Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

She could hear the movement and she could immediately tell that they were going to fight. Well, this wasn't going exactly as she had hoped, but still. This was better than nothing. She moved in so that she could provide Buddy with back up. She was confident that Pylia and Shortfang have the doorway covered. She dashed over to the closest of the gangsters, and used the tonfa for the sole purpose of knocking him unconscious, and delivered an unarmed strike as well. After she did so, she shouted at the gangsters, being Buddy's voice piece so to speak, "All of you are under arrest for trespassing, squatting, and three counts of vandalism! Stand down and come with us quietly!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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As the gangster was about to get up to fight, you blow knocked him out cold. Another moved in armed with a scimitar, but just as he did you struck him in the gut, causing him to bowl over. It was at that same moment that Shortfang threw his net at the thug, catching and trapping him in the rope webbing. He started shouting that he surrenders as the remaining five squared up to battle. "Fucking hell you two are useless! Go after the girl, we can take her as a hostage!" The presumed leader of this gang drew two knives from his belt and flung them towards you. While that was happening Pylia turned around the corner chanting her magic words as her Silver Sword materialized and slashed at the leader just as a bolt of holy fire fell from the ceiling. Though he was struck by the sword, he was able to avoid the flame.

The other four thugs, which included two similar looking orcs, a dwarf, and a halfling of all things, came charging at you. The orcs were practically scrambling over one another to slash you with their crude looking axes, which you were easily able to dodge despite how hard they swung their weapons. The dwarf charged you from between the orcs, his first swing missing your knee. However his backswing shot up swiftly and caught you by surprise. Fortunately for you, his mace barely touched your nose, but it was a very close call. This did, however, allow the halfling to sneak up from behind you and strike you in the back with his mace. However while you felt a sting, it almost felt like your new robe absorbed much of the impact. Though you felt the blow, it didn't hurt nearly as much as you'd expect.

Though you were surrounded by enemies, you were not alone. As one of the orcs tried to jab you with his axe, Shortfang shot a crossbow bolt right through his hand, causing him to drop his axe in pain. He cursed loudly, but before he could try anything else Shortfang shot him in the knee, sending him sprawling onto the ground in pain, effectively taking him out of the fight. The other orc bellowed something in his native tongue and looked angrily at Shortfang but it was at that same time Buddy slowly started making his way over to the group. Something about him put everyone on edge. The way he walked towards them, the strange glow from his body. To you and your friends Buddy didn't look any more different than he usually did. But the way he carried himself... It made the criminals realize they're way-in-over their heads right now. Though they braced up ready to fight, they were very frighten of Buddy as he stood beside you, roughly planting his foot onto the wounded orc as his gaze swept across each gang member in the hide out. Judging them harshly.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia dodged the attacks to the best of her ability. She wasn't able to see the halfling come up behind her and hit her with the mace, but the robe was apparently stronger than it looked, because she barely felt the attack. She noticed that Buddy was doing his intimidation thing just like before, and she cracked her neck. Considering that she had heard them say that they wanted to use her as a hostage, she decided to show that she wasn't a pushover, and moved to strike the orc, hoping to knock the big guy unconscious.

After making that attack, she would shout to the men who were intimidated by Buddy, "This is your last warning! Stand down now and come with us quietly! If you continue to resist, we will use force!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

You crack the orc across the jaw, breaking his tusk as you knee him in the chest. Though his armor helped prevent the first blow from hurting too much, you pulled his body down so that your knee would jab right into his sternum, causing him to fall onto his knees in pain. As he sees his men going down the boss of the gang backs away. “Ah shit. Shit shit shit fuck it! Everyone scram!” The brigand took out a small white sack as he tossed it into the ground, creating a giant white smoke screen.

As the cloud blocked your vision you felt something push past you. Instantly you lasted out, striking the body as your friends also attacked. You saw a flash of light from Buddy’s blade cut into the man while Shortfang stabbed him with an arrow. Just as he reached the door he ran out only to get smashed in the chest by Pylia. “Where do you think you’re going?” She swing at him again, but he was able to easily avoid the swing as Pylia’s club smashed into the wall. It looked like he was about to try and make another run for it when suddenly the silver sword flew in from behind and stabbed him in the thigh. As he shouted out in pain, Shortfang threw a net at him and then shot out his out knee, sensing the gang leader down onto the ground.

