Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Hidden away in a place only accessible by those special few is the Supernatural High School, for all things out of the ordinary. In its halls roam mythical creatures, psychics, witches, and other humans with powers beyond the norm. The classes are optional, the work is magic-based, the area is hidden in a thick shroud of mystery.

The school is built to be more of a safe haven than an academic institution. The idea behind it is to allow the students/teachers to be themselves. The lessons are optional, though highly recommended. Only the teachers are required to turn up, and if no students arrive after 20 minutes, they may leave.

The school building is a castle. 3 towers used as dorms. One each for boys, girls and teachers. The grounds consist of a lake, a forest, mountains (with cave systems) and the school itself. There is a small town around 30 miles from the school which students can go to should they feel the need to integrate with ordinary society.

The dorms are either single or double, depending on the preference of the student. The more social students may want to request a double room, which are generally on the lower halves of the towers, and higher in the towers are the single rooms.

You will play the role of either a teacher, or a student. More students would be required than teachers (for obvious reasons).


1) Follow general forum rules
2) No God-Modding
3) OOC chat is to remain in the OOC thread
4) To prove you have read these, please add the word supernatural into your CS post
5) You must follow the basic design of the CS provided


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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(Alex is currently in a single room but may move if any male character wants a roommate.)

(Single room)

(In a double room with Rhiannon)

(In a double room with Erza)

(Double room with Logan)

(Double room currently no roommate)

(Double room with Flint)

Club members:

Witches Club Members
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Name: Alex Wolfe
Age: 320
Species: Dragon Shapeshifter

Powers: Control over fire and light, ability to shapeshift into animals. Ability to mix and match parts while shapeshifting (i.e. human with dragon wings). All of these powers are less than fully developed.
Bio: Youngest in his family of dragons, and the only one of his family born with the power to shapeshift. In his clan it is considered as a learned ability. Among dragons, it is a rare birthright, some other species tend to have more shapeshifters, though.
Additional info: Has a pet winged-wolf named Kia
He is also asexual.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Name: Alora Tanisha Wangechi
Age: 17
Species: Tree Sprite

Power: Botanokinesis (plant manipulation)
Bio: Alora Wangechi was born in Washington DC, to a wealthy Kenyan doctor and his young white bride. Growing up her parents always commented on how she had such a green thumb. Alora would be in the garden as much as she could, and always had the best produce on the block. No one suspected that this little girl had the powers to make plants grow, to produce fruits and vegetables. She has countless blue ribbons from fairs and other various competitions. Not only can she grow plants, she can control them and make them do her bidding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Accepted and added to the character list :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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Supernatural CS:

Name: Hunter Fur
Age: 18
Species: Shadow Entity Hybrid

Powers: Shadow Manipulation
Bio: She was born(At least she was told) in a sleepy town somewhere in Canada, where not much happens. In her early childhood, her adoptive parents noticed Hunter has quite a liking to the darkness and a terrible dislike to light. Whenever they brought her out into the sun, she would whine and fuss about until out of it. They spoke with a doctor, but it seemed Hunter was perfectly healthy. They kept urging her out in the sun, but it continued on with her fussing about and trying to find a shade or shadow to stay within. It wasn't until in her teen years that Hunter found she has a special connection to shadows, especially to her shadow and the dark. She found she could manipulate the dark to her bidding. Allowing it to consume her safely so she can walk about appearing like a shadow. She hasn't fully mastered it, and was hurled into the path of thievery to further progress. Her parents found out about the terrible thievery but fortunately not the shadow manipulation. It wasn't until now that Hunter found more amazing potentials because of ending up in the school.
Additional info:
- She can consume someone else in shadow, unknown effects on normal people. It causes death on rats and small rodents.
- When darkness shuts her in a protective cloak she can either appear as a seemingly normal shadow or a black monstrous beast.
- A brilliant liar
- Reserved, and silent.
- Her shadow seems to have a mind of its own, and seems to be the source of her power.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Incoming CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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Supernatural School CS

Name: Ava Solar
Age: 50
Species: Human/Trixter hybrid

(sorry if it doesn't work I'm new at this)

Power: Long life, object materialization.
Bio: She was found by her adoptive parents in a hotel bathroom in Louisiana. Tired, sick, and alone.
As they raised her, they started to notice strange happenings. She would get older, but her body would change very slowly, and things would appear in her room that they don't remember buying for her. Unlike other people, when she got her powers, she loved them and often used them for her own personal gain. She was always(and still is) very mischievous, and almost always got her way. whether it be by her charm, or by her powers.
She often got into trouble and ended up in detention, suspension, and even got expelled once. Which is why she joined Supernatural High.
Additional info:
-She is quite good at manipulating people with her charm and wit, even seduction at times
-She has a massive sweet tooth and loves anything chocolate.
- When she feels extreme emotion, things that show her emotion tend to appear around her. Like roses when she feels love, knives when she's mad, ect.
-She's a born liar, and can convince almost anybody that she's innocent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Blood Jaw: Character accepted and added to list.

