Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Tovo thinks thoroughly in his next action. If he were to nab the piglet and chicken he had promised, his running would be significantly slower than the rest of the group. He didn't want to disappoint the chief, and the village by extension, if didn't live up to his words. Tovo was not one to leave his promises unfulfilled. He grasps his lucky stick from his loincloth and places it on his forehead again. In a matter of a couple of minutes, he returns the stick and a smile finds its way on his face.

"None from me Taurl. I now know what exactly to do."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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"I'm ready," Nabi said in response to Ty's question as she clutched the knife tightly in her hand. "Let's do this." She felt her heart beating quickly in her chest in equal parts anticipation and anxiety. This was just the kind of thing that she had been wanting to do for a long time, but it was also a bit frightening considering everything that could go wrong. She did her best to remain positive, though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Alright. In that case, let's just go. No questions, no turning back" Taurl wasn't much for speeches, but for the goblins, actions spoke louder than words ever could. Those who did much and spoke little were highly respected. Those who spoke much and did little were seen as having almost no worth at all.

Taurl dashed out of the woods, running at a breakneck speed. As he approached the village fence, no one from the enemy tribe had seen him. So far, so good. He ran towards the wooden barrier as fast as he could, leaping on a rock just in front of hit, and then over the fence itself, landing on his feet with a soft thud. Fortunately, goblins were light enough not to make much noise when they fell.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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After watching Taurl rush towards the village and then deftly bound from the rock over the fence, Nabi took a deep breath and then followed, thinking, and hoping, that she could do the same. She ran as fast as she could and then bounded on to the rock, trying to clear the fence from there, but hitting her foot on the fence and losing her balance instead. Then she was falling towards the ground on the other side. This was not good...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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@Aristocles @Pandalope
Tovo follows his courageous leader's rush and ran as fast as his legs could. The hurdle over the fence would prove little challenge to him. He cleared the fence and lamded with a soft thud on the other side to accompany his leader. As he was about to stand up, the sight of Nabi about to fall caused Tovo to react first before having a coherent thought in his head. He dives below the area where Nabi was supposed to land and is met with the full weight of the falling goblin. It hurt. Very much so, but Tovo kept his scream of pain to a quiet and muffled grunt.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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Nabi stifled the scream that wanted to erupt from her lips as she fell, not wanting to give away their presence to the rival tribe and put all of their lives in danger. But just when she was sure that she would land hard on the ground, she found herself falling on to somebody instead, who took the brunt of the fall. She rolled off of her rescuer and saw that it was Tovo. "Sorry," she whispered, rubbing her sore butt, "and also thanks for not letting me break my neck when I fell."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Pandalope @Aristocles
Tovo took his time on the ground while doing his best to wade through the back pain resulting from Nabi's rough but relatively safe landing. He only laid prone on the ground for a half minute, not exactly enough time for him to fully get used to the aches but time was crucial and they had a raid to conduct. He turns to Nabi.

"Its fine but please don't make this into a common occurrence. I don't think I would be able to handle any more rough landings like that."

He looks back to see the other goblins accompanying them in the raid land safely. Tovo then turns to Taurl.

"Everyone is here, Taurl. What is our next step?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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Nabi smiled at him and nodded, her cheeks taking on a pink hue from the embarrassment of falling like that. "Yeah, I'll make sure that I don't make a habit of falling on top of you."

