Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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~Alenoa City~

Well, she knew one thing. Flying was absolutely wonderful. The air rushed past them quickly, and if she had been a little younger she would have probably not been able to keep a few shouts of excitement from escaping. Villages and landscape rushed past them. Mountains and trees, even a river. This was definitely a good choice, yes, heh. It cut down on so much travel time. What would have taken what was likely most of the day, even by horse became a quick half-hour trip at most.

When Himeko landed, Charlotte landed on the ground, a bit wobbly after being so high up. So this was a city that wasn't Astril...hm. She was mildly impressed. Despite the grandiose of it, there still didn't seem to be a building quite so high as the tower. First things first though.

"Whew, that was...enlightening." Charlotte mused to herself as Himeko took in the sight of the city. It was easy to tell she was exhausted though. It was easy enough to spot exhaustion in any creature, if one had studied it long enough. Which would also mean it'd be a perfect time to do this. "Well, I'm certain there'll be something to eat once inside. I could go for a little something myself, I suppose."

Rather nonchalantly, she plucked a feather from Himeko's wings before she had a chance to put them away.

"Right then, lets go." she started walking at a brisk pace.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

Himeko was a slight bit too tired to notice her feather being snatched, though she might notice later. It was a bit of a walk there, so Himeko finally returned her wings and for once, quietly walked there. It was a bit of a walk and perhaps it was a bit too much of a walk down there. Well, regardless, it was still faster than if they walked here from the last town. It didn't take too long until the two reached the entrance to the city and Himeko looked intrigued. Still though, they were there for a reason. So, do you know where we're going from here?" She asked Charlotte since she had absolutely no idea who anyone was here or the typical ideas of human society.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh good, she hadn't noticed so she wasn't going to suddenly find herself on an impromptu flying trick. She placed the feather inside of her cloak for safe keeping along with the other items.

Hm, she'd need to test the feathers properties once she had a second to rest and perhaps find some better alchemical equipment. The two approached the city in quiet, for the most part Charlotte took in the vast, rolling plains that surrounded the city. The only plains she was used to were covered in snow and ice, so seeing something so...green, was a welcome change. Ah...she wanted to spend a few days documenting all the plants and animals, but she coudln't. Not if she wanted to achieve her goals in a timely fashion.

As they approached the city gates, they were greeted by a decent number of people moving in and out of the city. For the most part, no one paid two travelers any mind.

"I told you," Charlotte replied with a huff. "That I know only what I read. I know there's a desert supposed to the south of here but we can't very well just barrel into a desert without any preparation." She continued walking into the city proper. "We could discuss our next course of action over food, if you like." Charlotte continued. "Though, I should stress my funds are quite limited so nothing extravagant unless you're paying." If she had too, she could stay a few days and sell some of her things to people who needed them. Wouldn't be too difficult to set up a stall somewhere, perhaps.

If all else failed, she could make fools gold and sell that, though the thought left a bad taste in her mouth. Tricking people like that was something she didn't approve of.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

Himeko pulled herself together at the thought of being more prepared than this girl. "Haha! I for one, can pay my own meals! The Tengu are well known for wealth. She reached inside her clothes and pulled out a small bag, inside were a good amount of intricate looking coins that looked of solid gold as well as some precious looking gemstones. She was not so foolish as to reach in and show to the world her collection, but showed only to Charlotte. "I was told that I could sell the gems off for a high price and the coins themselves would keep me well for a while. And I might be willing to share with you... Maybe. Try and convince me?" The Tengu added, wanting to hear the sweet words of how this human would be indebted to her in some way or form.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Charlotte stared at Himeko, obviously unimpressed with her display. She sighed, shaking her head as she kept walking. There were quite a few gemstones in there, though none of them were particularly valuable to her. She wasn't one for fancy jewelry and gems like such were not particularly useful in alchemy. Still, Himeko's haughty attitude was getting to her a bit. She could mess with her for a little while, couldn't she?

She did have a few chunks of actual gold on her, she just didn't want to use them.

