Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Rhiannon noticed Alora's flaunting of her power but hid her reservation; her people had always been taught that nature was sacred and that the powers of an Ellyll should only be used to guide and tend to flora. Of course, the rare occasion of using flora to defend oneself was acceptable as part of a give and take attitude towards the flora; they provided food and protection while the Ellyll guided their growth and also benefited the plantation from humans and other destructive forces. She had assumed that tree sprites had a similar philosophy but perhaps she had been mistaken?

"I guess it's somewhere in the main building?" Rhiannon suggested. "You know, where we go to eat." Just as she finished speaking she saw a shape drop from one of the windows of the boy's dormitory tower but before she could voice surprise, or panic, wings sprouted and the shape quickly gained direction other than straight down towards the ground. It quickly became apparent that the person was heading towards them and Rhiannon recognised Alex from earlier as he neared. She waved at him as he stopped, hovering in midair.

"Hey again Alex. We were thinking of heading off to find some breakfast. Or is it brunch now? We could all go together, I think I saw some kind of dining hall in the main part of the castle. Well, the keep I'd guess you'd call it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex waved back as he gradually got closer to the group. 'Sure, I'll go with you. Have you seen Flint? He was meant to be meeting up with you after we packed our stuff away. I took a little longer than expected so I thought he'd already be here...' He asked, a small hint of worry coming into his voice. He didn't know Flint, but he still didn't like the idea of the guy running into some sort of danger, which, at this school, was more than possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Hey newbies coming in," Lucatiel said as they remained by the doorway and spotted the group, along with the red head girl."So shall we give them an introduction from the weretwins and give them a tour that doesn't involve you loosing your memory."
"Oh shut up," Zaccar said but gave a smile ",Sure, why not though, show them werewolves aren't all bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Not since you guys headed off. Maybe he's still in his room?" Rhiannon replied as they headed towards the entrance to the castle proper.

Rhiannon spotted the werewolves at the door but she couldn't tell for sure whether one of them was he whom she had used her ability on earlier. She still felt guilty about that since it had been more a nervous reaction than anything else; werewolves weren't exactly a race she was overly familiar with.

"Eck, I think I may have pissed one of them off earlier." She muttered as they neared the doorway. Dancing out from the rest of the group she hurried towards the two werewolves and peered up at their faces intently before identifying one of them clearly as he whom she had manipulated.

"Sorry about earlier! I didn't mean to use my power on you... it's a bit of a nervous reflex and you kind of appeared from nowhere. I'd never seen a werewolf before so it was a bit of a scare, bach. No grudges, please?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Zaccar was somewhat surprised by the redhair girl's sudden run up to them. After hearing her explanation though he gave a slight laugh."No hard feelings, just please don't do it again anytime soon, sorry if I might of been a bit intimidating I guess you would say but hey think of the two of us as the nicest werewolves you will meet here. Stick with us and the others won't bother you. We keep them in place. Since we seem to be introducing ourselves, I'm Zaccar and this is my sis Lucatiel."
Lucatiel gave an over dramatic bow and smiled ",Charmed. Now if you don't mind me asking also what are you exactly, your scent is peculiar. Never smelled or seen one of you before."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex watched as Rhiannon ran up to the werewolves, he shrugged and kept walking forwards. He was still rather worried about Flint, but figured he would give him a little more time, he may have been held up for some reason. He watched the werewolves closely, he hadn't had brilliant experiences with the creatures. With him being a full-fledged shape-shifter, they weren't exactly open to his presence, generally. A few of them were nice enough, but those were very rare to come by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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Flint ran to his room and closed the door. Using the small lock as he sighed softly. "Werewolves!" he said to himself as he paced a little "I knew that this school was different but... I feel ... I don't belong here im human.,... more or less..." Flint began to unpack to take his mind off things "Maybe I should just leave ... home wasn't too bad..." Flint seemed obviously stressed as this was the first time he was around other people. Never mind supernatural beings! Putting away the last of his clothes he stood up straight "No I cant go , I just have to..." His voice trailed off as he saw a figure with large black wings fall and fly past the window. He whimpered softly but then put on a straight face. "Ill be fine I just... have to get used to it... that's all..." Flint unlocked the door and began to walk to the main entrance soon making it there and finding the others just outside the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Alora looked at the werewolves with indifference upon passing, she knew all too well what came with segregation and discrimination. She did not fear what was different like so many of the people around her. She gave them a smile as she walked by, her bare feet slapping against the stone flooring. She looked at Alex and extended a hand, "Hello I'm Alora."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex shook Alora's hand. 'Pleased to meet you, I'm Alex.' He then noticed Flint by the door. 'Flint! You're okay! I was worried something had happened to you.' He chuckled. 'Got to be dangerous in a school like this, surely.' He shrugged. 'I'm guessing there are some rules against eating the other students though, so you should be fine.' He chuckled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"haha..ha ..... yeah....."Flint laughed nervously thinking about what Alex said with a gulp as he walked outside to join the group. Most of them seemed normal enough but all he could think about was them transforming into things that would eat or mutilate him. He smiled nervously and waved a little "Hi im flint" He said to the group . He noticed a few new faces and shook of his nervousness hoping to make some more friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Alora waved at Flint, "I'm Alora, how are you today?" She was excited to go eat, then maybe head up to her dorm room to make it a little more comfortable. Everyone seemed so nervous, but she was thriving. Finally she was somewhere where she wouldn't be called a freak by her classmates. She could actually have people friends, not plant friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex walked up to Flint and looked at him. 'Are you okay? You look a hell of a lot less enthusiastic than before.' He looked around. 'Is it because you're human?' He whispered to him. Flint looked a little nervous, and slightly out of place, and Alex didn't really like that. He should be made to feel welcome, and part of the group. Of course, had he realised this earlier, he would have never made the joke about eating students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"pfft what no im fine..." he said softly "Don't worry I will get used to it...."Flint looked to Alora "Im ok..... don't your feet hurt?" He asked looking down to her bare feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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"I won't be. I don't do it without permission unless I think I'm in danger... or if someone looks like they really need a pick-me-up but even then I'll ask, just to be sure!" Again, Rhiannon was babbling. She seemed to be doing a lot of that these days. She was glad that the werewolf or, rather, werewolves were friendly enough and weren't going to pursue her because of the earlier event. Still, the question of the second caught her off guard slightly.