“Stop resisting! Put your weapons down or we’ll be forced to kill you!” Pylia shouted at the last two thugs. As the smoke began to clear you could see that they had indeed dropped their weapons, with Buddy poised to hack them down if they try and make a move. “Cuff em Sylvia. I’ll make sure they don’t bleed out on us.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia didn't hesitate to lash out when she felt someone brush by her. She struck with her tonfa and soon enough, Pylia was able to knock him down. When the smokescreen cleared, she grinned when she saw that the other gangsters had dropped their weapons. She answered Pylia, "Will do," She then hurried over to cuff the gangsters. Considering the orcs looked pretty strong, she had a feeling they might be able to break rope with just by flexing their muscles. So, she used the manacles on them. For the rest, she worked to tie the rope around their wrists with their wrists behind their back. She also moved to make sure that they had no weapons, or blades to cut the rope secretly.

After cuffing the gangsters, she asked Pylia, "How're they? Do you need more time to stabilize them?" She was thinking if Pylia needed more time to heal, then they could look around this place for evidence. If she was done, then she was thinking of taking the gangsters to the barracks at Ingot Street immediately. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if they tried to escape if they took time to look around the brewery.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Buddy and Shortfang would keep and eye and weapon ready at the criminals as Pylia helped stabilize their wounds. They would live, barely, as everyone except the two who surrendered were in no condition to do much fighting. “They’ll live, but a lot of them will be limping. Go ahead and look around, we’ll keep an eye on these guys and make sure they don’t try anything.” Pylia slapped ghebside of her Warclub against her hand like you’d expect a prison guard to hold a billy club. Shortfang stood on a barrel with his crossbow aimed at the bound prisoners ready to shoot any of them while Buddy stood by the door with his axe in hand. The brigands were quiet and would refuse to speak to you if you tried.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia nodded to Pylia and answered, "Alright. I'll try and make the search for evidence quick," She could tell that the gangsters were not going to answer any questions she had, so it was better to focus on the surrounding brewery. She looked around for any stolen items and any other pieces of evidence she could find. She kept her eye out anything that was the least bit strange or suspicious.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

With the criminals secured you do a sweep of the brewery. Aside from the area you fought in which appeared to be some sort of store front, the back room had various seats, makeshift bedding, a fireplace, table, and a single cabinet. It was likely here that Dinah had eavesdropped upon the two criminals from before. There was a small banquet of food on the table including a half eaten chicken, a bowl of salad, and warm loaves of bread, as if you had disrupted their meal time.

Looking through the various things you don’t find much unusual at first. The cabinet stores some dry food and spices while most of the bedding only had a few coins or daggers hidden underneath the pillows. One couch like seat had a wood-bound book containing lewd elven images inside of it. But there was also a bronze key here, taking this key you’d also find, with a bit more looking, That there was a trapdoor underneath the cabinet. It was locked however your key would allow you to open it easily, revealing a small underground cellar of sorts. Here there was more things of interest.

It was fairly small, containing only a table and bed. On the table was a few books and what appeared to be an alchemy set. Many small vials and pellets sat on the desk, perhaps explaining where the smoke grenade came from. The books seemed mostly to be about alchemy but another appeared to be a ledger or some sort. In it was the names of the gang, their weekly pay, finances about the gang, and more importantly a tangible link to Erendal: notes about payment for a man named Patches by a benefactor named E. Finally lookin underneath the bed you find a small chest hidden on the underside f the bed. Inside it contains four bottles which you recognize as Dragon’s Spit and four small white balls, similar to the one the gang leader threw down. There was nothing else of note here.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia looked around the room, searching for anything that could link the gang to Erendal. At first, it seemed like she wasn't going to find anything, until her luck seemed to kick in once more. She found a key, and with it, she found all of the evidence she hoped to find. Not only that, she also found items that she and her group could use on their adventures. Taking the items with her along with the ledger and stuffing them into the bag of holding, she hurried back to her friends.

