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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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It took a few seconds for Kaleeth to process what Janius was saying, but once she understood, her eyes briefly widened. She quickly leaned in closer and hushed her voice, despite the fact that they were alone in Zharan's hut, with no one around to listen. "What? Please tell me he didn't mention that to anyone else."

Kaleeth looked progressively more worried as she ran her hand down the side of her face. "How? How couldn't he know? I am absolutely certain we told him about the marks. My father mentioned it, described them. Juran-Selth mentioned it, and I'm pretty sure he described them too. There's no way he couldn't know. You don't just...not get the marks. It's tradition, and it's a great honor. Especially the marks of the leviathan. So few people can earn those marks...I can't even begin to say how much of an insult it would be if he just...refused them."

S'nashi and Vasiq both introduced themselves in turn after Calia, and it was, of course, S'nashi who was the most enthused to continue. She wore a modest green dress, lightly embroidered as was fashionable currently among Imperials. She was clearly well-groomed, and Ahnasha had expected she had spent most of her morning brushing her fur until it was just right. Although, despite what were no doubt S'nashi's best efforts, she was at an age where she could not hide her grey hairs. Gwindir, by contrast, still looked just the same as he always had in Ahnasha's memory: not completely youthful, but far from nearing old age.

"It is wonderful to meet you all!" S'nashi smiled after introducing herself. "I can smell that Shevari has done an excellent job on our lunch, as always. I hope we have not kept you all waiting for too long. We just had to admire this beautiful place. The Blackwood forest does have a wonderful charm to it, certainly, but this northern Cyrodilic countryside is simply idyllic. Rolling hills underneath mountains, forests, this little lake and its little waterfall, oh and this view!" She remarked, looking out down the mountain towards Cheydinhall itself. "It's just perfect. I can see why we came here."

After taking another look around at the two gathered families, S'nashi looked back to Calia. "Will your husband be joining us? I've been looking forward to meeting him too."

Ahnasha had to avoid allowing herself to sigh. They had managed to go all of thirty seconds without bringing up Fendros' father.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Janius sighed. "I was afraid you would say something like that," he admitted. "No, I don't think he told anyone else, and...well, I can only assume he thought 'marks' meant something else. That, or he just didn't want to speak up. He's afraid of disappointing everyone."

He paused with his hand over his mouth, looking forward and thinking. "Is there really no other way? Maybe...Maybe he could get a tattoo that only covered part of his body that he could cover with clothing if he wanted?"

"I must agree," Calia said as she turned towards the lake. "Though I can no longer see quite as well as I used to, I admit I do not visit nice places out of the way such as this nearly enough. The air is fresh and peaceful."

S'nashi's question about the father of the family caused Llarasa's smile to go tense and Monderyn's brow to harden, but Calia remained lightly smiling as she had been before. She spoke without skipping a beat. "I am afraid my dear Rossarm is otherwise engaged. It is a shame but there is no way around it."

Fendros chimed in as soon as he could. "We should get seated. I'm sure we're all famished by now."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Kaleeth opened her mouth, intending briefly to scold Janius' suggestion, but mentally reminded herself that he was not as familiar with her village's traditions. "It...doesn't work like that. Everyone's marks are different. Before they begin, the Treeminder, or whoever might be applying them, will drink Hist sap and apply to Julan the marks that come to him. The marks are meant to come from the Hist themselves, which is another reason you can't just...refuse them. You'd be refusing the Hist themselves!"

Kaleeth started to pace through the hut, clasping her hands on her head. "Why...why does it have to be like this? Why can't it just be easy, and all go smoothly? Julan has to do it. There's no way we'll be welcome here anymore. The whole village would feel insulted, and my father would be absolutely livid."

For now, at least, S'nashi and the rest of Ahnasha's family accepted Calia's brief answer, especially with Fendros ushering them towards the meal they had all been awaiting. They had made sure to acquire enough blankets for everyone to sit comfortably by the lake for their picnic, and Ahnasha had made sure to buy a few pillows in case anyone, like Calia, preferred to have any extra cushioning.