I'm going to make the first IC post pretty soon (probably tomorrow, at the moment I'm kinda running on steam, so to speak).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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Are dorms single or double???
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nemogoliath


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Name: Allegra Carlisle
Age: 265
Species: Vampire.
Powers: Semi-immortality and regenerative healing, enhanced strength, speed and senses, flight, hypnosis, pyromancy.
Bio: Allegra is a pureblood vampire of the one of the world's oldest and most violent vampire clans. She spent the first century of her life living in secrecy, studying languages, history and various types of magic. Although she never participated in her clan's activities, she was often horrified by their misdeeds, which included desecrating entire villages simply for amusement. Her father expected her to take on the title of regent after he retired, but Allegra refused. She ran away and traveled from place to place seeking refuge from her clansmen until she found the Supernatural High School.
Additional info:
- Weaknesses include sunlight (although not fatal, they weaken her vampiric abilities), burning and religious symbols.
- Her preferred weapon is the sword depicted in the image. Her sword is infused with pyromancy and enhanced durability.
- Over time, Allegra developed a cold, apathetic exterior to avoid unnecessary entanglements (since she never stayed in one place for long). However, she is extremely mature, kind and logical. She relies on her powers of hypnosis in situations where deception is necessary, otherwise she is honest to a fault.
- Although Allegra is very powerful, she prefers to avoid conflict.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Name: Claudia/Claudius Nostallga

Age: 16

Species: Witch [Demon Magick Specialist]

Appearance: Claudia:

Powers: Specialist in Demon Magick:
Summoning Demons
Commanding Demons
Using Dark Magic, good for destructive and offensive attacks
Teleportation via shadows. (Can only go where other shadows are)
Knowledge in Potion Making

Bio: Cursed by a jealous witch at birth to have no definite Gender, Claudia/Claudius has spent his/her entire existence haplessly swapping in and out of genders. At this point, the witch is used to it and has spent a good portion of its life indoors at libraries, focusing on the magic its parents raised it on. She found it fascinating, and every chance he got she would play with the magic. She's made several pacts with multiple demons and has one familiar, Isaik. Now he focuses on his studies at the high school, hoping to become a stronger witch as time goes on.

Additional info: Supernatural.
Claudia/Claudius's familiar Isaik:
often takes the form of a black cat with a gold chest, following his witch around constantly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Name: Erzabeth (Erza) Valentine

Age: 17

Species: Unknown


Powers: Telekinesis, Shadow Manipulation, Psychic Abilities such as telepathy and seeing into the future, usually concerning the death of the person she touches, Soul Leeching (the ability to drain the life out of her victim just by touch)

Bio: Raised in an orphanage in Eastern Romania, Erza grew up never knowing her parents, only being told by the Sisters who presided over the orphanage that her mother and father had died in a terrible accident and a passing motorist discovered her infant body still alive. Since childhood, she believed what the nuns had told her, yet Erza couldn't help but think she was different from all the other children. She would see things, terrible and gruesome images would flash through her mind, usually concerning the fatal demise of a person, such as she was able to predict a horrible bus crash that would take the lives of her fellow orphans. The nuns however heeded not her warnings to venture out, considering her visions to be the works of the Devil. Moments later after the bus left, Erza stood outside in the cold of the orphanage playground, listening to the tragic wails of police and ambulance sirens screaming in the distance....and the mournful echoes of the nuns crying. It was just as her premonition had envisioned....and she was unable to stop it. The guilt consumed her, up until she was thirteen, more visions of death and carnage haunting her...even her dreams were not safe from this horrible curse. Then...it grew worse. She would touch trees in the playground, and where her hand made contact with the bark...it would decay and rot into a smoldering black mass, as if her body was draining life from the tree. The nuns of the orphanage soon became apprehensive of Erza, first the bus accident and now this. Some began to wonder if she was evil or if she was possessed by Satan. Likewise, they made a decision to send her away to a special academy for her type, the Supernatural High School.

