Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia widened her eyes for a moment at the mention that there was a question that they should have asked Dimos. She face palmed herself and muttered "Dang it," She then shrugged. Like Pylia said, they can find out about the other vandalized shops anyways. She answered Pylia, "I think we should go and ask around and see if we can find the shops that were also vandalized. We can ask about the mimic later," She then started to lead the way into town to start the investigation. She would also keep an eye out for anyone who looks like they might be part of the gang, or part of the corrupt guards.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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You and your friends go into the market, keeping a careful eye out for any trouble as well as asking around for information about the vandalism. Fortunately for you, your exotic features really helped you out here. Your stunning red outfit, your foreign charm, and the fact you earnestly wanted to help made just about everyone tell you what they knew or direct you to people who would know. In about ten minutes you get the names of the shops that’s been attacked so far.

Thus far it’s only been two other shops that had major break ins, others simply had minor vandalism like graffiti or broken signs. The two shops was a fletchers shop and a jewelry store. The fletcher shop was called “To the Point” and its sign was a target with five arrows sticking in it. The jewelry shop was called Grandeur. Both were in the market place in an area known as Red Cliff Square, which can be easily found by the red mountain statue at the center of town. You’re also warned that people over at Red Cliff Square are very paranoid now due to the break-ins, with a notable guard presence and people just being on edge in general. You’re advised to choose your words carefully.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded and thanked the people for giving her the information, and made a mental note to watch her words carefully when they get to that area. She had to admit, she liked the name for the Fletcher's shop, it almost made her laugh during the information gathering. After retrieving that information, she decided to head for the Red Cliff Square. She told her friends, "We should go there while it's still daylight. I'm hoping that the fact that we're out and about during the day will not make us as suspicious as the gang that's been causing havoc. We can talk to the family that was attacked by the mimic after that,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Works for me. Hopefully they’ll be willing to help us help them if the guards aren’t doing anything but lip service.” Pylia mentioned. Shortfang tugged in his hood. “Maybe... Shortfang stay outside? Kobolds not liked by humies, Shortfang don’t wanna cause trouble for boss. So Shortfang hide outside till boss done.” Dinah would mew at you before running off somewhere, probably doing cat things. Eventually the group would arrive to Res Cliff Square.

The area didn’t look too different from other market squares aside from its name sake. It looked like a large scale mountain with threes and even little buildings at the base and on the mountain, and naturally the mountain itself was of a reddish color. There were children playing around the base of the statue as guardsmen stool on watch here. There were at least three of them armed with spears and shields. You could also see two shops with broken doors and windows a few block away from each other. You’d recognize the sign for To The Point while the other vandalized shop had a very obvious but fancy sign that said Grandeur on it.

“Looks like we made it. Which one will we hit up first?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia blinked at Shortfang when he made his suggestion about staying outside because he didn't want to get them in trouble. She silently thought about it, and considering that they were dealing with a conspiracy and corrupt guards, she couldn't help but recall when Shortfang was in a cage because he had been accused of a crime that he...kinda sorta unwittingly committed for Garruk. Plus there was the necromancers that were after Pylia to think about. She answered Shortfang, "Don't worry about that, Shortfang. I'd rather not have any one of us go off alone. If you're with us and someone tries to accuse you of a crime, we can provide an alibi. And if someone doesn't like you just because you're a kobold...well, don't mind them,"

When Dinah mewed and jumped off of her shoulder, and ran off, she muttered to herself, "That should apply for familiars too,"

Soon enough, they reached the Red Cliff Square. After looking around the square, she smiled at Pylia's question. Pylia had no idea that she just set Sylvia up for the perfect answer.

"Let's get straight To The Point,"

