Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia spent the 10 GP on the food ingredients, doing her best to find a way to seal them for later. She found herself regretting her own silent complaints about her grandmother's fondness for tupperware. She decided to just get the bedroll. The tent was heavier than she had expected, and she doubted that she could make the journey with the tent in addition to everything else.

Now that the food and bedroll was taken care of, she was ready to head out. She nodded to Pylia when she met back up with her, "OK, let's go!"

Just before heading out of the gates of Cassari, Sylvia took one last look at the village, just in case it would be the last she ever saw of it. She then started down the path towards the military outpost.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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And so they set off. The sea breeze trail was delightfully peaceful, with not many dangers unless you consider rabbits and the occasional fox threatening. Even the goblins who were said to exist here were not immediately present, though occasionally you’d run across a stone or tree with strange markings on it. “Goblin Markings,” Pylia would explain. “Despite how crude and barbaric they are, they have some semblance of intelligence and understanding. These marks show which tribe lives in this area. Though beyond that, I don’t know what the symbol means.”

But soon you’d come across the end of the sea breeze trail to a forest. It’s been about thirty minutes of walking and despite that, the wooden towers of the military camp don’t seem to be any closer. “Through this forest is the camp. Stay on your toes. While the path should be mostly clear, we will certainly be going through goblin territory. With any luck there should be patrols keeping the road safe but if not well...” Pylia strapped her shield on and put a hand on her dagger. “Well let’s go.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia noticed the strange markings, and she listened as Pylia explained what the markings were. She murmured "Interesting..." in response. When they reached the forest, Sylvia nodded to Pylia in response to her warning before heading into the forest. As she walked on, she heard something fall ahead. Something large...a tree?

She informed Pylia quietly, "Something just fell ahead of us. Possibly a tree. Still...be careful,"

With Sylvia's grip on her staff tightening in preparation for battle, Sylvia cautiously continued onwards. A tree falling could be a set up for an ambush. Or it could just be a tree falling. She wasn't sure, but the both of them had to continue onwards.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Heeding her warning Pylia preemptively had her dagger out and moved forward. Things seemed quiet enough but soon they’d stumble upon the sight where they heard the noise. Pulling you aside, Pylia hide behind a bush as you two watched what was happening.

It appeared to be a small cart being pulled by two donkeys, however a tree had fallen and struck one of the Donkey’s while at the same time, caused one of the wagon wheels to break. Getting out of the cart was a strange squat looking fellow, with bright red hair and a large bushy bread. You might’ve never seen someone like this before, but it was almost unmistakable. This man was a dwarf. In the cart was another dwarf, but with short hair blond hair and no beard, who seemed to just be sitting.

The dwarf grumbled a bit as he went to look around but soon there was a piercing screech that echoed through the woods. You could see the dwarves man take out a large crossbow from his cart, loading an arrow as he watched carefully. And from the forest, at least seven goblins jumped out, each armed with a wicked looking curved sword. One of the goblins looked bigger than the others, with a dark complexion and a wicked spike shield.

“Goblins!” Pylia cursed quietly. “We need to help that dwarf!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia was caught by surprise by Pylia for a moment, but she did move behind the brush and hid with Pylia. She watched as the both of them studied the scene. The two people were...dwarves? Huh....

Before she could even think more on that, the goblins appeared and attacked. One of the goblins looked bigger than the others. Perhaps that was the leader?

Hearing Pylia cursed, Sylvia whispered back, "Then what are we waiting for?!" Sylvia wasn't sure if this was the right place or situation for the Dragon Spit...she was thinking of saving it for larger hordes of goblins. But it may be good to have if they get overwhelmed. Seven against three or four...

She decided to hand the Dragon Spit to Pylia and whispered "Here. Just in case. I'm going in," She'd rather not have the explosive while she's in close quarters combat.

She then moved to strike the larger goblin with her quarterstaff and an unarmed strike.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Just as the other goblins approached to attack the lone dwarf, you burst from the bushes and smashed your staff into the head of one of the goblins. They staggered forward and turned to strike at you, however your unarmed strike throws the cretin off his feet and into a tree. As the other two goblins turned to attack you, a ball of fire launches out and slams into one of the goblins, setting him aflame as Pylia comes out from cover. "Vile creatures! To ashes with you!"

