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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Lunise was just as surprised as the rest of the table. She looked up at Meesei with her eyes wide, but quickly recovered, releasing her breath and looking back to Inelwen with a frown. "Very well," Lunise said, gesturing to Inelwen with a flat hand. "Now is your chance to inform Meesei, if you feel she has not been fairly briefed."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Inelwen had likely prepared for how this meeting might go, but she was certainly taken by surprise with Meesei's sudden intrusion. She did not have an immediate response for Lunise, and Meesei did not allow the silence to remain long enough for her to think. "I am more than the sum of my parts; more than...lost memories to be recovered. Perhaps you do have a perspective I simply cannot see, but if I may be so bold, I would say there are perspectives you have forgotten in your centuries here. To completely detach one's self from the mundane concerns of Tamriel, from its society and people, is not something everyone can do. Nor something everyone should do. I will not dismiss the value of the Psijic Order's work, but there still need to be people like myself, like Lunise, like my pack, who care for the concerns that you have to overlook. That is my place, and I choose to take all of the risks that will come with that.

"But if you knew the stakes...if you truly understood what will happen if you die..." Inelwen began, but Meesei quickly cut her off.

"I do know, Inelwen. My soul is an unstable patchwork of far too many ancient memories. I may well simply cease to be if I die, should I not find a solution beforehand. Lunise explained everything well, but my decision is still the same." Meesei answered confidently.

Inelwen turned her head towards the other Psijics, with both her expression and tone demonstrating hints of desperation. "Surely you can see the benefits she could have to us?"

Marcaano leaned forward and lightly shook his head. "With respect, Inelwen, our concerns are not the only ones that matter. It may be that she would do more good here, but it cannot be denied that she will benefit our goals regardless, from Tamriel. It could be that she will do more good there. We cannot know for sure if she has the specific memories we think she does. She has obviously already been informed adequately, and it is her choice to make."

Finally, it seemed like Inelwen was relenting. She said nothing further, though she sighed deeply and her spell taking them out of time faded around them. With Meesei intruding as she had, it was not as if it was serving a purpose anyways.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Grateful for Marcaano and Zyausak's input, Lunise brought up a hand to touch Meesei's. Her vindicated feeling was momentarily replaced by the strangeness of showing even that small amount of affection towards Meesei in front of strangers.

"If we may know," Lunise said. "What are the specific memories you are looking for?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Nytala responded somewhat hesitantly. "I...am afraid I cannot give too many details on that question. But, I suppose I can say that we have reason to believe that a certain Argonian's memories may have been included among those latent memories you now posses. Specific histories, and forms of Daedric magic, that are not privy to us may be hidden in your memories. Needless to say, these are secrets we believe may be useful in the times ahead."

Inelwen looked as if she had somewhat calmed down, though by her tone, it was more likely that she was simply making more of an effort to hide her frustrations. Regardless, she stood up and spoke, though looked at no one in particular. "If there is nothing more to be accomplished here, then I have other matters I should go deal with."

Inelwen did not leave any opportunity for a response before she marched out of the room. Nytala, giving a soft sigh, glanced to the others. "Taryenar, Marcaano, you should go...tend to her. I will finish up here."

The two Altmer quietly agreed and took their leave after Inelwen, leaving Meesei and Lunise with Nytala and Zyausak. Though, Zyausak remained silent in his seat for now. While it did now seem that Nytala had accepted Meesei's answer as final, she seemed to have trouble determining what to say next to her daughter, or Meesei.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Lunise averted her eyes from Nytala when Taryenar and Marcaano stood up to leave. She was not sure what other business she and Meesei had at the table, but a swiftly growing sympathy to Nytala's disappointment grew in her mind. The lack of following words from Nytala only made it more apparent.

"Do not think me insincere when I say this, mother," Lunise said, looking at the top of the table. "I understand Inelwen may not be the only one who feels their plans have been unexpectedly complicated. I wish I did not have to disappoint you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I understand why you feel the way you feel. Just...please do not be too judgmental of Inelwen. She can be brash, passionate, and uncompromising, but her heart is in the right place. She only wishes to do what she feels is best for Tamriel. I find that she...expects others to make the kinds of sacrifices she is willing to make herself. Please do not mistake my own intent, as I am not trying to make you feel guilt, but she was the first to volunteer to abandon every project she had to help find a solution to this matter of Meesei's soul. She has already been working on the problem for the last few decades. I just do not want you to leave this place with the wrong impression of her, or the order."

