Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Forgiveness
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Forgiveness The Best Sunbro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright,let's start the bullshit. That was Vito's first thought as the heavy-set sargent thundered his way over to him."Afternoon sarge, how are y-". He was cut off by the sarge yelling in front of his face."Where the hell were you all damn weekend?!". A brief pause. Then Vito spoke."My house,where else would I be Frank?". That statement only seemed to make Frank angrier,turning his pale white face to the color of a tomato."Why the hell weren't you on duty!?". Vito removed,you guessed it,another cancer-stick from his jacket. Quick flick of the good ol' zippo and the shit was lit. Vito looked to Frank,another shit-eatin grin spread wide across his face."Eh. Didn't feel like,plus Sol said he'd cover for me so...you should talk to him". The detective pushed past the mass of Frank,a chuckle escaping from under the hat. A squad car pulled up and two rookie uniforms stepped out."Afternoon boys, afraid you missed it. C.S.I are crawling in there,best not go in and disrupt em or we could get another 'incident' like last year".The rookies still just stood there,kinda like a bunch of dumbasses."We uh got business with the sarge". Vito shrugged and made his way past them,catching something of the radio in the car.*crrrch* All available units,
402 in progress. Market District.*crrrch*.

Vito was headed that way anyways,had some people to question. The detective removed his worn pager and sent a message to Sloth. Yes,he had Sloth saved in his pager,added back when they were somewhat'friends'. Never bothered to remove it.TALK-M.DISTRICT.Send. Now all he had to do was wait for a reply,ya know considering if Sloth would actually answer the damn thing.

November 1,2017-Market Square,Market District-1:30 P.M

402 meant drunk and disorderly and this guy was A LOT of both. When Vito arrived on scene,the douche had already kicked over several stalls and beat a stall-owners face in. This would be necessarily easy process if the guy wasn't a beast of a man. "You gotta be fuckin kiddin me". The detective sighed as the man charged recklessly into yet another stall."Cristina! Come back to me!"."Yo,she ain't comin back". The man turned and faced Vito,giving him a death stare. Seeing how this could very out of hand very quick,Vito drew his pistol from the holster on his hip.

"You have till the count of three to get on the ground"

"Do you know who I a-"


"I will have you ripped limb from limb you disgus-"


"So are you ready punk? ready to di-"




Two shots,one for each kneecap. The buffoon went down,screaming in pain. Soon after,paramedics and a squad escort went off to the hospital and later to the jail."All in a day's work". Vito grinned and holstered his sidearm again. With nothing better to do,he found a bench to sit on and waited for Sloth. Just gotta trust he'll show.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tigersloth
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tigersloth 99

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Nov 1, 2017 - the Slums - 3:30pm

After connecting with some of his informants Sloth knew who the snitch was, Johnny Scaletto, "Fucking Johnny Scaletto, and to think we took this deadbeat in a couple of months ago, working for us in exchange for protection, man Mabel was going a little soft, I need to have a word with Ma soon" he thought to himself, cruising the alleyways of the Slums looking for the traitor. He found him posted on a corner smoking a cigarette hanging out with a local, he strolled up nonchalantly.

"Ay Sloth, what's up man, how you been?" the local asked, the kid couldn't have been more than twenty, was green behind the ears, and maybe 120 pounds soaking wet, his name was Charlie Bennett.

"I been good Charlie how bout' yourself? Ay, you mind if I borrow Johnny here for a minute? Won't be long" Sloth asked, fist bumpin' the young cat

"No problem man, and I been good, just got a job down at the docks" Charlie replied

"Yo Sloth whatcha' need man? I'm in a little bit of a rush but I always got time for you bro" Johnny said, unsuspecting of anything amiss

"I need a little help over at the spot for a minute, be half a hour tops, and that's awesome Charlie, stay outta trouble ya hear?" Sloth said back, "and no worries Johnny, the faster we walk the quicker"

"Cool bro" he responded and they took off together

They walked in silence before cutting through an alleyway Johnny was unfamiliar with, "Yo Sloth, where we going man? the spot is back that way?" Johnny asked pointing the opposite direction.