Seeing the two ambush their ambush, the bigger goblin roared and started pointing at you and the cart. The other two goblins at the back of the cart, even the one that was on fire, charged at you, screaming and swinging their swords at you. One jumped into the air to slash down at you, the light deflecting off his sword to blind you for just a moment. In that brief moment you were blinded, and you could just barely see the sword about to slice you across the chest. But in the same movement, you managed to step back and avoid the critical blow, though the tip of the sword still managed to give you a shallow cut across the cheek. The second, rather crispy goblin tried to attack you right after, however you were easily able to parry his attack.

The other three goblins rushed the cart and the dwarf who came out. He was trying to aim for one of the goblins attacking you, however they interrupted him, barraging him with a flurry of swords. He managed to stop the first attack using his crossbow as a guard, however this left him defenseless as the other goblins hacked into his chest an legs. However despite how heavy these blows where, the dwarf still stood strong, if rather bloodied now. "You damn vermin! I won't go down that easy! Son, my axe!" From the cart the younger looking dwarf picked up a rather hefty looking battleaxe and tossed it to the fiery hair dwarf. Grasping the blade with both hands he hewed through two of the goblins with a single swing.

However the goblins were just a diversion. As the dwarf tried to battle the other goblins, the bigger hob snuck up from behind and slashed the dwarf across the back, causing him to fall to his knee. "Son... Go, get away from here, please..." The dwarf gasped as he struggled to stay on his feet.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia felt fear when the sunlight caught into her eyes, and blinded her. She knew she got lucky when she took that instinctive step back away from what could have been a deadly blow. Her concern grew when one of the dwarves was mortally wounded by the larger goblin. Thankfully she heard Pylia call out, reassuring her that she would help the dwarf and that she needed to focus on the goblin. She called back "Got it!" and she focused her attacks on the goblin. She attempted to strike one of the goblins with her quarterstaff, before kicking at the goblin.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"I'll take care of the dwarf!" Pylia shouted out as you seemed hesitant about either going to save him, or fighting these goblins before you. Pylia grasped her amulet and looked towards the dwarf, her eyes slightly glowing with magic. ^Live!^ Once more Pylia spoke in a strange ethereal language that send a bolt of divine energy towards the dwarf. It engulfed him completely, but instead of doing any harm, it seemed to heal his wounds, though not completely. But it was enough for him to get back onto his feet and face off against the taller, somewhat more menacing hobgoblin leader.

Shortly after healing the man Pylia dashed towards one of the goblins who you struck. Before he could recover Pylia stabbed him in the neck with his knife, causing him to scream in agony before bleeding out on the ground. She then used her body to seperate you and the goblin, giving you some space to move without the gremlin able to get a clear hit on you. "Go! Help him, I'll finish off this one!" Just as she says that, the goblin cuts her leg, but she doesn't let that slow her down as she grits her teeth and glares down the goblin. "You're going to wish I had finished you off the first time!"

Meanwhile the dwarf manages to hold his own against the two goblins well enough. When the smaller goblin tried to attack him, thanks to Pylia's healing magic, he was able to stand and deflect the blow before it could strike him. However when he tried to turn and attack the hobgoblin, he proved to be much more capable a fighter, deflecting the dwarf's onslaught as he slashed the dwarven man across the face. It was a deep cut, and if it weren't for Pylia's healing magic that might've killed him. But the dwarven man was not looking much better, as he was on the cusps of death once more. "Yer nuthin but a half-goblin sun-borne bastard as expected of a milk-drinkin drow ass tickler!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia took the opportunity Pylia gave her and she answered "I'm on it!" before hurrying to the dwarf's side. As she did, she silently hoped that Pylia didn't get to hurt. When she made it to the dwarf's side, she positioned herself between him and the goblin and hobgoblin. She decided to take out the small goblin first before taking on the big guy. Two against one were better odds, plus with her in between the dwarf and the big guy, the dwarf won't get killed. At least that was the idea.