While everyone else was getting seated, Shevari started straight away on serving everyone. "I shall start us all out with a few appetizers. Redoran spiced melons, and a light soup: an Argonian recipe, actually. Though, it is popular in Leyawiin as well. I was surprised to be able to find the seaweed for it all the way up here. Rhazii, could you help me with the wine? Your father's family has brought us a wonderful vintage. I just wish we had glasses fine enough to match it."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"Kaleeth, it's not a disaster yet." Janius held her arm in an attempt to calm her down. He lowered his voice. "Listen. No one knows Julan's opinion on this yet. There's a chance we can persuade him to take the marks. It's not ideal, and I would prefer not to talk him into something he isn't comfortable with, but it doesn't sound like there is a good alternative right now."

Rhazii nodded and proceeded to collect a bottle and a corkscrew.

"I would not trouble ourselves overmuch about glassware," Calia responded. "They may provide fine presentation in a restaurant or dinner party, but they otherwise only provide an easier surface to smell the wine across. Do not mistake me for impracticality -- here at a picnic, any vessel that does not spill over is superior."

Llarasa turned her attention to S'nashi and Gwindir after she received her soup bowl in both hands. "So, Shevari mentioned that you two own a shop in Leyawiin. Is it running well? Tell us of your lives there."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Kaleeth crossed one arm over the other, looking down at the ground. "He didn't have to do it. We did tell him about it, and if he didn't want the marks, he should have said something beforehand. It wouldn't have been a problem, then. Hopefully we can convince him to agree like you say, but...he already made the commitment. He was told everything, and still made his choice. I think he...he should have to learn to deal with the consequences of his choices, even if he doesn't like them."

"Oh, I would say it is running better than well." Gwindir began. Ahnasha could see a familiar and genuine smile across his face, likely out of pride. If there was one thing she knew about both of her parents, it was that they took great pride in their business accomplishments, particularly since neither had any significant inheritance to build from when they started. Their accomplishments were their own. "One of the reasons we are up here in Cheydinhal is to make possibly the most lucrative deal we've yet made."

While Gwindir paused to allow Rhazii to pour his drink, Ahnasha spoke up, finding it a safe topic for them to stay on. "I read about that in your last letter, but you never hared any details. Is that something you can talk about now?"

Gwindir briefly thanked Rhazii, then nodded. "Hmm, at this point, I think so. Yesterday, we had a productive meeting with Count Indarys' steward. We just have a few more details to agree upon. All goes well, and we'll be sending fine goods from Summerset to the Cheydinhal castle, at a good price. The count used to have deals to trade directly with merchants in the Dominion for such goods, since they could hire their own ships and caravans for transport, but that has been disrupted in the last year or two. Political nonsense, mostly; arguments over tariffs and that sort of thing. At any rate, the Counts are currently barred from trading directly with Dominion merchants, but they can still buy from private merchants in the Empire. And we already trade regularly with merchants at most major Dominion ports. We wrote back and came up here as fast as we could once we learned about it. There are plenty of other merchants in Leyawiin who would bite into that deal like ravenous slaughterfish if they caught wind of it."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Janius tightened his lips and hesitantly nodded. "Perhaps you're right. Let's talk to him tonight and sort it out."

For an empty moment, Janius looked at the closed entrance of the tent, thinking. "I'm starting to think I've been too easy on the boy. It took me longer than he has lived for me to learn about a commitment that will last his lifetime."

"Very good, Gwindir," Calia noted with a half-nod. "The policy changes have benefited us a little, too. Good wine is a luxury item, and the price has risen in our favour. Granted, our competition is still fierce with vinters in the West Weald amongst others, though it does not negate the good news; the Altmer can opine all they wish on their drinks, but it matters not a mote if they're too tall to sell it." She sipped daintily at her cup of wine once Rhazii handed it off to her.

"This is really good soup, Shevari," Llarasa said. "It's so soothing. What did you say it was made from? Seaweed?"

"Mm." Even Monderyn nodded in agreement. "We never really have Argonian food."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"These are...lessons he has to learn. He can't just go through life thinking his actions won't have consequences, or that he can just ignore them if he doesn't like them. I'm not going to let him ruin his, and my, relationship with my family." Kaleeth replied, though she was mostly repeating the same points she had already made by this point, perhaps more to convince herself than to convince Janius. Julan did not yet even know that refusing the tattoos would be likely to cause such serious issues, so the argument she was making was purely hypothetical at the moment.

