Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

HJ Twilight

I lead TAURUS out onto the catwalks. I knew he was trying to separate Hank and I, and I couldn't let him succeed. At the same time, we would have less room to maneuver out here on the narrow walkway. Below us, the assembly line continued to work, carrying the parts for Sith Hunters from place to place. Reaching out with the Force, I lift one of the massive droid legs and throw it at TAURUS.


I catch the leg, but the force of it pushes me back a few inches. I quickly discard the part and raise my arm towards the human and HK droid. From vibroblades extend once again. "I calculated your chances of making it this far even as you landed in the hanger. Since then, I have kept a close watch on your progress. I will admit, all poorly equip and outdated as you are, you have preformed impressively thus far." Behind me, the two Imperial squad members appear, holding their blasters at my back. Without turning around, a shoulder mounted cannon pops and rapidly blasts them both to death. "But the game ends here. Prepare to be deactivated."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

"Quiry: Do you actually know the model of HK unit I am?" I pull my vibrosword from it's place on my back and move towards the enemy unit. "Statement: Because if you did, you wouldn't be so confident." I stop and my eyes change from yellow to an electric blow light. "Combat Protocol: Scorched Earth Style initiated." I dash forwards, my speed increased ten times what it was before and I go as if to plant my fist into his jaw, only instead, my hand flips and reveal a high-heat flame jet, which fires as it becomes exposed, the flames washing over the man-droid's face and hopefully causing it to move back a few steps.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

HJ Twilight

I jump to the side to get out of the way, shielding my eyes from the flames.


"AH!" The fire singes the metal outer covering, and my nanotech repair systems rush to fix any breeches. The intense heat temporarily overloads my optics as well, and I fire another sonic pulse to send the droid and the human away from me so I may recover.

HJ Twilight

The pulse sends me backwards over the railing, and I fall onto one of the conveyor belts. "Oof!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

Prepared for the pulse this time, I duck low and brace myself, reducing the distance that I slide considerably. However, Master HJ is not so fortunate and I heard his grunt as he hit a belt below. However, I couldn't focus on him right now and his survival instincts were strong enough he'd get out. "Combat Protocol: Blade Storm Style initiated." I closed with the still recovering bot and slashed rapidly, testing his defense.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago


My sight is slowly returning. I raise my blades to parry most of the droids attacks, and those I cannot are observed by my armor. “A flaw in your primitive programming: you announce your attacks in advance. You lack spontaneity. I can calculate each of your moves before you even make them.” Knocks the droid’s blade to the side, then kicks him in the torso.

Omega Squad Leader

From behind the large droid, I underhand toss three metallic balls, sending them rolling to it’s feet. The droid turns just in time for them to pop and send an electro magnetic pulse up it’s legs.


Convulses as the pulse spreads through my chassis. My redundancy systems are able to resist the pulse enough to keep me from shutting down, but I can feel some of my internal function going temporarily offline. Raising my arm, I eject one of my blades, firing it at the Imperial like a harpoon. It strikes him in the shoulder and he is knocked to the ground. “That... was... a mistake.”

HJ Twilight

I crawl through the longing line of parts, trying to find a good place to jump back up and help Hank. Up ahead, I notice a crane arm attaching Sith Hunter arms to bodies. With a Force augmented jump, I grab onto the crane and swing it around, hoping to catapult myself into the catwalk above. I, along with the unattached arm, landing on the opposite side from Hank and TAURUS.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

The kick sends me sliding back, stumbling a little over an uneven seam on the catwalk. However, it helps me stop and I swap back to the Scorched Earth Style and blast a jet of flame from my elbow, gaining a bit of speed before I jump and activate the high heat jets again. Only this time, I unleash a steady stream of flame on the enemy unit. Hopefully the extended exposure would overheat something important.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago


I cross my arms across my face and chest to shield from the fire. The armor begins to blacken, and the exposed half of my face plate begins to melt a little. The nano self repair system kicks in, but is is sluggish from the EMP bomb.

To counter, my shoulder mounted turret swivels and opens rapid fire at the HK droid with both blasters and mini rockets.

HJ Twilight

I lift the Sith Hunters arm like a tail gun and pull one of the wires, causing a focused laser cutter beam to shoot out at the tall droid. “Try this!”


The beam misses a direct hit, but it clips my shoulder, burning a deep cut into my armor that does not repair itself. I ignore it and continue to fire at the HK droid.

HJ Twilight

I heave the droid arm into the air through the force, and it clatters onto the catwalk between the two battling droids. “Hank! Grab it!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

I stop the stream of flames as I hear the subtle sounds of his cannon changing directions and barely manage to swap to the Juggernaut Combat Protocol in time, an energy barrier forming in front of me as I cross my arms across my front. Master Zar'kun had forseen that "just another HK unit" with more advanced programming and better weaponry and gadgets would never be enough, especially in his line of work. I was outfitted with ten different offensive combat protocols and the tools that went with them, however, the Juggernaut Protocol was the only defensive one. The barrier that now stood between myself and what was most assuredly instant destruction was the strongest shielding I had ever encountered for non-capitol ship shielding, but it still had limits.