So she attempted to strike the small goblin with her quarterstaff over the head, before attempting to kick the goblin in the chest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The smaller goblin was able to jump over your staff, showing a surprising amount of strength for such tiny creatures. As you tried to kick the hobgoblin, he simply raised his spiked shield to intercept. You had to pull your leg back quickly to avoid skewering your own foot, as both attacks failed to do much good. However the tide of battle would soon change as Pylia feinted the goblin, making it look like she was going for a neck stab when she ends up dropping the dagger into a readied hand, stabbing him through the heart. After pushing him off her short blade she turned towards you and raised her hand towards you, saying a quick prayer for protection. ^Protect the Faithful!^ A glowing aura would surround you, seemingly pushing away hostile forces.

Just in time too as the goblin who you tried to strike lunges at you, but his blade ends up deflected off what appeared to be thin air. But at that same moment, the hobgoblin rushed towards you, his sword ready to cleave your head clean off. But before he could you could see from the corner of your eye the dwarf stand up and knock the blow away. "Get yer grontching paws off dis fine ol lass or so help me, I'll splint ya gobbler in twain ya pinko arsed dirt lickin spoon shittah!" And sure enough, though the hobgoblin stood twice as tall as the dwarf, he swung upwards right into the goblin's gonads, but he didn't stop there. He continued upwards, through the rusted iron chain shirt, through the beaten and dirty leather cuirass, and right into the sternum of the hobgoblin, and launched him all the way towards the forest in a spray of blood and gore. Using what little energy he had left, the dwarf fell to the ground, leaving you with the final goblin who was starting to have some second thoughts now.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia was glad that she was taught self-control and discipline when she took martial arts lessons. If she had continued, she was pretty sure she wouldn't have been able to walk. Before she knew it, she heard Pylia's voice and she saw a glow emanate from her. And that glow seemed to have protected her from a strike. She called back to Pylia, "Thanks Pylia!"

Then her attention turned towards the hobgoblin as it started to bum rush her. She muttered an "Uh oh...!" as it did, but then she saw the dwarf stand up and immediately cleave the hobgoblin in two. Sylvia herself was pretty gobsmacked at the sight and she muttered "Woah...!"

She then turned her attention to the last goblin, who seemed to be reconsidering its options. Sylvia decided that the best cause of action was to make it run. She took her staff like it was a broom and harshly spoke, "Ah! Go on, get! Shoo!" It was like she was shooing away a household pest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The goblin was alone, facing off against two women who have certainly proven to be stronger than him or his leader. Perhaps fear kept his feet still, or maybe a false sense of bravado. Your attempts at scaring him didn't seem to work, if anything he almost felt insulted that you would treat him like such a pest as oppose to the threat he thinks he is. Just as he was about to lunge at you, he was struck by a divine bolt of fire as Pylia approached. She did not look the least bit amused, her dagger still dripping with the blood of the goblin's ally. With this, he dropped his sword and ran into the forest as quickly as he could, his cries and yelps echoing until they were no more.

With the goblin gone Pylia went over to the dwarf and fed him one of her goodberries. His wounds started a heal, just a little, and it was enough to get him to open his eyes. "Ugh... Thank you... Please, my son, tell me he's okay?" In the cart was the dwarf's son, though he was only slightly smaller than the man himself. Despite the bloodshed he seemed fairly chipper and unaffected. He just waved at you two and with dopey smile. "Hello."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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At the moment the goblin looked insulted, Sylvia realized that she was no good at Intimidation. Thankfully, Pylia was able to scare him off with a well placed fire bolt and a dagger still dripping with goblin blood. She gave a sheepish and thankful smile to Pylia.