Regardless, Kaleeth looked to be getting more worried the longer she thought about it. "Maybe we should go talk to him, before he brings it up to anyone else?"

Once everyone had been served, Shevari sat down beside her husband with her own soup and spiced melons, though she was eagerly answering Llarasa and Monderyn before starting on any of it. Ahnasha had seen Shevari as being somewhat shy up to this point, but Fendros' family certainly would not be getting that impression of her. "Indeed. Most of the ingredients for it are seaweed and vegetables. The stock is usually made with trodh, but luckily, the sardines we found in the market are none too different from trodh, at least for the purpose of making stock. That usually isn't the case for Argonian cuisine, sadly; if you can't find the proper sort of meat, there usually isn't a good substitute from elsewhere."

Gwindir, meanwhile, grinned and sipped from his own wine. "The Altmer do take great pride in any cultural achievement. And there is some merit to it, I would not deny, but...even their Dominion allies are quite aware of their habit of exaggeration. I've witnessed many a late-evening tavern argument between Altmer sailors and locals on that topic. And wine is a popular part of that argument. Though, I am curious, how widely is your wine distributed? Leyawiin isn't too many steps away along the trade routes, I certainly must have seen it before." He commented as he started to look over and see if he could recognize the markings on the wine bottle.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"Very well." Janius made towards the exit. "It's better than continuing to worry about it."

"Our wine is a relative newcomer to the business that operate in the empire," Calia explained. "Most of our buyers are in Cyrodilic cities, with some reselling done as far as High Rock and Sentinel."

Llarasa narrowed an eye. "'Relative newcomer'? Mother, you and father have been making wine since you moved here. That's about as old as Fendros."

"And Fendros is young, Llarasa," Calia retorted. "Gwindir may not know us, but he is Bosmer, and he understands the pedigree of long lived elven businesses. We are still a relatively small mark on the world, dear."

"I know, but that's not the point." Llarasa looked at Gwindir. "I remember father made a deal with a distributor in Bravil who mentioned he would be taking some bottles to Leyawiin and the surrounding inns. It is reasonable to assume you might have seen some stocked in inns and taverns in Leyawiin, surely."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Kaj-Julan might have taken longer to find, were his habits less predictable. He was, of course, with Hal-Leeus, and was, again, by one of the many rivers and streams flowing by the village. He had practically been living in the water since the day after they arrived, though that seemed to be normal for Argonian children. Julan was, again, alone with Leeus, but this time, the scene they came across was odd in a different way. They were both sitting on the riverbank facing one another, either just before entering or shortly after getting out of the water. It could be difficult to tell, considering how quickly Argonians' waterproof scales could dry off. However, Julan looked like he could be close to tears, and Leeus was leaned forward with an empathetic hand on Julan's shoulder, consoling him about something.

"I...do believe I have seen the bottles before." Gwindir answered Llarasa. "Alas, I am not a frequent patron of the taverns, so I'm not too familiar with what they stock. And most the wine we drink, we just buy from Vasiq and Shevari. I'll be sure to look for it when we get back home, though."

S'nashi had been sipping on her wine, and quite clearly focusing on it contemplatively. Finally, she broke her silence at the first break in the conversation. "Well, if you believe this wine is a good representation of your other vintages, then I believe it could sell much farther than that. It takes a fine product to be successfully exported out of the Empire, else no one will want to buy it after the markup from tariffs. I think your wine is good enough to succeed as an export. You could find bottles of your wine in cities from Sunhold, all the way to Lilmoth."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The day had been so active that Janius forgot to consider that Julan and Leeus could have been having a private moment again. However, he did not expect to see them as they were. He slowed and gave Kaleeth a look, before approaching with her.

"Hal-Leeus, Kaj-Julan," he said softly, kneeling down near them. "Is everything alright?"