"Yeah, not happening." Charlotte harrumphed dismissively, walking deeper into the city. The architecture here was vastly different from Astril, and it was fascinating. "I don't need your money when I can make gold from rock." A bold claim, but not a false one. She hadn't quite perfected the formula for that yet, but she could still make very realistic fools gold.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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"What's that? Gold from rocks? I doubt you could make gold. Maybe something like it." The Tengu said, pocketing her own valuables. She needed to find somewhere to sell those gems... A jeweler or something. She'd take a bit to studied how much they were being sold for then high-ball and get to a reasonable price. It was worth it watching those merchants in the first town. Might even make more if she mentions they were from the land of Crow People. Or maybe not. Might as well try soon enough. There were more than enough buildings for that kind of thing it seemed. "So, should we try one of those taverns for information? Or would it be best to look for the... As you humans put it, 'Scholarly Types?'" She really didn't know what Charlotte had in mind.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Heh," Charlotte smirked confidently. "Alchemy is capable of many things." It was quite true, it could turn rock into gold - though it would be a minuscule amount. Equivalent exchange and all that. Couldn't use something lesser to make something of greater value without a lot of it. The process was also currently inefficient, she had discovered. Come to think of it, she should tell Himeko about what she could do. Would make working together a tad bit easier, at least. A thought for later though, she should find someplace good to eat.

"Well, first things first you wanted food." Charlotte scanned the immediate street. There was quite a few people milling about, and while she was disappointed by the lack of any obvious scholarly pursuits, that wasn't something that couldn't be solved by a bit of foot work. "And I'm feeling a little hungry myself."

It took a bit of walking, but they finally managed to find a respectable looking restaurant - or what Charlotte assumed to be one. She had never actually been in one before. Most meals in the tower were prepared at the dorm kitchens or were up to the individual person to take care of. Still, she was at least adept enough to know what one was.

She walked inside, followed shortly by Himeko, taking a seat at a table towards the back of the room.

"Hmm...I wonder what sorts of things they have here." Charlotte voiced in a curious tone.

It was then, three girls walked into the restaurant as well. One was dressed in a light purple dress, with black stockings and comfortable looking shoes. She was overall petite, with long black hair and the dress looked completely expensive. Another was an older looking blond, with bright blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair tied into a braid, wearing equally expensive looking dress that hung to the floor. The third, was another girl with bluish-tinted hair, long tied back into a pony tail, light airy and comfortable looking dress.

"Ah..." The waiter at the front of the restaurant bowed respectfully at their appearance. "If it isn't the Fiore Sisters. How fare you this fine evening?"

"Ah...Gerald, pleasure to see you here." The eldest spoke up, giving the man a friendly smile. "We are doing well. I finally managed to get Livia out of the house for once." She giggled impishly, causing the one in the purple dress to roll her eyes a bit. She said nothing in reply, only walking past the waiter and the girl with the blue hair.

"We'll take our usual seats...hmm?" Livia's impatient reply was cut off by a pause and a hum, staring in Himeko's direction for a brief moment before turning back to Gerald. "...actually. Marise. How about a change of pace, hm?" There was something off about the woman in the odd dress. Without waiting for either of the other two's confirmation, she simply decided to take a seat one table over from Charlotte's and Himeko's.

"E-eh? Livia?" Marise turned to look to the third to see what she'd do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Livia, dear... The third, Katherine said, before noting exactly what her sister had noticed. What an... Interesting specimen for sure. "Hmm, no I agree with her." Katherine moved over to her older sister, Marise, and grabbed her arm and pulled it close to her not meaning to squeeze it close to her chest, though it did happen. "Let's follow Livia's lead this time." She moved closer to her sister's ear, whispering. "Isn't that girl in the exotic outfit intriguing?"

With or without a word from her sister, she led the girl over and sat her at a chair at the table Livia occupied. Katherine herself sat as well, looking to Livia. "You should just ask us to sit back here with you if you wanted to. What bad manners did the girl I brought up learn?" Katherine said, as if she were the one that raised her same age sister. "Just where did I go wrong?" She teased again, faking tears slightly before giving a look over to Livia to see her reaction. She always gave the best ones. Well, they were to Katherine at least.

