Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

Soon, all that she could hear was the other students rooting for Marina.

Melanie: No... why isn't anyone supporting me?!

Marina: Nothing you did thus far deserved any support.

Melanie: I can't... just lose here... not like this...!!

Marina: It is over, Melanie. Lasting brilliance, allow me to follow you...

A magic circle appeared under Marina as she began to chant once again. Melanie tried to run after her, but was unable to.

Marina: Northswain's Glow!!

Marina raised her hand and six orbs of light descended near Melanie. Once Marina closed her grasp, pillars of light began to rise. Once they all did, Melanie was covered by the blinding light. Once it ended, Melanie fell.

Melanie: I... lost...?

Marina: Yes, you lost. May this be a lesson for you to learn.

Marina: To use your social class as a way to diminish people is a corrupt way to act. You condescend others without ever recognizing their merits. You may have grown accostumed to have no one defying you, but I cannot ignore such cowardly attitude.

Melanie: ...

Marina: Melanie, this is the end of your "reign". You have a chance to begin anew. What will you do?

Another guard appeared and helped Melanie to get up. She was so furious about how Marina was offering platitude afet winning.

Melanie: This isn't over yet! I may have lost today but I will return!! And... and...!!

Melanie: When I do, you will faaaaaaall!! Waaaaaah!!

Melanie went inside her limousine, crying. As it went away, all students began commemorating with each other. Before she could be caught by them, Marina slipped in and hid herself among the rest of her friends.

Veronica: You did it!! You defeated Melanie!!

Kaito: Good work, Marina!! I know we could easily leave this to you!!

Marina: Yes, I guess so...

Lucent: Aren't you... happy? You won, so...

Marina: I do not condone the acts of violence taken here, either done by her or me. I would have easily reached a peaceful solution if necessary. This is nothing for me to deserve praise for. Even if this was for my own self-defense, it is the wrong course of action to take.

Masaru: Well, you did raise a ruckus... even though you're still right in all this.

Auror: Melanie won't show her face at school for some time. She has never been this humiliated before, so it won't surprise me she'll change schools or something like that.

Marina: I should have refused the duel...

Auror: Nah, I think you did well. Listen, many people wanted to beat her up but no one did it. Everyone's thankful for what you done.

Xaizor: Let's just keep ourselves quiet about this. Reimu doesn't need to know about this.

Marina: But Xaizor-

Xaizor: Don't be such a stickler. C'mon.

Marina sighed at the insistence of her brother into keeping this a secret. However, no sight of refusing came.

Marina: This might be another decision I might ever regret...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

Reeta: As I said before, Melanie shouldn't even be allowed here for a while...She has the gall to ask for a duel but when push came to shove, she started cheating and even called her cronies...Those guys should be placed under arrest.

Ayame: I second that.

Andorina: I'm just glad this ended well.

Ted: Same here...

Miolina: Still...That was a great expectacle.

Tiane: Not really...the fun was pretty much gone when she called her bodyguards...Fighting for you life is no fun at all.

Miolina: Well...for each their own I guess. Till next time!

Then, Miolina left the scene.

Ted: Oh right, Andorina, is Kaori able to receive visits right now?

Andorina: She said that maybe tomorrow she'll be able to get visits.

Ted: That's great.

World Crossers Guild - Entrance

Music: Nothingness Space

The Atmosphere was that of dread, Hiagor stopped to constantly smile as Rayla kept glaring at him.

Rayla: Now then...I imagne you're going to force me to say yes to that promise Nancy made.

Hiagor: No...I can't force you to do that...It would beat the entire purpose of convincing you. Instead, I want you to be in deep thought.

Rayla: What?

Hiagor: You keep saying that you like to help people...but when the city needs someone like you the most, you just keeps helping a small number of people...only the ones your eyes can see.

Rayla: And? The ones who rule over this city are at fault. They are the ones responsable for the situation of this place.

Hiagor: It's that kind of attitude that grinds my gears. You're nothing more but a selfish hipocrite and a fraud. I visited you cousin today...And he told me some truths about you. Bernard said that you mean nothing to him anymore...and that he's struggling to keep his younger brother in check.

Rayla: I see...I kinda expected it from him...

Hiagor: Besides, haven't you noticed that all of your fights against thugs amount to nothing? It pretty much triggered the actions of a mysterious vigilante that keeps killing. Pretty much denying your whole "they have to be alive to know about the consequences of their actions."

Rayla: Don't try to put the blame on me!

Hiagor: Yes, it is YOUR fault! Your actions have no heart. You are capable of helping save the city, yet your apathy is just keep making things worse.

Rayla: Is that all you have to say?

Hiagor: Not from my mouth...

Music: Smile Venomously

He takes a deep breath. Suddenly, a clear blue aura emanated from Hiagor.

Rayla: A Chi Master?

Hiagor: The Ancestor Families revealed themselves to the world because they didn't want humanity to head the path of self-destruction. Seeing someone from the family that helped this city being all apathetic about it...It's one of the few things that makes me angry.

Rayla: I'll stand by my ideals. I won't let anyone get in the way of my normal life. Why the hell should I do the goverment's job?

Hiagor: Because everything is twisted...including you! I'm going to show how truly meaningless your actions have really been all this time...You Selfish Bastard!

Then, Hiagor charged first, quickly closing in on Rayla, who started blocking his attacks. However, she noticed that she was being easily pushed back by then, throwing a kick to make him back off. Then, Hiagor went for another straight punch, Rayla retaliated with her own. The punches collided, the sheer force of the colliding auras of Chi and Magic created small cracks on the ground.

They ended up repelling each other, taking a fighting stance after they recovered their balance.

Rayla: Urgh...

Hiagor: C'mon! If you want to protect your convictions, you have to try harder than that.

Rayla: You don't have to tell me that!

Then, they started to trade blows. Rayla stayed on the defensive to watch Hiagor's movements more carefully, but he noticed that she couldn't focus that well, as if her mind was occupied with something, which allowed him to land some strong blows on her.

Rayla: Argh...

Hiagor: (Either my plan is working or she's really not into this fight.)

Rayla: It's...not over yet.

Hiagor: You're right. You're still not in deep thought about our situation.

Rayla: Kurgh...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

As they chatted, another limousine appeared. This time, it was the Vermillion limousine.

Auror: Vivi, the car arrived.

Veronica: Aww...
???: Auror, you're coming home as well, son.

A butler came and opened a door. Soon, a tall and scary-looking man came out.

Marina: Hmmm? Who is that?

Auror: Dad?!

Head of the Intermezzo
Magnus Intermezzo

Kaito: Whoa, he looks tough.

Masaru: So that's their father, huh... I admit, I never thought I'd meet him up close.

Veronica: Daddy!!

Veronica ran and jumped at her father, hugging him tightly while smiling. Auror, however, wasn't content with his appearance.

Auror: Dad, I have some business to take care before going home. Can't this wait for a later while?

Magnus: It can't. We need to talk right now, Auror.

Veronica: Daddy?

Magnus: Don't worry, Vivi. I'd need to talk alone with Auror so you can go on the front seat with the driver.

Veronica: OK. See you all tomorrow!

Auror: (I better send Maki a text when we're in the car. She'll be pissed off, though...)

Both Auror and Veronica waved back at their friends as they got in the car. She went into the front row as Auror and Magnus went in the back. The car left.

Xaizor: Well, I guess we should get going as well. C'mon Marina, let's head back.

Marina: Goodbye everyone.

Both outsiders left to the Hakurei Shrine.

Kaito: Alright, let's head back home.

Lucent: O-OK...

Masaru: Do you mind if I went with you? I'd like to visit the orphanage and see how it is on the inside.

Kaito: We don't mind. The kids like visits. They'll pester you a lot, though.

Location: Spring Zone Streets - Inside the Intermezzo Limousine

As Veronica listened to music while chatting with the driver, Auror and Magnus began to talk.

BGM: Who's There? (Persona 4)

Auror: So what's this about, Dad? I was going on a hunt with Maki today, like usual.

Magnus: Auror, it's about your work we have to talk right now.

Auror: I haven't failed up until now, for as long as I know.

Magnus: It isn't about failures, it's about integrity. Auror, I have been considering and I think you need to step out of it for a while. Rumors about the Blue Reaper, the deadly vigilante, are already spreading.

Auror: And? I don't see the point.

Magnus: You're walking into grounds too dangerous. You're risking your life for nothing.

Auror: Isn't it a bit late for you to be worried, Dad? Also, if I'm gone, who's going to clean the town?

Magnus: ...

Auror: It's natural for a father to worry about his son, but don't worry. I won't let myself get discovered.

Magnus: Unfortunately, I cannot risk it. Auror, I want you to back off from your assassination missions for a while. This is an order.

Auror: ...

Magnus: The clouds are still too spread. Let this whole endeavor of yesterday cool down and I'll send you once again.

Auror: Live a normal life until I'm safe again, huh? Fine. There's a problem, though.
Magnus: Is it about Harukawa?

Auror: Maki needs the money to keep the orphanage alive. While I suppose no one suspects the money, she'll still be needing it.

Magnus: The donations will keep going. The difference is that I'll make them directly. I'll be glad to help the children in yours and her place.

Auror: Dad...

Magnus: Enough, Auror. Let's go home.

The car kept going as Auror sent Maki a text, telling her the hunt of today was called off by Magnus. He still looked at his dad, still unable to believe in what he heard.

Auror: (You living beings can't understand, do you? Tools like me and Maki aren't supposed to live "normal" lives. Isn't that why you adopted me, Dad?)

Auror: (... Veronica is your legitimate daughter, not me.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

Music: Mad Universe

Reeta: Alrighty! Next stop: HOME!

Tiane: I wonder what should I cook today...

GV: Tatianna, wait!

Tiane: Hm?

GV: Can we speak for a bit in private?

Tiane: Well...Just for a bit. You guys go after me.
Reeta: Sure! We will be waiting.

Ted: Time to go home as well.

Andorina: Same here, bye-bye everyone!

Then, Geeves and Tatianna went a bit further into the school's terrain.