Calia gave S'nashi a warm smile that could have come off as patronising. "If only it were that simple, my dear S'nashi. You see, for those with a short lifetime, aggressive risks and expansion come naturally and by default. It is necessary to enjoy while you can. Wine, however, lives on. We secure buyers in our best long term interests, and that means keeping a reserve to mature, and selling when the time is right." She raised her cup with the tips of her fingers. "A mature wine is more valuable, and a mature tariff policy is not. One will fall before the other."
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Julan tensed up when he heard his father's voice, but as he had not been doing anything actually embarrassing this time, it subsided quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine. We were just...talking." He answered briefly.

Kaleeth remained standing just behind Janius, doing her best to hide her suspicion and worry. After what Janius had told her about Julan and Leeus, she was uncomfortable with him spending any time alone with her, even if it was entirely innocent. "We could see that you were talking, son. I'd like to know what you two were talking about."

Before Julan could speak, Leeus answered calmly, and with surprisingly little hesitation. "It's nothing serious or anything. Julan was just talking to me about how he likes me and is lonely back home, but we can't stay together since he's leaving."

For a second or two, Julan was wide eyed, stammering as his mind tried in vain to come up with some way to undo what Leeus had said. "Leeus! What are you doing? You weren't supposed to tell anyone that!"

Hal-Leeus, in turn, looked surprised at Julan's reaction, and subsequent embarrassment. "What are you talking about? You didn't say anything about not telling anyone!"

"I thought it was obvious!" Julan practically shouted.

Once again, Leeus calmed her voice and placed her hand gently on his shoulder. "Besides, it's not that big of a deal. Everyone knows you like me. You don't hide it well. And I know you're going back home. You're...just a visitor. I knew that from the start."

"There are certainly many words of wisdom in that." Gwindir replied, almost immediately. Pausing to take another, slow sip of wine, which he lingered on for a few seconds. "But, I daresay, I still agree with my wife. You do have a quality product. You mentioned you've been in the wine business for..." He began, glancing over to Fendros to make a quick judgment on his age. "...a few decades, at least. I'm certain you have already encountered many of the trials a small, growing business has to deal with. Distribution, I would say, is the greatest barrier that a growing business can face, if they want to move beyond just serving one single village or city. The ability to get your product, wine in your case, to a tavern, on display, somewhere that a customer can even see it, can be even more challenging than making a quality product to begin with. Transportation can be expensive, dangerous, you can lose entire shipments at once. Trusting the wrong people to move your goods can ruin a business. But again, you strike me as more than experienced enough to know all of that."

Gwindir smiled, leaning forward and holding his hand forward with his elbow resting on his knee. "And that, I would say, is my real strength. I've never been a man with the talent to make some sort of quality product. I've never produced a fine vintage, or cooked food fit for nobility like my wonderful and talented daughter-in-law, but the logistics of operating and growing a diverse business? That, I do know. To borrow your analogy, my web of connections and trade partners has matured quite nicely over the last few hundred years. I have preferred rates with two different shipping companies between the Empire and Dominion, and am on familiar terms with major traders in nearly every port city in southern Tamriel. What's more, I've done this before. Introducing a product to a new region, that is. I know how it might be accomplished with no financial risk to you. I think the tariffs, as they are now, might actually present a long-term opportunity."

Gwindir spoke with an abundance of both friendliness and confidence. Indeed, his business, as he described it, had an impressive of assets and connections that could take ages to build and maintain. Ahnasha was not surprised that business was one of the first topics that her father had latched onto. He had almost as much passion for trade as Shevari did for her cooking, and he was never one to pass on potential opportunities.
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Janius smiled and tried to be consoling. "It's alright, Julan. You know we knew already, and that was without Leeus kissing you in front of everyone after your combat." He glanced at Leeus and back at Julan. "But we're not here to bother you about any of that. We need to talk about your marks. Your mother has some more facts about it that you need to hear."

Calia paid full attention to every word Gwindir said. Apart from a moment to eat a morsel of spiced melon, the small movements of her face appeared to show a positive reaction to him. When he finished, Calia sat still and staring, as if scrutinising.

Fendros, Monderyn, and Llarasa each showed a little concern. Everyone was quiet.