"Eh? I'm an Ellyll. We're a Welsh race of faeries, kind of like the Sidhe. Normally we can control nature and water but I can influence emotions with song as well, it's kind of why I who I am was revealed." She laughed slightly awkwardly, aware that most people had far worse stories of prejudice than she did; it was more akin to being shouted off stage than real persecution. Then she noticed Alex and Flint talking, slightly away from the rest of the group and excused herself from the werewolves, after mentioning they were going for breakfast, and twirled into the two boys' conversation.

"You look a little pale, Flint. It seems the werewolves aren't as bad as I thought. Well, at least these two anyway and they say they'll make sure the others don't bother us! Do you want me to sing you a calming song? Or if anyone's creeped you out I could sing them into a zombie state, bach." Again, the easy smile flashed. She had sensed that Flint and she were probably the ones who had the most apprehension about the school on account of being 'more human' than the others and felt a small element of camaraderie with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"No no im fine Im sure I will be less nervous once we start. I will be fine by tomorrow " Flint said smiling a little as he looked to his feet. He was still nervous but was happy that he had people around him that can help him over come it. "So err.. what is your power.... like.... hypnosis through song or something..." flint asked arkwardly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex looked around. 'I feel like there's a bit of an issue here. There are only 3 of us guys, and a whole host of girls.' He said to the group. 'And not like human girls either, these are badass girls with powers.' He shrugged. 'I'm sure it's not going to be an issue, but I still feel like a minority.' He chuckled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Alrighty. If you ever need a pick-me-up just give me a yell, it's what my power's best for." She grinned, her jaw was beginning to ache from all this smiling and it was only the morning still, and listened as he asked about her power. "It's a little like that. I can influence emotions and even control someone's limbs to some extent, again via their emotions, but I can't control their mind or anything like that. It's more like... suggesting through song. Suggesting that can't be ignored anyways."

Rhiannon laughed, a tuneful laugh that sounded almost like it had been prepared for an opera, at Alex's words.

"I wouldn't complain. It's almost like having a harem for ourselves. It's better that the big strong lads are the minority than the wee girls though isn't it, bach. Less chance of harassment and that." Rhiannon failed to notice that she had casually mentioned her bisexuality but then again she was used to everyone knowing that part of her so she no longer worried about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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"Sounds like your a recreational drug " Flint joked as he turned to Alex" You feel like a minority ? How about being a boy who is also human!" Flint laughed making himself feel better as he talked to his friends, wondering if he needed to show them his own power and if it was rude for him not too....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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'You know, there are benefits to being human.' Alex said. 'For a start, you can go into any town or city without being branded as some sort of freak, or being feared, or worse, hunted. You don't have some sort of horrible story attached to you everywhere you go. In my true form I have to hide to prevent the issues we had back when knights where commonplace. We definitely don't want dragon-hunters in this time period.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"I suppose, without the side effects at least!" Rhiannon joined in, laughing at the accuracy.

Well, side effects for them at least.

There was something in what Alex said that confused Rhiannon but it took her a few moments to figure out as she went back over his words in her mind.

"'When knights were commonplace.' That makes you... old, doesn't it?" She instantly regretted asking, assuming it to be personal (and that there might be some dark stories Alex would not want to share) and danced her way towards the doorway. "Well let's stop dallying here. I'm starving!" She launched into the Men of Harlech, a Welsh ballad used for marching during the rise of the British Empire. It was a stirring tune which enticed everyone to follow her and on towards breakfast, their feet feeling lighter as if they wanted to travel.
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