, but I'm not a sadist.
*He tips his sword at Taboo in a "May I?" gesture*

*Finnick keeps frowning*
Finnick: Can I leave, or am I going to be attacked? I just got high with her, I'm not her associate terrorist or anything.
*He's already moving to leave the kitchen as he's saying this, cause he can't be bothered with this*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Taboo screams in agony as the sword is ripped from her body. Blood flows more freely from her wounds as she makes a last desperate attempt to plead with Finnick*
Taboo: N-no... please... Finnick... help me... you have all... I have....
*She looks rather pathetic in her weakness, pinned beneath one giant boot and quickly bleeding out. Tears spring to her eyes as she looks fearfully at Lecter*
Taboo: N-no... Please... I do... anything... not kill...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John groans as he is picked up, and shakes his head at Xan.*
John: Gordon.. the hair... just..
*He wishes he finished his glass of whiskey before trying to hit Gordon, for he is in extreme pain.*


*Sasha folds her arms, and thinks for a bit on what she hears.*
Sasha: Guilty by association isn't the 'fairest' thing... just because her family is crazy doesn't mean she is, I don't agree on putting her to death for just that. We need more proof.
*She turns towards the fridge, and frowns at the beeping. Which seems to be beeping faster, and faster.*

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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*Vaseraga 'hrmphs' and puts a bit more weight on Taboo's back. He crosses his arms and gestures with his head.*
Vaseraga: I say have your way. Next of ilk is almost never too far from the parent, and you can never be certain. So this seems like a necessary precaution.
*He also frowns at the beeping, cause he hasn't heard something like that apart from a clock or something.*


*Beatrix stops working every time Merg squirms, but continues whenever she calms down. She doesn't really care that much that she's doing this much pain, because she knows what'll happen should she not do anything. She also hears the gunshot, but isn't really in a position to go investigate.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter sighs*
Lecter: She's involved with the slavery, the murders. If I earned any semblance of trust from helping you fight those creatures, let me end this.

*Finnick keeps on walking, and shakes his head*
Finnick: By doing what? Summon a golem, cause an earthquake? I can't do anything that won't get me on another person's shit list.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Xan hustles as fast as she can*
Xan: Sasha!? Sasha!?
*She's not 100% sure who Sasha is so she just runs around shouting her name. (Within earshot of the kitchen)*
*She looks down worriedly at John and continues trying to find Sasha, fearing that John might die before she takes him to his friend*

*Taboo screams again as Vaseraga presses down harder*
Taboo: No! No! Please! HELP!
*She's weakened badly and is barely able to resist any further. She struggles weakly before giving up and slumping, breathing heavily. Tears roll down her face, streaking the blood from around her mouth*
Taboo: No... Want... life... Not... done...

*Mergoux does her best to stay still, but can't help but scream in agony and writhe at some of the chunks being torn from her skin. Every time she blacks out, the pain brings her right back to full consciousness. Her hands dig grooves into the floor as she howls in agony. Finally when the process is done she promptly passes out*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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2BlackJack1 Night Hawk

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*Lecter sighs again*
Lecter: Devils will beg too, sometimes. What's stopping you from trying to rip out my throat the next chance you get? Or for trying to get your father to kill us?
*He hears the beeping sound, but pays no need to it for now as he's focused on Taboo*

*Finnick heads off to find Elewynn*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John watches Gordon standing next to the kitchen, and does his best to warn Xan.*
John: G-Gordon...

*Gordon watches Xan, who is carring John, with slight annoyance. He then covers his ears.*

*Sasha sighs at hearing another accusations of slavery on Taboo.*
Sasha: As you say, just make it quick.
*She turns towards the sound of Xan yelling her name, and looks quizzical.*
Sasha: What-!

*The explosive Gordon placed in the fridge suddenly explodes, It blows the fridge to bits, on top of that a strange red acidic material flies in all directions from the bomb.*

*Sasha is thrown violently into the wall, but manages to stay conscious.*

*Gordon swiftly turns into the kitchen, and makes his way to Sasha. He seems unperturbed by the acid.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Taboo looks at Lecter, her lifeforce fading as she speaks*
Taboo: I... swear... life... and honor...
*Though Lecter has no way of knowing this, Taboo has made the most sacred promise a Werebeast tribal could make. If she breaks her oath, she will be hunted by every living Werebeast for the rest of her life, for the Life-oath is sacred above all others.*
*Taboo then whimpers at Sasha gives her verdict*
Taboo: N-No... please... Not finished...
*She screams at the explosion and writhes weakly in pain or deaththrows, Lecter would probably be unable to tell as Taboo's flesh is melted in spots by the acid and shredded by shrapnel*

*Xan screams at the noise and takes a half-step back before gently setting John down against a wall.*
Xan: Boom! Be there humans in there, they be needing help!
*She runs towards the kitchen, though she's left John practically on the doorstep to it*
Xan: What happen!? Agh! Ow! ow!
*She hops up and down for several seconds before leaping onto a spot of counter as of yet untouched by the acid. Her footpaws are badly burned and she quickly sits down, looking around in horror*
Xan: What happen!? Human, stop you being hurt!
*She calls out to Gordon as she sees him walk casually though the acid as if it's nothing. *
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 2BlackJack1
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*Lecter gets hit by the blast and is sent into the wall. He kept his grip on Karma, and did his best to avoid skewering himself on the blade. The Devil Hunter shakes his head to remove the ringing in his ears, and coughs up a glob of blood*
Lecter: ...fuck.
*Lecter tries his best to remain conscious, but is not in good shape as his body attempts to undo the damage as best it can*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Vaseraga basically becomes a pincushion, and some parts of his skin starts burning, though it doesn't melt easy. He stands there, not in pain, but more annoyed at someone detonating an explosive so close to him. His bulk should've probably stopped at least some of the shrapnel and acid that hit Taboo, but definitely not all. He steps off of Xan and stares directly at Gordon, then laughs.*
Vaseraga: I assume you had something to do with that, human?
*He doesn't wait for an answer, and throws his scythe inbetween Gordon and Sasha, partly to stop him, and partly to get his attention. At this point he realises that the majority of the skin on his throwing arm is falling off, and would be disturbed by it if he wasn't in 'fuck you' mode.*