Calia smiled. "Gwindir, I understand us Dunmer do not sport a reputation for our humility." She twisted her head slightly into a nod. "While my family has pride, my own pride included, the only thing I cannot stand more than having my pride pressed upon is someone knowing something that I don't and would very much like to hear. I cannot accept any agreements without both myself and my husband involved, you understand, but for hearing the opportunity? I'm all ears."

Fendros piped up at this with a forced smile. "I hope it's not going to be too exclusive talking business," he said to everyone else.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Hal-Leeus had an energy and enthusiasm that was difficult to contain, as Julan could not get out a word before she took over the conversation with a loud voice and beaming smile. "Your marks! I almost forgot, I didn't really congratulate you. You actually earned the marks of the Leviathan! I've always dreamed of being able to earn them myself, like my father. You're even stronger than I thought you were. It's really hard to win that kind of a fight, but...my father did it, and you did it. I was just going to do the rite of the predator like everyone else, but now, I think I'm going to try it. I'm going to keep training, and try to earn those marks too." She explained. There were only a few seconds of silence before she interrupted anything Julan might say with a rather tight hug.

Kaleeth had, at first, intended to insist on speaking with Julan in private, but now, she was suddenly seeing some merit in allowing her to stay for their talk. As nervous as Kaleeth was about the two of them spending time together, the fact that Julan's temporary sweetheart simply loved the tattoos he was going to be getting was a fact that Kaleeth found undeniably useful.

Right away, S'nashi leaned over to Fendros with a quick pat on the back. "Oh, don't worry. We won't dwell on it long." She said, grinning.

Ahnasha could easily recognize that her parents were already becoming invested in the idea of a business deal with Fendros' family. Her father's enthusiasm was easy enough for her to see. She was worried that it would necessitate her parents meeting Rossarm, but she had no real way to interrupt at this point. Shevari, and some of the others, had finished their soup and appetizers, so she went ahead and started to get ready to serve the next course while they were talking.

"Naturally, I understand. I make decisions with my wife as well. As for the opportunity, I believe there is a particular market that your wine could fit quite nicely in. As I mentioned before, tariffs for imports into the Dominion are quite high right now, so, of course, the volume of trade has hit a lull. Prices on imported goods are high, and not enough people are buying them for many businesses in the Empire to even bother exporting to begin with. If they lower the price to the point that a large enough volume of people buy it, they don't see the profits as being sufficient enough to warrant the effort, at least in comparison to focusing their attention within the Empire, or to independent provinces. It's the same for wine, and most other markets right now. But, that also means there is currently little competition, in regards to imported wine, within the Dominion right now. I could use my preferred rate on shipping to bring down the transportation cost enough to...partially make up for the tariffs, but that's not the main point. Among the wealthy elite in the Dominion and, well, most other places, there is always a demand for imported luxuries. It would not matter if the absolute best wine in all of Tamriel was made right in their hometown, I'm pretty sure they would still import more expensive bottles just to make sure they have something the commoners don't."

Gwindir paused only to chuckle for a few brief moments. "Perhaps there is not always a demand for Imperial goods due to, um, cultural differences, but you would be exporting quality Elven wine, which is helpful. With so few competing imports, they would be certain to try your wine. The profits, even with reduced transport costs, would be modest at best at the current point in time. As I said, most Imperial businesses are not bothering with significant exports right now. They are looking at the next year, or the next few years, and seeing that they could make more septims elsewhere. But, we can operate on longer timescales. These tariffs will eventually go down to some reasonable number. Then, well, their markets will be practically flooded with new imports, wine included. But, you, and your wine, will have already been ready. You will already have your distribution sorted, and already have buyers for your wine. You will already have customers who know that they like your wine. While the other vineyards are competing for attention, you will already have a solid share of the market, prime to expand with. Now, I have no great love for high tariffs, but a silver lining is that they can create the perfect opportunity to to establish that kind of a foothold."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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With no further response from Julan, Janius switched to a friendlier tone. "Well good on you, Leeus. Train hard enough and I think you could make your father proud." His smile faded. "In fact, Julan, just earlier I learned from your mother a bit more about the significance of the leviathan marks. Kaleeth?" He looked up to her. "I've had two serious talks with the boy already today. Do you want to take over?"

This time, Calia had put aside her food and drink to weave her fingers together while she listened.

