Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

After tonight? Eliezer was stunned by the words of the man who had just spoken to Raven, though, he managed not to show it. He recalled her mentioning that she was going to leave Dainia the last time they had met, but he did not think that it would be so soon. As they began walking to a more secluded area, his mind once again raced to decide on what would be appropriate to say to her. He had chosen to come down to the village to speak to her because he was concerned about her emotional state after the threat she had left at the palace gate, and to perhaps somehow have her stay because he now knew about her bloodline. However, the fact that she just accepted the advance of a stranger led him to believe that she had already moved on from him. Of course, he was not aware that she knew that he was this stranger. Should he simply leave without revealing himself to her so that she can move on and find happiness elsewhere, or do right by Lunar by having its heir take her rightful place on its throne? As he dealt with this dilemma in his head, he decided to continue conversing with her as someone who did not yet know her personally.

"Will you be leaving so soon? It truly is a shame that I only have this one night with you, there could have been something lovely between us. I would assume that you are not the kind of lady who would be persuaded into staying in Dainia by a stranger whom you barely know, no matter how charming he might be, but I believe that is how it is," he commented with a sigh. "Sometimes we have to give things up, no matter how much we want them, because we know what is important for ourselves and those around us. I once had the heart of an amazing lady who desired nothing of me but my love, yet, it was the one thing I could not give her. It still hurts me, but many of us will hurt in life, unfortunately."

Eliezer had mixed feelings about pouring his heart out to Raven. It felt so comforting knowing that it was her whom he was speaking to, yet, he felt so distant from her at the same time. In addition, he still had not decided if he was going to leave that night without revealing himself and attempting to convince her to stay or not.

As the crowd that had gathered to watch Raven's performance started to disperse, Hildebrand overheard a conversation between two passing guards.

"The crown prince? Here? How likely do you think that is?" Asked one.

The second one shook his head. "It is wonder that the warden even took it seriously. An anonymous tip? It is likely that somebody is attempting to make fools out of all of us."

"Whoever told the warden about this mentioned the dancer. We had all assumed that Prince Eliezer has stopped seeing her, had we not?"

"Let us just try to locate her and find out if there is any truth to this. Besides, it is not as if there is much to do here."

Hildebrand immediately moved away from the guards after listening to what they had to say, knowing that if any of the guards recognized him, they would know for sure that the prince was at the festival as well. Agitated and worried for Eliezer, the knight then took both his assassin companions aside to speak to them.

"We have to find Prince Eliezer before the guards do and warn him that they are on the lookout for him, unless there is another way of preventing them from finding him," he told them in a hushed but urgent tone, and then sighed. "Regardless, I shall have to ask that you do not harm these guards. Just as you assassins are like siblings to one another, they are as such to me."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven just walked with him to the secluded area but keeping her eye out to make sure they were not followed as she held the bouquet of roses in her hand for she loved how they looked and smelled flowers also preferred them as gifts over shiny things. Once they were out of prying eyes and ears she looked at him as he spoke. She thought she listen to him first at least and had to do a small giggle realizing he had no clue that she had already recognize him already but was only playing along due to the guards around.

But she looked at him a bit when he mention he had basically her heart and she let out a small sigh and smiled a little at him before reaching her hand up and removing his mask. “You may of had her heart Eliezer but did she ever have your heart.” She said to with a small weak smile. “Also I knew it was you right off the bat Eliezer I just acted like I did not know due to the guards I did not want to give you away for I know Mathazar is trying things to prove you are not fit to rule.” She said to him as she held his mask in her hand.

“Also Eleizer didn’t you get my letter I wrote one explaining I was leaving after tonight due to what I did out of instability and also fear of becoming something I wish to never become again.” Raven explained to him as she found a spot to sit down. She pulled one of the roses out of the bouquet gently holding the stem that still possessed thorns.

Raven then looked at Eliezer for he biggest question has not be asked. “Eliezer why are you even here?” She asked him. “Do not get me wrong I am Happy to see you but why you are risking being seen by either citizens or the guards?”

Amy and Andy were talking when Hildebrand approached them and listened to what he had to say. “You think Red Robin had something to do with this Amy?” Andy asked and Amy nodded and took her mask off revealing her face. “Andy you and Hildebrand go find Raven and Eliezer knowing them they went to a secluded spot away from the guards eyes I will go distract the guards as long as I can.” Amy said to him as she took her cloak off even though it was her assassin outfit she still looked like any guys dream and can distract anyone with her looks.

Amy went off and approached the guards putting on the charms basically asked them if they can help her out. Really putting up her charm while Andy took Hildebrand and went off to find Eliezer and Raven so they can get ELiezer away from the festival before he gets caught and warn Raven they would question her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Hildebrand's mind went blank once he saw Amy's face, rather, it only had the thought of how unexpectedly beautiful she actually was. His gaze followed her even as she walked away, and he only snapped out of it when Andy started to leave as well, remembering the situation at hand. He was unsure if a flush would be visible on his face if he had not had his mask on, and was therefore grateful that his face was currently covered. As he left with Andy, he looked back one last time to see Amy distracting the guards with her charm and looks.

"Well, that is quite a solution..."

Eliezer was at first confused as to why she was giggling at what he had said, and then flinched slightly when she took his mask. He made a fumbling attempt to give an appropriate reaction to her saying that she had recognized him from the start, but eventually gave up and responded to the question she had asked before that.

"I did not think that I even had a heart to offer her until she helped me to find it. Judging from the way I currently feel, either she still has it, or I regret not knowing how I could have given it to her."

When Raven mentioned the letter, he sat beside her and took it out, handing it to her. "I do not know what it says, for it was only given to me tonight. However, if I trust that you shall say to me all that you wish to this night, then I would not ever have to read it. Of course, if you believe that the contents of this letter are still valid and you wish for me to look at it, then I shall do so."

She then spoke about him being there, and to that he gave a reply as well. "You are... happy to see me? I am relieved, considering how our last exchange went. I was informed of what you were actually trying to do, and I had my doubts even after that, because I truly believed that you despised me after what you had said back then at the palace. I was worried for your psychological state after that threat you had left in front of the palace, but it seems that you have been well, am I am glad about that. I am here because I have decided to be here, and I want to be here."

Eliezer was shocked at what had come out of his own mouth towards the end. He could not remember the last time he actually told somebody what he wanted, or even thought about it. It was always about what was best, or what was expected of him. Was it wrong to do something only because he wanted to, and possibly at a big risk? How was he currently supposed to feel? Guilty? That was what his head was telling him. His heart, on the other hand, was plaguing him with something different - frustration, that the circumstances were preventing him from loving her completely, and fear, because of his responsibilities to Dainia as well as how much his feelings for her might cause him to hurt. On top of it all, he felt confusion. He had never had to manage so much emotion in his life, rather, he had always shut them out as a solution, so that he would not have to deal with them, but he could only do it for so long. Things were different now, but what was he to do?

He leaned over, shutting his eyes tightly and rubbing the bridge of his nose, and for some reason, he eventually let her in on how he truly felt at the moment. "I just... do not know what to do now, my lady. I am, afraid... afraid for Dainia, and afraid for 'us', that we cannot be together. Now that I have to make my own decisions, it all feels so wrong. Why, why do I feel so incompetent? I feel as such even as I currently burden you with my feelings and worries. I apologize, I should not be in such a state in your presence, but..."

He paused to take a deep breath and compose himself. The slight stinging in his eyes and the lump in his throat were to him, strange occurrences. He knew that it was how certain emotions would physically manifest, but it was something that he rarely experienced. Managing to push it all back in, he decided to tell her about something else that was on his mind.