As she exited the back room and reached her friends once more, she told them, "Guys. We got 'em. Let's get to the barracks, stat," Now that they had the gangsters and evidence to link Erendal, it was time to turn these guys over to Shor's team at the barracks, where Aisha should be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

With evidence in hand your team leaves the docks, the gang bound together by ropes, and head towards the Ingot District to turn the criminals in over to Aisha. However there was one final obstacle in your way. As you were about to leave the docs district you could see a group of guardsmen asking some questions to various commoners and merchants. Your sharp eyes could see that they had Lightning Company emblems. There were about eight of them, each one looking rather gruff but clean shaven. They were blocking the main path into the Ingot District.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Seeing that the Lightning Company was there, she had a pretty good guess that they'll take the gangsters from them just to make sure that they can't be turned in for their crimes. She stopped the gangsters and her friends, and she told her friends quietly, "We need to change the route. Let's take the long way to those barracks," Before they could ask why, she nodded towards the Lightning Company. After doing so, she would lead back to where they came, and try to find another route to the Ingot District without running into the Lightning Company. She just hoped that the Lightning Company didn't see them...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

You make your group turn back around, though the prisoners obviously weren't too cooperative. They started making demands about where you were taking them and generally being difficult. They were causing a bit of a disturbance, forcing Buddy to grab on by the face to silence him, dragging him and the others into an alleyway while Pylia and Shortfang did their best to keep them from getting away. However the guards noticed this ruckus and came over to investigate. Your friends moved quickly to get the gangsters somewhere away from prying eyes but before you could follow them one of the guards shouts towards you. "Oi! You there, the lass in red! Wait one moment, we have questions for you!" Three of the guardsmen came over, nonthreateningly but they still outnumbered you and hand their hands resting on the hilt of their short swords. "We've received word of kobold activity in the market, causing a bit of a disturbance. They've been attacking shops and other places, often ones visited by a kobold disguised as a small child or person. Have you seen anyone like that?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia could feel sweat start to bead at her forehead when the prisoners weren't being cooperative. They were going to give her and her group away! Thankfully her friends moved quickly and got away. However, she wasn't so lucky. The guards had already called to her. Well, she can't really run now. That would make her suspicious and give the Lightning Company reason to go after them. She might as well stay and play along to try and make them less wary.

"Be cool. Be cool. This will be just like talking to a police officer...except these guys are corrupt as fudge," Sylvia thought to herself as the three guards approached.

She noticed their hands were on their hilts, and she subtly moved her stance to one where she could easily dodge. She answered the men as they approached, doing her best to steel her nerves and act cool, after all, she was doing what she was supposed to be doing, "Yes? How can I help you?"

She raised an eyebrow at the Lightning Company curiously. Were they talking about the vandalisms and trying to blame it on the kobolds, or were they talking about something else?
She answered, trying to be honest, but not to the point where she would give herself and her friends away, "Afraid not, Sir. I did see a Mimic attack on Ingot Street earlier today though,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Ah, so you saw that? We’ve been getting a lot of reports about that too. Do you mind coming with us to our station so we can get a witness statement?” The guard said in a calm tone. The other two seemed to be looking around as the other guards started to approach, having finished their questioning. “We have reason to believe these kobold sightings and the Mimic Attack might be related, so we’re gathering all the information we can get.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia did not like the idea of going with these guys alone to anywhere. She answered the guards, keeping up the appearance of someone who is cooperating, "As much as I would like to go with you, I'm afraid I have an appointment to keep. But I can give you a witness statement right here, or I can meet up with you again later today to give you that witness statement," She hoped that the two cooperative suggestions she gave them would put them at ease and make them not try to push her to going with them. She also quietly hoped that her friends were on their way to Aisha with the gangsters in tow while she was distracting the Lightning Company. Plus, if the Lightning Company tried to drag her off, she might have the witnessing passerbys attest to her willingness to cooperate.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The guard sighed and waved off the rest of the others. He took out a notepad and a small charcoal pencil. “Alrighty then. First, I’d like to get your name and occupation, and then I’d like you to tell me everything you saw before and up to the Mimic attack...” The guardsman would interview you about the Mimic Attack for the next few minutes, then ask you about any suspicious activities such as kobold sighting or strange characters, up to and including foreign adventurers. He also asked where you came from and what your business here is, as he can tell you’re obviously a foreigner.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia nodded and she answered the guard, "My name is Sylvia Thorne. I am an adventurer," She then would continue on to answer and answer his questions regarding the mimic, "My friends and I were on our way to introduce someone to a friend of ours when we heard a noise and we went to see what was happening. We saw the mimic and we hurried to help get rid of it. One of my friends, who is a healer, went and healed the people who were hurt by the mimic, while I helped fight it off," When he asked about anything strange or if she saw kobolds, she shook her head and answered "I didn't see any strange characters or any kobolds. But my friends and I guessed that the mimic allowed itself to be brought here after it was found during an expedition,"