"Isn't that still a big risk?" Monderyn commented. "We can't really know for sure if there's a market for our wine in the Dominion."

Calia's smile returned. "You are right, Monderyn. We do not. But that does not mean we cannot find out." She looked to Gwindir. "What we usually do ourselves when presenting to distributors is carry a small case of a selection of our wines to present to taverns and stores to taste for themselves. With the resellers convinced, we can receive orders directly. While it is unusual for such orders to travel between tense nation states, I do not think it impossible. And, indeed, this may be a way to test the waters. Now, we were intending to give you a bottle as a gift today, but perhaps if Rossarm is amenable to the idea, we could send you away with several. From there would you be able to see those extra bottles brought to interested parties in the Dominion?"

Llarasa was still uneasy. "I'm not sure that father would want to trade out that far. Doesn't he harbour a dislike for...well, the people living in the Dominion?"

"Nonsense! He will not have to deal with them personally." Calia waved him off dismissively. "What do you think, Gwindir?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kaleeth gave a nod, then sat herself down on the other side of Julan, facing the river. Janius would easily notice her sudden shift in attitude towards Leeus, at least as far as she was expressing outwardly. "Your friend is right, you know? The marks of the Leviathan are a great honor. Usually, anyone who is strong enough to receive them goes on to be a great warrior for the village. Not all Master-Hunters have them; my father didn't. But, anyone who has them is usually a serious candidate for the position. That, specifically, is not going to matter for you, but...I am just saying that you should expect those tattoos to earn you a lot of respect. It is an honor that you are not only going to be receiving from the people of the village, but from the Hist themselves. Before you get them, both you and the person giving you the tattoos will drink Hist sap, and they will decide the design of the tattoos. It will end up being unique, just to you."

Julan was still holding Leeus' hand even after pulling away from her, but the topic of the tattoos was actually enough to distract him from her. He was silent and conflicted, eventually looking straight up at his father. "So you...do think I should get the tattoos?" He asked, his tone anything but confident.

Much like Calia, Gwindir did not pay much heed to the concerns of the siblings. He was quite happy to be making definite progress on a potential deal. "Indeed, that is just about what I was going to suggest. I would like to have more than just a few bottles to send out, but I am more than happy to buy them from you, at just the same price as you would give to anyone else. That way, you will not personally be out any coin, should the test not work out as we would hope. I just want to make sure to have enough to be able to send to several ports."

S'nashi had actually been drinking her soup while they had been talking, but she soon set it aside once she had the opportunity to speak. "Normally, we take the role of middlemen in these sorts of deals. We buy the goods directly from the supplier, and resell them using our connections in foreign lands. But...you are family, and I think it would be more beneficial for your vineyard in the long run if we instead help you to make these deals directly with the distributors in the Dominion. We would just have to work it out so you could get access to our preferred rate with the shipping companies we deal with."

Gwindir nodded. "I agree completely. You would be able to keep the price of the wine lower, and I don't much want to profit off of family like that. Not when it would hold you back from expanding."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Janius nodded. "At this point, Julan, it is an obligation. It is an integral part of the rite and our welcome here may depend on it."

Calia had to stop to put her hand to her chest momentarily, pulling her chin back as if a piece of her food had caught in her throat. She swallowed it without a noise, but her expression had some leftover sourness. "Yes. Family. Hmm." Her smile returned. "I think perhaps we should defer the specific details to another time. It suffices to say your offer is worth consideration."

Llarasa caught Vasiq and Shevari's eyes. "Is this how they won over your family, Shevari?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"So...I have to get the tattoos." Julan replied in a slow and uncertain tone. Though, his worry was drowned out for Leeus by her rather overwhelming excitement.

Leeus gave Julan's shoulder a playful punch. [i]"Well, obviously you do. Why wouldn't anyone want them? They're the best looking marks too. A leviathan is just so ferocious-looking, with all those teeth and that spine. I've never seen one in person, but I'd love to try to hunt one. I think someone should get the leviathan marks for killing one too, but the Treeminder says it doesn't 'work that way'. Hmph, he's no fun. Anyways, maybe you won't be so lonely back home once you get those to show off. That would have to impress any girl."