"Truth be told, there is one other thing that I am here for, my lady. I wish that I could let you leave, put this behind you, and find happiness elsewhere. However, I believe that you need to know this. That heirloom you possess, I know which family it belongs to. I know who your father was, and my lady, you are so much more important to Lunar than you ever knew..."

Before he could say anything else, however, he was interrupted by Hildebrand, who came running up with Andy. "Your Highness, the warden of the village has been alerted of your possible presence here. You must leave the village at once."

So, it was because of him after all. Having to think fast, he turned to Raven. "Will you come with me?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven looked at him as he talked answering her second question and smiled a bit at him. “Maybe she wants it still but is not sure with how things are if she should keep it for her own selfish reasons for happiness.” Raven said to him as she looked at him and played with the single rose she had pulled out of the bouquet before watching him sit next to her and listening to how he just received it and let out a sigh thinking someone with held it to long.

“No it is ok you do not have to read it all it states is me leaving after the festival with my master and shadow due to my irrational behavior and fear of becoming something I do not wish again.” Raven said to him as she looked at the rose. “I wanted to do the right thing to where even if it hurt m to leave and give up on well us for the sake of you becoming king instead of Mathazar then it would be worth it.” Raven explained to him and closed her eyes. “I am leaving for I know I am slowly growing unstable this Red Robin makes me irrational for thanks to her my world reshattered I thought maybe I could finally move on from my past my blood thirst for revenge and just be happy with someone I love but in the end fate plays a cruel hand towards me.” She said to him and looked at him.

Hen he mentioned her attitude she let out a sigh for she remember how she acted that was her not knowing what to do either. “That attitude was just me not knowing how to comprehend my feelings for in reality you were never suppose to know I was an assassin and that you were my target in the first place but when I fell for you I went against Mathazar and no thanks to Allister who I now learned is actually my uncle on my moms side of the family told you I was upset and I will admit was not thinking rationally.” Raven explained herself to him for she was happy to see him for she still love him with all her heart.

But what shocked her the most was his boldness to all of a sudden say that he decided and wanted to be here knowing the risks and soon watched him lean over holding the bridge of his nose she had to admit she never thought she ever see him like this ever for how composed he always seemed when they were together except for the times she took him out of his comfort zone with them dancing, taking him to the harvest festival. But she listen to him as he spoke and was even more shocked for he was actually speaking what he wanted and not doing what he should be or told to do.

Raven then placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Eliezer that is life nothing is easy I am sure you have been told this by someone by now but sometimes you will make choices that will not make everyone happy but what matters is what you believe in but also consider others at the same time.” Raven explained to him. “And do not apologize Eliezer I am not someone you are here to please are be the prince almost king of this kingdom...Right now you are Eleizer someone who I still and the person who will listen if you have these problems and issues you do not have to put up your usual front you do before the people when its just you and me.” Raven explained to him and soon moved her hand to his hand and held it.

She let him take a deep breath and recompose himself and held his hand still in the process not showing any sign of letting go of it. But soon listened to him on how he knows what family she belongs to along with her father really was. But what threw her off was when he said that she was.....important to Lunar and how he wished he could let her leave. All this now confused her and got her very curious and wanted to know what he meant but to only be interrupted by Hildebrand and Andy.

Once she heard what was happening she looked at Andy. “Yeah he is not lying Amy is distracting the guards right now you both need to get out of here for not only are they looking for you Eliezer they are looking for Raven also to question.” Andy explained and Raven was shocked for she did what she could to not stir trouble up with the guards.

When Raven heard his question she was a bit shocked and was confused now at how to answer but soon Amy ran into the scene. “Whatever you are planning do it now for man they got a bit upset when I refused to go into a inn with them.” AMy said. “And they are hading this way now.” Amy said respecting Hildebrand wishes not to kill them.

Raven looked at them then at Eliezer then at Amy and Andy. “Amy Andy try to throw them for the trail I am going with Eliezer.” She said to them giving Eliezer her answer that way making them both looked shocked.

“But master is...” Before Andy could finish. “There is no time go now both of you Nd Amy get your mask on.” Raven said and Amy nodded as she put her mask back on and disappeared with Andy to go throw the guards off and Raven looked at Eliezer. “We need to move now Eleizer and if you know where to go you better lead the way then.” Raven said to him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Hildebrand was appalled when he heard what Amy had to say about the guards. "Well then, perhaps they did deserve a blow to head if they were attempting to get involved with women while on duty..."

After Amy and Andy left, the knight turned to Eliezer. "The Nemes Estate, Your Highness?"

Eliezer hesitated. "I do not think that it would be appropriate to bring a stranger into Lady Nemes' home, Sir Hildebrand."

"With all due respect, Your Highness, I do not believe that we have much of a choice at the moment," replied Hildebrand in an urgent tone.

Eliezer glanced at Raven, and then to his knight, and nodded. They took off from the village into the nearby forest, heading in the direction of the crown prince's temporary abode. The estate soon came into view, and eyeing it through the trees, Hildebrand spoke again.

"We should be far enough from the village, Your Highness. I shall go ahead to ensure that it is safe for the both of you to approach. Hopefully, I shall run into Shadow, so that I can send him out here to inform you of the situation."

Assuming that Raven did not have a weapon on her at the moment, the knight drew a short sword and handed it to her, in case she and the prince had to defend themselves at some point while waiting. He then turned and made his way towards the estate, soon vanishing from sight. Eliezer let out a sigh of relief at the chance for a rest, but having been given the time to think again, he started to become aware of the circumstances, and question the weight of what he had gotten himself into. He turned to Raven, finding her presence immensely comforting, yet wondering if she was worth what he had just done. The conflict was almost too much for him to handle. The soft light of the bright Moon shone through the leaves, and around them, the forest was silent. He stepped closer to her and gripped her shoulders tightly, resting his forehead against hers.

"There was once another who made me feel that I did not have to hide anything from him, the same person whom I have recently learned wants me dead. I do not know what I would do if I were to be betrayed in such a way again. I think that I am beginning to understand how much this means to you. I am choosing to trust you, my lady. I believe what I have done tonight is sufficient proof that this is so. In spite of how much I fear, and knowing how absurd this decision is, here I am with you. Can you take my fears away? How can you assure me that I have made the right choice? Perhaps I am the one who is selfish. You had the chance to start fresh by leaving tonight, but I have just taken it away from you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven took the sword that Hildebrand gave her due to her costume she could not really conceal her weapons so she was grateful to have something for defense. As Hildebrand went off to check the way the place was safe to approach and enter the home. She stood next to Eliezer as they waited for the coast is clear. She had to admit that she was wondering if she did the right thing by going with him when he asked her. Her heart was telling her it was the right choice but logically she was not sure but all she knew was that she did not regret it at all. When the moon was shinning thanks to how pale she was her skin tends to have a glow to it and sometimes her eyes shinned in the moonlight lasted on her face. She soon felt Eliezer put his hands on her shoulder and then placing his forehead on hers.

She listened as he spoke feeling bad for it sounded like her and Mathazar used to be so close and it did make her wonder why did he choose to betray his brother just because he wanted the crown why give up the bond they both shared. Soon she took her free hand and placed it on his cheek and did a small smile at him. “Its ok to be scared sometimes Eliezer and the best way I can assure you one I do not regret my decision to stay when you asked me and also the best way for you to know is do you feel regret asking me to stay or coming to see me for what is more important is what you think not what I think or others.” Raven said to him with a smile. “And I am here now and I will do what I can to take your fears away.” Raven said to him then soon gave him a kiss on his cheek not wanting to over step anything. “I may not know how you really feel about me still but I still love you and will be here for you.” Raven said and smiled at him.

