Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Uthlar, already inside the armory, was picking out his weapons. His eyes squinted at one particular weapon. As he paced towards it, he seemed to smile at its cosmetic design to the weapon. It was two axes, you see, the handle being wrapped around in a sliver-like grip holding. The gripping had shined out from the light of the torch's, catching his eye. The flat of the blade polished to a point where you can see a distinct reflection of yourself from it, and the edge of the ax curved towards the top, where the tip of the ax lay also sharped. The axes length would be about 2 and a half feet tall.
Uthlar shifted his eyes vigilantly as he saw other students come in, and reached out to grab the two axes. As he clutched the ax tightly, he felt the weight of the axes, fearing it might be heavy. Instead, he lifted the ax in a light manner, like it weighed perfect for him.
Uthlar's smile widened at the sight as he lifted it up and down. When he was finished, he turned on his heels and started to walk towards the sheaths were and found the one where he can put the axes on. He strapped down to a thigh sheath, resembling something like a holster ( to you people reading), and there where the axes. He was then suited in a chain mail coating to cover his body, after that, he donned a fur coat that sunk towards his knees, the animal was a mix of bear and other wild hunted creatures, all sown together, then seemed to be dipped in tar. He strap a knee brace lined with a thin slate of copper, tied loose enough for his joints to go in a normal manner.
Finally, he quickly walked towards a Aspis leaned on a rack below spears and other assortments of weapons, Uthlar gripped the top of it, to sling it to his back, where his sheath for it was there. The Aspis was a double layer shield, not meant for heavy combat, but could do very well against archers. The first layer being made of Redwood, the second layer being a thing slate of iron. The iron was to protect it's user from any ax or sword thrown or hit at him that would possibly break the wood.
Uthlar seemed to be curious on what is happening, as he only heard the words "fight" in his mind, so he went over towards the nearest person he could find, and ask the person,
" Any idea on what's happening here?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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Prisom walks into the armory, and opens a chest in the back, pulling out strange crystal armor, and beginning to equip it. "Elnesto ticked off someone he shouldn't have, and he got kidnapped by half dragons. We have to go into the dragon realm to get him back, and question him." He pulls on the chestplate, and tightens the greaves. "This is exactly the kind of thing I warned Headmaster about, but does he listen to me? Nooo, of course not. 'Elnseto would never do something like that!' Now I gotta drag that brat back and beat some sense into him." He seems to be ranting, trying to blow off steam. He reaches into the chest, and pulls out twin crystal swords, and straps them to his back. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get some potions from the Alchemists hall." He sighs. "Of all the irresponsible things that kid could have done..." He shimmers, and vanishes, leaving streaks of light in his wake. A few students working the forges look up briefly, and get back to work. One of them glances around, and walks over to Rux. "What was that about?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Tsk..." Beside the Apprentice Mage was a black bear, with sharp teeth and large paws. The size of the War Bear was unnaturally huge, about twice of Raz's height. One of his summons, that he churned out during the previous commotion.

He decided not to undo his magic, just in case of another unexpected attack on this school.

"Stay." Raz ordered his familiar before turning for the entrance of the armoury. To grab for a weapon, for the bow that he have not drawn for over a decade.

"If you'd excuse me," It was intriguing to see other students in the place that was supposed to gather dust, as Raz knotted on the bowstrings in prepartion of the hunt.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Herm looks at Uthlar. "We are preparing to retrieve a friend and possibly kill some half dragons. You coming, right?"
As Herm picks up his helmet, he decides to recruit the guy he has just met.

"If you like bashing skulls, it is best to join my forces. We go in commando and wreck everything. No need for pity or mercy. Strategy and planning are key, but who needs that when they will use their emergency plan anyway?"

He examines his baby mammoth femur hammer. Herm puts some pressure on it. It keeps its form. Herm is filled with joy, but keeps it hidden behind his helmet.

"So... What do you say? You in?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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One of the students sighs. "I wish, but I've gotta fill this quota before the end of the week and I'm already behind. I can probably enchant that hammer for you though. Just a thought." He gets back to smelting the red hot sword he was working on, and settles back into his rhythm. "Anyone know where my iron shield went?" He nods to Uthlar. "If you can find it, you're welcome to use it. It's got a few nasty tricks built into the metal, and should be helpful to you. Just don't lose it without a really good reason, ok?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Herm turns his head. "Enchant? I am listening. Tell me, mister, what improvements could you add to my weapons? It already went through a few augmentations, I hope that isn't a problem."

Herm now looks at the black bear. He wonders how strong the femurs of that bear must be and how he would harvest them.
"Does anyone by any chance owns the black bear? Mhhh? Nobody? Mhhhh..." Herm takes a few steps in the direction of the bear and looks it straight in the eyes. He notices Raz.