Himeko just looked around the store and noted the girls walking in.... And then taking a seat near them. It was odd, considering they were going to sit somewhere else, but she didn't want to attract more attention than necessary. (Though it was too late for that.) She looked to Charlotte. "So... What sort of food do they have here?" She asked Charlotte. Even if she had a menu she couldn't read it very well. She learned the language of humans quickly from the scholar she had guard duty over, though she had no idea about the written form.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"O-oh, well, alright." Marise turned to Gerald as she was pulled along by Katherine. "U-uhm, I supposed we're changing things up a little today." Gerald smiled pleasantly, holding an arm out towards the table Livia had decided to be their rest for the evening. Katherine, for the most part was oblivious to where her arm was resting as she was pulled over to the table. Ultimately, she took a seat across from the other two girls. Ah, why where her younger sisters so troubling...they were already teasing each other.

"We're the same age, Katherine." Livia replied crossing her legs as Katherine sat next to her. "Besides, if anything I'm the one who raised you. Or do you need reminding who is the one who taught you magic in the first place, hm?" She sighed in mild disappointment. "Here I had such high hopes for my sister, but she's a second-rate mage at best." Her tone was harsh, and it didn't seem like she was merely teasing.

"Aha..." Marise chuckled quietly to herself. They were difficult sisters...but well, they were her sisters and she loved them regardless. "Well, before you two both burn yourselves until your well-done how about we decide on what to eat, yes?"

Charlotte was used to listening. She knew something was up the moment they decided to apparently change their usual seat, but for the moment she said nothing, and focused back on Himeko. Well, something annoying was likely going to happen soon it seemed. Might as well enjoy what she could. Charlotte frowned, thinking. She had no idea. She had never been in a restaurant before, though she had a general idea of how they worked.

"I shall be with you lovely ladies in a moment," The same waiter that had greeted them, gave a friendly greeting before walking past the trio and to Himeko and Charlotte. "Well, it's not every day we get travelers here." He said, commenting on Himeko's robe. "But I do hope our services will be to your liking." He offered with a smile.

"Hmm...so what do you have here? We are, as you said, not from around here and are unfamiliar with your establishments cuisine." Charlotte questioned.

"Ah, well, as I thought that might be the case, here." He handed them some printed paper. Menus, that had a selection of food from their kitchens they could order, along with the price listing in coins. "Feel free to take your time deciding." He said, before casually walking over to the Fiore Sisters.

As he walked away, Charlotte turned to Himeko.

"...hmm, those three may be trouble." She commented quietly. "They were far to eager to switch from their usual seating just to sit by us."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Yes, yes. I've noticed. Let's just hope they want to gawk at my clothes." Himeko said as she ignored the girls. She was just wanting to eat, not be gawked at. Well, at the moment at least. Perhaps if she weren't so tired and hungry she'd extol the virtues of the Tengu but only if she weren't. "So, what all does that say they have here. I can't understand the script." She muttered, although confidently.

Katherine mean-while pouted at Livia calling her, "Second-rate, eh? Really?" The girl's right hand nonchalantly disappeared under the table and summoned on of her dolls she used as puppets from one of her magic rings... A supposed heirloom from her real parents. The doll walked over to Livia and lifted her skirt a bit to get a look under it, not really caring to make it self unknown. Then, dodging Livia's feet if she kicked at it walked over to Marise's and peaked at hers, again, unstealth-like. Livia was wearing some lacy and dark blue pair that were... Kind of boring compared to their sister's. White and... Risque was the word that Katherine could think of. There's a reason she wanted to just hug Marise... Well, something else like that.

"Well, I suppose. Call me what you want. You only taught me the basics, I taught myself this sort by myself... Though I have to say... Those are rather adult for you, Livia." After that though she turned to Marise and grabbed the older girl's hands, hold it with both of hers and close to her lips. "Those fit your imagine so very well. I should ask for your hand, sister." The Puppeteer said, teasingly and attempting to be seductive... Though her voice didn't work too well for it. She sort of forgot the girls next to them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hm..." Charlotte looked over the menu for a few silent seconds, her gaze intently scanning the front of it. She then turned it over, only to be met with a similar menu, though it seemed this one might have been specialties served at evening? It looked more expensive, too. Still, one thing was certain. She breathed, nodding quietly as she laid the menu on the table.

She had no idea what the fluck any of these things were. The bad part about Astril, was that it was frigid, cold, and isolated, and didn't have much variety in the wildlife. Snowhawks, large ice bears, and some domesticated animals kept inside the tower on the lower levels for cattle. She of course, was aware of other animals through reading and studies, but she had never eaten them before.