Shadow was on the roof watching for any trouble as Scott was patrolling and he saw Hildebrand and went down.

“Hildebrand what is going on I thought you and Eliezer be out longer?” Shadow asked and saw Hildebrand looking a bit worried. “What is wrong?”

“The warden got tipped off the Eliezer would be at the festival and they wanted to question lady Raven so all three of us ran back here while Amy and Nightowl distract the guards.” Hildebrand said to him.

“Man Red Robin must have a hand in this she was here and threaten Lady Nemes that if she did not testify against Eliezer’s character trouble will come to her family even when she lied about Eliezer being here Red Robin gave the order to the goones to check the house and kill anyone that gets in their path.” Shadow explained shocking Hildebrand.

“Are you serious?” Hildebrand asked and Shadow nodded.

“The only way she would know is if she works in the palace also with Mathazar for intel like that is not easy and to know the warden for by the sounds of it Mathazar was not the one to give the tip to the warden it had to be here and who else has better connections then someone who works n the palace which mean Ravens hunch on Miss Reed being Red Robin is pretty accurate.” Shadow explained and Hildebrand sighed for this was all to crazy.

“I will discuss this with his majesty later they both are waiting for the coast is clear for Lady Nemes guards tend to patrol this area.” HIldebrand said.

“I will go get them they just passed and they wont be back for a long while just keep an eye out.” Shadow said and Hildebrand nodded and Shadow went off and found where his sister and Eliezer was and saw how the two look.

“Hope I am not interrupting.” He said with a smile spooking Raven a bit and blushing when she saw her brother. “Come on you two coast is clear lets get you both inside.” Shadow said as he lead the two back to the manor but also keeping his guard up.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Eliezer relaxed at her touch. He had come out to speak to her for a couple of reasons, reasons he felt were justified. The only thing he would have regretted at this point was if she would have found happiness after leaving tonight, but to stay was her decision, and it offered him some relief that how it had all turned out was not completely on him. She mentioned that she did not know how he truly felt about her, and that led him to believe that his actions and words so far were still not sufficient to give her a clear picture. It was understandable, since he often questioned his own feelings for her. He was aware that he was currently trusting her out of obligation, because he thought that he owed it to her. How was he to genuinely trust anyone again, after learning that the person whom he had trusted the most his entire life had secretly wanted to betray him the whole time? It was not that Raven had not kept anything from him until she had been forced to admit it either, but she had truly grown fond of him, and had just been afraid to lose him, had she not?

He moved one of his hands away from her shoulder, wrapping his fingers around the wrist of her hand that was touching his face. "Forgive me if my love for you still seems... hesitant. I am at a loss as to how to satisfy you in this area, no matter how much I desire to. For now, I can only tell you this - that I want you in my life, that I believe you are wonderful, and that I deeply appreciate everything that you have done for me, and for what we have together. Regardless of what shall happen after I reveal your origins to you, I am grateful for all that has happened as a result of our meeting. My lady, there is evidence to prove that you are actually-"

Suddenly hearing a voice, Eliezer leaped back, his hand immediately flying to the grip of his own sword at his waist. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Shadow, silently wishing that the assassin would ease up on the jump scares. The three swiftly made their way back to the estate, entering through the same opening they had left by. Hildebrand was waiting for them by the door, and locked it as soon as they were inside. The group then snuck back into the private sitting room near Eliezer's guest room, and only then was it safe for them to converse.

Eliezer turned to Shadow. "Were there any occurrences during our absence? Are Lady Nemes and her family safe?"

Hildebrand glanced at the assassin anxiously as he anticipated his response to the prince, already having been told about what had taken place while they had been gone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven was glad to be inside where they were all safe and sound inside and was able to escape the warden. Once in the private room Raven sat down and looked at her brother wondering what Eliezer meant by what he asked. While Shadow looked at Hildebrand and sighed a bit before looking at ELiezer.

“Unfortunately my gut feeling was right Lady Nemes was paid a visit by the Red Robin and her goones at first she did try to hide that you had not left but she threaten to kill her family as they searched the home for you to where she was forced to reveal that you were not here.” Shadow explained and Raven was shocked by this.

“Why go to the trouble though I see no reason to bother her when Eliezer and me are the obvious targets?” Raven asked her brother.

“Red Robin wants to use Lady Nemes to testify against Eliezer’s character by the sounds of it Mathazar is not going for murder now he is going for destroying his character to make him more desirable as king instead of Eleizer and the Red Robin threaten her to do so or her family could be at risk.” Shadow finished explaining and it was obvious Raven was not happy to hear this at all and growled a bit.

“What a dirty trick that little pest Red Robin is playing but also a very dangerous game she is playing at this rate it be better if I just kill her now.” Raven said angry and Shadow freaked a bit and ran to her and hugged her from behind and she squirmed. “Raven calm down you are already in enough trouble with master about your last little rash decision you made do not do it again it will only make things worst for you and Eliezer.” Shadow said trying to calm his sister down and after a bit she finally calmed and sat back down.

“Did you have traps set at least?” She asked and Shadow nodded. “Sparrow set them up and we took down a few of her goones but she did get away I will say this those goones can not last much longer I believe me and the other have been taking them down every night.” Shadow explained. “We just need to now protect her we can’t lose an Allie that is better with connections for Eliezer and can help him a little better then us due to her status in the kingdom.” Shadow explained and Raven was thinking hard about this for this was difficult even for her.

“Mathazar is unfortunately playing all the right cards along with miss Robyn but they have a few flaws.” Raven said as she stood and looked around the room. “She can threaten the family but if the family is not here to testify but somewhere safe that we only know about then she can lie for her family will be safe and Miss Robyn can’t claim she is lying right.” She turned to face Shadow.

“According to records she should be working and as Red Robin she would not have permission to leave as Miss reed for her work load was a little bigger then normal due to servants being ill so she would have to have been snuck out.” Shadow explained for he had looked into all this with Sparrows help.

Raven looked at Eleizer next and sighed. “Eliezer what do you make of all this for I am sure you must be confused and scared that you got Lady Nemes involved unintentionally.” Raven said before approaching him and placing her hand on his shoulder. “You ok Eliezer?” She asked him wanting to make sure now he was ok which she wanted to kick herself for not doing sooner after Shadow did his report.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Eliezer did not register much more after being told that the Red Robin had been at the estate and had an exchange with Adelina. Did this mean that she was already aware of what was going on? He never wanted her to be involved in this mess, and was disturbed to hear that the Red Robin and her assassins had actually followed him to the Nemes Estate. Could he not go anywhere without dragging more people whom he cared about into his current situation? He would have questioned how Shadow and his companions had even let the Red Robin reach Adelina, but the fact was that they were only volunteering to help him and owed him nothing. Nobody involved owed him anything, yet he had caused them so much trouble because of his decisions. Why did it seem like everything had gone wrong since he had started thinking for himself?

He felt Raven's hand on his shoulder, and put his own over hers and nodded to show his appreciation for her concern. "I... require some fresh air."

As Eliezer walked off, Hildebrand took a couple of steps after him, worried for the prince. "Your Highness, I-"

"Leave me be, Sir Hildebrand," Eliezer cut him off, before shutting the door to his guest room and heading towards the balcony on the other side of it.

The knight was always uncomfortable when the prince was on edge, and he turned to Shadow with a sigh. "I would request for you to ensure that he is safe, but I do believe that he should currently be left alone."

Twelve-year-old Adelina and Eliezer stood in the middle of a grand but sparsely-furnished room as he taught her the basics of the Waltz. Her right hand was in his left, and with his free hand, he took her left hand and placed it on his shoulder.

