Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis sat down by Riza and took a pastry, looking at the doors with a slight frown on her face. “Wolf is taking a while...” she looked at Meg and said “hey, maybe you should do a mind sweep and just make sure she’s okay. I’m sure I’m just over causious but it’s wolf”

Wolf was laying in the He water from the showers, her mind trying to wrap around what she had seen. Her body couldn’t move. It didn’t want to. She moaned softly and muttered “Meg’gan....Riza...”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza looked back to the doors when she saw Artemis looking at them as well. There was a start of her second guessing her thoughts on Wolf and what maybe happening. Meggan seemed to blank out a moment as she did a mind sweep of the base but then grabs her head in her hands as she makes a hiss. Riza looked to her as did Wally with concern. "She's in the showers. She's in pain." the young Martian explained. Riza grabbed her crutches and turned to get out of her chair. She maybe limited, but she was still going to help Wolf.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis jumped to and said “Meggan, see if you can get Jon or the doc to meet us at the bathrooms. Come on” she helped Riza get up and the pair hurried to the bathrooms with Robin and Connor behind.

Wolf was partly sitting up now, trying to grab her robe so she could cover up. Luckily her shadows move for her and wrapped her robe around her just as the girls arrived. The water was still running as Wolf looked up weakly. “He knows...more then...he said...Riza...strange...knows...” then she fell against the shower wall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza goes with Artemis with her help, Wally going with Meggan to find John or Doctor Strange. When they got to the showers to find Wolf, Riza was careful of the tile floor and the water. She heard what Wolf said and sighed with frustration. "Please help her. I need to find Steven." she then hummbles away from the showers. "Jarvis, find Dr. Strange anyway you can and ahold him."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis nodded and knelt down and helped her up and dressed enough to get her out of her shower. The shadows turned the water off and Artemis got her to the locker room and yelled “Robin! Connor get in here!” Robin came in with Connor and then turned his head. “You could h e warned she wasn’t dressed Art”

Strange was in the war room, floating above the table and his eyes closed. When Jarvis called out he said “tell her I am in the war room Jarvis”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Conner too came into the shower and also turned his head. "Whats up?" wondering what he needed to help do.

Riza being told where Strange was, she made her way there as carefully. When inside she heard the door close behind her, her arua fumed with frustration and worry. "You lied. You knew more than you let on. Why?" The young Stark asks while keeping herself reletively calm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis glared and said “guys she can’t walk, just help me get her to her room so I can clean her up...your acting like you’ve never seen a girl before...”

Strange sighed and lowered himself to the ground and stood on his feet, opening his eyes. “I wasn’t sure what I could say...but by your actions I’m guessing the shadows have told wolf more of her past? What did she say exactly?” He waved his hand and two chairs moved out and he sat down. “I’ve been thinking all night how to fix all of this...I wasn’t sure telling wolf how I am linked to her family would help...I wasn’t even sure until you told me about her claws and I saw her power. I barely have been linking it all together and have been trying to figure out the best way to tell her without her having an attack. But if the shadows are showing her then it means she needs to know” he sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“I knew her mother’s family, which I told you both. But I didn’t tell you was I was there that night. I had gotten a message that the Shadow Clans main house had been attacked. I went to give aid but I was too late...the house was in flames and the only one I found inside was Logan’s brother in law, Raphael. He was a mutant like his sister but his skill was with shadow flames. He was trying to get out with a broken leg. I got him out and asked him what had happened. He told me he had been too late to save his sister and niece...that she had been rescued for a moment by Ms Rogue. But when rogue was hit and the men were goin for her she was so scared and upset she lashed out with her powers and vanished. And the key to the gate was lost. I wasn’t never sure what he meant by that last phrase until now. You figuring out about the key I relized what he was taking about”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Conner looked to Artemis and her alone. "Not in the appearance that Wolf is in." The half Kryptonian countered as he came over and picked up Wolf in a bridal hold, making his way with Robin and Artemis to her room.