She led the way to the mentioned store, laughing a bit at her own joke.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Tch. Why you little..." Pylia just shook her head at your pun, playfully punching you on the shoulder. The group follows you to the fletcher's shop, where inside the place looked cleared out. There were barely any products on the service floor and deep gash marks in the walls and pillars. Frankly if it weren't for the sign outside, you wouldn't even be certain if this place sold anything at all. A young woman was inside with a knife and a few bundles of sticks. She hears the group coming in and doesn't even look away from her work. "We're closed. No bows or arrows here. If you're here to deliver you'll have to wait till my pa comes back." With a few swipes of her knife she makes a perfectly straight and narrow arrow shaft, then gently placing it in a pile next to her. She had to have had a least a hundred shafts done by the time you had gotten here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia took the playful punch and just laughed off Pylia's words. Her laughter ended before they entered the shop. She looked around, dismayed by the destruction left behind. That gang really must have done a lot of damage...
Her attention then landed on the girl in the shop. After she spoke, Sylvia cleared her throat almost uncomfortably, and she answered the girl, "Um...Actually, we are here to ask some questions of our own...regarding the destruction done here. We wish to catch the people responsible for this. Would it be okay if we asked you? ...Or would you prefer if we came back at a different time?" She was trying to pick her words carefully and not give the girl a bad impression. She did want to help, but she wasn't sure if that intent will come through clearly in her speech.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The girl just stares towards you with a look of disdain. "What is this? Some sort of joke?" She aggressively stabs her knife into the floor next to you, and Buddy takes a step forward protectively. "Who set this up huh? Was it Clara? Was it my mom? After two goddamn months of telling everyone about those bastards, and now someone wants to ask me what I know, instead of my father or brother or those other ignorant bastards!" She started to shout angrily. Pylia narrowed her eyes and stepped forward in front of you as well, hand resting on her club in cast she needs to do something drastic. "After years and years of everyone telling me to watch out for myself, to always be aware of who I keep company and be involved in the community, years spent as the dutiful daughter doing everything she's been told, the moment I tell them about danger they think I'm some country girl with flights of fancy! I don't need to be some goddamn wizard to see a bunch of brigands living in my own neighborhood! It's not some rumor or gossip that the men down the street have been hurting people, it's not just some childish game between boys! Fucking hell they robbed and destroyed my family's store and my dad says it's the kobolds! What the fuck is even a kobold?!"

At this point the girl continues to rant loudly and angrily about how some of the young men in the market square had been harassing her and her family, how they joined the guild to avoid this sort of treatment but somehow don't see any restitution, and how her own father had turned a blind eye to the criminals who have been flaunting their own stolen products in front of them in order to "keep the peace". She then has a confused but angry rant about the kobolds and how her father claims they've always been breaking into their shop and stealing their arrows, as well as rooting through their garbage and how they ended up crippling her father, never once taking notice of Shortfang since he made sure to hide behind you so she doesn't see him. After a few minutes she burns herself out and sits slump on her stool, still fuming but too tired to continue her ranting.

"... So that's what I know. Happy?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia was surprised by the look of disdain directed towards her. She started "N-No. Nobody..." She stopped and listened as the girl in front of her rant on, venting her anger and frustration. She could understand where her frustration was coming from...to tell people of what you knew only to be dismissed. After the girl finally burnt herself out, and seemed tired, she answered the girl, "...I am sorry that you have been going through this...shit, to be frank. But those jerks won't get away with it," She then asked the girl, "Can you describe the men and give us their names? We are kind of new to Gransys, so we don't know everyone here as well as you do,"

She then mentioned, "In case anyone comes here to harass you and your family again, I can teach you some useful martial arts moves if you'd like," She was highly considering teaching this girl in front of her some basic martial arts for self defense, just in case someone comes in to harass her and her family again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"It's eight of them, I've seen them all the time. Two orcs, twins, a dwarf, and a halfling. I don't know them, but I do know the others. Their 'boss' is a lout named Patrick, though he goes by Patches. Then there's Dimos, that spoiled bastard's family owns a foreign goods store over at the Ingot District. Then there's Tark and Buick, they're not twins but they may as well be considering how dumb and inseparable they are." At your offer to give her martial arts lessons, she just shook her head. "Thanks, but I really can take care of myself. Despite my family's insistence to be more ladylike, which I am, I also know how to use our own products." She reached behind the counter to reveal a well made looking shortbow. It was not only very ornate with bronze accents, but it looked rather complex, with a system of pulleys and such. "Had those thugs come to the shop while I was there, I can promise you there would not be any survivors."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia quickly took out Yorik's book and tried to find a blank page where she could write down the descriptions of the eight members of the gang. She also made sure to cross out Dimos' name as though to note that they didn't really need to worry about him. He was in Yorik's care after all. She blinked at the shortbow and she nodded commenting, "Impressive," Considering that the girl in front of her had just told her everything she knew, there wasn't much else to ask. But there was one question that might give a little more information...