"You shall hold him here," he began, before putting his right hand onto her shoulder blade under her arm. "And he shall hold you like this."

Adelina acknowledged all his instructions and seemed to be enjoying herself for the most part, but he had the feeling that she was slightly embarrassed to be this close to him. Still, he was not too sure about that, and decided to pay it no attention and continued with the lesson.

"The dance will begin with him putting his left foot forward and you stepping back with your right. Now step to your left... good, and now forward with your left foot-"

"Father has requested your presence, Eliezer," rang Mathazar's voice through the room suddenly. The younger twin leaned against the door frame, humorously rolling his eyes.

The elder let go of Adelina. "Of course, thank you. Would you mind keeping Lady Nemes company, Mathazar?"

Mathazar looked at Adelina and grinned. "It would be my pleasure."

As Eliezer left the room, he took a last glance back at his brother and the little lady, finding them laughing together. She seemed a lot more comfortable with Mathazar, and the young crown prince thought that they would take good care of each other if they were to wed.

How wrong he had been.

Eliezer sighed as he leaned forward, resting his arms on the railing of the balcony. He had to keep Adelina away from Mathazar, she had to know him for who he truly was. Unfortunately, she was not safe around Eliezer either. Who was she going to believe? Eliezer knew that he would have a hard time convincing her that Mathazar was not the one to trust, especially after what had happened tonight. She would probably have hysterics when she found out that they were harboring the princess of the Lunar kingdom within her estate. What had he done? He rested his head in his arms and shut his eyes, overwhelmed once again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven watched as Eliezer left and was now wondering if she did the right thing for having her must only stress him out for he must feel that all the pressure that he must be putting on himself. She wish that she could help him out and tell him everything be ok but in all honesty she had no clue herself if things will be alright Mathazar was being tricky and this Red Robin was only driving her nuts with how she was being heartless willing to kill others for gain. Though she should speak for herself that is what she did for years just to survive but she did learn to be lenient and not just kill whole families or if what her job could be does not involve kill at least after she stopped being Blood Moon Raven.

“I still think we should check on him though it is obviously dangerous for him right now.” Shadow said to Hildebrand and was ready to move but Raven held her hand up to stop him. “Raven....”

“Let him be like you said there are traps that only assassins can trigger everywhere so he will be fine right now he has a lot on his mind its best not to push it.” Raven explained to her companion. Shadow just looked at her worried about the whole mess they were all entangled in. “If you wanted to stretch your legs got get me clothes to change into I can’t just wear my dancer outfit all the time.” Raven said to Shadow thinking that maybe giving him a job would help him a bit.

Shadow then nodded and disappeared to go get Raven a change of clothes to make her comfortable especially since she was barefoot she would probably like to be wearing shoes at this moment. Once gone Raven looked at Hildebrand. “That should keep him away for a bit and busy also that way Eliezer can have his quiet time to himself.” She explained to him and Hildebrand nodded.

After a while still seeing no sign of Eliezer Shadow returned with a change of clothes and Raven went to another room and got out of her dancer outfit and put on her dress she liked to wear in the market with was a simple blue dress that she could tie the skirt up along with an apron. She was also happy to be wearing shoes again for walking everywhere barefoot was not fun. Once done instead of going back to where Hildebrand and Shadow was she went to where Eliezer was and hid behind the curtain watching him for she did grow worried and wanted to make sure he was safe. She peeked her head around the curtain to see him leaning on the railing with his head in his arms. She then slowly walked up to him and hesitantly reached her hand out before she finally placed her hand on his back and if he were to look at her she would still have a worried look on her face for him. “Eliezer...do you...do you regret coming tonight to see me?” She finally asked him wondering now if he just regretted everything.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Eliezer flinched at the touch and whipped around, only to see that it was Raven. He took a moment to recover from the shock, and then started to process her question. Regret... Was there any point in doing so? It would seem that his decision had caused quite a bit of trouble, but who was to say that things would have been better if he had chosen differently? On the other hand, they might just have been, and he shall never know. Such uncertainly was relatively new to him, and he still struggled with it. Regardless, his choice had brought him to this point, and he was to proceed with what he had planned to do. This included letting Raven know who she really was.

"I do not know enough to regret, my lady. I simply had to make a decision, and I have done so. It was made not only because I desire a resolution with you, but because I want to do right by Lunar. I know who you really are to its people, my lady, and because of this, you should rightfully be addressed as-"

Eliezer cut himself off with a short gasp as he caught sight of a couple of the Nemes Estate's guards crossing a bridge between two towers right across from the balcony. He quickly ushered Raven into the room and shut the door. Realizing that they had to be quiet at such a time, the prince then decided to put the revelation on hold until it was more convenient. He turned to her and spoke again, this time in a whisper.

"You cannot be seen by anybody else on this property. We can speak about this, and our current situation in the morning." He paused for a moment, glancing to the bed in his guest room before he continued. "Take the bed and rest for the night. I hope you trust that I shall not attempt to share it with you while you do."

It was likely inappropriate for the both of them to spend the night in the same room, but he could not risk letting her be seen. He proceeded to curl up on the sofa on the opposite side of the room and shut his eyes, leaving her to prepare for bed.

Back at the palace, Mathazar was at his desk when he heard the window behind him creak open. "What kept you?"

Robynne, who still had her hood and mask on, shut the window and let out a giggle. "Were you worried, my dear prince?"

A smirk formed on the prince's face, but he hid it with a fist. What she was after was obvious, and he knew exactly how to play her. Still facing away from her, he gave her an answer she would like to hear.

"As much for you as for the completion of your task this night, my lady."

The maid sighed with delight and approached Mathazar from behind, first caressing his shoulders and then wrapping her arms around his neck. "The message has been delivered to the noblewoman, and the warden of the village has been alerted. There is currently a high level of suspicion as Lady Omrea has disappeared from the village. It will only be a matter of time before it is made public that she is the notorious Moon Raven. We can only hope that Lady Nemes shall choose to mistrust Prince Eliezer instead of you. After all, the two of you used to be in love, or so I have heard."

Her voice wavered slightly as she neared the end of what she had to say, and this caught Mathazar's attention. "I hear concern in your tone, my lady. Tell me what else is on your mind."

"Well, it is just that... you have known Lady Nemes since childhood. In addition, a noblewoman would be very much favored to rule by your side over a palace servant. I fear that..." Robynne trailed off, not wanting to hear herself say what she was about to, and also not wanting to offend the prince.

Mathazar stood and turned to face her. "You fear that once I succeed in obtaining the right to the throne, I might choose to wed her instead of you. I grew up with Prince Eliezer just as much as Lady Nemes, and you know how I feel about my brother. With this in mind, how much would you then say familiarity means to me?"

"Nothing at all, Your Highness," came the response.

The prince gave her a satisfied nod. "And what would your status be to Dainia if you were to wed a prince who was to rule this kingdom."

"It... would not matter..."

"Exactly, think about what you have done for me. Would you not say that you matter to me so much more than anyone else?" Mathazar convinced her as he stepped closer to her. He slid an arm around her waist as he brushed her hood and mask off, looking her right in the eyes. "Allow me to ease your mind..."

Robynne's heart started to race as the prince leaned in towards her. Was this really happening?

"Y- Your Highness..."

"Calm yourself, my lady. Is this not what you want?"

He pressed his lips against hers, and she shut her eyes, kissing him back. The two stayed that way for a long moment, and when they parted, he held her mask out to her.