Tiane: So...What is it?

GV: It's about Kaori. Where did you exactly get the information that she was going to a therapist? I don't think someone who never came to school until today should know this kind of information about another student.

Tiane: What is this? An interrogation section?

GV: It could be.

Tiane: Well...if you really want to know, it was some speculation that was been had at the World Crossers Guild.

GV: You were there?

Tiane: More like they took me there to not only heal me, but to check up on the condition of my body. They were the ones that gave me these hearing aids and the contact lens.

GV: I see...

Tiane: But why do you want to know this?

GV: Just a bit worried that you might be up to no good.

Tiane: Well...I guess some people would find it hard to believe that a slacker like me actually helped someone. No hard feelings though.

GV: You must get that a lot.

Tiane: It's about to die down though...Anyway, catch ya tomorrow.

GV: You're coming tomorrow?

Tiane: What I can say? That tracking field won't run by itself.

Then, she left the place, heading back home.

GV: (The World Crossers Guild huh? What they would want with someone who uses a compact glaive? Guess I should pay them a visit...But not as the civilian Geeves.)

For a brief moment, blue sparks appears near GV's feet...And then, he was gone from the place, like an azure flash.

World Crossers Guild - Entrance

The fierce battle kept going. Hiagor kept landing sucesful strikes on Rayla, who was starting to struggle to keep her balance. He lands a kick that launches her away, but she lands on her feet, but not before kneeling in pain.

Rayla: ARGH!!!

Hiagor: Get up! If your convictions are that strong, then you should be able to defend them with all your might!

Rayla: *cough* Shut up...

Hiagor: That's more or like it. Now, one more time!

Mr. F: (I haven't seen Hiagor this fired up since...well, since I've known him. I guess the passion he has for this city can truly take him that far.)

Rayla: HAAAAAA!!!

Hiagor: C'mon! You can't even put your heart in your fists. If I was someone threatening one of your friends, you would certainly be going all out wouldn't you? That's how selfish you are!

Rayla: ...

Hiagor: In the end...that's all you really are! A selfish girl who only cares about her own circle and not on the big picture! I think it's time to end this charade!

Then, Hiagor finished Rayla off with a combo of punches, with the fourth one sending her to the ground, making her body bounce off it, then, Hiagor followed up with a kick that made her stay in the air a bit more, he ended the sequence by grabbing her and slamming her body in the ground.

Music: Serious


Hiagor: And done...whatever you choose from now on is your call.

Rayla: Urgh...

Hiagor: Well then...I'll be taking the rest of the day off...Been a while since I've got this worked up...I need a massage.

He streched his arms as he left, Rayla was still barely concious, looking at the orange afternoon sky, trying to endure the pain from the fight...A battle she couldn't fight to her fullest. Suddenly, she saw Mr. F looking at her.

Mr. F: I can't imagine the pain you're feeling you're going through right now...I can't really say if this battle was really necessary...I just came here because I wanted to meet you. He said that you needed to be in deep thought...I'll take you to a place where you can think with peace and quiety. Just relax for now.

Then, he started to take her to the limo, not minding that his clothes would be dirtied by her blood. As the limousine took off, she slowly fell asleep.

Mr. F: Now then...I wonder what's her chosen path will be once she comes to her senses.

Rayla: (Mom...Did I...make a mistake?)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone Streets

BGM: Lazy Afternoons (Kingdom Hearts II)

Lucent, Kaito, Reeta and Masaru walked down the road, going towards the orphanage. The sunset began to end.

Kaito: But man, who'd imagine Marina was actually that powerful! I know they're both from other worlds, but that's still impressive.

Lucent: I was surprised as well. I wondered how her magic would work, but the display was more than different.

Kaito: Right?! I mean, she first blew away the guards like leaves, made Melanie dance on her palm and then she raises a blinding light like that!

Masaru: It shows how we can't defy the people of Lacrima. If Marina had that power while being so reserved, imagine Xaizor who seems to be so reckless in a fight.

Lucent: I... actually imagined about it. It gave me the shivers, actually.

Masaru: Me too. I don't think I want to cross that guy's sword.

Kaito: Hey, I was wondering one thing. Remember how Marina said she studies power or something like that?

Masaru: I do. She said that her studies were involving many different types of powers.

Kaito: This whole incident with this terrorist group going after girls... do you think that, if by chance, she can help us with what she knows?

Lucent: You mean, discovering why girls were being kidnapped? But why should we go after that?

Kaito: Well, duh, so we can stop them! It also helps those girls in order to control their power, don't you think?

Lucent: Yeah, I guess. But still...

As they talked about Kaori, Masaru reminded himself of another girl who fell victim to the kidnapping.

Masaru: That reminds me... there was another girl that was victim of the same kidnapping as Andorina's friend.

Kaito: Who?

Masaru: A first year. Her name is Sayaka Maizono. She has been absent for a while now. The only one who keeps contact with her is Veronica.

Lucent: I hope both her and Kaori are OK. I think Andorina and Veronica are both taking this a little hard.

Kaito: Without a doubt they are. The pain kinda reaches here...

Lucent: I wish that something like this won't happen again with anyone...

Masaru: I share the wish.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Spring Zone - Streets

Music: Stars Would Meet, Swimming Within The Universe

Reeta: (Daily reminder to not use my powers at all...)

Reeta: (But...I guess I won't be needing them anymore, seeing that Lucent is finally able to open up.)

Tiane: I'm back!

Reeta: Was that blondie a friend of yours?

Tiane: Just a classmate...one of the boring ones. I decided to humor him a bit.

Reeta: Alright then. (Good to know she's making new friends.)

Tiane: By the way...Where's Rayla? It's not like her to break schedule.

Reeta: I've heard from Ted she didn't watch the remaining classes. That's...rare actually.

Tiane: Either way, I'm sure she didn't go that far. She wouldn't want to worry Lady Amara that much and would head straight back to the orphanage. Just you see, she'll be playing some tunes in her guitar again when we get there.

Farenheit Family Mansion - Guest Room

Rayla was sound asleep. The one who treated her injuries keeping watch while reading a medicine book. Suddenly, the caretaker started to hear mumbling sounds coming from her patient.

Rayla: Mmmmm...Urgh...

???: Ah! There it is. Rise and shine La-la! The night is still a pretty young child.

Rayla: Huh? Where...

???: You're at Heidi's mansion. I've heard that you took quite the beating from Mr. Private Detective.

Rayla: Oh...Right...I remember now...

???: I really wasn't expecting you to wake up so soon...But I guess that's how tough Ancestor Mages are.

Rayla: Hm? Wait a second, I know you!

???: Awww...You remembered me! Say, are you friends with someone named Kuro Tori?

Rayla: No...Seems like we're not from the same class.

???: I see...I was hoping that would be the case. You see, he's my dear cute as button of a little brother.

Rayla: He probably would be embarassed if he heard you said that.

???: That's how men are really. They were never big fans of cute stuff.

Rayla: So...What's your name anyway?

???: So the time has come for me to reveal it...Listen to it, and be amazed! I'm the one and only...

Music: Only one magic word

Suzaku: My area of expertise is rehabilitation. Seeing how many people nowadays are being sent to hospitals thanks to being in a fight, I feel like I would be very helpful if I helped them to recover their movements. I'm sure I've probably got someone you sent to the hospital.

Rayla: I try not to cripple people...Though I've probably broke someone's bones by accident.

Suzaku: Well, keep doing your best to send them to me as less injured as possible.

Rayla: Now then...Who's this Heidi you spoke of?

Sukaku: That's how I call Mr. F. You see, the "heit" of "Farenheit" reminds me of Heidi.

Rayla: Wait, WHAT? Mr.F? Why did he brought me here?

Suzaku: You should know the answer already. Just think of his reputation.

Rayla: Oh right...he's known to help a lot of institutions with donations...

Suzaku: Exactly! He's just so kind to people that taking someone in need to his home was pretty much reflex of his part.

Rayla: (So that person that I saw when I was on the floor was him.)

Suzaku: Speaking of picking you up from the ground, how are you feeling?

Rayla: Body still hurts if I move too much...got headache as well.

Mr.F: Yet you look way better than most people would be after a beating like that.

Rayla: Hm?

Mr.F: Greetings Miss Rayla, it's nice to finally meet you in person.

Rayla: Same here...I guess...

Mr.F: I'm sorry about your current garments, but after my adoptive mother died, I donated her clothes. All of my visits don't actually pass the night here, so I never have a extra change of clothes. I'm by myself most of the time, which is why I usually ask someone for dinner after I help them. I like taking time to talk with a friend.

Suzaku: Well, since everything seems to be okay around here, I'll be heading home.

Mr.F: How much do I owe you?

Suzaku: This one is on the house. I don't feel like wanting to get paid for this one.

Mr.F: If you say so then...Be careful on your way back.

Suzaku: This little bird is flying away! Later!

Then, Suzaku leaves the room. Rayla made an effort to say in a sitting position, taking the medicine that Suzaku left behind for her.

Mr.F: Now then...Did Hiagor's message managed come across your mind?

Rayla: Yes...He indeed convinced me to be in deep thought...I was kinda doing that during the fight...Thinking that he might have a point.

Rayla: To be frank...I probably needed this kind of rude awakening...I let myself get too relaxed and trusted the higher ups of this city too much to fix everything...I thought that...As long as I just kept helping the ones close to me, It would be okay...I mean, it's not wrong to help other people out...but I kept neglecting many more.

Mr.F: I assume this is why you let yourself get defeated by him, correct?

Rayla: That's right...I'm finally convinced he isn't a bad person. He genuinely cares for the city...and seeing someone that is capable of helping it doing almost nothing most likely ticked him off. He is fighting for a good cause...I can't exactly deny him of that right.

Mr.F: I see. I assume that deep down, you wanted to help the entire city, seeing how you're probably just as strong, if not stronger than Hiagor.

Rayla: Yes...It was going to happen sooner or later...I'm glad it's happening sooner.

Rayla gets up from the bed, enduring the pain from her injuries.