She took out the paper with the emblem of the Lightning Company that Yorik drew up earlier and she asked the girl, "Sorry, I have two more questions before we head out," She showed the girl the emblem and she asked, "I don't suppose any of the guards you asked for help had this emblem? And could you describe the guards that you asked for help but didn't do anything and just gave you lip service?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The girl looked at the emblem, trying to remember. But she shook her head. "I'm afraid I don't recognize it. Again, no one exactly came to me with questions, they all went to my father. All I know about the guards is that they're not the regular ones who are usually in the Red Cliff area, not that it'll help much. Those daft gits are all the same, just wanting to be paid to stand around and scare us hard working folks while turning a blind eye to any trouble." The girl put her bow away as she took the knife out from the floor and returned to making the arrow shafts. "If it makes any difference, the one guard I do trust told me he was assigned to a new unit, which meant he doesn't patrol this area no more. His name is Rodey, he has red hair and a girly face. He's a good man but a fool who doesn't ask enough questions. I don't know where he does his patrols now but if you see him tell him you're a friend of Kathie, that ought to make sure he trusts you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia nodded and answered while putting the drawing back into her sleeve pocket "I see. Rodey...huh? He might have some more information too," She then thanked Kathie, "Thank you for answering our questions and telling us what you know about the situation. We'll take our leave now," She then nodded to her friends and started to head out of the Fletcher's Shop. She decided to head for the next vandalized shop: Grandeur. As she would make her way to Grandeur, she would keep an eye out on her surroundings in case any of the mentioned gang members or one of the guards are watching her and her friends.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Heading out you don't see anyone watching your group particularly aside from some merchants who try and call out to you to buy something. Though what few people who do see you seem to be trying to avoid you or quickly make an exit. Very skittery people. Grandeur wasn't too far away and you'd find it in a similar state as To The Point; there were obvious signs of vandalism and not much in the way of product. Though it looked like this place also did jewelry repair and such too, as there was a workstation that looked like someone took an axe to. Two men, one young and one old, was here trying to put together what you'd assume to be the new work bench. Seeing the group the older man speaks up. "I'm sorry, but we're not open. And... And if you're here to pick something up, I'm afraid it's been stolen. We promise to pay you in compensation as soon as possible."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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When the merchants called out to her and tried to sell her and her friends some stuff, she politely waved to them and said "No thank you!" She raised an eyebrow at how some of the people were avoiding her and her friends. Very skittish. They weren't kidding when they said that the people around her were paranoid now due to the acts of vandalism. When they got to the shop, they were greeted by the statement that the store was closed. She waved her hand, and she stated politely, "Oh no. We're not here to shop or pick something up,"

She continued, "We're here to investigate the vandalism that took place here, and we intend to catch the people responsible for these acts. Would it be alright if we asked you some questions? Or would like for us to come back at a later time?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"It would be best if you left." The younger man said. The older one nods his head. "Aye. We're... We're not really in the mood to awnser questions right now. We just want to try and get back to business as soon as we can. Sorry." The old man said firmly. Pylia looked between the two of them and whispered to you. "Maybe we should ask them if they could look at some jewelry or gems we have. Giving them some business might make them more helpful to us." There were a few items the group obtained that could be useful, such as the loot from the mimic, as well as the gemstone you god from the Slaad yesterday. The two men continued to look at your group expecting you to leave.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Sylvia looked to Pylia when she gave suggestion. She nodded quietly, before turning her attention back to the two men in front of her, "Before we leave...would it be alright if you inspected a couple of things for us? Maybe tell us how much gold these would be worth?" She then took out the red gem from the slaad yesterday, and she looked to Shortfang for the pearls, whispering to him, "Shortfang. The beads," Once the two pieces of loot were shown to the jewelers, she told them, "We got this red gem from a slaad, and the pearls are from a mimic that attacked the Ingot District earlier today,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The older man looked at your wide eyed when you mentioned the slaad and the Mimic. “My those... Thise sound like powerful beasts. Yes well of course... We can still do something like that. It’ll cost you just a silver but I can check on these for you.” Taking the pearls and gemstones the older man goes into the back to appraise the items while the younger man looks to you and the others. He couldn’t be much older than you, with a scruffy looking beard he seems to be trying to grow out.

“So... A slaad and a Mimic? I know what a Mimic is but what’s a slaad?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Sylvia answered the younger man with a shrug, "We're not quite sure on the specifics ourselves, but it was a pretty huge and ugly thing. It looked like a giant toad or lizard with a row of sharp teeth and sharp claws. It was able to talk, and it had smaller slaads at its beck and call," As she answered the young man, she was being careful to not give too much of a description so that no one could associate it with Red Stain, and give away the fact that Red Stain and the trogs were defeated in the sewers. She also wasn't quite sure what the slaad was, so she figured that the description would be good for an answer.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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“Whaaah, sounds like... A dragon or something...” Soon the older man came back and handed you your items. “Well now... That’s a real Slaad Gem. I’d wager it’s worrh at least 500 gold coins on the market. These pearls are local, about 100 for the whole bunch. If you’re interested I can buy them off from you. It’ll be a good investment to help my shop get back to its feet.” The younger man stood up, wiping his hands on his apron. “Hey pa, they killed that slaad, it’s like a dragon or something.” The older man seemed to ignore his son. “That’s nice boy. Why don’t you go and take a break for now?”

The young man soon left to take his break while the older gentleman did his business with you. “So you all took down a slaad huh? Forgive me if I’m skeptical. Not unusual for folks to scour the countryside and pick up gems like these, gods knows there’s always some yellow belly drunk bragging about a tooth he pulled from a dragon or a talon he took from a troll. I mean... Suppose it ain’t really my business to know.”

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