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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iKo99
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"I wish I could view life like you... Think you can teach me more about a commoners life?"

Reason: By no means have I given up, I will try my best to escape from here along with Marco, even if Jane prefers to stay in the brothel. However, I have to admit that I don't know much about life and who knows, maybe I'll never be able to return back home so I at least want to know as much as I can about the commoners in case Marco and I are unable to return back home. I want to learn how to be able to survive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evangelyne
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Evangelyne Lauzurus Founder

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

-"I wish I could view life like you... Think you can teach me more about a commoners life?"

-"Heh, something tells me we are going to get along well princess. Now get ready, here they come."

Both of you run quickly to your sacks again and hide in them. Many men can be heard walking down the stairs and before you even have time to get ready your sack gets lifted off the floor. By now you are pretty used to treveling via kidnapping and it doesn't feel as uncomfortable like last time. You are definitely in Frijarl. It's freezing cold! If you knew you would be sold to another country when you went out two days ago you would have packed warmer clothes.

After what seemed like an hour you reach your destination. You can hear loud thuds from persons getting dropped, like if you were sacks of potatoes.

-"Have you still not found a more suitable than carrying them around in sacks? I swear you brutes are worse than the ones visiting here."

The voice seem to come from an older woman.

-"Juzt get on with it alrrrready. We have a thouzand morrre places to vizit."

-"Alright, Alright. Bring them here!"

You feel yourself being pulled up by a strong hand. You get a chance to shoot a swift glance at your captors before being scoffed into a line. The people who got you here are definetly not from Frijarl. They are darkskinned and wellbuilt, more likely to be from the south maybe Túrass. The line in front of you exists mostly of girls of varying ages and ethnicities. Most of the girls seem to be slightly younger than you and judging by how they look they are from the Sangular kingdoms. Jennifer isn't farm from you in the line but Marco is almost at the front end.

-"Didn't you have 'a thousand more places to visit?' Show these ladies some privacy and get out!"

Grambling the dark skinned sailors leave the building, leaving you and the other girls alone with this older woman.

-"Alright younglings. I want you to face me and step out of your clothes."


You look around for an answer to this very uncomforatble situation. You meet eyes with Jennifer who nods at you to do as the women says. Every other girl and boy seem to be stipping their clothes off, even if somewhat reluctantly. You start to take off the few clothes you have on you and put them neatly on the floor behind you. Your cheeks are burning red, never before have you done something this embarrassing.* You try hard not to peek at anyone, and definitely not at Marcos way! The older women then begins to walk from person to person, judging them from top to toe.

-"mmhm, good. Yes you have a nice body. Great shapes there missy. Nope you are too plump. mmhm..."

After a good while she comes to you. She almost looks like a witch with her long nose, wrinkled face and her gray messy hair.

-"Let's see what we have here then."

She begins to feel around your body, looking at your teeth, inspecting every little piece of skin your body have to offer.

-"You look awfully alike someone I seen somewhere. Hold on a moment... You look almost identical to the crown princess of Heroica! I certainly hit the jackpot now! You my friend, are going to get far here!"

You don't know if that means good or bad comings, but you'll take it as a compliment for now.

-"Ok, you three, you and you next to there yes and you with the red hair there yes and you too come along now, we got some things to talk about. The rest of you, get out!"

[i]She chose me... But it's probably better then hitting the streets with nowhere to go.

You quickly put on your clothes and run after the other. You walk through a long hallway, following the long red carpet on the floor.

-"Ok this room is for you two. Get some sleep, I'll wake you up early in the morning so you can learn your routines."

Looks like you and Jennifer is sharing room. How convinient. The room isn't that big. Two beds on each side of the room and a drawer in between for you to share.

You and Jenifer take your beds and lay down, all worn out from the rough day.

-"How do you feel about Marco?" Jennifer asks right out.

-"What? How I feel?"

-"Yes, what do you feel for Marco Jane?"



*Mood changed: Embarassed


A). I like him, as a friend. He was my first real friend.

B). I think I like him, like... LIKE like him.