Julan became quite quickly defensive. "Hey, I'm not lonely! And...there aren't any Argonian girls there. I told you, not our age."

"Well...are there any Argonian boys your age?" Leeus asked.

Julan was, overall, confused by Leeus' question, and was slow to reply. "Um, yeah, one or two I think. But I, uh, don't like boys...like that."

Leeus laughed. "No, silly. I mean...why don't you just become a girl!"

To say that Julan was confused was an understatement, and he just stared speechlessly at her as if she had gone completely mad.

S'nashi's ever-present grin still dominated her expression as she set aside her now-empty bowl of soup. "Indeed, we probably shouldn't keep boring the children with such discussion. We are staying at the, oh what is the name of that inn...the one nearest the western gate. We will be in the city for some time, so there is no rush. Just whenever you and your husband have the time."

Shevari was in the process of cleaning out soup bowls so she could serve her stew, though she did afford a quick glance towards Llarasa. "Oh, I know my family is quite proud of my financial success with my restaurant. And none of that would have been possible without Gwindir and S'nashi..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Janius had been endeared by Leeus' enthusiasm, but her last comment had him sitting with his mouth slightly parted, adding to the speechlessness Julan expressed. He looked to Kaleeth. "Did I understand that Jel correctly? It sounded like she was suggesting Julan can turn himself from a man into a woman."

"I'll send word ahead and we can organise a meeting," Calia said. "We will bring samples to demonstrate our wine in breadth."

Llarasa grinned. "So, perhaps a bit less directly than how they're doing it here?" She lifted a hand. "No, that's not fair with all the work you two would have put in. But...Vasiq, your family are all such prolific merchants. I'm interested to know what it was like growing up with Ahnasha for a sister."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"Well yes, obviously." Kaleeth replied, being the only other person present who did not show any degree of surprise within her expression. She seemed to think it was perfectly normal. "All you have to do is ask the Hist and...wait, I guess Imperials don't have the Hist to ask. I guess you would have to..."

There was a pause as Kaleeth actually looked to be in serious thought, before taking on a genuinely curious expression. "I don't think I know what a Human would have to do. Is there really no way for a Human to change their sex? Or...any other race? Is it really only Argonians? All an Argonian has to do is drink some sap, ask the Hist, and they'll usually just change their bodies into a man or woman, depending on what they want. Then there's usually a celebration afterwards."

Julan had at first assumed that Leeus was playing some kind of joke on him, but after his mother's explanation, he looked almost as frightened as if he were about to be attacked. "I, um, well...I don't want to be a girl either, okay? I'm fine just being lonely." He began, giving just a brief pause as his words went through his own mind. "Or, um, I'm not lonely either! I'm just, uh, happy right as I am, okay?"[/i]

While S'nashi and Gwindir were finishing up their talk of business, Vasiq gave a quick glance to his sister nearby, who was naturally interested as well, having heard her name. "You mean whenever she was actually in the house? Ahnasha was always a bit of a...rebel, I guess you could say. She never liked being tied down to one spot. As a cub, she would so often end up slipping away from our parents, and it would take forever to find her, since she never ended up in the same part of the city twice. No punishment could deter her from her exploring. And growing up didn't change things too much. It just meant that she had already had her fill of exploring Leyawiin. Our parents taught her the trade just the same as me, but I don't think she ever really enjoyed it. Mostly because she said, loudly and repeatedly, that she didn't enjoy it." Vasiq chuckled. "She liked hunting, and eventually pestered our parents enough to get them to agree to let her do just that. They were happy to sell the pelts, but they did not like the idea of her going out and doing anything risky. The Blackwood forest isn't really the safest of places, in all honesty."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Janius slowly shook his head. "That is the first time I have ever heard of such a thing," he said, "I am unsure how to feel about it but it is...good to know, I suppose."

He allowed a moment for his bewilderment to subside before addressing Julan again. "You don't have to worry about that, Julan. I doubt anyone is going to make you turn into a girl." Janius looked at Kaleeth for reassurance.

"That does sound a measure more like what I know of you, Ahnasha," Llarasa said. "Is Vasiq's account as you recall it? Obviously nothing in Blackwood ended up catching you."
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