"Check out this bear... Is it yours?" Herm asks one last time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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"Oh no, that won't cause any problems, you're fine there. If you touch that bear, it'll tear your eyes out of their sockets. That's Raz's bear, and if you hurt it, everyone in here hurts you twice as bad. Anyway, the enchantment would make it so that it would slowly repair itself, and you'd always be able to find it." He holds out a hand for the hammer, his gauntlets shimmering.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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"Heheh, there is a second time for everything. Just need to have some spare eyes on me, which I unfortunately don't. Be careful with your empty threats, this hammer could be the last thing you ever enchant."

Herm plops the bone in the gauntlets.

"Now, where do we gather? It is time to crush some skulls and drink some blood!" Herm spits on the floor and rubs it in the carpet.

"In a few days, I might not be able to do so... Saturday is coming."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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"Ah, right, when you become weak as a kitten, and twice as useless. It wasn't an empty threat, however." The gauntlet glows, and fills with a strange white ball, emitting a high pitch whistle. "As we've been here for years longer than you, and we outnumber you 35 to 1, I think I like our chances." The bone gains a few new scratches, and the ruins glow briefly. "Done. But if you make us regret this, anyone of us could make it self destruct in the blink of an eye."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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"Ah, yes. The art of self-destruct... I suppose I will come to collect 35 skulls if this thing ever blows up, right?"

He picks up the bone. He weighs it in one hand. After putting it on his back, he starts doing push-ups.

"I always get lifetime guarantee. If you break my stuff, you better be able to compensate. As for you@Noodles, care to help me put this bone to the test?"

Herm looks up at Rez.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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He laughs. "The explosion would be more than enough to cripple you. You'd be lucky to get out alive, much less intact. And it's pretty hard to kill things if you're a pile of ash. So sure, you get a lifetime guarantee. If you violate the contract. your life is over. Bye now." He snaps his fingers, and several of the forgers pick Herm up, and toss him out of the forge.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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As Herm gets up from his push-up position, he checks his body.

"No scratches, no broken nails, no dirt, not even a single bruise... I guess they proved themselves to be more useless than I first thought. It is funny how they think I have a problem with being crippled or almost face death. I don't."

Herm picks up his hammer and starts swinging it around.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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The hammer glows with a strange, greenish light.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

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@Sewer Rat@Shadow Dragon@Strong Potato@Noodles

As the people at the forge were talking a person walked in carrying a crate of iron ingots for the forge. "where should I set these?" Alister said carrying the crate of iron ingots in front of him where he couldn't see everyone in the room trying his best not to walk into someone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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A small, childish hand gently grasps his arm, leading him into a corner. "Just drop them off here." They sound very young.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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"Yes, that's my pet, be careful still, he will bite." Raz replied with a hint of sarcasm to the six armed guy. From the way Herm appears, he doesn't sound like the kind to be entrusted with strategies.

Now to think about it, Raz of the Valley had almost forgotten to ask this,"May I know on how you intend to fight the dragon? Numbers are one thing, but I'll be more assured if I know how you are going to approach them~ "
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 2 days ago

He looks at Raz like he's an idiot. "Fight them? We can't fight them, we're just going to get Elnesto back. You can't fight a dragon with this kind of equipment, especially not in their lair. This is a retrieval. A rescue mission. You want to fight a dragon, you'll need a army." He shakes his head. "If we do have to fight something, it will likely be more of those dragon men. They like to hang around their parents den."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Shadow Dragon @Noodles
"alright" Alister said letting himself get led through the room overhearing a conversation between two people talking about a rescue mission from a dragons lair. "maybe I could be of some assistance to you two in your rescue mission." he said as he set the iron down in the corner standing back up dusting himself off slightly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

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Uthlar, already ready, had paced towards the entrance. He stopped, and slung down a bag containing food and some supplies, next to the wall of the doorway, then standing on the wall, tilted in a way where it'd look like he's standing still. Uthlar's eyes would lay blank, as he thought of ways and strategies on who would be in the dungeon, the size of it, and such. Uthlar wasn't one for supporting his team, as he would be the ones in the front lines, destroying for after foe, though he did have to help in a way. Uthlar stood there on the doorway wall, waiting for everyone to finish.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Strong Potato
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Strong Potato Not Beaten yesterday

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Herm throws the bone into the air. Everytime it almost lands, Herm hits it again to keep it dangling. A thunderous boom can be heard each time Herms fists hit the femur back up. Herm is enjoying it. It is one of the few things he knows that could possibly withstand his current full strength.
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