C). I don't feel comfortable talking about that...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iKo99
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I like him, as a friend. He was my first real friend."

Reason: I know this was only half the truth. Somewhere deep inside me I probably felt much more for him, but it wasn't much of Jennifer' business really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evangelyne
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Evangelyne Lauzurus Founder

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

-"As a friend eh? Well I Think he is drop dead gourgeous. I guess if he is only your friend I'll hog him. Looks like being trapped here might just be exciting after all.

-"How can you even think this place is exciting? They are going to sell our bodies!"

-"Tell me Jane, have you ever been intimate with someone?"

You blush as you hear the lewd question she is asking.

-"Ehh, well... No... I'm not allowed until I get married you know? Royal laws and that."

-"Well no laws stop true love am I right? Not like these rules stopped me."

-"What did your parents say!?"

-"Who said anything about them knowing? Princess even you must have a private life right?"

I guess sneaking out have been my secret all these years.

-"I guess you are right."

-"Of course I am. Now if it wasn't anything else I would like to catch some sleep, hopefully tommorow will be an eventful day."


A). -"I'm sorry but I can't let you have Marco."

B). -"You never told me what was going to be some exciting about being here."

C). -"Good night Jenny."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iKo99
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Good night Jenny."

Reason: I certainly won't let her have Marco and I'd love to give her a piece of my mind, but to be honest, given the circumstances, it probably would be the best idea to not get on her bad side for now. Besides, I should put a bit of trust in him as well and if she actually tries anything I can still confront her when the time comes. For now though, I need rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evangelyne
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Evangelyne Lauzurus Founder

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viewer discretion is advised. The content in the coming parts could contain mature content. Nothing explicit or NSFW though.

-"Get out of bed or I will personally get inside and whip you out of it!"

In pure chock form the sudden screaming you roll out of bed and hit the floor. Quickly you put on some clothes and run out of you room. You find yourself face to face with the same lady from yesterday.

-"Good girl. If only the rest were as fast as you I wouldn't have to spend the first fifteen minutes punishing all the lazy girls who thinks I wouldn't notice them sleeping in."
She gives you a pat on your head and continues to scream and threaten the ones who haven't gotten out yet. You would have felt a bit reassured if it wasn't for the whipping noises bouncing between the stone walls.

She doesn't joke around, I should take this situation really seriously...

When the last girls got out of their rooms and you were lined up in the corridor the witch as you heard some call her stood before you, about to give you todays assignments.

-"Alright girls listen up! You will be put into learning today. Remember we are a high class brothel and we get many upper class visitors here so don't you even try anything or I will punish you severely, if your customers haven't done it already. You will be following the older girls, mostly learning the ropes today and spectating them work. Walk down the corridor and they'll take you where you need to be. Now get going!"

Everyone start to walk down the corridor. As you get halfway you feel a hand on your shoulder. When you turn around it's the witch who stands in front of you.

-"I have a special task for you. Come with me."

You two walk the complete opposite way and back to where you got picked yesterday.

-"Listen, I know you are green and all but I have an important task for you. Outside is Lilly, she is one of our best girls here. Today you will help her welcoming customers. She will instruct you. Don't disappoint me, I have high hopes in you."

You nod and walk out to meet this Lilly. As the witch told you there was indeed already someone outside. She is taller than you and definitely older, maybe nineteen. She have brown straight hair and her face is spotted lightly with freckles. Her skin is very bleak, something Frijarlians have in common. She only wear a thin dress, it's almost so thin her private parts can be seen through. If you would be wearing that thing you would most certainly freeze to death out here. But as she is a Frijarlian she has a natural resistance to cold.

-"I thought I would get someone experienced out here. But this is much more fun." She turns her head to you and gives you a warm smile. "I'm Lilly, who might you be?"

-"I'm Jane. Pleasured to meet you."

She gives you a laugh and give you a really big smile.

-"Woah, Helen sure finds the weird ones doesn't she?"

-"You mean the witch?"

She tries to contain a second laugh, but is obviously failing.