Rayla: I, Rayla Celest Lilly, promise to bring peace back to this city! I'm done being so apathetic about it. No matter the hardships, no matter the obstacles, I'm going to put my heart and soul to help everyone. I won't ever stray from this path ever again.

Mr.F: That's good to hear. I did good in bringing you here to hear this promise first hand. You really are the kind person I imagined you to be.

Rayla: Speaking of "here", which part of the city we are right now?

Mr.F: Summer Area. My parents would use this mansion on weekends or vacation days, but after they died, I decided to make this my home.

Rayla: I see...Well, I better get back, the others might be worried.

Mr.F: Then, I'll provide your ride. I'll send your clothes back to you after they are properly cleaned. Again, I apologize for giving you something that isn't even your number.

Rayla: Worry not, I can still change to my school uniform...

But before she could summon it, a loud noise came from outside.

**Music Stops**

Mr.F: What happened?

They look through the window, seeing that a truck broke through the gate. Then, a large number of gangstsers started to invade the mansion's front area, fighting against its bodyguards.

Rayla: Seems like we got the worst kind of party possible...I guess I know why they are here.

Mr.F: H-Hey, take it easy.

They hurried to the entrance hall, Rayla was gritting her teeth thanks to the pain, but decided to keep going, seeing it as some sort of punishment she needed to go through.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Front Yard

As they reached the orphanage, the kids were playing outside. As they stopped to say hi, Kiragi looked directly at his Big Bro.

Kiragi: Big Bro Lucent!

Kiragi ran and jumped on Lucent, hugging him. He got startled and surprised.

Lucent: K-Kiragi...?!

Kiragi: Yay, you came, you came! Welcome home!

Lucent: T-Thanks...

Kiragi: Hey, hey, can we play now? I wanna play tag!

Lucent: I... guess we can.

Kiragi: OK, it's you then! Try to catch me, Big Bro Lucent!! *runs away*

Lucent: H-Hey, Kiragi! Geez... OK, I'm coming!

Lucent ran after Kiragi, who went inside.

Kaito: Hehe, and there they go. Kiragi's such a good boy and a good help.

Masaru: Yeah, I think so too.

BGM: Inferiority (Rosenkreuzstilette)

From another way, Maki also arrived alone. Since this wasn't the hour she generally came back, Kaito was curious and decided to ask.

Kaito: Oh, Maki! You're early home today! What happened?

Maki: Nothing that matters you, Kaito.

Kaito: Alright then. Hey, did you just see how Lucent and Kiragi are playing happily together?

Maki: Lucent? Is he playing with the kids now?

Kaito: It's all part of the plan to make him more sociable to people. You see-

Maki: Enough, I don't care about it.

Masaru: Maki, you don't have to be so cold like that.

Maki: I am what I am. Feel free to hate me if you want.

Masaru: W-What? No, I won't do that.

Maki: Whatever...

As she was going inside, she noticed Tatianna was with them. Because Maki was absent yesterday, she didn't knew about the return.

Maki: ... So you're back.

Kaito: Maki, what's with the scorn for Tiane?

Alongside Lucent, Maki is one of the most unfriendly residents in the orphanage. She had a way to talk with Lady Amara, a way to talk with the children and a way to talk with the other residents. Among the people there, two stood out on her list. The first one was Lucent, because of how weak-willed he was to live. And the other one was Tatianna, because of how her connections with thugs, her eventual targets, were close.

Maki: I hope you finally made your mind up. It's irritating how you decide to play around and disregard Lady Amara's feelings just to come back like if nothing ever happened.

Masaru: H-Hey, don't pick a fight right now-

Maki: Get the warning between the lines. Neighbor's tip.

Maki went inside, going directly to her room.

Kaito: She's another tough cookie.

Masaru: I have to admit, Maki gives me the chills. It's hard to even look at her.

Kaito: You think so? Anyway, what's this warning she mentioned, Tiane?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Glory Star Orphanage - Front Yard

Tiane: The warning was to stay away from thugs...Plain and simple.

Reeta: Well...Maybe she's just worried but doesn't want to show it. She did mention that you worry Lady Amara a lot...which is true.

Tiane: It's hard to tell with her...

Tatianna notices that Rayla isn't around.

Tiane: (Not here either...maybe she's inside?)

Reeta: I'm going to play with the other kids, Tiane, you go help Lady Amara with dinner.

Tiane: Okay. (Let's just hope Maki doesn't ruin the mood.)

Farenheit Family Mansion - Corridor

Music: Crisis

Mr.F: Guess Hiagor didn't foresee something like this.

Rayla: Nobody knew who was going to win that fight. He choose the spot, but it is my fault that I lost...So now they are taking their chances since I'm injured.

Rayla: (It's also my fault that I let people like those gangsters roam free...But no more.)

Farenheit Family Mansion - Entrance Hall

As they arrived at the entrance hall, some of the gangsters had already entered the house. They were fighting more guards.

Rayla: STOP!!!

She started firing energy bullets to snipe the gangsters out. One of them managed to shield from the shots by using one of the guards as a barrier.

Rayla: !!!

???: Whew...that was close.

The girl tosses the guard aside.

Rayla: They have nothing to do with this.

Rayla: You're here for me, aren't you?

???: Playing nice wouldn't work, I'm sure those guards knows how important and influential you are and wouldn't let any of us enter without proper confirmation...so we decided to start our crusade with a bang.

Rayla: I'm here now, so you can leave them alone.

???: You're right, It's time to finally end your legacy...Oh that's right, you need to know the name of your maker huh? Very well then...

Mr.F: So...The Yakuza clan from the Four Comets Group is finally making their move...Going so far as to invade another clan's territory to go after their prey.

Pairah: The leaders responsable for ruling Spring Zone and Summer Area are good friends, so we're allowed to come over here as well...If this was in Autumn Quarters and Winter District however, we wouldn't have the same luck.

Rayla: I see...I'll keep that in mind when I start hunting all of you down.

Pairah: Alright everyone, kill that arrogant wench once and for all. Let us not waste this golden opportunity.

Music: The End of the Dogma

Mr.F: Hey Rayla, you should run...You're in no conditions to fi-

Rayla: Shut up and take the injured to a safe place! HAAAAAA!!!

Rayla was enveloped in her magic aura, Taking out the officers with well placed strong punches and kickes. However, after dealing with them, she suddenly started to feel pain enough to stagger her for a moment.

Rayla: Urgh...

Pairah: My chance!

Rayla: !!!

Pairah: DOWN YOU GO!!!

Suddenly, Rayla was punched, then grabbed and slammed to the ground. Despite the increased pain, she hastily dodged a punch with a roll, then managed to stand up. Pairah went for another punch followed with a knee attack, but Rayla managed to block it. Pairah went for two more punches, but Rayla also defended them.

Pairah: No way!

Rayla: Ha!

Pairah got hit with a knee strike. She managed to grab Rayla again with anger, but couldn't lift her off, getting hit continuosly by elbow strikes, one stronger than the last one. Pairah losened her grip thanks to the pain, then got pushed to the door. Rayla followed up with a powerful flying knee strike that sent Pairah flying out of the mansion.

Shihana's Yakuza: What?

The were more officers outside the mansion, all startled with Pairah's sudden appearance. Then, they looked at the door, Rayla was gritting her teeth once more, struggling to stay up.

Pairah: Blargh...H-How...
Shihana's Yakuza: Pairah, are you okay?

Pairah struggled to get up. The last blow left her in great pain.

Pairah: It's...not over yet...I'm not losing to a goddamn walking corpse...

???: You can barely stand up yourself. You should stand back.

Pairah and Rayla: !!!

Music: Breaking through the wall

???: I'll deal with her...

Pairah: No! I can still go. Let me do it...

???: You'll get the promotion anyway, so why bother?

Pairah: You don't understand...If I don't do this by my own efforts...it won't have any accomplishment...

???: You'll just make a fool of yourself...Or end up worse than you already are. Get out of the way or else I'll make you.

Pairah: Urgh...Okay then...

Pairah walked towards the crowd. Then, the menacing-looking woman stepped foward, glaring at Rayla's eyes.

Rayla: All of this just for good old me? How considerate.

???: You're an Ancestor Mage. We can't exactly be reckless, even if you're badly injured.

Rayla: I'll admit that is a pretty smart move of your part...still, I'm not going to lose. You're the ones that are going down.

???: Even at the brink of despair, even when the numbers are against you, you're still confident of your victory. That's the kind of warrior that I expected all of you.

She gestured to one of the officers. He threw a naginata at her direction, which she picked up and started to spin it around while doing some acrobatic movements.

Ling: Holy Hammer...In the name of the Shihana's Clan, you have to die!

Rayla: Okay Miss China...Show me what you got!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Front Yard

As Tatianna and Reeta went their ways, Kaito and Masaru were also going inside. However, some other kids waved to Kaito while holding a ball.

Kaito: Hey, Masaru. Can you do me a favor?

Masaru: What is it?

Kaito: I guess the children want me to play around with them as well. Can you go after Lucent and Kiragi for me?

Masaru: Oh, alright.

Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

Soon, as Reimu was cleaning the shrine grounds, Marina and Xaizor arrived.

Reimu: Welcome back, you two.

Marina: Good afternoon, Miss Reimu.

Xaizor: Well, now that we're here, I might go train in the back. If you guys need me, I'll be slashing around in the back.

Xaizor went behind the shrine. Marina and Reimu were a little dumbfounded, but only for a moment.

Marina: He is really wanting a fight...

Reimu: Your brother is really a fighting fanatic, isn't he?

Marina: Yes, he is. You know, back at home, he...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Farenheit Family Mansion

Music: Ogre has Returned

Rayla started to fire more powerfull spells in order to clear out the crowd. Ling managed to dodge every single shot, while the others weren't so lucky. Moments later, the assassin managed to close in on Rayla and started to attack her with the naginata in order to buy time for the other thugs to close in as well.