Additional Info:
-She has no major weapon or means of defending herself other than her powers, which she hates using since they're always linked with disaster, so in times she feels threatened, she'll use her pocket knife
-Erza is very shy and introverted, highly asocial. She will not speak to anyone unless they speak to her. Most of times, she tends to avoid others however.
-Two of Erza's favorite hobbies are drawing and writing, so it's no surprise she loves to write up her own ideas for mangas and draw characters all day. She keeps most of her artwork in a leather-bound sketchbook. She's even written a few short stories, and alot of her work is very much horror influenced.
- She never once told anyone, not even the nuns for fear of punishment, but she's attracted to girls
-Due to her visions, Erza has trouble sleeping alot of times, suffering from horrible nightmares and even on some accounts waking up screaming in this bizarre and disturbing language.
-Erza loves Metal music. Next to either classical, jazz, or dubstep, it's her favorite.

-Her theme
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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@CasedaAmpora: You're image doesn't work but I've managed to work out what it is that's the problem. I will make sure to put the corrected link in the Characters post. Accepted.

@Bloody Jaw: They can be either. Mainly double, though some students can request single dorms. (I should have put that as part of the intro/CS)

@nemogoliath: Accepted.

@ReaptheMusic: Accepted, though be careful not to make your character too overpowered.

@Rusalka: Your character seems a little overpowered. I will allow it, to see how it plays out, but please be aware that I may ask for a reduction in powers during the rp if I feel it is necessary.

I will add all of these to the character list shortly. Is no one wanting to make any teacher characters?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I've been looking for something like this!

Supernatural CS.

EDIT: Regarding the lack of teacher characters, I could make one or suggest that we NPC them?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Name: Zaccar Drogoth
Age: 247
Species: Werewolf
Werewolf: Guy on the left
Powers: heightened senses, change at will between human and wolf form, telepathic link with sister, enhanced strength
Bio: Born after the deadly attacks of the Beast of Gevaudan (who was there father) along with his sister, they were solely raised by there mother. There father had left them in her care after he was fatally wounded, punishment for the crimes he had commited in Gevaudan, he never had control of his wolf which led to his demise. There mother, a werewolf herself, kept them hidden inside the safety of the woods for there first few years of there lives, teaching them to control what they were, being pure-blood werewolves, gave them the gift to change at will but only if they could keep control. Being twins also gave them an odd sort of telepathic link between each other, able to tell what the other is feeling or if they were in trouble.
There mother eventually also left them, whether she is dead or not they have no clue only that about a century before she never returned home after a full moon change. Him and his sister then roamed around seeking refuge where the could and doing odd jobs until the came to the supernatural school, where they made themselves a permanent home being the alpha werewolves you could say.
Due to being able to turn at will they tend to reside as being werewolves more then being actual humans which makes them stand taller then most of there human class mates.
Additional info: Has a twin sister.

Name: Lucatiel Drogoth
Age: 247
Species: Werewolf
Powers: heightened senses, change forms at will, telepathic link with brother, enhanced strength
Bio: Same as Zaccar's basically.
Additional info: Has a twin brother.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Jinxer, the character is accepted, I will add her to the list in a moment. I was thinking about NPCing the teachers, but I thought some people might have been interested in portraying one or two of them. If it becomes necessary, most, if not all, of the teachers will be NPCs
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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vampiricchild said
@Rusalka: Your character seems a little overpowered. I will allow it, to see how it plays out, but please be aware that I may ask for a reduction in powers during the rp if I feel it is necessary.

Okie dokes. No problem. She does seem a bit overpowered yes, but that's not really the case, plus she never uses them unless she necessarily has to
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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I'm going to make the IC now, I know I said tomorrow, but there are so many people making characters and things, I think it'd just be best if people started now, and we introduced any further characters as time goes on. I will edit the first post to include what we will do about new characters depending on if they are teachers or students.

Also guys, could you include, somewhere within your first couple of IC posts, whether your character has a single or double room? Be aware there is no gender mix, and you might wanna discuss in here if you are wanting a double room. If needed, I'll also make a list of unpaired double-roomers and then people can check who needs a room-mate :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Name: Flint White
Age: 18
Powers: Incredible Healing Abilities.
Bio: Flint found out about his regenerative abilities at a young age any bumps or scrapes he received as a child would heal miraculously. His parents, thinking he could be dangerous, locked him away not letting him make friends and having to stay inside the house. He was home schooled and was pleased to have found a place where he could try and be normal he moved from his English homeland to live at an amazing Super Natural high school. He feels odd that he now considered too normal by his peers yet being brought up being told the opposite.
Additional info: Rate of healing depends on how much living tissue is destroyed and how complex it is to recreate. Scrapes and bruises will heal almost instantly whilst brain matter can take several hours.
Due to repeating of injuries he is more resistant to pain.
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