"Hm. Seems they have...fairly normal things as far as food goes." She rested her cheek on her hand. "Hmm...they...snake? huh, even waterfoul of some sort." Charlotte was curious. Snake? She had no doubt it could be prepared in a good way, but she didn't think there was a whole lot of meat on a serpent for a meal...but well, she was curious.

"If there's something you're feeling I can see if they have it. I don't see a lot of fish, though." She replied, attempting to ignore the other girls near them.

Livia simply rolled her eyes in a somewhat tired fashion, not particularly caring about what Katherine saw. Besides, if she wanted to play hardball, she could play hardball. Especially since she was objectively, the better mage here. Her spirits, unlike Katherines, were not limited to the physical plane. while binding them like that had its advantages, letting them remain incorporeal had much more. Particularly strong ones could still interact well enough in the physical realm.

"B-bwuh? K-katherine?!" Marise stuttered out, blushing at her younger sister. "Aha, y-you shouldn't say those things to your older sister...haha..." Before Katherine and Marise could say anything else though, Katherine would feel something pull on her dress, flipping the long cloth upwards until the end of it rested on her head both obscuring her vision and giving pretty much everyone else in the restaurant a rather good view of her...well, admittedly unimpressive undergarments.

"...heh. At least I'm not a child." Livia smirked confidently, felling quite pleased with herself. The spirit that had performed the deed hovered beside her, though most probably wouldn't be able to see her. Just a tiny wisp of light, to most.

"...aha, as lively as ever I see. Will you ladies be having the usual?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

Himeko... Got distracted by the girl's skirt randomly flipping up. That was... Odd. Her eyes blinked quite a few times before she turned around and looked back at Charlotte. "What? Is that normal for human's skirt and other loose cloth to go above their heads like that." Himeko said, confused. Not wanting her to worry, she created a small wind current that pushed the cloth back off and put it back in it's original position.

Katherine in her part, was unsurprised by Livia's counter. She was surprised however when her cloth was pushed back down by the wind. "What in the heckle?" She said, surprised. Logically, the only thing she supposed was the door opened. "I, uhh, what was... Wind?"

She was quite obviously confused. There was wind. She knew it was unlikely but... "Oh dear sister Marise! Did you save me from this ill-fated tactic by our sister!? If so, I much desire, neigh! Must request your hand regardless of the questionability of how taboo it may or may not be!" Holding the older girl's hand again and rubbing her cheek with it.

She then gave a playful side-ways glance toward Livia. She really didn't care about Livia's little prank and just used it to get close to Marise again. Maybe the sister would do something else to make Katherine look better. The doll made itself on top of the table somehow and gave the waiter a giant nod indicating a yes from Katherine's part.

Himeko was... Somehow unsurprised by now... She just looked back at Charlotte and sighed. "Yes, just... Get me... Whatever you're getting. I don't even know." She was too tired to worry about these humans anymore.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"...no quite not." Charlotte replied. Ugh, getting involved with these sisters had bad idea written all over it. She had no idea what they were doing, but it was obvious they were doing something odd that she had no true knowledge of. "Hm, maybe a salad then with some of that waterfoul." She wanted the snake to see how it'd taste, but she didn't want Himeko to potentially eat something she didn't like. Hm. Perhaps a salad of some sort would be good.

"Tsk," Marise was still blushing and she certainly wasn't 100% comfortable with this whole flirting thing Katherine was doing, but she was used to it after all these years of growing up with it. "S-stop it, you. Mother would kill us at the very thought of it." Technically, they werne't even related, with Katherine being adopted shortly after Livia was born. "It wasn't me who did it anyways, haha..."

"Aha, very well I'll have them bring it out shortly." Gerald left for a moment, heading into the Kitchen for a few moments to deliver the orders.

"Well, my dear sisters. While you continue undressing each other with your eyes and think about committing every sin known to the spirits...I have interest in someone else." Livia stood from her table, giving a playful smirk towards the both of them before walking over to Himeko and Charlotte, and without even asking for permission grabbed an extra seat from a nearby table and scooted up towards Himeko.