When he asked where she was from and what her business was here, she answered him, "I am from somewhere very far away. So far away, nobody here would recognize the name. I did come here from Cassari recently though. As for my business, I came here because I was helping protect Ferric's caravan. He was traveling here to start up his shop,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The guardman wrote his notes before closing it. "Alright. I guess that's all for now. Stay out of trouble." The man says before he follows his fellows into the docks. Again, a strange thing since you were told before that normally there isn't much guard patrols on the dockside. Something must have stirred them up. Out of the corner of your eye you see Syfr landing on a barrel, cooing for you so he can lead you back to the others. Fortunately since you were able to distract the guards, they were able to get the criminals away from them and continue on their path unabated. It was tense moving through the crowds with the criminals in tow but everyone gave you a wide birth while Buddy and Shortfang kept a close eye on them. Eventually you'd arrive to Shor's barracks. It was rather small, only a single story building with a prison, desk, and seats. The door was of solid metal and the windows had iron bars. The entire building itself was also made of brick and stone, making it quite sturdy. Aisha was inside writing something into books when she'd notice the party, and she'd help you all put the prisoners inside when you arrive.

"Quite a bounty. Wasn't too difficult was it?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sylvia let out a quiet sigh of relief as the guard left, seemingly not suspicious of her or her words. She did note that they were heading to the docks, which was weird. Did their raid in the brewery stir them to action? She soon heard cooing and turned her attention to Syfr. She muttered quietly, "Lead the way, Syfr," She was glad to see that her distracting the guards allowed her friends to get away with the criminals in tow, and she followed Syfr back to her friends.

Soon enough they made it to the barracks, she greeted Aisha, "Hey Aisha. Nah, they weren't too difficult. We did run into the Lightning Company on our way here though. They were headed to the docks for some reason. I had to give them a witness statement about the mimic, but I don't think they'll care much about what I had to say,"

After the gangsters were put in the cells, Sylvia fished out the ledgers and Patches' books out of the bag of holding and she handed them to Aisha saying, "I think you'll find this evidence quite interesting. I'd recommend the ledger. It should help in nailing their patron,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aisha looked at the books and nods grimly. "Lightning Company huh? Bunch of lazy cunts... But if they're on the move, then something is bothering them." Aisha takes the books and puts them on her desk, thinking about something. Once she finishes her thought she looks to you. "You and your friends should lay low for a while now. Once Shor and the others come back I've had finished reading the ledger and we could get to work on finding out what is going on and who to go after next. You've all been a big help for our team. Frankly, if I was a captain I'd hire you all on permanently as guards, or at least official investigators." Aisha says with a smile. Taking out a small purse she puts it on the table for you. "It's not much, but consider it something for helping us out. I'd recommend you keep an eye out for the Lightning Company, but avoid them if possible. We don't want to rouse their suspicion and I'd hate to have them harass you if they think you're their enemy. I don't doubt you and your friends can handle them in a fight, but despite their laziness they're still guardsmen, and I'm sure they'll abuse that authority to gain an edge against you."

Pylia just scoffed. "How is it that people like the Lightning Company are even operating? Yorik told us there's only four members, yet we ran into eight of them leaving the docks." Aisha sighed and laced her fingers together, looking at your party. "You have the deputy badge from Shor, yes? Essentially, that's how the Lightning Company operates as well. Despite what Yorik might've told you, the actual members of the Lightning Company are powerful warriors... But terrible guardsmen, and don't bother to do their jobs unless there is a threat big enough to warrant their services. So they deputize others to do their work for them. Naturally, you should only deputize those who'd you trust and you are personally responsible for their actions. If you all had harmed any civilians or committed any crimes while you had Shor's badge, it would be as bad as if he did it himself. Of course... When you're a guardsmen, or at least have the authority of one, it shouldn't come to a surprise when that power can be abused. Many of the people the Lightning Company deputize are no different than the criminals you just brought in. Some might have high hopes as an official guard, which is the original intention of deputizing, but under the Lightning Company it's a glass ceiling."

Aisha put her hands down and had a heavy sigh. "In short, the actual elite warriors hire lower level muscle to do the boring work of patrolling and such, and only come around during a true threat to gain all of the glory. That's not what Deputizing is for, but it's what it's used for a lot, and most captains don't speak out against it enough for the system to be replaced. Even Shor is supportive of it, but that's because he uses it responsibly." Looking tired and annoyed, Aisha waves you off. "Anyways that's all I have to say. Stay out of trouble, come back tomorrow, I'm sure we'll have something for you to do."
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