As I struggled to move forwards, inch by inch, I noticed the shot from Master HJ followed shortly by him tossing me the cannon. I moved towards it, fighting against the impressive amount of firepower that the lone turret possessed. Eventually, I manage to pick it up, but the internal energy meter that tracks my shield generators reserves beeps, indicating that it was getting low. One shot, passes through my processor before I activate the Heavy Shelling Style. Normally, I'd have a mortar cannon with me, but in this case, I would use the laser cannon. "Bloodthirsty Statement: Off with your head." I tinkered with the same wires that HJ had and fire, aiming to take off at least the droid's auto-turret.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The laser cutter hits the area where my shoulder meets my neck, destroying the turret and also ripping a large whole in my armor. My head lulls to the side, and sparks shoot out of the opening. “Ahhh!” I press a hand to my exposed neck joints and wires, extending the other hand towards the persistent droid and preparing to blast it with as high powered of a sonic pulse as I can muster.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

I drop the cannon as the droid's hand comes up and I swap to Striking Fist Style, firing a burst of the jets from my elbows to close with the droid before bringing my vibrosword up and through the wrist area, taking off it's sonic pulse focus point as well. "Question: Would you like to do the honors, Master HJ?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

HJ Twilight

Before the droid can do anything else, I leap through the air and land on it’s back, driving my unlit lightsaber into it’s shoulder wound and thumb the activation. My blade cuts through several of it’s internal wiring until it finally collapses and stops moving. “Finally! That was one tough droid.”

Omega Squad Leader

I crawl across the floor, grasping at the blade stuck in my arm. “Ack! Good... work, droid. And y... you too, Jedi.”

HJ Twilight

“Not a Jedi, but thanks.” I walk over and remove a kolto patch from my belt. Removing the blade from his arm, I use my lightsaber to cauterize the wound before applying the patch. “There we go. On your feet.” I pull him up to stand. “Now, where are those workers?”

Omega Squad Leader

“The other room. I had them bound so they couldn’t run.” Pauses a moment. “I reconsidered my original statement about not needing them alive. Their foreman may have useful intel.” I lead HJ and Hank into the next room, where Foreman Izel is tied up, along with his two assistants.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

"Dark Suggestion: HJ has been trained by his grandfather. A quick invasion of the Foreman's mind would produce results should he refuse to answer the questions we have." The enemy droid was down and now they merely needed to relieve the Imperial vessels still fighting outside of their unwelcome boarders. "Statement: I will leave the interrogation to you two, I need to begin slicing the control room."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Foreman Izel

“Woah woah woah! There is no need to go messing with my mind, okay? I’ll... I’ll tell you whatever you want to know!”

Omega Squad Leader

“Coward. An Imperial would take his secrets to the grave.”

HJ Twilight

Glares at the squad leader. “Whose side are you on always?” I kneel down in front of Izel. “First off, what was that droid and what was it threatening you about?”

Foreman Izel

“TAURUS is... was one of the Chancellor’s enforcers. I have no idea where it came from, but he has been monitoring our work here for a while. We have been building these special droids under his specifications, using material he procures for us. I don’t even know what the metal is called, but it’s resistant to nearly every weapon we test it against... except, it seems, the laser cutter. Maybe next batch we’ll fix that...”

HJ Twilight

“I don’t think so. We’re shutting this operation down for the time being. Now, since helped design the Sith Hunter droids, why don’t you tell me about them.”

Foreman Izel

“They are the most durable droids I have ever seen. Every variation we build was personally overseen by TAURUS, and heavily scrutinized by the Chancellor. Every time he would send back the same requests; more fire power! More guns! More explosive power!” Shakes head. “He wanted something strong enough to kill an army of Jedi.”

HJ Twilight

“And he basically has it! I’ve seen those droids in action. I’ve fought one on Ilum and it nearly killed me. I can’t imagine what a whole group of them could do if they all hanged up.” I lean closer. “We need it’s weaknesses. It has to have some.”

Foreman Izel

“Oh, it has many weaknesses! So many simple weaknesses that, had the Chancellor not been so focused on offensive capability, could have been easily fixed.” Sounds genuinely upset about that fact. “As you just saw, it is weak against its own weapons, and especially against extreme heat. Fire it can handle, but prolonged exposure to heat above 1500 degrees Celsius and the whole thing cools from the inside out. Also, there is a space in its elbow where fuel for its flame thrower attachment is exposed. Sever that it will douse itself in flammable liquid and literally set itself on fire. Also...” Sighs in embarrassment. “...it can’t walk up or down stairs, and if it falls on it’s back, it can’t get back up. Like a turtle.”

Omega Squad Leader

Smirks. “Good to know, but it isn’t like we’ll be fighting them in a stairwell, and we would have to get within close range to properly burn it enough to destroy. That still puts us at a major disadvantage in a fight against it.”