Rayla: TEIYAH! *throws a punch*

Ling: Hmph... *dodges*

Rayla: Hya! *uses the same arm in an attempt to hit a backhand strike*

Ling: *backsteps* You're mine!

She swings her naginata downwards, almost hitting Rayla.

Shihana's Yakuza: DIE FOR ME!!!

Rayla: !!!

Two officers approached Rayla, she managed to dodge their attacks, but had to parry another naginata strike, keeping her in place. Then, one of them kicked one of Rayla's legs, making her lose balance and stay kneeled. The other one managed to punch her face, making her fall in the ground. Then, more officers arrived and started to stomp on her.

Shihana's Yakuza: C'MON! NOT SO TOUGH NOW HUH?

Rayla: Argh...

She was grabbed by the one by one officers, then, another one went for a kick, but she managed to pull down the one who was holding her. Then, she quickly got up and punched the officers who were still on foot, finishing off the one she had pulled earlier with a stomp.

Rayla: How many are left?

Ling: Too bad for you, there's still many of us.

Rayla: In that case...HAAAAA!!!

Her magic aura grew bigger, Rayla was charging a bigger spell, but then, the pain in her body increased, breaking her concentration and making her kneel down again.

Rayla: Urgh...Not now...

Ling: This is the end for you!

Rayla used the palms to hold the blade of the naginata, struggling hard to not released the grip, or else she would get impaled.

Rayla: Huuuuuuuuurgh...

Ling: Hah!

Ling pulled a set of throwing needles and launched them at Rayla, hitting her shoulders. The grip on her hands weakened and the blade was touching her skin.

Rayla: Argh...

Ling: Now for the finishing blow...

She pulls another set of needles and throws them at Rayla. Suddenly, Rayla let the other knee to hit the ground, managing to move her shoulder out of the way. Then, Ling pushed Rayla to the ground, but still not managing to pierce her with the Naginata.

Rayla: Urgh...

Ling: Good move...But it is still your end.

Rayla: I don't think so.

In the position that she was, Rayla could freely move her legs, hitting Ling with a powerful kick before one of the officers closed in.

Ling: Argh...

Rayla: TAKE THIS!!!

Ling: !!!

Having no time to dodge, she used her spear to block the magic charged punch, something she didn't want to out of fear that the spear might break with a punch from Rayla. Ling's suspicions turned out to be right, her weapon was destroyed with the strike and Ling received a direct hit that sent her flying.

Ling: Ha!

In mid-flight, Ling pulled another set of needles, but then, she felt a sharp pain on the arm that was holding them.

Ling: Urgh... (These were the ones lodged in her shoulder...)

Ling hit the ground hard, pulling out the needles that Rayla managed to hit, then getting up. Rayla started to fight off more officers.

Rayla: Out of the way!!!

Ling: (She really doesn't lose any opportunities.)

She hit away the officers that were attacking her with a powerful backhand punch. It was clear Rayla could only use her magic in short bursts. Ling took that in mind and went for the offensive again.

Rayla: Still up huh? I'll make sure you stay down this time!

Ling: That's my line.

Rayla went for a punch, but Ling dodged by jumping over it. She could tell by the light of Rayla's fists when they were charged with power. After landing on the ground, she pulled her last sets of needles, intending to use them as close-ranged weapons instead. Wielding them like claws, she started swinging them at Rayla, who kept dodging them.

Rayla: (Tch...I need to repel her and fast.)

Ling: ORYA!!!

Ling was making Rayla move towards the other officers. Rayla soon noticed that Ling's fighting style was similar to her, watching the enemy's movement and reacting accordingly. She throws another charged punch but Ling avoids it.

Rayla: (I see...so she got me all figured out. So far, their strategy has been alternating between enemy raids and one-on-one duels...All in order to tire me out. I'm sure she figured that raids are useless despite my condition...but it did give her insight of how I usually fight, and now is trying to force me to deal with both herself and the crowd.)

Ling: This time you'll fall for sure!

Rayla: We'll see!

Rayla uses a charged punch, knowing that Ling would dodge it, intentionally giving her an opening.

Ling: DIE!!!

Rayla: (As planned.)

Ling went for a stab, but Rayla held her arm.

Ling: Urgh...

Rayla: You're done!
Shihana's Yakuza: It's now or never! GO!!!

Rayla let herself get hit by the punch, making her fall in the ground but she pulling Ling to fall with her. During the fall, Rayla used her other arm to punch the ground and raise a cloud of dust before they went for stomps. Moments later, the cloud had vanished, the officers ended up stomping Ling instead of Rayla.

Ling: Urgh...You...useless...mongrels...
Shihana's Yakuza: Oh crap...Where did she go?

Rayla: Thanks for taking care of her for me. I really apreciate it.
Shihana's Yakuza: Why you...

Rayla: Now then, time to finish this up.

But then, Rayla started to feel pain again. Ling took this opportunity to a set of needles she was still holding, managing to hit Rayla's leg.

Rayla: ARGH...

Ling: Now...Before she recovers from it.
Shihana's Yakuza: You heard her! LET'S DO THIS!

Rayla: C'mon body...get up!
Familiar Voice: You fought well my dear patient! Leave the rest to me.

Rayla: Y-You...

Music: Twin Blaster

Suddenly, a beam from above caused an explosion that hit a spot where there was a bigger concentration of officers who were waiting for their turn, sending them flying to all directions. The responsable for it It was Suzaku, holding a massive looking rifle, which she separated into two smaller ones once she landed on the ground. It was clear she was having no issues with their weight.

Rayla: That's...Magitech? Miss Suzaku, where did you get that?

Suzaku: I actually test these weapons for Miss Akari when I have some spare time. I happen to be sturdy enough to handle the recoil thanks to being a Chi Master.

Rayla: I-I see...

Suzaku: Don't worry about these guys, I made sure the explosion wouldn't fry people. They should be fine, most likely, they'll have some broken bones.

Ling: Curses...

Suzaku: You guys thought I didn't notice that loud commotion? You're lucky these are still early prototypes, or else I would be blasting you all left,right and center without giving this speech.

She jumps towars Rayla's position, putting the rifles on the ground and taking a stance.

Suzaku: So...Are you chumps willing to try your rotten luck against a Full-Fledged Chi Master who is in top condition like myself? Because I'm willing to bring in some ultra violence if it means protecting my dear patient.

A chi aura starts emanating from Suzaku.

Suzaku: Now then, what is it going to be? THIS IS YOUR FINAL ANSWER!!!
Shihana's Yakuza: Dammit...RETREAT!!! Let's retreat!

Pairah: (I can't believe this...)

Ling: (To think I would fail this mission...I'm so ashamed...)

The remaining officers started to drag the unconcious ones to the truck, after a while, they were finally gone from the mansion.
Suzaku helped Rayla get back inside the mansion, then, treated the wounds caused by the needles.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Backyard

Masaru did as Kaito asked and went after Lucent and Kiragi. While following them, he saw the duo playing in the backyard.

Kiragi: Hahaha!! You won't catch me this time!!

Lucent: Oh, I will!!

Lucent ran and catched Kiragi, raising him in the air. The boy laughed and smiled from ear to ear as Lucent joined him with his smile and laughter.

Kiragi: That was fun!! Let's play with a ball next! I'll go fetch it!

Lucent: OK. I'll be waiting here.

Kiragi: Don't leave or I'll be really mad.

Kiragi ran inside to fetch a ball for them to play. While he went inside, Masaru approached Lucent.

Lucent: Oh, Mister Masaru. I didn't know you were watching.

Masaru: It's fine. I didn't want to bother you two.

Masaru: I'm glad you're smiling around me now. Seeing you scared when we met worried me...

Lucent: I... I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention.

Masaru: It couldn't be helped. I was a stranger and I immediately scared you. I wasn't being respectful...

Lucent: P-Please stop, Mister Masaru. I'm already feeling guilt from what I did earlier...

Masaru: But you don't have to!

Lucent: I did something wrong, trying to coerce people into killing me. Rayla was right when she screamed at me back then. Still... I'm scared. Scared that my power will take control of me and do what I don't want to happen.

Masaru: Lucent...

At instinct, Masaru hugged Lucent tightly.

Masaru: We're all here for you. No matter what, don't think you're alone. Kaito, Reeta, me... and the others... we will support you, no matter the cost. So please, live.

Lucent: ... I will... try. For you all, I will...

Lucent hugged back for a little but soon Masaru broke the hug.

Masaru: Ah, sorry! I forgot that you're still a little-

Lucent: It's okay. I don't know why but I don't fear you at all.

Masaru: R-Really?

Lucent: Yeah. It's kinda like talking with Reeta and Kaito. I can't explain it, but I don't feel frightened at all.

Masaru: Lucent... you don't know how glad I am to hear that.

Lucent: I-It's no big deal.

Soon, Kiragi returned with a big rubber ball.

Kiragi: Big Bro Lucent, I found the ball!

Lucent: Oh... OK! Let's play then! Mister Masaru, you want to play too?

Masaru: I do, but with one condition.

Lucent: Huh?

Masaru: Stop with the honorifics, alright? I'm your friend. Just call me Masaru from now on, OK?

Lucent: Alright then. Kiragi, toss the ball!

Kiragi: OK, get ready to catch it!!

Kiragi tosses the rubber ball and Lucent runs after it, with both Masaru and Kiragi running after him.

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Maki Harukawa's Room

BGM: Interrogation Room (Persona 5)

Inside her room, Maki began to talk with Auror about the message received.

Maki: So it was a direct order from your father...
Auror: Yeah. He wants the situation to get foggy again before I rush out into a hunt.

Maki: But how am I going to get the money now?
Auror: He said he'll do the donations personally, just so your identity won't be at risk as well.

Maki: That's... a little of a relief. But what are we supposed to do? We swore to defeat all of those vermin, didn't we?
Auror: I understand what you mean. I can't believe it either. I'm heavily thinking about going on a hunt without him knowing tomorrow...

Maki: Cancel it. Tomorrow's going to rain.
Auror: Really...? Shit, this is so frustrating...

Outside of the orders given by Magnus to Auror, Maki was curious about the Circle once again and decided to ask him about it.