Nytala stood up and approached the pair, her hesitation at least slowly fading. "But really, I feel I should be apologizing to the both of you. It was unavoidable that your time here would be stressful, but I fear I have only added to it."

"I understand why you wanted me to remain, and you do not need to apologize for trying. As long as my choice is being respected, I cannot fault you for it." Meesei answered reassuringly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Lunise stood up in turn and faced Nytala. "These were matters to be resolved at one time or another," she added. "The offer was made generously in the first place. The sentiment is not lost, even if the outcome was...yes, somewhat stressful." She clasped her hands behind her back. "I shall take Inelwen's behaviour with a grain of salt. It is hardly the first time I have negotiated with one as passionate as her. I only wish we could inspect the progress she has made already on Meesei's soul, rather than see the work dropped altogether."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Again, Nytala did not hide the regret in her expression. "I am afraid there is not much progress to share. I have been working with her closely. The work is exceedingly difficult without the ability to examine Meesei directly, and we are not completely certain how much easier it would make it to have her here with us. The most we have is promising theories, some possible avenues of research. Honestly, I do not think the council would give too much resistance to us releasing that information to you. Again, I just do not know how much help it will be to you."

Nytala had the beginnings of tears in her eyes and, for a few moments, struggled to keep eye contact. However, after a few seconds, and a brief flash of determination in her expression, she reached out and took a hold of Lunise's hand. "But...perhaps it would not be too much to ask for us to try and put this behind us for now? I accept your decision, and there is no reason to dwell on it. And now, you still have a few days left to remain here. It is not as if we are going to force you off the island now. I honestly do now know if I will be able to see either of you again in person after you leave; that is just the...reality of being a Psijic. But, I would like for us to be able to part ways with pleasant memories. I want to hear all about your family, your plans for the future. I want to get to know my daughter-in-law, or...perhaps get a sense of when I might call you my 'daughter-in-law' officially?" Nytala remarked, passing a grin to Lunise.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Lunise appeared less affected by Nytala's words than she had expected. She gave Meesei a quick glance before looking to Nytala with a raised brow. "As it happens...um..." She suddenly realised she did not know how to explain it. She took a breath. "Meesei has expressed to me...in no uncertain terms while we have been here...that she wished us to be together in such a way that, I think you will find, is more or less equivalent to making the title of daughter-in-law..." She nervously took another breath. "...appropriate."

Lunise finally settled into a smile, though she tried to quickly interrupt the moment out of late-onset bashfulness. "But I see no reason not to forgive you, mother! Any help with Meesei's soul at all is more than starting with nothing. We would be grateful no matter the substance. And..." She held Nytala's hand in both of hers, holding it up. "Mother, I came here for the purpose of meeting you again. That has not changed and I want to make good use of every moment we will have over these coming days."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Nytala listened to Lunise calmly, even as her smile steadily grew. She moved one hand up gently to Lunise's cheek. "Oh, my dear, even after all this time, after all both you and I have been through. After how much the both of us have changed, there is one thing that has stayed the same about you since you were just a babe."

Suddenly, Nytala grinned, pinching Lunise's cheek between two of her fingers as if she were a small child. "You are just so wonderfully cute when you're flustered." She began to laugh, and even Meesei could not help but to start laughing along with her.

"Well, if you two are to marry, then you simply must tell me when and where the wedding will be. I may not be allowed to attend in person, but I would at least like to be able to see you on that day." Nytala added.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Lunise lowered her eyes with a small smile while they laughed. "Hence my efforts to avoid fluster," she mentioned, letting go of Nytala's hand.

Unfortunately, Lunise was at a loss for words again regarding a marriage date. Her wide eyes shifted between Nytala and Meesei, mouth open yet speechless. She let out a small sigh. "I am afraid I do not know. There are many unanswered questions just with the event itself. The date is one detail. We would have to find some way to perform the ceremony in secret. There is father to think about-"

She stopped, closed her eyes and mouth, and let the rest of her breath out through her nose.