"You're not something we see every day around here." She gave Himeko and Charlotte both a friendly, though playful smirk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

Himeko sighed as this girl finally came up to them. She was one of the two youngest girl. The only dark haired one amongst the three. She just stared at the girl for couple of seconds before looking back to Charlotte and then looking back. She was too tired and hungry to give her "gentle" act. "Can... Can I help you?" Her face had a look of confusion as if she hadn't been talked to for a couple of days. "What do you mean, 'not something we see everyday' exactly. I mean, yes... I have outlandish clothes." The girl looked as if she knew everything of everything and was ready to play a joke or something. It didn't feel right to Himeko.

Katherine mostly ignored her sister walking over, rather, was sort of happy she could continue her half-joking and half-serious teasing of Marise. "Mother would care not, dear sister..." She held her sister's hand to her cheek again, rubbing it somewhat aggressively this time. "We have better things to worry about, sister dear. Rather than silly things like, let us worry about the names of all of our children, dear! Perhaps we should figure out how many we want first." Livia had good reactions of the blunt and cool variety... Marise might have the best though! Her beauty didn't hurt either. Still, with all her teasing... She would rather enjoy being with Marise like she had been implying.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I-Improper!" Marise's face was a shade of bright red now, unable to meet Katherine's gaze directly. "K-kathrine cease such words that is...that is..." She fumbled over her words at the thought of what Katherine was suggesting. Ah, Livia why did you leave her alone with Katherine? Marise frowned, doing her best to handle her younger sister. "F-first of all, we're both girls so that wouldn't even be possible! Secondly...y-you're causing quite a bit of a scene and I would appreciate it if you stopped." Despite her words though, Marise hadn't attempted to pull her hand away from Katherine yet. She wasn't entirely sure how else to respond here. She could never tell when Katherine was being serious, unlike with Livia. Livia was always serious...well, most of the time. She was at least honest and blunt...unlike Katherine.

Livia, for the most part inwardly giggled at Marise's predicament. It was much funnier to watch than intervene anyways. Besides, she was much more interesting in...whatever this girl was in front of her.

"No need to be so suspicious." Livia replied, her playful smirk not fading. "Can't I have a friendly conversation with a traveler?" She leaned on the table, resting her arm on it. "Or are your people just naturally rude? Such a shame, if so, but I suppose non-humans aren't known for their hospitality." She casually dropped that without seeming a care, just to see her reaction. She didn't know for sure, of course, but she had an inkling this girl was more than what she seemed to be. "Or am I wrong, hm?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

Himeko just sighed. Her disguise was perfect aside her clothes. So unless this girl was some sort of old human Sage or someone that could sense the power of the Divine... Then she was likely good. "No. I'm quite human." The Tengu lied quite bluntly. "I'm just a bit tired from traveling so far with no rest. And no food nor drink." She gave Charlotte a look of, "Did you order the food yet?" or perhaps it was "Why is she talking to me?"

"My clothes are of a land distant to here." She said, looking back to Livia. "That aside, it is only proper to introduce yourself since you started this conversation." Himeko added, stating her out foreign idea of politeness. She doubted the girl would listen to her anyway.

Katherine had stopped paying attention to Livia. Her whole attention was now focused on the hot mess that Marise. She couldn't help but laugh at the girl at this point. She took what was said at her seriously... Well, too seriously. After all, Katherine herself was only about half serious.

"This is why I love you, Dear Sister Marise. You take what I say seriously, even when I'm not completely so. That said, I believe you're the one making the bigger scene. And with such fervent refusal I must only think that... Perhaps... You really do want to be 'together' with your little sister? Well, non-blood little sister? The only taboo in it is the fact we're both girls but... This city doesn't quite look down on that you know." Katherine teased again. She half-hoped this would calm her a bit, but at the same time she just had to go and add that last bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Ah...perhaps I am wrong." Livia replied with a playful inflection. Whether she actually believed Himeko or not was difficult to tell. She didn't think she was wrong - spirits don't lie. They may confuse and misunderstand things, but they never lie.

"Decided yet-Oh, miss Fiore...meeting the new travelers?" It was Gerald again, coming to see if they had finally decided what they would be eating. She said nothing to Gerald of course, merely nodding in reply as she continued to observe the two other girls and letting them order, Gerald taking a few notes before Charlotte finished giving it. "Excellent choice, I shall have it out momentarily." The waiter left, heading to take a few more orders from more guests before heading back into the kitchen. Hopefully it would be done soon. For now though, Himeko and Charlotte were left alone with Livia.