"We gotta grab something for the boss, I need an extra set of hands" Sloth replied, unlocking a door in the alleyway and allowing Johnny to go in first, heading down a flight of stairs. Looking around to ensure no one was around, Sloth locked the door behind them and followed him. They were in a poorly lit room with a furnace at one end and a couple of boxes on racks against the wall.

"Yo Sloth what th-" before the words finished escaping his mouth a Sujo materialized from the dark corner choking him with a taught piece of leather, a material that would leave no trace of blood. Johnny's eyes widened as he realized what was happening but he was powerless against the sheer strength and size of the thug.

"You know you fucked up right Johnny? I know you snitched to Vito Johnny. He came into the Den slinging his dick around like he knew something, and I had to think to myself, how the fuck did he get there that fast, something didn't add up Johnny." Sloth walked back and forth as he spoke, thumbing the point of his knife "So I asked around Johnny, because you know I know all the right people and a few people saw you talking to Vito Johnny and bingo it clicked. We took you in you piece of shit and now we're going to take you out" Sloth walked over to the furnace and opened the door exposing a roaring fire, disposal of the body would take a matter of minutes, there would be no trace.

The thug tied the leather in his mouth so no sound could emit. Johnny tried to resist and fight back but there was nothing he could do, the strength of the two was far greater than his and they forced him into the furnace shutting the door. Johnny screamed a voiceless scream as he was consumed by the raging inferno, never to be seen or heard from again. Sloth left the clean up if any to his Sujo brother, one of the best in the biz in leaving no evidence and he took off for the Market District. On his way out he turned to the Sujo and said "Make sure Charlie knows to keep his mouth shut, give him some healthy incentive" the goon nodded silently.

Sloth couldn't afford loose ends, he usually paid any potential witnesses very well to keep quiet, and nine times of out ten it worked, people native to the Slums respected the code, and if they didn't, well ask Johnny. Sloth looked down to see his pager illuminated, it was from Vito, he wanted to meet at the Market District hours ago. "Damned thing musta' not went off" he muttered, he sent back "30mins"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Forgiveness
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Forgiveness The Best Sunbro

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

November 1,2017-Market Square,Market District- 3:32pm

Vito knew Sloth had some kinda lung problem(Vito probably has the shit too),so he can't really move fast. But two hours? "Ya gotta be kiddin me with this..bullshit". Vito reached into his jacket and..take one guess. Go ahead. Another cigarette was produced from it,his last one actually.Eh. Probably get 6 packs for 250 from Sloth,no worries. You know the drill,Zippo,light,smoke. Vito took a long drag of his cig,letting the smoke fill his lungs completely before exhaling. His jaw still hurt from the guy who slugged him earlier,so he constantly feeling around the area."Hit like a freight train". The detective removed his notepad from his pocket and scanned through the pages. He had hoped to get a little bit more information on his cases but..things didn't quite go exactly to plan...

November 1,2017-Market Square,Market District-2:12pm
Vito hated assholes. You know what he hated even more? Assholes with guns. You know what he hated the most though? Assholes with gun that were pointed at him. Such was the case right now. Mind you,Vito is a 'nicer' man when dealing with the locals. Tries not to swear as much,hell,sometimes he won't even smoke around em. Maybe this guy just didn't like him or maybe this was a bad day for him. But anyways,Gun,Vito,Asshole,here's what happened.