Gabi was out in the fields just outside the village walls. She was using a crude hoe, basically nothing more than a stick with a slab of scrap metal recovered from a raid on a human caravan months ago, to till the soil in preparation to plant another harvest of vegetables for the tribe. But after just a row and a half, she truck the soil with the hoe and the end cracked and fell off. She groaned as she bent down to pick it up. It didn't look like something that she could fix herself, but she knew a certain blacksmith that could probably help her out. So with the two pieces of the tool in hand, she made her way to Olric's hut.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Olric was using his skills to help make some basic items like cauldron and screws. It wasn't in any means glamorous but it was things like these that kept everyone in the tribe going. He had just finished crafting a pack of nails and screws for construction when he turned to see Gabi coming in with a broken hoe. He couldn't help but smirk at the pun in his head before he held his hands out to take them. When she handed them over he said "seems like nothing lasts before I have to fix it up" he said with a little laugh as he grabbed some copper to melt and use to put the hoe back together.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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Gabi smiled at him as he took the hoe from her and then got to work repairing it. "Thanks. And yeah, it does seem that way. I don't know what we would do without you." She sat down on a stool nearby, which she double-checked before sitting in to make sure that it wasn't something waiting to be mended by Olric. "It's obvious that you provide a very important service to the tribe that is sorely needed all the time."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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He smiled as she agreed that nothing here lasts long before it was time for him to repair it again. He smiled softly as she said he was important, he knew that of course but it was rare for him to hear it. After all most of the glory goes to the warriors and hunters but nobody really thinks how they could even hunt without him. "You are very right. My job isn't as glamorous as the warriors but without my services they would be fighting with sticks. Still I hope to one day forge something truly magnificent" he admitted since he one day hoped to make a weapon or done contraption that will make him known through the rest of the tribes history. One day they would sing songs of olric the blacksmith. At least that was his goal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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"I'm sure that you will one day," Gabi said. "I know that you don't get the recognition that you deserve compared to warriors, but I know that you are still appreciated by other goblins, even if they don't always say it. And of course we all have our jobs to do in order to support the tribe as best as we can."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Taurl kept quiet as the others half-leapt, half-stumbled behind him. A quick glance let him know that they were alright, and any aches and pains could be massaged away later. They had far more important matters to worry about.

"We go for the storehouses. Take only what you can carry, and don't get greedy" he whispered. "That said, go for the best stuff you can safely get. No point in coming all this way for nothing, and we need to let them know there's a price for their earlier raids on us. And Nabi, don't let them get you. Please."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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He smiled at the comforting words she said about him being appreciated. It was nice 5o know that he mattered to the village and after she said they all had jobs to do just that he nodded and said "everything is connected. No food no goblins, no water no goblins, no weapons no goblins. If anything were lost we would all be lost. I am happy to be a blacksmith I hope that my weapons end up becoming legendary in some form or another" He said with a smirk as he started to wield the now hot copper with the hoe to repair it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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Nabi listened to Ty explain their goal to hit the storehouse to her and the others, listening intently to make sure that she didn't miss a single detail. She wanted to make sure that she was as ready as possible. Then she noticed his gaze settle on her before he warned her to make sure that she didn't let the rivals get her. She didn't have to ask him why. She had a pretty good idea what would happen if she were caught. Her stomach tightened at the terrifying thought.

"I couldn't agree more," Gabi said while she watched Olric work. It was actually pretty peaceful here in her opinion. The smells of the forge, and the sounds of the fires crackling, it was all comforting to her. It was one of the reasons that she enjoyed coming here, but not the only reason. "Well, if our tribe ever ends up in an open conflict with another tribe or even another race, we'll need you to make weapons more than ever."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Aristocles @Pandalope
Tovo knew that in raids you shouldn't be greedy. A couple of sacks of dried meats would suffice for a raid such as this. Though, sadly, he had sworn to the village chief that he would get him a chicken and a piglet. Admittedly, Tovo is rather reluctant to do this and was tempted to jsut bring a couple extra of sacks and call it a day, but Tovo is a goblin of his word...and he is kind of scared of the chief getting mad at him and punishing him. He turns to face the raid leader.

"Taurl, I'm going to their animal pen and try to take the pig and chicken I promised the chief. I know that its risky...but I need to do this. If...If I don't return in time for the escape. Please don't risk the raid and just go. I don't want anyone getting captured or hurt from this."

Tovo offers him a smile and a seemingly confident chest pound.

"...and even if I do get left behind, I'm sure I can make it back by day's end."