"Rest well, my little Robin. We shall see what becomes of your efforts."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven was just more confused now with all these for this was the the second or third time he was trying to tell her something but to suddenly get interrupted. "what did he mean by he wanted to right by lunar and what I should be addressed as it all makes no sense to me." She looked at him but watched him go to the couch and wanted to stop him but knowing him he was just going to insist on her taking the bed and she did not want to argue with him. But she then grabbed a spare blanket and placed it over him. "At least please stay warm and placed a pillow under his head so he be more comfortable. Once she knew he was comfortable she walked over to the bed but stopped by the window moving the curtain to see the full moon for a bit before noticing the guards and closed the curtain before she could be seen. Raven then made her way to the bed and took her shoes off leaving her clothes on and laid on the bed thinking it was really comfortable but she still had a lot on her mind one of them is what is Eliezer trying to tell her.

It all made her wonder what makes Eliezer think she was so important to Lunar sure she just learned that she is from that kingdom technically but she had to be nothing special to that land. All of this just made her so confused but she was also worried about Mathazar and Robin they are growing more cunning and how to basically expose her as the Moon Raven and make Eliezer look like he is not fit to rule this land which was not true. Eliezer has showed he cares about his kingdom while Mathazar felt like he was more entitled and risked putting it in danger and have caused the death of innocent people from the convoy taking Eliezer to Soren that time which caused the death of Hildebrand's brother. Raven soon let out a sigh and closed her eyes as she laid in the bed.

Amy and Andy soon found their way inside the manor not being seen by the guards and found Shadow along with Hildebrand. "Well glad to see you two are safe." Shadow said to the two as Amy and Andy took their mask off for what was the point since they know what they looked like.

"Yeah had to tip the guards up big tie for man they were really trying to nab Amy." Andy said annoyed for this was not the first time. "Why do you have to look like you belong in a brothel and not a normal female." Andy said and Shadow groaned for he knew Andy said the wrong thing and he was not saving him. And sure enough Amy punched Andy hard in the face sending him across the room a bit and him landing on his back.

"And you seem to have forgotten she has a knock out punch Andy man you do not thinking before you speak I swear how are you alive still." Shadow said annoyed with his arms crossed as Amy waved her hand feeling better after punching Andy while Andy sat up now holding his bloody nose.

"Shut up shadow it has been a long night and month for all of us." Andy said a bit annoyed.

"Well what do you expect all the craziness Raven got tangled in its us as kids all over again she always managed to get entangled into something weird then we all somehow get involved into the mess." Amy explained as she sat down stretching a bit.

"That is true but it was all for good reasons remember how we saw that one noble girl abuse her puppy but also how that brat yell I will drown you and replace you with one of your siblings." Shadow explained as he leaned against the wall.

"Ah yes I remember that runt she pushed Raven hard when she tried to stop the brat from hurting the pup and then the next day we all woke up to find Raven had went to the brats house and dog napped the mom and all the puppies man we al had to take a puppy and run for the hills we had guards on our tails." Amy said with a groan while Andy looked at them.

"But in the end we did save them the little animal family and gave them to a nice farmer that was stopping buy and said he can use them as herding dogs where they can run and be free on the farm." Andy did explain to them and the both went quiet for it was all true Raven may of been a heartless killer but she was the kindest girl who care about everyone along with the animals being mistreated.

"Yeah that is Ravens best quality after all saving animals starting up the orphanage and so much more I will say this for a heartless killer she had a big kind heart." Amy said with a small smile along with the other two kinda forgetting Hildebrand was in the room.

"Sorry Hildebrand we tend to go off when we all get together as the crazy siblings we are." Shadow said to him and noticing he was looking at Amy a bit. "Maybe we all should get some sleep its been a long day and night so far." Shadow said as they agreed. Andy went off to sleep in a high hiding spot. Amy took the comfy couch while Shadow saw gains the well near the door sleeping leaving Hildebrand to sleep in his own bed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Eliezer stirred in the sofa as the first rays of the morning Sun found their way through the curtains into the room. He sat up, fumbling slightly with the blanket which he remembered was not over him when he had fallen asleep the night before. He turned to the pillow on the armrest of the sofa, realizing that it had not been there either. He gladly sighed at how considerate his lady was. He left to wash up and and change into a new set of clothing. When he returned to his room and stepped out onto the balcony of some fresh air, however, he spotted some commotion at the front gate of the Nemes Estate. Adelina was conversing with a couple of guards, and Eliezer had a sinking feeling that it had to do with what he had done the night before.

If Raven were to still be asleep or not be in the room, he would immediately make his way down to Adelina, but if she were to be there and awake, he would inform her to stay hidden before he did so. The conversation was nearing its end as Eliezer approached the gate, and the two guards greeted him with a "Your Highness," before leaving.

Adelina turned to him with a frustrated and troubled look as her own guards shut the gate. "Eliezer... I- I need answers. They were inquiring about your whereabouts the night before."

"What did you say?" He asked, internally anxious.

"I told them that you were at the estate the entire night," she informed him with a sigh as she started to head back indoors.

"I am grateful that you have decided not to give me away, my lady. I was told about what had happened to you the night before, and I sincerely apologize for putting you through that," he responded as he walked with her.

Adelina shut the door once they were inside and stepped closer to Eliezer before speaking in a hushed tone. "I do not need your gratitude or your apologies, Eliezer. I need details. What are you and your brother involved in? Why did the Red Robin threaten me last night? What is this about her working for Mathazar and being a servant at the palace? Who is the Moon Raven to you, and who is this Shadow who claims to be working for you?"

Eliezer was overwhelmed, but Adelina had done him a favor and gotten herself involved in doing so, and she deserved to know the truth. "I am unsure if you will believe me, my lady, but what I am about to tell you is the truth as far as I know. Mathazar... hired the Moon Raven to assassinate me. I never knew this, but he wants the throne. The Moon Raven has decided not to do what he wants and is currently on my side. The Red Robin, whom we suspect is one of our servants, is attempting to aid my brother in obtaining the throne. She is targeting me, and the Moon Raven and her companions are therefore guarding me in secret."

Adelina was silent for a long moment as she processed what the prince had just said. It matched what Shadow had told her the night before. So it was true - Eliezer was involved with Lunarian assassins. She had hoped that it was not the case, but there was no denying it when it had come straight from him.

She finally found words, and spoke again. "How can you believe the Moon Raven, Eliezer? You know how she feels about Dainia. What if she is attempting to turn you against your brother?"

"I know her history, my lady. Dainia has greatly wronged Lunar in the past. What we had been told about the Wynton Forest Dispute is not true. My family is hiding the truth. I know this because I came across writing of Lunarian history at the palace with its relevant pages removed," he revealed.

She stared at him in disbelief. "H- How are either of you fit to rule Dainia when you have assassins killing one another over your petty sibling rivalry?"

Eliezer took offense. "Petty? Mathazar wants me dead!"

Adelina shook her head. "I am sorry, Eliezer. I adore you, I adore you both, but this is just too much with the Red Robin and her assassins coming into my home the night before. One of them held a knife to my throat. I do not know if I can ever forget that, and now you tell me that the royal family has been lying to us?"

The prince sighed in exasperation, not knowing what he could do for his good friend whom he had pulled into this situation. "I apologize, my lady. I never would have thought that I would find myself in these circumstances either. I do not know what to do myself, but if my presence is causing you this much distress, I will leave today."

He turned to walk away, but Adelina caught his sleeve. "No, you may stay. I am concerned for you, Eliezer. I want to help, but I just need some time."