-"Yes, you could call her that. Anyway, all you have to do is smile and give seductive looks. If they try to talk to you tell them all about how it is a 'Pleasure to meet them'. Or how did you say it?"

-"What is a seductive look?"

-"This..." She breathed the last word out and bent down to meet your eyes. You were faced with half lidded blue eyes, her tongue running playfully along her lips. You feel yourself blushing, but don't really know why.

-"I... Think I got it. Thank you Lilly, I'll try my best!"

I'll definitely show that to Marco later and see what he thinks about it!

The day goes by. many people walk by. But also a lot of people entering the brothel. Some laughs at you when they see you giving your best shot at seducing them with your looks, obviously failing somewhere. But Lilly just assure you it's nothing and that you are doing fine.

-"Allright Jane, I'll go grab us some lunch. Think you can hold down the fort for me while I'm gone?"

-"Sure, I think I'm getting the hang of this."

She flash you a big white smile before walking away. Even though it's a bit embarrassing doing what you are doing it's also kind of fun in some weird way.* Lilly is also so nice to you, so it isn't half bad being here!

-"Well aren't you a cute little thing!" A deep voice could be heard from your left. Suddenly you stand face to face with a Frijarlian. He is tall and have a blond beard and shaved head. judging by his clothes he might be a upper class commoner.

-"Good day sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. If you would need some relaxation or a good time you can find it in here." You picked that up form Lilly earlier.

-"Oh you got me wrong, I already found myself some good time right here. How about I show you how a real man do it? The dregs you must put up with is nothing compared to me."

You feel all warning signals alarming in your brain at the same time.

This is bad!

-"No thank you sir! I need to remain here or mistress Helen will punish me."

-"Oh your mistress won't even notice, trust me. Now let's go!"

You feel a grip strong as steel around your arm starting to pull you away.

What do I do!? I'm supposed to work here but maybe Helen would be angry at me if I refuse a customer? But I'm not ready yet for any of this disgusting stuff he might do to me. What do I do!!?


*Happiness +1


A). Scream for help. Because I really need some right now!

B). Fight back. Just who do he think he are?

C). Submit. Jenny would have told me to live the life more casually.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iKo99
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Fight back. Just who do he think he are?"

Reason: I was told to help Lilly and greet the guests, this man had no right to just come here and force me away. Besides, why did he only appear just after Lilly had disappeared? There had to be something fishy about it, and I didn't like it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evangelyne
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Evangelyne Lauzurus Founder

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You struggle, trying you best to pull out of his grip.

-"Aw you don't have to resist sweetie. Everything goes so much smother if you submit like a good girl should."

That's it! He asked for it!*

With all your frustration you punch him straight in the gut. You managed to caught him off guard and he lets go of you in surprise.

Time to run!

You head for the brothel to seek cover but you were too slow. You feel a hard yank from the roots of your hair and you scream in pain as he drags you back to him.

-"You fucking bitch! I'll show you what happens to ungrateful brats like you!"

He begins to punch you over your face. The strong punches rocks the world around you and you start seeing stars. Blood starts streaming from you eyebrow and you can feel more blood stacking up inside your mouth. The man keeps pouncing you until he screams in agony. He falls off of you and behind her is Helen! She is holding a stiletto in her right hand and look really pissed.

-"Who the hell do you think you are! Do you think you can treat my girls any way you like? You hadn't even paid for her you wretched scum!" Helen begins to stab the man several times until he stops moving.

Did she kill him?

You try to see what happened through your painful haze and spot Helen walking up to you.

-"Oh my poor little girl! What ever did you do to deserve this treatment?"

She picks you up and walks off with you. You feel yourself drifting off in her arms, everything slowly fading to black.