Tovo truly hopes he can. He knows of what they would do to him if he got captured and involuntarily shudders at the thought.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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He smiled as she said she couldn't agree more. It was nice to know someone appreciated him and knew his worth. He might not be as reconized as the warriors but his job was no less important. When she mentioned open conflict he sighed ands nodded as he started to hammer in the details of the hoe she brought in. "Yeah no kidding, I may be good but I'm not a one man smithing army. It's why I offered your sister to be my apprentice. Fact is if war ever comes I will need help, I know smirking isn't an easy job for a female but I thought she would like the challenge"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pandalope
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Nabi crept her way closer to the storehouse of the rival goblin tribe. Her bare feet moved swiftly over the dirt while her head was on a swivel, worried that there might be some goblin sentries around. That was the last thing that she and the rest of the party needed. Fortunately, it looked like the coast was clear. When she reached the storehouse, Nabi looked both ways just to be sure there was nobody around and then grabbed the door and pulled it open. It looked like the rivals had quite a bit of food stored. Well, it was time for them to share.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all if Nabi took you up on that offer and came to help here in the forge with you. Which is okay, although it really shouldn't be where her focus is. A young female like her has other ways to serve the tribe." Gabi did get frustrated with her sister quite often, but she was still holding out hope that Nabi would become more mature in time.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Taurl moved with the others, sneaking around and not making a dash for anything just yet. He had to save his stamina in the event they had to flee. The door to the granary ahead of them had been left open. Perhaps the guard had become complacent. Or maybe he had left to relieve himself. Whatever the case, it was a stroke of luck. Without explaining further, Taurl entered the granary and rummaged around, looking for the best stuff he could safely grab.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed that this structure wasn't just a granary, but an all-purpose storage hut. He looked around for something to take. There were some human-made silver coins, a set of books written in the elven script, and a dwarven axe. He considered taking the weapon, but it was too heavy for him to carry at any speed. Just as he was about to give up, a bright-colored object in the back of the hut caught his eye.

He ran over to the shiny item and found that it was something that was once thought to be irretrievably lost. Several generations ago, there had been a major war between the various tribes of goblins in the region. Normally, this resulted in a stalemate, but one of the chiefs had managed to conquer and thus unite all of the other tribes, creating a single "kingdom", allowing that one chief to be known as the "goblin king" in these parts. With all the tribes under one ruler, the goblins went from being a nuisance to a threat to the other sentient races, resulting in many conquests for the goblins. Some of the plunder was taken and used to form this elaborate crown, a rich headdress adorned with gems and pearls, fit for a goblin's head.

Taurl realized that it was a risk endeavor to take the crown, and he knew that there must be some kind of security measure in place to secure it, probably a spell put there by the tribe's shaman. Still, having an artifact of such historical significance was too good a chance to pass up. He also knew that as soon as he grabbed it, there was a good chance of an alarm going off or some other negative event. He decided to wait for as long as possible before taking the crown, in order to give the others a chance to get something themselves. Taurl couldn't possibly keep the crown for himself; that honor would have to go to the chief.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Aristocles @Pandalope

Tovo slowly crept along the shadows and moved from cover to cover as best he could when a guard or goblin came too close for him to move freely. The granary that Taurl and the rest of the raiding party went to seemed so far right now even though, in all actuality, the granary was only twenty paces away from him. Tovo's heart beat a mile a minute as he kept his mouth shut as a guard of the rival tribe moved close to the bush he was hiding in and relieved himself before a fellow guard discovered him and started berating the other for leaving his post unattended. Tovo moved away from the bush when they were a fair distance away and made an even quicker note to wash himself thoroughly when he got back to the village. The anxiety in his heart lightened when he saw goal the animal pen with only a couple of goblins tending to the animals. Tovo silently took note of all the movements of both animal and goblin present carefully before he made his move. He knows that it would be a near impossibility for him to get both animals out of the village without alerting someone from the rival tribe. So, for now at least, Tovo waits for an opening.

'Maybe when the alarm sets off, I can get the pig and the chicken while those two gibbons tending to the animals are still confused to what is happening?'
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