"Very well, thank you, my lady."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven was still asleep when Eliezer woken up from his slumber resting for the night at the festival had drained her a bit with her dancing and singing then fleeing. Once he was gone though Raven slowly stirred from her slumber and sat up rubbing her eyes a bit before getting out of bed walking across the floor to the mirror to see how bad she looked since she slept in her only clothes that was brought to her. Once she rubbed the sleep from her eyes she looked in the mirror to see some wrinkles in her dress but nothing to bad but what caught her off guard was her hair, it went from from her crazy short length, from when she cut it to after what happened on one of her dates with Eliezer, to now past her shoulders in one night. “What the world?” She asked herself as she felt and tugged her hair a bit to see if it was real then pinched herself thinking she was dreaming still. It had hurt when she tugged on her hair and all she did was wince from pinching herself. “What caused this for I know this is not normal at all hair does not grow this fast.” Raven said examining it very confused and tried to think back what could of caused it but then remembered during the festival as she dance she could of sworn she felt different as she did her performance then how the moon just got brighter that night.

“What is going on?” She asked herself and soon Shadow walked in stretching and saw Raven shocked to see her new hair length.

“What the world Raven is that you?” Shadow asked and Raven looked at him.

“Yeah it is me so you noticed too my hair just magically grew from behind halfway down my ear to now a 5 inches past my shoulders.” Raven said to him as she tried to smooth out the wrinkles from her dress with her hands.

“Yes very odd indeed.” He said as he walked p to her and felt it himself wanting to make sure they both were not going crazy. “What could of done this?” He asked and Raven only shrugged at him before looking herself over in the mirror.

“Your guess is good as mine but also why are you in here I know this is not just to talk about my hair.” Raven said to him.

“Yes Lady Nemes just talked with the royal guards and choose to keep the secret that Eliezer left last night into the village but also master sent a note saying guards are also looking for you since you were the dancer last night to see what you say.” Shadow explained to Raven as she got her shoes on and found a ribbon and placed it in her hair to hold it back.

“Its got to be the Red Robin’s doing she sent the leak and now she wants to push it but what that little twit does not know is that I build credibility in this village so it's very hard to tarnish.” Raven explained to Shadow.

“What if they suddenly claim you are Moon Raven?” Shadow asked as Raven stopped and turned towards him with a smirks. “And who would believe a sweet young lady like myself who once was an orphan, grew up with her orphaned siblings along with starting up an orphanage with my own money and helped with problems in the village being known as the kindest and purest citizen." Raven explained to him as she kept her smirk. "How can anyone believe that I am a killer, this is why I build this reputation she would need to either expose me when I am in my gear along with ripping my mask off or somehow find some kind of evidence that I am the Moon Raven.” Raven explained to him and Shadow knew Raven had a back up plan for everything for it was her nature to try to stay a few steps ahead.
“For now keep gaining intel on what is going on and what they are plotting along with keeping the Nemes family safe, since she decided to go against Mathazar and Red Robin I am sure her family will be in danger.” Raven explained.

“I already too precautions I have traps set along with a few siblings willing to keep watch and Master is trying to find a way to temporarily move them without being known.” Shadow explained and Raven nodded.

“Good I do not want to see them being harmed for they have done nothing wrong but help Eliezer with a favor.” Raven explained as Shadow nodded at her. Raven then left the room to look for Eliezer.

Allister was with King Roberto back at the inn he was staying at but no one could enter or hear anything from outside the doors, window, and even wall like something was preventing it. Roberto looked very worried for they could not find Raven last night and what he witness scared him more.

“Your majesty what is wrong you have been on edge since last night please tell me for I can not help if I do not know.” Allister said to him and Roberto sighed as he sat down and his maid took his cane.

“Last night you noticed the moon seem to have gotten brighter right?” Roberto asked and Allister nodded. “You see the Lunar family is not just some royal family with this unique gene of birth of how all the first born have black midnight hair, fair white skin, and crystal blue eyes but also how from stories I have heard they are descendents of the first moon maiden from legend.” Roberto explained.

“Wait the moon maiden Lunars oldest legend/ myth?” Allister asked and Roberto nodded.

“Tell me Allister do you know the story?” Roberto asked and Allister nodded.

“Yes legend says that before Lunar was born a group of refugees fled from a distant land due to how the king treated them as slaves even his own son who lead the people away to find a better life. They had soon came to the land of Lunar where a snow storm hit. The people were starving and weak from their long journey along with loosing the lives of some of the people it said that the Young prince looked towards the moon begging for help from the Moon Maiden to save his people. Then the storm seem to suddenly stop along with the moon growing brighter.” Allister said as he thought recalling the story by memory. “It then said how a beam of light came down from the moon and before the young princes eyes a maiden appeared before him skin, fair and white that glowed in the night, bright crystal blue eyes and silver hair that shined. The prince then bowed before her knowing she was the moon maiden and wanted to show respect towards her for she was a higher being. It was then thanks to her help the prince and his people turned the land they settled to into the Kingdom of Lunar with the maidens help for she taught them architect, wisdom, math, reading, writing, and so much more until the prince was crowned king of the new land. Once the land and kingdom was stable the maiden returned to the moon and to honor what she has done the first king made a statue in honor of all she did and as one last blessing she blessed the first born with her skin and eye color while the hair mainly came from the first king.” Allister explained as Roberto listened.

“Very good but have you ever heard of the first ending for the ending you know is an altered ending.” Roberto explained.

“An Altered ending I do not understand.” Allister said as he looked confused.

“The first times the story was told before it was altered for many did not believe it or it was to protect the royals more in the story the Moon Maiden never return to the moon for the Moon Maiden and the new King of Lunar fell in love while she helped build the kingdom of Lunar and she was made queen of Lunar and thier first born did bare he skin and eye color and the kinds hair color but not only did they inherited that they had also inherited the Moon Maidens powers.” Roberto explained.

“Wait powers they ......they were born with the moon maiden powers that is impossible.” Allister said. “Magic is not really the moon maiden is a fairytale nothing more.” Allister said.

“That is how the Royal family wants it you see the first born were more of a target of kidnapping and being abused because if it by people who wanted to use their abilities for evil or their own purposes. So one of the descendents decided to protect the the bloodline and the kingdom he made it a law that no one outside of the royal family knew of their abilities and changed the records about the Moon Maiden but to help the first born with the powers they all go special training that had been pass down for over 100 years Aster went through it thankfully his mother left something for him to learn from since she passed before she could but now it looks like Ravens abilities are about to awaken fully that was just a small fraction and indication of what is to come next.” Roberto explained.

“Wait so Lunars royal family has magic?” Allister asked as Roberto nodded.

“Yes and some kingdoms do believe it for some hold the old records of it and they fear it so much that is way lunar has had wars and do what they could to protect the first borns I will not be shocked if that is the reason why the king of Dainia is trying to rid of the bloodline for he must fear it even though the abilities were used for good other kingdoms do not want to deal with one kingdom that is possibly more powerful then they are.” Roberto explained to Allister and he was dumbfound at al this.

“So if what you say is true what is to come for Raven then since she will have no way of knowing how to control this new power she will be obtaining soon?” Allister asked worried.

“If I remember correctly it’s going to involve sudden surges of powers that can either effect things around her or herself it mainly affected Asters body the most so he was in pain a lot. But once she learns to harness it she will be fine but that training takes a while it is one of the reasons I got to get her back to Lunar and fast all the books she needs are there along with old advisors that helped her grandmother and father get through this stage of their life though I will admit her powers are awakening later then her father his awakened when he was 13 she is in her 20s right?” Roberto asked and Allister nodded. “So now we have to hurry if the king sees this he will execute her right away and the lunar bloodline will die.” Roberto said with a serious voice and Allister mainly just looked worried knowing Raven will soon being in pain and confused what what will soon be happening to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The noble woman and the prince parted, and as the former made her way down another hallway of her home, she ran into Eliezer's trusted knight. He addressed her with a "My lady," and attempted to walk past her, but she stopped him.