What do I want?... You find yourself standing in the royal garden back home. The cherry blossom is in full bloom and your brothers are playing cheerfully on the grass.
Everything is so calm here. I have everything I want. I hate it. Everything shifts into the grand plaza. It's completely empty. Everything is grey except for a body. As you walk closer to inspect it it's Marcos body, twisted and disfigured. His limbs hang loosely in the air, blood black as the night dripping like tar from him.
Do I care? Am I one of them or are they just a part of my little game? Just a game. You are at the cathedral, bells ringing and candles lit giving a damp red light. At the altar is your mother. Crucified she looks at you, tears of blood streaming down her face. Am I her? Is he me? Who am I supposed to be?
The floor start to crackle. you feel yourself falling into the abyss, your body slowly vaporizing. Agony. A man appears. He is painted purple and white, dressed in a formal shirt and a skirt.
-"Dire times are coming young. Make haste and run before you get hung. Meet me where death meets life, there we will settle your strife. Step up and start to mend, to make sure the world doesn't end."

-"For the last time you can't just walk up and kill someone you wretched hag!"

You wake up covered in sweat, panting intensely.

A nightmare?

-"Apparently you can't do your job right so I have to protect the weak and needing for you!"

It's Helen screaming from the outside of your room. She sounds very angry.

-"Protect? You fucking sell their bodies for your own winning!"

The voice belongs to a male, they seem to be in a heated discussion.

-"I sell them to guards like you, don't you try to fool me you haven't been here to relive your own urges you fucking hypocrite!"

A loud smack could be heard from the other side of the door.

-"I don't have time for word fencing with a witch like you."

It feels like your heart stopped when the door suddenly get kicked open.

-"You girl! I give you five seconds to give me an answer to my question, otherwise I slice your head off!"

You nod quickly understanding the gravity of the situation.**

-"Why did the witch kill the man? And don't you try to lie to me I begin breaking your bones!"


*Temper +2

**Mood changed: Steeled


A). The man pounced me when I resisted to follow him. Helen saved my life!

B). I provoked the man and he started to lecture me. He went overbroad and Helen stopped him.

C). Helen killed the man and punched me to frame him! She is fucking nuts!

D) ...

E). How dare you even accuse her for anything! You are the worst guards I've ever seen! Get out of my sight! (Available because Temper +7)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iKo99
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Helen killed the man and punched me to frame him! She is fucking nuts!"

Reason: Of course I know that's a lie, but it looks like this may be a good opportunity for me. Even though I'm thankful Helen saved me, apparently she is the one running this place, if I can frame and make the guard take care her of it may very well cause this brothel to collapse which may free me, Marco and all the others that are here against their will.

OOC: Sorry for the delay, busy weekend. >.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evangelyne
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Evangelyne Lauzurus Founder

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

-"I fucking knew it!" The guard storms out of the room and you can hear Helen scream outside.

I am so sorry...*

You let sleep catch you once more and you shut your eyes with conflicted feelings.

Three days goes by. You are in the bed still rather shook up from the beating the man gave you. Lilly made sure everything was good, she had been like a second mother for you during these past days. She checked on you often and made sure everything was fine. You didn't speak much to her but you made sure she knew about her being appreciated. But today you got tired of laying in the bed, you had rested enough! Lilly walks in the middle of you getting up.

-"How are you feeling Jane?" She asks, slightly worried

-"I'm fine thank you. I think I recovered enough."

-"I'm glad to hear that, but what are you going to do now? You know you are always welcome to stay here as long as you work but I can't really afford to keep you as a guest much longer..." She looks away trying to hide her disappointment in herself. When Helen got dragged away to the executioner Lilly took over the Brothel. She'd let go of anyone whom didn't want to stay, but surprisingly many of the girls didn't find their new life too freighting.

-"I know Lilly, I'm awfully thankful for you hospitality but I'm not certain if this is a place for me. But I do have a question: Have you seen Marco? He is one of the boys that got here at the same time as me?"

-"Sorry I haven't seen him in two days. He left when I offered him and ran away with a girl, I think Jenny was her name."


-"So what will it be Jane?"


*Alignment -1

**Mood changed: Sad


A). I would be delighted to work with you Lilly.

B). Did Marco or Jenny tell where they where going?

C). I'm leaving. thank you for everything Lilly.

D). Is there a embassy I can visit somewhere? (Because Diplomatics +1)

E). Can you give me some more time Lilly? I need to think this through.

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