Collected and calm, Lunise turned to Meesei and opened her eyes. "Is your schedule clear exactly two months from the day of the invasion, Meesei?" Her eyes darted down and up as her tone stumbled over what she thought should be more formal. "Would you...like to become my wife on that day?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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As amusing as the conversation had been to observe, Meesei's laughter quickly subsided as Lunise's tone became more serious. For Meesei, Lunise's question was not as emotionally difficult for her as she might have expected. The bonding between mates that Meesei was accustomed to among her clan was just as meaningful as a marriage, and she was already resolute in the knowledge that she wanted to be Lunise's mate. To call herself a "wife" was just putting another word on how she already felt.

Meesei placed her arm around Lunise. "As long as it is physically possible for me to do so, I will make my schedule free, my love." She said, punctuating her answer with a brief kiss.

Nytala, at this point, was grinning practically from ear to ear. "Oh, you two are just so...cute together as well. It almost melts my heart seeing you so smiling and romantic with one another. Not to mention that it renews my hope in grandchildren."

Naturally, Meesei was understandably confused by Nytala's comment. She had once before made a comment about grandchildren, and it made no more sense now than it did then. This time, it was Meesei with the awkward and hesitant tone in response to Nytala. "Um, well I would normally consider this to be an obvious conclusion, but...it is quite impossible for us to have our own children together."

"Oh, come now Meesei, I am sure you have strong enough knowledge of the depths of the arcane to know that is not strictly true." Nytala replied, rather vaguely.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

A soft warmness emanated from Lunise's smile all the way from Meesei's answer to Nytala's mention of children. At that point, Lunise gave Nytala a pleading look. "Mother," she said, barely maintaining her calm. "That area of magic is not my expertise, so do not take this as dismissal, but I hope you will not mind if we focus on the more pressing issues first." She looked at Meesei. "Beside that, I am already stepmother to a talented and lovely young woman in Sabine. We shall have to tell you more about Meesei's family, mother."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Based on Nytala's reaction, she simply accepted Lunise's answer, or was undeterred by it. In either case, she did not seem to be disappointed. "Oh, certainly. I do find that I have such respect for your people's approach to family, Meesei. Even the orphaned and the spurned can find the love and comfort of a new family. It does sadden me that I will never be able to meet Sabine in person."

"Sabine is a daughter to be proud of, without a doubt." Meesei replied. She had been briefly distracted by the thoughts swirling through her head on how Nytala could have possibly intended for her to have children, but the subject of Sabine was one that could quickly draw in her attention. "She is really the pride of my life. It is hard to even imagine her as the frightened little girl she once was. Although...I will say that it sometimes also hard for me not to see her as my little girl. And instead as the woman she has become. She did not truly start her magical studies until I started teaching her, where as I was trained since I was a hatchling. Yet, she has grown into a more powerful mage now than I was when I had the same number of years of experience. I have taught her all I know, shared with her all of the different, new forms of magic I have discovered. Even the Psijic magic I have learned, I am sure she is making good progress on studying. As a mage and a scholar, I look forward to seeing how she injects her own creativity into her research, and eventually seeing what she may be able to teach me. As a mother, I also look forward to her perhaps having her own family. She is already forming her own pack, and it may be that I will be the one looking forward to grandchildren soon. Just...my own guess."

Meesei had almost forgotten that he was still present, but Zyausak made enough noise standing up that she still glanced over to him before he spoke. "I feel I should stop intruding on your family bonding any further. Though, if you feel you would like to talk later, I would certainly like to. I do have some...ideas that might be of some small use to you with this matter of your soul, Meesei. And I am reasonably sure I would be allowed to share them." He explained before quickly looking to take his leave.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Lunise followed Meesei's eyes behind her back. "Oh, my apologies, Zyausak." She gave him a respectful nod. "Please do seek us out later if we do not seek you out first. As I said to mother, any help at all is a gift."

As Zyausak left, Lunise slowly turned back around to Nytala. There was a pause she held with an expression that had something to say, but not a word emerged before Zyausak closed the door behind him.