"Sir Hildebrand, was it?"

"Yes, my lady," he responded, curious as to what she wanted him for.

"I assume that you are aware of Prince Eliezer's recent affairs?"

Hildebrand wondered what this was leading to as the lady seemed troubled, but he did not wish to give away any information that Eliezer had trusted him to keep confidential. "Yes, is there anything regarding His Highness that worries you, my lady?"

Adelina looked at him with a tense expression. "He has told me everything, Sir Hildebrand. I know about his affiliation with the Moon Raven and the Lunarian assassins. Having known him for as long as I have, I am currently struggling to believe that this is all true. There is also now something about him that perplexes me. This is regarding his demeanor. We... had an exchange this morning, and for the first time, he raised his voice at me. I was hoping that you could shed some light on all of this."

The knight was slightly stunned. "I'm... sorry to hear that, my lady. I do agree that this is very unlike him. However..."

"However?" The noblewoman cocked her head at him, before sighing and thoughtfully looking away. "It was always rather surreal being around Eliezer as we were growing up. He was never upset or angry. He never cried, or shouted at anyone in temper. It was pleasant, but strange. He never laughed either, and he hardly ever had a smile on his face. It was like being around a plank of wood. When I saw that bit of emotion leave him this morning, it was... refreshing, I've never seen him so..."

"Human?" Hildebrand finished, before nodding. "I believe that this is the Moon Raven's doing. She has given him a heart."

"So they are in love then," Adelina stated, and then shook her head. "She's an assassin. Eliezer might have found his heart, but he has lost his mind."

Hildebrand immediately regretted letting that slip, but he did not show it. "On the contrary, my lady, His Highness's mind was never his own until recently. Now that he knows the truth, he desires to do what is right for Dainia. He is making decisions that he believes will benefit those he cares about. The people deserve to know the truth."

Concern was written on Adelina's face. "As far as I am aware, this would be the first time that Eliezer is acting on his own. I sincerely hope he succeeds in achieving what he intends to."

Eliezer returned to his guest room to find that Raven was gone. He was afraid of her wandering about the estate and getting spotted by its guards or residents for a second, though, recalling what Raven was like, he relaxed, thinking that she would probably know how to keep herself hidden. He only hoped that she would not try to do something insane like find Adelina and speak to her by herself. He felt guilty that he had not told the noblewoman about Raven being in her home yet, but he did not know how he was going too. Adelina was already flustered enough with the information she had, and he was certain that she was not going to react well to finding out that a deadly assassin was on her property. He had to speak to somebody, but even his knight was not present at the moment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven had roamed the halls hiding when she saw someone walk past that she did not recognize not wanting to cause a disturbance in the house hold and Eliezer either. AS she roamed she stopped and heard Hildebrand talking to Lady Nemes and decided to listen in on what they were talking about and it seemed she was right that Adelina would not be fond of her and be best to keep her presence hidden from her for now. But what shocked her the most was how it seemed it was her doing that helped Eliezer change just a bit and want to think for himself. Raven smiled at that fact that Eliezer was not thinking a bit more for himself.

She soon heard enough and made he way back to Eliezer’s room wanting to make sure to stay our of Adelines sight for the time being for she could tell she was not liking the idea that she was with Eliezer. Raven soon walked back into the room and saw Eliezer was in the room and walked up behind him and tap his shoulder. Once he would turn around she had her hand held up. “Before you say anything no I did not speak to Lady Adeline I was mainly looking for you for I was wondering where you disappeared too.” Raven said as she put her hand down. “Besides I heard her talking to Hildebrand and could tell that she is not found of me though he let it slip how I helped you change a bit and she mentioned something though I will not repeat it for you know my true feelings but I want to wait and hear yours about me.” Raven said to him as she undid the ribbon from her hair showing it had grown from her really short hair to being now 5 inches past her shoulders.

“And by the look on your face it looks like you need someone to talk to and I know I am not your knight but I am willing to listen to your troubles Eliezer I want to be there for you.” Raven said to him as she took his hand into hers and held it gently.

Amy was watching the whole thing between Hildebrand and Adeline but once Adeline was gone she walked out. “Hmm she seems paranoid with all this info didn’t she?” Amy asked and looked at Hildebrand before letting out a smirk. “I know you basically regretted letting slip about my sister but it is better if she knows sooner then later the longer you wait the more hurt they will be once the truth is revealed trust me I have seen it so many times and so have all my siblings.” Amy said to him before walking past him before stopping and looked at him. “Also best to let her know soon basically we are in her home even with our skills to hide in the shadows we can be caught or found out if caught off guard.” She said to him sweetly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Eliezer flinched and let out a short gasp at the unexpected tap on his shoulder. It would seem that Raven was starting to take him by surprise more frequently. She immediately mentioned Adelina when he turned to face her, and was stunned that she said that as if she had read his mind. Adelina had spoken to Hildebrand about him? He could tell that his childhood friend was deeply concerned about him and the current situation. A part of him wished that he had never come, and that he had never gotten her involved in all of this, but it was too late now. Also, was the change in him truly that apparent that she could see it? He was unsure of what to think about that, but he did not have long to ponder over it before Raven spoke about wanting to know his true feelings about her. Perhaps it was not already clear from what he had done, and she needed to hear him say it.

"I want to be with you, my lady. Your presence provides me with joy. It would hurt me, so much, if I ever had to give you up. If it satisfies you to hear me say it, I love you. I never wanted to admit it because I did not want to risk being hurt. Even now I continue to question, does how I feel truly matter? Perhaps it does to you, my lady, but what is it to anyone else?"

He flinched again when she took his hand, and then decided to directly tell her about what was currently worrying him. "Lady Nemes does not know that you are in her estate. I am at a loss as to how to tell her, as she is already so distressed..."

He trailed off as he directed his gaze to her hair. He reached up and curiously ran his fingers through the long, cool-black locks. Her hair was not as long the night before, and it should have been impossible for this to have happened.

"My lady, w- what happened?"

Hildebrand watched the attractive assassin emerge from her hiding place, immediately knowing that she had been listening to his conversation with Adelina. How did she know that he regretted what had said? It was not as if he had shown any signs of it. Could it be that she knew that it was something that he was not supposed to say? He shifted slightly in discomfort at her tone of her voice, but managed to answer her.

"It will be difficult. I believe that she is not responding very well to what she already knows."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven listened to him as he expressed hat he basically loved her and blushed a bit but she did looked at him about his worry about what others may think about how others would feel at what matters to him. “Eliezer of course what you want matters along what you feel.” She said and held his hand giving a light squeeze. “Eliezer remember this all choice you decided to make even if t is what the people may want you will have some people will not be happy at hate it and same vise versa what you may excised you will be challenged with pole disagree with you but still have the support of some....even as a prince you can not make everyone happy no matter how hard you try some with not like your decision but as long as you do not hold regret and stand firm on what you want and believe it will work out in the end and to also listen to the opinions.’ Raven explained. “As my father always told me everyone has an opinion it can be fore you or against you but that is all it is an opinion always best to listen to what they say but in the end the finally decision.” She said to him with a smile. “I love you Eliezer that’s why I chose to stand by your side, many of my assassin comrades may hate it and may wanna kill me for choosing this path but I hold no regret and have the support of my siblings and master and despite learning I am from Lunar I do not blame you for what happen to my home or family now your father another story but still I made the choice and I hold no regret.” Raven explained to him. “So you see your voice and what you want does matter as long as you stand tall and stand behind it those who are against you will wait and see what happens for Eliezer you are what this kingdom needs as in a ruler after all you are braver then what you may know.” Raven finished explaining to him and smiled at him.