The young Stark sat down in the offered chair as she listened well while Strange explained what happened. She had a stoic expression but her eyes still showed her expression of anger and worry. "I can guess that her shadows showed her something. But she was found in the showers and unable to move from being in pain. All she said was that you knew more than you said. Now i know why. You should have just said something before. Now she is going through this." she said blankly. "They need someone to help her." Riza said as she stood with her crutches. "Go help her. Please." It was strained but she didnt know what else to do. Wolf needed help. Plain and simple.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis sighed and followed and robin said “I grew up with her and never have seen her naked...it’s not normal” Artemis glared at him and said “it’s not normal for her to be in so much pain it knocks it off her feet either” Wolf muttered weakly “stop...it...guys...I just need....clothes...Connor....you smell nice...”

He nodded and said “I have been trying to...but until you woke up she wasn’t taking help from anyone...she has her fathers stubbornness that is for sure. I thought it best to leave her be instead of the others choice of forcing the aid she did not need. But now I can help since her guilt has seemed to be lifted”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Conner rolled her eyes. But having a point but what falter in his steps a moment was when Wolf suddenly tells him that he smelled nice. That wasnt common at all and was starting to worry. He takes a glance to Robin and artemis with a concerned look that showed his confusion. You could say it was a bit comical since hse didnt get compliments like that especially from Wolf.

"There is a difference between help and explanations. I also meant now where she is still needing current help. What happened then is over. It happened. Its done. Even you said you cant change what happens in the past just try and make up for it now." her face softens as she was losing her concentration of will to keep standing. "Go help her please. Im going to try and eat before my body flips out for waiting for so long." Riza explains before walking out of the War room and makes her way back to the commons where she goes to sit at the table to eat like she was suppose to anx before anyone flips out for her not doing so sooner. Leaving no room for complaints or anything else from her friend and teacher.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis tilted her head and robin said “umm...maybe we should get you to to bed wolf...” Wolf shook her head and said “I’m ok...I just need clothes and...to talk to strange...” she rested her head on Connors shoulder and rubbed her face on his shirt.

Strange sighed and muttered “I saw a little of tony and pepper right there...” he left the room and headed to wolfs room, rolling his neck and getting ready for what he was going I have to do. “I’m sorry Serena...but I can’t keep the wall up any longer...”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Conner situated Wolf to help her get into the postion she wanted, though when he noticed she was rubbing her face on his shirt, he looked to Robbin for silent help. Not sure what he was to do now while they took her to her room. It wasnt long till they got to Wolf's Room, he moves to her bed and sets her down and let Artemis handlr this from here as he felt a relief.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Artemis took her and wrapped a blanket around her and started to look for clothes. “What has gotten in to her....” robin asked and all three of them jumped when a voice said “when wolves are hurt they seek the company of their pack to feel better. Her mind is so confused that it’s using a natural healing trait to recover” strange was standing in the door way, looking at wolf sadly. Robin had jumped hard and turned and said “don’t do that! And what can we do to help?” Strange moved into the room and knelt in front of wolf and took her hands. Artemis had her in some clothes now and moved back and watched. Strange held her hands tightly and said “I’m sorry....I was hoping to spare you more pain...but it seems the shadows needs you to know the whole truth...even things I don’t know...” wolf looked at him and said “I tried to fight it...I knew if I let them overwhelm me that I could loose myself...he said that I could loose my mind if I didn’t learn to control them first before letting them loose...”

Strange frowned and said “who told you this?” Wolf closed her eyes and a couple tears ran down her face. “The man I have been training with the past months...his the one that got me into the fights to help me train and learn more about what happened that day Rita got hurt...Raz Al Gouel” robin stared at her, almost dropping a picture frame he had been looking at. “What?…you went to that nut job....for help?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Conner kind of now felt bad. Where he now understood and should have helped seeing as He had done this for his companion but he would just get cuddly. He lookes to Robin with a smirk. "Now you know we feel." he said with a playful smug like smile. Listening on Superboy is confused. "Raz Al Goul? Whos that?" he asks while looking to Robin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin was white when he said “he is a villain from our n do of the woods...he used to one of Batman’s teachers before...he has a way of never dying. It’s this pit thing that if you swim in it it will make you young and heal all wounds...but it does a number on your brain. He runs the league of Assassins and has been trying to get Batman to join forces and lately his been trying to prove his turnednover a new leaf but bats isn’t buying it...” he looked at wolf and asked “why would you go to him?”