Foreman Izel

“True... but it has one more glaring weakness; it is INCREDIBLY stupid. We spent so much time making it an unstoppable killing machine that we never had time to give it a proper droid brain. Is is completely incapable of thinking for itself. Every action it makes needs to be explicitly ordered. And it has no long term memory storage, so it can only handle one command at a time. Each new command overrides the previous one. And once a command is fulfilled, it goes into standby mode until the next order is issued. So everywhere one is deployed, it needs to have an open comm channel open to a handler to issue each of its commands.”

HJ Twilight

“So... if we took out the handler, they would all stop fighting?”

Foreman Izel

“No, that would continue to carry out their current task even after they have stopped receiving orders. If the last command they were given was ‘destroy all enemy combatants’, then they would continue to do that until all the enemies in the area were killed or until the unit itself is disabled. However, if it’s last command was ‘destroy the enemy base’, then it would destroy the base exclusively. Anyone who tried to attack the droid while it is distracted would meet no resistance because there is no order expressly telling the droid to defend itself. You understand?”

HJ Twilight

“Yeah... that’s really helpful. Thank you, truly.” As a sign of thanks, I untie the Foreman and his assistants. “You’re free to go.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

While the Imperial Squad Leader and HJ interrogated the foreman, I entered the control room and found the access port. Popping out a jack from two fingers on my left hand, I plug them in and begin slicing. My mind seems to enter a world of endless binary and firewalls, all meant to slow down and stop cyber intruders, but there was no guarantee it was going to work now, not against a droid designed to best any and all security measures and bodyguards to get to it's target.

In a matter of minutes, the firewalls and anti-slicing software was beaten and I was tearing through the blueprints, copying the models that would require the fewest resources and heavily encrypting the rest, just to slow down the New Imperials long enough for the Republic to catch up. However, I came upon the blueprints and material requirements for the original Sith Hunter model. They were indeed far too offensively built, with small chinks in the armor, though they weren't anything a blaster or blade could actually use. "Finality: You have spread terror for far too long. Farewell." With a simple command, the plans and their residual data were gone, lost to the minds of machines and soon organics alike.

The process only took long enough for the Imperial and HJ to finish their interrogation and by the time they had joined me, I had secured the datadisc with our copies of the droid and weapons designs and hidden it on my chassis. "Query: Do we have all we need?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

HJ Twilight

"I believe so. Now we just need to get out of here before the Republic sends more of it's goons." I look at the Imperial. "I assume you want to stick around and get everything ready for your master?"

Omega Squad Leader

"Yes. The Foundry will soon be fully in New Imperial control. I must make preparations." I look over HJ's shoulder to where a new squad of Imperials have arrived. "And I think I'll start with that droid there." I point to TAURUS, face down on the floor. "You men! Take this droid to be analyzed. Darth Imperious may have use of it. Even if just for scrap metal." I give HJ a look. "Unless you have any objections?" I give a slight smile, silently daring to contradict my order.

HJ Twilight

I clench my teeth. "No... I don't have any objections." I turn back to Hank. "Let's go before Huntress decides to make a meal of our new Imperial friends. That would be a real tragedy."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

If I could have frowned at the Imperial's statement, I would have. Instead, I raised my blaster pistol. "Reminder: You know nothing of the AI that resided inside this droid's brain. For all you know, it could immediately jacking your entire system when you hook it up for analysis. Query: Do you want an entire dreadnaught turning on you at an incredibly inconvenient time?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Omega Squad Leader

I take a step back. "Call off your droid, boy."

HJ Twilight

"Not my droid. It's my Grandpa's. He doesn't listen to anyone but him, I'm afraid." Smirks.

Omega Squad Leader

Looks from the HK droid's face to the barrel of his blaster. With a sneer, I spit the words, "Fine then! What if we destroy the brain right now and only took the body. Would that be acceptable to you?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

"Firm Statement: And the armor plating. It's inner workings are fair game."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Omega Squad Leader

"Your lightsaber wielding friend here destroyed it's inner workings! You expect us to leave all the best parts behind and just take the carved up innards?" I give the group of soldiers by the door a look, and they all pull basters. "I think you are forgetting that had it not been for the New Imperials, you would never have made past the Republic blockade. The battle was one thanks to the benevolence of our master, and to the victor go the spoils." Narrows eyes. "Perhaps we will pick you apart as well if your self preservation programming does not move you out of our way."

HJ Twilight

I pull my blaster too, and it becomes a regular Corellian Stand Off. "Come on, guys! We were doing so well working together! No one else needs to get hurt."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HK-49 "Hank"

"Warning: Jorg Sucal's most advanced droid couldn't destroy me and it's armor plating is much better at stopping a blaster bolt than your standard issue armor." I shift combat styles, activating my Gunslinger style just in case. "Suggestion: Keep one plate and scrap the rest. The location of the metal it's plates are made of was not in the station's database, I looked."
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