November 1,2017-Market Square,Market District-2:10pm
Vito was walkin through the market stalls,smoking and looking for anyone with relevant information. Eventually,he came across a certain..fuck it no sugar coatin, the dude was a fuckin poison dealer. A quick check of notepad and then he walked over."Welcome detec-". Vito raised his hand and stopped the man mid-sentence."Save it. I need to know if you sold any lethal poison to anyone today and I'll need a description of em" Then something very important clicked in Vito's head. This guy was about to say 'detective'. Vito had the same ordinary suit of about half the guys here,so there ain't no way he just made the assumption. This guy was tipped off."Who tipped you off asshole?". Now seeing that his acting failed,the man produced a gun from his waistband."Customer paid a lot of money to keep this under the table so..time to die"

November 1,2017-Market Square,Market District-2:12pm
Dumb fuck didn't even see Vito's weapon drawn.Blam!. Footshot this time. The man howled in pain,which let Vito grab the piece he had. Dude recovered quicker than he wouldve thought. Vito got slugged. Hard. The world was spinning slightly and his vision was fading inbetween normal and black. After a few moments he regained some of his composure and turned to the man.






Full of holes but still somehow alive. Vito crouched down and spoke,his voice barely above a whisper."Listen here dickwad,you've got about 1 minute before your sorry excuse for a life is gone. Make it count". The man wheezed and coughed up a little blood."F-Fine". He sputtered and gave Vito Ronan's general appearance. "Thanks". Vito brought the man's gun to his temple and fired.Blam!. His blood and brain matter were sprayed across the concrete. No way Vito was just gonna let him expire. Dumb fuck need to be taught a lesson.

November 1,2017-Market Square,Market District- 3:32pm
Vito was still tryin to get his jaw to relax. Even from here he could see the aftermath of what happened earlier. No one bothered to clean it up.*buzz**buzz*. It was his pager,and something from Sloth.30mins."alright Sloth. I can wait". Vito sat on the bench,his gun still drawn.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tenslashsix
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Tenslashsix Innocent Bystander

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nov 1, 2017 - Serpent's Lair - 1:13 PM

Sol raises a glass for Benril. Man was a useful garbage fire but that's no reason to be disrespectful of the dead. After slugging the booze back he rises to his feet, entirely too steady, the high is wearing off. Only one tab left of the last batch of medicine. Well now, seeing as Benny boy had the good taste to die close by... Sol walks over to the body just as soon as Vito takes off. That Vito is a decent enough detective but there is useful evidence left. Useful for a man who is looking for a fix anyway. Rummaging through Benrils pockets Sol comes up with a small key, one made for a pad lock, knowing where the dead dealers stash is has solved one problem today. Glancing around and deciding to cover the action, not that anyone gives a shit, he says, "Just collecting some evidence, nothing to see here." Glancing over at Drake Sol winks and heads for the door.

Tucking the key into his jacket and taking a long drag from his fresh cigar Sol allows himself a little smile. Today is shaping up pretty good. Now if any of Benrils little runners get in his way a good scrape will make the rest of the day a gas. Feeling so good, Sol even considers doing some real detective work. Might even see if ol' Vito needs any help.

Nov 1, 2017 - Benrils Home Address - 1:45 PM

Heading off into the slums checking his piece the cannon is loaded and ready to roar. He hardly ever needs the gun. Most people don't stand toe to toe with the hulking detective. Not for long anyway. Ah, here we are Shithole Street Hovel #2, chuckling to himself Sol drops the other tab of acid onto his tongue and rolls his neck. The bone crunching pop that emits itself is satisfying. Looking across the street as the world starts to seep in a cacophony of color and swirling art. Sol builds up a head of steam and charges across the street straight for the front of the building.

Crashing through the front door.. and wall. Flying debris has stunned a runty little punk trying to get into Benris stash. Judging by the groaning he has landed on the mans accomplice also. Brushing a chunk of wood off his coat Sol drags the cigar out of his mouth and grabs the front of the thugs shirt,"Kick rocks shitheel, before I give you the hard goodbye." The man nearly breaks himself scrambling out of what is left of the building. Pulling the key from his pocket and opening the lockbox, it really is such a lovely day to be alive.
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