"Livia Fiore," She introduced herself after Gerald left. "I suppose if you are human, then you have nothing to worry about." Livia leaned back in her seat, not expanding any more on that statement as she waited for her own food to arrive as she engaged in more conversation. "So, where exactly are you two from, then?" She asked, glancing over to Charlotte, not seeming intent on leaving just yet.

"...north." Charlotte replied hesitantly. Might as well talk a bit, see if she could figure out what exactly this girl wanted. "Far to the north, for myself." That was all she felt like giving her, though.

"Aha, K-katherine..." Marise finally pulled her hand away from Katherine, shaking her head with a small pout, puffing out her cheeks a bit. "You are a fiendish little thing, you know?" She teased back, her face still a shade of red. "Tsk, making me think such things." Still unable to entirely meet Katherine's gaze, she leaned back in her chair, glancing to the side for a few seconds before replying further. "You should only say such things towards someone you are serious about, sister."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 days ago

Katherine sighed and looked aside lightly, "Oh dear sister, if only you knew..." She muttered to herself, finally peeking over to Livia and those other girls. She didn't even feel like messing with the girl now. She just looked to Marise. "Maybe I just want you to look at me, Marise." She said, not calling her dear sister as was her usual habit. She added a giggle onto that before staring at her sister, waiting for her reply.

Where was she from? Well, she couldn't just say, "The Tengu Mountain. It's actually fairly close, within a week's travel by foot." Instead, she chose to say, "From the North-West somewhere. I just followed the paths and we ended up traveling together." She said. Charlotte ordered finally at least, not that she could blame her. In fact, she was rather missing the time she spent with her if only because this Livia girl was nosy. "So, Livia, do you just like to leave the people you came with waiting or...?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"If I want to watch my sisters be nauseating, I can do that at home." Livia replied in a rather curt, dismissive manner. "Besides, talking with an...exotic woman such as yourself is much more interesting." She gave Himeko and Charlotte both a playful smirk. A somewhat small mercy, but she was at least interested enough in these two to let Katherine and Marise have their moment. "Now, I have introduced myself so I do think it's about time you told me your names, hm? Or am I simply going to have to refer to you as 'dishonest' and 'grumpy face'?"

"...My face is not that grumpy looking." Charlotte replied with a frown. Sure, she may have gotten lost in thought quite a bit but she didn't think it was that bad.

"Well, it certainly is right now." Livia replied with a playful smirk.

"If it is, it's because of people like you." This earned a small chuckle from Livia as she rest Livia rest her chin on her hands as she propped her elbows up on the table as she waited for a reply from Himeko.

"Katherine," Marise replied with a somewhat troubled look. "You and Livia are my dear sisters. I would never let anything come between the three of us, even if Livia is a cynical fool that greatly dislikes people, and you are worse than a drunken philanderer." She sighed, replying back to Katherine. She was likely taking this far too seriously, but it was a little hard not too when she couldn't tell when Katherine was ever being serious about something. Always teasing and saying such things. "So for now, I will only look at and make sure my adorable little sisters are doing well."

"Having fun are we?" Before Katherine could reply in full, Gerald finally bought them their food, placing both trays in front of them. "I'll bring Livia's to hers with her...new guests, hm? Enjoy, you two." The waiter walked back to the kitchens.

"Well, enough of that, hmm, Katherine? The food is here and I'd rather us not make much more of a scene. Why, if Livia's eyes rolled any further back, they might think she's possessed or something."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Dishonest? Well, she supposed she was, but she didn't care much. "Yes, yes. I'm being dishonest." Himeko complained. This girl was being annoying about this wasn't this? "Kagekoro. You've no need to know my given name." The Tengu said, setting her elbow on the table and her hand up, resting her chin on it. She might as well humor this human girl for a couple of minutes so she'll hopefully go away. "So, why are you interested in an 'exotic woman' exactly?" She asked, mostly uninterested.

Katherine looked the slightest bit disheartened but pulled through quite quickly. No need to show a face like that now, was there? She merely nodded and took to the stew she always ordered. There was just something about it that made her feel nice. "She probably is. She can be a demon at times after all." Katherine joked. The girl was quite mean at times. "And I'm no drunk, my dear sister." Though she didn't quite deny the other part of her statement.
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