Maki: Auror, what do you think about the Circle?
Auror: I can't wait to have my knife up on each leader's throat. Those scumbags are responsible for the trash lurking around town.

Maki: I can't stand them either. Just the name is entirely capable of being repulsive.
Auror: I heard from the underground that we have a new face that recently joined the Shinaha. Runs by the name of Ling Gui.

Maki: Anyone who joins the Circle is a scum, assassin or not.
Auror: Also, got an info from the maids that those guys attacked a mansion at the Summer Area. One of them was passing by, near the site, and saw the whole thing beginning before running away.

Maki: What? Aren't the Shinaha controlling the Spring Zone?
Auror: Yep. However, their connection with the Circle leader of the Summer Area is actually friendly enough to let those bastards run amok.

Maki: Those assholes... destroying our peace as they see fit...
Auror: When this "break" is over, I'm going to do some talk at the Guild and see what they have to offer about the Shinaha. Depending on what we can do, breaking those fools up will be a nice start to crumble the Circle apart.

Maki: Don't forget to call me in. Stabbing them to death will be my good action for now.
Auror: Chill, I'm going to inform you whenever. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. Gotta help Vivi with her homework...

Maki turned off the call and went back to the entrance. She wanted to see someone before the night could come.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Farenheit Family Mansion - Interior

Music: Renewed Unrest

Rayla was drinking some water while resting on the sofa. Suzaku came back from treating the other injured. Rayla felt a sharp pain when she extended her arm to put the cup in the table.

Rayla: Urgh...

Suzaku: I gotta say...I actually thought you were going to defeat all of them.

Rayla: ...Is this why you took your time to show up?

Suzaku: I thought you were going to be mad at me for interfering. I mean, isn't that the thing about the Warrior-Kind?

Rayla: I'm not that kind of person...If anything, I would be glad for the help. I just told the guards to stay out of the way because it was clear that they couldn't handle it.

Suzaku: My bad then...So, how is your body doing?

Rayla: Well...pretty much how it was after I was defeated by Hiagor...maybe it got even worse...good thing the hits I got on the head weren't that strong compared to his, so I'm not fainting...though I kinda wish I did right now.

Suzaku: It will all be gone with proper rest. Don't you worry.

Mr.F: But not here, they might attack again...maybe this time, with their entire clan.

Suzaku: C'mon, they wouldn't be that crazy...right? I mean, one of the neighbors surely called the police...even if they love to take their time, they would feel obligated to fight against the Shihana Clan just to show that they're actually doing their job.

Mr.F: But the police would only come in small numbers...They would be crushed if they ever attempted to fight the Shihana Clan.

Suzaku: Hmmm...Guess you're right.

Mr.F: The question now is...where do we take her? They'll most likely be watching every nook and cranny for even a sign of her back in Spring Zone, so it won't be possible for her to be there. Pairah said that the Shihana Clan and the Psei-Don Alliance are allies, so I'm sure Summer Area is also being watched.

Suzaku: Psei-Don?

Mr.F: Yes. Hiagor told me that they are a smuggling ring that operates through the sea routes. They regulary hijacks cargo ships, cruises, you name it, being in constant conflict with the Coast Guard. They have caused a lot of trouble for importing and exporting of goods.

Suzaku: So they are like pirates huh?

Mr.F: Our only alternatives is to take her to Winter District...Autumn Quarters has no place other than factories and dorms for the workers...And the Arena that is being remodelled.

Suzaku: You're right...Guess we have to take the only long way.

???: That's won't be needed. I know just a place where you can relax.

Suddenly, a young looking man appeared in the room, with him, there was a girl wearing a cow themed hat and a red scarf.

Suzaku: Who are you?

Man: Calm down Miss Suzaku, we're allies.

Rayla: Yeah...And I'm the Queen of the fools.

Girl: But it's true! Master Kev wouldn't lie about something like this.

Rayla: Huh?

Suzaku: I sense some idolatry here.

Girl: Of course! I really look up to him, right Master Kev?

Mr.F: The intelligence office huh? What does someone from the goverment wants with us?

Kev: Anyone that watches the city for a living should notice a commotion like that. As I've implied before, I want to help move Rayla to a safe place.

Rayla: So that you could sell me to those guys? No thank you...

Kev: I understand your suspicions...

Girl: But she shouldn't be...Miss Rayla, please listen to what Master Kev have to say.

Kev: Kali...That's enough.

Kali Yuta: No, it's not okay. I need to prove her that you can be trusted. We work hard to gather info around the city everyday...But nobody uses it how they should.

Suddenly, Kali got on all fours and bowed to Rayla out of desperation.

Kali: Please Miss Rayla...Listen to what he has to say. We all want the same thing, I assure you.

Rayla: Well...Do You really trust him that much?

Kali: That's right! Kev could never do anything bad.

Rayla: ...Okay then, but if this turns out to be a trap, I'm taking down both of you.

Kali: Thank you very much! I promise that you won't be dissapointed.

Rayla: (Heh...So naive...But I guess we need more people like her.) Alright then Captain, where is this safe place you're talking about.

Kev: You can just call me Kev. Anyway, the place I'm talking about is the Ryokan Tsurugiya Inn.

Suzaku: Why there?

Music: Majima

Kev: That's where the Majima Family is.

Rayla: The who?

Mr.F: Majima Family? Don't you mean the workers of Majima Constructions?

Kev: Yes and no. You see, it is possible that the ones that hired them to remodel the Autumn Arena was the Shihana Clan. I did some background checking on the Majima Construction, and it turns out they are from a Subsidiary of the Tojo Clan, an influential Yakuza Group from Tokyo.

Suzaku: That's really far. Why going through the trouble to hire someone from outside?

Kev: Maybe because someone from the Shihana Clan liked how Kamurocho Hills turned out, so they got hired for this one.

Rayla: In that case, wouldn't sending me there will just sign my death sentence?

Kev: On the contrary, it could prove benefical even. They might have visited the Shihana's HQ at least once to talk about business. We could ask them for information about where the HQ is located and who is their chairman. Besides, they are only here to help remodel the Autumn Arena. As long as you don't get in the way of their business, I'm sure they'll help you with some questions.

Suzaku: But wait, wouldn't stopping the Shihana Clan affect the construction somewhat?

Kev: I'll answer that with another question: Why a Yakuza Group would invest on something as expensive as a Coliseum? It would take a lot of resources and they would need some outside money to keep the project going, plus, the profit they would make wouldn't cover the losses. Besides, the ones that should remodel that arena in the first place would be the city's goverment. In short, The Shihana were the ones that hired, but the goverment is secretly funding them for...reasons.

Rayla: You sure do know your stuff...Seems like the situation is way deeper than I imagined. (And a bit complicated...why invest so much money in an Arena? Wasn't it already okay enough for small martial arts events?) So, if I go to the Tsurugiya Inn, nobody would search for me there because this Majima Family is also there. They wouldn't have any reason to search for the place where their "allies" reside. They would unconciously ignore it.

Kev: That's right. It would be hiding right under their noses. Now then, the next challenge would be getting there without being seen. Mr.F, do you perhaps own a normal car? I'm sure any limo would just be painting a red target on Rayla.

Mr.F: I have a sports car...Does that work?

Kev: Well...I guess it will have to do. I'll go see if there's someone watching the vicinity. Kali, I want you to drive Rayla to the inn.

Kali: Understood! Be careful out there Master.

Then, Kev leaves through the window.

Mr. F: I'm heading towards the garage.

Rayla: Go on ahead...I have to...Change to my school uniform.

Suzaku: Oh that's right, you fought the entire battle like that. Aren't you embarassed that they got to see a bit of your cleavage?

Rayla: Not really. I'm bit annoyed that I had to fight like this since I value modesty...But I value my life more, so I wouldn't really mind exposing more skin if I was fighting for my life.

Rayla: Of course, my impression of them would go to rock bottom depending of their reaction.

Suzaku: I see...Well then, hurry it up.

Moments later.

Rayla: All done here. Let's get going.

Suzaku: I guess I should go as well...Just to make sure. (I might have to phone Tori to tell him that he should buy something at the convenience store.)

Rayla: Thanks. I'm sure I'll be needing your help.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Living Room

After playing together for a while, Lucent, Masaru and Kiragi went back to the living room. Kaito was already waiting there, alongside some of the kids.

Kaito: Hey, you three came for the storytime! Sit down, I'm going to begin.

Masaru: Wow, the kids are all eager.

Lucent: (Probably because Kaito has some of the best stories for them... though most, if not all of them include himself as the protagonist...)

Kaito began telling the kids a story about the time when he was fighting pirates. The kids were paying the utmost of attention, while Masaru was kinda surprised about how they loved a story like that. Lucent was actually a little bored, since adventures weren't his favorite genre.

Kaito: And with my mighty sword, I disarmed the captain and pointed my blade at his face! I said, "You shall no longer torment our seas! We're free for travelling and we'll no longer let you rob us!!"
Kids: Whoooooa!!

Masaru: (They're paying so much attention! They're more disciplined than some guys in class!)

Lucent: (Uh... what sort of story is that...?)

Kaito: All citizens got really happy! Thanks to me, everyone managed to live happily ever after without needing to fear the attacks of the evil pirates!
Kids: Yeah!! All evildoers begone or face the strength of Kaito Momota...

Kaito: The Luminary of the Stars!!

Lucent: (... I don't know if I laugh or if I feel embarassed...)

The kids all ran away, in order to play a little more before dinner. Kaito got up, stretched and went to talk with Lucent and Masaru.

Kaito: Whoo, another cool story before dinner to make them happy.

Masaru: That was a little extreme, Kaito, but I found it cool.

Lucent: I'm not a fan of adventures, so...

Masaru: Really? What genre do you like?

Lucent: Horror.

Masaru: H-H-Horror?!

Lucent: Yep. I know some cool horror stories. I'll tell you one some other time. Maybe during lunch...

Kaito: A-Ah, w-when you decide that, can you warn me? I might need t-to check if I won't be busy.