She then turned her attention towards the dwarf, who seemed like he is going to be okay, despite the wounds. After he asked about his son, Sylvia looked towards the cart and spotted the son, who seemed to still be very chipper despite what just happened. She waved back to the boy, before turning her attention back to the dwarf and answering him with a smile, "He's okay. He's in the cart,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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He let out a breath of relief as she stood up. "Oh thank the gods. Or rather, thank you two! I don't know what I'd do if I had to fight them alone." Standing up to his feet he went to check on the donkeys. One was braying loudly in fright while the other was nearly dead. Pylia was quick to feed him a goodberry too to stabilize him, however he was still severely wounded. Not to mention the cart now had a broken wheel. "Good grief. Those goblins sure know how to set up an ambush. But where's my manners? My name is Ferric, Ferric Strider. That's my son, Mica Strider." Pylia checked on the wheel, poking it with her dagger. "I might be able to fix this a bit, but I'll need you two to hold the wagon up while I do so."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia answered Ferric's thanks, "Oh, don't worry about it. We couldn't very well just let someone fight off goblins off alone," When the two of them went to check on the donkeys and the cart, she followed. However, she figured it was best to keep her distance from the braying donkey, which was probably still scared. When the dwarf introduced himself, Sylvia answered, "Nice to meet you, Ferric. I'm Sylvia Thorne. She's Pylia," She nodded to Pylia when she introduced her friend.

When Pylia mentioned that she could fix the wheel of the cart, but she would need help doing so, Sylvia answered her friend, "Alright! I'll help out with that," She went over to Pylia's side and once someone was on the other side to help her lift up the cart, she would start lifting.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Ferric limped over to the cart. His son also got out of the cart to help his dad, lifting it up the cart just enough for Pylia to adjust the wheel to the axle. ^Repair.^ Once more using her magic, Pylia was able to mend the damage done to the cart. It took a good two minutes, but eventually the wheel was fixed, if still creaky. Ferric looked over and nodded. "Definitely going to need to replace it, but it ought to be enough to get us to camp. Once more I gotta say, I'm much obliged for your help. Say, why don't we all head out together? Make sure those goblin bastards think twice before attacking us!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sylvia held up the cart with Ferric's and Mica's help. Once Pylia was done with the wheel, Sylvia gently put the cart back down. She looked to Ferric as he inspected the wheel and made his assessment. When he suggested that they travel together, Sylvia smiled and answered "I don't see why not! The more the merrier, I say. Let's get going," Sylvia had a feeling it probably wouldn't do to linger. What if there were other goblins who were bold enough to challenge them. Or maybe a different monster lurking nearby?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Righto. All aboard!" Once Mica calmed the donkeys down, the girls and the dwarves would load up onto the cart and continue forward. Pylia took out her crossbow, ready and loaded in case more danger showed up. In the mean time Ferric tried to engage in some small talk. "So where you girls heading anyways? My boy and I are just stopping by the camps to trade until we hit Gransys. We've finally secured enough funds to buy us a little shop to settle down in!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia easily hopped into the cart, and sat down to rest as the four of them continued onwards to the camp. Since Sylvia didn't really have any distance weapons other than the harpoon, she decided to just stick with the quarterstaff. She listened when Ferric spoke, and she couldn't help but smile at the mention that the both of them were going to be able to settle down in Gransys. She answered that comment happily, "That's great to hear! Congratulations!"

She then answered him, "Pylia and I are actually on our way to Gransys for important business. We were actually planning on picking up a mercenary job at the camp with a caravan,"

She then asked Ferric out of curiosity, and hopefully to keep the small talk going while she kept an eye out on their surroundings, "What kind of shop will you be running?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Antiques mostly, but we do have some gear for adventuring types too. See, my boy and I actually made most of our fortune delving into ruins and such. Usually there isn't too many dangers aside from many a couple of wild beasts, but nothing I can't handle as you can see. We also refurbish equipment we find in our travels." Before the party had left, you might've noticed Ferric picking up all of the goblin weapons and putting them into a barrel. "I'm a bit of a blacksmith you see, so I can make pretty much anything shiny and new."

As they traveled, Mica seemed to paw at your bag. He didn't really speak to you, but he kept poking at something in there. It wasn't random, it seemed like he wanted to get something inside, but wasn't going to just stick his hand into your bag to get it. Though he didn't seem to bother asking you about it either. When Ferric noticed he spoke up. "Ah, sorry about my boy there. He's... Not all there in the head, you see. He's harmless but he's not exactly... Normal. But he's a savant when it comes to enchanting!" When Ferric said that, Mica spoke up excitedly. "Enchantment!"
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