Wolf lowered her head and said “he came to me...one night I was in a bar fight and was winning when a jerk hit me from behind. I woke up in the back with with a man and a woman. She is his right hand at the moment and he said he knew me and bats:..he said he had heard what had happened and he wanted to help me get control of my demons. I asked at what cost and he said he wanted nothing. He just wants to help Bats in some way and he thinks helping me with do that...” strange frowned and said “I don’t about this teacher but his right in his thinking you could lose yourself. But now we have to remove that block and figure out who put the mental block there”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Superboy didnt know if he would buy into what this Raz Al-Ghoul and his changes of heart. But he guessed that he would understand why Wolf went to guy and why Robin didnt like him. It didnt make things any better till Strange pitched in about the strange man seeming to know what he was talking about. Which brought some confusion. "Is there anything we can do?" Conner asks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange frowned and rubbed his beard and said “I’m not sure if I can remove the mental block...but it needs to be removed to keep this from happening...” he looked at wolf and said “what would you like to do wolf?” Wolf looked up at him and said “whatever will make this pain stop...I feel like my head is going to split” he nodded and looked at the other three. “I need Riza here. She’s been in wolfs mind the most and will be able to guide the best. Would you go get her?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Conner nodded to Dr. Strange before looking to Artemis and Robin, leaving the room to find Riza. He took to hearing for her, taking to noticing for her voice for slow shuffling walks. He heard the sounds of her voice like she was mumbling to herself. Berating herself for being so clumsy. Making his way to Riza to find her in the commons, on her butt and her crutches sprwled on her lap like she had fallen. His Wolf companion laying down on the couch. She looks up to see Conner and smiles shyly. "Hey. Im okay. Just took a misstep. I was on my way to the computer room. I needed to look at the footage of the Downtown Central." She said as she was slowly making her way to getting up. Conner went over and offered a hand to her. Riza noticed and accepted, being pulled up with ease. "Thank you."
"Riza. Dr. Strange is requesting your help. Wolf had a vision of the past and your friend noticed a block that is in her mind. He needs you to help guide him since you seem to know more than he does."

The young Stark straightened a bit at that. "Okay. Mind carrying me there? Dont wanna make them wait on me." Conner nodded to that and picked her up like a Princess with Riza hugging her crutches against herself in her arms. Making their way back to Wolf and the others, Conner came back with her after some minutes and gently setting down by the bed where Strange and Wolf are. "You know i havent been in her head in a few months and much has happened Strange. I can try."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Strange was checking wolfs eyes when she came back and said “we may have to be fast...I don’t think this last trip to her past was easy on her...she’s having a hard time as it is” he moved back and crossed his legs and said “Riza, just take her hand and remember what we have practiced before. We just need to get to her mindscape and hopefully we can see what is going on in there”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza watched Wolf a moment and it honestly broke her heart. She remembered how to do it. Yeah her magic was based on Illusions like Loki. But in all fairness she learned a few things from Strange like this that could help people maybe even herself. Riza sat down with help and nodded. She took Wolf's hand but then also to Steven's hand too. "Just in case. If i get lost your getting lost with me." Riza gave a snarky remark with a smirking grin. A deep breath and eyes closed, she channeled her energy to with focus and let herself enter Wolf's mindscape with Strange in toe.

"Conner watched as they became still and meditative. "Well. Guess we wait here then. We may want to lock the door. Make sure no one disturbs them?" Looking to Artemis and Robin for any sort of agreement. Never knew who would walk in and possibly freak out, wanting to stop whatever was going on.
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