Lucent: As if I'm letting you run away from it. You owe me for that puppy face on the morning.

Kaito: C-C'mon, that was j-just a joke!

Lucent: You're not running away, Mr. Luminary of the Stars. I'm going to tell you a story that will give you the best of nightmares. And you know I can do that.

Kaito: M-Masaru, help me here!

Masaru: I... don't have anything against it, actually. I actually want to hear a horror story.

Lucent: I'm already getting some good ideas...

Kaito: (I-I'm done for...)

Lucent began to think about stories to tell them in the next time. Kaito looked at his grin and got more nervous.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Summer Area - Streets

Music: Unrestful

After Kev signaled that the area was clear, Kali drove Suzaku and Rayla out of the mansion in a fancy looking red sports car, heading towards the Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn.

Rayla: So...I'm assuming something is stopping you guys from questioning the Majima Family, right?

Kali: Under the pretence that all of the workers except for Majima himself aren't under the Tojo Clan, we weren't allowed to "bother" them... Saying that we have no evidence that the goverment is funding a clan to hire a construction company and that we wouldn't be able to get any answers from them.

Rayla: That's absurd! Majima's presence alone should allow you guys to question at least him.

Kali: Yeah...but if we wanted to gather other kinds of information, we had to obey those orders.

Rayla: Well...Guess it's up to me to ask for information then.

Moments later, Suzaku had just finished her phone call with her brother. Rayla then, remembered that she never really told anyone about what happened to her. She picked up her cellphone and called the orphanage.

Glory Star Orphanage - Living Room

Music: Overlapping Ripples

Tiane: (Where the hell is she?)

Tatianna looked everywhere after Rayla, but saw no sign of her. She was about to give up and ask Lady Amara about her whereabouts, but then, the telephone ringed.

Tiane: Hello?

Rayla: Hi...is Lady Amara around?

Tiane: She's busy with dinner but I can take over.

Rayla: Wait, Tiane? Is that you?

Tiane: Rayla? Where the hell are you?

Rayla: Long story short: I fell down some stairs and now I'm being chased by the Shihana Clan because they know I'm injured.

Tiane: I doubt falling down some stairs would actually hurt you...What actually happened?

Rayla: Well...Just tell Lady Amara that I'll be back home tomorrow. Tell her that I'm going to stay at a friend's house. I'll tell you the full story when we meet again. It's just...You're not going to like what you're going to hear unless I explain it properly...and in person.

Tiane: If you say so...I'll do that for you.

Rayla: Thanks. I owe you one...

Tiane: You really don't need to owe me. (I just know you're the last person that would want to worry her.)

Rayla: Oh, and one more thing. How is Lucent doing? Is he still...alive?

Tiane: Up and kicking. He's actually right here in the living room with a devilish smile.

Rayla: That's good. I didn't want to be around if...something bad happened, but I'm glad he's okay.

Tiane: Well...I don't exactly interact with him...But not seeing him around would...I dunno...Make me think that something is missing... Pretty much like how it happens when someone gets adopted...but much worse.

Rayla: (Oh yeah...She can't see herself being adopted by someone.)

Tiane: And here I am being all mushy again. Forget what I just said and see ya tomorrow. (And don't die on me. I know you wouldn't joke about being chased by a dangerous group...but what the hell happened that she's now injured?)

The call ends, Tatianna heads to the kitchen to tell Amara about Rayla. Back at the car, Rayla realizes something.

Rayla: (Wait, Lucent with a devilish smile? Am I missing something or is Tiane just messing with me?)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Spring Zone- Hakurei Shrine

While Marina decided to study at their room and Xaizor was training behind the shrine, Reimu was once again trying to estabilish connection with Lumino in Lacrima. However, steps could be heard. When the person arrived, she was taken by surprise.

BGM: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti (Perfect Cherry Blossom)

???: Excuse me, Reimu. Were you, per chance, going to talk with Lumino?

Reimu: A-Alice?!

The Seven-Colored Puppeteer
Alice Margatroid

Alice: Are you sure it was a good idea for you to leave Gensokyo in control of Yukari?

Reimu: Oh great, she simply explained everything to you. Nice.

Alice: I'm not the only one who knows that. With your shrine gone, some of us actually have been worried. You are the shrine maiden that protects Gensokyo from the Outside World.

Reimu: Kasen will keep an eye on Yukari, but I trust that she's going to keep everyone safe. She likes our world more than I do.

Reimu: Anyway, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back home and doing whatever you want?

Alice: I'm doing exactly that. I'm going to aid Lumino at the protection of his children.

Reimu: *sigh* Alice, if you're trying to take his heart, you should give up. It's mine.

Alice: Ha ha. It's not for that reason I'm here to do this.

Alice: You're not the only one who owes something to Lumino and wants him to be happy in exchange for what he did to us.

Reimu: ... I know that.

Alice: So, even if you say no, I will aid them.

Reimu knew how Alice can be persistent when Lumino comes to be the matter of case. She wouldn't just stay quiet at this and there was nothing Reimu could do to change that.

Reimu: Like you said, my no doesn't matter in this, so what can I do? But you better help instead of just talk.

Alice: Thank you for comprehending. I'll take my leave now.

Reimu: Don't you want to meet them, at least?

Alice: Another and better opportunity will arise for us to meet. Now, if you excuse me.

Alice bowed and then left the shrine, heading back to the streets of the Spring Zone. Reimu sighed once again.

Reimu: The less problems I want, the more I have. *sigh* Thanks a lot, gods...

Xaizor: *appears* What's with the sighing, Reimu?

Reimu: It's nothing. Get in and call your sister, I'm going to make dinner.

Xaizor: OK, just give me one second. I need to try something with my katana real quick!

Reimu: Training time's over, Xaizor. Do as I told you.

Xaizor: Damnit, I just thought about a new technique...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Summer Area - Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn

Suzaku helped Rayla walks towards the inn while Kali watched for any potential Shihana Officer. When they managed to enter the place, they said their goodbyes to Kali as she drove the car away from the place. After they got a better look at the place, they noticed its Eastern Styled design.

Suzaku: Wait a split of a second...are we sure that we didn't enter Spring Zone by mistake?

Rayla: There weren't any cherry trees around on our way here, so this must be the place.

Suzaku: You're right...but where's the innkeeper?

Suddenly, a woman wearing what looked like to be a church attire walked past them.

???: (Time for another stroll at night...)

Rayla: Um...Excuse me.

???: *in a bored tone* What?

Rayla: Do you know where the recepcionist is?

???: She's helping serve dinner. Too many mouths to feed.

Rayla: I see...Thanks.

???: Sure.

Without another word, the woman walks away.

Rayla: Hmmm...

Suzaku: What is it?

Rayla: I don't know how to say this...but she feels familiar.

Suzaku: Have you met her before?

Rayla: What I meant is that something about her aura feels familiar.

Suzaku: You lost me.

Rayla: It has something to do with my sensory ability...Actually...

Suzaku: Hm?

Rayla: Nevermind, I'm just rambling... (Not really...It's just that explaining to Suzaku about the existence of other worlds might be troublesome.)

Suzaku: Maybe you just really need to rest ASAP.

Suddenly, the Innkeeper arrives in a hurry.

Innkeeper: Sorry! I'm not really used to have so many people staying here...Someone decided it was a good idea to send many Autumn Quarters workers to an Inn meant for tourists...

Suzaku: But why?

Innkeeper: Because they're from Tokyo or something...They really left me in the dark about the details.

Suzaku: Look it at the good side...

Innkeeper: But I am. My mindset is that managing an inn is like the same as being on a battlefield. You have to work hard to please everyone.

Suzaku: Ah, so you're already experienced with this huh? You sure are dedicated to the cause Madam.

Innkeeper: I'm not that old yet. Just because I can manage an Inn like a veteran, doesn't mean that I'm old like one. Do you understand?

Suzaku: Right...I'm sorry.

Rayla: (She's nearing her thirties but doesn't want to admit it.) Anyway, we would like a room for two.

Innkeeper: Unfortunately, you have to share rooms with some other guests. We're kinda full as it is.

Suzaku: Well...are they girls at least?

Innkeeper: That's right. I made sure to keep people separated accordingly.

Suzaku: Nice! I'll be the one paying...do you accept credit card?

Innkeeper: Sure.

After paying the rent for the room, the Innkeeper stood in front of the corridor and bowed to them.

Chizuru: I hope you have an excellent stay.

Suzaku: We sure will.

Chizuru: Now then, would you like me to show your room first or would you like to eat at the dinning hall?

Suzaku: What's is it going to be Rayla?

Rayla: Guess I'll be needing some food to recover strenght.

Suzaku: You heard the girl, time to get stuffy!

Chizuru: Very well then, follow me.

Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn - Dining Area

Suzaku: No kidding...This place is a full as a restaurant at noon.

Rayla: (So far, they look normal enough...Hm?)

Chizuru: Excuse me. You have company.

???: Oh? Make yourselves at home then.

Rayla: (What's with the cowboy attire? I don't think I should ask this out loud.)

Suzaku: Wow! What's with the cool cowboy motif?

Rayla: (Miss Suzaku...you're old enough to not be impressed by this...)

Cowboy?: Awesome right? It helps to show my adventurous side.

Suzaku: You probably look like a doofus for everyone else though. Must be hard trying to be cool.

Cowboy?: Oof...Well, I'm not exactly trying...

Rayla: Then what?

Cowboy?: That's...Anyway, what the fair ladies wants to eat. It's on me.

Suzaku: I think I'm up for some curry.

Rayla: (And he just escaped an embarassing conversation.) Just the basic for me.

Chizuru: Alright, I'll see if there's some left.

Suzaku and Rayla took their seats while Chizuru went for the kitchen. While Suzaku was talking with the cowbow-looking man, Rayla looked around the Dining Area, trying to see someone important looking. Soon enough, she saw a man wearing an open jacket, being able to see part of his tatoo. He also had an eye-patch.

Rayla: (Well, they say that tatoos marks the Yakuza...maybe that's him.)