*Beatrix ix literally about to wipe her brow of sweat when the explosion goes off. Her response is simply a "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME", and then she stands up and makes her way to the source of the explosion, though she stops when she sees John. After another 'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME', she pretends to roll up her non-existent sleeves, and starts working on John with whatever materials she pinched off of Merg.*


*Both Zeta and Eustace are stirred by the explosion, but they both just stare at each other for a while, and almost forget about it.*
Zeta: H-hi...
Eustace: Give me the book.
Zeta: Nice to see you too Eustace...
Eustace: Yes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John tries to stop Gordon from going into the kitchen, he is still way too weak to actually do anything more then weak clawing towards the kitchen.*
John: Stop... Gord... Hair...
*His chest is in bad shape, having some augmentation probably saved his life, and is really suffering from a deflated lung.*

*Gordon frowns at the scythe, and turns towards Vaseraga.*
Gordon: If you know what's best for your health, do not interfere with me.
*He raises his hand, and the acidic material on Vaseraga suddenly erupts into life. It almost pulsates, and sends spikes of a pain through his arm. It also moves, doing its best to cover more of Vaseraga, specifically looking for flesh.*
*Sasha doesn't know who Gordon is, but knows Ziogen dark technology when she sees it. She clumsily draws her sword.*
*Gordon turns to regard Sasha with a grin, and aims his pistol at her.*
Gordon: Give me the hair, now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Overlord Thraka
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Overlord Thraka That Which is Hateful

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*Xan looks around the kitchen and spots Taboo. She recoils in horror before realizing Taboo's condition. She growls at her former master and is about to leap off the counter at Taboo when the acid wave goes after Vaseraga*
*She looks and sees Gordon aiming a weapon at a woman in armor, she's not sure what's going on but makes an assumption that the man controlling the acid burning Vaseraga is not her enemy, considering the person he's attacking is her enemy, and after all the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That said she doesn't like the fact that he's pointing a weapon at someone and leaps off the counter, landing lightly next to him in a patch of acidless floor
Xan: No more hurting! Enough is done already! No more!
*She makes an attempt to get between Sasha and Gordon, arms outstretched to stop them from hurting each other*
Xan: I be seeking Sasha! John be hurt, he ask for Sasha!
*She looks at Sasha, turning her back on Gordon for a moment*
Xan: Be you Sasha?

*Mergoux is out of it, resting off her grievous wounds*

*Jilial is out of it collapsed in a heap of exhaustion just outside the main room door*

*Taboo is out of it, the edges of her vision fading out of focus as she slowly bleeds to death*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Vaseraga wouldn't feel the pain unless it has some mental aspect to it, cause yeah, he doesn't feel normal pain, and so he doesn't really care about the acid at this point, he just steps forwards and reaches out towards Gordon with his massive hand. Also, the acid can go any direction except up, cause his helmet is really tight along his neck, and he wears no other armour until his legs basically.*
Vaseraga: Bad idea, bub.


*Beatrix rolls her eyes and tries peeling John out of his armour if he's wearing it.*
Beatrix: I don't care. She doesn't owe me a drink and she also isn't dying yet.
*She continues doing what she can to stop John from dying more, but who knows what her limit is, cause she doesn't know what hurt him and probably doesn't know how to properly treat it.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

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*Dr and Major are in the living area further away from the kitchen and are on a further away edge of the main room*

*Dr looks up and hopes her basic job worked being a scientist not a healer that's rather crude vs a doctor but does the job as major is passed out from blood loss and pain killing med ex*

*looks over at kitchen and the now bomb that's gone off*
What the hell is a wrong with you people!
War zones are safer than this place!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vulkan 707
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Vulkan 707 Primarch of the Salamanders

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*John keeps trying to crawl into the kitchen, but it's pretty pitiful attempt.*

*Sasha looks at Xan like she is crazy, and tries to motion her to get out of here. She is processing the fact John got hurt, but still is more concentrated on the threat at hand.*
Sasha: I am Sasha, let me deal with present company then I will go to John.
*Her sword crackles to life, and she makes sure to avoid touching of the acidic material.*

*Gordon is actually impressed that Vaseraga is walking, and pulls out his pistol aiming at his chest.*
Gordon: You are... interesting, but as I said do not interfere.
*He aims for Vaseraga's center of mass, and fires twice in quick succession.*
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sgt Vandingo
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Sgt Vandingo Grammar Nazi

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*Vaseraga has to take a step back after taking the shots, then tenses his muscles and continues towards Gordon. He's angry but he knows that he's probably poisoned cause he can kinda feel the acid moving around him.*
Vaseraga: Not happening.
*If anything, he's probably semi-close to death seeing as though his centre of mass is close to his heart, but despite that, he still wants revenge for being covered in the acid and shrapnel from the explosive.*


*Beatrix grits her teeth then pulls John back and continues trying to help him, though if he tries leaving again she's just gonna let him bleed out lol*
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