"Okay." Lunise resumed, suddenly sounding determined. "Now that I shan't be mortified in front of a particularly ancient and wise mage, I need you, mother, to fulfil my...purely academic interest, if you would." Her shoulders slumped and her brow knitted up. "How on Nirn is a woman meant to conceive a child without a man? And before you answer, know that father has filled me in a number of times on what Hist sap can do to a willing Argonian body and I dare say such a method is rather more drastic than may be necessary."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"Oh, but what you describe is likely the easiest method." Nytala answered, her voice taking on a more even tone befitting a "scholarly" discussion. "The Hist are particularly in tune with the bodies of their creations, and they can effect that transition quickly and seamlessly. And back again, I might add. Although, there exists magic that can transform the bodies of any race in such a way, in either direction. I have known individuals who have lived centuries as both men and women. I would not look so surprised at that knowledge, my dear. Your soon-to-be wife can transform her body to be multiple times her own size, into a giant wolf. I would say that goes several steps farther than simply becoming an Argonian of the opposite sex."

Meesei cleared her throat, fairly nervously. Although the idea of having children of her own by itself was not something she inherently opposed, what Nytala was describing made the concept seem alarmingly possible. "Well, that is not something I have ever...considered before, I can say. I am not entirely sure how to feel about the idea."

Perhaps as a way of "encouraging" the pair to consider the idea, Nytala quickly moved past Meesei's hesitation. "I am sure it is not nearly as drastic as it may sound to you. It is possible there may be a way to use magic to take one's essence and use it to impregnate another, but I am not sure. That would not be my area of expertise."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"I see. Quite interesting." Lunise did not sound entirely convinced. She apprehensively narrowed her eyes and showed her teeth. "Perhaps that might be a side project for the future."

While she did not regret satisfying her curiosity, Lunise's discomfort was such that she quickly found a way to steer the conversation away.

"Speaking of expertise and transformation," Lunise said, her face tilting. "Word reached our ears this morning that you had been performing your own research on lycanthropy. Had you taken an interest before I met Meesei or was it incidental?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Nytala shook her head. "There were no coincidences there. I took up my studies into lycanthropy as a direct result of learning of your future bond with Meesei."

Pausing a moment, Nytala lightly chuckled. "I admit, I was...surprised, at first, for a multitude of reasons. I would not say there is as much of a stigma against lycans, vampires, and the like here as there is in Tamriel, but I realize now it is not something I truly understood. The connections that such conditions give to various Daedra are not...preferred among Psijics. I admit, it is still a matter of concern for me now, but I have come to find the condition of lycanthropy to be simply intriguing. Your soul is bound to a Daedric vestige, and although Hircine could bind a Daedra with far more control of your mind, he allows you a chance to learn control yourself. And the transformation itself...I have been trying to work out the actual magical process through which your affliction transforms your body, and how it protects your life in the interim. It is not immediate, so there has to be some mechanism for the affliction to tether your soul, at least for a moment, to your physical form. Although, I have not been able to make proper observations on those processes without an actual lycanthrope to study in person."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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The hint of a smile came across Lunise's lips. In the moment she left silent after Nytala spoke, she realised just how closely she had been watched over the years. Pircalmo's notions of Nytala keeping an eye on them all suddenly seemed more real.

Nevertheless, it was too profound a thought for the current topic of conversation.

Lunise smile broadened. "You see, Meesei? I told you this was all a ploy to obtain a test subject in you." She tried not to dwell on having made a straightforward joke for once. "Well, if Meesei has anything to do with it, lycanthropes are going to be less hidden in the coming decades. Even if it is from a cloistered place such as this, I hope it served to help them as the times change."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 7 days ago

Nytala nodded along as Lunise spoke. "Yes, I have seen many possible futures of your people Meesei. I wish that I could give you specific details, but unfortunately, being told an outcome can often change that outcome unpredictably. It would not benefit you for me to tell you by how much or how little you may achieve your goals. Even if it would, I cannot guarantee how helpful my sight would be. The future is in flux right now, and a great deal depends on what happens relatively soon."

Nytala soon appeared hesitant as she turned her gaze towards Meesei once more. As innocuous as it was, Lunise's joke had caused her to think twice, though she still ended up following through regardless. "In all honesty, though, I would not mind observing a few transformations myself. It could do a great deal to further my research. But...it could take some time, I will admit."

Meesei did not need to think for long to determine that she was willing to help; the fact that it would be time consuming that gave her more pause. "Well, I certainly would not mind allowing you a few observations." She began, reaching over and taking a hold of Lunise's hand. "But, I also want to be sure to make the best use of our time together."
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