Music: Majima

Without saying a word, she left her seat and headed towards the table where Majima was sitting by.

Rayla: Excuse me...Sorry for taking your time all of a sudden.

Majima?: Huh? Is it with me girlie?

Rayla: That's right. If possible...Can I ask you a question?

Majima?: Sure thing. Fire it!

Rayla: Is your name Majima?

Majima: Yep. I'm the one and only...

Majima: But who wants to know? By the way, I haven't seen you around here before?

Rayla: I just got here...My name is Ra..Err...(I shouldn't use my real name right now. Can't take any risks.) My name is Rannie. Rannie Clay.

Majima: Lil' Rannie right? Have a seat, ya have some business with me right?

Rayla: But, your table is full.

Majima: That can be fixed. Hey you guys. Go take a stroll.
Worker: But we're still eating.

Majima: And? It helps to increase appetite plus it's good to exercise. The food will taste better.
Worker: The least we want to do now is walking...we're beat.

Majima: A relaxing walk! Maybe I should bring the megaphone.
Worker: Boss...

Majima: Relaxing walk! Ta-ta! Hurry it up.
Worker: ...Fine then...

The workers sitting near Majima left the dining area. Rayla sits in front of him.

Rayla: We could've just left ourselves.

Majima: They need some toughening up. Besides, you look like you're going to fall apart yourself, being in worse shape than them.

Rayla: Eh?

Majima: I noticed that your friend over there was helping you walk. Making you move around more than necessary wouldn't be good now would it.

Rayla: (So he noticed me from the start.) You don't need to worry about me. I can take it....But since they already left, it's too late to bring them back.

Majima: Is that so? It's kinda hard to believe it when I see the signs all over the place. Did you get thrown a flight or something.

Rayla: Let's not make this about myself Majima. I'll be the one answering questions here.

Majima: Heh...I admit that you're a fierce one. Anyway, what do you want with good old me.

Rayla: I know about your identity as a member of the Tojo Clan.

Majima: Hoh? That's not something a normal civilian should know. Sure they can make assumptions based on the way I dress but you pretty much know the knows.

Rayla: What I want to ask you is ther whereabouts of the headquarters of the Shihana Clan. And if that isn't possible, tell me if you've met an important officer. Maybe even their Chairman.

Majima: That's some serious shit you're asking me about. I knew the chat was going to be serious, but it went straight up to way serious.

Rayla: Answer my question.

Majima: What makes you think I will? You might be the big one around these parts, but I'm not entirely convinced until I see how strong ya are.

Rayla: This has nothing to do with strenght.

Majima: It totally does. I do confirm that I've met those guys once, but that's about it. I've been generous by listening to your question, but I don't need to hear anything more from a weak shit. I only respect strenght, that's all that it matters for me. As you are right now, you won't be able to beat anything from me.

Rayla: ... (I can't exactly stir trouble here either...)

Majima: Well now, you didn't immidietaly attack me despite that fierce look.

Rayla: Normally I would...but I can't right now...not because I'm injured though.

Majima: In that case, take some time to relax missy. Meet me when you feel you're ready enough.

Rayla: So you're really willing to talk if I defeat you in a fight? Is that right?

Majima: Right as a right hand. Go back to your friend. Your food has arrived.

Rayla: (This guy is seeing a lot for having just one eye.)

Rayla struggles a bit to get up. As she turns her back, Majima says his farewel words.

Majima: Don't worry. This conversation is safe with me. I'll make sure to not say a word to anyone. Everyone else are under the same rules as you are. So you can stay relaxed...Miss Holy Hammer.

She looks surprised at Majima's grinning face, then gives a weak smile herself.

Rayla: (Guess it was kinda obvious huh?)

Then, after dinner, Rayla and Suzaku are guided towards their room. Their roomates weren't there yet. Rayla decided to sleep early, with Suzaku keeping watch.

Suzaku: You'll sure have a rough path ahead of yourself Miss Holy Hammer...Still, If you ever need help, just give me call.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Spring: Fourth Week, Day 3
Weather: Rainy Day

Location: Glory Star Orphanage

BGM: Heartbeat, Heartbreak -Rainy Mood- (Persona 4)

Lucent, for a first time, woke up early. As he stretched, he heard the rain falling outside. Putting his cape, he decided to actually see how things are going on with the rain.

Lucent: It's not terribly strong, but I guess it's manageable.

He looks around and sees that no one is up yet. People do say that rain makes someone sleep easily and profoundly, though he didn't know if that was true or not. Lucent was worried with someone, however...

Lucent: (I wonder if Rayla is OK... Tatianna said that she'd be actually seeing us at school today, but still... I couldn't even thank her for what she did.)

Lucent: (I guess I'm going to wait at the living room until someone else wakes up.)

Lucent walked towards the living room and sat in the sofa. He didn't want to bother Kaito or Reeta by waking them up, so he got a book and began reading until someone would come.

Location: Intermezzo Mansion

BGM: Beneath the Mask -Rainy Mood- (Persona 5)

Both woke up together as usual. After saying the usual greeting, Auror and Veronica walked down the corridor, talking about the rain.

Veronica: Ugh, I hate when it's raining! And just because today we had cheerleader practice too...

Auror: I'm not a fan of raining either. It's too... I don't know, it kinda messes all plans...

Veronica: We can't even lunch at the rooftop today! I don't wanna go to the cafeteria, it's always full on rainy days!

Auror: Hmm... maybe I can find a classroom that no one's using.

Veronica: Yay! I can't wait for us to find our secret spot in school!

As they reached the main hall, Magnus descended to say good morning to his kids.

Magnus: Good morning, my children.

Veronica: Good and pretty morning, Daddy! Although it's raining and I don't like it...

Auror: Good... morning.

Magnus: *sigh*

Auror: What?
Magnus: Nothing, Auror. Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's go eat.

Veronica: OK, Daddy! I'll head in first.

Veronica rushed towards the kitchen by herself. Magnus looked at Auror, who was slightly bored.

Magnus: Auror, I know you're still angry about the whole issue...

Auror: I don't want to talk about it. Let's... just eat. Like a family would do, I guess.

Magnus: ... Yes, let's eat, son.

Auror didn't say a word and went alongside his father towards the dining hall.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Music: Nothing Can Be Explained

Tatianna Side

Tiane groggly woke up, not wanting to be awakened like before, but when she remembered that Rayla wasn't there, she was already standing up.

Tiane: Urgh...

She heads towards the window, seeing the rain outside.

Tiane: Sweet! I was starting to think we weren't going to have one of these until late autumn.

Tiane: This is where I get more fired up for my morning exercises. Let's go!

Tatianna heads outside, but still having Rayla on her mind.

Tiane: (She said that I wasn't going to like the explanation...I'm still not sure what she meant by that.)

Ted's Side

Ted: Huh?

He saw himself waking up on his own. A rare ocurrence. He was also not feeling that much insomnia.

Ted: (Does this means...Cousin Hina...)

He hushed out his own, almost running into Himika.

Himika: Huh? Brother?

Ted: Hi there sis! Guess what!

Himika: You...woke up on your own.

Ted: That's right...Does this mean that Cousin Hina...

Himika: That can't be...There wasn't confirmation that she was done with her trainning. Although...this could mean that she finally learned how to get the spirits attention towards only herself.

Ted: That's great! I'm so proud of her.

Himika: Although, this is probably a one-off thing. Her trainning isn't quite complete yet, so the next day, you'll probably be bothered by spirits again.

Ted: You have a point...but still.

Himika: Yep! We know that she's doing great.

Himika: But I still have a lot work to do to keep her safe.

Ted: Heh...Will you at least eat breakfast with us?

Himika: Sadly, no...Well then...see you at night.

Ted: Do your best.

Hiagor's Side

Unlike other people, Hiagor didn't have a reason to woke up early. Yet, he was rudely woken up by the sound of a police horn. When he opened the door to see who it was, he was greeted by the angry stare of Police Office Johnson.

Johnson: You sure took your time.

Hiagor: Sue me, I'm a freelancer.

Johnson: Well then Mr.Freelancer, you better explain yourself why you injured Miss Rayla. The news of her defeat caused quite an uproar.

Hiagor: I just wanted help to stimulate her fire of revolution...That's all.

Johnson: The hell is that supposed to mean? It's your fault that Mr.F's mansion was attacked yesterday.

Hiagor: I mean...I didn't knew she was going to lose our fight...When I think about it, I should've brought her to a more private spot.

Johnson: This is your last warning Marlek...Keep doing what you're doing and we'll place you under house arrest.

Hiagor: That doesn't sound so bad...My food won't come out of my pocket and I get to sleep as much as I want...It will be a nice little vacation.

Johnson: You're making light of the situation, we could send you to the Maximum Security Prison because of your status as a Chi Master.

Hiagor: And what makes you think those threats of yours are going to stop me? If it means saving the city, I don't care if my life is at risk.

Johnson: What you did right now didn't just risk your life...I admit that you have noble goals, but don't involve innocents into your crusade. Look...just don't get yourself and someone else killed okay?

With those words, Johnson entered the car and left Hiagor by himself.

Hiagor: Guess I really misjudged you Mr.Johnson...You seem to be a bit different from the others. Maybe I should follow part of his advice...If I let myself being too destructive, there won't be more of a city to talk about.

Rayla's Side

Rayla wakes up and notices there's no one in the room. She could also hear the muffed sound of rain. The girl gets up without much difficulties, still feeling sore, but since she had rested for an entire night instead of an hour, she was feeling way better.

Rayla: Guess it's safe to head back home in my current condition.

She left the room. On her way towards the kitchen to prepare her lunch box, she started to think about what she was going to do in the next hours.

Rayla: (The priority right now is to go to school to tell everyone that I'm fine...Next, I'm heading towards the Guild to give my answer to Nancy. Then, I'm going over to the Autumn Quarters to talk with Majima and give him the fight he wants. And lastly...)

"Announce that I'm leaving the orphanage..."

Kaori Side

The girl woke up early and was staring at the rain outside.

Kaori: ...