Though once he spoken about lady Nemes and figured her being here without the lady of the house hold knowledge was already known but then looked at him and noticed he had trailed off for he had noticed her now long hair. She felt his fingers in her hair, though she to admit she liked the feeling. Though once her asked what had happened she let out sighed. “I wish I had the answer Eliezer about how my hair grew miraculously over night but I do not.” Raven explained to him and looked way. “I just woke up when to look at myself in the mirror and then there it was my short hair that I cut is now 5 inches past my shoulders even shadow was shocked when he came to check on me this morning.” Raven said to Eliezer Though once she was done speaking she felt a sharp pain go through her body and soon fell to her knees with her hand over her chest and and let out a painful groan as she breathed heavy. She had no clue this was the awakening of her abilities and the pain was only going to get worst over time.

Amy looked at hildebrand and smiled. “Give it time for she is used to how the old Eliezer was this new one is a shocker to her I doubt she will do anything drastic worst come to show she might just distance herself from Eliezer but we will keep a eye on her for her and her families safety from the red robin.” Amy explained and looked at him. “And even though you never showed on you face about regretting letting the info slip I can read small signs that you did one of my specialties if you like I can teach you this skill may come in handy.” Amy said as she smiled with her arms crossed.

Roberto was looking out the window of the apartment using the cane to steady himself and held up and old letter from Aster, re-reading it.

”Dear Father, I am doing well being a woodcutter has taught me something I never learned as a royal earning my living and seeing how hard these people work something I would like to teach our daughter. That is right father you have a granddaughter now we decided to name her Raven she holds the family first born traits of course but she is just the most precious life I have come to treasure. But although Ophelia has to fight me a bit to get a chance to hold our daughter.....I wish you could see her father she reminds me of mom a bit. But I promise before Raven is of age to get her abilities we will return to the palace for her to learn to control it. Take care father forever your son,

Roberto sighed as he finished the letter for it was the third to last letter he got the others just talked about how Raven was growing like a weed and how happy they were but this one stuck out the most fo it announced him being a grandfather but never given the chance to hold her. “I am a fool Raven hang in there I know I can not change the past but I hope we can have a future together and spoil you liked I had always hoped to done once I learned of your birth I promise I will try to make it up too you.’ Roberto said as he cried.

Allister was out trying to find Rave again and decided she had to meet her grandfather and soon before her abilities cause her to much pain and can start try to control it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Eliezer let her speak, glancing down at her hand when she tightened her grip on his. Her touch provided him with an explainable sense of security, though, it was different from the one that he realized he had gradually been letting go of since he had met her. He had always found security in certainty, and because of her, he had begun giving a clear future up to find himself and experience a love for someone else that he never had before. There was no undoing what had already been done, but from the current moment, he had to decide how to proceed. He had been unsure of what was right, perhaps he should be thinking of what he valued instead - his journey of self discovery and relationship with Raven, or an assured future for Dainia? He could not leave his people in the lurch, he would not, but Raven's joy over him listening to his heart made him want to continue as such to keep her happy, for that had its own reward.

"It makes no sense for us to sacrifice so much for something that could potentially hurt us so badly, and yet..." he trailed off, unable to explain his feelings because he could not understand them.

A couple of other issues were on his mind too, however, one being Raven's unexplainable hair growth. It was even more perplexing that she did not know how it had happened. That was in turn pushed to the back of his mind when she suddenly collapsed to the floor in pain, startling him. He knelt to her level, this time being the one to take her hand into his and gripping it firmly. Why was she hurting, and why without warning?

"My lady, what is wrong? What can I do?" He asked, although believing that she likely had no idea what was happening to her.

He held her head against his shoulder and started to stroke the back of her hair, meaning to offer some comfort. He attempted to appear calm in spite of experiencing panic on the inside. He was also frustrated that he did not know what to do to help her, and even more so that there was no one he could turn to because nobody except for a few knew that she was in the estate. He could only hope that Raven's companions were still around and keeping watch. He glanced around, finding it rather ridiculous that he did not know if who he was looking for was present and would answer when he called out, but he had no other choice.

"Shadow? Anyone?"

Hildebrand shook his head. "It is one thing to be kept safe from being hurt by assassins, and another to have what Lady Nemes had done exposed to the public. I am concerned that the Red Robin would succeed in revealing His Highness's secret and the fact that she is keeping it for him."

When Amy again brought up that she knew about his regret, he only sighed and responded to it. "If you insist that we speak about it, then tell me how you knew that I regretted saying it, and that I was wondering how you knew."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Raven breathed heavy still as she held onto Eliezer with one hand and clutched her chest it was like something painful and sharp was traveling through her bloodstream and nervous system causing all her pains. “Why.....why is this happening again?” She asked in a was telling him this has happened Bedford. “I had this happen before but not as bad as this.” She got out in between her heavy breathing. “After I turned 11 these pains started Master did something to make it stop but I don’t remember.” Raven explained to him soon feeling another sharp pain corse through her harshly and she tried to bit her li to prevent her from screaming in pain.

Soon Shadow made his way into the room and was shocked to see Raven on the floor with Eliezer. “What happened?” He asked as he ran over to see Raven breathing heavy and could tel she was in a lot of pain. “Shadow...get Master NOW!” She said as she clutched her chest more and tears feel from all her pains and Shadow nodded. “Eliezer if you can help her into bed so she can lay down I am going to have Sparrow or Amy get water and a rag to help out a bit I will be back as fast as I can with our master.” Shadow said to Eliezer and rushed off. He found Amy first talking to Hildbrand and rushed over. “Amy stop flirting with the guard already I need you to get a bowl of cold water and a rag.” Shadow said to her making Am freak a bit and blush. “Shadow you idiot and why should I!?” Amy said flustered and mad but Shadow stared her down. “Amy its happening again.” He said to her and Amy looked confused. “What is happening again Shadow?” She asked and Shadow looked at her. “Ravens mysterious pains are back and they are worst.” Shadow said and Amy looked shocked. “I thought master took care of that when she was 11?” Amy said confused. “He did but its somehow back I am going to look for him get the water so we can put a cool damp rag on her head to help give her some comfort I will be back soon as I can.” Shadow finished explaining and Amy nodded before watching Shadow vanish.

“Sorry Hildebrand I got work to do.” Amy said and rushed off to get the bowl of water and rag and take it to Raven in hers and Eliezer’s room.

Alister was still searching the streets and places for Raven for he needed to find her so her grandfather can help her when she awakens. “Man where did she hide she is not at the orphanage the tavern actually no one has seen her there for days where did you disappear too Raven?” Alister said confused and soon ran into an older gentleman. “Oh I am sorry sir I was not looking where I was going.” Alister said to to him and the man turns around. It was Ravens old master.
“No it is alright it is late and you look like you been on a hunt for something.” Her old master said with a smile.
“Well yes I am looking for my niece she may be in danger and I have to find her.” Alister explained and Raven’s master looked at him. “Oh I am so sorry who is your niece I might know her?” He offered to Alister with a smile.
“Oh her name is.....” Before he could say it was Raven Shadow appeared before them.
“Master there you we need you it is Raven the pains are back!” Shadow said not noticing Alister. “What but how I suppressed it years ago?” He said to Shadow in disbelief. “Well it is back and we need you now for it seems to be worst then when it happened the first time we need to get to Nemes Manor now.” Shadow explained and the old Assassin Master nodded. “Alright lead the way and forgive me sir I need to go Raven is my pupil and need me now lets go shadow.” He said and ran off with them.

Alister stood there shocked. “Oh no!” ALister soon ran back to Roberto and reported what he found out which lead to having being ordered to be taken to Nemes manor immediately.
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