Kaori felt relaxed with the sound of falling rain. She was really holding the urge to go outside and play under it and forget her worries, but said worries kept her from going outside.

Kaori: Sigh...Maybe they wouldn't want to come under the rain...not many people likes it...

Then, she kept staring at the window, trying to enjoy the feeling while she could.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Xaizor Arcadia and Marina Arcadia
Location: Spring Zone - Hakurei Shrine

As the rain droplets fell, Xaizor and Marina had just finished their breakfast. They went to pick up their things and soon Xaizor raised a question.

Xaizor: Hey... I was wondering something. Why do you think Dad sent us here?

Marina: I have little to no idea, similarly to you.

Xaizor: Rayla told us about those monsters that attacked town. Do you think that maybe Dad wants to redeem himself through us?

Marina: I think this is not the case. Father has abandoned this life of travelling between worlds for a long time, remember? His first and utmost priority is the people of Lacrima.

Xaizor: That being our priority too, right? Even if we're here to help this world, we need to get stronger to aid ours even more. We need to be prepared.

Marina: Xaizor...

Xaizor: That being said... I remembered that we don't have umbrellas at all.

Marina: Um, hello? I can cast a bubble to shield us, you know.

Xaizor: Oh right! Then cast it already.

Marina: It would not hurt for you to say "please", would it?

Xaizor: What you said.

Marina stepped once again on Xaizor's foot, pressing her foot the most that she could.

Xaizor: OWWW!!

Marina: Stop talking, you rude caveman! Let us go, we are going to get late!

Lucent Vermillion
Location: Glory Star Orphanage - Living Room

Kaito finally woke up and went towards Lucent, who was waiting on the living room while reading a book, a little down. He sat next to him as Lucent stopped reading a book for the moment.

Kaito: Woke up with your left foot today?

Lucent: It's just... I saw Tatianna and I... couldn't bring myself to say "good morning" to her. When I tried to go at her, my feet trembled and I couldn't move.

Kaito: You're still scared of her, right?

Lucent: H-How wouldn't I be? She's not known for having a good temper. What if I suddenly make her angry out of nowhere?

Kaito: I doubt she would get pissed because you greeted her. In fact, I think she would like it.

Lucent: I don't know... my body refuses to move and I get nervous... I mean, she's related to thugs and so I keep thinking that maybe she would...

Kaito: You're being a little biased about her.

Lucent: I know, I know but I can't help it. All this... thing about being friendly with others was something I wasn't expecting to happen, you know. I still have some conceits about some people...

Kaito: Lucent, listen. First of all, I want to apologize for forcing you into doing this. But right now, I want to help you the most. Remember what I told you? I'm here for you.

Lucent: Won't this make me a kid for depending on you and Reeta all the time?

Kaito: Look, I don't mind. I want you to depend on me.

Kaito gets up and stretches his arm a little before looking at Lucent again.

Kaito: Once she comes back, we'll talk to her together. Sound good?

Lucent: All right. I think I'd feel more comfortable then.

Lucent closes his book and gets up as well.

Lucent: (Hmm... maybe I should ask Lady Amara if I can borrow the kitchen this afternoon...)

Kaito: Hey, what are you thinking now?

Lucent: It's a secret. Anyway, let's go see if Kiragi's awake.

Kaito: You really got attached to Kiragi, didn't you?

Lucent: Kinda... I do see him as a little brother I never had before... since you're the older one.

Kaito: Haha. Shall I call you as "brother" then?

Lucent: No, that would be weird... c'mon, let's just go.

Lucent and Kaito went together towards Kiragi's room, in order to see if the boy was already up.

Auror Dias Intermezzo
Location: Intermezzo Mansion - Dining Room

As they finished eating, Veronica suddenly rose an idea.

Veronica: Can we pick everyone at their houses and go together to school, Daddy?!

Magnus: I don't see why not. Going with your friends is a nice idea and it'll at least let them evade the rain as well.

Auror: Hopefully the car will be big enough for everyone.

Veronica: I'm sure it will! Big Bro, let's go!

Auror: Hehe, OK! See you later, Dad!

Veronica: Bye bye, Daddy!!

After receiving their bagpacks from the butlers, Veronica and Auror went to the car. Soon, the engine's noise could be heard as the limousine departed from the mansion. Magnus looked at the window, worried about his son.

Magnus: (Veronica... please, I will need your aid. We need to save your brother from himself...)

Lilina Alegretto
Location: Alegretto Residence - Lilina's Room

Inside her room, she opened the curtains of her window only to see the rain fall down.

???: Oh my, it's raining... I wasn't expecting rain to fall so soon...
Masaru's Voice: Lilina? Are you ready yet?

Blooming Elegant Flower
Lilina Alegretto

Lilina: Yes, Masaru. You can come in.

He gently opened the door, as Lilina received him with a smile.

Masaru: Sorry if I bothered you.

Lilina: No, no, I'm not bothered. Please, don't worry.

Masaru: OK. Also, thanks for letting me reside with you and your family.

Lilina: It's no problem. Mother likes you as well, so she'd always welcome you.

Masaru: This... I'm just doing this for my mission. Once it's complete, I'll take my leave, OK?

Lilina: If you say so. By the by, what is this mission of yours? Does it involve Lucent Vermillion, the caped loner of class 2-C?

Masaru: H-How do you know that?!

Lilina: Perhaps I heard you talking yesterday on your room about him to someone else. Your tone was loud, by the way.

Masaru: ... Me and my big mouth.

Lilina: Don't worry, I'll keep quiet about it. Well then, shall we go to school?

Lilina and Masaru picked their umbrellas and left the house, heading to school.

Lilina: (The number of Psychic Aura users has raised for now... Sayaka, Kaori... me...)

Lilina: (I've been putting a strong front, but I do wonder... will there be a day for us to no longer fear life? Or should we consider ourselves as aberrations, destined to be chased by... God knows who?)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kaori's Home - Living Room

Music: Serene Weather

???: Hm? Hey there Kaori, good morning.

Kaori: ...Morning...

???: You seem better today.

Kaori: Maybe...

???: I'm not really a fan of rains, so I hope you don't mind me being here.

Kaori: Don't worry about it...

???: By the way, my name is...

Jerald: But you can call me Jerry.

Kaori: Nice to meet you...

Jerry: Same here!

Kaori: ...

Jerry: ...

The was a rather discomforting silence between them. Even though Kaori was comfortable with people again, she couldn't keep up a conversation without a heavy sigh.

Jerry: So...your mom made some hot chocolate for me and the cops as well. It was really good. Maybe there's still some remaining.

Kaori: I'll go see.

She headed towards the kitchen, hoping to get some hot chocolate for herself.

Glory Star Orphanage - Front Yard

Amara: I see that you still like to play in the rain.

Tiane: This is not playing...It's my morning exercise.

Amara: The ground might be a bit muddy, so watch your step.

Tiane: Seriously, I know what I'm doi-

But then, she ended up sliping in the mud, losing her balance and hitting her face on the ground.

Tiane: OOF!!! (At least this is less painful than a wall...)

Moments later, she was back inside the building, drying herself with a towel and cleaning the dirt off her face.

Amara: I warned you.

Tiane: Yes you did...*spits some dirt*

Summer Area - Farenheit's Mansion Entrance Gate

Hiagor: This gate has seen better days.

Mr.F: Hello there Hiagor. I'm sure you know about the attack by now.

Hiagor: I got some deserved scolding for it. I promise it won't happen again.

Mr.F: You don't need to promise that. We had to move Rayla to the Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn after the attack.

Hiagor: Ah! Madam Kashiwagi's place. Isn't that where the Majima Construction workers are residing at the moment?

Mr.F: That's right. We were assured that they won't cause any trouble. Are you heading there now?

Hiagor: Not really...I just came running because I was worried about your well being.

Mr.F: And as you can see, I'm fine. They didn't lay a finger on me. Although they did some thrashing on my mansion when they came back for more.

Hiagor: Good to know...Well then, I'm going.

Mr.F: Are you sure that you don't want to see her?

Hiagor: I want her decision be surprise, so I won't go meet her right now.

Mr.F: Suit yourself.

Summer Area - Ryoukan Tsurugiya Inn

After getting permission to cook her lunch for later, Rayla met Suzaku near the exit of the inn.

Suzaku: Morning Rayla!

Rayla: Good Morning.

Suzaku: So, are we heading back to Spring Zone right now or do you want to eat first?

Rayla: Well...I want to be with the others as soon as possible...So let's head back now.

Chizuru: You're leaving already?

Suzaku: Sadly, yes. But don't worry, I enjoyed this place a lot. Maybe I'll bring in my brother and some friends next time.

Chizuru: That's good to hear. You're free to come back any time. I'll be looking foward to it.

Suzaku: Alrighty then, under the umbrella Rayla, we have a storm ahead.

Rayla: This rain doesn't look so strong.

Shihana Clan Headquarters - Meeting Room

Music: An Uncertain Destination

Pairah: ...

Ling: ...
Chairman: Now then...I believe you know why I've called you two here today.

Pairah: ...Yes...
Chairman: I send you on a task as easy as taking candy from a baby...But you ended up still failing.

Ling: I have no excuses...
Chairman: You really shouldn't...Do you know how expensive it was paying for your assassin rear? I thought you were good at what you did...but all I got was a failure...a joke!

Pairah: But...She got outside help...
Chairman: After you took your dear time trying to kill her. That's not excuse for the failure that you are.

Pairah: Please...give me another chance! I'm sure that we can still do the job.
Chairman: You? A chance?

Pairah was grabbed by the face.

Chairman: Trash doesn't get second chances.

Then, she gets thrown out of the window, falling from a two store building.

Ling: I await for my punishment as well.
Chairman: You seem to know your place at least...As a reward, you'll just get this!

However, before the Chairman could punish Ling, the Chairman received a phone call.

Chairman: What is it? Oh, is it that time already? Very well...

Ling: ???
Chairman: This will have to wait. While you're at it, go help clean what remained of the other one.

Ling: Understood.
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